integrated and topological liquid crystal photonics · phenomena, observed in the past decade in...

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Page 1: Integrated and topological liquid crystal photonics · phenomena, observed in the past decade in nematic colloids is given. It is explained why integrated photonics based on microstructured

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Integrated and topological liquid crystal photonics

Igor Muševič

To cite this article: Igor Muševič (2014) Integrated and topological liquid crystal photonics, LiquidCrystals, 41:3, 418-429, DOI: 10.1080/02678292.2013.837516

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Page 2: Integrated and topological liquid crystal photonics · phenomena, observed in the past decade in nematic colloids is given. It is explained why integrated photonics based on microstructured

Liquid Crystals, 2014Vol. 41, No. 3, 418–429,


Integrated and topological liquid crystal photonics

Igor Muševic*

Condensed Matter Department, J. Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia; Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University ofLjubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia

(Received 18 July 2013; accepted 20 August 2013)

This contribution is a personal view of the rapidly developing subfield of nematic colloids, with an emphasis onpossible applications of these materials in future photonic microdevices. A brief overview of the most importantphenomena, observed in the past decade in nematic colloids is given. It is explained why integrated photonicsbased on microstructured liquid crystals is feasible and future challenges towards the realisation of integratedliquid crystal microphotonics are discussed.

Keywords: liquid crystals; photonics; liquid crystal colloids


In their article entitled ‘Photonic Band Structure:the Face-Centered-Cubic Case’ published in PhysicalReview Letters in 1989 [1], Yablonovitch and Gmitterhave introduced the term ‘photonic bangap mate-rial’ in obvious correspondence to the bandgap struc-ture of the electronic levels in solids. Previously, EliYablonovitch [2] and Sajeev John [3] realised that theconcepts of the Brilloiun zone and the band structureof energy levels should be applied to the spectrum ofphotons in 3D optically periodic structures, similar tothe electron levels in solid crystals. They investigatedthe inhibition of spontaneous emission of electro-magnetic radiation by atoms in an environment thatcontrols their radiation field. At that time, the conceptof the photonic band gap was actually already knownand was used in many technical applications includ-ing Fabry–Perot microcavities for solid state lasers andintereference filters. This concept was also well knownfrom the optics of cholesteric and ferroelectric liquidcrystals (LCs). However, as it often turns out, this ideaof the new field called ‘photonics’ soon gained hugeattention because of its potential application in anentirely new generation of integrated photonic devices,which would be used to generate and control the flowof photons on a microscale. These hypothetical devicesare therefore using the concept of the forbidden energygap for photons to guide and control the flow of light,similar to the control of flow of electrons in integratedmicrochips. The idea of how to control the flow of lightby a photonic crystal is very simple. The photonic crys-tal is characterised by a forbidden frequency gap inthe dispersion relation linking the wave-vector and the

*Email: [email protected]

frequency of the electromagnetic field, as illustratedin Figure 1. This means that electromagnetic radia-tion of frequency ω, which falls into this forbiddenregion, cannot propagate in the photonic crystal. As aresult, such radiation will be reflected and the photoniccrystal will act as a perfect lossless mirror. If the for-bidden gap is complete, the light will be reflected for allangles of incidence. To make an integrated photonicdevice, one should be able to design and assemblephotonic-like structures and interconnect them to theoptical waveguides, optical sources, modulators anddetectors. In such a hypothetical photonic microcir-cuit, the photons would play the role of the electronsin microelectronic circuits; they would carry the infor-mation at the speed of light with negligible delays

Figure 1. (a) Photonic crystal is a regular 3D arrangementof dielectric objects that are separated by a distance, compa-rable to the wavelength of light that is of our interest. (b) Thedispersion relation for light, propagating in a photonic crys-tal is periodic in the reciprocal space. In the Brillouin zone,the frequency (energy) spectrum exhibits forbidden band(s),which are the result of Bragg interference of EM waves inperiodic medium (image courtesy of E. Zupanic).

© 2013 Taylor & Francis

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and presumably at much lower power dissipation thansuperfast microelectronics of today [4].

