interaction of light with planar lattices of atoms: re ... · tentials [7] or optical dipole traps...

Interaction of light with planar lattices of atoms: Reflection, transmission and cooperative magnetometry G. Facchinetti 1 and J. Ruostekoski 2 1 ´ Ecole Normale Sup´ erieure de Cachan, 61 avenue du Pr´ esident Wilson, 94235 Cachan, France 2 Department of Physics, Lancaster University, Lancaster, LA1 4YB, United Kingdom (Dated: February 3, 2018) We study strong light-mediated resonant dipole-dipole interactions in two-dimensional planar lattices of cold atoms. We provide a detailed analysis for the description of the dipolar point emitter lattice plane as a “super-atom”, whose response is similar to electromagnetically-induced transparency, but which exhibits an ultra-narrow collective size-dependent subradiant resonance linewidth. The super-atom model provides intuitively simple descriptions for the spectral response of the array, including the complete reflection, full transmission, narrow Fano resonances, and asymp- totic expressions for the resonance linewidths of the collective eigenmodes. We propose a protocol to transfer almost the entire radiative excitation to a single correlated subradiant eigenmode in a lattice and show that the medium obtained by stacked lattice arrays can form a cooperative magnetometer. Such a magnetometer utilizes similar principles as magnetometers based on the electromagnetically- induced transparency. The accuracy of the cooperative magnetometer, however, is not limited by the single-atom resonance linewidth, but the much narrower collective linewidth that results from the strong dipole-dipole interactions. I. INTRODUCTION Thin planar arrays of resonant emitters can couple strongly to incident electromagnetic fields, effectively making the transmission process cooperative; see, e.g., Refs. [1–4]. The phenomenon is generic and can appear for different types of scatterers with a considerable vari- ation of sizes and frequencies of radiation, representing strong interactions that the electromagnetic field medi- ates between the scatterers. The resulting collective re- sponse can qualitatively also be described by arrays of dipolar point emitters [4–6], many cases even when the size of the scatterer is not negligible compared with the resonant wavelength. Atoms are ideal dipolar point emitters and can be trapped in regular arrays using, e.g., optical lattice po- tentials [7] or optical dipole traps [8]. The idea that a two-dimensional (2D) planar array of atoms could be utilized for manipulation of light and for engineering a strong cooperative optical response with the associated super- and subradiant [9] excitation eigenmodes was re- cently put forward [10]. Among the most dramatic prop- erties of the planar arrays of dipolar point emitters with subwavelength spacing are ultra-sharp Fano resonances of transmission, with full transmission of light at the res- onance and complete reflection at a range of other fre- quencies [6]. Such systems formed by cold atoms could also exhibit quantum entanglement [11], be prepared to a giant subradiant excitation [12] and states with a non- trivial topology [13, 14]. The research in cooperative light coupling with regular planar arrays has been expanding rapidly [15–21], and with the models similar to those in Ref. [22] could be utilized to engineer also various inter- acting many-atom Hamiltonians. Here we provide an expanded followup study of the re- cent work on dipolar point emitter arrays [6, 12] where the cooperative response of a large array is modelled by introducing an effective super-atom model, with only two coupled modes of radiative excitations. The super- atom model is reminiscent of the electromagnetically- induced transparency (EIT) [23] of independently scat- tering atoms. The model predicts the response in the limit of an infinite array, and was shown in Refs. [6, 12] to provide semi-analytic expressions for the conditions of complete reflection, full transmission, Fano resonances, and the resonance linewidths of the relevant collective ra- diative excitation eigenmodes. For finite arrays we find that it provides a good qualitative agreement with the ex- act numerical results of the spectral profiles. Although, e.g., the total reflection can be demonstrated numerically (for recent studies, see also Refs. [17, 20]), the super-atom model provides a simple intuitive description of the phys- ical process, together with a model for the entire scatter- ing spectrum. The possibility to manipulate optical excitations was demonstrated in Ref. [12] with a protocol to transfer ex- citations to a radiatively isolated collective state to form a giant subradiant excitation. The super-atom model is sufficient to describe the dynamics of the state trans- fer that is achieved by rotating the collective atomic po- larization by an effective magnetic field. Here the two states of the super-atom represent the two orthogonal orientations of the dipoles in phase-coherent collective excitations. Depending on the size of the lattice and the confinement of the atoms, up to 98-99% of the to- tal excitation is found in a single many-atom subradiant eigenmode. The prepared state is fundamentally differ- ent from the experimentally realized two-particle subra- diant states of ions [24] or molecules [25–27], or from collective states in atom clouds where a small fraction of atoms exhibit suppressed emission [28]. Massive, spa- tially extended subradiance has only recently been exper- imentally observed in strongly coupled planar scatterer

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Page 1: Interaction of light with planar lattices of atoms: Re ... · tentials [7] or optical dipole traps [8]. The idea that a two-dimensional (2D) planar array of atoms could be utilized

Interaction of light with planar lattices of atoms: Reflection, transmission andcooperative magnetometry

G. Facchinetti1 and J. Ruostekoski2

1Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan, 61 avenue du President Wilson, 94235 Cachan, France2Department of Physics, Lancaster University, Lancaster, LA1 4YB, United Kingdom

(Dated: February 3, 2018)

We study strong light-mediated resonant dipole-dipole interactions in two-dimensional planarlattices of cold atoms. We provide a detailed analysis for the description of the dipolar pointemitter lattice plane as a “super-atom”, whose response is similar to electromagnetically-inducedtransparency, but which exhibits an ultra-narrow collective size-dependent subradiant resonancelinewidth. The super-atom model provides intuitively simple descriptions for the spectral responseof the array, including the complete reflection, full transmission, narrow Fano resonances, and asymp-totic expressions for the resonance linewidths of the collective eigenmodes. We propose a protocol totransfer almost the entire radiative excitation to a single correlated subradiant eigenmode in a latticeand show that the medium obtained by stacked lattice arrays can form a cooperative magnetometer.Such a magnetometer utilizes similar principles as magnetometers based on the electromagnetically-induced transparency. The accuracy of the cooperative magnetometer, however, is not limited bythe single-atom resonance linewidth, but the much narrower collective linewidth that results fromthe strong dipole-dipole interactions.


Thin planar arrays of resonant emitters can couplestrongly to incident electromagnetic fields, effectivelymaking the transmission process cooperative; see, e.g.,Refs. [1–4]. The phenomenon is generic and can appearfor different types of scatterers with a considerable vari-ation of sizes and frequencies of radiation, representingstrong interactions that the electromagnetic field medi-ates between the scatterers. The resulting collective re-sponse can qualitatively also be described by arrays ofdipolar point emitters [4–6], many cases even when thesize of the scatterer is not negligible compared with theresonant wavelength.

