inky hands inky hands studio...

INKY HANDS STUDIO TRCS AFTER SCHOOL FALL CLASSES Inky Hands Studio offers fun after school enrichment programs that support academic learning through creative play, experimentation and project-based learning. Unleash your creative super powers by imagining, designing and building one-of-a-kind STE(A)M masterpieces!!!! STE(A)M = Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math MONDAY: DA VINCI LAB WHERE ART & SCIENCE COLLIDE Students will become scientific artists by engaging in fun art experiments/projects that combine scientific concepts and art techniques. o Time: 3:15-5:30pm o Day: Monday o Instructor: Lynne Cassidy, M.Ed. o Class Size: 12 students Project themes: o Animals & Ecology o Water & Air o Light & Sight o Motion & Energy o Reaction & Matter o Nature & Earth o And more….. TUESDAY: MAKERSPACE A SPACE TO DESIGN & BUILD Students will engage in design challenge projects using everyday materials that will inspire inventiveness and experimentation. o Time: 3:15-5:30pm o Day: Tuesday o Instructor: Lynne Cassidy, M.Ed. o Class Size: 12 students Project themes: o Marble Mazes o Game & Toy Design (Arcade/Pinball) o Cardboard Creatures o Wacky Inventions o Things that Fly o 3D Paper Mache Monsters o And more….. HAPPINESS IS HAVING INKY HANDS! WWW.INKYHANDS-STUDIO.COM

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Page 1: INKY HANDS INKY HANDS STUDIO has your most current information. Please notify us of any changes such as phone


Inky Hands Studio offers fun after school enrichment programs that support academic learning through creative play, experimentation and project-based learning. Unleash your creative super powers by imagining, designing and building one-of-a-kind STE(A)M masterpieces!!!!

STE(A)M = Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math



Students will become scientific artists by engaging in fun art experiments/projects that combine scientific concepts and art techniques.

o Time: 3:15-5:30pm o Day: Monday o Instructor: Lynne Cassidy, M.Ed. o Class Size: 12 students

Project themes:

o Animals & Ecology o Water & Air o Light & Sight o Motion & Energy o Reaction & Matter o Nature & Earth o And more…..



Students will engage in design challenge projects using everyday materials that will inspire inventiveness and experimentation.

o Time: 3:15-5:30pm o Day: Tuesday o Instructor: Lynne Cassidy, M.Ed. o Class Size: 12 students

Project themes:

o Marble Mazes o Game & Toy Design (Arcade/Pinball) o Cardboard Creatures o Wacky Inventions o Things that Fly o 3D Paper Mache Monsters o And more…..



Page 2: INKY HANDS INKY HANDS STUDIO has your most current information. Please notify us of any changes such as phone


Please return all completed registration forms and payment to the TRCS front office.

Student Name ____________________________________ Phone _________________ Grade ____

Attendance/snack time begins at 3:15 p.m. Class runs from 3:30-5:30 p.m. Pick up is at 5:30pm.

Please check the sessions / classes / days your child would like to attend class. The class fee includes supervision, programming, class supplies and frame ready student work.

Session 1: Aug 24th - October 13th, 2015 (7/8 weeks) Fee (per child)

_____ Session 1 – Mondays Only (7 days) – Da VINCI LAB $175.00

_____ Session 1 – Tuesdays Only (8 days) - MAKERSPACE $200.00

_____ Session 1 – Monday & Tuesday (15 days) – BOTH CLASSES $375.00

Session 2: October 19th - December 15th, 2015 (8 weeks) Fee (per child)

_____ Session 2 – Mondays Only (8 days) – Da VINCI LAB $200

_____ Session 2 – Tuesdays Only (8 days) - MAKERSPACE $200

_____ Session 2 – Monday & Tuesday (16 days) – BOTH CLASSES $400

(Payment due in full before the first day of class.) TOTAL

*Please pack your child a healthy, hearty snack and a water bottle for snack time.

A parent, legal guardian or authorized family member must be present

to sign their child(ren) out of class when they leave the program.

Class fees need to be paid IN FULL by the first day of class. Payment can be made by cash or check. If you have any questions regarding class registration, please call Lynne Cassidy at 970-618-1480.

Page 3: INKY HANDS INKY HANDS STUDIO has your most current information. Please notify us of any changes such as phone

INKY HANDS STUDIO: CLASS POLICIES (Please review carefully and initial)

____ REGISTRATION PROCESS: Please complete a registration form for each participant and submit your full payment before the first day of class. Registration forms and payments will be collected at the TRCS front desk. Payments can be made with either cash or check. If you have any questions regarding class registration, please call Lynne Cassidy at 970-618-1480.

_____ ATTENDENCE: Please leave a message with the instructor, Lynne (970-618-1480) or with the TRCS front office staff if you know that your child(ren) will not be attending class.

_____ CLASS CANCELLATIONS: We will follow the local school district academic calendar and snow day policy. We will not have class if school is closed for a snow day, holiday or break. In the event of a cancellation due to bad weather, class will be rescheduled class, if possible.

_____ REFUNDS: We are not able to refund missed classes. If you need to withdraw from a class, we require notification at least 48 hours prior to the first day the session in order for you to receive a full refund. There are no refunds or prorated credit for classes missed during the session. Classes cancelled due to an unexpected school closure or bad weather will be rescheduled.

