inter-com...iasbo intercom february 2018 - 1 office of executive director one n. capitol, suite 1215...

Office of Executive Director One N. Capitol, Suite 1215 Indianapolis, IN 46204 (317) 639-3586 x106 FAX (317) 639-4360 E-mail: [email protected] Vol. XXXXVI No. 5 February 2018 Indiana Association of School Business Officials Inter-Com The Indiana Association of School Business Officials delivers programs and services to the membership for the purpose of advancing Indiana public education and the profession of school business management. Mission Statement Hello My Friends This may be a bit belated, but I would like to wish you all a prosperous, happy, and healthy New Year. So did you make any New Year resolutions? Sorry, but making a resolution NOT to make resolutions does not count. I was curious on what the top resolutions were for 2018 so I did some intensive research. Within those five minutes, I had conclusive re- sults. Results that I must say were not surprising. The top New Year’s resolutions for 2018 were eat healthier, get more exercise, save more/spend less money, and get more sleep. Of these top four resolutions, I believe “getting more exercise”, is the hardest to keep. For every excuse, you can come up with for not doing the other three; you can come up with twice as many for not exercising. Excuses like: “I’m too tired”, “I don’t have the time”, “Exercising is boring”, “I’m too old”, “I can’t get motivated”, “Gym memberships are too expensive”, “I will start tomorrow”, etc., etc. Exercise is important so the question is “are we getting enough of it”. Many of us have desk jobs that keep us sitting most of the day. Research shows that sitting all day is NOT considered part of a healthy lifestyle. So why is exercise so important? Because it is one of the best things, you can do for your health. It does take determination and requires discipline but the effects of regular exercise are worth it. Here are just some of its benefits: It can make you feel happier by reducing stress and anxiety. It can help with weight loss. It can increase your energy levels. It can increase your Articles of Interest . . . President’s Message ................................. 1-2 From Denny’s Desk ...................................... 4 IASBO 18 Calendar ...................................... 6 HEA 1009 Workshops .................................. 7 School Safety Letter .................................... 8 Treasurer’s Workshop Agendas 9-10, 12-13 IASBO New Members ......................... 14-15 Public Access Counselor Opinion ............ 16 Certification Program Agenda ............ 18-19 IASBO Sponsors ........................................ 20 Business Associates................................ 22-26 IASBO Apparel ......................................... 26 • PERFORMANCE SERVICES • AMERICAN FIDELITY • STIFEL • ICE MILLER • TRUSTINDIANA Platinum Sponsors President’s Message Ted Zembala, IASBO President continued on page 2

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IASBO InterCom February 2018 - 1

Office of Executive DirectorOne N. Capitol, Suite 1215

Indianapolis, IN 46204(317) 639-3586 x106FAX (317) 639-4360

E-mail: [email protected]




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The Indiana Association of School Business Officials delivers programs and services to the membership for the purpose of advancing Indiana public education and the profession of school business management.


Hello My FriendsThis may be a bit belated, but I would like to

wish you all a prosperous, happy, and healthy New Year.

So did you make any New Year resolutions? Sorry, but making a resolution NOT to make resolutions does not count.

I was curious on what the top resolutions were for 2018 so I did some intensive research. Within those five minutes, I had conclusive re-sults. Results that I must say were not surprising. The top New Year’s resolutions for 2018 were eat healthier, get more exercise, save more/spend less money, and get more sleep. Of these top four resolutions, I believe “getting more exercise”, is the hardest to keep. For every excuse, you can come up with for not doing the other three; you can come up with twice as many for not exercising. Excuses like: “I’m too tired”, “I don’t have the time”, “Exercising is boring”, “I’m too old”, “I can’t get motivated”, “Gym memberships are too expensive”, “I will start tomorrow”, etc., etc.

Exercise is important so the question is “are we getting enough of it”. Many of us have desk jobs that keep us sitting most of the day. Research shows that sitting all day is NOT considered part of a healthy lifestyle. So why is exercise so important? Because it is one of the best things, you can do for your health. It does take determination and requires discipline but the effects of regular exercise are worth it. Here are just some of its benefits:

It can make you feel happier by reducing stress and anxiety. It can help with weight loss. It can increase your energy levels. It can increase your

Articles of Interest . . .President’s Message ................................. 1-2From Denny’s Desk ......................................4IASBO 18 Calendar ......................................6HEA 1009 Workshops ..................................7School Safety Letter .................................... 8Treasurer’s Workshop Agendas 9-10, 12-13

IASBO New Members ......................... 14-15Public Access Counselor Opinion ............ 16Certification Program Agenda ............ 18-19IASBO Sponsors ........................................ 20Business Associates................................ 22-26IASBO Apparel ......................................... 26


Platinum Sponsors

President’s Message

Ted Zembala,IASBO President

continued on page 2

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President Ted Zembala, HobartPresident-Elect Kevin Scott, ElkhartVice President Scott Bowling, CrawfordsvilleTreasurer Carla Gambill, Linton StocktonRegional Directors Terms Ends June, 2019 Jim Evans, Wawasee Lana Crum, Tippecanoe Karen Scalf, Richmond Jud Wolfe, Plainfield Myra Fischvogt, Jennings County

Term Ends June, 2018 Rob James, Lake Central Cathy Phillip, Lakeland Stanley Hall, Peru Tanya Pearson, North Putnam Rick Allen, Southeast Dubois

Past President Weedie Smith, Decatur County

Exhibitor Representatives Tim Thoman, Performances Services Mike Galliher, Boyce Forms/Komputrol

Member Services Administrator Ella Adamson

Professional Development Coordinator Cynthia Kattau

Executive Director Dennis Costerison, RSBO

Office of Executive DirectorOne North Capitol, Suite 1215Indianapolis, Indiana 46204

(317) 639-3586 FAX: (317) 639-4360E-mail: [email protected]

VisitIndiana ASBO

President’s Message . . . continued from page 1flexibility. It is great for your posture. It can reduce your risk of chronic disease. It can help your brain health and memory. It can help skin health (for that healthy glow). It can help you live longer (so you can work longer…NOT). It can even foster your sense of self-worth!

Exercise increases blood flow to the brain. So get a group of co-work-ers together and schedule a five to ten-minute walk or some other activ-ity during the workday. Research shows that an increase of blood flow to the brain can help sharpen awareness, make you feel more awake, and boost productivity. When you do engage in an exercise activity with others at work, don’t talk about work! Use this time to give yourself a mental break. Just talk and enjoy. There are many other benefits attrib-uted to exercise so you can Google it if you want to see more.

Even if you do not regularly exercise, any increase in activity is ben-eficial. Small things like getting up from your desk and taking a short walk. Stretch a bit. Work standing up if possible. Maybe walk up and down a flight of stairs several times a day. When you drive to a store, park farther away from the entrance. Not only will you get in more steps (a good thing), you will most likely find plenty of places to park, and your chances of getting a door ding could be considerably reduced. You can “buddy up” with a friend or two and hold each other accountable. Nothing like peer pressure and competition to help keep you motivated. You can even exercise while watching TV. Just get up during the com-mercials and keep moving until they are over. Of course, if you are into binge watching Netflix that may not work.

