insync product release notes february 2014...figure 5: printing medications from the facesheet...

InSync Product Release Notes February 2014 Call 877-346-7962 for customer service or e-mail us at [email protected] . Page 1 of 25 Table of Contents Page Enhancements in Charting ............................................................................................................................. 2 Added Text Search Option for Filtering Encounters ............................................................................................................................... 2 Deactivating Patient, Financial, and General Notes ............................................................................................................................... 3 Printing Medications From Facesheet .................................................................................................................................................... 4 Ordering Electronic Lab Tests From Facesheet....................................................................................................................................... 5 Displaying Gender Automatically Based on the Relationship ................................................................................................................. 5 Assigning/Configuring Order Status in General/Other Section .............................................................................................................. 6 Printing Practice Logo on the SOAP Note ............................................................................................................................................... 8 Printing Reviewer’s Suffix After Name.................................................................................................................................................... 9 Ability to Configure Relationship Code as a Part of MU Requirement ................................................................................................. 10 Enhanced Format of Health Maintenance Reminder ........................................................................................................................... 12 Added Pagination on the New Lab Results Screen ............................................................................................................................... 13 Displaying Reconciled (Up-To-Date) Medications on the SOAP Note .................................................................................................. 13 Improved Scheduler Performance ........................................................................................................................................................ 14 Allowed Users To Enable/Disable Patient Portal Notification for Electronic Results ........................................................................... 15 Immunization Changes ............................................................................................................................................. 16 Enhanced Vaccine Administration Report ............................................................................................................................................ 16 Ability to Void the Last Recorded Dose ................................................................................................................................................ 17 Restricted Users From Updating Dose Details, Except Adverse Reactions and Notes ......................................................................... 18 Enhancements in Billing ............................................................................................................................... 19 Creating Charge From the Patients Screen ........................................................................................................................................... 19 Added Claim Attributes Filter on the Claims Processing Screen ........................................................................................................... 20 Exporting Outstanding Balance Report to Excel ................................................................................................................................... 20 Enhanced A/R Summary Report ........................................................................................................................................................... 21 Added Search Filters on the Patient Payment Deposit Slip Report ...................................................................................................... 22 Enhanced Superbill ................................................................................................................................................... 23 Preconfigured Header and Footer on Superbill .................................................................................................................................... 23 Viewing New Look and Feel of Superbill ............................................................................................................................................... 24

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Table of Contents Page

Enhancements in Charting ............................................................................................................................. 2 Added Text Search Option for Filtering Encounters ............................................................................................................................... 2 Deactivating Patient, Financial, and General Notes ............................................................................................................................... 3 Printing Medications From Facesheet .................................................................................................................................................... 4 Ordering Electronic Lab Tests From Facesheet....................................................................................................................................... 5 Displaying Gender Automatically Based on the Relationship ................................................................................................................. 5 Assigning/Configuring Order Status in General/Other Section .............................................................................................................. 6 Printing Practice Logo on the SOAP Note ............................................................................................................................................... 8 Printing Reviewer’s Suffix After Name .................................................................................................................................................... 9 Ability to Configure Relationship Code as a Part of MU Requirement ................................................................................................. 10 Enhanced Format of Health Maintenance Reminder ........................................................................................................................... 12 Added Pagination on the New Lab Results Screen ............................................................................................................................... 13 Displaying Reconciled (Up-To-Date) Medications on the SOAP Note .................................................................................................. 13 Improved Scheduler Performance ........................................................................................................................................................ 14 Allowed Users To Enable/Disable Patient Portal Notification for Electronic Results ........................................................................... 15

Immunization Changes ............................................................................................................................................. 16 Enhanced Vaccine Administration Report ............................................................................................................................................ 16 Ability to Void the Last Recorded Dose ................................................................................................................................................ 17 Restricted Users From Updating Dose Details, Except Adverse Reactions and Notes ......................................................................... 18

Enhancements in Billing ............................................................................................................................... 19 Creating Charge From the Patients Screen ........................................................................................................................................... 19 Added Claim Attributes Filter on the Claims Processing Screen ........................................................................................................... 20 Exporting Outstanding Balance Report to Excel ................................................................................................................................... 20 Enhanced A/R Summary Report ........................................................................................................................................................... 21 Added Search Filters on the Patient Payment Deposit Slip Report ...................................................................................................... 22

Enhanced Superbill ................................................................................................................................................... 23 Preconfigured Header and Footer on Superbill .................................................................................................................................... 23 Viewing New Look and Feel of Superbill ............................................................................................................................................... 24

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ENHANCEMENTS IN CHARTING This section includes enhancements implemented in the Charting module.