These ideas soon gathered great scientific inter-est and the methods of assembly or preferably self-assembly of photonic crystals were for a decade oneof the mainstream directions in the material sci-ence and photonic engineering. Methods of fabrica-tion that were investigated include colloidal assem-bly of photonic crystals from water dispersions [5],directed assembly on patterned surfaces [6], electron-beam microlithography [7], optoelectronic tweezing[8], DNA-assisted colloidal assembly [9] and two-photon polymerisation [10]. Today, we are witness-ing realisation of these ideas in numerous industrialphotonic roadmaps and it is expected that hybridphotonic-electronic microcircuits will soon boost theperformance of our computers by order(s) of mag-nitude. This will, without doubt, soon be realised insilicon platforms [11] that will merge the photoniclarge scale integration technologies with electroniclarge scale integration, and the main advantage willbe very fast on-chip distribution of information viaphotonic highways and photonic floors embedded instandard silicon integrated circuitry.

While hybridisation of solid state photonics andmicroelectronics will, without doubt, make significantstep forward on a shorter time scale, one can see thelimitations of such an approach on a longer time scale.Solid matter is inherently immobile, and it is impossi-ble to imagine any self-assembly mechanism involvingonly hard matter. It is also difficult to process solidmatter on a nanometre scale to create smooth inter-faces, along which the light could propagate withoutsubstantial losses. Solid matter also cannot heal and itseems difficult to grow complex shapes and architec-tures using the solid state. All these properties are, infact, attributes of the liquids and soft matter, as evi-denced by the examples in Nature that has createdfascinating photonic structures, which can grow, self-assemble and (to a certain extent) heal. While softmatter, including LCs, is a poor electrical conductor,it is an excellent optical material with a highest knownelectro-optical response, the highest birefringence andoptical nonlinearities, for example. By using soft mat-ter and LCs it was possible to produce fascinating flatpanel devices, which were not imaginable only twentyyears ago.

The question is whether we could use LCs and softmatter in general, to design and produce soft mat-ter photonic integrated devices of the future? To thisaim, one has to prove that it is possible to producecoherent light on a microscale, as well as to guide itin a controllable way, process and detect it. Moreover,one should be able to assemble all these photonic ele-ments in a kind of a microcircuit that is made of liquid

matter, but is at the same time firmly bound into per-manently functioning devices. Forces between objectsin liquids are therefore needed in first place, and theseforces should be strong enough to provide permanentbinding of fluid microelements in 3D.

2D and 3D photonic crystals made of LC colloids

One of the first observations of forces between theobjects in LCs was reported by Cladis, Pieranski andRault [12,13] and were used to ‘decorate’ and visu-alise the orientation of the liquid crystalline moleculesat the free surface of a nematic liquid crystal (NLC).Later on, the experiment of Poulin et al. [14] demon-strated striking fact that water droplets, immisciblewith the NLC, could spontaneously arrange in chain-like structures, floating on the interface of the NLC.Each droplet was separated from its neighbour by atopological defect that provided stability against coa-lescence of water. There are two important messagesfrom this work: (i) NLC can provide structural forcesbetween included objects that are very strong, in fact,much stronger than kBT , and (ii) the topology andtopological defects are important for colloidal forcesin the NLCs.

These two messages were the basis for rapidadvancement in the field of nematic colloids after theyear 2000, when the laser tweezers was introduced asa new and powerful tool for controlled manipulationof microparticles in LCs [15–20]. It was demonstratedthat by using the laser tweezers, practically any kindof micrometre-sized particles could be trapped andmanipulated by light. Using this tool, we were ableto measure the forces and interactions between a pairof colloidal microparticles in colloidal dispersions andto elucidate the role of different topological defects ofdipolar and quadrupolar symmetry (see, for example,[21,22]). We could also successfully assemble colloidalcrystals by using the structural forces provided by elas-tically deformed NLC. Various 2D nematic colloidalcrystals with different surface motifs were demon-strated [23–25], and recently a 3D nematic colloidalcrystal was successfully assembled [26], as illustratedin Figure 2. In all these cases, the binding forces areprovided by topological defects, i.e. the singularitiesof the order parameter field. These forces are of longrange with the power-law decay of the pair interactionforces, giving rise to the pair interaction energies ofup to several thousands of kBT per micrometre par-ticle. They are still strong enough to bind a pair of20 nm silica nanoparticles, as demonstrated recentlyin [27]. This means that building photonic crystalsfor the optical or IR wavelengths, which requiresthe photonic crystal lattice spacing of the order of500 nm and several 100 nm diameter particles, is

