inspired 2 practice online · inspired 2 practice online ... it also provides practice of the...

1 Macmillan Practice Online is published by Macmillan English Campus Inspired 2 Practice Online Macmillan Practice Online is the easy way to get all the benefits of online learning – and with over 100 courses to choose from, covering all competence levels and ranging from business English to exam practice and from academic to general English, you’re sure to find the one that suits your needs. Take a look at the syllabus below for a complete list of the resources offered by this Macmillan Practice Online course. Inspired 2 Practice Online This course accompanies 'Inspired 2'. It corresponds to CEFR level A2-B1 and Cambridge ESOL KET. There are eight Units and four 'Self Assessment' units. Resources are grouped into nine categories: 'Language Focus', 'Vocabulary', 'Pronunciation', 'Listening', 'Reading', 'Video', 'KET for schools', 'Language Test' and 'Language game'.

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Macmillan Practice Online is published by Macmillan English Campus

Inspired 2 Practice Online

Macmillan Practice Online is the easy way to get all the benefits of online learning – and with over 100 courses to choose from, covering all competence levels and ranging from business English to exam practice and from academic to general English, you’re sure to find the one that suits your needs.

Take a look at the syllabus below for a complete list of the resources offered by this Macmillan Practice Online course.

Inspired 2 Practice OnlineThis course accompanies 'Inspired 2'. It corresponds to CEFR level A2-B1 and Cambridge ESOL KET. There are eight Units and four 'Self Assessment' units. Resources are grouped into nine categories: 'Language Focus', 'Vocabulary', 'Pronunciation', 'Listening', 'Reading', 'Video', 'KET for schools', 'Language Test' and 'Language game'.


Macmillan Practice Online is published by Macmillan English Campus

Inspired 2 Practice Online

UNIT 1Making friends

This syllabus item provides practice of the kind of language used to talk about clothes and jobs. It also provides practice of the simple present and progressive and possessive adjectives and pronouns.

Listening Listening to people talking about jobs in the film industry and keying in the correct words to complete the sentences. Practicing the affirmative, negative and interrogative forms of the simple present. Practicing the simple present. Practicing the present progressive to talk about what you are doing now. Listening to a conversation about preferences for colors and clothes.

Vocabulary Practicing words associated with jobs.

Reading Reading an article about Facebook, and then deciding if the sentences are true or false.

Preparation for KET for schools

The Reading and Writing Part 2 exercise focuses on vocabulary by selecting the correct word to complete sentences. The Reading and Writing Part 3 exercise focuses on functional language by choosing the correct response to complete short conversations.

Pronunciation Practicing the final sound of third person singular verbs in the simple present tense. Practicing the vowel sounds /i/ and /eI/.

Language Focus Practicing the simple present of the verb 'be'. Checking your knowledge of spelling rules for the simple present. Checking your knowledge of spelling rules for the present progressive. Practicing the present progressive to talk about what you are doing now. Practicing the affirmative, negative and interrogative forms of the simple present. Practicing the relative pronouns 'who' and 'that'. Practicing possessive adjectives, possessive pronouns, and the possessive 's.

Small talk Language Exercise

Present simple: spelling Grammar Reference Unit

Present progressive: spelling

Grammar Reference Unit

Everyday activities Language Exercise

Simple present Language Exercise

Simple present endings Pronunciation Activity

Present progressive Language Exercise

I don't like the color! Listening Activity

Descriptions Language Exercise

Whose camera is this? Language Exercise

Jobs and occupations Vocabulary Activity

Sea or plane?

Pronunciation Activity

Social networking Language Exercise

Paper 1 Part 2 Exam Preparation Exercise

Paper 1 Part 3 Exam Preparation Exercise


Macmillan Practice Online is published by Macmillan English Campus

Inspired 2 Practice Online

UNIT 2Festivals

This syllabus item provides practice of the kind of language we use to talk about making comparisons and giving advice. It also provides practice of the use of 'should' and prepositions of place.

Language Focus Practicing comparative and superlative adjectives. Practicing gerunds. Practicing the modal verb 'should'. Practicing prepositions of place.

Preparation for KET for schools

The Reading and Writing Part 1 exercise focuses on identifying where you can find five notices. The Listening Part 2 exercise focuses on an informal, longer conversation by listening to two friends talking about events in an arts festival and selecting the correct event for each day.

Listening Listening to someone talking about places in a town and choosing True or False to show where the places and people are. Listening to two friends talk about free time.

Pronunciation Practicing consonant sounds. Identifying the schwa sound.

