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Innovations in Real Time Location Systems (RTLS) for Defense Health

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Page 1: Innovations in Real Time Location Systems (RTLS) …...Innovations in Real Time Location Systems (RTLS) for Defense Health Agenda – The Business Problem – What is RTLS in Healthcare?

Innovations in Real Time Location Systems (RTLS) for Defense Health

Page 2: Innovations in Real Time Location Systems (RTLS) …...Innovations in Real Time Location Systems (RTLS) for Defense Health Agenda – The Business Problem – What is RTLS in Healthcare?

Healthcare Provider Challenges


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Innovations in Real Time Location Systems (RTLS) for Defense HealthAgenda

– The Business Problem

– What is RTLS in Healthcare?

– How RTLS Works

– Market Trends

– Real Life Benefits from RTLS – Impacts on Healthcare Delivery

– Imagining the Future

– Call to Action


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The Business Problem

An estimated $17 - $29 billion dollars in health care costs are attributable to medical errorsSource:, citing Institute of Medicine

Increasing hand hygiene compliance from poor (<60%) to excellent (90%), each level of improvement was associated with a 30%-90% reduction in the risk of MRSA acquisition.

Every $1 spent on hand hygiene promotion could result in a $23.7benefit

World Health Organization (WHO), Institute of Hand Hygiene

“How Far Do Nurses Walk?” Study, found that the 146 nurses studied walked an average of 4–5 miles during a 12-hour shift

A 2006 study published in MEDSURG Nursing


Estimates suggest that hospitals routinely procure 10% to 20% more equipment than actually needed so that staff may find it when needed.

Page 5: Innovations in Real Time Location Systems (RTLS) …...Innovations in Real Time Location Systems (RTLS) for Defense Health Agenda – The Business Problem – What is RTLS in Healthcare?

What is RTLS in Healthcare

RTLS is…

Technological solution to locate/track assets (Infusion Pumps, Wheelchairs,…) and people (Patients, Providers, Staff,…) in real-time. Location and condition-sensing technologies (LCSTs) enhance situational awareness.

RTLS Consists of…

• Tags

• Location Sensors

• Location Engine

• Middleware

• Applications

RTLS Can Provide…• Optimized business and clinical


• Enhanced patient safety

• Improved patient throughput and staff and equipment use

• A way to protect perishable assets

• Ability to monitor critical areas of the hospital

• Awareness of equipment utilization


RTLS supports…

• Improved asset tracking

• Automated Cath Lab Supply Management

• Safer Sterile Processing Workflow

• Automated Temperature Monitoring

• And provides the basis for countless additional use cases

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How RTLS Works: TechnologyTracks and Identifies Location in Real Time


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Industry Trends – Gartner Hype Cycles

2011- Trough of Disillusionment- RTLS no longer “a shiny object”- Technology not meeting business expectations**note: many technologies die in the Trough ofDisillusionment

2015- Slope of Enlightenment- RTLS maturing- Business understands how to benefit from

technology- Becoming a commodity – an expected part of

the infrastructure - Gartner predicts 2-5 years from full adoption


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Benefits Realization from RTLS


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Quality + Efficient Cost= High Value

So What? Expected Benefits

Technology solution, paired with staff acceptance and utilization, can provide benefits to the quality and safety of Veteran care

Improve Staff Efficiency Improve Patient Care/Patient

SafetyImprove Managerial Decision

Support Optimize Inventory ManagementImprove Patient and Staff


" Drive process improvement" Real-time transparency of

medical supplies

" Staff productivity

" Reduce delays in care" Reduce risk of patient injury /


" Cath lab supply usage can be mapped to outcomes

" Compliance with hazard recalls

" Improve data quality " Decrease operational costs

" Review average and peak utilization across the enterprise

" Maximize equipment utilization" Avoid unnecessary rental costs

" Minimize lost or misplaced items

" Better visibility to expiringsupplies

" Consistency of service " Operational efficiency

" Reduced wait times



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ClinicalPeopleAssets and Suppliess and Supplies

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Page 11: Innovations in Real Time Location Systems (RTLS) …...Innovations in Real Time Location Systems (RTLS) for Defense Health Agenda – The Business Problem – What is RTLS in Healthcare?