Just a word of caution though. You should always consult a physi-cian before you begin any exercise program. Especially if you psyched yourself into starting a Beach Body workout routine.

So when is a good time to start? How about now? Right now. Get up and start walking, stretching, or both. If you need some motivation, think forward to the Annual Meeting at French Lick. After the Awards Banquet, you would not want to hobble off the dance floor with leg cramps or a pulled hamstring!

At the end of the day, it comes down to this my friends. Exercise is some of the best “me” time you can spend with yourself and others. So try it. Start a routine. It is never too late to start. Remember above all else that your future self is depending on YOU!

Stay healthy my friends, Ted

p.s.Below is the QR code and the link to my InterCom Google Drive fold-

ers. Most contain Excel files so remember to download the spreadsheet file so it will open in Excel, then enable editing and content. Every month I will be sharing spreadsheet files, how to’s, etc. Nothing huge, just little things. Oh….if you have trouble with the link after clicking it, try copying the link then paste it in your browser.

In the February Google shared folder, I have uploaded a Reasonable Assurance spreadsheet along with a tutorial. I use this to generate the Reasonable Assurance letters. I also included a few flyers illustrating office exercises.

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from Denny’s DeskDennis Costerison, IASBO Executive Director

The 2018 session of the Indiana General Assembly is heading for closure. The session must end by March 14, but the word in the State House is that they will conclude on March 9. The last week of Febru-ary will be the end of committee meetings for this session. IASBO has been watching 41 bills in the second house. The majority of these bills have had committee hearings and will pass. The follow-ing bills have been on the IASBO watch list from the beginning of the session:

SB 189 and HB 1001 – these are the bills to take care of the fund-ing deficiency in the state support appropriation. At the end of the session, one of these bills will be passed to make sure that schools are fully funding for 2017-18.

SB 50 and HB 1002 – the bills deal with career and technical edu-cation and funding. It is anticipat-ed that both bills will be amended significantly in the second house.

HB 1167 – the bill that adds amendments to HEA 1009 (2017). These are all amendments support-ed by IASBO. The bill will pass the Senate and be concurred on in the House.

HB 1315 – one of the most controversial and discussed bills of the session. There are three parts to the bill: Gary Community Schools school board; Ball State Univer-sity taking over the governance of the Muncie Community Schools; and fiscal indicators for school corporations. IASBO has been

very involved with the last issue. It will be quite interesting to see how the Senate deals with the first two issues.

IASBO has been very active with the House Ways & Means Committee and the Senate Ap-propriations Committee with these bills. Further, IASBO has been working with the Department of Education behind the scenes for the entire session. As the ses-sion comes to an end, IASBO will continue to keep the membership informed of the progress of the General Assembly.

Registration for the 2018 IASBO Annual Meeting is now open. Go to the IASBO website for on-line registration. An outstanding program has been developed the IASBO Professional Development Committee. The Annual Meet-ing is a tremendous opportunity to network with your colleagues. Highlights of the Annual Meeting program are as follows:

• 4 Pre-Conference Workshops• 4 Certification Courses• 4 Treasurer/Deputy Treasurer Round Tables• 35 Clinic Sessions • Over 190 Exhibit Booths• Bob Ash as the Thursday Key Note Speaker• The Thursday Night Awards Banquet

Indiana ASBO is teaming with IAPSS to conduct a series of free regional meetings regarding the im-plementation of HEA 1009 (2017). The list of regional workshops is in this edition of the InterCom. The Department of Local Government Finance and the State Board of Accounts will be joining a panel of IASBO members to provide practical information on the new law. The new chart of accounts and the revised budget forms will be presented at the workshops. IASBO will do everything possible to provide the membership as much assistance as possible as the new provisions of HEA 1009 are imple-mented.

“We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.”

Winston Churchill

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6 - IASBO InterCom February 2018

MARCH, 2018

March 6-7 Treasurers Workshop – Days 1 & 2 (B113) MSD of Warren Township Education & Community Center, Indianapolis March 9 IASBO Board of Directors Meeting Hilton Garden Inn Airport, Indianapolis MARCH, 2018

March 13 B110 Budgeting Fundamentals for School Business Officials Certification Course Primo Banquet & Conference Center, 2615 National Ave., Indpls. 46227 March 15-16 IASBO Leadership Academy Marriott North, Indianapolis March 20 Transportation Seminar Primo Banquet & Conference Center, 2615 National Ave., Indpls. 46227 March 30 Good Friday APRIL, 2018

April 7-9 NSBA Annual Conference San Antonio, TX April 10-11 Spring Institute – Certification Courses Primo Banquet & Conference Center, 2615 National Ave., Indpls. 46227 • HR110 Introduction to Human Resources Administration • HR112 Labor Relations / Contract Administration • HR111 Benefits Administration • HR116 Group Health / Medical Insurance April 12-13 Leadership Academy Marriott North, Indianapolis April 16-17 Treasurers Workshop Days 3 & 4 (B113) MSD of Warren Township Education & Community Center, Indianapolis April 19 Extracurricular Accounting Seminar Primo Banquet & Conference Center, 2615 National Ave., Indpls. 46227

2018 Indiana ASBO Professional Development Calendar

April 23 Certification Courses Primo Banquet & Conference Center, 2615 National Ave., Indpls. 46227 • A110 Fund Accounting / Budget Cycle / Audits • A111 Information Reporting & Data Analytics MAY, 2018

May 9-11 IASBO Annual Meeting French Lick Resort, French Lick

May 9 Certification Courses • A114 Accrual Accounting • ADM112 School Law & Administrative Rules - Advanced • HR114 Collective Bargaining Strategy & Law • ADM117 Transportation Administration May 28 Memorial Day June, 2018 May 31 – June 1 IASBO Board of Directors Leadership Conference/Board Meeting TBD June 5-6 Summer Institute – Certification Courses Primo Banquet & Conference Center, 2615 National Ave., Indpls. 46227 • ADM111 School Law & Administrative Rules - Basic • HR115 Managing People • B150 Budgeting for School Operations June 8 ISBA School Law Seminar TBD June 13 Joint Budget / Finance Seminar - ISBA / IAPSS / IASBO TBD

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IASBO InterCom February 2018 - 7

2018 HEA 1009 WORKSHOPSIndiana ASBO in conjunction with IAPSS will be sponsoring a series of free workshops next March and April regarding the implementation of HEA 1009. The workshops will be held in the ten IASBO regions. Presenting at the workshops will be representatives from the State Board of Accounts, Department of Local Government Finance, and Indiana ASBO. Registration forms for the workshops are available on the IASBO website.