_____ CONTACT INFORMATION: It is the responsibility of the participant or the parent/guardian to make sure INKY HANDS STUDIO has your most current information. Please notify us of any changes such as phone numbers, addresses, email, medical, individuals authorized for pickup and additional information.

_____ EMERGENCY: The INKY HANDS STUDIO instructor will follow the TRCS building emergency procedures. In the event of an emergency, illness or accident during class, a parent/legal guardian will be notified immediately.

_____ WELLNESS: At INKY HANDS STUDIO we promote personal health and wellness. If you think your child is not feeling well, please opt to have them stay home in order to keep others healthy. If we observe a child is not feeling well, ill or a heath risk, a parent/guardian will be contacted about pick up to keep all the other children healthy.

_____ ELECTRONICS: We ask that electronics stay at home. If you would like your child to have a cell phone, we encourage them to keep it safely stored in their backpacks during class.

_____ BRING TO CLASS: Bring a healthy, hearty snack and a water bottle.

_____ CLOTHING: Dress for creative mess and have closed toed shoes.

_____ PICK UP: Class ends at 5:30. A parent, legal guardian or authorized family member must be present to sign their child(ren) out of class when they leave the program. INKY HANDS STUDIO is not responsible for your child after he/she is dismissed from the program.

Policies are subject to change without notice.

Page 4: INKY HANDS INKY HANDS STUDIO has your most current information. Please notify us of any changes such as phone

INKY HANDS STUDIO REGISTRATION FORM Please complete this form (for each child) and submit it with your payment. We look forward to having you in class!

SESSION 1 _______________________________________________________ DAY(S) _________________________________

SESSION 2 _______________________________________________________ DAY(S) _________________________________

PARTICIPANTS’S FULL NAME _____________________________________________________________ AGE ___________

MAILING ADDRESS _________________________________________________________________________________________

CITY/STATE/ZIP CODE ______________________________________________________________________________________

PARENT/LEGAL GUARDIAN __________________________________________________ RELATIONSHIP _______________ PRIMARY PHONE ____________________________ EMAIL _______________________________________________________ EMERGENCY CONTACT _______________________________________________________ PHONE ____________________ Please list any allergies, health conditions, behavioral conditions, special needs and/or other important information that would be helpful for us to know? _____________________________________________________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How will your child get home after the program? Pick Up ____ Walk ____ Bike _____ Bus ____ Other (Describe) ___________ The following individuals have permission to pick up my child. We will only allow children to leave the program with the individuals listed below. INKY HANDS STUDIO is not responsible for your child after he/she is dismissed from the program. FIRST/LAST NAME ______________________________________________________________ PHONE_________________________

FIRST/LAST NAME ______________________________________________________________ PHONE_________________________ HEALTH INFORMATION Emergency Treatment Release: In the event that I cannot be reached in an emergency, I agree to accept any and all determinations of need for medical assistance and/or administration of medical attention deemed necessary by a INKY HANDS STUDIO representative. I hereby give permission to the medical personnel selected by an INKY HANDS STUDIO representative to secure any and all medical, hospitalization, dental, and/or surgical treatment. In event medical attention is needed from a healthcare provider, all costs shall be the responsibility of the parent or guardian. Initial only if you choose to withhold permission for any Emergency Treatment Release. _________ Primary Care Physician ________________________________________________________ Phone____________________________ MEDIA RELEASE I expressly agree that INKY HANDS STUDIO may use photos, video, sound recordings taken of me and my child(ren), for any purpose, including use for publicity. In addition, I agree that INKY HANDS STUDIO shall have a fully-paid, perpetual license to use photographs, copies or reproductions of any work of art produced in its studio by me or my child(ren). Initial only if withhold permission of any Media Release. _______

ASSUMPTION OF RISK, RELEASE, WAIVER AND INDEMNIFICATION I hereby acknowledge, agree, and accept the risk of injury inherent in any physical activity or program, including particularly, the activities offered by INKY HANDS STUDIO. Such risks may include but are not limited to falling, bumping, risks from abrasions, scrapes, cuts, broken, sprained or bruised limbs, injury to eyes, consumption or inhalation of paint or other media, as well as risks from the actions or omissions of others. As such, I hereby release, discharge, indemnify and hold harmless INKY HANDS STUDIO, its owners, members, managers, instructors, affiliates, agents, employees, successors and assigns, from any and all injuries, illnesses, medical conditions, medical care, death, damages, claims, liabilities, expenses or judgments, including attorneys’ fees and court costs resulting from my, my child(ren)'s, or my child(ren)'s caregiver’s participation in a program or presence on MIGHTY MAKERS premises or other location where INKY HANDS STUDIO may conduct art instruction, except as such may arise out of INKY HANDS STUDIO gross negligence. I hereby release INKY HANDS STUDIO from any damage or loss to any of my personal property. I understand and agree to all of the terms of this Permission Form and all questions that I may have INKY HANDS STUDIO. I acknowledge receipt of and agree to the INKY HANDS STUDIO policies. Parent/Guardian Signature ___________________________________________________________ Date ___________

Print Name _______________________________________________________________________