Assets and Supplies Use CasesAsset Locating and Management

High-demand healthcare equipment is often hard to locate, leading to delays in patient care and reduced staff productivity. Goal is to track all equipment using a combination of active and passive tags


Outcomes:! Quickly locate needed equipment

! Improve staff productivity! Improve patient care

! Reduce recall turnaround time! Optimize inventory – monitor peak and average utilization! Reduce rental expenses! Reduce time and expense conducting annual inventory! Monitoring assets related to workflows

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Asset Tracking – Benefits Realized

“When we need a piece of equipment, we can easily find it. If you are looking for something that isn’t where it should be, you can find that. Veteran care is not delayed.”

– Patricia Topham, Acting Associate Director for Patient Care Services and Nurse Executive, Saginaw VAMC

“The best cost improvement, in my opinion, is the time saved for completing annual inventories. The time spent inventorying assets has been more than cut in half and that is a big cost saving.”

- Angela O’Dell, Biomedical Support Specialist/Facility RTLS Program Manager, Battle Creek VAMC

“Equipment such as infusion pumps and suction machines move from one room to another. Prior to RTLS, we spent a lot of time looking around and asking everyone where the equipment is. Now when inspection time comes, we go through RTLS and go directly to the location and the item is available. It’s a huge time saver.”

– Sam Ganti, Chief of Biomedical Engineering, Danville VAMC


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Cabinets   do  the   countingAffix   tag  to   item,  wave   item  at   the  point  of  care  to  capture   usage

Assets and Supplies Use CasesCardiac Cath Lab Supply Management

Monitor the usage of medical supplies necessary for critical patient procedures

Solutions in these areas provide real time transparency for designated items that are “off the shelf”, used in a case, or missing. The solution can support par level maintenance to ensure maximum efficiency and availability of a wide range of hospital supplies.

Outcomes:– Improves quality of care by ensuring right supplies

available– Reduces inventory cost by managing par levels &

providing data on specific items used– Enhances safety by– Improving compliance with hazard recalls– Monitoring expiration of high-cost supplies

– Cath lab supply usage can be mapped to outcomes


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Cardiac Catheterization (Cath) Lab – Benefits Realized

“When we got RTLS, it helped right off the bat having everything we needed. With the ‘smart’ cabinets, we know everything we have and exactly where it is. When there are 50 to 60 different types of catheters alone, this makes a huge difference in finding things faster during patient procedures.”

- Tom Lewandowski, Lead Cardiovascular Technologist

“An inventory process that previously took me three hours now takes seconds with RTLS.”

– Angela Hernandez, Inventory Manager for Cardiology, VAAAHS

“Bottom line, with RTLS I know we will never implant a recalled or expired product in a patient, ever. The quality checks and controls RTLS puts in place are critical for patient safety. Would I go back to the way we did it before? No way!”

– Barbara Clarke, Cardiology Nurse Manager, VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System


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Assets and Supplies Use CasesSterile Processing Workflow

Automates sterile processing business processes from distribution to point of care helping to ensure safety of staff and patients

Issue: Missing or unsterile instruments, or delayed reprocessing of limited equipment, adversely impact quality and safety of care

Outcomes:– Enhances patient safety- helps ensure trays are clean,

correctly assembled and complete– Prevents delays in surgery or diagnostic procedures– Provides reasonable assurance processes were followed

according to manufacturer instructions


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Sterile Processing Services (SPS) – Benefits Realized

“Patient safety and infection control is critical. Before RTLS, staff used to have to write everything down—every item they processed, every step they made—and it took hours to days to track items down if we had a recall. Now with RTLS, every item is traceable and we can recall it with the press of a button. We know exactly where those items are and can stop a recall before it ever leaves SPS or comes near a patient.”

- Kristen Lemke, Assistant Chief for SPS at Battle Creek

“RTLS includes photosso we can quickly see product nuances, such as a tiny hook on a dental instrument, and approved substitute items for a medical tray. The photo also helps us identify and remove damaged instruments. With more than 3,000 different types of instruments, that is a lot to memorize. But with RTLS, you can be accurate with the touch of a button.”