March 20 IASBO Region 7 Inn at Depauw, GreencastleMarch 21 IASBO Region 1 Chateau Banquet Center, MerrillvilleMarch 22 IASBO Region 2 Christos’ Banquet Center, PlymouthMarch 23 IASBO Region 3 The Summit, Fort Wayne

April 3 IASBO Region 4 The Trails, LafayetteApril 4 IASBO Region 5 Bel Aire Events Center, KokomoApril 5 IASBO Region 10 Clifty Falls Inn, MadisonApril 6 IASBO Region 9 Huntingburg Event Center, HuntingburgApril 9 IASBO Region 8 Primo South, IndianapolisApril 10 IASBO Region 6 Civic Hall Performing Events

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8 - IASBO InterCom February 2018

February 21, 2018 Honorable Senator Todd Young: The recent tragic mass-shooting deaths of 14 students and three staff members in Parkland, Florida have again heightened national awareness and escalated concern about keeping our students, staffs, and schools safe. Understandably, our citizens – and now student survivors themselves – are leading efforts for school walkouts and sit-ins, planned in response to the Florida shootings and similar horrific events at schools across the nation. These responses, and other actions on school campuses, will be occurring nationwide and aimed at influencing lawmakers to pass tougher gun safety laws. The Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) will remain in communication with districts regarding student-initiated demonstrations, school safety concerns, and any related issues. Our goal is to heighten school leaders’ awareness of the climate and provide support and guidance to schools. In Indiana, we understand the importance of district preparedness. To that end, your Indiana Department of Education is responsible for supporting well-defined, locally developed safety plans which are practiced, evaluated, and continuously updated. In addition, IC 5-2-10.1-9 requires each school district to maintain a school safety specialist. To support these requirements, the Indiana School Safety Specialist Academy provides basic and advanced trainings. Sponsored by IDOE’s School Security and Safety Unit, The Academy provides ongoing, certified instruction and information regarding state and national best practices. The Academy also offers exemplary resources for school safety, security, intervention/prevention, and emergency preparedness planning. Lastly, school districts are required to participate in emergency preparedness drills per IC 20-34-3-20. Drills are used to prepare schools for tornado, fire, and man-made emergency events. For your review, the attached document provides indicators and trends related to Indiana school safety efforts.

As Indiana’s education leader, I implore the General Assembly and our Indiana Congressional Delegation to undertake efforts to address school safety. These efforts must include passing policies which decrease risks, providing support for social and emotional programs to address mental and behavioral health, and approving budgets that increase resources. As part of our ongoing commitment to students, the Indiana Department of Education has offered state legislative language (for action) to require charter and non-public schools (choice scholarship) to comply with the same school safety requirements that school corporations must follow. My office is ready to collaborate and participate in any discussions that address the safety and well-being of Indiana students. School safety is a very complex issue and requires a multifaceted approach to solutions. The actions of Hoosier leaders will reflect our level of courage and commitment to children.


Dr. Jennifer McCormick State Superintendent of Public Instruction

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IASBO 2018 TREASURER’S WORKSHOP DAY #1 MSD of Warren Township Education & Community Center

975 N. Post Rd., Indianapolis March 6, 2018

8:30 Registration 9:00 Welcome / Introductions / Orientation 9:15 Treasurer’s Roles & Responsibilities Presenter: Laura Mullen, Corporation Treasurer, Northwestern CSD of Shelby County

9:35 Accounting Practices: Funds / Revenues / Expenditures

Presenters: Sandy London, Supervisor of Business Services, Center Grove CSC Weedie Smith, Business Manager, Decatur County CS

10:30 Break 10:45 Accounting Practices, (cont’d.) 12:00 Lunch 1:00 Purchasing: Bids vs. Quotes / Public Works Laws / Purchasing Tips Presenter: Kelley Kitchen, Director of Finance, Goshen CS 1:45 Break 2:00 Accounts Payable: Claim Cycle / W-9s / 1099s Record Retention / Purchase Orders

Presenter: Kandi Tinkey, Business Manager, Plymouth Community SC 2:55 Questions / Evaluations / Wrap Up 3:00 Adjournment

Day 2 Workshop – March 7, 2018

IASBO 2018


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IASBO 2018 TREASURER’S WORKSHOP DAY #2 MSD of Warren Township Education & Community Center

975 N. Post Rd., Indianapolis March 7, 2018

8:30 Registration 9:00 Welcome 9:05 Grant Management

Presenter: Amanda Brackett, Chief Business Officer, Tippecanoe SC

10:15 Break 10:30 Auditing

Presenter: Karen Scalf, Chief Financial Officer, Richmond Community Schools 11:30 Lunch 12:20 Payroll

Presenter: Amanda Brackett, Chief Business Officer, Tippecanoe SC 1:30 Break 1:45 Financial Monitoring Presenter: Jerry Hawkins, Director of Finance, Goshen CS 2:55 Questions / Evaluations / Wrap Up 3:00 Adjournment

Day 3 Workshop – April 16, 2018

IASBO 2018


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continued on page 12







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IASBO 2018 TREASURER’S WORKSHOP DAY #3 MSD of Warren Township Education & Community Center

975 N. Post Rd., Indianapolis April 16, 2018

8:30 Registration 9:00 Welcome 9:15 Cash Management

Presenter: Steve Naumann, Business Manager / Treasurer, Seymour CS 10:15 Break 10:30 Budget Development Presenters: Lynn Kwilasz, Chief Financial Officer, Duneland SC Stephanie Pittman, Treasurer, Bremen Public Schools

12:00 Lunch 1:00 Budget Development, (cont’d.)

1:45 Break 2:00 Budget Development, (cont’d.) 2:55 Questions / Evaluations/ Wrap Up 3:00 Adjournment

Day 4 Workshop – April 17, 2018

IASBO 2018


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IASBO 2018 TREASURER’S WORKSHOP DAY #4 MSD of Warren Township Education & Community Center

975 N. Post Rd., Indianapolis April 17, 2018

8:30 Registration 9:00 Welcome 9:05 Educational Information Systems – IN Department of Education

Presenter: Michelle Tubbs, Director of Data Collections, IDOE

10:15 Break 10:30 School Finance Reporting – IN Department of Education

Presenter: Melissa Ambre, Director, IDOE Division of School Finance Amy Pattison, Assistant Director, IDOE Division of School Finance

12:00 Lunch

12:45 School Finance Reporting, (cont’d.)