Atoms are ideal dipolar point emitters and can betrapped in regular arrays using, e.g., optical lattice po-tentials [7] or optical dipole traps [8]. The idea that atwo-dimensional (2D) planar array of atoms could beutilized for manipulation of light and for engineering astrong cooperative optical response with the associatedsuper- and subradiant [9] excitation eigenmodes was re-cently put forward [10]. Among the most dramatic prop-erties of the planar arrays of dipolar point emitters withsubwavelength spacing are ultra-sharp Fano resonancesof transmission, with full transmission of light at the res-onance and complete reflection at a range of other fre-quencies [6]. Such systems formed by cold atoms couldalso exhibit quantum entanglement [11], be prepared toa giant subradiant excitation [12] and states with a non-trivial topology [13, 14]. The research in cooperative lightcoupling with regular planar arrays has been expandingrapidly [15–21], and with the models similar to those inRef. [22] could be utilized to engineer also various inter-acting many-atom Hamiltonians.

Here we provide an expanded followup study of the re-cent work on dipolar point emitter arrays [6, 12] where

the cooperative response of a large array is modelledby introducing an effective super-atom model, with onlytwo coupled modes of radiative excitations. The super-atom model is reminiscent of the electromagnetically-induced transparency (EIT) [23] of independently scat-tering atoms. The model predicts the response in thelimit of an infinite array, and was shown in Refs. [6, 12]to provide semi-analytic expressions for the conditions ofcomplete reflection, full transmission, Fano resonances,and the resonance linewidths of the relevant collective ra-diative excitation eigenmodes. For finite arrays we findthat it provides a good qualitative agreement with the ex-act numerical results of the spectral profiles. Although,e.g., the total reflection can be demonstrated numerically(for recent studies, see also Refs. [17, 20]), the super-atommodel provides a simple intuitive description of the phys-ical process, together with a model for the entire scatter-ing spectrum.

The possibility to manipulate optical excitations wasdemonstrated in Ref. [12] with a protocol to transfer ex-citations to a radiatively isolated collective state to forma giant subradiant excitation. The super-atom modelis sufficient to describe the dynamics of the state trans-fer that is achieved by rotating the collective atomic po-larization by an effective magnetic field. Here the twostates of the super-atom represent the two orthogonalorientations of the dipoles in phase-coherent collectiveexcitations. Depending on the size of the lattice andthe confinement of the atoms, up to 98-99% of the to-tal excitation is found in a single many-atom subradianteigenmode. The prepared state is fundamentally differ-ent from the experimentally realized two-particle subra-diant states of ions [24] or molecules [25–27], or fromcollective states in atom clouds where a small fractionof atoms exhibit suppressed emission [28]. Massive, spa-tially extended subradiance has only recently been exper-imentally observed in strongly coupled planar scatterer

Page 2: Interaction of light with planar lattices of atoms: Re ... · tentials [7] or optical dipole traps [8]. The idea that a two-dimensional (2D) planar array of atoms could be utilized


arrays [4].

Since resonant emitters play a key role in optical de-vices for classical and quantum technologies [29], and lat-tices of atoms are particularly relevant for precision mea-surements, e.g., in metrology [30, 31], we apply the co-operatively coupled atomic arrays to precision measure-ments of weak magnetic fields. Unlike the conventionalideas of sensing [32] that are based on the independentscattering models, here the essential ingredient of thetechnique is the strong cooperative dipole-dipole inter-actions between the atoms, resulting in collective reso-nance linewidths and line shifts. We consider stronglycoupled arrays of atoms stacked together to form a 3Dmedium where the spatial separation between each pla-nar lattice is sufficiently large (i.e., more than the opticalwavelength), such that the interaction between the dif-ferent lattices is weak. The basic idea is closely relatedto the EIT magnetometry, based on the sharp dispersionin a transparent media [33]. However, as the EIT mag-netometry is based on the independent atom scattering,the frequency scales for the suppression of absorption andthe sharp dispersion are determined by the single-atomresonance linewidth. In the proposed cooperative mag-netometry the resonance linewidth of the relevant subra-diant collective eigenmode can be dramatically narrower,leading to improved accuracy.

The paper is organized as follows. The basic model ofthe atom-light coupling is introduced in Sec. II. We beginby a single-atom description of the J = 0→ J ′ = 1 tran-sition in the absence and presence of the Zeeman energylevel shifts in Sec. II A. This illustrates the basic prin-ciple of the rotation of the atomic polarization betweentwo orthogonal directions that is then translated to themay-atom picture in Sec. II B, where we introduced boththe microscopic model of atom-light interactions and theeffective super-atom model. The super-atom model isexplored in detail in Sec. III. We compare the effectivemodel with the exact numerical simulations in Sec. III Aand highlight the similarities of the model to the EIT ofindependent atoms in Sec. III B. Complete reflection andfull transmission, semi-analytic models for the collectiveresonance linewidths, pulse delays, and spectrum of thescattered light are analyzed in Sec. III C. The cooper-ative magnetometry is described in Sec. IV and finallysome concluding remarks are made in Sec. V.


We consider a 2D square planar lattice of cold atomsin the yz plane where the resonant dipole-dipole interac-tions are mediated between the atoms by the scatteredlight. We assume that the atoms are illuminated by anincident weak-intensity laser propagating in the x direc-tion with the amplitude

E(r) = E0(y, z)ey exp(ikx) , (1)

FIG. 1. The atomic level structure. The linearly polarized(along y) incident light propagates along the positive x di-rection driving the |J = 0,mJ = 0〉 → |J ′ = 1,mJ = ±1〉transitions. The light does not directly couple to the |J =0,mJ = 0〉 → |J ′ = 1,mJ = 0〉 transition. The left panelshows the degenerate level structure and the right panel thelevel structure with the Zeeman splitting.

with the linear polarization ey and the amplitude E0(y, z)representing either constant or a Gaussian profile on theyz plane, perpendicular to the propagation direction.Here, and in the rest of the paper, all the field am-plitudes and the atomic polarization correspond to theslowly varying positive frequency components with os-cillations at the laser frequency ω. We consider a near-resonance J = 0 → J ′ = 1 atomic transition (Fig. 1)and assume a controllable Zeeman level splitting of theJ ′ = 1 manifold. The Zeeman shifts could be induced bymagnetic fields or, e.g., by AC Stark shifts [34].