Vocabulary Practicing the spelling of adjectives. Practicing the names of buildings and places. Practicing words you need to talk about music.

Reading Reading about the Brussels Flower Carpet Festival and selecting the correct answers to multiple-choice questions.

Comparative and superlative adjectives

Language Exercise

Comparative and superlative adjectives

Language Exercise

Comparatives and superlatives

Language Exercise

Gerunds Language Exercise

Modals of advice Language Exercise

Directions Language Exercise

Adjectives Vocabulary Activity

Places and buildings Vocabulary Activity

Music Vocabulary Activity

Consonant sounds Pronunciation Activity

My town Listening Activity

Free time Listening Activity

The schwa Pronunciation Activity

Flower Festival Language Exercise

Paper 1 Part 1 Exam Preparation Exercise

KET Paper 2 Part 2 Exam Preparation Exercise


Macmillan Practice Online is published by Macmillan English Campus

Inspired 2 Practice Online

Self Assessment Units 1 and 2

This syllabus item provides additional practice of the language studied in Units 1 and 2.

Listening Listening to a teenager talking about a popular festival in her city.

Reading Reading a guide about Kruger National Park and choosing the correct answers to complete sentences.

Video Practicing vocabulary about transport by keying the correct form of transport into the gap and then choosing the correct answers to the questions.

Language Test Practicing verb forms. Practicing the comparative and superlative form. Listening to nine people speaking and keying in the correct speaker number next to the relevant picture.

Vocabulary Practicing words associated with music. Practicing words to do with places.

Language Game Matching words and drawings related to domestic animals, wild animals, extreme weather and jobs.

Language Focus Practicing the possessive 's. Practicing the modal verbs 'should' and 'shouldn't'. Practicing verbs followed by gerunds. Practicing prepositions of location.

Possessive 's Language Exercise

Modals of advice Language Exercise

Music and adjectives Vocabulary Activity

Where do you go to ...? Vocabulary Activity

Free-time activities Language Exercise

Carnivals Language Exercise

What do you like doing? Language Exercise

Memory Game

A popular festival Listening Activity

Kruger National Park Language Exercise

Where's the bank? Language Exercise


Macmillan Practice Online is published by Macmillan English Campus

Inspired 2 Practice Online

UNIT 3Past times

This syllabus item provides practice of the kind of language we use to talk about the past. It also provides practice of irregular verbs and the simple past and the past progressive.

Preparation for KET for schools

The Reading and Writing Part 5 exercise focuses mainly on grammar by selecting the correct word to complete a short description of the city of Kyoto in Japan. The Reading and Writing Part 5 exercise focuses mainly on grammar by choosing the correct words to complete a text short biography of Pete Sampras.

Listening Listening to a description of a city and click on the places you hear mentioned. Listening to four people talking about some new products.

Language Focus Practicing the simple past. Practicing simple past regular forms. Practicing the past progressive. Practicing the past progressive by selecting the correct verb to complete a text. Checking your knowledge of the use of the past progressive. Practicing prepositions of time.

Vocabulary Practicing forms of transportation. Practicing vocabulary about jobs. Practicing varied vocabulary by listening to the audio and keying in the missing word. Practicing words associated with transportation.

Reading Practicing analysing a text by reading a description of a fishing trip and dragging each event and dropping it into the correct order.

Pronunciation Practicing verb endings.

Language Game Practicing word stress.

Past simple Language Exercise

My day yesterday Language Exercise

What were they doing yesterday?

Language Exercise

What was everyone doing? Language Exercise

Past progressive: use Grammar Reference Unit

Getting around Vocabulary Activity

Regular verb endings Pronunciation Activity

Describing places Listening Activity

Strange inventions Listening Activity

On, in, or at?

Language Exercise

Word stress Pronunciation Activity

Fishing trip Language Exercise

Modes of transport Vocabulary Activity

Paper 1 Part 5 Exam Preparation Exercise

Paper 1 Part 5 Exam Preparation Exercise


Macmillan Practice Online is published by Macmillan English Campus

Inspired 2 Practice Online

UNIT 4Performance

This syllabus item provides practice of the kind of language we use to talk about the future. It also provides practice of 'going to' and the future simple.

Listening Listening to two English teachers talking about learning English in the future.

Pronunciation Contrasting the two sounds /I/ and /i/. Practicing identifying the schwa at the end of words.

Language Focus Practicing the future tense using 'going to'. Practicing 'will' and 'won't'. Practicing the future with 'will' and 'won't'. Checking your knowledge of adverbs of manner. Checking your knowledge of the zero conditional. Practicing the zero conditional.