1:30 Break 1:45 Special Education Grants – IN Department of Education

Presenter: Jennifer Thompson, Grants Supervisor, IDOE

2:55 Questions / Evaluations / Wrap Up 3:00 Adjournment

IASBO 2018


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IASBO New Members Region 1MONICA1 BALLPayroll/HR AdministratorEast Porter

JAMES BURGGRAFExec. Dir. of Bldgs & GroundsSchool City of Hammond

SALLY CLARKDirector of Human ResourcesEast Chicago, School City of

ALAN FOXSupervisor of MaintenanceTri-Creek

JAYNE GRILLOTreasurerLaPorte

DALE GROVESSchool Board MemberNew Prairie

LYNN JOHNSONInterim SuperintendentNew Durham Township

LEONARD MOODYChief Financial OfficerGary

JANIS RAUTransportation DirectorNew Durham Township

MIKE SUKTABuildings & Grounds AdministratorHighland, School Town of

Region 2SAM COOKAsst. Dir. of Maintenance/GroundsWarsaw

CARLIE L. DAVISPayroll & Benefits CoordinatorMiddlebury

COLLEEN DIVELEYAdministrative AssociateCaston

NED SPEICHERSuperintendentArgos

LISA STUTSMANCorporate TreasurerMiddlebury

PATTI VAN DER WEELEAdministrative AssistantArgos

ANGELIQUE VEGAAccounting/Payroll AdministratorSouth Bend Community Schools

Region 3MICHELLE BADGERPayrollSteuben County, MSD of

LYNDSY HILDEBRANDTHR Administrative AssistantNorth Adams

ANN RICEAssistant SuperintendentSteuben County

BETTY WILLMANDirectorAdams-Wells Special Svcs. Coop

Region 4REBECCA COLLINSPayroll ManagerTippecanoe

CASEY HALLSuperintendentSouth Newton

SHERI HARDMANSuperintendentAttica

MISTY HERMANDeputy TreasurerTippecanoe

KONNIE L. LAWSHR & Payroll SpecialistWest Lafayette

Region 5KARRIE BARBERAdministrative AssistantPioneer Regional School

CINDY BUSHAccounts PayableOak Hill United Schools

TROY CLOUMTreasurerTipton

ALLISON EVERETTCorporation TreasurerDelphi

CONNIE MROZINSKEExecutive SecretaryManchester

RACHELLE PEARSONFinance ClerkLogansport

WILLIAM RILEYMaintenanceEastern Howard

KIM SKEENSPayroll ManagerMississinewa

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IASBO InterCom February 2018 - 15

IASBO New Members REBECCA A. VAN VLEETTreasurerTwin Rivers CTE Area

Region 6KRISTIN COMPAccounts Payable/Grant CoordinatorYorktown

JULIE DODDAccounts Payable SpecialistBlackford County Schools

ED ERVINDirector of BuildingsWestern Wayne

DR. MATTHEW SHOEMAKERSuperintendentNew Castle

Region 7DR. BRUCE HATTONSuperintendentCovington

LESLIE SHAFFERDeputy TreasurerSouthwest Parke

SARAH SPARKSDirectorGreene-Sullivan Special Ed Coop

Region 8THOMAS ADAIRDistrict EngineerWayne Township

STACEY BEANTreasurerOld National Trail

HEATHER CARLTONPayroll ClerkRush County Schools

KAREN CROSSDeputy TreasurerWestfield-Washington

GREG FOSTERPublic FinanceBrownsburg

MELISSA GRIFFINBusiness ManagerWestern Boone

DR. DAVIN HARPEPrincipalCenter Grove

RACHEL LANTEIGNEDistrict TreasurerMount Vernon Comm Schools

DEBORAH M. PAVEYDeputy TreasurerRush County Schools

DAVID RYANChoice School SpecialistIndiana DOE

CHRIS SAMPSONAssociate SuperintendentPerry Township

DENNIS SWENDER, JR.Director of OperationsThe Oaks Academy


Region 9TODD HITCHCOCKAssistant SuperintendentGreater Jasper

TRAVIS MADISONSuperintendentBarr-Reeve

KIMBERLEY MORTONDistrict TreasurerMount Vernon, MSD of

JOANNA TRUEBLOODDeputy TreasurerEast Washington

SHARON A. WELPDeputy TreasurerSoutheast Dubois County

Region 10DONNA CAMPBELLAdministrative AssistantEast Washington

CASEY CHEATHAMDeputy TreasurerScott County District II

JENNIFER DENNYAssistant to TreasurerWest Washington

BRIDGET LEACHAccounting & Compliance ClerkMadison Consolidated

DAWN MOOREECA TreasurerSouthwest Jefferson

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16 - IASBO InterCom February 2018

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The Public Access Counselor has issued another advisory opinion interpreting a school corporation’s duty to disclose information from an employee’s personnel file At the December School Law Semi-nar, there was much discussion regarding Counselor Britt’s recent conclusions that school corporations, in response to a request for the factual basis for disci-plinary action taken against an employee, must create a record that provides enough information that gives the public a reasonable idea as to the basis of the dis-ciplinary action.

Later in December, the Public Access Counselor issued an opinion on whether a school’s response to a request for personnel file information was suf-ficient. In this case, a reporter requested the name, compensation, job title, business address, business telephone number, job description, education and training background, previous work experience, and dates of first and last employment of a named em-

ployee. Recognizing the Access to Public Records Act required the school Corporation to release the information, the school corporation responded to the request by providing the information in the form of a summary compilation taken from other public record sources. The reporter filed a complaint with the Public Access Counselor, asserting that the actual records maintained in the personnel file had to be released instead of “an amalgamation extrapolated from origi-nal records.” The school corporation responded to the complaint by arguing that the law merely required the information to be disclosed and made no mention of disclosing the actual public documents. The school corporation further asserted that if the records them-selves had to be disclosed, excessive redaction from the documents would be required.

Thus, the Counselor considered whether the cre-ation of a summary document with all of the informa-tion required by law was sufficient to meet the disclo-sure requirement or whether it was necessary for the school corporation to provide copies of actual records with sensitive information redacted.

Counselor Britt noted that typically a public agency is not required to create a record to satisfy a request for public records, but that his office has held that there are limited circumstances when “this is not only convenient, but necessary.” He also noted that this particular provision of the law did not mention the words “records,” “documents,” or “work product” as other subsections did. Based on these statements, the Public Access Counselor then concluded a reasonable inference could be made that the General Assembly did not intend to require the information listed in stat-ute to be the records themselves, but rather informa-tion pulled from other sources and combined to create a new record with the required information.

The Public Access Counselor emphasized that the information listed in statute had to be maintained in some shape or form by the public agency in a person-nel file, but could be disseminated in an aggregate form as a new record in response to a request for the required information. Thus, the Counselor concluded the school corporation did not violate the public re-cords law by extracting the information from original personnel files and presenting it in summary form.

Public Access Counselor Opinionby Lisa F. Tanselle, ISBA General Counsel [email protected]

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IASBO Annual MeetingMay 9-11French Lick

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IASBO Certification Program

Budgeting Fundamentals for School Business Officials (B110) March 13, 2018

Primo Banquet & Conference Center, 2615 National Avenue, Indianapolis, IN

This course will focus on basic budget principles, terminology, and practices needed by a school business official to create and manage a budget. (Required – CBO, ACBO, BOS / Elective – FD, HR)


8:30 a.m. Registration

9:00 a.m. Basic Terms & Definitions Chad Blacklock, Vice President, Stifel

• Appropriation, Appropriation Balance, Cash Balance • Encumbrance, Unencumbered Balance • Operating Balance, etc.