A. Single-atom description

We first consider a single, isolated atom j. The dipolemoment of the atom reads

dj = D∑σ

eσP(j)σ , (2)

where D denotes the reduced dipole matrix element. The

atom has three polarization amplitude components P(j)σ

associated with the unit circular polarization vectors

e±1 = ∓ 1√2

(ex ± iey), e0 = ez , (3)

that are coupled with the transitions |J = 0,m = 0〉 →|J ′ = 1,m = σ〉. In the limit of low light intensity theexcitation amplitudes satisfy


dtP(j)σ = (i∆σ − γ)P(j)

σ + iξ

De∗σ · ε0E(rj), (4)

where ξ = 6πγ/k3 and the single-atom Wigner-Weisskopflinewidth

γ =D2k3

6π~ε0. (5)

The detuning from the atomic resonance ∆σ = ω−ωσ =ω − (ω0 + σδzσ) where ω0 is the resonance frequency ofthe |J = 0〉 ↔ |J ′ = 1,m = 0〉 transition and ±δz± are

Page 3: Interaction of light with planar lattices of atoms: Re ... · tentials [7] or optical dipole traps [8]. The idea that a two-dimensional (2D) planar array of atoms could be utilized


the shifts of the m = ±1 levels (Fig. 1). The y-polarized

light then drives the atomic polarization components P(j)±1

(Fig. 1). Here we instead write the equations of motionin the Cartesian basis

dj = D(exP(j)x + eyP(j)

y + ezP(j)z ) , (6)

such that

P(j)x =


(P(j)−1 − P

(j)+1), (7)

P(j)y = − i√

2(P(j)−1 + P(j)

+1) . (8)

We obtain

P(j)x = (i∆0 − iδ − γ)P(j)

x − δP(j)y , (9a)

P(j)y = (i∆0 − iδ − γ)P(j)

y + δP(j)x + iξε0E0/D , (9b)


δ =1

2(δz+ − δz−), δ =


2(δz+ + δz−) , (10)

and ∆0 denotes the detuning of the m = 0 state. The

incident light directly drives only P(j)y , but the energy

splitting of the levels |m = ±1〉 introduces a coupling

between P(j)x and P(j)

y . Although the incident field is

perpendicular to P(j)x , the light can therefore still excite

P(j)x by first driving P(j)

y . The J = 0→ J ′ = 1 transitionis isotropic when the excited-state energies are degener-ate and any orientation of the orthogonal basis also forms

an eigenbasis. For δ 6= 0, P(j)x/y no longer are eigenstates.

The dipoles are consequently turned toward the x axisby the rotation around the effective magnetic field.

B. Many-atom dynamics for a planar array

1. Microscopic model

We next describe the response of the entire planar ar-ray where the light-mediated interactions between theatoms are taken into account. Analogous simulationmethods can also be used in the studies of other resonantemitter systems, such as solid-state circuit resonators andplasmonics [4, 6, 35]. The single-atom picture of the lightexcitation and the rotation of the atomic excitation canbe translated to the many-atom language. The dynam-ics of the polarization amplitudes in the many-atom pic-ture are obtained from the single-atom ones (4) by re-placing the term representing the external field contribu-tion [36, 37]


dtP(j)σ = (i∆σ − γ)P(j)

σ + iξ

De∗σ · ε0Eext(rj), (11)

that could also be generalized to multi-level systemsof alkali-metal atoms [37–39]. Here each amplitude in

Eq. (11) in the atom j is driven by the sum of the in-cident field and the fields scattered from all the N − 1other atoms

Eext(rj) = E(rj) +∑l 6=j

E(l)S (rj) . (12)

The scattered dipole radiation field from the atom l is

ε0E(l)S (r) = G(r− rl)D


eσP(l)σ , (13)

where G(r) is the dipole radiation kernel, such that

E(l)S (r) represents the electric field at r from a dipole

D∑σ eσP

(l)σ residing at rl [40].

Owing to the resonant dipole-dipole interactions theatoms respond collectively to light, exhibiting collectiveexcitation eigenmodes with distinct collective radiativelinewidths and line shifts. The collective radiative exci-tation eigenmodes of the full system of N atoms can besolved by representing the coupled system of atoms andlight as

b = iHb + F , (14)

where b is a vector made of the amplitudes P(j)σ ,

b3j−1+σ = P(j)σ , (15)

with σ = −1, 0, 1 and j = 1, . . . , N . The driving of thedipoles by the incident light [35] [due to the incidentlight field contribution from Eq. (12) in the last termin Eq. (11)] is given by

F3j−1+σ = iξ

De∗σ · ε0E(rj) . (16)

The coupling matrix iH provides the light-induced in-teractions between the atoms [due to the scattered lightcontribution from Eq. (12) in the last term in Eq. (11)]and the first terms on the right-hand-side of Eq. (11),such that the diagonal terms read

H3j−1+σ,3j−1+σ = ∆σ + iγ (17)

and the off-diagonal terms (for j 6= l)

H3j−1+σ,3l−1+σ′ = iξe∗σ · G(rj − rl)eσ′ (18)

The matrixH has 3N eigenmodes vj with the eigenval-ues δj+iυj where δj = ω0−ωj is the shift of the collectivemode resonance ωj from the single atom resonance andυj is the collective radiative linewidth.

2. The effective super-atom model for the array

We construct an effective super-atom model to de-scribe the collective optical response of the planar ar-ray of atoms. We will show that we can qualitatively

Page 4: Interaction of light with planar lattices of atoms: Re ... · tentials [7] or optical dipole traps [8]. The idea that a two-dimensional (2D) planar array of atoms could be utilized


FIG. 2. Illustration of the phase-coherent response of theatoms, displaying the numerically calculated (based on themicroscopic model) steady-state solutions to a small square2D 8× 8 array with one atom per site and the lattice spacinga = 0.55λ. The linearly polarized (along y) incident plane-wave light field propagates along the positive x direction. Onthe top panel the Zeeman shifts vanish and the atomic dipolesoscillate in the array plane. In the middle panel the effectiveZeeman splitting (due to a real or synthetic magnetic fieldalong the z axis) drives the dipoles to be oriented normal tothe plane with (δz+, δ

z−) = (0.45, 1.75)γ. The bottom panel

shows the collective eigenmode of the coupled system of lightand atoms in the absence of the Zeeman shifts that closelyresembles the uniform excitation of the atomic dipoles normalto the array plane. The dipoles oscillate normal to the planararray and the excitation amplitude decays close to the edgeof the lattice.

understand the response by analyzing the behavior ofthe most dominant modes by formulating a super-atommodel that only incorporates those modes. In this paperwe consider incident field profiles that are smoothly vary-ing in the perpendicular direction to the propagation di-rection of light. The incident light is then phase-matchedto a smoothly-varying, phase-coherent excitation of theatoms. Note that this situation is quite different from theplanar array excitations considered in Ref. [10] where thephase profile of the incident field was modulated. Thismodulation resulted in spatially-localized excitations.