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Figure 2. (Colour online) (a) Laser-tweezers assembly of a 3D dipolar colloidal crystal observed under crossed polarisers.Colloidal blocks of 2 × 6 × 3 and 4 × 6 × 3 particles assemble into the final 6 × 6 × 3 dipolar colloidal crystal. The assemblyat the initial stage was guided by the laser tweezers until blocks started to attract themselves. In all images, the small red dot isthe optical trap, used to direct the colloidal assembly. (b) 3D representation of the Fluorescence Confocal Polarised Microscopyimage of a 6 × 6 × 3 3D dipolar colloidal crystal, revealing tetragonal symmetry of the unit cell (image courtesy of A. Nychand U. Ognysta).

quite realistic and technologically feasible. It is alsointeresting that nematic colloidal crystals, where thetopological defects are responsible for binding forces,exhibit unusual material properties, such as giant elec-trostriction and electro-rotation, demonstrated in [26].

Colloidal entanglement, knotting and linking of defectloops

It came as a surprise when the laser tweezers wasused to quench a small area of the NLC contain-ing silica particles from the isotropic phase and toobserve the formation of entangled colloidal struc-tures, see [28]. Till then, topological defects in aform of singular points and loops (Saturn ring, [29]),surrounding each colloidal particle separately wereknown and it was beyond imagination that a sin-gle defect loop could extend over several colloidalparticles, forming a tightly bound-entangled colloidalassembly. However, numerical simulations based on

the Landau-de Gennes theory clearly predicted thatsuch entangled states should exist, as shown in [30–32].It was found in numerous experiments, performed inplanar nematic cells, where the colloids are confinedinto a single colloidal layer forming a 2D system,that only 1D entangled colloidal structures are stable,in spite of theoretical predictions that 2D entangledstructures should be stable as well. Three topologi-cally different entangled structures were identified, allof them appearing in a form of colloidal wires, but no2D stable colloidal entanglement were ever observedexperimentally (see Figure 3).

The entanglement of colloidal particles by thetopological defect loops is a fundamentally differ-ent phenomenon from the interactions of dipolaror quadrupolar interactions. While in the nematiccolloidal interactions involving either point or Saturnring defects, sharing of regions of the elastic dis-tortion is a primary reason for the forces betweenparticles, sharing of the same topological defect loop

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Figure 3. Colloidal entanglement in nematic liquid crystals. (a) Using high intensity laser tweezers, the nematic LC is molteninto the isotropic phase, surrounding three colloidal particles. (b, c) After the light is shut-down, the isotropic phase is quenchedinto the nematic phase and only two colloidal particles are entangled, whereas the third particle shows isolated Saturn ring(upper-right in (c)) (image courtesy of M. Škarabot).

gives rise to the force between entangled colloids.The entanglement provides a strong, string-like forcebetween colloidal particles, and the interaction isnearly an order of magnitude stronger than the dipolarcolloidal interaction.

Colloidal entanglement is a topologically interest-ing phenomenon, because it addresses, for the firsttime, the questions of the distribution of the topo-logical charge in such a topology, where the defectloops extend over several colloidal particles. Moreover,it addresses the question of the internal structure of–1/2 defect loops, which are involved in this case.Similar fundamental questions of the role of the topol-ogy in LC colloids were also raised in chiral nematiccolloids, where much richer topological phenomenawere observed. Tkalec et al. [33] found that in chiralLC environment closed defect loops can be entangledin such a way that they form knots and links, spannedon the scaffold of colloidal particles. Knots and linkswere formed around an array of colloidal particles ina chiral NLC, where each of the particles contributedits own Saturn ring. In the experiments, these defectrings were manipulated by the sharply focused beamof the laser tweezers. Using the deformation of theLC by the strong light of the tweezers, the individualrings were fused into larger defect rings, which couldbe further re-wired with themselves forming knots, orre-wired with neighbouring rings, forming links andmore complex topological entities. It has been demon-strated that practically any kind of a knot or link couldbe created by taking a sufficiently large colloidal array.Knots and links in chiral nematic colloids are too ofvery few examples of the realisation of these abstractobjects in real world, and were originally reported inchiral NLCs by Bouligand in 1974, see [34]. Recently,knots and links have been observed also in highlychiral nematic colloids [35], with the helical pitch com-parable to the colloidal diameter. Other examples ofknotted and linked fields include recently discoveredknotted light field [36] and knotted vortices in fluids[37].