Users can now filter the encounters by searching the text. The system will search the entered text in all the sections of all the encounters and list only those encounters that have the searched text. A new field “Text in encounter” is added on the Filter Encounters screen. Upon clicking the Search button, a list of encounters having the searched text will appear along with the sections (Problem List, ROS, etc.). The user can click in the section name to open the corresponding screen to see the searched text.

To filter encounters based on text search:

From the top menu bar, click Patient Search. Click Facesheet adjacent to the patient name. Expand the Show Encounter(s) panel by clicking the + sign. From the top right corner of the Encounters panel, click the filter icon . On the Filter Encounters screen, type any text in the “Text in encounter” field, e.g., back pain. Click Search.

Note: The system will match the exact text in all fields, including notes and comments in all the encounters. For example, if “back pain” text is searched, then all the encounters having the exact words “back pain” will be filtered, and NOT the encounters having “back” and “pain” as separate words.

Similarly, it is also possible to filter the encounters using text search option in the Copy Previous Encounter feature.

Figure 1: Searching Specific Text in the Encounters

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Figure 2: Showing Results for the Searched Text


While adding a patient into the system, the user can add patient, financial, and general notes. Previously the user could not deactivate these notes once they are entered in the system, which is now possible.

To deactivate the patient, financial, and general notes:

From the top menu bar, click Patient Search. Add a new patient or edit the existing patient record. Expand the Patient Details section by clicking the arrow sign as shown in Figure 3.

For any of the entered notes, click the Deactivate Record icon as shown in Figure 4. Select the Active Notes check box on top of the grid to view only active notes.

Note: Similarly, you can also deactivate general and financial notes. Please note that only the users having “Delete” rights can deactivate the notes. To assign the “Delete” rights, go to Administration > Roles & Permissions > select a role > click Manage Privileges link for Patients and select the Delete check box against Patient Notes.

Figure 3: Expanding Patient Details Panel

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Figure 4: Deactivating Patient Note


It is not compulsory to access an encounter to print the medications. You can also print the medications possible directly from the Facesheet without accessing an encounter. The “Print Medications” button is available on the Medications screen when it is opened from the Facesheet.

To print the medications from Facesheet:

From the top menu bar, click Facesheet. Select a patient from the list. On the Facesheet screen, expand the Medications panel by clicking the green arrow icon. Click the Print Medications button to print the medications list.

Figure 5: Printing Medications From the Facesheet

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Previously the users could order only radiology tests from the Facesheet. Now, it is also possible to order the electronic labs from Facesheet. It is not required to access an encounter to order the electronic lab tests. The “Order Labs” button is shown on the Pending Services screen when it is opened from the Facesheet.

To order the electronic labs from the Facesheet:

From the top menu bar, click Facesheet. Select a patient from the list. On the Facesheet screen, expand the Pending Services panel by clicking the green arrow icon. Click the Order Labs button to order the electronic tests.


The system is improved to display gender automatically based on the relationship entered. When you enter the relationship as “father,” the Gender field will automatically pick “Male” from the list. Similarly, when you enter “Mother,” the Gender field will automatically pick “Female” from the list. This change is made for the maximum possible relationships such as brother, sister, son, daughter, and so on, at all the following places: Alternate Address, Next of Kin, Guarantor, and Emergency Contact.

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Figure 6: Displaying Gender Automatically Based on the Relationship


In the previous versions, the user could only attach the illness codes with the “General/Other” section of Treatment Plan. Now the user can also assign the status and enter notes for each item in this section. The user must configure the statuses from Administration > Treatment Plan section in order to use them in charting.