It turns out that in the common situations that weare interested here we only need to consider two collec-tive excitation eigenmodes (the eigenmodes of the col-lective system of atoms and light that are evaluated inthe absence of the Zeeman shifts). The linear polariza-tion couples to a collective (“coherent in-plane”) modein which all the dipoles are coherently oscillating along

the y direction with the excitation PI ; see Fig. 2. Whenwe introduce nonvanishing Zeeman shifts, this mode isno longer an eigenmode. The situation is now similar tothe single-atom case where the atomic dipole is turnedtoward the x axis due to the Zeeman splitting. In the col-lective lattice system that is driven by the laser with auniform phase profile along the lattice, the atomic dipoleskeep oscillating in phase even when the excited state de-generacy is broken. The dynamics in the presence of theZeeman shifts can therefore be qualitatively analyzed bya simple two-mode model when we assume that PI ispredominantly coupled with a phase-coherent collective(“coherent perpendicular”) excitation PP where all theatomic dipoles are oscillating in phase, normal to theplane; see Fig. 2. Also this mode is a collective eigen-mode in the absence of the Zeeman energy splitting ofthe electronic excited state. We can now establish aneffective two-mode dynamics

PP = (i∆P − iδ − υP )PP − δPI , (19a)

PI = (i∆I − iδ − υI)PI + δPP + iξε0E0/D , (19b)

where δ and δ are given by Eq. (10), υP and υI are thecollective linewidths of the corresponding eigenmodes ofthe many-atom system (for δz± = 0) and

∆P/I = ω − ωP/I = ∆0 + δP/I (20)

are the detunings of the incident light from the reso-nances of these modes (that are shifted by the collectiveline shifts δP and δI).

The coupled equations for the two phase-coherent col-lective modes in Eq. (19) are almost identical to the equa-tions describing the single-atom dynamics in the Carte-sian coordinate system in Eq. (9). The only differenceis that the single-atom resonance linewidth γ is replacedby the collective eigenmode resonance linewidths υP andυI , and that the resonance of the two modes also ex-hibit the additional collective shifts δP and δI . The ef-fective contribution of the collective light-mediated res-onant dipole-dipole interactions is encapsulated in thesecollective linewidths and line shifts. The 3N equationsfor the N atoms with three polarization components forthe excitations are now replaced by two equations for thecollective eigenmodes: one for the dipoles oscillating inthe lattice plane and another one for the dipoles oscil-lating parallel to the propagation direction of the lightand normal to the lattice plane. The simplicity of theeffective super-atom approach becomes obvious when wecompare it with the full microscopic model in Eq. (11):In the microscopic model for each atom we need to cal-culate the scattered fields from all the other atoms inEext(rj).

The physical characteristics of the two eigenmodes areentirely different [12]. Since all the dipoles in the collec-tive mode PI are in the lattice plane, PI is responsiblefor strong reflection and transmission of light that fol-lows from the dipole radiation pattern directed out ofthe plane. However, the collective mode excitation PP

Page 5: Interaction of light with planar lattices of atoms: Re ... · tentials [7] or optical dipole traps [8]. The idea that a two-dimensional (2D) planar array of atoms could be utilized


0 10 20






20 500 1000 1500




1(a) (b)

0 10 20






20 500 1000 1500




1(c) (d)

FIG. 3. Comparisons between the phenomenological super-atom model (dashed, red lines) and the exact numerical sim-ulation (solid, blue lines). The Zeeman shifts and the de-tuning (δz+, δ

z−,∆0) = (1.1, 1.1, 0.65)γ have been chosen such

that the collective polarization in the steady-state response ispointing normal to the lattice plane. In the two-mode modelwe have used the numerical values of the full eigenvalue cal-culation that are δP = −0.65γ, δI = −0.68γ, υP = 0.0031γ,υI = 0.79γ. The initial evolution of the laser-driven latticebefore reaching the steady-state distribution for the case of(a) plane-wave excitation, (c) Gaussian beam excitation. Theevolution after the incident light and the Zeeman shifts areturned off for the case of (b) plane-wave excitation, (d) Gaus-sian beam excitation. In the case of a plane-wave excitationthe super-atom model differs from the full numerical solutionat early times due to the contribution of additional collectivemodes in the dynamics (see Fig. 4). The additional modes de-cay faster and the dynamics of the calculations is more similarat later times when the slowly decaying subradiant coherentperpendicular mode dominates.

dominantly radiates within the plane, where the emissionof light is directed toward the other atoms, enhancinglight-mediated interactions between the atoms: For lightto escape, it generally undergoes many scattering events.This is the physical explanation of the giant subradiancedemonstrated for the mode PP in Ref. [12]. With the tar-geted excitation that is resonant with PP almost all theexcitation can be driven to the mode PP by utilizing theZeeman shifts in the rotation of the atomic polarizationnormal to the plane [12].


A. Comparisons with the exact calculations

The two-mode model qualitatively captures many ofthe essential features of the full many-body dynamics,when we substitute the numerically calculated values ofυP/I and δP/I of the colective eigenmodes. In Fig. 3 we

show the comparison between the dynamics given by thetwo-mode model and the full numerics of all the 1200collective excitation eigenmodes of the 20×20 array forthe lattice spacing a = 0.55λ. In the numerical simula-tions we calculate the optical response by following thelattice simulation procedure introduced in Ref. [10] bysolving the microscopic model described by Eqs. (11),(12), and (13). In the limit of low light intensity, for sta-tionary atoms with the J = 0 → J ′ = 1 transition theresults are exact [37, 41], incorporating recurrent scatter-ing between the atoms and light-induced correlations. Ina random medium such position-dependent correlationscan lead to a violation of standard continuous mediumelectrodynamics [42, 43].

We show in Fig. 3 the dynamics of the total polar-

ization of the system |Ptot| = |∑j,k P

(j)k ek|/N [in all

the numerical results, the polarization amplitudes are ex-pressed in the dimensionless form P → DPk3/(6πε0E0)].The incident light [in Fig. 3(a,b) a plane wave and in(c,d) a Gaussian beam] excites the y components of theatomic dipoles. The Zeeman shifts turn the polariza-tion density toward the x direction. At the resonance(δz+, δ

z−,∆0) = (1.1, 1.1, 0.65)γ we find the dipoles almost

entirely along the x directionThe first part of the dynamics [in Fig. 3(a,c)] de-

scribes the excitation of the atomic dipoles before thesystem reaches the steady state configuration. Once inthe steady state, the Zeeman shifts and the incident laserare turned off, resulting in a decay of the excitations [inFig. 3(b,d)]. Since the atomic dipoles here are approx-imately perpendicular to the plane, the excitation rep-resents giant subradiance [12] corresponding to a slowdecay. For the plane-wave excitation the decay rates ofthe two cases differ at early times, while in the case of aGaussian incident field excitation the agreement is bet-ter.

In order to explain the differences between the twoexcitation methods and the accuracy of the super-atomapproach, we show in Fig. 4 the populations of the differ-ent eigenmodes of H in the steady-state response. SinceH is non-Hermitian, we define an overlap measure [44]

Lj =|vTj b|2∑i |vTi b|2

, (21)

for the eigenvector vj in the state b. We also use thismeasure to determine the eigenmodes that are the closestto the ideal phase-coherent polarization excitations PIand PP .

