integral aviation solutions inc profile

It’s the passion for our profession and pursuit of perfec2on that sets us apart. Integral Avia2on Solu2ons, Inc. 7100 DeMedici Circle Delray Beach FL 33446 USA Tel::+1.561.900.4000

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Post on 24-Jun-2015




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Our unique combination of military, airline and corporate aviation expertise provides our clients with the ultimate in safety, security and privacy. Providing cost effective soulutions to a wide variety of aviation needs and program management. Private Jet / Corporate Jet We specialize in new, as well as pre-owned aircraft (Helicopter and Jet) acquisition and aircraft completion management. We provide consulting and training services to goverments, militaries and airlines around the world. We can provide any airframe including full Operational, Maintaince and Suppot Programs.


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It’s  the  passion  for  our  profession  and  pursuit  of  perfec2on  that  sets  us  apart.      Integral  Avia2on  Solu2ons,  Inc.  7100  DeMedici  Circle  Delray  Beach  FL  33446  USA  Tel::+1.561.900.4000  

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           Integral  Avia2on  Solu2ons,  Inc.                IAS   offers   a   wide   variety   of   avia2on   services   catering   to   the   needs   of   airlines,  corpora2ons,  VIP  clients  as  well  as  governments  around  the  globe.    “Head  of  State”  rotorcraT  and  jets  are  our  specialty.      Our  mul2-­‐mission   aircraT   includes:   cost   effec2ve   ISR   and   SAR   plaYorms.    We   can  provide  the  aircraT  or  convert  exis2ng  airframes  to  meet  our  clients’  needs.  We  offer  the  most  modern  technology  the  US  government  will  allow  us  to  export.      We  offer  complete  logis2cal  support  for  all  avia2on  organiza2ons.      We  are  commi]ed  to  total  customer  sa2sfac2on.            

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The  IAS  Team  and  Network  

Our  principals  all  have  over  30  years  of  experience  in  the  avia2on  field.    Our  combina2on  of  corporate,   airline   and   military   exper2se   makes   us   uniquely   qualified.     We   are   all   avia2on  people  and  all  hold  FAA  licenses.    It’s  the  passion  for  our  profession  that  makes  our  programs  a  success.      Our  network  includes:    •  Designers            •  Engineers  •  Lawyers            •  Accountants  •  Comple2on  Centers        •  MRO’s  •  Title  Companies            •  Insurance  Agents  •  Military  Systems  Integrators        


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Our  Team  

Ivan  Klugman  President  With  over  35  years  of  avia2on  experience,  10  years  of  that  in  corporate  flight  departments  and  serving  as  Captain  with  United  Airlines  for  25  years.    During  his  career,  he  has  placed  many  aircraT  in  service  from  airliners  to  large  twin  engine  helicopters.    Captain  Klugman  has  worked  for  some  of  the  highest  net  worth  individuals  interna2onally  acquiring  their  aircraT  (both  jet  and  helicopter  )  as  well  as  the  complete  structuring  of  their  flight  departments.    Captain  Klugman  holds  an  FAA  Airline  Transport  Pilots  license  for  both  jets  and  helicopters  which  include  ra2ngs  on  Boeing  777,  767,  757,737,  Falcon  Jet,  Bell  206,  Bell  222,  Sikorsky  S76  and  Super  Puma.  .      Peter  Wendt  Vice  President  and  Director  of  Opera7ons  Capt.  Wendt  has  had  a  very  dis2nguished    career  as  a  military  aviator    as  well  as  a  senior  manager  at  large  commercial  opera2ons.    He  has  held  key  posi2ons  and  served  as  director  at  commercial  opera2ons  u2lizing  50  aircraT  and  over  a  hundred  pilots.    He  has  recently  completed  a  very  successful  assignment  in  Saudi  Arabia  for  the  RSAF.    Capt.  Wendt  also  enjoys  sharing  his  knowledge  with  new  aviators  as  a  simulator  instructor  and  examiner  on  jet  aircraT  at  CAE.    He    is  a  cer2fied  IS-­‐BAO  safety  auditor  in  addi2on  to    an  FAA  ATP  with  many  jet  and  helicopter  type  ra2ngs.        