To assign the order status and enter notes in “General/Other” section:

On the Facesheet screen, start a new encounter or edit an in-progress encounter. From the top menu bar, click the Treatment Plan link. On the Treatment Plan screen, click the “General/Other” link. Expand any item within the “General/Other” section by clicking the + icon.

o In the Status field, select the status from the drop-down list. If the status you are looking for is not available in the list, you can click the star icon next to the Status drop-down to configure the status.

o Enter notes in the Note field. To use the macro or template, click the Add Macro icon .

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Figure 7: Assigning Status and Entering Note in General/Other Section

To configure the order status in “General/Other” section:

From the left menu items, select Administration > Configuration > Treatment Plan. Edit the order set for which you want to configure General/Other section. In Recommend Type, click “General” or “Other” link. Click the Status Configuration link from the right side (as shown in Figure 8). Enter the status you want to configure and click Save (as shown in Figure 9).

To update the configured statuses, click the Edit icon .

Figure 8: Configuring Status for General/Other Section of Treatment Plan

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Figure 9: Configuring Status for General/Other Section of Treatment Plan (Cont.)


The users can print the practice logo on the SOAP note. In order to print the logo on the SOAP note, you must configure it from the Administration > Practice > Practice Defaults section.

To print practice logo on the SOAP Note:

From the top menu bar, click Admin. Click the Practice Defaults link. In the “Display Practice Logo on SOAP Note” field, select Enable.

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Figure 10: Configuring Practice Logo Printing on SOAP Note


Whenever a user reviews the charting elements, the system shows the reviewer’s name configured in the system. Along with the reviewer’s name, now the suffix (example, MD, PhD) will be displayed after reviewer’s name. If the suffix is not configured, a prefix will be printed before name (example, Mr. John).

To print a suffix after reviewer’s name:

From the top menu bar, click Facesheet. Select a patient. Select any charting element, for example, Problem List. Select the Reviewed By check box. Locate the provider’s name with suffix.

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Figure 11: Printing Reviewer’s Suffix After Name


When you add the patient demographic details in the system, there are several tabs to record a patient’s additional information, such as alternate address, next of kin, guarantor, and emergency contact. In all these tabs, you can define the relationship of the person with the patient. Previously users were not able to configure this relationship in the system by themselves. Now, they can configure relationship details from the Administration > Master Maintenance section. Earlier the relationship codes were not defined in the system. Now, the user can define the relationship code with each relationship. This change is done in the system as a part of MU requirement.

To configure relationship with patient:

From the left menu items, select Administration > Master Maintenance. In the Select Master field, select Relationship from the drop-down list. Enter the relationship to be configured. This is a mandatory field. Assign a code to the entered relationship. This is a mandatory field.

Note: Having a relationship code is part of MU requirement.

Click Save. o The relationship will be displayed in the following grid. o You can change the sequence using green arrow keys. Accordingly, the sequence will be displayed

in the Relationship drop-down list in patient demographics.

Note: Currently the users will be able to see all the relationships that might have been previously used in the system. They will not be able to edit or delete any of them. Only the sequence can be changed for these relationships.

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The users will be able to edit or delete only those relationships that are configured by them.

Figure 12: Configuring Relationship From Master Maintenance

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The existing format of Health Maintenance Reminder is little untidy. The format is now improved with well-ordered presentation. The enhanced format is displayed in the following screen shot.

To view the enhanced health maintenance reminder:

From the left menu items, select Reports > Utilization Reports > Health Maintenance Due Letter. In the Print Format field, select Letter option. On the Print Letters screen, select the patient(s) for whom you want to print the letter.

o Locate the preconfigured details to be printed in header and footer. You can change these details, if required.

Click Print Letters. Figure 13: Health Maintenance Reminder Format

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On the New Lab Results screen, the users will be able to toggle between the different pages using pagination.

To use pagination to toggle between the lab results:

On the Dashboard, click New in the eResult section. Locate the pagination at the bottom of the New Lab Results screen.

