insight magazine article


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Post on 30-Jun-2015




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The Greeks had a beautiful word for it. They called it Kosmos. The East calls it Dharma. They mean Order. Both imply that there is a divine implicate order. The universe is not a chaos. First I used to suspect this but post-enlightenment I know it. Each thing, person and event is in the place where it should be. The days that followed my enlightenment I could see every aspect and previous experience of my life coalescing into a bindu and I could understand or comprehend what had happened and why it had happened. I realized that everything had always been on track. In Patanjali’s Yoga system, the experience of enlightenment is called Turiya or the Fourth State. It is where the human wakes up from the dream of samsara. From my vantage point today I can see how my dream unfolded. I “the Ego” still inhabits the dream world but with a difference. I know it is a dream and so there is nothing to be taken too seriously  I have become a lucid dreamer  My spiritual journey started in REC Kurukshtera (Engineering College), the place where Krishna gave one of mankind’s greatest teachings to Arjuna. The Bhagvad Gita is the jewel of Vedanta. And Vedanta led me to Absolute Truth. REC Kurukshetra still has a pull in me. Of course, it always refused to leave me. All friends, supporters, donors of NEEV kept surfacing from the dream of Maya, time and again to aid my journey of seeking. An interview of mine had appeared in Insight, a student’s magazine. My junior Vaibhav, whom I consider my younger brother keeps badgering me to contribute to the magazine. The interview occurred in their January, 2012 issue. I had intended to publish it in NEEV but I forgot. Today I find the two Xeroxed papers mysteriously appearing on my shelf. I started reading it and of course I could see the Kosmos. The “today” was so beautifully present there. The interview is a snapshot in time of my mental state. One can clearly see where I was heading to. So despite the desultory quality of the Xerox I am sending you all the article. (One can still read it. I checked it out) Not only as a piece of my story but also as a toast which I raise to RECK with all my friends, who shared the journey with me there and who continue to share even so today. RECK gave me education, wife, die-hard friends, livelihood, NEEV and enlightenment. Phillips Sir and Manjula Mam, do I need one more reason to not love RECK? (Vaibhav just told me that my third article has also been published. Though I don’t really know which one was it )


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