instructions for thesis writing

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  • 7/30/2019 Instructions for Thesis Writing


    . NORMS ITORWRITING THESIS M.TECH. (DISSERTATION) /B.TECH. (PROJECTREPORT)1' Draft copy : The Draft copyof thereport.shoulde given or correction if any) o::::."t the guidesand after t is app:oved or finar irint outs hen binling can be

    2' Binding : Normsdifftr fo r Seminar DissertationThesis. heyaregivenseparately.3' cover page : Norms differ fo r seminar Dissert tion Thesis.They are givenseparately.4' Publications All the publicationsased n the esearchresentedhouldbe istedunderhishead.5' Abstract : Theabstract hallgive he mportanteatures f thematerial ontainednhe individual chapters.Sepirateparagraphs houtd be made ro , .uJ chapter.Abstract hould ot exceed b0wo.ds,6' List of tables : It shall indicate ablenumber, able itle and corresponding agenumber'The table number should be in decimalnotation ndicating he chapternumber nd ablenumber n thatchapter .g.2.l I referso table I in chapt r z. Anyreferencen the extshould egivenasby quotinghe elevant aras ,Table2.1l,7' List of figures : It shall indicate igu1e umber, figure title and correspondingnumber' he figurenumber houldbedecimal otationndicating h".h;;t;; numberand figure number l tlil chaptere.g. 4,6 refers o figure 6 in chapter4. Anyreferencen the ext shouldbegivenasby quoting he elevant aras uch ,Fig.4.6,,.8. List of images Sameasabove.

    9' Nomenclature [t shouldcontainhe is t1ftn9 symbols sed. hey shallbe anangedalphabeticallyn order of Latin letterr,G...k irii.r,'lrn.r, superscript. s far asossiblehe generallyaccepted ymbolsshouldu, ,r.a. Symbolsno t available nsoftware hallbe written n permanent lack nk .10 'contents : It shall indicate itle of, chapters, ections, ub-sections tc . using hedecimal otationwith correspondingagenumbers gainsthem.I l' Pagenumbering : For items 5) to (9) the pagenumbers hallbe smallromanat theb9t1o1of the pagecentralty ocated.-nage"uru.r, in Arabic numerals hall startwith'2'on second l ; ; ; shailbe no numberpagesbeginningew hapter.he ageumb..,r.'ouiJr;;;;;p ,lir"",i, i,jll,.o.o,,agesncludinghose ith ableiand iguresnrr, nuu.'pugeumbers.l2' chapternumbering:Thechaptershall enumberedn Arabic umerals.ectionsand ubsectionsf anychapterhalt bedecimal otation. ;i;.p*;'ilr}r'u.gin onnewpage'Titles.of.the hapters,ections,ubsectionshallbe n block etters,orsub-subsections't lettershould e capital. hechbpter umber nd itle shallbeltem FontSize Case\-naprer 6. cnapter ttfle ,| l6 bold Upper aseDcuu()n a, ectlon li le 3.r l4 bold Upper aseDuu-Decuon,d( Ub:Sectionitle 3 . r . 1 l2 bold Upper aseouu-DecuonsJubj$ubsectionitle 3 . 1 ' . 1 l2 bold Titlecase

    properly entered t the op of thepageandhave hree paces etweenhem.

  • 7/30/2019 Instructions for Thesis Writing


    I 1 : : o@mages I 2 titte Cas"trodrrcfi^- .-FL t z Sentencecases_ nrroductionshall of r1 3 . nl,'gl]:r]:,r,e.i,npo,ta;;;ffi:",:"'*?jl"f::_cjr ,nurrhe orknvisased.u;,,iiu.;;ili:Ji?ln'li,lli,i:ii: '" "ni.";;,;;o;;ihischapter --J-v! 'vw ur r lre esearch/ work shoulo be clear ly presentedin'- ,ii{:rui.?::i1H','##"'rrro,rmheHAprERoranyhesis:Hlx,ij. de!l;1i#i:1?,li f^:,f,#*,'H:{,._:fi taragraph"r;;.'.XT;',:r.""n the ightoi;;; ;;"", review, hourJ e theend15.Work done : The , , , ^ - r .^_l.o:"ai"e'*'#";,ffJ1rtf;[,il "ur. ha'bepresenrednone rma..r',' it .m ,h ve ra,,1^"-',9il ; #;"tiT.1,lldnr[ ffi , l?fl :In rheseha crronsnd ubsecionjwith,ri;.b;,;_rit les.drri;;;;n;'fffttt workcarrito:y j shallbepresenred,with imporranrandshorr.,.iurion,,:1il,# [[t: ffi u:* :iffi f as,nrhppendix. u rdrge umbersf figures halr epdnr.o in the