10:00 a.m. Budgeting Basics Jud Wolfe, Assistant Superintendent, Plainfield Community Schools

• Fund Accounting • Revenue & Expenditures (Chart of Accounts) • Budget Development & Approval Process

10:45 a.m. Break 11:00 a.m. Revenue Chad Blacklock, Vice President, Stifel

• Tuition Support/Basic Grant • Special Taxes & Other Revenue • Property Tax Rate, Levy, AV (Certified vs. Abstract)

11:45 a.m. Lunch 12:30 p.m. Budget Building Critical Issues Jud Wolfe, Assistant Superintendent, Plainfield Community Schools

• By Fund • Board Summary

continued on page 19

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IASBO InterCom February 2018 - 19

IASBO Certification Program

Budgeting Fundamentals for School Business Officials (B110) 1:30 p.m. Budgeting Philosophy Chad Blacklock, Vice President, Stifel 2:00 p.m. Break 2:15 p.m. Managing Your Budget Jud Wolfe, Assistant Superintendent, Plainfield Community Schools

• Appropriations / Cash 3:15 p.m. Transitioning to HB1009 Jud Wolfe, Assistant Superintendent, Plainfield Community Schools 4:00 p.m. Evaluation/ Complete Credit Forms

IASBO Certification Program

Budgeting Fundamentals for School Business Officials (B110) 1:30 p.m. Budgeting Philosophy Chad Blacklock, Vice President, Stifel 2:00 p.m. Break 2:15 p.m. Managing Your Budget Jud Wolfe, Assistant Superintendent, Plainfield Community Schools

• Appropriations / Cash 3:15 p.m. Transitioning to HB1009 Jud Wolfe, Assistant Superintendent, Plainfield Community Schools 4:00 p.m. Evaluation/ Complete Credit Forms

continued from page 18

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Platinum Sponsors










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Health and Workers Compensation Plans


Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield is the trade name of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc. Independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. ® ANTHEM is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc. The Blue Cross and Blue Shield names and symbols are registered marks of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.

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IASBO Business Associate Members1st Source BankJessica Watts14 Indiana AvenueValparaiso, IN [email protected]

3D E-Consulting Group LLCDale Dorsey15921 Presick LaneGranger, IN 46530(574) [email protected] & EZROUTING software simplify education transportation.

AABM Education ServicesGabe Garner5725 West Minnesota StreetIndianapolis, IN 46241(317) 697-4418 [email protected]://www.abm.comCustodial, Landscape & Grounds, HVAC &Mechanical, Electrical & Lighting, Energy, Facilities Engineering, and Parking & Transportation

Acorn, powered by RycorEric Vance18719 Oxbow Drive Marengo, IL 60152(815) [email protected]://www.rycorsoftware.comSchool Fee management software AND modern Online Payment Portal for Parents

Administrator AssistanceSteven R. Wittenauer116 W 7th StreetBrookston, IN 47923(765) [email protected]://www.administratorassistance.comWe help school corporations solve problems.

AdTec, Inc.Charlie HobbsPO Box 97Centerville, IN 47330(765) [email protected]://www.admtec.comConsulting services for E-rate and Capital Assets inventory.

American Fidelity Kim Pugliese8770 Guion Road, Suite R Indianapolis IN 46268(317) 871-2480 [email protected]://www.afadvantage.comSection 125 administration, dependent audit verification, 403(b), group & voluntary products.

ARC Window Treatments & TintingSteven [email protected] Fernhill AvenueFort Wayne, IN 46805

Asset Control Solutions, Inc.Kim Falco2040 E. Algonquin RoadSchaumburg, IL 60173(847) [email protected]

AssuredPartners of IndianaRob Stiehl10401 N Meridian St., Ste. 300 Indianapolis, IN 46290(317) [email protected] http://www.assuredptrin.comRisk Management and Employee Benefit Consulting Service Provider with Specialization in Public Schools

Astra InsuranceDavid [email protected] N Meridian StreetIndianapolis, IN 46290

AXA EquitableRobert W. Turner9465 Counselors Row, Ste 120Indianapolis, IN 46240(317) [email protected]:// educators on financial matters: 403(b), ROTH, investments, pension, retirement, life insurance, organizing personal finances.

BBank of New York Mellon Trust Co., N.A., TheJerry Fields300 N. Meridian St., Ste. 910Indianapolis, IN 46204(317) [email protected]://www.bnycorptrust.comA leading provider of bond trustee, paying agent and investment services for school corporations.

Barnes & Thornburg, LLPJeff Qualkinbush11 S Meridian StreetIndianapolis, IN 46204(317) [email protected]://www.btlaw.comProviding legal and bond services to school corporations throughout Indiana.

Barton-Coe-Vilamaa Architects & Engineers, Inc.Brian Bohlender225 Airport North Office ParkFort Wayne, IN 46825(260) [email protected]://www.BartonCoeVilamaa.comSince 1969, Barton-Coe-Vilamaa has pro-vided practical and cost-effective design solutions to Indiana school corporations.

Belfor Property RestorationShelby Sawchuk6205 Morenci TrailIndianapolis, IN 46268(317) [email protected]:// rebuilds schools after disasters/loses with tight deadlines and budget restraints in mind.

BMO Harris BankKatie Aeschliman135 N Pennsylvania St., 9th FloorIndianapolis, IN 46204(317) [email protected]://www.HarrisBank.comBMO Harris Bank provides banking & financial solutions to government, education & non-for-profit organizations.

Bookkeeping Plus, Inc.Beth A. Marsh232 E. McClarnon DriveGreenfield, IN 46140(317) [email protected]://www.BookPlusInc.comAccounting

Bose McKinney & Evans LLPJames Hamilton111 Monument Circle, Suite 2700Indianapolis, IN 46204(317) [email protected]://www.boselaw.comEducation Legal Services

Boyce Forms-Systems/KomputrolMike Galliher9401 Innovation DrivePO Box 669Daleville, IN 47334-0669(317) [email protected]://“Komputrol” financial software, “K-Time” time keeping application, on line paystub and business forms printing.

CChurch Church Hittle & AntrimAndrew MannaTwo North Ninth StreetPO Box 10Noblesville, IN 46061(317) [email protected]://www.cchalaw.comLegal Services

Cigna Group InsuranceLindsay Voris11595 N. Meridian Street, Suite 500Carmel, IN 46032(317) [email protected]

CIS AuctionsBen [email protected] Box 626East Tawas, MI 48730

Core Construction IndianaTina McGrath833 West Lincoln Way, Suite 120 WSchererville, IN 46375(219) [email protected]://www.coreconstruction.comUtilizing comprehensive construction knowledge and industry expertise, CORE provides exceptional building services to K-12 Schools.