In Fig. 4 we show the eigenmode populations for thecases where the subradiant mode with the polarizationvectors normal to the lattice array are excited using aplane wave and a Gaussian beam. For comparison, wealso display the collective eigenmode populations whenthe steady-state dipoles are not rotated by the Zeemanshifts and they are in the array plane. In all the casesonly a small number of modes are significantly excited.In the case of driving of the dipole excitation normal

Page 6: Interaction of light with planar lattices of atoms: Re ... · tentials [7] or optical dipole traps [8]. The idea that a two-dimensional (2D) planar array of atoms could be utilized


-3 -2 -1 0 1log10 (!=.)




-3 -2 -1 0 1log10 (!=.)






(a) (b)

-3 -2 -1 0 1log10 (!=.)





-3 -2 -1 0 1log10 (!=.)





(c) (b)

FIG. 4. The measure of the mode population L of the different eigenmodes in the steady-state response for fixed atomic positions,(a) incident plane wave excitation, (δz+, δ

z−,∆0) = (1.1, 1.1, 0.65)γ; (b) incident plane wave excitation, (δz+, δ

z−,∆0) = (0, 0, 0)γ;

(c) Gaussian beam excitation with the standard deviation 6a, (δz+, δz−,∆0) = (1.1, 1.1, 0.65)γ. The eigenmodes are ordered by

their collective radiative resonance linewidths on a logarithmic scale. In (b) the atomic polarization density is in the latticeplane and the excitation is dominated (over 50% of the total excitation) by the collective mode where the dipoles are coherentlyoscillating in the y direction. In (a) and (c) the atomic polarization density is pointing normal to the lattice plane, and theexcitation is dominated by about (a) 70%, (c) 98% by the collective subradiant mode where the atomic dipoles are coherentlyoscillating in the x direction. In (a) also some modes with notably broader resonances are occupied that manifests themselvesin a faster initial decay of the radiative excitation; see Fig. 3(b).

to the lattice using a plane wave the excited eigenmodeshave different linewidths. For the Gaussian beam driving,only one eigenmode is notably excited. This is becausethe Gaussian beam intensity is better matched with thedensity distribution of the eigenmode in Fig. 2.

The occupation of more than a single eigenmodewith different decay rates in Fig. 4(a) illustrates whythe super-atom model for the plane wave excitationin Fig. 3(b) differs at early times. In fact, one canshow [12] that the fitting of the radiative decay to adouble-exponential provides a much better result thanthe fitting to a single exponential. Although the slowly-decaying case is dominated by the subradiant PP exci-tation eigenmode with about 70% of the total excitation(and with the linewidth of υP ' 3.1×10−3γ), the reasonfor the double-exponential decay is a prominent excita-tion ∼ 15% of an additional eigenmode whose linewidth' 0.015γ notably differs from that of PP .

In the case of a Gaussian incident field excitation inFig. 4(c), the agreement between the exact solution andthe super-atom model is better, since in that case the en-tire excitation is dominated by a single collective eigen-mode in Fig. 4(c) that can reach about 98-99% of thetotal excitation [12]. The decay rate in that case canalso be better described by a single exponential. In casethat the atomic polarization density is in the lattice planein Fig. 4(b), the excitation is dominated by the collectivemode where the dipoles are coherently oscillating in they direction, and the decay rates of all the occupied modesare comparable to the linewidth of a single isolated atom.

B. Analogy to electromagnetically-inducedtransparency

The effective super-atom model has an analogy withEIT [23]. In a typical EIT setup of a lambda-three-levelatom, shown in Fig. 5, the transition amplitudes fromtwo electronic ground states |a〉 and |b〉 to the same elec-tronic excited state |c〉 destructively interfere. The inter-

FIG. 5. Schematic illustration of the electromagnetically-induced transparency. The two electronic ground states |a〉and |b〉 are driven by the fields with the Rabi frequencies Ωc

(coupling) and Ωp (probe), respectively, to the same electron-ically excited state |c〉. The destructive interference betweenthe transition amplitudes from the two electronic ground lev-els leads to the dark state |D〉 ∝ Ωc|b〉 −Ωp|a〉 that is decou-pled from the driving light. At the same time, the absorbingstate |A〉 ∝ Ωp|b〉+Ωc|a〉 is driven by the incident field. Smallperturbations from the dark state result in coherent drivingbetween the ground states.

ference results in a spectral transparency window in anotherwise opaque medium where the absorption is sup-pressed. When the population of the excited state canbe neglected, EIT has a classical mechanical analogy ofcoupled oscillating springs [45]. In the limit of low lightintensity, the EIT equations for a single atom polariza-tions for the transitions from the ‘dark’ |D〉 and ‘absorb-ing’ |A〉 states, |D〉 ↔ |c〉 and |A〉 ↔ |c〉 , are reminis-cent of those of the super-atom model for PP and PI ,respectively [Eq. (19)]. Here the strongly subradiant col-lective eigenmode of the interacting many-atom systemwhere the dipoles are pointing normal to the plane playsthe role of the single-particle dark state superposition ofthe two ground states of the EIT system. The collec-tive eigenmode where the dipoles are in the lattice planerepresents the absorbing state superposition in EIT.

In EIT small perturbations from the dark state resultin coherent driving between the ground states [46, 47].This was utilized in the stopping and storage of lightpulses by controlling the atom population by means ofturning on and off the coupling field [48]. In the subradi-

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ant state preparation [12] the idea of transferring almostthe entire atom population into a single eigenmode isbased on an analogous principle: the atoms are coher-ently driven to the subradiant mode with the Zeemanshifts that are subsequently turned off after the systemhas reached the steady state configuration.

In the following sections the analogy between thesuper-atom for the lattice and single-particle EIT is fur-ther illustrated by examples of reflection, transmission,and Fano resonances. We also propose a magnetometerbased on cooperative light-induced interactions that hassimilar principles as the EIT-magnetometry.

C. Full reflection and transmission for the array

The planar arrays of resonant emitters have beendemonstrated as powerful tools for manipulating electro-magnetic radiation. The cooperative resonance phenom-ena of regular planar arrays consisting of dipolar pointscatterers were analyzed in detail in Ref. [6], where sim-ple arguments for the complete reflection and transmis-sion, and the emergence of Fano resonances were de-veloped. The complete reflection for planar arrays ofatomic dipoles for different geometries was also studiedin Ref. [17], and the analysis of Ref. [6] was further ex-tended in Ref. [12].

Here we summarize the super-atom analysis of thetransmission spectrum of Refs. [6, 12] with the focus onthe complete reflection and transmission limits. These re-sults are then used in the magnetometry example basedon the stacked arrays of atomic dipoles in Sec. IV.