    $!Hfir:ltl be.drawn-, o'ul,l*-softwareorbydraftsmanirh tenciredext.r'.,'"l,ni;i;,:.Tr?T.Tii?;,i:'t'gr""'i*,J".r,ronow,.ni,, .nrionnable umberhourd.appearu, i. tt ' tables,raphs,t'l ia"titt.o.'i ' i i,Ittabrewithottom ith igurelr"irgr-rrro.;.'oo f table nd itle ". ngrr*;;; t;'.r., at he,#::'frliT::f ;;.,'ffijflfi.3;:,li#.if,,#,,! j i :: ,,p sb,, m,''iilli'iiil,x',,:t'.l:iJ:fi#fitjj:il ; ;;::#; : ;ontributionnrr"gi,,,rvi.;,::':ff'Ji"n:il;;;;1},J,'ffi;T'fi"il'..;i11iI7'Literaturecited,:."L-iteraturecited" harl o-roythe ast hapter.t sha,give he is tilidiiffflryH}1?,*ili11:.'li,"l;;;;. textndha,,erranged:?f:ffi,ilii:r*l$;;1,'ilffiil:LT#'fifrJ#lii,[f#il;:]:::l;

    ffiiirllfir':?i::ll:n slarl onrainhe.arnesf he uthors,heitre f heI^:To,1.;i",-'i"fti[,]:,r #TflXi*:rr,1.lg.,u,'r,.,anguagestherhanngtirt,,t,. i,fr,"ffrr:.rr*rfffift"LJrlill;n:S];nLarincriptnd ot ransraied.;;;;y ur& ir,.rri;rffil", sha, onrainhe ame:ilt{l-;,f"',tl"o'""t'r"

    ud, ir'.";;;,"r11, ruii,o,.,,n.editionrandheearrurr.uui[o;,.il;#ir."thesis.or apers::1?;F:i,n,j",,:,authorship,he ameswitnreas;;;ffi'ffitr#r,*:X 'ff ::ilX" ' -.hqJ,no,:,namehourde in

  • 7/30/2019 Instructions for Thesis Writing


    Paper: Machean .; Theory lll:lg Erecrromagnericaves n Massiveron,ournalf Applied hysics,25,12671954). eir",?|ri,,"",?:#:li-;d:

    : rwo Dimensionarierdn ErectricarngineeringThe ti:xt of the tlesis shouldpositively ndicatehe numbers iven to the paperorook n the is tof references,here heyhave,.f.rrrO o.l8'Appendices: It should ollow item l7 andshould e numberedn romancapitals.he appendices hail normaily contain detairedor rengthydrri;i;;;, samprealculations,oruminousabres,arge igures nacarcurations. )19 .Acknowledgemenf : It shat fbrow item rg on a separate sheet. Thecknowledgementshall indicate he extent o which assistancerasueen'received,from hevarious ources y thecandidaten hiswork.20'Resume Resume.shaltorm the ast temof the hesis. t shallbrief lycontainheroblem, efinitionand heworkdone.21.Othernstructions

    o Page&page setup useA,4paperTopMarginLeftMargin

    o TextmatterLine pacing

    : 1.25" BottomMargin : 1.0,,: 1.5" RightMargin : I.0,,


    - 1.5 Text - Justified- 12 Font - TimesNewRoman rArial- 2.0 ParagraphndentationSingleDouble abo No matter hould ewritten n he ef tside,All matter hould e(includingwrittenmaner, ie.ur3r,.hotographs)hourd eon the ight,,should escanned. inserteJ i appropriateocation,t should ecalled simage numberedccordingly.

    ' lt:lfter generatedisuals therhandrawings nd igures hallbecalled stmages.o Useof italicandshort ormsshould eavoided.f short orm s to be used,first a long form and hen n bracketts short orm shourd e given. It iscommonouseFrexibre anufacturingystemFMS)under ucnI.; \- -o writtenmatter hourd e n thirdpersonUseof I, we, you etc.shourd eavoided) nd n presentense s ar-as ossible.r caremust e akenominimize peilingndgrammaticaristakes.o Thesis hould otexceed00pages.

  • 7/30/2019 Instructions for Thesis Writing


    Inptructionsor thesiswritinqSequencef papersPartAI Cover age Without opyright2 Inner irstpage Withcopyright3 Declaration Certificate4 Listof PublicationsNote Coverage Inner age illbe amexceptnnerage ill have opyrightnstructionPartB5 Abstract Rornan age os. start)6 Listof Figures7 Listof Tables' 8 Listof Images9 Nomenclature Roman age os. end)PartCl0 Contents No PageNumberso ContentsI I Chapters Numerats/pageo. rom2nd age nwards f every hapter12 Annexure(s)l3 ReferencesPaper ize 4, Margin Top1.25, ottom .0, eft I.5,Right1.0,Page os.Bottom entre, Sp?cing .5

    Item FontSize CaseChapter& chapter itle J l 6 bod UppercaseSection sectionitle 3 . 1 l4 bod UppercaseSub-SectionSub-sectionitle 3 .1 . r l 2 bod Upper aseSub-SectionSub-Subsectionitle' 3 . 1 . 1 . 1 12bod Title caseTitlesof figures nd ables& imaees l 2 TitlecaseOtherwrittenmatter t2 Sentence ase