Do we need photonic crystals or we could self-assemblethem from LCs?

We have demonstrated in 2009 [38] a conceptually newapproach to the assembly of photonic microdevices bydispersing a thermotropic LC in an immiscible fluid,such as water. The result of immiscibility is the forma-tion of spherical droplets of a NLC with well-definedinternal director structure that could function as indi-vidual photonic elements of a micrometre size. In thatcase, we have shown that a NLC droplet with a radialdirector structure is an optical microcavity. An opticalmicrocavity (or a microresonator) is an optical ele-ment that confines light to a very small volume. Theconfinement is realised either by the phenomenon ofthe total internal reflection (TIR) of light or by usingthe photonic crystal with its forbidden frequency gap.In the case of the nematic droplet dispersed in water,the higher refractive indices of the NLC result in theTIR of light that is created inside the resonator, seeFigure 4. In the geometrical picture, light is circulat-ing inside the droplet by subsequent reflections at theNLC–water interface. If it reaches the point of ori-gin after one circulation with the same phase, we havethe condition for an optical resonance. These resonantoptical eigenwaves are called the Whispering GalleryModes (WGMs) in accordance with the spectacu-lar acoustical resonant phenomena in half-sphericaldomes. Mathematically, these waves are the solutionsof Maxwell’s equations in spherical geometry and arecharacterised by four indices [38], which characterisethe spatial symmetry of the corresponding eigenwaves.It was demonstrated in Ref. [38] that a micrometre-sized droplet of the NLC 5CB functions as a tunableoptical cavity, and the light is resonantly circulatinginside the droplet by subsequent TIR at the NLC–water interface. Because the interface is very smooth,as it is stretched by the surface tension, the opticalresonances in a NLC microdroplet are very sharp,which means that the Q-factors of these resonatorsare rather high, of the order of 10,000. In that case,the tuning was realised by applying an external electric

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Figure 4. (Colour online) Light in liquid crystal microdroplets. (a) Microdroplet of nematic liquid crystal E12 in PDMS. (b)Detected light intensity under illumination by strongly focused beam of the Ar+ laser tweezers, illuminating the submicron-sizedspot near the rim of the droplet, indicated by the black cross. Because fluorescent dye is added to the NLC, WGMs are visibleas a bright rim inside the droplet. (c) Spectrum of WGMs in 12.6 µm radial nematic droplet. The inset shows details of a WGMspectral line in a 53 µm diameter E12 droplet. The linewidth is approximately 0.055 nm [38] (image courtesy of M. Humar).

field, which causes elastic deformation of the nematicdirector in the droplet’s interior and therefore changesthe optical path for the resonant modes. This resultsin the electric field-induced resonance mode shifting,which is nearly two orders of magnitude larger thanin solids. In solid-state WGM microcavities, the res-onances are usually tuned by heating or cooling theoptical microdevice and the energy dissipation neededfor tuning is the main drawback for the application ofsolid-state photonics. In contrast, tuning is performedby the electric-field effect in the NLCs, which decreasesthe energy consumption of the LC photonic devicescompared to the solid state or orders of magnitude.

The idea of assembling photonic devices by sim-ply dispersing LCs in immiscible fluids was furtherdeveloped in 2010 [39], when we have demonstratedthe operation of the first microlaser, based on chiral

NLC dispersion. A small amount of a fluorescent dyewas added to the chiral NLC, and this fluorescentand chiral NLC was further dispersed in water withadded surfactant that assured tangential orientation ofthe NLC molecules at the NLC–water interface. In afraction of a second, millions of droplets with onion-like internal structure were self-assembled, as shownin Figure 5. In each droplet, a helical arrangement ofNLC molecules was induced by chiral dopants and theresulting helical structure is evolving from the centreof the droplet towards its surface. In photonics, sucha structure is known as the spherical Bragg-onion res-onator and because of the spherical symmetry, it hasan omnidirectional band gap. This means that the lightof the frequency, which is in the forbidden gap of thechiral nematic structure, is reflected back to the cen-tre of the droplet whenever it travels radially outwards.

