inside schreiner winter 2009

NEWSLETTER OF SCHREINER UNIVERSITY Winter 2009 Volume XI1I, Number I Inside Last fall, as I spoke with a group of prospects and their parents, one father asked a question that struck dead center: “What is it that makes Schreiner different from other colleges?” That’s the point, isn’t it? If we didn’t appreciate it before, we certainly do in the current economic climate—tell me just why you think it’s a smart thing for our son or daughter to study at Schreiner University? How are you any different from a score of other options that exist, some of which may be closer, wealthier or fancier? Of course one wants to answer that question by citing vigorous academic programs and passionate faculty. And one wants to point to major investment in facilities and the enhancement of student life opportunities. All of these responses are both valid and fundamental to any proper response, but it is not easy to show how they distinguish Schreiner from other fine colleges that also have excellent instructors, programs and facilities. No, I recognized that my interrogator was asking about something that went beyond these factors, essential as they are. Why Schreiner? How do I tell you apart from other residential liberal arts colleges? My answer was this: “I believe that Schreiner cares more about the individuals who come its way. More particularly, I believe the people of Schreiner show that concern consistently and authentically. That is our distinctiveness.” Don’t get me wrong. Caring is no substitute for strong programs, professional staff and strong facilities. President’s Perspective BY DR. TIM SUMMERLIN Schreiner University has named Norman Hoffman ’37 and Charles Johnson ’57 as Distin- guished Alumni. Raymond (Red) Daniels ’42 and Reginald (Reggie) West ’50 were named as the new- est members of the University’s Athletic Hall of Honor. Schreiner instituted the Distinguished Alumnus award to honor former students who have achieved a conspicuous level of achievement after leaving Schreiner. The Athletic Hall of Honor recognizes former students who were outstand- ing athletes while attending Schreiner. Recipients of both awards are persons of high ethical standards, integrity, stature and demonstrated ability. All four will be honored at a banquet April 18, during Recall 2009 weekend. Distinguished Alumni Norman Hoffman ’37 had a notable 60-year career in aviation that grew out of his service in the U.S. Army Air Corps during World War II. After Schreiner, he attended the University of Texas studying civil engineering. He credits his acceptance into the Corps to the training he received during his time at Schreiner. His promotion to the pilot’s “left seat” was also in part due to his Schreiner connection. “It so happened that my instructor was from Schreiner and he gave me the chance to be a pilot rather than a copilot,” Hoffman said. Hoffman was trained as a pilot on the B-26 Maurauder, a somewhat notorious plane known as “The Widowmaker.” His instructor was killed when his takeoff engine failed before Hoffman graduated from flight school as a 1st Lieutenant. Eventually, Hoffman was sent to Preswick, Scotland. He arrived to find that the six-man crew he had trained with had been killed the night before. He got the crew of the pilot who had been killed with them. He went on to fly 70 missions in the European Theatre, including the first day of the D-Day invasion. “We flew in from France,” he said. “We were flying where the toughest fighting was going on. When we took off, visibility was 0-0. We had to fly 10,000-15,000 feet above the weather and reassemble.” Col. Bobby Douglass ’67, who nominated Hoffman, said they met at a Schreiner re- union in Dallas and found that they had their military experiences in common. “My accomplishments were pretty im- pressive, but his overshadowed mine by about 10 times,” Douglass said. “He is that impressive.” The Army sent Hoffman to military engineering school, and after he left the military he went on to Texas Tech University. He left in his senior year to go into the aviation business. In 1955, Hoffman and a brother-in-law bought Mooney Aircraft and he developed and ran the company’s national and in- ternational marketing program until 1969. He became president of Com- modore Jet Sales in 1970, where he was responsible for sales and marketing for the Commodore Jet aircraft. After returning to Texas, he started Interjet Incorporated, a jet brokerage company. The company has celebrated its 34th year, under Hoffman’s leadership. Hoffman grew up in the Depression and became the man of the family at the age of 6 when his father died. He learned to drive shortly afterwards, and worked as an egg candler, iceman and delivery boy. “In order to be successful, individuals like my father exhibited qualities such as determination, goal setting and a stubborn resistance to being diverted from achieving those objectives,” said Norman Hoffman Jr. ’60. “Schreiner helped in shaping those characteristics.” “I had a wonderful time at Schreiner,” Hoffman said. “I had a wonderful job; I ran the tailor shop, and learned to press clothes, iron clothes and clean In This Issue... Q.E.P. 4 Calendar of Events 5 Sports 6 Honor Roll of Donors 7 Schreiner Announces 2009 Distinguished Alumni and Athletic Hall of Honor Inductees continued on page 4 continued on page 2

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Page 1: Inside Schreiner Winter 2009

N E W S L E T T E R O F S C H R E I N E R U N I V E R S I T Y Winter 2009 Volume XI1I, Number I


Last fall, as I spoke with a group of prospects and their parents, one father asked a question that struck dead center: “What is it that makes Schreiner different from other colleges?”

That’s the point, isn’t it? If we didn’t appreciate it before, we certainly do in the current economic climate—tell me just why you think it’s a smart thing for our son or daughter to study at Schreiner University? How are you any different from a score of other options that exist, some of which may be closer, wealthier or fancier?

Of course one wants to answer that question by citing vigorous academic programs and passionate faculty. And one wants to point to major investment in facilities and the enhancement of student life opportunities. All of these responses are both valid and fundamental to any proper response, but it is not easy to show how they distinguish Schreiner from other fine colleges that also have excellent instructors, programs and facilities.

No, I recognized that my interrogator was asking about something that went beyond these factors, essential as they are. Why Schreiner? How do I tell you apart from other residential liberal arts colleges? My answer was this: “I believe that Schreiner cares more about the individuals who come its way. More particularly, I believe the people of Schreiner show that concern consistently and authentically. That is our distinctiveness.”

Don’t get me wrong. Caring is no substitute for strong programs, professional staff and strong facilities.

President’s Perspective B y D r . T I m S u m m e r L I n

Schreiner university has named norman Hoffman ’37 and Charles Johnson ’57 as Distin-guished Alumni. raymond (red) Daniels ’42 and reginald (reggie) West ’50 were named as the new-est members of the university’s Athletic Hall of Honor. Schreiner instituted the Distinguished Alumnus award to honor former students who have achieved a conspicuous level of achievement after leaving Schreiner. The Athletic Hall of Honor recognizes former students who were outstand-ing athletes while attending Schreiner. Recipients of both awards are persons of high ethical standards, integrity, stature and demonstrated ability. All four will be honored at a banquet April 18, during Recall 2009 weekend.

Distinguished Alumninorman Hoffman ’37 had a notable 60-year career in aviation that grew out of his service in the U.S. Army Air Corps during World War II. After Schreiner, he attended the University of Texas studying civil engineering. He credits his acceptance into the Corps to the training he received during his time at Schreiner. His promotion to the pilot’s “left seat” was also in part due to his Schreiner connection.

“It so happened that my instructor was from Schreiner and he gave me the chance to be a pilot rather than a copilot,” Hoffman said.

Hoffman was trained as a pilot on the B-26 Maurauder, a somewhat notorious plane known as “The Widowmaker.” His instructor was killed when his takeoff engine failed before Hoffman graduated from flight school as a 1st Lieutenant. Eventually, Hoffman was sent to Preswick, Scotland. He arrived to find that the six-man crew he had trained with had been killed the night before. He got the crew of the pilot who had been killed with them.

He went on to fly 70 missions in the European Theatre, including the first day of the D-Day invasion.

“We flew in from France,” he said. “We were flying where the toughest fighting was going on. When we took off, visibility was 0-0. We had to fly 10,000-15,000 feet above the weather and reassemble.”

Col. Bobby Douglass ’67, who nominated Hoffman, said they met at a Schreiner re-union in Dallas and found that they had their military experiences in common.

“My accomplishments were pretty im-pressive, but his overshadowed mine by about 10 times,” Douglass said. “He is that impressive.”

The Army sent Hoffman to military engineering school, and after he left the military he went on to Texas Tech University. He left in his senior year to go into the aviation business. In 1955, Hoffman and a brother-in-law bought Mooney Aircraft and he developed and ran the company’s national and in-ternational marketing program until 1969. He became president of Com-modore Jet Sales in 1970, where he was responsible for sales and marketing for the Commodore Jet aircraft. After returning to Texas, he started Interjet Incorporated, a jet brokerage company. The company has celebrated its 34th year, under Hoffman’s leadership.

Hoffman grew up in the Depression and became the man of the family at the age of 6 when his father died. He learned to drive shortly afterwards, and worked as an egg candler, iceman and delivery boy.

“In order to be successful, individuals like my father exhibited qualities such as determination, goal setting and a stubborn resistance to being diverted from achieving those objectives,” said Norman Hoffman Jr. ’60. “Schreiner helped in shaping those characteristics.”

“I had a wonderful time at Schreiner,” Hoffman said. “I had a wonderful job; I ran the tailor shop, and learned to press clothes, iron clothes and clean

In This Issue...Q.E.P. 4 Calendar of Events 5Sports 6Honor Roll of Donors 7

Schreiner Announces 2009 Distinguished Alumni and Athletic Hall of Honor Inductees

continued on page 4

continued on page 2

Page 2: Inside Schreiner Winter 2009

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them. I spent the summer working in a local tailor shop so I could go to Schreiner.”

This is the second time Schreiner has honored alumnus Dr. Charles Johnson ’58; he was named to the Athletic Hall of Honor in 2003. He came to Schreiner Institute on a football scholarship and played on the basketball and golf teams after Schreiner ended its football program in 1957.

Charles Robb ’58, who nominated Johnson as a Distinguished Alumnus, remembers their time at Schreiner: “Charley and I were roommates in old West Barracks. When you got up in the morning you had to run down an open porch to get to the shower, then you had to run back to your room.

“Our football team picked up speed when our starting QB got injured and Charley took over and started passing more.”

While still at Schreiner, New Mexico State University offered Johnson a basketball scholarship; he ended up quarterbacking the NMSU football team. The team won the Sun Bowl in 1959 and 1960 and Johnson was voted Sun Bowl Most Valuable Player both years. He had a perfect 11-0 season in 1960. Johnson went on to 15 years of success in professional football as a quarterback for the St. Louis Cardinals, Houston Oilers and Denver Broncos. However, unlike many professional athletes, he continued his education, receiving a Master’s and a Doctor of Science degree in chemical engineering from Washington University in St. Louis.

“Charley has proven to be an outstanding Schreiner student,” Robb said. “He has led three professional football teams as QB and obtained a Ph.D. at the same time.”

Johnson had been commissioned a 2nd lieutenant on his graduation from NMSU, and ultimately served two years on active duty with NASA, ending his military service as a captain in the U.S. Army Reserves.

