initial ideas

Initial Ideas By Travis Quailey

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Post on 25-May-2015



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Page 1: Initial ideas

Initial Ideas

By Travis Quailey

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Who are you working with?

Aaron McGreevy

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Who is the artist you have chosen to make a music video for?


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What is the name of the song?

Started From The Bottom

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What is the name of your artist that you have created?

• L.P ( Lyrics & Passion ) We wanted something basic and also something different from the typical names such as Lil t or e and Big S or C. So this name originated from the initials of the actors actual name which was Lian Pembroke but we then added our own twist to his name to make it sound nice and relatable as the name has something in common with the Hip-Hop genre itself and we made it as Lyrics & Passion. This would be an effective name to use as a Hip-Hop artist as it is our own creation.

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Give me a general overview of your ideas for the music video you have come up with so far.

• Begin a young boy who started from year 9 to be a grown young man who is studying in sixth form in year 13

• Start with a girl who wants to be a singer but hides her talent from the public and only sings on her own and is scared about what her family may think of her

• Begin with a young teen who has just got a job promotion and then begins to have a party

• Start with two kids thinking of a plan to sneak out to a party without getting caught by there parents because of them breaking there curfew

• Start with an adult trying to better his life for his children to live comfortably in the future but then comes across his past which causes issues in his relationship with his wife.

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What is your final idea?L.P is found sleeping in his bed and as he hears his alarm it means that it is time for work. He has now recently had a job at farm foods as he is trying to make a better career and he has always dreamt about life in the fast lane and being able to have no worries financially. He wakes up in the morning and as he has had an argument with his mum about failing to

get a better life for himself, this shows that his day has already started out to be a disappointment.

As he finishes his late night shift at the supermarket. He then bumps into a professional banker who is looking for a young individual who can take phone calls all day and would

then be paid upon millions if he takes the job. He accepts the job and then meets up with his friends and informs them about the good news and they all decide to celebrate by

going to a party.

As the party then begins to simmer down, a lot of women have fallen asleep around him. Shortly after he decides to leave and during his departure he has flashbacks of how he has started from nothing and made something out of him and then his friends tap him on the

shoulder to get him out of his day dream and the video ends.

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Are you going to have performance and/or narrative in your music video?

• Yes we are going to create a narrative based on our version of what the lyrics in the video portray, as this will make our video twice as effective as it would be normally because it shows the audience and consumers our knowledge of what we think the song is about and how we can create our own story which can relate to the target audience e.g. (17-21).

• The narrative will contain Lian Pembroke as the main character and it will show the pain and struggle he went through just to get a job and when he got a job he immediately was given a promotion and moments later after he finished work he arranged a party to celebrate his accomplishments in his life.

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Why do you think that this idea is appropriate for the song you have chosen?

• It can relate to myself and also to the target audience, this would show them no matter what you want to do as long as you out your mind to it and stay committed to your dreams they will come true. Although you may come across some troubles in your life you can still turn out to be what you want to be.

• Also it is a stereotypical convention of a music video to come from the bottom to the top in life and have flashy items, expensive clothes and endless amounts of money. This ideology of the whole narrative is to make it relate to something that happens in life and having expensive brands e.g. Gucci will signify that this person has a certain amount of money to purchase these items.

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Does your idea link to the lyrics of your song?

• Our main idea for our music video completely matches the lyrics to the song as the narrative is based on the lyrics itself and with all the scenes and still images contained in the video shows the comparison of what his life was like before and after. We also have decided to put a montage before the video starts to give the audience a quick overview of what they can expect to see during the music video.

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How does your idea fit your genre?

• As it is a Hip-Hop music video my idea will cover the typical conventions of a music video such as women, money, urban, Nike and other expensive brands to make sure the audience can clearly see that it is a Hip-Hop genre video. Also we have a few stereotypes contained in the video which makes it twice as effective to relate not only to the target audience but may also motivate or inspire certain individuals.