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Figure 5. (Colour online) Onion-like structure of a long-pitch cholesteric liquid crystal droplet in glycerol. This struc-ture exhibits an omni-directional photonic band gap for onecircular polarisation of light (image courtesy of M. Humar).

However, as we have the fluorescent dye inside thedroplet, the back-scattered or Bragg-reflected photoninduces a stimulated emission of light from the opti-cally excited dye molecules. By increasing the pumpingenergy, lasing of the droplet is achieved above somethreshold, as shown in Figure 6.

Because the band gap is omnidirectional, so is thelasing. A chiral nematic microdroplet is therefore anomnidirectional laser and it emits a coherent laser lightuniformly in full space. It was reported in the origi-nal experiments [39] that the light from this laser is

Figure 6. (Colour online) Lasing spectra of a microdropletof MLC-7023 liquid crystal with 25.5 wt% of S-811 chiraldopant and 0.2 wt% fluorescent dye 7-diethylamino-3,4-benzophenoxazine-2-one (Nile red, Sigma-Aldrich) in glyc-erol at different energies of the pumping pulse. The thresholdfor lasing is at ∼1.8 mJ/cm2 (image courtesy of M. Humar).

not polarised, although it is expected that the laseremission be circularly polarised, as observed in manylasing experiments on thin chiral NLC layers. So far,several additional experiments have been inconclusive,although weak circular polarisation was observed insome of the experiments.

The 3D chiral nematic microlaser is a dye-laserand is excited by a short (nanosecond) pumping laserpulse, which excites the electrons in the dye moleculesto their upper energy levels. Both the excitation andlaser emission take place at a nanosecond time scale,as shown in Figure 7, which means that in principlesuch a laser could process light at the gigahertz fre-quencies. It has also been demonstrated that these self-assembled pulsed microlasers could be polymerised[40,41] and even deposited on solid surfaces as somesort of the laser-paint [40]. Recently, we have demon-strated [42] pulsed lasing in the WGM regime, whichemits light into the equatorial plane.

The chiral NLC microlaser is mechanically a veryrobust device, although it is made of a liquid. This isdemonstrated in Figure 8, where a small droplet ofthe chiral NLC, embedded in the polydimethylsilox-ane (PDMS), is punched by an optical fibre, to makean optical output of the resonant light into the fibre.It is clearly seen from panel (B) that the laser is stilloperating even under such severe conditions with hugeelastic deformation and local fracture. It is beyondimagination that anything like that could be realisedusing solid state materials. On the other hand, a chiralNLC microlaser suffers from the defectiveness that arecharacteristic of the dye-lasers: (i) a decreasing of thelasing intensity with time, which is due to the electronictransitions into the triplet, dark states, (ii) a chemicaldeterioration due to the dye decomposition, inducedby a strong light. It is currently estimated that LC

Figure 7. (Colour online) Nanosecond response of the 3Dcholesteric microlaser (image courtesy of M. Humar).

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Figure 8. Coupling of a 3D cholesteric microlaser to anoptical fibre. (a) The cholesteric droplet, which forms thelaser, is punched by an optical fibre right to the centre. (b)The microlaser is still operating normally, although it hasbeen severely damaged by the fibre and its shape has beendistorted (image courtesy of M. Humar).

microlaser can emit around one million pulses beforebleaching. This is clear evidence that further effortshave to be performed towards improvement of thelaser’s stability.

