insights into growth

Understanding Growth Insights into growth By Gian Fiero, Growth Expert

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Post on 11-Aug-2015




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Understanding GrowthInsights into


By Gian Fiero, Growth Expert

Any positive development that actualizes potential.

The growth process enables us to become more fulfilled, completed, or perfected.

What Is Growth?

My work places me at the center of

what matters most in people’s lives.

About Me

Facilitate professional and personal growth by helping people focus on the things that create

greater work, career & life fulfillment.

What I do

I’ve helped countless people make decisions and take the paths that lead to growth. 10,000+ hours

of counseling/coaching has taught me the following...

What I’ve Learned

We all grow at different rates. Growth is an ongoing, individualized, unsynchronized process.

We Grow Differently

One’s vision, values, and mission are crucial to one’s happiness.

Values Are Key

Beliefs create function or dysfunction in the mind; they encourage/discourage growth.

Beliefs Are Crucial

Education plants the seeds of growth. Education = Growth

Successful people utilize their signature strengths. Strengths = Power

Setbacks allow people to spring forward and grow.Change = Growth

Work & life fulfillment intersect and overlap. Work = Growth

Feedback from those you respect is critical. Feedback = Growth

Growth enables you to confront myths and lies to get to the truth – your truth.

Authenticity = Growth

Problems present opportunities to grow, and provide the tools to solve future problems.

Problems = Tools

Successful people integrate their work activities into their lifestyles; enabling their growth in both areas.

Success Is A Lifestyle

Curiosity fuels growth.

Curiosity = Knowledge

A check list of what matters most to you will enable you to put your values and mission into focus.

Knowing What Matters, Matters

We grow when we focus on what we have in common instead of our differences.

Commonality Counts

Growth begins where your comfort zone ends.

Discomfort = Growth

What’s Your Mindset?

Guess the percentage of people who grow with a fixed mindset?



The Dalai Lama Says…

Open Minds = Growth

Growth occurs between each stage.

Good - Better - Best

Growth makes you feel like a new you.

Growth Transforms

Growth makes you feel like a new you.

Growth Breeds Beauty

Visit The Growth Tree for more insights into professional & personal growth. Updated weekly.

Commit To Growth