Preparation for KET for schools

The Listening Part 1 exercise focuses on factual information by listening to five short conversations and choosing the correct picture to answer questions about the conversations. The Reading and Writing Part 9 sample essay shows a note answering a friend's questions about going to a party.

Reading Practicing dialog and recognizing conversational cues by reading a conversation about a trip to the theater and putting sentences in order. Reading a text about Steve Jobs and choosing the correct phrases to complete the sentences.

Vocabulary Practicing names of types of TV programs. Practicing words related to performing. Practicing words for feelings.

A future quiz Language Exercise

A school trip Language Exercise

Adverbs of manner: word order

Grammar Reference Unit

Television programs Vocabulary Activity

Long and short vowels Pronunciation Activity

Zero conditional: use Grammar Reference Unit

If you eat too much ... Language Exercise

Final schwa Pronunciation Activity

Learning English Listening Activity

Creative crossword Vocabulary Activity

Feelings Vocabulary Activity

Steve Jobs Language Exercise

KET Paper 2 Part 1 Exam Preparation Exercise

Paper 1 Part 9 Sample Essay


Macmillan Practice Online is published by Macmillan English Campus

Inspired 2 Practice Online

Self Assessment Units 3 and 4

This syllabus item provides additional practice of the language studied in Units 3 and 4.

Language Test Listening to six people in different contexts and matching each speaker to the place that they are talking about. Practicing verb forms. Practicing using adjectives and adverbs.

Reading Reading a biography and put the events in order.

Video Practicing vocabulary about shipping by keying in letters to complete a crossword then keying in the correct comparative or superlative form.

Language Game Helping the manager find out what his employees were doing while he was out by matching actions and their descriptions in the past progressive.

Listening Listening to a letter from a boy telling somebody about things done during the day. Practicing the open conditional tense.

Language Focus Contrasting the simple past and the past progressive. Practicing the future tenses. Practicing all forms of the simple past. Practicing the past progressive. Practicing the future with 'will'. Practicing the open conditional.

Vocabulary Practicing the spelling of vocabulary relating to creative industries.

A funny thing happened Language Exercise

A day out in New York Language Exercise

Things to do Listening Activity

What was happening? Language Exercise

Hard at Work Game

Simple past or past progressive?

Language Exercise

The future with will

Language Exercise

Conditions Language Exercise

Open conditional Language Exercise

Adjectives and adverbs Language Exercise

Creative industries Vocabulary Activity

Leonardo Da Vinci Language Exercise


Macmillan Practice Online is published by Macmillan English Campus

Inspired 2 Practice Online

UNIT 5Out and about

This syllabus item provides practice of the kind of language we use to talk about food and restaurants. It also provides practice of the present progressive to talk about the future and countable and uncountable nouns.

Reading Reading an email about future arrangements and deciding whether statements are true or false.

Language Focus Practicing the present progressive for future use. Checking your knowledge of object pronouns. Practicing object pronouns and sentence structure. Practicing the use of 'a', 'some', 'any', and 'how much/many' with countable and uncountable nouns. Practicing giving directions using the imperative.

Listening Listening to two people ordering food and choosing the guest who orders each item. Practicing object pronouns and sentence structure.

Pronunciation Practicing consonant sounds. Practicing the vowel sounds in 'moon' and 'book'. Practicing vowel sounds.

Vocabulary Practicing words and phrases used in restaurants. Practicing vocabulary for jobs and occupations.

Preparation for KET for schools

The Reading and Writing Part 3 exercise focuses on everyday language by choosing the correct sentence to complete short conversations. The Listening Part 1 exercise focuses on factual information. You listen to five short conversations and choose the correct picture to answer questions about each conversation.

Round-the-world trip Language Exercise

Object pronouns: pronoun reference

Grammar Reference Unit

Eating out Vocabulary Activity

Pronouncing sounds Pronunciation Activity

Fruit, vegetable, dairy or meat?

Vocabulary Activity

What's on the menu? Listening Activity

Eating out Language Exercise

Moon or book?

Pronunciation Activity

Object pronouns Language Exercise

Vowel sounds Pronunciation Activity

Finding your way Language Exercise

An email to a friend Language Exercise

Paper 1 Part 3 Exam Preparation Exercise

KET Paper 2 Part 1 Exam Preparation Exercise


Macmillan Practice Online is published by Macmillan English Campus

Inspired 2 Practice Online

UNIT 6Experiences

This syllabus item provides practice of the kind of language we use to talk about recent events and experiences. It also provides practice of the present perfect, 'too' and 'enough'.

