initialit–2 lesson 2 grammar worksheet 1a nouns n nouns

Nme: © 2019 MultiLit Pty Ltd InitiaLit–2 Instructions: Red the sentences. Circle the nouns. The number of nouns to ind is listed fter ech sentence. Lbel 2 columns in n exercise book: Proper nouns, Common nouns. Write the nouns from the sentences in the correct column. Instructions: Red the sentences below nd circle the errors. Write ech sentence correctly in your exercise book. Lesson 2 Grammar worksheet 1a Nouns Nouns 1. My dd likes to cook pst with prwns nd pes. (4) 2. Will Nick win the rce round the ovl on Tuesdy? (4) 3. Poppy nd Jne re going to mke some pnckes. (3) 4. The sels t the zoo use their lippers to clen their nose nd whiskers. (5) 5. The pigs nd sheep t the f rm get trets to et every Sundy. (5) 6. Tell Zck to get mop nd wipe up tht milk on the loor. (4) 7. Our school hs concert in Februry. (3) 1. Plese come for Prty t my house on fridy Night. 2. We will go to mnly for our Excursion this Yer. 3. My Ct hd two Kittens nd we clled them oliver nd csper.

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Instructions: • Read the sentences. Circle the nouns. The number of nouns to find is listed after each sentence. • Label 2 columns in an exercise book: Proper nouns, Common nouns. Write the nouns from the sentences

in the correct column.

Instructions: Read the sentences below and circle the errors. Write each sentence correctly in your exercise book.

Lesson 2Grammar worksheet 1aNouns


1. My dad likes to cook pasta with prawns and peas. (4)

2. Will Nick win the race around the oval on Tuesday? (4)

3. Poppy and Jane are going to make some pancakes. (3)

4. The seals at the zoo use their flippers to clean their nose and whiskers. (5)

5. The pigs and sheep at the farm get treats to eat every Sunday. (5)

6. Tell Zack to get a mop and wipe up that milk on the floor. (4)

7. Our school has a concert in February. (3)

1. Please come for a Party at my house on friday Night.

2. We will go to manly for our Excursion this Year.

3. My Cat had two Kittens and we called them oliver and casper.


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InitiaLit–2 Lesson 2Grammar worksheet 1bNouns

NounsInstructions: Read the text. Circle the common and proper nouns. There are 23 nouns to find (some nouns are used more than once).

Instructions: List the proper nouns from the story in the space below.

Instructions: Complete the sentence below, using three nouns of your choice.

“Beep! Beep! Beep!” goes the alarm. Linda leaps out of bed and grabs her pants and shirt. She quickly gets dressed and rushes out the door. (6)

“Linda, wait!” calls Mum. “What about your breakfast?” (3)

Linda turns to take the toast that Mum is holding. “Thanks Mum!” she yells over her shoulder. Then she runs down the road to catch the bus. (7)

“Hi, Linda,” says the driver when the bus pulls up. “Where are you o# to?” (3)

“I’m going to a camp for kids at the zoo,” replies Linda proudly. (4)

And I can’t wait, she thinks.

When Linda gets to the zoo, she sees


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InitiaLit–2 Lesson 4Grammar worksheet 2aPronouns (subject pronouns)

1. Mum said that will take me to the zoo on the weekend.

7. If my friends and I eat blue ice blocks, get blue lips.

6. Kelly and Ryan are going for a ride in a hot air balloon. floats up

into the sky and feel like birds looking down on everything.

5. Put the forks and spoons away where belong.

4. “Where are going?” Taylor’s mum asked.

3. Tom likes to play tennis. plays three times a week.

2. “ hope I do well on the test,” whispered Kate to herself.

1. Mr Swan is my teacher this year. She is great!

2. Cats are quite clever. If you fall, you fall on their feet.

3. I gave Sue a T-shirt for her birthday. He loved it!

Instructions: • Read the sentences. Fill in the blanks with the right pronouns. Some pronouns are used more than once.

he she it they I we you

Instructions: Read the sentences. Correct the pronoun errors (underlined). Write each sentence correctly in your exercise book.


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InitiaLit–2 Lesson 4Grammar worksheet 2bPronouns (subject pronouns) Name:

Uluru is a very large rock in the middle of Australia. It is 600 million years old. It is older than the dinosaurs! Uluru seems to change colour at di"erent times of the day. It glows red at sunrise and sunset. (3)

The Anangu people are the traditional owners of Uluru. They have lived near Uluru for many thousands of years. (1)

Many wild animals also live near Uluru. There are kangaroos, lizards and lots of birds. One lizard that can be found there is the thorny devil. It has spikes all over its body. There are even marsupial moles, but they are di#icult to see. (2)

Instructions: Read this text. Circle the pronouns and answer the questions. The number of pronouns to find is given in brackets after the paragraph.

