integrating technology in the classroom

Educational Technology

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Post on 06-May-2015




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Discuss three changes evident in the twenty first century learner. Explain one implication of one of the changes for teaching and learning and one policy decisions. Using relevant examples explain, three ways in which integrating technology in teaching and learning will improve the quality of education for our students.


Page 1: Integrating Technology in the Classroom



Page 2: Integrating Technology in the Classroom


Discuss three changes evident in the twenty first century learner. Explain one implication of one

of the changes for teaching and learning and one policy decisions. Using relevant examples

explain, three ways in which integrating technology in teaching and learning will improve the

quality of education for our students.

Page 3: Integrating Technology in the Classroom

This essay serves to inform you the reader about the 21st century learner and ways in which

technology can improve the quality of education for our students. The three points that I would

like to expand on about the 21st century learner are; student-centred, communication skills and

multiple sources of information. The other matter that I would like to address is how technology

can improve the quality of education for our students. I have written three points; motivation,

improve performance and accommodating (student’s age, learning styles, classroom environment

and methods of teaching).

Technology is now at the tip of our fingers, the information we need is no longer at a

long walk to the library but it is in our homes, on our mobile cellular phones and other

technological devices. The sooner we realize that we are living in the 21st century the less

complicated life will be and the more productive and efficient our daily tasks will be.

The first point that I would like to embark on is student-centredness. Students can’t be

“taught” – they can only be helped to learn (Leo Jones, 2007). Student-centred learning, as the

term suggests, is a method of learning or teaching that puts the learner at the centre (Boyer,

1990). This approach has many implications for the design and flexibility of curriculum, course

content, and interactivity of the learning process. Instead of teachers spending pointless and

irretrievable time, dispersing wide information and giving direct instructions to students, they are

lead to discover concepts independently. The teacher acts as a facilitator couching the students as

they work, while encouraging them, to develop their skills. In the student-centred classroom the

teacher can focus more on students’ needs, interests, and learning styles. Example: if a teacher’s

class is student-centred, that class will be more conducive to learning. If it is a large classroom,

once the teacher understands each learner learning style (Visual, auditory-musical, linguistic,

Page 4: Integrating Technology in the Classroom

Kinesthetic, mathematical, interpersonal or intrapersonal), he/she will be more able to attended

to each student needs.

In the 21st century classroom students, teachers and parents have a wider and more effective

ways to communicate and connect with each other. According to The American Heritage

Dictionary (1995) communication is the act of communicating; transmission, the exchange of

thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, writing, or behavior. A means of

communicating, especially: a system, such as mail, telephone, or television, for sending and

receiving messages; a network of routes for sending messages and transporting troops and


Students possess diverse range of skills to express themselves not only through paper and

pencil, but also audio, video, animation, design software as well as a host of new environments

(e-mail, Web sites, message boards, blogs, streaming media, etc.). They are presented with newer

and improved communication means such as; social networks (facebook and tweeter), video

calling applications (skype and oovoo), blogging. Example: students can use video calling

applications to complete group assignments. The advent of these social networking sites provides

students with the opportunities to interact with other people through the internet; it becomes

easier for shy people or those who have low self-esteem since they don’t have to talk with people

face to face. They can share and learn about other countries culture, people lifestyle, places of

interest and many more. 

Page 5: Integrating Technology in the Classroom

Multiple sources of information

In the 20th century the main source of information for both teachers and students was the

customary textbook. The teacher would go chapter by chapter and page by page. While in the

21st century there are wider, more efficient and more effective sources of information eg.

journals, interviews of experts, videos, magazines etc.

The various sources where students may peruse to acquire data for an assignment or as a past

time activity has lend itself to numerous and varied writers thoughts, opinions and ideas. Most

importantly these sources once properly referenced provide information that are current,

authentic and reliable.

Implication of one of the changes for teaching and learning.

If the 21st century teacher should accept the 21st century learners and their diverse learning styles,

the learners will be more interested in their classes. If a teacher in the 21st century classroom

should divert a little from the customary text books that are been used in schools and integrate

other sources of information such as; journals, videos and magazines the students will be eager to

learn and participate in classroom activities. If the 21st century teachers should allow students to

take their own sources of information to class there will be a variety of information circulating in

the classroom, different meaning for words, drawing, and multiple concepts.