Listening Listening to people talking about animals and keying in the correct word from the audio. Practicing vocabulary on going out by listening to the audio and keying in the missing letters. Listening to two friends talking about the Eurostar.

Preparation for KET for schools

The Reading and Writing Part 1 exercise focuses on signs by identifying the correct meaning for five notices. The Listening Part 5 exercise focuses on extracting specific information and writing it down by listening to a recorded message about a trip to London.

Pronunciation Practicing the sounds /0/ and /&0/.

Reading Reading a description of a trip to the Iguazu Falls and choosing the correct answers to questions.

Vocabulary Practicing animal vocabulary and using categories. Practicing words associated with transportation. Practicing vocabulary related to nature and landmarks. Practicing compound nouns.

Language Focus Checking your knowledge of the present perfect. Practicing present perfect questions. Checking your knowledge of indefinite pronouns. Practicing 'a lot of', 'a little', 'a few', 'too many', 'too much' and 'enough'. Practicing the use of 'too many', 'too much', and 'enough' before countable and uncountable nouns. Practicing all forms of the present perfect. Practicing the present perfect with 'ever' and 'never'. Practicing indefinite pronouns.

Present perfect: use Grammar Reference Unit

Present perfect Language Exercise

Indefinite pronouns: use Grammar Reference Unit

Quantity Language Exercise

Quantity Language Exercise

Transportation Vocabulary Activity

Present perfect Language Exercise

Have you ever been in love?

Language Exercise

Would you like anything to eat?

Language Exercise

Landmarks Vocabulary Activity

Travel Vocabulary Activity

Sheep or cheap?

Pronunciation Activity

Iguazu Falls Language Exercise

The Eurostar Listening Activity

Paper 1 Part 1 Exam Preparation Exercise

KET Paper 2 Part 5 Exam Preparation Exercise


Macmillan Practice Online is published by Macmillan English Campus

Inspired 2 Practice Online

Self Assessment Units 5 and 6

This syllabus item provides additional practice of the language studied in Units 5 and 6.

Reading Reading about the CN Tower and matching beginnings and endings of sentences.

Language Game Helping the police to catch two dangerous robbers by following directions. Helping Friday escape from the underground pipe by knowing your subject pronouns from your object pronouns.

Listening Listening to someone talking about places in a town.

Language Focus Practicing the present perfect with 'just'. Practicing the present perfect and adverbs of frequency. Practicing the use of 'some', 'any', 'how much', and 'how many' with countable and uncountable nouns. Practicing present perfect questions. Practicing the present perfect. Practicing indefinite pronouns. Practicing indefinite pronouns and adverbs.

Video Practicing vocabulary from a video about Scotland by matching words from the video with pictures and then deciding which is the correct question for each answer.

Language Test Testing your knowledge of prepositions: 'at', 'in', 'on' and indefinite pronouns, some + thing/one, any + thing/one.

A busy kitchen Language Exercise

Calling All Cars Game

Present perfect Language Exercise

Tourists around town Language Exercise

Late for Dinner Game

Where is it? Listening Activity

Present perfect Language Exercise

Present perfect exchanges Language Exercise

Indefinite pronouns Language Exercise

I have something for you! Language Exercise

A modern world wonder Language Exercise

Elementary Test 10 Practice Test


Macmillan Practice Online is published by Macmillan English Campus

Inspired 2 Practice Online

UNIT 7Wonderful world

This syllabus item provides practice of the kind of language we use to talk about obligation and prohibition and making suggestions. It also provides practice of compound nouns.

Language Focus Practicing 'must' and 'mustn't'. Practicing the modal verbs 'have to', 'don't have to' and 'can'. Checking your knowledge of using 'mustn't' and 'don't have to' to talk about obligation and necessity. Checking your knowledge of adjectives ending in '-ed' and '-ing' and adjectives ending in '-ed' followed by a preposition. Checking your knowledge of adjectives ending in '-ed' and '-ing'. Practicing choosing the correct form of the verb. Practicing compound nouns. Practicing 'must' and 'mustn't'. Practicing modals of obligation and necessity. Practicing the relative pronouns 'which' and 'that'.

Reading Practicing analyzing a text by dragging each type of museum into the blank to match it with the correct paragraph. Reading a diary entry and choosing the correct words to complete the text.

Preparation for KET for schools

The Listening Part 5 exercise focuses on extracting specific information and writing it down by listening to a recorded message about a science park. The Reading and Writing Part 4 exercise focuses on reading for detailed understanding by deciding whether statements are right or wrong or whether the article doesn't mention the information.