After 30 years working in the private sector, Johnson returned to NMSU in 2000, where he is now a professor in the school’s Department of Chemical Engineering and an assistant to the NMSU president. He has served on the Athletic Council and Hall of Fame Committee at NMSU and on the Memorial Medical Center Foundation’s board of trustees.

“My time at Schreiner taught me great lessons in organization and time planning,” he said. “Those lessons served me well in school, athletics, business and certainly now in education.”

Athletic Hall of Honorreginald (reggie) West ’51 came to Schreiner Institute an outstanding high school athlete from Beeville, Texas. He advanced to state competition in two sports—basketball and track—while he was there, an A.C. Jones High School record.

West lettered in football and track both of his years at Schrein-er, during which time both teams went on to win conference titles. He was equally successful off the playing fields: a scholar of distinction, student council president, class vice president, company commander and named to Who’s Who among Stu-dents in American Universities and Colleges. In 1950, the Schreiner football team on which West played won more games than in any of the previous 10 years.

“I actually went to A&M first and flunked out,” West said. “I tell people that A&M wasn’t intellectually challenging enough for me. The discipline and help I got from my teachers at Schreiner turned things around for me.”

Like most students who attended Schreiner during its military school days, West has fond memories of his time here, in spite of the work and living conditions. “Through the closeness of the people I was quartered with and played sports with, I made lifetime friends,” he said.

When West graduated from Schreiner, he had offers of athletic scholarships from four universities. He decided to go to Texas Arts & Industries (now Texas A&M-Kingsville) on a football scholarship, where he majored in health, physical education and recreation. He continued his first-rate athletic career at A&I, lettering in football for three years and setting three school records. He ended the 1952 football season with 1,046 yards rushing and 223 carries and was All-Texas Conference Back, with an honorable mention on the NAIA (National As-sociation of Intercollegiate Athletics). In 1953, he was again listed in Who’s Who among Students in American Universities and Colleges. He was inducted into the A&I Hall of Fame in 1974 and the Beeville Sports Hall of Fame in 2005. He has a master’s degree from Our Lady of the Lake in San Antonio.

West entered the Army for a two-year stint in 1954, serving as a first lieutenant in the U.S. Army Signal Corps. “I went into the Army already commissioned,” he said. “Schreiner gave me a foundation that helped me in my time in the service.”

After leaving the Army, West worked for Hughes Tool Co. for five years. “I always wanted to be a coach,” he said, “but college coaches told me it wasn’t a secure job.”

However, after his time with Hughes, West did go on to work as a coach and educator. He coached football at Highlands High School and Edison High school in San Antonio, and served as head football coach and athletic director at Samuel Clemens High School in Schertz, Texas. He worked for San Antonio’s East Central Independent School District for 15 years, during which time he was a guidance counselor, high school principal and director of transportation and maintenance.

About being named to Schreiner’s Athletic Hall of Honor, West said, “It’s quite an honor and one I’ll always cherish.”

raymond (red) Daniels ’42 went from strength to strength as a Schreiner athlete, at one time breaking his own record in the 440-yard dash at a state championship. He left Lamar High School with a scholarship to Rice University, but Rice wouldn’t accept all his grades when school started in September.

“At that time, all ‘senior’ colleges would send their dummies to a junior college,” said Daniels. “They sent me and a run-ning mate from high school to Schreiner. He was finishing high school, I was taking freshman English.”

Daniels took a full course of study while at Schreiner and competed on the track team as team captain and on the bas-ketball team as co-captain. “We won state that year in track,” he said. “We were second in the state in basketball and first in football. It was a fabulous year!”

His track performances were spectacular enough that Schrein-er sent him on to the national meet. “I didn’t take my finals in 1941 because Schreiner sent me to Denver,” he said. “Rex Kelly—we loved him—made me go. Sent me on a bus and I had

2009 Distinguished Alumni and Athletic Hall of Honor Inductees continued from page 1

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never been two blocks from school.”

Daniels came back to Schreiner with a bronze medal and to face those finals.

Daniels’ job at Schreiner was waiting tables in the dining hall and he had the honor of serving the table of Schreiner’s first president, Dr. James Delaney, and Major Fuller, who was the military commandant at the time.

“Dr. Delaney liked me because I used to slip him radishes, which his wife didn’t want him to eat,” he said. “I’d wrap them in a napkin and slip them in his pocket.”

He remembers one stint in the dining hall particularly well. “We were coming home from church and when we got back to Schreiner, everyone was talking about Pearl Harbor. We had to go on to the mess hall and set up the dining room. Everything went berserk at that point. Schreiner was a military school, so mamas and papas were calling their boys and saying, ‘Don’t sign anything.’ Every coach in the Southwest Conference was after us [Schreiner athletes], but, of course, the war busted that up. When I went back to Rice, all the coaches were on their way to basic training.”

That summer, Daniels returned to Rice for a job painting the stadium and putting in new seats for 50 cents an hour. Then his luck changed.

“Shell called the school and wanted five boys for the summer.

I happened to have my mother’s car, so I was elected to drive some of us over there and apply for jobs. One of my Schreiner roommates had an uncle who worked at Shell, and he told me to be out there Monday and start work for 90 cents an hour.”

When time came to go back to school, “Shell told us, ‘You guys are welcome to stay; the draft will get you eventually, but we need you.’ I got two deferments working at Shell, but then I was called up. The government needed me more. Shell told me that if I was lucky enough to come back alive, I had a job.”

Daniels went on to serve two years with the U.S. Marine Corps. He was sent to Advanced Combat School at Camp Lejeune, N.C., but before leaving with his platoon, he was chosen to go to sea school. “Guys I trained with all made land-ing at Okinawa,” Daniels said. “And you know how many were killed there.”

He served on the USS Wasp, which was 75 miles off the Japa-nese coast when Japan surrendered. “Our first mission was to go in and free POWs and capture Japanese officers,” Daniels said. “I tell everybody we were picking up cigarette butts and mowing grass so MacArthur wouldn’t be in danger of getting his khakis dirty.” After he was discharged, he went back to Shell, retiring from the company after 43 years.

“I loved the military part of Schreiner,” Daniels said. “And when we weren’t playing sports, we were working, carrying coal, in the Dairy Shack, in the mess hall.”

Schreiner University’s Center for Innovative Learning will bring Actors from the London Stage

to the University October 11-18. AFTLS is one of the oldest touring Shakespeare companies in the world, founded by actor Patrick Stewart and developed by Dr. Homer Swander, of the Professional Artists Lab at the University of California-Santa Barbara. AFTLS actors come from respected British acting companies such as the Royal Shakespeare Company and the Royal National Theatre of Great Britain. During their time here they will par-ticipate in Schreiner classes and give several performances of Shakespeare’s “King Lear.” For more information about AFTLS, visit their Web site at For more infor-mation about their time at Schreiner and about other CIL programs, e-mail Martha York at [email protected] or call her at 830-792-7352.

Actors from the London Stage Coming to SU

Going the Extra Mile

Schreiner University staff and faculty do a lot to support research to end breast cancer, including fielding a

team every year for the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life in Kerrville. This past October, two faculty members “went the extra mile” in Atlanta. Dr. Diana Comuzzie, dean of the Trull School of Sciences & Mathematics, and Lesa Presley, instructor of biology, walked 60 miles in three days as part of the Chi Chi Fiesta team in the Breast Cancer 3-Day in Atlanta. There are a number of 3-day walks each year—15 coming up in 2009—that raise awareness and funds for breast cancer treatment and education. The funds go to Susan G. Komen for the Cure (85 percent of the net proceeds) and the National Philanthropic Trust Breast Cancer Fund (15 percent).

Comuzzie and Presley and the rest of the team trained for a year for the 20-mile-a-day walk.

“Training took a lot of time,” Presley said. “We spent most of our Saturdays walking. If you’re a working person, you miss your laundry day.”

Comuzzie agreed. “Someone told me you have to think of training as a part-time job. Once I did that, it got easier. The walk is a

challenge to your body,” she added, “but it’s doable.”

Most of the Chi Chi Fiesta team members go to First United Methodist Church in Boerne.

“Every year, the Girly Girl Banquet at the Boerne Methodist church raises money for a different beneficiary,” Presley said. “This year, it went to the 3-Day team.”

The team raised $32,000; the Atlanta walk overall raised $8.4 million.

“It was an amazing experience,” Comuzzie said. “All along the route there were thousands of people cheering us on, with a lot of older women calling out, ‘You’re walking for me!’ There was a lot of clapping and high fives.”

“I’ve never done anything like this before and I really had fun,” said Presley, who has two aunts who have survived breast cancer. “This was a good cause because [as a scientist] I know research takes money.”

“I want to be able to tell my grandchildren there used to be a disease called cancer and we did what we could to make it go away,” Comuzzie said.

For more information about the Breast Cancer 3-Day, including the 2009 schedule, visit the Web at

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Schreiner university’s commitment to the education of its students extends far beyond individual classes and textbooks—even beyond the university itself. “Information is not knowledge,” Albert Einstein once said. And although facts and figures might be the bricks and mortar, the ultimate goal of education is to produce people who, one way or another,

will contribute something to the body of human knowledge. Schreiner has always seen a commitment to interdisciplinary education and scholarship as an integral part of achieving that goal, and is expanding that effort through its newly developed Quality Enhancement Plan. The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, an accrediting organization for private and public colleges and universities, developed the Q.E.P. concept to help institutions of higher learning enhance student learning. However, Schreiner’s Q.E.P. program is far more than just a part of the University’s accreditation process.

“Our Q.E.P. encourages our students to see themselves as joining a community of scholars,” Dr. Diana Comuzzie, the director of Q.E.P., said. “In the classic Greek sense, this community of scholars is known as the Academy. We want our students to understand that a college education is much

Part of a Larger World—Q.E.P.

President’s Perspective continued from page 1

We haven’t been at work over the past decade making major differences in those areas just because we had time on our hands! But you can have all of these features and still accomplish less than you might if you never succeed in passionately caring about the difference you are making with individual lives.

Let me illustrate what I mean. We have just said farewell to our dedicated chief academic officer, Dr. Mike Looney, who, after 18 years as a chemistry professor, dean and provost, has taken a presidency at Pikeville College in Kentucky, beginning at the start of 2009. We received word shortly before Christmas that a young lady from New Jersey would be visiting her grandparents in Boerne for Christmas and wished to visit the campus during the holiday. The campus would be closed on that date, staff and faculty enjoying their holiday with family. But admission counselor Matt Reece (a 2008 Schreiner grad)

and Provost Looney said they would be in town and happy to visit with the young lady and show her the campus. And they did.