- Karla Sandell, Network Chief Logistics officer

“Every single request for new instruments this year did not have to be a new purchase. With RTLS, we had better information into utilization and inventory.”

– Javier Alvarado, Chief of Sterile Processing Services, Battle Creek VAMC


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Assets and Supplies Use CasesMonitoring of Temperature and Humidity Levels


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ClinicalPeopleAssets and Suppliess and Supplies

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Staff and Patient Use CasesHand-Washing Compliance


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Staff and Patient Use CasesInfectious Disease History


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Staff and Patient Use CasesPatient Flow


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Staff and Patient Use CasesWayfinding

" Guide patients from their homes through normal GPS navigation and into and within the HDO’s facilities

" Wayfinding moves from information desks, static digital signage and passive self-service kiosks to a more personal, engaging and interactive digital experience


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reminder day of


Sue is given directions to the hospital, traffic routes and parking options

At the hospital, wayfinding app guides them to the waiting area

where they will be kept up to date on

where Sue is

Sue receives RTLS tag at admission

Sue can now select family

members and friends that will

be notified of her status and


Family and friends of Sue use the link in her message to get directions to the hospital, and

download wayfinding app

Sue now visible to hospital’s

RTLS and can be notified of

wait times

At the hospital, the wayfinding app guides

Sue to admission

Personal, Engaging and Interactive Digital ExperienceBetter Patient and Visitor Experience, Reduced Wait Times…

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Example ROISavings in equipment and staffing costs + higher patient & staff satisfaction

– Texas Health Resources– Rental equipment: savings of $285K/first year

– Budgeting for “shrinkage”: savings of $100K/first year

– Procurement-related expenses based on better utilization of equipment: savings of >$600K/first year

– Faster room turnaround: from 47 minutes to 40 minutes.

–Wake Forest Baptist Health– Automated temperature monitoring: savings of $970K/year

– Asset management: savings of $2M/year

– Increased staff productivity: over $2M/year

– Eliminating the need to purchase redundant systems and avoiding unnecessary costs: $3.5M/year


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Building on the RTLS InfrastructureMore Real-Life Examples


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Imagining the Future


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Imagining the Future

! Tags are getting smaller and cheaper

! Manufacturers are looking into embedding tags into devices and assets which will potentially reduces initial and ongoing costs of tags, should have small/zero form factor, and be part of the device eliminating the risk of tag fall off or loss

! Mobile Indoor Location (Wayfinding); Push notifications based on location


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“Situational awareness is the engine behind various "hospital of the future," "digital hospital" and "smart patient room" initiatives. It is at the heart of the real-time healthcare system (RTHS)”

Gartner, Situational Awareness Is at the Heart of the Real-Time Healthcare System Published: 22 August 2014Analyst(s): Barry Runyon, Vi Shaffer


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ClinicalPeopleAssets and Suppliess and Supplies

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" Smart Equipment

" Wearable / Biosensors

" Ingestables / Nanochips

" Mobile Imaging 3&142-5 6.-57&.-." ;&'(-)'5 L-@&0($,5 1$)('$,():" ;@?.($2$:(%&25 G&'&5 ',&%9():" <$L(2-5 2&L5'-.'." <$L(2-5 (1&:():" <$L(2-54@?.(%&2." 7$142(&)%-5 1$)('$,():" M($.>,0-(22&)%-" A)D-%'($)5 %$)',$2" J(.-&.-5 G-'-%'($)


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Clinical Data – Beyond the Episode of Care

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Implantable glucose sensor for diabetes

The Connected Patient

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Clinical Data

Eric Topol, MD predicts that there will be

“terabytes of data about you, which will

someday accumulate, from the womb to

tomb, in your personal cloud, stored and

ready for ferreting out the signals from

the noise, even to prevent an illness

before it happens”2

“Physicians will make treatment decisions

based on the chest pain a patient is

experiencing at the moment—from data

being delivered real-time via mobile

device to provider—rather than from

symptoms several days prior reported

during an office visit several days later.”1

1 Derek Newell, Four ways real-time data will change healthcare, Topol, Eric. (2015). The Patient Will See You Now: The Future of Medicine Is in Your Hands. Basic Books.