Colonial LifeLydia Clark1200 Colonial Life Boulevard WestColumbia, SC 29210(317) [email protected] 4000 schools trust Colonial’s no-cost solution to streamlining & automating benefits open enrollment.

Crowe Horwath LLPTim Berry135 N. Pennsylvania Street, Suite 200Indianapolis, IN 46204(317) [email protected] Accounting Services

CSO ArchitectsTodd Decker8831 Keystone CrossingIndianapolis, IN 46240(317) [email protected]://www.csoinc.netDesign for state-of-the art 21st century educational facilities renovation or new construction.s

DDanmar Contracting LLCNick Verhoff14088 Princewood DriveFishers, IN 46037(317) [email protected]

Deem, LLCTom Zupancic6831 East 32nd Street, Suite 200Indianapolis, IN 46226(866) [email protected]://www.deemfirst.comMechanical/Electrical Contracting and Service

DLR GroupScott Nemshick333 W Wacker Drive, Suite 400Chicago, IL 60606(312) [email protected]://www.dlrgroup.comArchitecture, Engineering, Planning, Interiors

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IASBO Business Associate MembersEEducation Networks of AmericaTerry Spradlin 320 N. Meridian St., Suite 118Indianapolis, IN 46204(317) [email protected]://www.ena.comProviding Broadband, Wi-Fi/LAN, Com-munication, and Cloud Solutions to K-12 Schools, Higher Education Institutions, and Libraries

Educational Service Centers Risk Funding TrustCarrie Milner1764 North 25 East Greencastle, IN 46135(765) [email protected]

Educational Services CompanyDebbie Hineline3535 E 96th Street, Suite 126Indianapolis, IN 46240(317) [email protected]://www.educationalservicesco.comEducational Services Company has been providing Indiana schools with a full scope of educational management services since 1989.

Electronic Systems GroupMarty Cotterman680 N 36th StreetLafayette, IN 47905(765) [email protected]://www.esgindiana.comFire Alarm Systems & Inspections/Secu-rity Systems/Door Access Controls/Video Systems/Temperature Controls/System Monitoring

Elevatus ArchitectureCory Dietz111 East Wayne Street, Suite 555Fort Wayne, IN 46802(260) [email protected]://www.elevatusarchitecture.comPassionate educational designers enhanc-ing the needs of faculty and students today and into the future.

EMCOR Construction ServicesTim Pitts5128 W. 79th St.Indianapolis, IN 46268(317) [email protected]://www.emcorcs.comProviding turnkey resolutions to help make your schools more productive, more comfortable, and much more efficient.

Energy Systems GroupMark Falahee3905 Vincennes Rd Suite 505Indianapolis, IN 46268(317) [email protected]://www.energysystemsgroup.comGuaranteed energy savings programs. Cost reduction in facility operations.

Envoy, Inc.John Barbee6330 E 75th Street, Suite 170Indianapolis, IN 46250(317) [email protected]://www.envoy-cm.comProject and Construction Management Solutions

Ergo Resource Management, Inc.Thomas E. Green801 N Huntington Street, Suite 7Syracuse, IN 46567(574) [email protected] http://www.ergo-syracuse.comManagement and human resource consulting services, OSHA, EPA, and indoor air quality program assistance.

FFanning/Howey Associates, Inc.William Payne9025 N. River Rd. Suite 200Indianapolis, IN 46240(317) [email protected]://www.fhai.comArchitects/Engineers widely credited with setting new standards in flexible and innovative school design.

Fifth Third Bank, IndianaPaul Burch251 N Illinois Street, Suite 1200Indianapolis, IN 46204(317) [email protected]://www.53.comProviding municipal services for school corporations, including municipal leasing, investment management and depository services.

Fifth Third Securities Inc.Jay RyalsSuite 1200251 N. Illinois St.Indianapolis, IN 46204(317) [email protected]://www.53.comBond underwriting and financial services, bond refinancing, tax exempt leases, bond reinvestments, energy loans, TANS.

Financial Solutions Group, Inc.Greg Guerrettaz2680 East Main Street, Suite 223Plainfield, IN 46168(317) 837-4933comgreg@fsgcorpFinancial and municipal advisory services to municipalities across the State of Indiana. (30 years experience)

Fink Forms, Inc.Becky Chase619 E. Dupont Rd. #94Fort Wayne, IN 46825-2055(260) [email protected]://www.finkforms.comBudget forms for schools that are Gateway compatible.

First Internet BankTim Dusing11201 USA ParkwayFishers, IN 46037(317)[email protected]

GArthur J. Gallaher & CoAlexis [email protected] E Carmel Dr., Suite 400Carmel IN 46032

George K. Baum & CompanyDamian Maggos600 E. 96th St., Ste. 540Indianapolis, IN 46240(317) [email protected]://www.gkbaum.comOne of the nation’s leading municipal finance investment banking firms providing a full range of public finance services to borrowers and investors.

Gibraltar Design, Inc.James B. Thompson, NCARB9102 N Meridian Street, Suite 300Indianapolis, IN 46260(317) [email protected]://www.gibraltardesign.comFull service Architectural/Engineering Firm with focus on K-12 and Higher Ed facilities.

GMB Architecture + EngineeringJason Miller85 E. 8th Street, Suite 200Holland, MI 49423(676) [email protected]://www.gmb.comA relational, co-designing firm that creates facilities to enhance learning.

GSF USA, Inc.Sallie Jones2701 Fortune Circle East Drive, #DIndianapolis, IN [email protected]

HHCO Architects, Inc.Henry [email protected] N Meridian StreetIndianapolis, IN 46208

Heartland School SolutionsMary Ryan787 Elmgrove RoadRochester, NY 14624(800) 724-9853 [email protected]

Hilliard LyonsRandy Ruel10 West Market Street, Suite 2450Indianapolis, IN 46204(317) [email protected]://www.hilliardlyons.comRegional investment banking firm special-izing in origination, pricing and distribu-tion of tax exempt bonds to Indiana School Corporations.

Hillyard IndianaDarin Miller14317 West Painter DriveDaleville, IN [email protected]://www.hillyard.comFamily-owned national manufacturer of cleaning chemicals and developer of an industry-leading cleaning cost analysis program.

Horace Mann CompaniesLynn Schmale301 E. Carmel Dr., Suite G300-002Carmel, IN 46032(217) [email protected]://www.horacemann.comWe specialize in providing 403(b), Section 125 & auto insurance payroll deductions to school employees.

Horizon BankDave Voris302 N. Alabama StreetIndianapolis, IN 46204(317) [email protected] services including deposit ac-counts, treasury management, investments, and municipal financing

HPSJennifer Zech3275 N. M-37 Hwy.PO Box 247Middleville, MI 49333(800) [email protected]://www.hpsnet.comHPS is a member-owned group purchasing organization providing competitive contracts and dealership pricing on furniture and equipment.