I hope Hayley comes to Schreiner next fall as a freshman, but I know for sure that she encountered that special quality that makes Schreiner distinctive in a world of many fine institutions. It is a characteristic that newcomers often note, but it is not reserved for those who are visitors. It is fundamental to how we understand our work. And I tip my hat to the Matt Reeces and Mike Looneys of this campus community who live out the “learning by heart” theme that is much more than a mere motto.

more than job training. It is preparing students to think. It is instilling in them a philosophy that the world’s collective knowledge is held in the minds of the scholars, and that society advances by scholars thinking about problems and working to solve them.”

The idea behind the Schreiner Q.E.P. is to integrate students into the global community of scholars who safeguard and add to humanity’s knowledge. Q.E.P. is an interdisciplinary program of four required courses over the four years of a student’s university education. The courses are interrelated, with each one building on its predecessor, and cover cultural perspectives, cooperative learning and research. At the end of each course, students will be expected to design and produce a creative work or other type of semester project. The ultimate goal of the program is Schreiner graduates who understand the concept of the Academy and their role within it, as well as having the necessary academic and information technology skills.

According to Comuzzie, Q.E.P. will improve students’ learning and help make them into more valuable members of society. It also will provide the students with skills they will use even after leaving Schreiner.

“When Schreiner accepted the challenge in 1982 of forming itself into a baccalaureate college, it was wise enough to shape its curriculum around interdisciplinary thinking and skills,” Dr. Tim Summerlin, Schreiner’s president, said. “As our faculty faced the task last year of developing a Quality Enhancement Plan as part of our reaffirmation of accreditation process, they focused on the same interdisciplinary core. The revision of those core skills and experiences to serve as an introduction of our students into the Academy was a brilliant idea because it takes a current Schreiner strength and reshapes it to address the issues of our current world. I am proud of the Q.E.P. our faculty members have designed.”

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February 23robert P. Hallman Chautauqua Lecture Series“Knotty Math Tricks and Other Mathematical Gems,” by Dr. Stefan Mecay, professor of mathematics. Floyd & Kathleen Cailloux Campus Activity Center Theatre, 7 p.m.

Dollars & Sense Workshop“Insurance? We Don’t Need No Insurance!” by Dr. Charles Salter, assistant professor of business. Sponsored by Schreiner Office of Admission & Financial Aid. Floyd & Kathleen Cailloux Campus Activity Center, noon.

February 24max and Freda Thomas Lectures“Ain’t I a Woman,” celebrating Zora Neale Hurston, Clementine Hunter, Sojourner Truth & Fannie Lou Hamer. Floyd & Kathleen Cailloux Campus Activity Center, 7 p.m.

February 26Patton Business ethics LectureJim Owens, author of the bestseller “Cowboy Ethics,” speaker. Floyd & Kathleen Cailloux Campus Activity Center ballroom, noon.

March 2Texas Writers ConferenceNationally known songwriter Guy Clark. Floyd & Kathleen Cailloux Campus Activity Center ballroom. 6:30-7 p.m., reception; 7 p.m., presentations start.

March 4Texas music Coffeehouse A Tribute to Women in Texas Music. Floyd & Kathleen Cailloux Campus Activity Center, Lion’s Den, 7 p.m.

March 6 & 7university Choir Dinner Theatre“Everything Disney.” First United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall, Kerrville. For tickets call director Michael Kahl at 830-792-7417. 6 p.m.

March 9monday night Fiction“Dinner At the Homesick Restaurant,” by Anne Tyler, Sally Hannay, instructor of English, facilitator. William Logan Library on the Schreiner campus, Scarle-Philips Room, 7 p.m.

March 12Texas Water Symposium 7 p.m.

March 16-20Spring Break

March 21Schreiner Star PartyRiverside Nature Center, 8:40 p.m.

March 25Schreiner Star PartyOpen field next to Texas Heritage Music Foundation, Schreiner campus, 8:45 p.m.

March 26Harry Crate LectureDr. Robert Heimrich, professor of experimental psychology, University of Texas-Austin. Floyd & Kathleen Cailloux Campus Activity Center, 7 p.m.

March 31robert P. Hallman Chautauqua Lecture Series“Two Quintessential American Voices: Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson,” by Dr. Tim Summerlin, president of Schreiner University. Floyd & Kathleen Cailloux Campus Activity Center Theatre, 7 p.m.








April 1Texas music Coffeehouse Spoken Word with Marcus Rubio; Slam Poetry Contest. Floyd & Kathleen Cailloux Campus Activity Center, Lion’s Den, 7 p.m.

April 6monday night Fiction“The Eyre Affair,” by Jasper Fforde, Dr. David Mulry, associate professor of English, facilitator. William Logan Library on the Schreiner campus, Scarle-Philips room, 7 p.m.

April 17-19recall Weekend

April 28Schreiner Alliance “Other Voices from the White House,” by Dr. Jeannette Cockroft, assistant professor of history and political science. Floyd & Kathleen Cailloux Campus Activity Center Ballroom, 11 a.m.

May 9Schreiner university Commencement 1:30 p.m.



For more information on events, visit otherwise stated, all events are free and open to the public. For more information, call Amy Armstrong at 830-792-7405.

I S o n L I n e

If you would like to change your Inside Schreiner subscription from snail mail to online delivery, please send an e-mail requesting the change to [email protected].

The Mountaineer Center will be completed in three phases: The Health and Fitness Center Phase, the Gym and Event Center Phase and the Athletic Field Phase. The Mountaineer Health and Fitness Center will be completed by April 2009 and dedication of the building will take place at Recall on April 18. Funds continue to be raised for the other two phases. “Because of the vision of our Trustees and the extreme generosity of many people, foundations and organizations, our students and athletes will have great health and fitness facilities in the near future and new and renovated athletics complex after that,” said Mark Tuschak, Vice President of Advancement.

Budget/Cost Estimates Funds Raised Still Needed % of Goal

$21,665,000 $11,458,310 $10,206,690 53%

m o u n TA I n e e r C e n T e r u P D AT e

Page 6: Inside Schreiner Winter 2009

Women’s Basketball—Head Coach Jeanette McKinney has her most talented team to date. Senior guard Monica Enriquez continues to climb the SU record book. She recently surpassed 1,300 points and is among the career leaders in both steals and assists. This year, Enriquez is averaging 18 points, 4 rebounds, 4 steals and 4 assists per game. Her season best was 23 points, 11 steals and 8 assists against LeTourneau. Complementing her are several freshmen, including three guards. Hannah Burleson, Lia Phillips and Desiree Contreras are all averaging between 5 or 6 points per game. Phillips and Contreras look to be picking up some of the assist and playmaking duties that Enriguez has had to shoulder during her career. Senior Xandria White is averaging nearly 7 points per game and 5 boards. The Mountaineers are looking for their first ASC win but dropped two heart-breaking one-point losses in their last three ASC contests.

men’s Basketball—The Schreiner men’s basketball team is currently 1-5 in conference play but its win was in the team’s most recent game, a two-point road win at Texas Lutheran. In his second season, head coach Drew Miller has 19 new faces on the team, so the Mountaineers should improve as the team gels throughout the season. One new face is SU’s leading scorer junior Ralph Turner who is averaging 13.4 points per game. Even though he’s a guard, his 5.2 rebounds are also tops on the team. Sophomore Riley Battle is next in scoring at 11.4 points per game. Freshman post Trevor Conner is third at just over 7 points and has been coming along in rebounding as well. Another freshman, Mike Uwaga, has nearly half the team’s blocks this year and is second on the squad in rebounding, despite missing time due to a hand injury. The Mountaineers play an up-tempo game and usually use a full-court press to harass opponents.

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Women’s Golf—After a little more than two years of building, SU women’s golf showed that the team can compete with the best of the ASC. Coming out of the fall season, the Mountaineers—in just their first year of team competition—are ranked in the top 50 programs in the nation and are in a three-way race for tops in the ASC going into the decisive spring season. Unfortunately, the team relies on just four players, but any of the four could be as good as any player in the conference on any given day. Leading the way is two-time, first-team All-ASC player, Surraya Minhas. She is closely followed by freshman Sarah Stillwell and sophomore Kattie Spencer. The team is probably one year—and a couple players—away from being the type of program that not only can challenge for the ASC championship, but also challenge some of the region’s best teams.

men’s Golf—The team has come a long way in two years. From a team that was near the bottom of the NCAA rankings the year before Anna and Ron Macosko took over, the Mountaineers shot 289 this fall in the first-ever Schreiner Fall Classic and finished third in the event. The only teams ahead of SU were #3-ranked UT-Tyler and NCAA Division II (scholarship) UT-Brownsville. The team has a long way to go to really compete on a weekly basis in the ASC, the toughest conference in America, with five top-25 teams in the fall 2008 rankings. Still, the seeds of future success are starting to grow. Junior Kyle Grona and sophomore Jay Chapman were the team’s top players but freshman Jared Cornish (injured and missing for the fall 2008 season) could also make an immediate impact. The team should be in the hunt for the ASC Championship Tournament in April.

Softball—Don Green comes into his third year as SU’s head softball coach with a great deal of optimism. Both his pitchers, Becca Hay and Patsy Toman, are returning. Hay was injured early in the spring 2008 season and was out for the year. During the brief time she was on the field, she was the team’s top pitcher and also had the highest batting average. When Hay was injured, nearly all of the pitching responsibilities fell to Toman. A first-year transfer, Toman did a great job and was also an Academic All-American candidate. Having both women back this year gives

Schreiner a great leg up on the competition. Also, only one player is missing from last year’s surprising 10-14 (in ASC) team and Green adds several promising freshmen recruits. Look for SU to be a factor in the conference race in 2009.

Baseball—The Mountaineers look to build on last year’s conference success. SU was in the race for an ASC Tournament spot going into the final two weekends of the year. Eight of the team’s top 10 hitters return from last year. Also back is SU junior left-handed starting pitcher, Colton Hermes. Hermes and senior infielder Ray Martinez are on Baseball America’s “Players to Watch” list for the 2009 preseason. Hermes is looking for a return to his freshmen year success after a difficult ’08 season. The Mountaineers will need to fill in some spots in their rotation as two of their top three starters graduated last spring. Coach Joe Castillo has another promising crop of newcomers to choose from.

men’s Tennis—Schreiner men’s tennis will look nothing like it has the past several years. Last year, the team was made up mostly of seniors who have now graduated. New head coach Garry Nadebaum must take a largely untested group and build the foundation for future success. The loss of last year’s graduates also means that the team has little depth, further adding to the challenges that Nadebaum will face. Time will have to be SU’s ally as Nadebaum works with the young Mountaineers and adds recruits. Still, it’s a great situation for the players on this team, led by junior Ben Jackson, as the players will get plenty of experience this spring.

