innovations in social education-2014


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Page 1: Innovations in Social Education-2014


By A.Arputha Selvaraj ( APMP-IIM Calcutta )

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The problem & Need

• Social innovation per se, trying to be too innovative

• Asynchronous learning, MOOC format• SI itself being the ‘subject matter’ so the SI

problems have unique subject matters• Creating an open framework to recognise

capability (pre-existing and developed)• ‘Learning for’ rather than ‘learning about’• Recursive learning??

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• AshokaU Changemaker designation, first in the UK

• Desire to allow all students to access social innovation expertise

• Employability outcomes of problem solving and decision-making

• Blackboard based MOOC• Changemaker Certificate, co-curricula

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• Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum– we cannot simply evaluate resources and inputs

(such as teachers, or years of schooling) and that we must look at whether learners are able to convert resources into capabilities, and thereafter potentially into functionings

• Asset Based Community Development– What skills and assets the community/student

already brings to the table

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Treat students equally or justly?

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Unsatisfactory learning outcomes

Subject - specific Skills• Each student will be studying a different subject, so will be expected to formulate subject specific skills outcomes as part of their studies

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Multi-level outcomesLevel 4 Level 5 Level 6Describe processes of creative thinking and innovation, identify resources and skills to be secured, and decide on a course of action in collaboration with other people

Evaluate the importance of the social problems identified and diagnose the underlying structures contributing to that problem and justify the effectiveness of the proposed venture

Formulate clear and authoritative research into social problems, identify & critically evaluate a range of potential interventions and ventures and select one or more for implementation

Level 4 Level 5 Level 6Set own targets and objectives and plan how to achieve them to meet task deadlines Adapt learning strategies to overcome difficulties and produce the quality of work required

Think critically and challenge received opinion.Develop and apply own judgment criteria 

Organize and present clear evidence of achievementsSeek out, reflect on and respond to feedback from a variety of sources 

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Generic evaluation criteria• The Structure of Observed Learning Outcome (SOLO) taxonomy is a model

that describes levels of increasing complexity in student's understanding of subjects

• Pre-structural - The task is not attacked appropriately; the student hasn’t really understood the point and uses too simple a way of going about it.

• Uni-structural - The student's response only focuses on one relevant aspect.

• Multi-structural - The student's response focuses on several relevant aspects but they are treated independently and additively. Assessment of this level is primarily quantitative.

• Relational - The different aspects have become integrated into a coherent whole. This level is what is normally meant by an adequate understanding of some topic.

• Extended abstract - The previous integrated whole may be conceptualised at a higher level of abstraction and generalised to a new topic or area.

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UK Top Ten SkillsVERBAL

COMMUNICATION1 Able to express your ideas clearly and confidently in speech

TEAMWORK 2 Work confidently within a group COMMERCIAL AWARENESS

3 Understand the commercial realities affecting the organisation.


4 Gather information systematically to establish facts & principles. Problem solving.


5 Able to act on initiative, identify opportunities & proactive in putting forward ideas & solutions

DRIVE 6 Determination to get things done. Make things happen & constantly looking for better ways of doing things.


7 Able to express yourself clearly in writing


8 Able to plan activities & carry them through effectively

FLEXIBILITY 9 Adapt successfully to changing situations & environmentsTIME MANAGEMENT 10 Manage time effectively, prioritising tasks and able to work to


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(modified) QAA Enterprise & Entrepreneurship Guide LOs

• take creative and innovative approaches that are evidenced through multiple solutions and reflective processes (creativity and innovation)

• persuade others through informed opinion and negotiate support for ideas (persuasion and negotiation)

• manage a range of social problems and situations appropriately, for example by proposing alternatives or taking a holistic approach (approach to management)

• evaluate issues and make decisions in situations of ambiguity, uncertainty and risk (decision making)

• use networking skills effectively, for example to build or validate ideas or to build support for ideas with potential colleagues or stakeholders (networking and social capital)

• recognise and respond to patterns and opportunities in complex situations and environments (opportunity recognition)

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21st Century Skills Rubric

Learning & InnovationCreativity and Innovation

Work Creatively with Others

  4Exceeds Standard

3Meet Standard

2Approaching Standard

1Not at Standard

1. Use a wide range of idea creation techniques (brainstorming etc…)

Engages in multiple idea creation techniques and fully participates by offering insightful questions and listening well to others in the group.

Engages in idea creation techniques and participates by offering ideas

Did not offer ideas during the idea creation, but listened actively to other group members

Did not actively participate in idea creation

1. Creates new and worthwhile ideas using both incremental and radical concepts

Consistently develops new and valuable ideas using both existing and new knowledge, as well as existing and new resources

Develops new and valuable ideas using both existing and new knowledge, as well as existing and new resources

Develops new and valuable ideas using existing knowledge and resources

Does not attempt to develop new and valuable ideas

1. Elaborates, refines, analyzes and evaluates their own ideas in order to improve and maximize creative efforts

Extensive reflection of own ideas and incorporates changes in creative efforts demonstrating an understanding of the value of analysis and implementation of change

Reflects on own ideas and incorporates changes in creative efforts to improve the value of their work

Reflects on own ideas and attempts to incorporate changes in creative efforts to improve the value of their work

Attempts to reflect on own ideas

VALUE Initiative, AAC&U

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Modified AshokaU/21st Century Capabilities

Assessment CriterionExceeds Standard / Gold

Meets Standard / Silver

Approaching Standard / Bronze

Not at StandardRelevant to:

 Developing and effectively utilising diverse personal and social capital to reach viable solutions,  

Actively using experiences and knowledge from different social groups, beneficiaries and stakeholders to create new ideas and increase innovation, creating a workable solution.