Page 6: Integrating Technology in the Classroom

Three ways in which integrating technology in teaching and learning will improve the

quality of education for our students

Technology is everywhere it touches every aspect of our lives, our communities, our

homes. But at the same time, it is not integrated in the school curriculum as it should be.

Integrating technology in the school system doesn’t mean that teachers are going to have

computer classes separately. Technology should be infused in their lesson plans changing the

way how teachers teach, helping them to have effective, active and creative ways to reach each

student and their different learning styles.

Some may question if technology can motivate students, but I say it can. Integrating

technology into the classroom will grab the attention of the students longer than the customary

chalk and talk. The attendance of some students may be improved, due to the fact that they are

having new experiences and more creative ways of learning and expressing themselves using

electronic devices. With the improvement of attendance of the students, and their attention in the

classroom there is no doubt that there will be improvement in academic areas.

Motivation arousing from technology in the classroom students will be more active and

eager to learn. While the students are more active and eager to learn they will engage in more

classroom activities such as; discussions, answering questions, giving their views on a particular

subject, thus raising the thinking skills.

With the full cooperation of the student in the classroom the lessons will be easier for the

teacher and the students. The technology in the classroom may become an extrinsic motivation

for the students. Over a period of time this extrinsic motivation will be converted into intrinsic


Page 7: Integrating Technology in the Classroom

In addition, technology improves performance for teachers and students, in and outside of the

classroom. In the technological inclined classroom the teacher has more opportunity to act as a

facilitator. If the teacher knows how to use the right technological device in his/her classroom the

only thing that teacher has to do is coach as her duty will be guiding each student in the desired

path that the teacher wants them to go.

Technology facilitates all learning styles. Technology allows the teacher to move away from the

common chalk and talk classroom to a more doing class. The kinesthetic learners will be able to

shine more because they are able to click on the computer or move something. Students who are

more kinesthetic learners will improve greatly in the classroom.


Student Age

Teachers must also consider the ages of the pupils they will be educating when selecting

teaching materials. If the materials are not at the appropriate level for the students they will

teach, the students will either find the materials too easy or too challenging, leading them to

stagnate or frustrate. With the use of technology in the classroom the teacher can introduce

games or quizzes to the students where they can choose a level that best fits them.

Learning Styles

Different materials reach students in different ways. When selecting materials, teachers often

consider the ways in which their current students learn best. If a teacher has a classroom with

visual learners, that teacher may choose to invest more in visual technology programs such as

paint or moviemaker. Similarly, if they have a class of linguistic students the teacher may

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introduce them to writing and editing programs. With the use of technology in the classroom is

address each student’s different learning styles more will be achieved

Classroom Environment

A teacher should decide what type of classroom she wants. Some teachers prefer that

their students work quietly and independently. Other teachers like to allow discussions among

students. Another consideration is the teaching style of the teacher. Technology allows a

teacher’s class to be whatever he/she wants it to be. But most of all it allows a student-centred

classroom with the teacher acts as a facilitator, to coach the students.

In the technologically inclined classroom the students are introduced to new methods of

teaching, viewing and displaying their work. With the use of a multimedia projector the students

will not see simply bigger pictures but how a process actually works. Example: if a teacher is

doing a topic on digestion the students will be able to see how the digestive system really works,

in a better way than them just looking at a picture in a book.

With the use of interactive DVDs students the multimedia projector allows the students to

use a wider variety of resources Students will be able to express themselves through different

mediums (pictures, songs, videos)

I t can be concluded that the classroom and the learners have changed radically. With the

knowledge of technology learners have multiple ways of interpreting and expressing themselves.

The sooner the 21st century teachers accept that classes should be expanded beyond the black

board and white chalk the sooner they will realize the competence of their learners and what they

can really do with a little motivation.

Page 9: Integrating Technology in the Classroom


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Boyer, E.B. (1990). Scholarship Reconsidered. Priorities of the Professoriate. (New York, The

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