Women’s Tennis—Nadebaum actually started coaching the women’s team last fall, before adding the men’s team responsibilities early in 2009. He’s had only a short time to work with the players, but there’s reason to think that better days are ahead for the program. Although the top player from 2008 will not return due to health issues, Schreiner can still look to sophomore Michelle Martinez, sophomore transfer Andrea Da Silva and senior Stephanie Reed to lead the team. Like the men’s squad, depth will be a problem. Still, with some time to grow the programs, look to both SU tennis teams to have bright futures.

For schedules and more athletic news, visit






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onors have always played a vital role in helping Schreiner University provide a first-rate education for our students. From Charles Schreiner’s donations of land and endowment in 1917 to establish Schreiner Institute, to the Cailloux family’s generosity that built our latest academic building, Kathleen Cox Cailloux Hall, the history of Schreiner University is a story of philanthropy and generous

supporters. In these pages we salute you—you who supported the Hill Country College Fund, sponsored a student, provided funds for student scholarships, supported Campus Ministry or the Learning Support Services program or made a donation to our comprehensive campaign building projects, or any of our many programs or projects on campus from January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2008. Thank you!


mountaineer CenterPatricia and Martin† AlldaySandy and Jim Alsup Nancy Anguish Nancy and Cecil Atkission Estela and Jim Avery Teeka and Pete Baldwin Patricia Barnhill Lane Barrington Amy and Stuart Baskin Nelwyn and Walter Belt Lloyd Brinkman Susan and Randy Brooks Judy and Charles† Browning Kennon and James Brunkenhoefer Marilyn and Herman Buchholtz The Cailloux Foundation Effie & Wofford Cain Foundation AnonymousPatti Castellow Laverne and Fred Chovanetz City of Kerrville Economic Improvement Corporation Loyce and Bill Collenback Community Foundation of the Texas Hill Country Frances Cree Anne and Rick Cree Richard James Cree Revocable Trust Priscilla and Gary Crozier Anita and Robert De Kock Ronnie Denker Cynthia Diaz de Leon and Ruben ArmendarizCarol Jean and Walter Dunlap Nancy and Leon Etzler Linda and David Evans Judy and Warren Ferguson Page Foshee Alta Foster Martha and Joe† Foy Sonya and Bill Franklin Linda and Javier Gutierrez Novia and Ross Harris Mary and Rufus Hayes Deedie and Phillip Hering Carley Hermes Colton Hermes Evelyn and Mike Hickey Jane and Kyle Hobin Kristin and Michael Huffman Elizabeth and Mike Hughes Barbara and Charley Johnson Mike and Kathy Johnson Charlene and Francis Klekar Ruth and Eugene Koncaba Ronnie Koncaba KPMG Foundation Kathy and Dean Krueger Laura and Weir Labatt Carolyn and Kenneth Landrum Peg Layton and Steve SpahrCharlene Leopold Diane and Mike Looney J.E. & L.E. Mabee Foundation Van and Joe Mabee Mollie and Frank Maresh Richard Marrs Sharon and Ronald Mascheck Mary Jane and Wendell Mayes

Betty and Tom Mobley Jo and Haskell Monroe Gloria Olsen Sylvia and Dan Ostos Barbara and Mike Pate John Pesek Nelson Puett Estate Nelson Puett Foundation Jane and Dick Ragsdale Ray C. Fish Foundation Dalene and Robert Reagan Elise and Bill Reid Angie and Ed Richmond Stephenie and Randy Roberts Elinor Ross Charles and Kelle Salter Lorraine and Charlie Sapp SBC Foundation Shirley and Bob Schmerbeck Kathryn Schutts Neel and Robert Scott Mimi and Allen Smith Sandra and J. Fort Smith State Farm Insurance Sue and Jack Steele Pollyanna and Steve Stephens Mary Ellen and Tim Summerlin Wilbert and Marylee Supak Jeanne and Phil Terrell Carrie and Charles Torti Betty Tucker Dorothy Tucker Kim and David Ulcak Nancy and Ed Wallace Ann and Bill Wilde Billy Wilkinson and John KerriganJerri and Walter Workman Johnny and Elaine Woytek Phyllis and Bob Young

Captain’s CouncilGifts of $5,000 or above and multiyear pledgesCarol and Baxter Adams ADCO Advertising Inc-Kerrville Sandy and Jim Alsup Clarice and Willard Amann Pat and Jack Anderson Lynnette and Stephen Anfinson Nancy Anguish Professor H. C. ArbuckleGretchen and Keith Asbury Estela and Jim Avery Armen Babajanian Teeka and Pete Baldwin Eleanor and Ray Baldwin Felicia and Tom Baldwin Jodi and Brian Behrens Lea† and Arthur Bell Nelwyn and Walter BeltMarion Bergin Estate Ann and Ed Berrio Chica Greenlee and Allen Boatwright Sally and Roger Bobertz Renee and Tim Bolton Jennifer and James Bone Vicki and Brian Breeding Jay Bright Lloyd BrinkmanSusan and Randy Brooks Junie Ledbetter and

Gaston Broyles Carolyn and Ken Bruner The Cailloux Foundation Cailloux Interests Ltd. Effie & Wofford Cain Foundation City of Kerrville Economic Improvement Corporation Virginia Ruth and Jack† Clarke Carolynn and Stan Cobbs Loyce and Bill Collenback Francelle and Dennis Collins Community Foundation of the Texas Hill Country Mildred and Edwin Cook Shirley and Bubba Coskey Martha and Frank Covert Frances Cree Anne and Rick Cree Richard James Cree Revocable Trust Robbie and Harold Crocker Joanne and Davy Crocker Lila and Ed Cross Arney Davis Ramon De Leon Fane Downs Eleanor and Bill† DozierJulie and Frank Dunlap Sue Dyke Jeannette Early Tweety and Dick Eastland Linda and David Evans ExxonMobil Foundation Inc. R. W. Fair Foundation Donna and Royce Faulkner Judy and Warren Ferguson Julia Finger First Presbyterian Church -Kerrville First Presbyterian Church -San Antonio First Presbyterian Church -Dallas Foundation Michele and Trey Fisher Page Foshee Alta Foster Martha and Joe† Foy Franklin Family Foundation Sonya and Bill Franklin Charlotte and Larry Franklin Mignonne and Scott Frantzen Carolyn and Wally Freeman Louise and William Furbush Barbara Gainer B.K. and Fred Gamble General Electric Foundation Vicki and Stephen Goebel Greater Houston Community Foundation Mary Greer Darcee Grice Mary Lou Grier The Neil & Elaine Griffin Foundation Rosa May Griffin Foundation Mildred and Fred† GrinsteadGulf-Tex Co. Inc. Hal & Charlie Peterson Foundation George & Mary Josephine Hamman Foundation Novia and Ross Harris

Rebecca and Bill Harrison Carolyn and Houston Harte Ann and Frederick Hausheer Chaille and Freddie Hawkins Mary and Rufus HayesH-E-B Deedie and Phillip Hering Evelyn and Mike Hickey Tracy and Harvey Hilderbran Jane and Kyle Hobin Jean and Lewis Holekamp William Knox Holt Foundation Kristin and Michael Huffman Elizabeth and Mike Hughes Pat Jackson James Avery Craftsman Inc. Elise and Russ Joseph Don Beth and Fred Junkin Adele and Sam Junkin Kerr County Abstract Co. Inc. Kerrville Daily Times Karen Davis KilgoreJennifer King Nancy and Tom Koger Laura and Weir Labatt Carolyn and Kenneth Landrum Mike Lanham Missie and Sam Lanham Ann and Jim Laughlin Peg Layton and Steve SpahrKay and Preston Le Page Jane and Bill Lemoine Sandy and Peter Lewis Diane and Mike Looney Laurie and Scott Loveland Laurie and Mike Lowe J.E. & L.E. Mabee Foundation Richard Marrs Tricia and Bill Matthews Demmie Mayfield Amy Shelton McNutt Charitable Trust Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church Steve Mettner† Betty and Tom Mobley Cheryl and Carl Moore Linda and Leland Murphy My Sports Dreams Barbara and Frank Newman Northwood Presbyterian Church Joan and Chester Nowak Jim Nugent Linda Oliver Gloria Olsen Kerr County Optimist Club Roxie and Clint Orms Sylvia and Dan Ostos Janet and Jack Parks Barbara and Mike Pate Tricia and Israel Pena Perry and Ruby Stevens Charitable Foundation Lavon and Verne Philips Harriet and Tony Powel Nelson Puett Foundation Mary and Karl Ransleben Tom Ratcliffe Ray C. Fish Foundation Dalene and Robert Reagan Charlene and Jim Reeves Louise Reid Foundation

RGK Foundation Angie and Ed Richmond Patsy and Tom Robb Stephenie and Randy Roberts Lillian Rogers EstateElinor Ross San Angelo Area Foundation Lorraine and Charlie Sapp Barbara and Walter Schellhase Carol and Mike Schultz Kathryn Schutts SGA Advanced Solutions Inc. Nancy and Milton Shaw Barbara and Eldon Sheffer Fronie Shelton Mary Frances Sherlock Estate Jennifer and Stuart Sliva The William A. & Madeline Welder Smith Foundation Mimi and Allen Smith Cheryl and Blake Smith Christine and Mason Standley Steele Ranch Pollyanna and Steve Stephens Sterling-Turner Foundation Carmen and Charles Sullivan Mary Ellen and Tim Summerlin Hatton W. Sumners Foundation Inc. Jeanne Sutton Nancy and Don Swanson Linda Tarrant Mary and Charles Teeple Terminix/ABC Pest Control Texas Pioneer Foundation TG Public Benefit Program The Grogan Lord Foundation Inc. Liquita and Lawrence Thompson Lois and Jack Thurmond The Cloyde and Ethel Lee Tracy Foundation Inc. Trull Foundation Betty Tucker Dorothy Tucker AnonymousShannon and Mark Tuschak Kathy and Adrian Van Dyke Judith and Graydon Vaught AnonymousCatherine Wahrmund Sana and Bob Waller Jean and Thad Weber Mary and Dave Weekley Welch Foundation Wells Fargo Bank Bandera Wells Fargo Bank Comfort Wells Fargo Bank Ingram Wells Fargo Bank Kerrville Marilyn and Gene White Liz Williams Debbie and Bert Winston Jerri and Walter Workman Judy and Harold Wunsch

President’s AssociatesGifts of $1,000—$4,999Arkansas Community Foundation AT & T Foundation ATEK Plastics Austin Community Foundation