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Our  Team  

Michael  J.  Bonventre  Senior  Project  Manager  Having   40   years   of   experience   in   avia2on   as   a   A&P   mechanic   at   various   civil   and   military  posi2ons.  He  has  served  8  as  a  final  assembly/first  flight/flight  development  inspector  at  a  major  aircraT  manufacturer.    In  the  past  20  years  Mike  has  been  a  technical  consultant  for  airlines  and  commercial   aircraT   leasing   companies.   Mike   has   successfully   placed   numerous   aircraT   on  opera2ng  cer2ficates   for  various  domes2c  and  foreign  airlines.  Mike  holds  an  FAA  Airframe  &  Powerplant   license   and   is   an   FAA   designate   Airworthiness   Inspector   well   as   a   Senior   NAAA  Appraiser  with  USPAP  (Uniform  Standards  of  Professional  Appraisal  Prac2ce)  endorsement  .        Capt.  Ric  Wilken  Director  of  Safety  and  Senior  Project  Manager  Held  the  Key  FAA/DGCA/CAA  posi2ons  of  General  Manager,  Director  of  Opera2ons,  Director  of  Safety,  Director  of  Maintenance,  Chief  Pilot  and  Civil  Avia2on  Safety  Officer  during  the  past  35  years.   He   has   managed   or   had   safety   oversight   responsibili2es   for   the   flight   opera2ons   and  aircraT  maintenance  departments  of  Army  Avia2on  Assets  during  8  years  of  ac2ve  duty  and  26  years   in   the   Na2onal   Guard   and   Reserves.     Ric   developed   and   implemented   the   accident  inves2ga2on  program   for   a  major   insurance   companies.  He  has  performed   serious   injury   and  fatal   accident   inves2ga2ons,   tes2fied   as   an   expert   in   accident   reconstruc2on,   claims  management,   risk   analysis/safety   engineering   of   interna2onal   manufacturing   operators   and  airlines.     Ric’s   FAA   ra2ngs   include   an   ATP   both   fixed   and   rotor  wing,   Airframe  &   Powerplant  license,   FAA   designated   Airworthiness   Inspector   and   FAA   Designated   Airworthiness  Representa2ve  (DAR).  

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Our  services  include:  •  Needs  assessment  •  AircraT  evalua2on  •  AircraT  acquisi2on  •  Civil  and  military  opera2ons  and  training  •  Pre  purchase  inspec2on  oversight  •  AircraT  comple2on  management  •  “Head  of  State”  and  VIP  aircraT    •  Heavy  maintenance  "C  "  and  "D"  check  management  •  HEMS  consulta2on  •  AircraT  interior  designers    •  ISR  aircraT  and  training  •  Flight  department  and  management  consul2ng  service    •  Airliner  to  Corporate  conversions  •  Increase  fuel  capacity    and  range  improvement  •  Logis2cal  support  and  ground  service  equipment  


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Safety  and  Security    

IAS   personnel   are   all   licensed   avia2on   professionals.     We   consider   our   clients’   safety   our  primary  mission.    All  maintenance,  modifica2ons    and  flight  opera2ons  will  be  in  accordance  to  applicable  interna2onal  standards.  

 Safety  features  that  may    be  incorporated  include:  •  Medical  suites  •  AED  •  Enhanced  emergency  medical  kits  •  Med-­‐Link  for  airborne  medical  assistance  

Security  features  •  Video  surveillance  and  security  systems  •  Missile  counter  measures  


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Cabin  Ameni2es  

Owner’s  suits  Staterooms  Showers  Bathrooms  Offices    Conference  rooms  Prayer  room    Theaters  Children's  accommoda2ons  Salons  Foyers  Galleys  Medical  suites    Staff  areas  WI-­‐FI  Satellite  phones  CMS  (cabin  management  systems)  Entertainment  Systems  Humidifica2on  systems  Cabin  ligh2ng      

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AircraT  Acquisi2on  Time  Line    

•  Market review with regard to aircraft availability •  Recommendations are presented to the client •  Desktop inspection (this is not the pre purchase inspection) •  Legal and tax consultation •  Negotiate and prepare offer •  Execution of Purchase Agreement •  Pre purchase inspection conducted per our unique specifications and logbook

review •  Final maintenance negotiations •  Arrange for insurance •  Arrange for closing •  Take delivery at desired location/export if desired


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Aircra=  Records  Review    This  is  an  overview  of  the  aircra=  records  review:  