Instructions: Read the sentences. Replace the underlined word with a pronoun. Write the sentences correctly in your exercise book.

What is ‘it’ in the first paragraph?

Who are ‘they’ in the second paragraph?

What is ‘it’ in the third paragraph?

What are ‘they’ in the third paragraph?


1. When Freya got to Space School, Freya put her bag in a locker.

2. The kids were in the hall. The kids were talking loudly.

3. The morning bell rang. The morning bell played music from Star Wars!


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InitiaLit–2 Lesson 6Lesson worksheet 3Pronouns

The Missing Earrings

Dan and Sara were in the living room.

“Where are the earrings I bought yesterday?” yelled Mum, as she stomped into the room. “I can’t find them anywhere!”

“Are they green?” said Dan as he stared at Mum’s ears.

“Yes,” said Mum. “They are green.”

“Are they long and shiny?” Sara asked as she looked at Mum’s ears.

“Yes!” said Mum, surprised. “Have you seen them?”

Dan and Sara giggled as they pointed at Mum’s ears.

“We can see them right now,” they said. “You are wearing them!”

“Oh,” said Mum as she felt the earrings. “Silly me.”

Sentence Pronoun Who/what is it?

“Where are the earrings I bought yesterday?” yelled Mum, as she stomped into the room.


“I can’t find them anywhere!” I

“Are they green?” said Dan they

“Are they green?” said Dan as he stared at Mum’s ears.


Dan and Sara giggled as they pointed at Mum’s ears.


“We can see them right now.” we

You are wearing them!” you

“Oh,” said Mum as she felt the earrings. “Silly me.”



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InitiaLit–2 Lesson 6Grammar worksheet 4Pronouns (object pronouns)

1. “Please give a hat so can protect myself from

the sun,” Meera said.

2. Mindy picked up her clothes and put in the basket.

3. Jacob and Rory asked, “Can go to the shops after school,

mum? You could meet there.”

4. Anna always borrows the same book from the library. loves it!

5. “Do have a pen?” Riley asked Sue.

6. Lee is proud of his new bike. is red with a black lightning bolt

on the side. likes to ring the bell and speed o".

7. Ben will ask Jess to come for a ride with .

8. Pam and Nick like to play tennis. are both good players.

When Pam hits a ball to Nick, he sends it right back to .

Instructions: • Read the sentences. Fill in the blanks with the right pronouns. Each pronoun is used once.

him her me us them I we it they she he you

• Write your own sentence using one or more of the pronouns above.



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InitiaLit–2 Lesson 8Grammar worksheet 5aAdjectives

1. My friend loves to wear spotty shirts and bright socks. (2)

2. My dad makes tasty pancakes and crispy toast for our breakfast. (2)

3. Meerkats are busy creatures that dig long tunnels under the sand. (2)

4. That friendly artist drew a pretty picture of a golden sunset for me. (3)

5. A famous singer came to our school to do an amazing show. (2)

6. Gorgeous pillows and thick blankets covered the queen’s beautiful bed. (3)

Instructions: • Read the sentences. Circle the adjectives. The number of adjectives to find is listed after each sentence. • Choose a sentence and change at least one adjective. Write the new sentence in your exercise book.

Instructions: Look at the picture and write a sentence to describe it using two adjectives. Underline the adjectives you used.



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On the weekend, I love to ride my bike.(adjective)

I go to the park where the bike trail is(adjective)


I am learning to do some stunts on the(adjective)


I know my friends will be when they see me!(adjective)


• Work in pairs to write a story, filling the blanks with adjectives.

• Read the story.

Lesson 8Grammar worksheet 5b (partner sheet 1)Adjectives



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Everything is in the Land of Sweets.(adjective)

There are fruits and (adjective) (adjective)

leaves to eat.

You can even lick the walls of the houses there.(adjective)

The clouds are made of whipped cream!(adjective)

If you find the bean stalk, you can climb up to(adjective)

enjoy them.


• Work in pairs to write a story, filling the blanks with silly adjectives.

• Read the story.