Figure 14: Added Pagination on the New Lab Results Screen


With an aim of displaying up-to-date medications on the SOAP Note, a new section “Reconciled Medications” is introduced that will display the exact medications list of the patient, after all renewals and discontinued medications. To elaborate this change in detail, consider the following example: The patient’s Current Medication(s) list on the SOAP note shows the medications A, B, C, and D. You prescribe 2 new medications “E” and “F”; renew 1 medication “D”; and discontinue the medications A and C from the current medications list. Hence the patient’s reconciled (up-to-date) list will show B, D, E, and F medications in the Reconciled Medications section. (Refer to Figure 15 for detailed understanding.)

To view reconciled medications on the SOAP note:

From the top menu bar, click Facesheet. Select a patient from the list. Start a new encounter. Prescribe a couple of new medications. Renew a couple of medications.

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Discontinue a couple of medications. Click the SOAP Note icon . Locate the Reconciled Medication(s) section on the SOAP note.

Figure 15: Reconciled Medication(s) on the SOAP Note (Notations “A” to “F” Are Examples)


In order to improve the performance of the Scheduler, a few unwanted fields have been removed from the Book Appointment screen. These changes are explained below:

While booking an appointment ( ) or editing a visit ( ), the Calendar and Time Slot options (highlighted in below screen) will not display. These options will display only at the time of

rescheduling an appointment ( ). Whenever the users want to change the date or time slot,

they can use the Reschedule Appointment icon ( ).

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Figure 16: Removed Calendar and Time Slot Options When Booking Appointment

Previously the visit details were displayed during mouse hover over the Visit Details icon ( ). Now, the user will have to click on the Visit Details icon to view the visit details.

Figure 17: Displayed Visit Details Upon Clicking the Icon


Upon reviewing the electronic results (lab or radiology), the system provides an option to send a notification to the patient portal users on their configured e-mail address. You can now enable or disable this feature from the Practice Defaults section. By default, this feature remains disabled.

To enable/disable patient portal notification for electronic results:

On the top menu bar, click Admin. In the Practice Management tab, click the Practice Defaults link.

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In the Practice Defaults Settings section, locate the “Patient Portal Notification For Lab Results” field at the end.

Figure 18: Enabling or Disabling Patient Portal Notification for Electronic Results

IMMUNIZATION CHANGES This section includes changes done in the Immunizations section.


The Vaccine Administration Report is enhanced to display some more detailed information on the report, such as name of the person who administered the dose, lot number from which the dose was given, dose quantity, route and site used to administer the dose, and the provider who examined the patient.

To view the enhanced Vaccine Administration Report:

From the left menu items, select Charting > Immunizations. Select a patient from the list. On the Immunizations screen, click View Report. Locate the additional information on the Vaccine Administration Report.

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Figure 19: Enhanced Vaccine Administration Report


The Immunizations feature is enhanced to void the last recorded dose. If the user enters incorrect information by mistake while recording the dose details, the system allows the user to rectify the mistake by voiding that dose. This feature is also supported for history and refused doses. The voided dose will be cancelled out and will not appear on the Immunization Chart; however, it will be displayed on the Immunization Report and SOAP Note along with the specified reason.

Note: Only authorized users having “Delete” rights can void the dose. To assign the “Delete” rights, go to Administration > Roles & Permissions > select a role > click Manage Privileges link for Charting and select the Delete check box against Immunizations.

To void the last recorded dose:

From the left menu items, select Charting > Immunizations. Select a patient from the list. On the Immunizations chart, click on the last recorded dose for any category.

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Select the Void Dose check box and enter the reason.

Note: The voided dose will appear on the Vaccine Administration Report and SOAP Note.

Figure 20: Voiding the Last Recorded Dose


Once an immunization dose has been saved, the user will be allowed only to update adverse reactions and notes on the Immunizations screen. All the other fields will remain disabled on the screen to restrict the user from making any changes to them.

To update adverse reactions and notes:

From the left menu items, select Charting > Immunizations. Select a patient from the list. On the Immunizations chart, click any of the recorded doses. Locate that only the Adverse Reactions and Notes fields are enabled for editing.

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Figure 21: Updating Adverse Reactions and Notes Only

ENHANCEMENTS IN BILLING This section includes enhancements implemented in the Billing module.