We express the reflectance and the transmittance am-plitudes in terms of the incident and the scattered fieldamplitudes EI and ES , respectively

r =d ·ES(−ex)

d ·EI(ex), t =

d · [EI(ex) + ES(ex)]

d ·EI(ex), (22)

where ES(n), with n = ±ex, describes the scattered lightto the forward/backward direction from the lattice in theyz plane. The reflection and transmission amplitudescan be numerically calculated by solving for the opticalresponse of the entire array of atoms using the micro-scopic model described by Eqs. (11), (12), and (13). Thedescription, however, becomes particularly simple withthe super-atom model, even without the precise knowl-edge of the values of the collective eigenmode resonancelinewidths and line shifts, υP , υI , δP , and δI .

The steady-state solution of the super-atom model ofEq. (19) is easily obtained

PI = −i ZP (∆0)

δ2 − ZP (∆0)ZI(∆0)f (23a)

PP = −i δ

ZP (∆0)PI , (23b)

where we have introduced the abbreviation f =iξε0E0/D, and defined

ZP/I(∆0) ≡ ∆P/I − δ + iυP/I , (24)

∆P/I ≡ ∆0 + δP/I . (25)

1. Complete reflection

The atomic dipoles in the collective eigenmode exci-tation PP are oriented in the direction normal to theplane and cannot emit in the exact forward or back di-rection. Therefore the scattering in the exact forwardand back direction is solely produced by the coherent in-plane collective mode PI . Consequently, we obtain thesteady-state reflection from the steady-state solution toPI amplitudes, given by Eq. (23a),

r = −r0iυIZP (∆0)

δ2 − ZP (∆0)ZI(∆0), (26)

where r0 denotes the reflectance amplitude at the reso-nance of the coherent in-plane collective mode (ZI = iυI)when the Zeeman shifts vanish δ = 0. We also have thesymmetry ES(ex) = ES(−ex) in Eq. (22), resulting in

t = 1 + r . (27)

The reflection and transmission properties of a planarlattice of atoms are described in the super-atom model bythe simple relations Eqs. (26) and (27). The scatteringproblem can be further simplified when we consider aninfinite lattice on the yz plane. The 2D lattice behavessimilarly to a 2D diffraction grating where each atomemits light. The lattice structure generates the diffrac-tion pattern, while the atomic wave functions on indi-vidual sites correspond to the Debye-Waller factors andare responsible for overall envelope of the diffraction pat-tern [49, 50]. For subwavelength lattice spacing (a < λ)only the zeroth order Bragg peak of the scattered lightsurvives in the far field. This corresponds to the exactforward and back scattered light. Since we defined thereflection and transmission amplitudes according to thescattered light in Eq. (22) in the exact forward and backdirections, the energy conservation then states that

|r|2 + |t|2 = 1 . (28)

Combining this with Eq. (27) yields

−Re(r) = |r|2 , (29)

whose solutions generally are complex, but all the realsolutions are r = −1 and 0, corresponding to perfectreflection and perfect transmission, respectively. Withthe vanishing Zeeman shifts (δ = 0) [51], Eq. (26) reducesto

r = r0iυI

ZI(∆0). (30)

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Even without any additional knowledge of the scatteringproperties of the system, we can take r0 to be real byappropriately redefining the resonance frequencies. (Thescattering calculation yields a real-valued r0 even withouta redefined resonance, as shown below.) The only valuecorresponding to a nonvanishing reflection is then

r0 = −1, (31)

indicating that an incident field at the resonance of thecoherent in-plane collective mode experiences a total re-flection when the Zeeman shifts are zero. Note that theamplitudes of the scattered light are equal in the for-ward and back directions, but in the forward directionthe scattered light is precisely cancelled by interferencewith the incident field.

The expression for r0 may, in fact, be also derived in-dependently by explicitly evaluating the scattered light.In Ref. [6] the response was analyzed by calculating thetransmission amplitude of Eq. (22) by deriving the ra-tio between the light amplitudes using the Fraunhoferdiffraction theory from a rectangular aperture. Takingthen the limit of an infinite lattice yielded the result [52]

r0 = − 3γλ2

4πυIa2. (32)

Combining this with Eq. (31) yields an expression forthe linewidth of the collective eigenmode υI where thedipoles are oscillating in the plane of the array [6]


υI =3λ2

4πa2γ . (33)

The result was shown to agree with the numerical simula-tions in the large lattice limit in Ref. [6]. The assumptionin the derivation that the lattice spacing is less than thewavelength, a < λ, sets the minimum limit how subradi-ant the linewidth of this mode can be υmin

I /γ = 3/(4π).

Moreover, when a <√

3/πλ/2, the mode becomes super-radiant in the infinite lattice limit.

Although similar results to those of Eqs. (31) and (33)were also obtained using different methods in Ref. [20],the original derivations for the complete reflection thatwe have described here were already presented in Refs. [6,12].

We can also solve the full expression (26) for the reflec-tion amplitude with the constraint (29). Since we haver0 6= 0 and υI 6= 0, these can be solved for arbitrary δonly for υP = 0. We obtain another result for the collec-tive eigenmode resonance linewidths,


υP = 0 . (34)

In the limit of an infinite lattice, the subradiant modewhere the dipoles oscillate perpendicular to the latticebecomes entirely decoupled from light with the zerolinewidth. We have also numerically demonstrated it:For fixed atomic positions the mode becomes increas-ingly more subradiant in larger lattices with υP /γ 'N−0.91 [12].

2. Complete transmission

In the previous section we analyzed the response of thesystem when driven at the resonance of the PI mode. Wewill now simplify the expression (26) for the reflectionamplitude at the resonance of the PP mode, i.e., when∆P = δ. We find

r(∆P = δ) ≈ − υIυPδ2 + υIυP


where we have assumed |δP − δI | υI so that we canneglect any difference between the PI and PP resonancefrequencies. (We find that this holds approximately truefor the lattice a ' 0.55λ.) When the Zeeman shifts sat-isfy

δ2 υPυI , (36)

reflectance on PP resonance is therefore suppressed, andtransmittance is enhanced. Remarkably, in the limit ofa large array the response can therefore vary between acomplete reflection and full transmission.

3. Spectrum of the scattered light

In the previous sections we found that in the largelattice limit the optical response can vary between thecomplete reflection (δ = 0) and full transmission (PPresonance). We will now analyze the entire spectrumof scattered light that can exhibit very narrow features,related to the Fano resonances. The narrow linewidthυP of the subradiant eigenmode manifests itself in theseresonances.

In Fig. 6(a,b) we show the spectra of the steady-stateresponse of the forward or back scattered light into anarrow cone of | sin θ| <∼ 0.1 for an incident plane wave.The full numerical simulation is again compared withthe two-mode super-atom model of Eq. (19). The super-atom model qualitatively captures the main features ofthe spectra, indicating that the resonance behavior isdominated by the two collective modes. The spectra inlarge lattices exhibit Fano resonances due to a destruc-tive interference between different scattering paths thatinvolve either the excitation PI only, or a scattering viaPP , as in PI → PP → PI , and the interference is anal-ogous to the interference of bright and dark modes inEIT.