Huntington National Bank, TheMichael Gilmore45 N. Pennsylvania St.Indianapolis, IN 46204(317) [email protected]://www.huntington.comBanking, Loans, Investment, Lockbox and Treasury Management Services

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IASBO Business Associate MembersIIce Miller LLPJane HerndonOne American Square, Ste 2900Indianapolis, IN 46282(317) [email protected]://www.icemiller.comProvide school construction and cash flow financing; referendum, employee benefits and other related legal services.

Indiana Bond BankRon Mangus10 W. Market St., Suite 2410Indianapolis, IN 46204(317) [email protected]:// mission is to assist local government in obtaining low-cost finance for their operations.

InterDesignDaniel D. Rawlins141 E. Ohio St.Indianapolis, IN 46204(317) [email protected]://www.interdesign.comArchitecture and Design-Build Criteria Development

InterfaceLarry Boyle235 West 84th StreetIndianapolis, IN 46260(317) [email protected]://www.interface.comInterface modular carpet tile, i2 mergeable dye lot, life time Antimicrobial Inersept no mold warranty with solution dyed nylon – Highest recycled content

IPEPPatrick [email protected] South Reed RoadKokomo, IN 46903

JJ & D TurfJamie Mehringer12955 Ford DriveFishers, IN 46038(317) [email protected] http://www.j-dturf.comJ&D Turf is a full service sports turf con-sulting, construction, maintenance and distribution company.

JA Benefits, LLCChristy McNichols1630 H StreetBedford, IN 47421(812) [email protected]://www.JABenefits.comClient focused benefit consulting firm providing clear, simplified solutions to 11630complex school and trust issues.

Johnson Melloh SolutionsJessica [email protected] Stockberger PlaceIndianapolis, IN 46241

JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.Nancy Dorsa1 East Ohio St, IN1 - 0045Indianapolis, IN 46277(317) [email protected]:// for Government entities in the State of Indiana including cities, counties and K12 school corporations.

KKeyBanc Capital MarketsKelly L. McNairy10 W. Market St, Suite 900Indianapolis, IN 46204(317) [email protected]://www.key.comKeyBanc Capital Markets provides banking and bond underwriting services to municipal entities and educational institutions

Keystone Architecture, Inc.Mark Brandyberry322 Main StreeetLafayette, IN 47901(765) [email protected]://www.keystonearch.comKeystone Architecture is one of Indiana’s largest architectural firms.

KI/Binford GroupSusan Binford14725 Herriman Blvd.Noblesville, IN 46060(317) [email protected]:// furniture with installation, design and budget services.

Kovert Hawkins Architects, Inc.Hal E. Kovert630 Walnut St.Jeffersonville, IN 47130(812) [email protected]://www.koverthawkins.comEducational Facilities Planning, Feasibility Studies, Architectural and Interior Design... with Personalized Service.

LLegat ArchitectsRobin Randall2015 Spring Road, Suite 175Oak Brook, IL 60523(630) [email protected] and interior design

L. L. Low Associates, Inc.Andrew Low210 N. Ironwood Dr.South Bend, IN 46615(574) [email protected]://www.lllow.comOver 35 years of providing Indiana schools with financial computer software.

Lancer & Beebe ArchitectureTerry Lancer719 East New York StreetIndianapolis, IN 46202(317) [email protected], Planning, Interior Design

Lewis & Kappes P.C.Robert RundOne American Square, Suite 2500Indianapolis, IN 46282(317) [email protected]://www.lewis-kappes.comLegal Services

LWG CPAs & AdvisorsJennifer HudsonOne Independence Center1776 N. Meridian St., Ste 500Indianapolis, IN 46202(317) [email protected]://www.lwgcpa.comLWG provides comprehensive budgeting, capital planning, debt management and post compliance services to Indiana schools.

MMacAllister Power SystemsRyan Campbell 8800 Brookville Road Indianapolis, IN 46239(317) [email protected]://www.macallisterpowersystems.comSchool buses, generator sets, mobile power generation and landscaping equipment.

Maverick Energy Consulting, Inc.John Righeimer4228 Chaparral DriveNaperville, IL 60564(815) [email protected]://www.mavertickec.comEnergy procurement and price risk man-agement specialists.

Milliken CarpetJoe Salerno13945 Brisbane DriveFishers, IN 46038(317) [email protected]://www.milliken.comMilliken offers cushioned back carpet tiles that have anti-microbial technology, better acoustics and adhesive free installation.

MJ Insurance, Inc.Frank T. Crossland9225 Priority Way West DriveSuite 100Indianapolis, IN 46240(317) [email protected]://www.mjinsurance.comEmployee Benefit Advisory Services

Moisture ManagementJason [email protected] Crosspoint Blvd., Suite 100Indianapolis, IN 46256

Mr Davids Flooring InternationalTom [email protected] W 84th StreetIndianapolis, IN 46268

NNational Insurance ServicesLandon Mowry11350 N Meridian Street, Suite 120Carmel, IN 46032(317) [email protected]://www.nisbenefits.comLife and disability insurance and HRA, VEBA, 401(a), 403(b) solutions.

NFP Property & Casualty ServicesTim McCormick302 E. Market StreetCrawfordsville, IN 47933(765) [email protected]

OOdle McGuire Shook CorporationMatt Mayol429 N. Pennsylvania St., Suite 202Indianapolis, IN 46204(317) [email protected]://www.omscorp.netArchitecture, Master Planning, Interior Design, Landscape Architecture

O. W. Krohn & Associates LLPJarrod Hall231 East Main StreetWestfield, IN 46074(317) [email protected]

PPatcraft Commercial FlooringScott Martin551 S Sawmill RdFranklin, IN 46131(317) [email protected]://www.patcraft.comFloorcovering

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IASBO Business Associate MembersPerformance Services, Inc.Tim Thoman4670 Haven Point Blvd., Suite #200Indianapolis, IN 46280(317) [email protected]://www.performanceservices.comDesign-Build, guaranteed savings con-tracts, geothermal, and wind power.

Piper Jaffray & Co.David Wimmer459 East 96th Street, Suite 500Indianapolis, IN 46249(317) [email protected]://www.piperjaffray.comNot every firm can help underwrite and distribute bonds that lead to successful transactions. Piper Jaffray can. We use our experience, resources and trading capabili-ties to bring full-service support to our K-12 education clients.

Platinum Earth, LLCHeather [email protected] Suncatcher DriveFishers, IN 46037

PNC Bank, N.A.Ellen Shirley101 W Washington Street, Suite 400EIndianapolis, IN 46204(317) [email protected] financial products and services to schools, to include treasury management, leasing and investment management.

Primary Engineering, Inc.Mike Lubbehusen, PE2828 Lake AvenueFort Wayne, IN 46805(260) [email protected] engineering services for HVAC, lighting, power and communication systems. Infrared thermal imaging and wireless network modeling.