With the enhanced version of InSync EMR/PMS, you can now create a charge at the time of adding or editing a patient in the system. This is to avoid reentering the patient information when creating a new charge after the

patient is added. Upon adding a patient into the system, the Create New Charge icon is displayed on the top right corner of the Patients screen.

To create a new charge from the Patients Screen:

From the top menu bar, click Patient Search.

Click the Edit Patient icon , or o Click the Add Patient button. o Enter patient details. o Click Save.

From the top right corner, click the Create New Charge icon .

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Figure 22: Creating a New Charge From Patients Screen


You can filter the claims by claim attributes, such as corrected, rebilled, reviewed, bill to patient, etc. An option is added on the Claims Processing screen to filter the claims based on their attributes. The user can pick an appropriate attribute from the drop-down list to filter the claims search.

To filter the claims search based on the claim attributes:

From the left menu items, select Billing > Claims Processing. In the Claim Attribute field, select an appropriate option from the drop-down list. Click Search.


An option is added on the Outstanding Balance Report to export the report in to the Excel format.

To export the outstanding balance report to Excel:

From the left menu items, select Reports > Reconciliation Report > Outstanding Balance. Enter the period for which you want to generate the report. Click the Export to Excel button.

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Figure 23: Exporting Outstanding Balance Report to Excel


Within the period when the service was provided to the patients, the users may want to refine the search with payment posting period or charge creation period. The system is now capable of generating an A/R Summary Report for a particular payment posting or charge creation period.

To generate A/R summary report based on payment posting and charge creation period:

From the left menu items, select Reports > Financial Reports > A/R Summary. Select the period of service. Select the payment posting period for which you want to generate the report. Select the charge creation period for which you want to generate the report. Click Generate Report.

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Figure 24: Generating Report Based on Payment Posting/Charge Creation Period


The Facility, Provider, and Payment Posting Period are newly added search filters on the Patient Payment Deposit Slip. This helps the users to view the list of payment deposit slips for the payment posted during specific period.

To filter the patient payment deposit slip:

From the left menu items, select Reports > Reconciliation Report > Daily Payments. Click the Patient Payment Deposit Slip tab. Locate the new filter options: Facility, Provider, and Posted Date.

o Select the facility from the drop-down list. o Select the provider from the drop-down list. o Select the Posted Date radio button and then select the period for which you want to generate the

report. Click Generate Report.

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Figure 25: Patient Payment Deposit Slip

ENHANCED SUPERBILL The Superbill has been enhanced to accommodate as many codes as possible, and also the font size has been modified to get a clear-looking Superbill. The header and the footer of the Superbill are preconfigured with all the required fields (previously it was user-driven) to save space, accommodate more codes, and look tidy. Also the look and feel of Superbill is completely enhanced to give a clear visibility on the CPTs, modifiers, and diagnosis codes.


Instead of the user configuring the header and footer, the system will now preconfigure the necessary fields in the header and endnote. In the new Superbill design, the header will print the practice address on left and patient address and patient balance on right. Following these details, additionally, the header will print Appointment Date/Time, Status, Appointment Reason, Facility, Provider, Referring Provider, Primary Payer, Subscriber, and Expected Copay. The footer will print Secondary and Tertiary Payer.

To view the list of removed items from Superbill:

From the left menu items, select Billing > Manage Superbills.

Click the Edit Superbill icon . The Header Information, Endnote Information, and Practice Information sections are removed from the

Update Superbill screen (Figure 26). Instead, this information will be preconfigured in the system and will be printed on the Superbill (Figure 27).

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Figure 26: Removed Header, Endnote, and Practice Information Configuration From Superbill

Figure 27: Viewing Preconfigured Header and Footer Details on Superbill


The new neat and clean appearance of Superbill helps the user to pick up the items (CPT, Modifier, and Diagnosis Codes) quickly as never before. In the new Superbill interface, all the items are placed neatly to make the Superbill more legible.

To view the new look and feel of Superbill:

From the left menu items, select Billing > Manage Superbills. Click Preview for any Superbill template. The Superbill screen appears with new user interface.

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Figure 28: New Look and Feel of Superbill