The scattering of light in the exact forward and backdirections is suppressed according to Eq. (36) whenδ2 υPυI . The resonances correspond to high (low)occupations of PP (PI) excitations. The ratio of theamplitudes in the steady-state solution of Eqs. (23a)and (23b) indicates when the subradiant excitation PPbecomes dominant. At the resonance ∆P− δ = 0 we havePP /PI = −δ/υP , and (assuming that |δP − δI | υI)

PP = − δ

δ2 + υIυPf, PI =

υPδ2 + υIυP

f . (37)

Page 9: Interaction of light with planar lattices of atoms: Re ... · tentials [7] or optical dipole traps [8]. The idea that a two-dimensional (2D) planar array of atoms could be utilized


In Fig. 6(c) we display the measure of the eigenmodepopulations [obtained using Eq. (21)] of the main eigen-modes in the steady-state response as a function of theincident light frequency. These populations correspondto the scattered light spectra shown in Fig. 6(b). Theoccupations profiles are closely linked to the spectral pro-files. The peak of the subradiant mode excitation (andthe trough in the coherent in-plane mode excitation) rep-resents the case where the light scattering in the forwardor back direction vanishes, and the lattice becomes trans-parent. As explained earlier, in the limit of an infinitelylarge lattice with a subwavelength lattice spacing andfixed atomic positions only the exact forward or backscattering is possible, since in that case only the zerothorder Bragg peak survives.

The resonances strongly depend on the lattice size. Forthe 3× 3 lattice [Fig. 6(a)] the reflectance is only sup-pressed when (δz+, δ

z−) = (0.45, 1.75)γ, but not in the

case of (δz+, δz−) = (0.1, 0.2)γ when δ2 ∼ υPυI and the

condition of Eq. (36) is not valid.We can express the power reflectance |r|2 in the limit

υP /δ ' 0

|r|2 '(r0υI)

2[(∆P − δ)2 + υ2


]|(∆P − δ)4 − (υ2

I − 2δ2)(∆P − δ)2 + δ4|, (38)

where we have assumed |δP − δI | υI . In this limitwe can then analytically calculate the half-width at halfmaximum for this resonance and obtain

w ' 1


(√υ2I + 4δ2 − υI

). (39)

This simple expression qualitatively explains the ob-served behavior of the spectral resonances. If PP isstrongly excited by the Zeeman shifts δ, the resonancenotably broadens. In the limit of a weak driving, the res-onance narrows and eventually only depends on the verynarrow resonance linewidth υP , being a direct manifes-tation of subradiance.

4. Pulse delay

We can also use the super-atom mode to calculate thegroup delay τg of a resonant light pulse for the 2D atomarray due to cooperative response. This is given by thederivative of the phase of the transmission amplitudewith respect to the frequency

τg =d

dωarg t(ω)


' υIδ2, (40)

where we have taken the limit of a large array and as-sumed δ2 υPυI with δP ' δI . In the limit of a largelattice υP → 0, and is generally very small, indicating thecondition δ2 υPυI is not particularly restrictive andwe can still simultaneously have a very small δ υI .

This corresponds to an extremely narrow transmissionresonance in which case the sample is transparent at theexact resonance with a sharp variation of the dispersioncurve.

By using the value of υP ∼ 10−3γ for the 35 × 35lattice [12], we can obtain a sharp resonance even forδ2 ∼ 10−2γ2, and τg ∼ 100/γ (assuming that υI ∼ γ).The cooperative effect is even more dramatic for the 150×150 array for which υP ∼ 10−4γ (obtained from υP /γ ∼N−0.91 [12]), and the group delay becomes significantτg ∼ 103/γ even for an ultrathin 2D plane of atoms.

5. The effects of atom confinement

The atomic positions fluctuate due to the finite size ofthe trap. These can be taken into account in the simula-tions, as explained in Ref. [10]. For instance, in an opticallattice potential in the lowest vibrational level of each lat-tice site, the root-mean-square width of the wave function` = `y = `z = as−1/4/π, where ER = π2~2/(2ma2) is thelattice-photon recoil energy and each site has a potentialdepth sER [53]. The current experiments in optical lat-tices with the Mott-insulator state can reach the depths ' 3000 [54]. The fluctuations of the atomic positionssuppress the linewidth narrowing and, e.g., s = 50 lat-tice for the example considered in Sec. III A has the largearray limit υP ' 0.15γ. Using tight confinement in theLamb-Dicke regime `j a, e.g., by optical tweezers bymeans of nanofabrication, could further increase the life-time of the subradiant state in large systems.


We have demonstrated how the collective eigenmodesof the atomic dipoles in the planar lattice exhibit behav-ior that is reminiscent of independent atom EIT. In thissection we show how the excitation of the collective sub-radiant state and the resulting narrow transmission res-onance could be used in the detection of weak magneticfields. The basic idea is closely related to the EIT magne-tometry, based on the sharp dispersion in a transparentmedia [23, 33]. However, as in the EIT magnetometrythe atoms are weakly interacting and can be describedby the independent atom scattering model, the charac-teristic frequency for the suppression of absorption andthe sharp dispersion is determined by the single-atomresonance linewidth. The key element in the cooperativetransmission is the interplay between the collective sub-radiant excitation PP and strongly radiating PI . In thelarge arrays, the corresponding resonance linewidths sat-isfy υP υI . This can lead to very narrow transmissionresonances, determined by the characteristic frequencyυP .

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.FIG. 6. The spectrum of forward or back scattered light for the lattices of (a) 3×3; (b) 20×20 sites, and (c) the eigenmodepopulations L corresponding to the spectral curves of (b). The curves are shown in the steady-state response as a function ofthe frequency of the incident light, and the spectrum of the larger lattice in (b) displays a sharp Fano resonance. We show in(a,b) both the super-atom model [red, dashed curves; with numerically calculated eigenvalues for the two dominant eigenmodes(δP + iυP )/γ ' −0.65 + 0.0031i (20×20), −0.62 + 0.12i (3×3), and (δI + iυI)/γ ' −0.68 + 0.79i (20×20), −0.59 + 0.83i(3×3)] and the exact numerical results (blue, solid curves). The two cases in (a,b) represent the two different orientationsof the atomic dipoles in the steady-state configurations: (δz+, δ

z−) = (0.1, 0.2)γ (the orientation not far from the lattice plane;

narrow resonances), (0.45, 1.75)γ (the orientation approximately normal to the plane; broad resonances). The occupations ofthe eigenmodes for the two dipolar orientations of the (b) spectra are shown in (c) for the collective subradiant eigenmodewhere the atomic dipoles are coherently oscillating in the x direction (dashed-dotted lines), the collective eigenmode where theatomic dipoles are coherently oscillating in the y direction (solid lines), the sum of the mode populations of all the other 1198eigenmodes (dashed lines). The three mode population curves in (c) (green and cyan) for the broad resonance of (b) have thesame location for the resonance and the same broad shape as the resonance in (b). The three narrow resonance populationcurves in (c) (red and blue) similarly follow precisely the narrow resonance in (b). Both the narrow and the broad resonanced in(b) represent the large occupations of the subradiant mode and low occupations of the coherent in-plane mode, and the spectralshape closely follows the occupation profiles of (c). The scattering resonance is approximately at the effective resonance of the

subradiant mode [Eq. (19a)] ∆P − δ ' 0.