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Bank of the Hills Darlene and Dewayne Bannister Margaret Barnhart William Barnhart Joyce and Bob Barton Fred Barttlingck Amy and Stuart Baskin Babbs and John Baugh Verna and Joe Benham Anita and Carlton Biermann Lynn and Theo Blue Nancy and John Broocks Christine and David Burns Betty and Allie Burton Betty and Bill Byrd Camp Mystic Inc. Mary and Charles Campbell Beth and Eugene Chappell Chevron Matching Gift Program Steve Clack Conoco Inc. Joe Cook Margaret Cowden Crenwelge Motors Tim Crenwelge Sue Crow Peggy and Tom Currie Jim Davis Nancy and Philip Dickinson Marcy and Wes Dorman Eleanor Dozier Jean and Jim Duncan Jodie and Jay Dunnahoo Early Foundation Inc. Karen and Bronson Evans Fidelity Abstract & Title Co. Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund First Presbyterian Church -Ingram First Presbyterian Church -Midland First United Methodist Church -Kerrville Francisco’s Natalie and Ricky Garcia Susan and James Garrison Sara and Armando GarzaLucy and Tom Gould Graco Foundation Charles Gray Diane and Bob Green Sandra and Gerry Griffin Linda and Javier Gutierrez Joy and Theron Hawkins Dot and Roger Hemminghaus Grinstead Henderson Family, L.P. Cara and Bruce Herlin Highland Park Presbyterian Church Hill Country Telephone Co-Op Inc. Huser Construction Company Shawna and Steve Huser Marilyn and Michael Jendrusch Jo Jones Barbara Joplin Patsy and Kenneth Kaye Ken Stoepel Ford Inc. Ginger and Earl Kilgore Beverly and Henry Kitzman KPMG Foundation La Hacienda Treatment Center Laura and Bill Laing Irene and Randall Light Judith Livengood Kay and Flynn Long Love Creek Orchards Massey Itschner & Co. PC Martha and H.D. Maxwell Kent and Janet McKinney Barbara McLellan Alleen and Bill Meinecke Jan and Earl Merritt Jo and Mac Merwin Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meyers Joanne and Jim Mosley

Nationwide Insurance Joe Cook Agency Alice and Erle Nye Kitty Ocker AnonymousDodo and Clyde Parker Jeanetta and Malcom Payne The Coin B. Frederick and Erin Frederick Powers Trust Precision Bio Labs Randolph Brooks Federal Credit Union Elise and Bill Reid Rotary Club of Kerrville San Antonio CPA C.E. Foundation San Pedro Presbyterian Church Eddie Sawyer IIIShirley and Bob Schmerbeck Rolinda and Arthur Schmidt Elaine Scogin Neel and Robert Scott Gerry and Frank Seaman Security State Bank & Trust Audrey and Dell Sheftall Sheftall’s Jewelers Susan and Randy Shepler Sandra and J. Fort Smith Martha and John South Sue and Jack Steele Stephen Roberts Auto LTD Teri and George Stieren Stuart-Griffin-Perlitz Foundation Cynthia and Brian Sullivan Synod of the Sun Financial Services Texas Independent College Fund Carrie and Charles Torti Marie and Edmunds Travis Tucker Foundation Union State Bank Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Phyllis and Fred Vogt Betty and Jack Walcher Marie and Wayne Warren Wells Fargo Bank Matching Gift Center AnonymousMindy Wendele and Raymond HollowayLinda and Kit Werlein Monica and Brick Whitehurst WILCO Peanut Co. Marion and Bill Wilson Windstream Mary Louise and Oliver Wood Phyllis and Bob Young Billie and Rand Zuber

mountaineer ClubGifts of $500—$999Gwen and Erle Adrian Patricia and Martin† Allday Carolyn and Speedy Allison Janie Altgelt Frances and Basil Atkinson Gaye and Paul Avery Betty and Jack Bills Kathy and Art Bogie R.J. Bowen Inc. Briscoe Hall Broadway National Bank Margaret and Ollie Brown Ruth and Robert Brunk Barbara Bruno Danny and Karen Burnap Suzanne and Jack Butler Carole and Bob Carlson Cheri Carter Howard Chamberlain Lindsay and Carson Conklin Mike Cook Janett and Harlan Crouse

Pamela and William Crumrine Elizabeth and Bob Cunningham The Currie Fund Charlotte and Tom Daniels Dee and Charlie Davis Rachel and Clyde Day Mary Margaret and Glen Doyen Susan and Bob Estill First Presbyterian Church -Junction First Presbyterian Church -Kilgore First Presbyterian Church -Waco Daniel Flores Amy and Jeff Geurin Barry Gooden Pat and William Gordon Helen Green Susie and John Grimes Michele and Shaun Hardimon Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Harper Janet and John Hershner Rachele Herzog Highland Park Presbyterian Women Hill Country Historical Foundation Inc. Hill Country Medical Equipment Julianne and Bill Hoegemeyer Frances Hoffman Miles Horton Mary and Robert Hughes John Calvin Presbyterian Church Priscilla Johnson Wayne Jones Keen Productions Inc. Kerrville Drug Co. Inc. Kiwanis Club of Kerrville Kathy and Dean Krueger The Lakehouse Restaurant Inc. Jane and Lee Larkin Dewey Livingston Jean and John Longway Mike Lowe Sue and Doug Maclay Anna and Ron Macosko Mamacita’s Restaurant and Cantina Inc.-San Marcos Mamacita’s Restaurant and Cantina Inc.-New Braunfels Mamacita’s Restaurant and Cantina Inc.-Fredericksburg Mamacita’s Restaurant and Cantina Inc.-San Antonio Mamacita’s Restaurant and Cantina Inc.-Kerrville Elizabeth and Philip Masquelette Mike McMahon Suzanne and Wallace MebaneNina Moller Peggy Monroe Dot and Bill O'Neal Flo and Bob Pacharzina Susan and Michael Penrod Rae and Jimmie Peschel Sid Peterson Memorial Hospital Ann Rice Gertrude and Charles Robinson Karen and Heinz Roesch Kathy and John Rogers Nancy and Robert Rooke Midge and Clyde Saunders Nelda and Mark Scharringhausen Maria and Thomas Schwennesen Lo-Rena and Kelly Scott Oscar Seth Marvin Singleton Sisters Four Charity Inc. Diane and Ricky Smith Madelyn Smith Lois and Dan Sowards John and Dorede Speaker

Lee and Luke Speckman Sandy Speed Robert Stewart Mildred and Arthur Strickland Keiko and Mike Sykos Jeanne and Phil Terrell Blythe and Bill Thomas Katherine and Win Thurber Amy and Busty Underwood Nancy and Ed Wallace Judy and Dick Webb-Smith Carolyn and Danny Wheat Amanda and David Williams

maroon & White ClubGifts of $250—$499Linda and Louis Allred Dorthy and Ben Alves Ruth and Chris Avery Ilse and Al Bailey Jeanette Ball-Reyes Patricia and Eric Barefield Alice and Norris Barry Paula and Joel Baulch Belk Department Store Doug Bergquist Margaret and Edlar Blanton Connie and Richard Bowers Jan and Bob Bowmer Helen and Marshall Boykin Tracy and Ray Brach Mr. and Mrs. Bill BradleyV. A. BradleyAlice Brook Mr. and Mrs. Tom BrowningCharlotte Brundrett Camp Waldemar Denise and Colin Campbell Carolyn and Robert Carlisle Elva and Joaquin Carpenter Carson Distributing Co. Inc. Judy and Jim Cavender Peter Cawthon Jr.Jane Chapman Antoinette and William Childs Patricia and John Clark Krista and William Clouse Peggy Collins Diana and Anthony Comuzzie Cooling Technology Institute Mary and Dub Corbin Cornerstone Christian School Patti and Rick Coughlin Patricia Crawford-Gournay Harold Danford Norma and Roger Daniel Beverly and Ralph Daugherty Jr.Elaine and Frank Davis Cynthia Diaz de Leon and Ruben ArmendarizDeborah and Dick Dobie Betsy Drapela Geraldine and Joe Durso Darrell Edwards George Anne Elmore Carol and Woodrow Epperson Betty and Don Ewan Beth and Richard Felner First Presbyterian Church -Big Spring Judy and David Fletcher Theodore and Kathy Floca Lynn and Charles Freeman Karen and Larry George Gibson Discount Center Dorothy and Erwin Grimes Martha Guin Charlotte and Roy Harrell Susan and Joe Heffington Carolyn and Joe Herring Lindsey and Carlynn Hicks Roy L. Holloway†Craig Holmes Carole and Howard Hovde Irmtraut and Paul Hruschka Meg and John Huddleston

Mike and Charlotte Huff Sandra and Richard Igau Bobbye and Barlow Irvin Red and Patricia Johnson Becky and Rit Jons Nancy and Dick Junkin Carole and Fred Kelly Patty and Bill Kendrick Kerrville Automatic Auto Repair Center Renee and Steve King L. Duff Enterprises, Inc. Evelyn and Don Luckemeyer Marge Lundeen Linda and Dwaine Machann Carolyn and Everett Marley Ann and Gene Marshall Abel Martinez Wanda and Dan Maxson Bobbie and Sam May Mary Margaret Mayfield Jim McHargue Sara and Tom McKeon Norman Medina Carrie and Andy Mein Merrill Lynch Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc. Brenda and John Miller Linda and C.W. Minter Mission Presbytery Jeannette and Harold Moore Julia and Eric Mora Nancy and Robb Muil Mandy Murphy Carrie Murr Lenore and Ken Murray National Car Rental Walter Negley Lois Newberry Mish Ochu Misty and Patrick O'Fiel Anna and John Osborn Elaine and Sonny Payne Emily and David Peeples Barbara and Mickey Pennington LaRue and Brian Perkins Phi Delta Theta Texas Sigma Precisionfit Golf Bertha Priour Rails...a Cafe at the Depot Jerri and Bill Ray Katie and Michael Reed Regions Morgan Keegan Betsy and Alton Rhoden Hoyt Richardson Phyllis Ricks Alice and Ronald Rivers Clayton and Kimberly Roberts Anita and J. Rollo Marium Schmerbeck Melissa and Richard Schneider Joyce and Charley Schupp Linda and Joseph Scott Gail and Eddie Sears Jan and Bill Setzler Phyllis and Peter Shaddock Inky and Gene Smith St. Mark Presbyterian Church-Boerne Peggie Stacy Christy and Nick Stepchinski Marilyn and Don Stewart Minnie and Edward Takahashi Rhonda and Billy Taylor Melanie and Roy Thompson Frances and Maurice Tipton Jeffery Tron Beverly and Vernon Ullmann Hans and Marina Van Dyke Debbie and James Vasquez Rudy Vasquez Sylvia and Phin Washer Irene and Leroy Wiese Elizabeth and Reginald Wilson Sabrehna Wyche