Mostly using existing social networks, knowledge and experiences to help create new ideas and foster innovation. Some input from beneficiaries and stakeholders. Solution is viable with some additional development.

Ideas and innovation arising primarily out of existing knowledge and experiences. Limited access to wider knowledge base. A potential solution has been proposed.

Relying entirely on personal experience to inform understanding of problem. Solution (if offered) may not be viable or workable.

Social Venture Canvas

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Draft Assessment Criteria

• Developing and effectively utilising diverse personal and social capital to reach viable solutions,

• Effectively interpret information and draw conclusions based on the best analysis• Analyse how parts of a whole interact with each other to produce overall

outcomes in complex systems• Using ambiguity to foster creativity• View failure as an opportunity to learn; understand that creativity and innovation

is a long-term, cyclical process of small successes and frequent mistakes• Ability to effectively communicate the features of the social problem being

addressed and the potential viability of your proposed solution.• Reflect critically on learning experiences (past or current) in order to inform future

progress• Assume shared responsibility for assessing and valuing individual contributions

made by peers.

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Assessment Criterion Exceeds Standard / Gold Meets Standard / SilverApproaching Standard / Bronze

Not at StandardRelevant to:

 Developing and effectively utilising diverse personal and social capital to reach viable solutions,  

Actively using experiences and knowledge from different social groups, beneficiaries and stakeholders to create new ideas and increase innovation, creating a workable solution.

Mostly using existing social networks, knowledge and experiences to help create new ideas and foster innovation. Some input from beneficiaries and stakeholders. Solution is viable with some additional development.

Ideas and innovation arising primarily out of existing knowledge and experiences. Limited access to wider knowledge base. A potential solution has been proposed.

Relying entirely on personal experience to inform understanding of problem. Solution (if offered) may not be viable or workable.

Social Venture Canvas

Effectively interpret information and draw conclusions based on the best analysis

Is able to look at complex information and successfully draw and justify conclusions and apply to situation

Is able to look at information and successfully draw conclusions

Looks at information and sometimes is able to draw conclusions

Looks at information, and rarely is able to draw a conclusion

Social Venture Canvas

Analyze how parts of a whole interact with each other to produce overall outcomes in complex systems

Recognizes and is able to manipulate parts of a system to come together to accomplish something

Recognizes how the parts of a system work together to accomplish something

Identifies parts of a system but cannot explain how they work together

Is only able to identify the parts as one, rather than each part individually

Social Venture Canvas

 Using ambiguity to foster creativity  

Actively uses ambiguity and risk as opportunities for creative thinking and solution development

Risk and ambiguity are tolerated in a creative environment to develop solutions

 Risk and ambiguity are minimized in order to achieve a solution 

Ambiguity and risk have adverse effects on creativity and solution development

Social Venture Canvas

View failure as an opportunity to learn; understand that creativity and innovation is a long-term, cyclical process of small successes and frequent mistakes

Embraces the idea that attempting/experimenting is an important part of the path of success and approaches opportunities with an understanding that many failed attempts are likely

Understands the importance of attempting/experimenting is an important part of the path to success, including failed attempts

Understands the importance of attempting/experimenting is an important part of the path to success, but does not understand this includes failed attempts as well

Does not understand how failed attempts are part of the innovation process that leads to success

Social Venture Canvas

 Ability to effectively communicate the features of the social problem being addressed and the potential viability of your proposed solution.  

Features of the social problem clearly articulated in the appropriate social context and reasons for the potential solution justified

Social problem is identified and situated within context. Solution partially addresses the root causes.

Symptoms of the social problem identified with insufficient attention paid to the wider context and solution therefore only partially addresses the need.

Some attempt to either identify the problem or a social context but not both. Neither the problem or the solution are clearly identified or proposed.

Social Venture Canvas

Reflect critically on learning experiences (past or current) in order to inform future progress

Reflects critically on learning experiences in order to inform future progress in a variety of conditions

Reflect critically on learning experiences in order to inform future progress

Attempts to reflect critically on learning experiences in order to inform future progress

Attempts to reflect critically on learning experiences, but not in order to inform future progress

External peer assessment

 Assume shared responsibility for assessing and valuing individual contributions made by peers. 

Pro-actively eliciting feedback and providing constructive critique and feedforward to peers. Excellent use made of external networks, including beneficiaries and stakeholders.

Elicits some feedback and provides an element of constructive critique and feedforward to peers. Starting to make use of external networks and extensive use of internal network (peers and colleagues).

Passive use of feedback and limited critique of peer submissions. Feedback limited to use of internal network.

No feedback provided to other participants and no attempt to incorporate peer critique into own work.

External Peer Assessment

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Thank You

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