The discovery of the LC optical microresonatorsand microlasers opened some fundamental dilemmasregarding the photonics based on the LCs. The firstquestion is to what extent do we really need thenematic colloidal crystals to assemble microphotonicLC devices? It is clear that many of the photonicfunctions, such as tunable optical filtering and laseremission, could be realised using simple procedures inmicrodispersions of different LCs in water. This meansthat we do not need to perform delicate assembly of3D photonic crystals from the nematic colloidal par-ticles of 200–500 nm size. Instead, the function of thephotonic crystal and its band gap-based optical filter-ing could be obtained in a single droplet of a properlydesigned LC phase, where millions of identical devicescould be produced in a fraction of a second. We couldthen use the forces between colloidal inclusions toassemble these fluid microelements into firmly boundsuperstructures. It is still an open question, what kindof microdevices could be self-assembled form LC dis-persions, and we shall briefly address this speculativequestion in the next section.

LC microlasers, microresonators and self-assembledoptical fibres

NLC microlasers and tunable microresonators in aform of freely suspended microdroplets are two exam-ples of truly self-assembled photonic microstructures.Here, the self-assembly is realised on a micrometrescale by the surface tension that promotes spon-taneous formation of microdroplets. On a molec-ular level, chiral nematic phase of LCs leads tothe spontaneous formation of droplets with intrinsic

Figure 9. (Colour online) A microdroplet of a long-pitchferroelectric smectic liquid crystal SCE-7 in PDMS observedwith no polarisers (a) and between crossed polarisers (b).In a ferroelectric microlaser, the emission wavelength couldbe tuned by external DC electric field (image courtesy ofHuang Peng).

helical interior organisation, while in non-chiral mate-rials, perfect radial structures are obtained.

It is tempting to imagine that spherical micro-lasers and other photonic microdevices could be madefrom other chiral phases, such as the chiral smec-tic ferroelectric materials (see Figure 9). In this case,the emission wavelength of the dye-doped ferroelectricmicrolaser could be tuned via the linear coupling of theexternal electric field to the spontaneous electric polar-isation. It would be interesting to see what is the tuningrange and the reversibility of the electric-field-tuningin chiral nematic Bragg 3D microlasers, using thedielectric coupling that is quadratic in the electric field.Furthermore, it would be interesting to study micro-droplets of the blue phase materials that themselvesexhibit 3D photonic (incomplete) bandgap, as evi-denced from the lasing experiments of Cao et al. [43].

The surface tension between two immiscible liquidsprovides the formation of microdroplets of a perfectspherical shape that could be used as an optical cavitiyfor tunable resonators, optical filters and lasers. Thequestion is whether photonic objects of another shapescould be self-assembled, such as the fibres [44], toroidsetc. It is clear that in this case one has to be able toengineer the surface tension versus the elasticity of theLC. While in spherical objects the surface energy ofthe LC in the carrier fluid dominates the elastic energyof its deformed interior, lowering the surface energycould result in the formation of elongated, fibre-likeobjects. This is, in fact, well known in diblock polymers[45], where elongated fibre-like objects called myelinfigures are well known. Similar objects were reportedby Prathiba et al. [46] in binary mixtures of LCs. It wasdemonstrated recently [47] that smectic A LC formsfilaments when dispersed in water with CTAB added.These results are clear evidence that bodies of complexshape and topology could be self-assembled in LCs inthe future.

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Structuring of LCs on a microscale to assemble liquidmicrodevices

Modern devices based on LCs, such as screens andmodulators are using thin layers of LCs with sub-stantial lateral sizes up to the order of a metre. Theirprimary function is visualisation of information andthis determines their size, the internal structure andorganisation. We propose another class of future LCdevices that are the liquid analogue of solid statemicrocircuits. The function of these devices wouldbe processing the information on a microscale, muchas the information is nowadays processed in solidstate microelectronic circuits. These devices wouldbe made of different LCs, structured in functionalmicroelements and firmly bound together into func-tional unities with the structural forces, provided byLCs themselves. Unlike electric currents in microelec-tronic devices, these devices would use the currents ofphotons to transmit the information at the speed oflight. Unlike planar geometry that is used in the designand production of modern microelectronic circuits,these devices could be organised in 3D because oftheir fluidic nature. One could imagine that combiningsimple organic materials like LCs, with biomaterials,might lead to a programmable self-assembly of com-plex microdevices that would be capable of growth,self-repair and self-healing. It is clear that in order toachieve these goals several key fundamental problemsare to be solved.