Vocabulary Practicing the names of animals. Practicing vocabulary about body language and feelings.

Pronunciation Practicing the correct pronunciation of 'th'. Practicing consonant sounds.

Listening Listening to the audio and choosing the correct word to complete sentences.

The rules of soccer Language Exercise

Necessity and obligation Language Exercise

Obligation/necessity: mustn't, don't have to

Grammar Reference Unit

Adjectives ending in -ed and -ing: use

Grammar Reference Unit

Adjectives ending in -ed and -ing: list

Grammar Reference Unit

Compound nouns Language Exercise

Mammal, insect, bird, ... Vocabulary Activity

Consonant sounds Pronunciation Activity

Road signs Language Exercise

A visit to the zoo Language Exercise

Feelings Vocabulary Activity

At the museum Language Exercise

Diary entry of a celebrity Language Exercise

Visiting a museum Listening Activity

Which museum? Language Exercise

KET Paper 2 Part 5 Exam Preparation Exercise

Paper 1 Part 4 Exam Preparation Exercise


Macmillan Practice Online is published by Macmillan English Campus

Inspired 2 Practice Online

UNIT 8Moving images

This syllabus item provides practice of the kind of language we use to talk about processes, cause and effects. It also provides practice of conditional sentences and infinitives of purpose.

Reading Practicing reading and analyzing a text by reading a text about a boy's birthday and choosing the correct answer for each question.

Preparation for KET for schools

This Reading and Writing Part 7 exercise focuses on grammar and vocabulary by keying in the missing words to complete two letters. This Listening Part 3 exercise focuses on understanding specific information by listening to two friends talking about an Internet cafe and choosing the correct answer to five questions.

Pronunciation Practicing identifying rhyming words.

Language Focus Checking your knowledge of the simple present passive form. Checking your knowledge of the first/real conditional. Practicing infinitives of purpose. Practicing the simple past passive. Practicing using different tenses. Practicing the first/real conditional. Practicing verbs followed by the infinitive. Practicing the spelling of occupations. Practicing the first/real conditional.

Vocabulary Practicing words related to movies. Practicing the spelling of occupations.

Listening Listening to people talking about their jobs and keying in the correct words to complete the sentences. Listening to a girl talking about an experiment her family had with a TV and deciding whether the sentences are true or false. Listening to Steve talking about an exciting day in his life.

The passive: present simple

Grammar Reference Unit

First/Real conditional: use Grammar Reference Unit

Infinitives of purpose Language Exercise

Picasso painting stolen Language Exercise

If you walk under a ladder ...

Language Exercise

Are you a TV addict? Listening Activity

Verbs and infinitives Language Exercise

Guess the job Vocabulary Activity

What if ...? Language Exercise

Rhyming words Pronunciation Activity

Animated movies Vocabulary Activity

Birthday wishes Language Exercise

A day to remember Listening Activity

Paper 1 Part 6 Exam Preparation Exercise

KET/KET for schools Paper 2 Part 3

Exam Preparation Exercise


Macmillan Practice Online is published by Macmillan English Campus

Inspired 2 Practice Online

Self Assessment Units 7 and 8

This syllabus item provides additional practice of the language studied in Units 7 and 8.

Language Game Matching words and drawings related to domestic animals, wild animals, extreme weather and jobs. Shooting down all the balloons that carry the correct tenses to complete the conditional sentences.

Vocabulary Practicing vocabulary on various topics.

Listening Practicing using different tenses. Listening to two teenagers talking about customs in China and deciding whether statements are true or false.

Reading Reading a text about chewing gum and choosing the correct phrases to complete sentences.

Language Focus Checking your knowledge of 'must' and 'have to'. Practicing modals of obligations and necessity. Practicing 'I'd like' and 'I'd rather'. Practicing verbs followed by the infinitive. Practicing the simple present passive. Practicing the first conditional. Checking your knowledge of the simple past passive form.

Language Test Testing general language areas and listening to a radio show about keeping pets.

Video Practicing vocabulary related to technology by dragging each noun next to the correct verb and then clicking on the correct answers.

Obligation/necessity: must, have to

Grammar Reference Unit

Memory Game

Modals Language Exercise

At the theme park Language Exercise

What do you want to do? Language Exercise

How are bottles recycled? Language Exercise

Mixed verb tenses Language Exercise

What will happen? Language Exercise

The Balloon Fiesta Game

The passive: past simple Grammar Reference Unit

Chewing gum facts Language Exercise

Dos and don'ts in China Listening Activity

Fun crossword Vocabulary Activity

Elementary Test 17 Practice Test