A. Independent atom EIT magnetometry

We first describe the standard independent-atom EITmagnetometry [23, 33]. We consider a lambda-three-levelEIT system, shown in Fig. 5. The destructive interfer-ence between the different transition amplitudes leads toa spectral transparency window where the absorption issuppressed. This is a single-atom effect where the atomsare assumed to respond to light independently. For asmall two-photon detuning between the levels |a〉 and|b〉, the electric susceptibility of the medium can be ap-proximated by

χ = χ′ + iχ′′ , (41)


χ′ ' −24πγbcρ∆ωabk3Ω2


, χ′′ ' 12πγbcρΓabk3Ω2


, (42)

where the imaginary part χ′′ leads to absorption and thereal part χ′ to dispersion. Here ρ denotes the densityof the atoms, ∆ωab the two-photon detuning betweenthe levels |a〉 and |b〉, and γbc the single-atom resonancelinewidth of the probe |b〉 ↔ |c〉 transition. The decayrate for the loss of coherence between the levels |a〉 and |b〉is given by Γab and it results, e.g., from atomic collisionsand the fluctuations of the laser. Since the two-photondetuning depends on the magnetic Zeeman shifts betweenthe levels ∆ωab ' µB(maga−mbgb)/~ (here µB is Bohr’smagneton, gj is the Lande g-factor and mj is the mag-netic quantum number for the level j), the dispersion

is proportional to the applied magnetic field, while theabsorption at the same time is suppressed by EIT. Thephase shift of the light propagating a distance L insidethe sample is obtained by

∆φ = k(n− 1)L ' −2γbc∆ωabΩ2c

ρσcrL , (43)

where we have used n ' 1 + χ′/2 for the index of re-fraction n, and σcr = 3λ2/(2π) denotes the resonancecross-section.

The EIT magnetometry is based on achieving a largephase shift by propagating the light beam through a suf-ficiently large atom cloud, even when the coupling fieldintensity, proportional to Ω2

c , is large. Close to the EITresonance an otherwise opaque medium becomes almosttransparent due to the destructive interference betweenthe different atomic transitions. This results in the sup-pressed attenuation of the beam (given by χ′′) and al-lows a long propagation distance inside the sample. Thesuppression of the absorption at the EIT resonance isassociated with a sharp variation of the dispersion curve.

B. Super-atom model for cooperativemagnetometry

We propose a model for a cooperative magnetome-try using stacked layers of 2D planar lattices of atoms.Within each lattice the atoms strongly interact viathe scattered light (with subwavelength lattice spacing).

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Here we assume that the different layers are not very closeto each other and are separated by a distance more thanthe wavelength of the resonant light λ. Instead of fullytreating the entire 3D lattice [55], we can then as a firstapproximation ignore the recurrent scattering betweenthe layers and add the interacting layers together analo-gously to the independent scattering approximation [56].In the model each planar lattice is then treated as a singlesuper-atom and the interaction between the super-atoms(different lattices) is considered weak, such that super-atoms are modelled within the independent scatteringapproximation.

In the limit of a large lattice and with not very closely-spaced planar lattices the PP excitation does not con-tribute to the coherent light propagation (since only thezeroth order Bragg peak exists in the radiation zone),and we write the effective electric susceptibility as

χ ' 〈P 〉ε0E0

' ρD〈PI〉ε0E0

, (44)

where the atom density can be given in terms of thelayer separation ∆z as ρ ' 1/(a2∆z). We assume thatδ2 υPυI and that the effective detuning from the PPexcitation resonance |∆P − δ| δ. Note, however, thatan extremely narrow transmission resonance (at whichthe sample is transparent and exhibits a sharp variationof the dispersion curve) can be achieved since in the limitof a large array, υP → 0, and we can simultaneously havea very small δ υI , γ.

We ignore the differences between the resonance fre-quencies of the two modes δP ' δI . From the two-modemodel solutions we then find

χ′ ' 6πγρ(∆P − δ)k3δ2

, χ′′ ' 6πγρυPk3δ2

. (45)

The corresponding phase shift is given by

∆φ =γ(∆P − δ)

δ2ρσcrL . (46)

Here any changes in both δ and δ are sensitive to themagnetic field variation. We can set the maximum al-lowed length of the sample to be defined by limitingthe attenuation of the beam by absorption [given byexp(−πχ′′L/π)] to be πχ′′Lmax/π ∼ 1. For Lmax the

phase shift ∆φ ∼ (∆P − δ)/υP can still be very large dueto extremely narrow subradiant mode resonance υP .


Planar arrays of dipolar point emitters can respondstrongly to light, exhibiting collective behavior. We haveshown that this response can be qualitative captured bya simple model of a super-atom that shares features sim-ilar to those of independent-atom EIT. The super-atommodel provides an intuitive, semi-analytic description forthe optical response of the lattice, including those of thecomplete reflection, full transmission, and the sharp Fanoresonances in the spectral response, which were obtainedin Refs. [6, 12].

The analysis of the lattice responses paves a way forharnessing the strong dipole-dipole interactions betweenthe atoms. The collective light-mediated interactions canbe utilized in the controlled preparation of a giant sub-radiant excitation in a single eigenmode where the cor-related many-atom excitation spatially extends over theentire lattice and where the interactions strongly sup-press radiative losses. Although super-radiance has beenextensively studied in experiments [57] – with the re-cent experiments focusing on light in confined geome-tries [58, 59], weak excitation regime [60–62], and therelated shifts of the resonance frequencies [63–68] – sub-radiance generally has been elusive, due to its weak cou-pling to light.

Moreover, we proposed a scheme for a cooperativemagnetometry. Unlike in a magnetometry using EIT [33]in weakly interacting vapors that can be described by in-dependent scattering approximation, the sensitivity toweak magnetic fields here is based on the strong light-induced dipole-dipole interactions between the atoms. Asa result, the width of the resonance is not limited by thesingle atom resonance linewidth, but by the much nar-rower collective subradiant linewidth.


We acknowledge financial support from EPSRC.

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