• New LC materials have to be synthesised that arenot miscible between themselves. These new immis-cible materials would provide the basis for the3D microstructuring of LCs. Suppose we have anematic material A that is immiscible with anothernematic material B. This would allow to make adispersion of droplets of the nematic A in thenematic B. Using the surface engineering one couldprovide homeotropic anchoring of the nematic Bon the spherical surface of the nematic A. Thiswould allow us to entangle arbitrary number ofdroplets of the nematic A using the topologicaldefect loops formed in the nematic B. Finally, thesetwo materials could be knotted and linked intoarbitrary 3D all-liquid structures using the entan-glement mechanism that we know from the nematiccolloids.

• Surface engineering and topology. The variety ofgeometrical shapes that spontaneously form in theLC dispersion is limited to spheres and fibres ofLCs. The synthesis of a new class of immiscible LCswould address several questions on their surfacetension. For example: (i) what is the anchoring ofone LC on another LC? Can we engineer arbitrary

combinations of their mutual surface alignments,such as a planar alignment of the nematic A ona planar alignment of the nematic B, planar A onhomeotropic B etc . . . (ii) Could we engineer thesurface energy so that we would induce sponta-neous formation of tori-like objects of nematic A inthe nematic B? Are other topologically non-trivialobjects that could be formed by surface tensionengineering? (iii) What is the transfer of topologicaldefects across the liquid–liquid interface? One cansee already from these few questions that there is animmense new field of surface physics and chemistrywith anisotropic liquid interfaces.

• Microstructuring and topology of solid–liquid inter-faces. If we continue along the hypothesis thatwe are able to microstructure immiscible LCs into3D architectures, the question is how to confinethese all-liquid structures into a kind of compart-ment made of solid walls. These walls should notonly serve as a confining boundary, but must alsohave a topological role. Namely, microstructuringof immiscible LCs requires not only a well-definedsurface anchoring, but most likely also the surface-structuring or surface-patterning of the orienta-tional order. This surface patterning will mostlikely be accompanied by various surface topo-logical defects, which delineate the regions with adifferent kind of surface anchoring. These topo-logical defects could serve as the sources of thesurface forces that could provide surface bindingof LC microstructures. However, one could alsodeliberately create artificial sources of topologicaldefects using, for example, precise 3D two-photonpolymerisation technique, see [48]. An example ofa microstructure manufactured on a glass surfaceis shown in Figure 10. These topological anchorsor ‘handles’ could be used to mechanically stabiliseall-LC structures by providing the surface forcesvia defect entanglement etc.

• Resonant transport and control of light inmicrostructured LCs. Although the operationof basic photonic microdevices has been success-fully demonstrated, it remains to demonstrate thatthe transport of light between different photonicelements made of LCs is possible. Furthermore, asthe aim is to develop all-photonic devices, wherethe flow of light should be controlled by photonsrather than electrons, new concepts of light controlin LCs have to be developed. We have recentlydemonstrated [49] that light could be resonantlytransferred from a planar polymer waveguide intothe optic microcavity made of a NLC droplet witha radial internal structure. The geometry of thedevice for the demonstration of resonant lighttransfer is shown in Figure 11. It comprises of a

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Figure 10. An example of 3D chiral structure that was manufactured using 3D two-photon polymerisation technique usingNanoscribe Photonic Professional system. (image courtesy of M. Humar).

Figure 11. (Colour online) Schematic drawing of resonantlight transport between a planar waveguide deposited onglass substrate and the spherical nematic LC microcavity.The spectrum of the resonantly circulating light is measuredby spectral analysis of light, leaking from the microcavity(image courtesy of M. Humar).

polymer waveguide on a glass substrate that cantransport the input light (red arrow in Figure 11) ina finite number of electromagnetic eigenmodes.A small droplet of a NLC with a radial structure issuspended in aqueous solution, floating just abovethe upper surface of the polymer waveguide. Once

proper conditions are met, such as close proximityof the droplet and the waveguide, the light is res-onantly transferred from the polymer waveguideinto one (or several) resonant WGMs, sustainedby the NLC microdroplet. These resonantlytransferred modes could be observed [49] simplyby analysing the spectrum of light emitted fromthe droplet. The demonstration of the resonantlight transport from a planar optical waveguideinto the liquid crystalline microcavity is the firstdirect proof-of-the-concept of LC microphotoniccircuits. The analysis shows [49] that as much as50% of light energy confined into micrometre-sizedarea close to the droplet contact point couldbe resonantly transferred into the microcavitywith an optimum choice of the refractive indicesand mode-matching conditions. In this case, theenergy transfer depends exponentially upon thedroplet-surface separation, because the mechanismof the energy transfer implies both the spatialand temporal overlapping of the evanescent andexponentially decaying tails of the modes inside theplanar waveguide and the spherical microcavity.