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Century CircleGifts of $100—$249823 Management Inc. A Place In Time Bed & Breakfast A3 Studio Wynell and Quentin Aaberg Carol and John Aceti Nila and Fred Adair Ione and James Adams Sherrell and James Adams Jerry and Molly Adams Cynthia and Mike Allen Mimi and Robert Allison Bud Amburn Denise and Gordon Ames Ark Veterinary Hospital Patricia and James Armstrong Janet and Jeffery Armstrong Diane and Aaron Arnold Liz and Joe Arp Yvonne and Jimmy Arreaga Linda and Mac Ashworth Cathy and Samuel Atkins Vivian and Gene Atkinson Karen and Steve Backor Cynthia and David Bagwell Rena and Marshall Bailey Margaret and James Baker Kathy and Conner Baldwin Margaret and Billy Balthrop Louise Barbee Patricia and Mack Barham Lane Barrington Amos Barton Heidi and Charles Baskin Martha and Bill Bass Brent Bates Liz and Devin Bates Baublit Jewelers Sam and Dayton Baublit Grace and Michael Bellomy Mark Benak Candyce and Bruce Beneke Carolyn and Tarilton Benton John Berchelmann Milton Bernhard Meat Processing Anne Berre Sally and Raymond Berry Better Consumer Choices LLC Kathleen and Wynn Betty Helen and Richard Bialek AnonymousMarvin Bishop Paige Bishop AnonymousDeana and Bill Blackburn Debbie and Robert Blackwell Dawn Blair Spencer Blocker Bob Boeker Charlene and Pat Bolden Bethany and Chris Borak Jeannette Boster Marianne and Bob Bowers Peggy and Michael Bowie Mary and Chester Bradley Anita Branch Jane and Daniel Brandenstein Connie and King BravoPatricia and Mike Brewer Guy Brignon Natalie and Cody Brown Pat and Tom Browne Earle Bruce Fran and Gary Bryant Toni Bryant Katie and Danny Buck Mike Busby Dorothy and Hank Cadena Mr. and Mrs. Brent Calongne Camp La Junta Camp Stewart for Boys Inc. Mary and Rene Canales Karin and Richy Carpenter

Patricia and Kit Carson Mary Jane Carter Susan Carver Patti Castellow Doug Cavazos LaVerne Chandler Betty and Jim Chaney Elaine and Ed Chapman Cynthia and Steven Chapman Sandra Chase Allen Chasey Maria Chavez Janet and Jack Cheetham Tammi Clanton Meg Clark Margie Cole Coleman & Company Marge and Albert Coleman Kathy and Chuck Coleman Jude Gallik and Clint Coles Ellyn and Oran Collier Commercial Realty Services Barbara and Pat Conway Phyllis and R.G. Cook Cowboy Steak House Camilla Cowden Mark Cowden Joan and Thomas Craft Anita Crane Debbie and Jerry Crawford Katheran Crawford Eric Crenwelge Grace and Neil Crites Anthony Cummins Wynne and Christopher Cunningham Alicia and Louque Currie Tom Daniel Sr.Amy and Steve Daniels Carolyn and Henry Darden Ruth Ann and Billy Davenport Kara and Thomas David Val and Douglas Day San Juana and Cleofas De Luna Courtney and Anthony DeHoyos Linda Delaney Wanda Dobie Dominion Foundation Karen and John Dooley Gloria and Don Dorsey Judith and Rogers Douglas Charlotte Douglass Vic Douglass Sr.Stephen Driscoll Thomas Ducker Lucille and Lindsay Duff Edward Eastland Anne and David Eaton Marci and Joseph Ecker Econo Lodge Deborah and Carlton Edwards Lana and Danny Edwards Jessica and James Edwards Marsha and Jon Eichman R. N. EilermanMelinda and Tom Elder Steve Ellers Marsha and Dale Elmore Enterprise Rent-A-Car Jim Ernst Carole Errett Wayne Esté Joan and Maury Evans ExxonMobil Ruth Fagan EstateJennifer and Kamron Farhoudi Joann and Ralph Faust William Fawcett Cindy and Daniel Feeback Susan and Bob Fendley Peggy and Keith Ferris Gordon Findlay First Presbyterian Church -Uvalde Ruth and Lee First Ridge Floyd

Larry Ford Norma and Stanley Foskett Barbara and Thomas Foster Evelyn and Ed Fox Becky and Larry Freeman Mary Froelich Full House Productions Jack Fulton Lori and Michael Gagnon Loraine and Percy Galbreath Joyce and Wayne Ganze Patricia and Juan Garcia Dawna and Rusty Garvin Deborah and Ronald Gerth Dusty Gilliam Gipson Appraisal Company Karen and Ron Girard Marie and Dennis Glenewinkel Lois Ann and Gary Godfrey Joan and Richard Gohn Gold’s Body Shop Inc. Susan and Roy Goodwin Mark Graff Rebecca Graham Pat and James Green Claire and Joe Gregorcyk Dan Grimmer Dianne and Charles Grona Mr. and Mrs. Fred GroosVanessa and Mario Guevara Mildred Guin Ronald Guinn Peach and Frost Haenchen Karl and Jo Hagemeier Lorraine Haglund Jean and Earl Hale Hamil & Hamil PC Kelley Hargrave Carol and Thomas Harper Doris and Sam Harris Vernon and Brenda Harrison Harry A. Parrish & Associates Pat Harte Audrey and Don Harvey Carol Hasserd Mark Haufler Deborah and Scott Hay Kaki and Harrell Hayden Patricia and John Hays Janice and C.E. Hendrix Denise and Fred Henneke Terri Henneke Cathy Henry Helen Herd Helen and James Herget Michael Herrera Michelle Hickman Sandra and Raymond Hillard Sherry and Delmar Hiller Donna and T. A. Hillin Ann and Richard Hilton Mrs. Fannie HinrichsJoann Dean-Hintze and Dutch Hintze Angela and Matthew Hoermann Herbert Holchak Robert Holland Liz and Michael Hollis Patsy Holloway Bob Holloway Kelly and Steve Hopkins David Howard Sheila and William Howard Katherine and Brian Howe-Frilot Ruth Huang Kathleen Hudson Mari and Ronnie Huie Dee and Charles Hunt Kit and Mike Hunter Kristine and Chester Hurst Judy and John Hutcherson Donna and Walter Huth Don Hyman IBM International Foundation (IIF) Katherine and Carl Isgren

Melissa Isom Donna and David Jackson Nancy and Dennis James Margaret Jarratt John Petty Realtors Amy Johnson Aimee and Kyle Johnson Betty and Andrew Johnson Rosemary and Wilbur Johnson Sara and Bob Johnston Suzanne and Chuck Jones Kathy and Dana Jones Marilyn and Donald Jones Kay and David Jordan Joseph Financial Partners Amy and Shawn Joseph Jennifer and Ed Junker Robbie and Glenn Jurek Janet and Virgil Justice Ellen and John Kammerdiener Beverly and Fred Kapelle John Keasler Donna Keeling Crystal Kelley Suzanne Kelsey Kerrville City Government Kerrville Eye Center, P.A. Barbara and Dana Kirk Manda and Todd Klein Robert Knight Gerrie and Robert Knoll Mary Anne and Alfred Koebig La Puntada Cafe Kathy and Gary Landes AnonymousJune Lange Sandra and Chris Langley Mr. and Mrs. Robert LannomLasmer Industries Diane and Phil Latham Marie and John Laughter Rosa and John Lavender Michelle Leija Sandra and Chuck Leinweber Mark Lenzo Lynda and Craig Leslie Lou and Bill Lewis Caroline and Denny Liebersbach Betty and Lee Liggett Bill and Janet Lindemann Margaret and Bart Little Agnes and Norman Liudahl Heather Logan Marty Longbottom Janice and Dickie Lubel Jan and Mike Lundy Courtney Lutz Eloise Mahaffey Chris Mahr Marcia Manhart Wanda and James Mann Robert Mansker Patricia and Robert Markell Elizabeth and Echol Marshall Elizabeth Martin John and Connie Martin Besa and Roy Martin Rhonda and T. Roy Martin Bitsy and Truman Martin Gloria and Ray Martinez Masterson Insurance Constant and Neill Masterson Heather Mauze Becky and Nowlin McBryde Jim McCall Rebecca McCall Jennie and Harry McCament Marie and Rayburn McCulloh Joyce and Luke McDaniel Jay McElroy Gus McFarland Brian McGurk James and Kay McHaney Diane McRae Verla and Dick McTaggart Mary and Dan McWhorter

Shirley Meckley Jennifer and Byron Mein Kara Melton Joyce and Paul Mercer Richie Mercer Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation Inc. Joan and Jim Miller Mini-Mart Barbara and Roy Minton Gail Mitchell Claire and Bob Mitchell Mary and Kerr Mitchell Marilyn and Otis Moore James and Betty Moore Brenda and Randy Moran Janet and Charles Morris Clint Morris Fred and Janet Mosley Betty and Richard Mosty Motheral Industries Inc. Marilyn Moye Ada and Ken Muller Marie Murnane Liz and Pat Murray Lucy and Jack MurrayGarrett Mynatt Laura and Edward Myrick Nagle & Nagle Attorney-at-Law Tracey and Ronney Nichols Lala and Vic Niemeyer Ann Nixon Lawrie Nomer Diane and Wayne Norman Gini Norris-Lane and Wes LaneCarolyn and Bob Northcutt Julia Norton Ralph O'Connor Rita Odom Don Oehler Linda and Dennis† Oliver Eleanor and Pat Olsson Harold Palmer Karen and Harold Pape Loree and Otto Papp John Parker Virgil Parker AnonymousSheri and Pat Pattillo Bessie and John† Pechacek Sr.Adrianne Pena Roland and Catalina Pena Sally Pena Pest Fog Barbara Pfeil Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Margaret and Andy Phillips Joan and Jack Phipps Pines Presbyterian Church -Houston Ida and Gary† Pogue Ed and Sharon Pollard John Potts Melissa and Joe Poynor Steve Price Mildred and Holt Priddy Ruth Priest Jane and Don Priour Tamara and Darrell Probst Belinda Pruneda Joe Pruneda Judy and Charles Quereau R.C. McBryde Oil Company Shirley and Ray Rackley Jane and Dick Ragsdale G. Ann Randolph Deborah and Dan Rayfield Sammye Reagan Delie and Mike Reid Mark Reider Rhodes Brothers Taxidermy Cheryl and John Rich Virginia and Kenneth RichMarie Richardson Renate Richter Rick & Associates