Airworthiness  Direc7ve:  •  All  AD’s  reviewed  for  full  compliance.    •  Only  original  documenta2on  accepted  (Dirty  Fingerprint  Documents)  •  All  components  reviewed  with  Maintenance  Manual  and  Illustrated  Parts  Catalog  to  ensure  that  

only  approved  components  are  installed.    Avionic  Units  •  All  units  reviewed  for  correct  installa2ons  and  modifica2ons  for  the  current  configura2on  of  

aircraT.  Hard  Time  Components  •  All  components  reviewed  for  compa2bility  with  aircraT  by  research  with  Maintenance  Manual  

and  IPC  •  All  components  reviewed  for  Source  (8130’s)  •  All  components  reviewed  for  life  usage  •  On  Condi2on  /  Condi2on  Monitored  Components  •  All  components  reviewed  for  compa2bility  with  aircraT  by  research  with  Maintenance  Manual  

and  IPC  •  All  components  reviewed  for  Source.  (8130’s)  •  All  components  reviewed  for  life  usage  Technical  Logs  •  Review  of  all  Flight  and  Technical  logs  for  minimum  24  months  Maintenance  Checks  •  Last  complete  cycle  of  Maintenance  checks  (“A”,  “B”,  “C”,  and  “D”)  •  Periodic  and  Out  of  Phase  checks  •  Last  complete  cycle  of  checks  Major  Modifica7ons  •  Review  for  compliance  and  compa2bility  of  Modifica2ons  for  Airworthiness  to  AircraT  Structural  Repairs  •  Review  for  compliance  and  compa2bility  of  repairs  for  Airworthiness  to  AircraT  Supplemental  Type  Cer7ficates  (STC’S)  •  Review  for  compliance  and  compa2bility  of  STC’s  for  Airworthiness  to  AircraT        

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Design  and  Engineering  Phases  

Phase  1  •  Research  and  Development  Phase  •  Client  mee2ngs    •  Equipment  vendor  mee2ngs          Phase  2  •  Concept  and  Design  •  Generate  LOPA  •  Present  to  client  via  CAD,  drawings,  renderings,  material  boards,  etc.  •  Generate  the    “Client  Interior  Specifica2ons  Document”      Phase  3  •  Develop  the  engineering  and  cer2fica2on  package  •  Summit  to  comple2on  centers  for  bid  •  Review  bids  and  select  center      Phase  4    •  Commence  program  management  and  comple2on  oversight    

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Client  Interior  Specifica2on  Document  

This  document  delineates  every  thing  we  are  going  to  do  to  the  aircraT  and  serves  as  a  guide  for  the  complete  program.    It  will  be  a  very  detailed  descrip2on  of  the  en2re  aircraT;  may  include  the  following:        •  Floor  Plan,  Eleva2ons    •  Descrip2on  of  what  are  interior  components;  interior  lining  panel  system,  bulkheads,  

galleys,  cabinets,  seats,  etc.  •  Descrip2on  of  the  interior  equipment:  monitors,  sound  systems,  etc.    •  Interior  configura2on  of  aircraT  by  area  and  full  descrip2on  of  every  component,  

including  structure  composi2on,  stowage,  finishes,  and  special  details/features.    •  Descrip2on  of  PA,  ligh2ng,  oxygen,  emergency  features.    •  Descrip2on  of  sea2ng  upholstery  and  seat  sizes    •  Descrip2on  of  all  electrical,  mechanical  and  structural    •  Descrip2on  of  all  work  to  be  performed  and  related  cer2fica2on  requirements  to  be  

addressed    •  Descrip2on  of  documenta2on  requirements  for  engineering,  manufacturing  and  

cer2fica2on  •  Material  finishes  used  throughout  the  aircraT    •  Equipment  list    •  Descrip2on  of  responsibili2es  by  the  different  work  group  partners    •  Schedule,  milestones,  deliverables    •  List  of  loose  equipment  and  overstock  items  lists.    (overstock  would  be  carpet  remnants  

used  for  future  repairs)    •  Cer2fica2on  requirements  check  list  for  FAA  airworthiness  approval      This  serves  as  the  customers  check  list  and  plan  of  execu2on  which  clearly  conveys  the  SOW  

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Comple2on  Oversight  and  Program  Management  Overall   Comple2on  program  management   consists  of  monitoring   the   cri2cal   path   schedule,  par2cipa2ng   in   vendor   and   program   reviews,   and   proac2vely   iden2fying   and   solving  major  issues  before  they  manifest  themselves.    Close  a]en2on  is  paid  to  quality,  cost  and  schedule  when  dealing  with  any  issue  including  Change  Orders.    Although  each  project  is  very  different  from  start  to  finish,  some  aspects  are  always  the  same.  Our   commitment   to   our   Client   starts   in   the   design   phase.   Our   goal   is   to   see   that   the   final  product  is  safe,  comfortable  and  retains  its  value  for  years  to  come.    The  following  is  a  list  of  key  items  we  perform  or  supervise  during  the  process  (as  applicable):    •  Input   and   coordinate   during   the   ini2al   design   phase   for   cabin   layout,   cockpit   avionics  

placement  and  paint.  