Why topology matters in crystal colloids and multipledispersions?

The concept of integrated microphotonics based onLC multiple dispersions implies the use of a multitudeof small, micrometre-sized objects self-assembled fromordered fluids or complex soft matter. In this case,

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it is not just only the geometry of the compartment,where the fluid is confined, that is important, but thetopology of the confined fluid as well. The confine-ment (in case of micro droplets) of an ordered fluid,or the insertion of a foreign object into the orderedfluid, always induces formation of topological defects,which occupy a considerable part of the fluid becauseof the smallness of the system. Their presence not onlyconsiderably changes the energy of the system in viewof considerable amount of the elastic energy, storedin defects, but has a strong influence on the perfor-mance of microdevices, because of the conservation ofthe topological charge.

For example, switching of the interior of the LCmicrodevice is constrained by the inevitable conser-vation of topological defects at all times. On theother hand, topological defects are the generators ofmechanical forces between the inclusions in LCs andare responsible for a variety of structural motifs ofcolloidal structures, observed in various LC disper-sions. By tailoring the positions and type of topolog-ical defects, one could, in principle, devise a varietyof microstructures in LCs with a variety of differ-ent functions, such as optical signal filtering, steeringand multiplexing. It is therefore likely that topologicalproperties will be very important in designing and pro-ducing any future integrated LC microdevice, basedon multiple LC dispersions. This is in sharp contrastwith existing hard-matter microdevices, where only thegeometry of the device is important, and the topologyis of a minor importance.

We believe that future explorations of the topologi-cal properties of multiple liquid crystalline dispersions(featuring multicomponent and immiscible LCs andsolid particles) together with the analysis of the topo-logical laws that seem to imprint the topology ofmatter onto the topology of EM waves, interactingwith topological matter will be of outmost importancein the future. Recent results, such as the transforma-tion of a Gaussian beam into a Laguerre–Gausianbeam after passing through the topological defect inthe NLC [50] or a toron [51] imprinted into a frustratedchiral NLC are clear indications of this phenomenaand could lead to interesting results in the future.Explorations of the limits of the variety of topolog-ical entities that could be created in LCs are alsovery promising, as they have led recently to funda-mental observations, such as knotting and liking of aLC ordering field and recent observation of the Hophfibration [52], to mention only a few.

In conclusion, there are strong indications thatwe could use the fascinating topological variety andflexibility of LCs not only to explore realisations oftopology in Nature, but also to use these phenomena

for engineering of novel microphotonic devices basedexclusively on soft matter. The unusual combinationof the softness and fluidity of LCs, combined with richtopology that generates forces between constituentsmight be of considerable interest in the future.


I would like to thank Miha Škarabot, Matjaž Humar, MihaRavnik, Slobodan Žumer, Uroš Tkalec, Ulyana Ognysta andAndriy Nych for their valuable contribution to this work.The work was supported by the Slovenian Research Agency(ARRS) under the project J1-3612 and programme P1-0099.Part of this work was supported by the Center of ExcellenceNAMASTE.

Notes on contributorIgor Muševic received his BSc and PhD degrees in physicsfrom the University of Ljubljana. He was a visiting sci-entist at the University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands,and Max Planck Institute in Grenoble. He is Professorof Physics at the University of Ljubljana and the Headof the Condensed Matter Physics Department at J. StefanInstitute in Ljubljana. His research interests include physicsof ferroelectric liquid crystals, behaviour of liquid crystals inhigh magnetic fields, optical spectroscopy, forces generatedby complex fluids, self-assembly in liquid crystal colloidsand single atom manipulation at low temperatures. He isthe recipient of several national and international scientificawards.


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