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Leota Ricks Tommie and Charles Ridgaway Darla and Charles Ripley Sally and Andy Ritch Riverhill Women's Association Grover C. Robinson†Nelle Robinson Linda and Roy Rodriguez Ilene and Walter Roemer James Rohrbaugh Esthermae and David Rooke Shelly and Kris RoseTonya Rosinbaum Jane and Louis Rothermel Donna and Aubert Ruth Mr. and Mrs. Lucian Rutkowski Betsy and Robert Rutkowski Alicia and Ruben Salinas Charles and Kelle Salter Mary and W. D. SandeferNathaniel Sanderson Cyndy and Charles Sanford Gayle and Fred Saunders Marian Schlunegger Luanne and Ivan Schmedemann Liz and Ken Schmidt Vicki and Dorman Schmidt Teri and Walter Schreiner Carla and David SchusterCandice and John Scott Nancy and William Scott Sharon and Loren Scribner Robert Scripps Lillian and Dudley Seay Trish and Craig Sebek Mary and Herb Sentesi Mary Sharpless Susan and Jerry Shaw Maxine Short Laura and Greg Shrader Tita Simone Janet and Jim Sims Dorothy Sippy SisterCreek Ranch/ SisterCreek Partners L.P. Suzy Sledge Susan and Bill Sliva Jeanie and David Smith Sharon and Ford Smith Patricia and George Smith Jean Smith Rosabel Smith Charlene and Thomas Smith Ward Smith Linda and Fred Speck Elizabeth Spencer Jeanne and Philip Stacy Elena and Ivo Stern Pat Chastain and Fred Stevens Frances and Jack Stevens Anita and Maris Stipnieks Pat and Thomas Stoner Gary Stork Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Stout Walter Stroman Nell and Francis Swayze Florence Swientek Margaret Swyers T.J. Moore Lumber Yard Taco Casa Lane Tait Take-It-Easy Realty & Trailer Park Ann Taylor Harrison Taylor Sam Taylor Lynne and William Tennant Jim and Brenda Terrian The National Bank of Texas Billie and Gil Thomas Irene Thomas Charlotte Thompson Tommy Thompson Blu Thornton Sue Tiemann Patricia and Joseph Toman Rick Toman

Tony Roberts Custom Homes Connie Townsend Michele Traeger Tessie and John Trappey Triple J-SA Inc. Linda and Don Trisch Jean and David Tritenbach Joyce and Walter Troegel Anne and Don Turner Caroline Ugo United Space Alliance Katie Van Dyke Jeanette and Gary Vaughan Lanie and Cully Vickers Gabrielle and Aaron Vogler Clifton Voss Stuart Walker Nancy and Bob Wallace Carol and James Walls Harold Walsleben Barbara and Robert Walther Emily and James Ware Lynn and Stephen Ware Sandi and Larry Warren Melinda and Jim Wasson Beverly Watson Marion and Richard Watson Michelle and Arthur Wavell Bill Webb Marion and Fred Wells Mary and Chris Wendel Meredith Wendele Alice and Alan Werchan Bill Westberry Patricia and Wylie Westberry David Wheat Melinda and Jim Wheeler Whelan Plumbing Co. Inc. Nichelle White Olin Whitescarver Krissy and Greg Whittington Phyllis Whittington Atta and Bill Wilhelm Lucy and Kenneth Wilke Billy Wilkinson and John KerriganBrenda and Bryant Williams O'Gene and Lewis Williams Karen and Marvin Williams Andrea and Keith Wilson Deborah and Hiram Wilson Claudia and Stanley Wilson Ellen and Don† Winspear Wisconsin Energy Corporation Foundation Inc. Anita and Monte Wise Betty and Robert Wood Christy and Greg Wright John and Deborah Wurster Y.O. Ranch Resort Hotel Ye Kendall Inn Barbara Young Susan and James Zader Katherine and Ted Zgourides Tracy and Barry Zuercher

Friends of the universityGifts of $1—$99Brenda and James Abbatiello Julie Abernathy Lisa Adair Sandra Adams Alarm Security Group LLC Kay and Bill Alexander C. W. and Janice Anderson Walter Ard Amy Armstrong Helene Atlas Lynn and Rodney Bacon Alva and Lana Baker Sarah and Howard Baker Stephanie and Michael Balderrama Sue Dale and Sonny Baldwin Kathy and Charles Balser Nancy and Ed Barclay

Elaine and Bubba Barlow Ivette and Enricue Bascues Kay Batchelor Maralee and Marion Baumgardner Lois and Edward Bayer Brenda Beaty Cindy and Mike Becker Jean and Dean Bedient Georganna and Robert Bell Lillian and Manuel Benavides Norma and Richard Bennett Jennifer and Steven Bergman Kenneth Bethune Cathy and Barry Bettes Emily and Carlton Bierschwale Margaret and Milton Bierschwale Jacqueline and Arch Bishop Maxine Bizer Candy and Kent Black Wilma and Thomas Black Kay and Bill Bocock Michael and Shari Borchers Elizabeth Boulware Billie and Shelton Bourgeois Beth and Rex Bourland Kathleen and John BoydJim and Linda Bradel Linda and Louis Bradley Rosa Bradshaw Patte and Ed Braker Jane and William Briggs Harvey and Carol Brinkman Thomas Brock Julie and Trace Brooks Sexton and Marcelette Broussard Kathy and Austin Brown Linda and Jim Brown Susan Brown Elton Bueche Danny Burda Lillian Burke Lisa Burrow Lucy Burrus Barbara Burton Mr. and Mrs. R. B. BurtonMargurite and Robert Burton Carroll Butler Mary Beth Butler Mary Pattie Butters Buzzie's Bar-B-Q Byron Buzzini Debbie and David Calame Paul Camfield Mandy and Chris Campbell Anne and Douglas Cannon Kristen and Tommy Carden John Carlson Pixie Carpenter Thelda Carpenter Cindi and Bob Carr Yvonne and Ralph Carrasco Missy and Jarred Carter Matthew Casey Susan and Brian Casey Susan Cathey Gladys and William Chamberlain Lois and Boardman Chambers Kathleen and William Charles Susan and J.M. Chastain Sonia and Rogelio Chavez Reba and B. R. ChildersChrist Community Evangelical Free Chruch Peggy Clanton Katie and George Clark Kathryn and Thomas Clark Margaret and Wesley Clark Marvin and Laura Cluett Lana Collavo Betsy and Paul Colvin Kaleta Conlee Julie and Tommy Coskrey Valerie and Mark Covey Anna Cowan Raymond Cowan Jeanette and Raymond Cowan

Neva Cramer Amanda Crenshaw Marguerite and Robert Crist Daonoi and Herman Crockett Coralie Croom David Crotty Fred Crouch Bob Crow Priscilla and Gary Crozier Courtney and Ken Cruce Kat Culpepper Riana Dalton Milton Dare Sylvia Davila Margery and Carl Davis Peggy Davis Patsy and Shelby Day Audrey and Harvey De Ford Terri and Dale Deike Robert Deming Lisa Desilets Frank Dickey Mr. and Mrs. Randy Dietel Ben Diggers Mr. and Mrs. Ben DiltzDian Dixon Patrice and Ben Doerries Susan and Romeo Dominguez Drusilla and Kenneth Dommert Karen and Ben Donahoe Marianne and John Doran Mary Sue and Michael Douville Downtowner Pizzeria & Deli Patricia Dozier Jana and Stephen Drane Kathy Dreyer Mrs. W. L. DuboseLucy Dubuisson Debbie Duecker Sandra and Donald Duiker Durrin's Cleaners Neil Duvall Diane and Charles Earhart Lindsay and James Eastland Maria Edwards Helen Eisaman George Eldredge Jr.†Margaret and Tom Ellinger Keith Ellis Sondra EllisBarbara Engel Jarett Ersch Judith and George Eychner Catharine Farmer Carolyn and Jay Farmer Jim Farmer Bobby Farquhar Bruce Faust Tony Faz Barbara and Joseph Fenner Alice Ferguson Jo Ann and Donny Ferguson Patti Filewood Finishing Touch First Presbyterian Church Women P. L. FischerJuliet Fisher William Fisher David Flach Mary and Doug Fleming Suzann and Richard Fletcher Jo Ann and Luis Flores Judith and John Forister Sarah and David Forsman Charmelyn Fortune Peni and Henry Foster Naty and Thomas Fowler Catherine and Terence Fox Eddie Franco Bonnie and Tim Friesenhahn Tiffany and Toby Frisk Glendora Gaffney Arlene Gaitan Shiryl and Daniel Gaitan Thelma Gallant Edward Galley

Laura Gamble Sylvia and Frank GamboaJan Gambrell Paul Garcia Ladd Gardner P. J. and Morris GaryJesse Garza Diana and Ronald Garza Laura and Jon Gaswick Mr. Gatti's Rebecca and Danny Gazaway Gerry and Roy Gentry Alyson Geye Susan and Franklin GlasscockJudy Glaze Norman Glenewinkel Joan and Gary Goebel Juli and Stephen Goetz Beverly Goheen Kendra and Mark Goheen Sherrie and William Gold Becky and Thomas Goodwyn Gary Gool Betsy and Henry Gorman Virginia and James Graham Charles Granstaff Laurie and Heath Gregory Cullen Grinnan Debbie and David Grinnan Jane and Dale Groll Beth Gunter Cassity and Abel Gutierrez Lisa and Richard Guzman Melissa Haglund Heather Hahn James and Cheryl Hahn Lou Ann and William Hahn Don Hainlen Lori and Harlan Hall Mark and Laurie Hall Rose Hall Martha and Pete Hamel Jane and Dick Harben Jody Hardwick Connie and James Harris Karen and Stephen Harris Winston Harris Rosanne and Bill Harrison Claire and William Hartman Irene and Jerry Hartman Frances Hatch Mr. and Mrs. Bill HatcherChristine and Robert Hausser Angie and Matthew Hawkins Polly and Jack Hay Samuel Hay Paul Hayes Susan and John Hays Sug and Don Hedgpeth Elva and Bill Hellen Ria Henderson Tammy Henderson Martha and Billy Hensley Herbert Schmidt Electric Joe Hernandez Trudy Herrera Eileen Hertel Ruby and Jim Hesseltine Hill Country Cafe Hill Country Grocery Store Douglas Hill Kenny Hill Robin and Jay Hill Anita and David Hinebaugh Marcia and Noe Hinojosa Susan and Robert Hocker Monica and Heath Holcomb Leah Holekamp Patsy and Raymond† Holekamp Robert Holloway Sheri and Gilbert Honea Winona and Coy Hood Robin and Howard Hood Rebekah and Dax Hooten Mary Howard Graydon Howell† Tinker and John Hruby