•  Recommend  updates,  modifica2on,  inspec2ons  and  equipment  installa2ons.  

•  IAS   will   coordinate   with   the   client,   client’s   designer   and   the   center's   design   group   to  ensure  that  your  expecta2ons  are  clearly  understood  and  implemented.  

•  Par2cipate   in   the   Cri2cal   Design   Reviews   to   ensure   that   the   installa2on   and   assembly  drawings   reflect   the   requirements   specified   in   the   approved   layout  packages.     Provide  recommenda2ons  in  any  engineering/design  and  mechanical  conflicts.  Par2cipate  in  the  Component  Accessibility  Review  to  ensure  that  accessibility  is  built  into  the  components  in  the  ini2al  engineering  phase.  

•  Conduct  a  “Green”  airframe  acceptance  inspec2on  and  report  our  findings  to  the  client.  This  includes  a  review  of  func2onal  test  results.  We  will  perform  detailed  inspec2ons  on  the   airframe,   engine,   components   and   accessories   to   iden2fy   any   undocumented  damage,  problems  or  future  concerns.      A  thorough  document  review  will  be  conducted  to   detect   any   possible   discrepancies   on   major   part   changes,   serial   number   lis2ngs,  modifica2on  status,  flight  test  and  produc2on  test  data.  

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 Comple2on  Oversight  and  Program  Management  

•  Par2cipate  in  all  pressuriza2on  tests,  gear  swings  and  test  flights.  

•  Monitor   the   milestone   schedule   provided   by   the   center   and   highlight   any   poten2al  problem  areas  to  both  the  client  and  the  comple2on  center  for  quick  resolu2on.  

•  Representa2ves   will   be   present   to   observe   and   make   decisions   while   work   is   being  accomplished  on  the  aircraT.    We  will  ensure  the  comple2on  center  complies  with  the  terms  and  condi2ons  outlined  in  the  Purchase  Agreement.  

•  Par2cipate   in   all   reviews   of   cabinets,   seats   and   major   installa2ons   and   iden2fy   any  deficiencies  early   in   the  program  to  ensure  2mely  correc2ve  ac2on.  Maintain  an  ac2ve  log  of  all  discrepancies  or  devia2ons  detected.  

•  Maintain   an   ac2ve   documented   record   of   all   open   items   and   issues   and   highlight   any  poten2al  problem  areas.  Follow  up  on  all  issues.    During  the  interior  comple2on  process,  we   will   monitor   all   technical   aspects   of   the   aircraT   including   produc2on   drawings,  airframe/engine/system   build   quality,   defects,   ground   and   flight   test   results,   serialized  component   list,   cer2fica2on  documenta2on,  Service  Bulle2n   incorpora2on  and  product  improvements.  

•  Maintain   records   during   the   process   to   reconcile   the   final   bill   from   the   comple2on  center.   Photograph   the   component   installa2ons   for   future   reference.   Provide   a  con2nuous  flow  of  communica2ons  and  informa2on  of  ac2vi2es  to  the  client.  

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Comple2on  Oversight  and  Program  Management    

•  Par2cipate   in   all   program   or   status   reviews   with   the   center.   This   review   is   typically  scheduled   every   three   weeks   and   will   review   all   open   items   iden2fied   by   IAS   and  comple2on  center.  

•  Review  and  monitor   the  quality  of   the   interior   comple2on   installa2ons   (to   include   soT  goods,   design,   construc2on   and   fit)   to   ensure   that   the   aircraT   complies   with   the  specifica2on  and  drawing  package,  from  an  interior  comple2on  perspec2ve.    Assure  that  all  work  is  done  to  our  standard  of  excellence  well  beyond  FAA  minimums.  

 •  Monitor  discrepancy   lists,  changes,  modifica2ons  and  recommend  fixes  associated  with  

the  interior  comple2on.  

•  Conduct   along   with   test   pilot   full   func2onal   test   of   all   aircraT   system   and   avionics  (including  the  manufacturers’  full  flight  test  profile).    Conduct  mul2ple  approaches  of  all  types  to  assure  all  flight  deck  systems  are  fully  func2onal.    Cold  soak  flights  to  detect  any  abnormali2es   associated   with   the   interior   comple2on   and   ensure   that   the   interior  comple2on  conforms  to  the  specifica2on  in  flight  .      