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Man's Fitbit helps doctors save his lifeUSA TODAY NETWORK - Elizabeth Armstrong Moore,, Newser -- 10:19 a.m. EDT April 9, 2016


(  (NEWSER) – It  happens  every  day—someone  going  about  his  or  her  ordinary  schedule  has  a  seizure,  gets  looked  over  by  a  doctor,  and  hopefully  lives  to  tell  about  it.Only  in  the  case  of  a  42-­year-­old  man  who  went  to  the  emergency  room  at Our  Lady  of  Lourdes  Medical  Center in  New  Jersey  immediately  following  a  seizure,  the  data  tracked  on  his  Fitbit  helped  inform  doctors  of  the  appropriate  course  of  action  to  take  to  save  his  life,  those  docs  report  in  the  journal Annals  of  Emergency  Medicine.

It's  the  first  time  a  fitness  tracker  has  been  used  like  this,  reports Gizmodo.  The  key  question  in  this  case  was  whether  the  irregularly  high  and  erratic  heartbeat  (atrial  fibrillation)  he  suffered  three  hours  prior  to  the  seizure—which  they  wouldn't  have  known  about  had  it  not  been  for  the  man's  tracker—was  chronic  or  episodic.If  chronic,  resetting  his  heart  rate  via  rhythm  conversion,  essentially  shocking  it  back  to  normal,  could  dislodge  a  clot,  cause a  stroke,  and  possibly  kill  the  man.  But  the  Fitbit  revealed  exactly  when  he  had  a  spike  in  heart  rate  and  that  it  was  abnormal,  and  his  tracker  from  that  day  even  reveals  (through the  subsequent  slowing  of  his  heart  rate)  when  the  drug  diltiazem  was  administered.

"Not  all  activity  trackers  measure  heart  rates,  but  this  is  the  function  of  most  value  to  medical  providers,"  says  one  of  the authors,  per  the Huffington  Post, which  notes  that  the  devices  aren't  medical  but  may  be  used  in  this  way  more  in  the  future  as  they  become  more  reliable.  (This  couple found  out  they  were  expecting thanks  to  the  woman's  Fitbit.)

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She later experiences temporary numbness in her face and slurred speech

Sue wakes up feeling fine Sue is treated in a hospital

No baseline information collected

Biometric devices measure elevated blood pressure – factors into downstream stroke risk algorithms

No data collected on potential TIA

Care team not alertedNo feedback loop to patient

Time lost discovering Sue, calling 911, finding Sue’s location and transporting her to the hospital

Sue has a stroke while “out and about”

Smart watch detects slurred speech and vital signs recorded

Sue sent to hospital for evaluation –location awareness determines closest facility

GP notified and provided link to video chat via smart phone

Time lost due to unprepared care team and differential diagnosis process

Care team prepared and orders CT scan prior to stroke

Nurse notified of patient location, status and biometrics – immediate care provided

Sue has a stroke while in the hospital

Time to thrombolytics too long

Time to thrombolytics reduced


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Call to Action

1. Consider the business case for RTLS at your facility

2. Look for lessons learned from other Health Delivery Organizations that implemented RTLS

3. Identify the logical starting point–Tracking assets–Locating people

4. Think of impactful use cases


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Thank youDebbie [email protected]



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– Gartner Hype Cycle for Healthcare Provider Technologies and Standards, 2011, Published: 4 August 2011, Analyst(s): Barry Runyon

– Gartner Hype Cycle for Healthcare Provider Technologies and Standards, 2015, Published: 2 July 2015, Analyst(s): Barry Runyon

– Gartner Situational Awareness Is at the Heart of the Real-Time Healthcare System, Published: 22 August 2014, Analyst(s): Barry Runyon, Vi Shaffer

– RTLS for Dummies, January 1, 2009, Ajay Malik


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Accelerating Next