Lesson 8Grammar worksheet 5b (partner sheet 2)Adjectives



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InitiaLit–2 Lesson 9Grammar worksheet 6aMultiple adjectives

Instructions: Read the text. Circle the adjectives. There are 15 adjectives to find. The number of adjectives is listed after each section.

Instructions: Write your own silly “Would you rather?” question. Ask a partner your question.

Would you rather …“Would you rather swim in a pool of hot mud or swing on thorny, slippery vines over a bed of sharp nails?” Benjamin asked his friend, Andrew. (4)

“Um, I think I’d rather swing on the vines,” replied Andrew.

“Would you rather eat a giant plateful of wriggly, slimy worms or crispy, crunchy cockroaches?” retorted Andrew. (5)

Benjamin took a bite of his sandwich. “I’d rather eat cockroaches,” he said finally.

Then he said, “Hey, I’ve got a funny one! Would you rather dive into a full barrel of sweet, squishy marshmallows or fly through soft clouds of shimmery fairy floss?” (6)

“Both!” smiled Andrew.

“Yeah, definitely both,” laughed Benjamin.

Would you rather eat , (adjective) (adjective)

or , (noun) (adjective) (adjective)



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InitiaLit–2 Lesson 9Grammar worksheet 6bMultiple adjectives Name:

Instructions: Improve this text by adding adjectives to describe the underlined nouns. Some adjectives are suggested in the box. You do not have to use all of them! You can also think of your own.

Instructions: What does Wilbur see in the forest? A giant flower? Millions of tiny mushrooms? A pot of gold? A strange creature? Draw what he sees and write a sentence using one or two adjectives to describe your picture.

Inside the forest, Wilbur saw some …

Wilbur the rabbit woke one morning

with the feeling that something important was going

to happen to him that day. He twitched his

nose and sniffed the

air. Yes, there was the smell of adventure!

After a breakfast of carrots, he

hopped out of his burrow and down

the road. Before long he came to the

forest. He had never been this far


“Today is the day!” he thought to himself. Cautiously,

he hopped in …


crunchy dark thick

long fine sunny soft

fresh dusty muddy dry

twisty warm crisp

comfortable wet

rainy delightful sensitive


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1. Blue whales are huge. (1)

2. An eagle soars high in the blue sky. (2)

3. The curious children pushed the heavy door. (2)

4. Small babies like to sleep with a snuggly blanket. (2)

5. The tree was covered in sparkling lights. (2)

6. The cunning pirate went looking for the mysterious treasure buried in the sand. (3)

Instructions: • Read the sentences. The nouns are underlined. Circle the noun groups. The number of noun groups to find

is listed after each sentence. The first two noun groups have been circled for you.

Instructions: Look at the picture and write a sentence to describe it, using two noun groups. Circle the noun groups you used. You can include adjectives in your noun groups if you like (e.g., The soft, white polar bears …; The cheeky baby bear …).

Lesson 11Grammar worksheet 8aNoun groups

Noun groups


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1. The wild horses galloped across the windy plain. (2)

2. The little children laughed at the silly monkey. (2)

3. The people were wet from the heavy rain. (2)

4. I have a delicious salad sandwich for my lunch. (2)

5. Large trucks can carry heavy loads across wide bridges. (3)

6. My cheeky budgie can open the door to his cage and fly to the kitchen. (4)

Instructions: • Read the sentences. Underline the nouns, then circle the noun groups. The number of noun groups to find is

listed after each sentence. The first noun group has been circled for you. • Label three columns in an exercise book: Little Word (e.g., a, the, an, my), Adjective, Noun. Write the words

from the noun groups in the appropriate column. Some noun groups will not have a little word.

Instructions: Look at the picture and write a sentence to describe it, using two noun groups. Circle the noun groups you used. You can include adjectives in your noun groups if you like.

Lesson 11Grammar worksheet 8bNoun groups

Noun groups


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InitiaLit–2 Lesson 12Lesson worksheet 9Grammar review 1

Playing Basketball With My Brother

I like to play basketball with my little brother, Gareth.

Every Saturday, we grab an old, orange basketball

from my cupboard then head to the Park Road Courts.

When we arrive, he likes to chat with the other friendly

kids. I like to stand on the line and practise shooting

awesome goals.

Find Write

Underline the common nouns in red

Write the common nouns

Circle the proper nouns in red

Write the proper nouns

Underline the pronouns in blue

Write the pronouns

Circle the adjectives in green

Write the adjectives

Circle one noun group in blue.

Write the noun group

Word Hunt!