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Robert Huckabay Peter Huey Charlmaigne and Roosevelt Huggins Mr. and Mrs. Michael HughesDiana Huntsman Ingleside United Methodist Church Linda and Donn Iverson Dale Jackson Ravyn Jackson Ronald Jackson Evangelyn and Bill Jackson Dorothy Jenkins Tanya Jimenez Debbie and John Johnson Valra and John Johnson Hamp Johnston Fran and John Jones Karen Jones Amy and Jared Jones Nikki and Eric Jupe Denise and Donald Kampfhenkel James and Darlene Karthauser Heather Kattawar-Engstrom Jonathan Kaulfus Kristie Keese Shelly and David Kelley Janet and John Kelly Linda and Keith Kendall Kerrville School of Dance Kerrville Trailblazers Kerrville Travel Inc. Erin and Robert Kiersznowski Chuck Kimball Claire Kimball Launa Kindrick Roberta and David Kinneberg Monte and Alan Klossen Belinda Kocay Joni and Brian Koehler Preston and Josephine Koehler Shannon Koger Katherine and Gearl Koonce Frances and Maurice Kroll Rainer and Monika Kuenzel Pauline Kurtz Debbie Land Dorothy and Tom Landers Gale Laning Tamara Larkin Lazy River Apartments LCRA Employees United Charities Louise and Robert Leahy Jinny and David Lee Mary and Walter Lee Sherri and Stephen Leffingwell Gregory Lego Teresa and Rafael Leija Nell Lenard Joyce Lespreance Margaret Letscher Alice and Bobby Lewis Holly Light Elizabeth and Charles Loggie Cheryl and Robert Long Russell Long Abel Lopez Lisa and Ralph Lopez Elizabeth and Jason Love Catherine and James Lowrance Pellar Lowrey Austin Loza Ellen and Ben Lucas Yvonne and Cuney Luke Kimberly and Randy MacNaughton Wanda Maguire Ann Mahon Myrtle Maier Tammy and Joe Mann Sandra Mann Richard Marhofer Carissa and Gilbert Marmolejo Charlotte Marrow

Dora Martinez Jamie Martinez Linda and Larry Marwedel Kim Mascaritola Michael Masor Elizabeth and Michael Maupin Sue and Bob Maxon Bill Maynard IIISusie and John McCalla Sally and Donald McClure Susie and Joe McCracken Juanita McCulloh Alice McDaniel Ann and Jack McDaniel Thomas McDonell Leah and Patrick McGee Keith McGinnis Matthew McGinnis Debbie McKay Nancy McMillan Joyce Mechler Bettye Medcalf Lorrain and Chris Meek Peggy Meiske Tricia and Mark Michalek Cindy and Ben Miller Lavonne Miller Tom Miller Pam and Randy Miller Ray Miller Mr. and Mrs. Terry MillerLaurie and Phillip Milton Caroline and Robert Mitchell Kathy Mitchell Sophie and William Mize Mr. and Mrs. Edward MoczygembaLeslie and Ben Modisett Carol and Robin Moffat Sharon and Randy Moody Rosemary and Steven Moore Gloria and Lupe Moreno Maria and Isidro Moreno Jerry and Patricia Morin Toni and Bill Morris Maxine Mueller Alan and Karen Muennink Sonia and Jeff Munoz-Gill Bruce Muns Adele Murphy Catherine and Thomas Murray Kathy Naylor Noelle and Bradford Neely Julie and Mack Nelson Patricia Nelson Vic Neuhaus Janie and Julius Neunhoffer Next Door Catering Susie Nichols Bobbie and Bradley NicholsonMarj Nicholson Carmen Nieto Tamra and Michael Nix Nancy Norris Simone and Robert Norris Joan and Mike Noyes Lea and Kyle Nye Michelle and Wade Oehler Rose and A. M. Olander Andrea and Ken O'Neal OTIS at University of Texas Richard Owen Irma Pacheco Bjoern Palm Abigail and George Panayiotou Grace and Harold Pape Charolet and George Parker Kim Parker Teresa Parman Janet and John Peddy Katherine Pedley David Peeples Jade and Eric Pehl Adam Pena Sandra and Raul Pena Susan Pena Mary and Jimmy Penick

Janelle Peralt Tamara Peralt Ruth Ann and Ken Perkins Chase Perry Sally and Ronald Peterson Emily and Bill Petty Aneta Phelps David Phillips Mary and Rick Phipps Larry Pietsch Carylon Pillow Rosalie Pinson Joseph Piszczor Carol and Paul Pitts Evelyn Platt Lois and Daniel Pohler Lynda and Doug Pospisil Jason Powell Lesa Presley Amber Pressler Myrna and Tom Purifoy Vickie and Donald Ragsdale Stephanie Ramirez Lauree and Kevin Rasso Nancy and Henry Read Melissa Reasoner Helen Reed Paula and Thomas Repka Dan Reynolds Louise Reynolds Johnny Rickey Laurie and Robby Riggs Barbara and Scooter Rippy Renee and Joseph Roach Jennifer and John Robinson Gerald Robison Mr. and Mrs. Oscar H. RodriguezGilda and Rogelio Rodriguez Viola Rodriguez Evelyn and John Rolfe Laura Roth Cheri Rue Mark and Juanita Rutherford Sandra Sadler Steven Saide Saladas Michelle Saldana Denise and James Salter San Antonio Regional Council of the National Commitee Ermelinda and Ricardo Sanchez Susan Sanders Karyn and Bryant Saner Cece and Billy Saunders Tracy and Hale Schaleben Barbara and Ted† Scherer Kristie and John Schlechte Loretta and Charles Schmidt Clara and Ed Schneider Suzi and Vic Schneider Mike Schwartz Mary and Dow Scott Mark and Cathy Scozzari Denyse Seaman Liz and Tom Sedlacek Virginia Seidel Hagan Seiple Elizabeth and Richard Serna Margaret and Edward Shaifer Jane Sharp Suzanne and Roy Shaver Mary and Alan Shaw Deborah Shaw Ruthelma and Corbin Shepherd Shirley Sherman Vickie Shirley Abby Shupe Lindsay Shupe Mary Helen and Randall Sibley Sylvia Sieker Andrea and John Sierbt Lisa and Jorge Silguero Aleis Silva Sylvia and Sidney Skinner John Smalling Jill and Peter Smetek

David Smith Larry and Elizabeth Smith Tamatha Smith Linda and Terry Smith Virginia Smith Solbrig Hearing Center Inc. Jacquie and Laurent Sorell Mariana and Mario Soria Gibi and Mickey Speakmon Ann and Richard Spencer Wanda Spivey Carl and Linda Spruill Fay Stafford Mary and Russell Stanger Star Masonry Joe Stead Earl Stearns Jan and Ed Stearns Mariann and Paul Steldt Jennifer Stelmach Ernest Stephens Marguerite Stevens Stew Stewart Gloria Stewart Sandy and John Stewart Robert Stogsdill Ms. Janice M. Stolle Annette and Steve Sudyka Claudia Sullivan Sheila and Danny Sullivan Mae Sunday Shelley Swan Dick Swayze Ruth Swift Sam Tannenbaum Karen and Stephen Tanner Tanelly Tate Charlotte Taylor Judy and Roy Taylor Roy Taylor Bill Taylor Temple Beth-El Rita Tenorio Elaine and Tom Terrell Lucille and Joe Terry Texas Contractors David Theis Genny Thomas Carolyn and James Thomas Catherine and Robert Thomas Joy and S. Keith ThomasSusie Thomas Timothy Thomas Billie and Bill Thompson Dene Thompson Danetta and Andy Thomson Mary and Joseph Tisdel Martha and Jimmy Tom Shelley and Dan Troxell Sammie and Mike TuckMargarete and Bill Tucker Stephanie Tudyk Mr. and Mrs. B. L. UntiedtLaura Valdez

Terri Van Kirk Margaret Van Landingham Franklin and Dana Van Syckle Michael and Elizabeth Van Syckle Mary and Peter Vann Suzanne and Donald VecchioMelissa Vela Ed Venghaus Verizon Foundation Deborah and Lance Vieau Richard Villagomez Roger Villagomez Lorie and Matt Vincent Danette Vines Vintage Granite & Millworks Lorna and Alton Vrana Gloria and Taylor Wagner Rick Wahrmund Mary and Rob Walker Marrene and Glenn Wallace Janice Wallace Deborah Wardlaw Jean and Steve Ware Diana and Roger Warman Nancy and Bill Warren Water Street Chiropractic Yolanda and Brent Watkins Margie and James Watson Becky Watson James Weatherby J. B. and George Weaver Darryl Weidenfeller Nina and Bob Weinberg Sandra and Keith Weinheimer Barbara and Ken West James Westberry Joe Westerlage Hattie and Ed White Wilberta White Elizabeth and Paul Whitehead Duane Whitlow LaShelle and Russell Whitmore Jeffery Wiede Shirley and William Wiley Raynell Wilke Laverne Wilkinson Mr. and Mrs. David Williams Skipper and E.C. Willmann Cathy and Gary Willson Marcy and Scott Wilmann Wilson Family Chiropractic Patrice and John Wilton Mitchell Wommack Nona Wood Mary Woods Stephanie and William Woods Carol and Ward Wueste Connie Wunderlich Craig Yaros Alta Mae and Bob Yerger Mary and Kevin YoungbloodMargie and Charlie Zunker


o n L I n e G I v I n G

Supporting Schreiner University is easier than

ever now. Please visit our online Giving Web site

at where you can

make a secure gift—one that will benefit

Schreiner students for years to come—in a

matter of seconds. If you have questions, contact

Phyllis Whittington, director of development, at

[email protected] or 830-792-7208.

† = deceased

Page 12: Inside Schreiner Winter 2009

Schreiner University2100 Memorial Blvd.CMB 6201Kerrville, Texas 78028-5697




















Schreiner University does not discriminate in admissions, educational programs, extra-curricular programs or employment against any individual on the basis of that individual’s race, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, veteran status or ethnic origin. Inquiries/complaints should be forwarded to the director of human resources, at 830-792-7375.

You CAN Go Home Again!

1984 graduate? We want to hear from you!2009 is the silver anniversary of the class of 1984, the first to graduate from Schreiner University with a four-year baccalaureate degree. If you got your B.A. in 1984, we want to hear from you! You will be honored at Recall 2009 and we’d like to hear your stories. Please get in touch with Paul Camfield, associate director of alumni relations, at 830-792-7206 or by e-mail at [email protected].

r e C A L L 2 0 0 9

meet old friends, make new ones at reCALL 2009.

This year’s theme:

The more Things Change, the more They

remain the Same

April 17-19

For information and to register, call or e-mail Paul Camfield,

associate director of alumni relations: 830-792-7206 or

[email protected].