ProCourse Fiduciary Advisors, LLCDouglas Prince1180 Medical Court, Suite ACarmel, IN 46032(317) 708-4151dprince@kprocourseeady.comwww.procourseadv.comIndependent firm providing retirement and fiduciary investment advice (401(k), 403(b), 457, etc.) to school corporations throughout Indiana

Public Trust AdvisorsGreg Wright717 17th Street, Suite 1850 Denver, CO 80202(303) 244-0461 [email protected] Public Trust Advisors manages TrustINdiana.

RRCR Technology CorporationMichael Buffington251 N. Illinois Street, Suite 1150North TowerIndianapolis, IN 46204(317) [email protected] provide services such as data ware-housing, business intelligence solutions, application development, systems & data integration as well as data conversion.

RE Sutton & Associates, A Division of Brown & BrownRichard E. Sutton11555 N. Meridian St., Suite 220Carmel, IN 46032(317) [email protected]://www.resutton.comEmployee benefit consultants specializing in Indiana public school corporations.

Regional Data Services, Inc.Andy Kapitan1260 Arrowhead CourtCrown Point, IN 46307-8222(219) [email protected]://www.regionaldata.comIndiana based software provider special-izing in administative and web based software for over 25 years.

Regions BankJenny LurkinsOne Indiana Square, Suite 903Indianapolis, IN 46204(317) [email protected]://www.regions.comRegions is a full service financial institu-tion offering solutions designed specifically for governments.

Reitano Design GroupScott Reitano302 N. East StreetIndianapolis, IN [email protected]

Ryan Fire ProtectionEdwin Frieden9740 E. 148th StreetNoblesville, IN 46060(317) [email protected]://www.ryanfp.comFire Sprinkler / Fire Alarm / Fire Extin-guisher Installation, Inspection, Testing and Maintenance.

SSchamber Group, Inc., TheElaine M. Schamber, PhD, CFP, AIFA3526 Osborne Lane, Suite 8PO Box 4698LaFayette, IN 47903-4698(765) [email protected] services and investment oversight for School Corporation Retirement Plan Sponsors and their Investment Committees

Schmidt Associates, Inc.Ben Bain415 Massachusetts AvenueIndianapolis, IN 46204(317) [email protected]:// Associates serves as your advocate for all aspects of facility design-encompassing planning, design, & implementation.

Security Benefit CorporationFrank J. Vargo12099 Lupine LaneGranger, IN 46530(800) 888-2461 [email protected]:// Benefit helps educators to and through retirement by providing 403(b), 457, 401a and VEBA programs.

Skillman Corporation, TheBart York3834 S Emerson AvenueIndianapolis, IN 46203(317) [email protected]://www.skillman.comProject Administration & Construction Management

SkywardGannon [email protected] Skyward DriveStevens Point, WI 54482

Software Systems, Inc.Rich Miller432 S Emerson Ave, Ste 200Greenwood, IN 46143(317) [email protected]://www.softwaresystemsinc.comProviding Indiana Schools with Financial, Payroll/Human Resources, Employee Portal, Extra-Curricular Software Applications.

Stair Associates, Inc.Reggie Laconi9641 Commerce Dr.Carmel, IN 46032(317) [email protected]://www.stairnet.bizArchitectural and Engineering design for schools, with a focus on energy efficient systems including geothermal.

Statewide Credit Association, Inc.Don Hodson6957 Hillsdale CourtIndianapolis, IN 46250(317) [email protected]://www.statewidecredit.netLocal agency that specializes in increasing book rental funds for school corporations at a low cost.

Steele BenefitsSteve [email protected] Crawfordsville RoadIndianapolis, IN 46234

StifelMike Schumaker30 S. Meridian St., Suite 600Indianapolis, IN 46204(317) [email protected]://www.stifel.comIndiana’s largest independently owned investment banking firm specializing in financial consulting and bond underwriting.

TTaft Stettinius & Hollister LLPJames D. Shanahan (Jimmy)111 East Wacker Drive, Suite 2800Chicago, IL 60601(317) [email protected]://www.taftlaw.comLegal Services - Bond Counsel and Oper-ating or Construction Referendum Counsel

Tandus CentivaJen Maynard2527 Shannon LaneKokomo, IN 46901(765) [email protected]://www.tandus-centiva.comCarpet and luxury vinyl tile manufacturer, project/design consultation.

TCU (Teachers Credit Union)Tracy L. McCartyOne North Capitol Ave., Suite 101Indianapolis, IN 46204(317) 917-2011 ext. [email protected]://www.tcunet.comSavings, Checking, Loans, Investment Services, Mortgage Services, Insurance and Financial Empowerment.

TRANEBrian Pickering5355 N. Post Rd.Indianapolis, IN 46216(317) [email protected] and sustaining safe, comfortable, and efficient environments.

TrustINdianaCindy Burres Barger200 W. Washington St., Ste 242Indianapolis, IN 46204-2792(317) [email protected]:// government investment pool

Tyler TechnologiesDiane Effinger1 Tyler DriveYarmouth, ME(800) [email protected] Tyler Technologies provides integrated K-12 software solutions to empowerdistricts to optimize student achievement.

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IASBO Business Associate MembersTyson Onsite LLCBryan Ferry2301 South Holt RoadIndianapolis, IN [email protected]

UU.S. Bank Global Corporate Trust ServicesLois Moore10 W. Market St., Suite 1150Indianapolis, IN 46204(317) [email protected]://www.usbank.comUS Bank is a leader in provider of bond trustee and paying agent services for school corporations.


IASBO has secured a contract with a company to provide shirts, sweaters, jackets, hats, etc. with the IASBO logo to Indiana ASBO members. Please go to the IASBO website and click on “IASBO Apparel”. Review the offerings that include many different colors. The IASBO Board of Directors hope that many members will purchase IASBO merchandise and wear it at the Annual Meeting and other educational activities. If you have questions on the IASBO apparel, please contact Ella at the IASBO office.

UmbaughBelvia Gray8365 Keystone Crossing, Ste 300Indianapolis, IN 46240(317) [email protected]://www.umbaugh.comFinancial advisor to local governments.

VVALIC Amy Cummings 630 W Carmel Dr., Suite 140 Carmel, IN 46032 (317) [email protected]://www.valic.comNumber one provider of retirement programs for K-12 in the U.S.

Van Ausdall & Farrar, Inc.Andrew Kimbrough6430 East 75th StreetIndianapolis, IN 46250(317) [email protected]://www.vanausdall.comLeading business technology/services pro-vider offering Copiers, MPS, IT Services, Software/Workflow solutions and on-site managed services.

Van Gorp GroupAnthony J. Van Gorp10971 Four Seasons Place, Ste. 134Crown Point, IN 46307(630) [email protected]://www.vangorpgroup.com3M Security Window Film Distributor

ZZions First National BankRobert Cafarelli111 West Washington, Suite 1860Chicago, IL [email protected]://, Paying Agent, Bond Register & Investment Services