 •  Conduct   a   pre   delivery   trace   ability   report,   final   airworthiness   review   and   log   book  

prepara2on.   During   final   acceptance,   a   review   of   all   documents   including   the   AFM,  component   handbooks,   warranty   paperwork   and   passenger   briefing   cards   will   be  conducted.     Conformity   of   placards,   circuit   breaker   layouts,   switch   panels,   etc.  will   be  assured.     IAS  will  also  conduct  a  detailed   inspec2on  of  all   loose  equipment  and  spares.  We  will  assure  weight  and  balance  data   is   in  order  as  well  as  a  system  for  the  pilots  to  assure  compliance.  

 •  Par2cipate   in   the   Delivery   and   Acceptance   of   the   aircraT.     Coordinate   all   “Delivery  

Documenta2on"  and  entry  into  service.    


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Flight  Opera2ons  

IAS   will   assist   in   developing   a   corporate   culture   that   nurtures   safety   above   all.     We   will  establish  effec2ve  and  open  lines  of  communica2on  between  flight  opera2ons  and  corporate  management.    Our  goal  is  to  have  in  place  a  highly  mo2vated  cohesive  group  of  professionals  to  accomplish  the  task  of  providing  safe  and  convenient  transporta2on  to  corporate  personel.    On-­‐board   communica2ons   and   ameni2es   will   allow   for   en-­‐route  mee2ngs   or   relaxa2on   to  arrive  well  rested  for  the  business  day  ahead.    Crews  will  be  trained  in  first  aid,  CPR  and  use  of  on-­‐board   AED.     Satellite   communica2ons   will   be   available   for   flight   opera2ons   func2ons  (ATC),  passenger  communica2on  and  to  consult  ground  based  medical  consul2ng  firm  in  case  of  on-­‐board  illness.      IAS  will  use  industry  standard  “Best  Prac2ces”  as  our  guide  for  safety  that  exceed  Federal  Air  Regula2on  minimums.    Outline  of  Services  that  may  be  included  but  are  not  limited  to:  Staffing:    Flight   crew   and   maintenance   personnel   recommended   ini2al   staffing   level   for   pilots,  maintenance  personnel  and  flight  a]endants.  Final  selec2on  and  terms  of  employment  to  be  approved  by  client.  

•  Screening  •  Underwriter  review  •  Flight   simulator   evalua2on   for   pilots   in   aircraT   simulator   at   contracted   training  

facility    •  Provide   Flight  Opera2ons  Manual   to  meet   IS-­‐BAO   standards:  Manual   describes   day-­‐to-­‐

day   procedures   to   conduct   flight   opera2ons   in   accordance   with   IS-­‐BAO   standards  (Interna2onal  Standards   for  Business  AircraT  Operators).  This   is  a   living  document   that  evolves  with  the  flight  opera2on.  

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Flight  Opera2ons  

•  Ini2ate   SMS   program   (Safety   Management   System).   Safety   management   systems  encourage   and   promotes   various   internal   and   external   repor2ng   (no   jeopardy   in  most  cases)  procedures  to  iden2fy  risks  and  mi2gate  errors.    This  is  an  EASA  requirement.  

•  Establish  the  cornerstones  of  CRM  (Crew  Resource  Management)    and  TEM  (Threat  and  Error   management)   program.     Program   starts   in   the   interview   stage   of   all   personnel  involved   in   the   opera2on  of   the   aircraT.     Those  with   a   profile   that   is   non-­‐conformant  with  a  good  CRM  program  are  not  hired.  

•  Contract    aircraT  maintenance  program  provider  •  Provide  Emergency  Response  Program  •  Provide  MEL:  Minimum  Equipment  List;  this  is  a  list  of  acceptable  inopera2ve  equipment  

for  aircraT  dispatch  as  well  as  opera2onal  and  maintenance  procedure  for  dispatch.  •  Nego2ate  lease  for  client’s  hangar  and  office  space.  •  Arrange  for  aircraT  and  spare  parts  storage.  •  Arrange  for  a  contract  on-­‐call  maintenance  from  a  global  provider  •  Develop   a   flow   of   informa2on   between   flight   opera2ons   and   management   using  

computerized  scheduling,  passenger  informa2on  and  accoun2ng.    

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Integral  Avia2on  Solu2ons,  Inc.  7100  DeMedici  Circle  Delray  Beach  FL  33446  USA  Tel::+1.561.900.4000  Fax:+1.561.300.8607  

 Capt.  Ivan  Klugman  Mobile:1.561.809.8606  [email protected]  

 Licensed:    FAA  aircraT  dealers  US  Department  of  State:  Broker  of  controlled  goods    

   Members:  Na2onal  Business  AircraT  Associa2on  Interna2onal  Helicopter  Safety  Team