interactive features unit 5 task 2

Interactive Features Unit 5 Task 2

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Page 1: Interactive features unit 5 task 2

Interactive Features Unit 5 Task 2

Page 2: Interactive features unit 5 task 2

How we can use the Feature

We use the features on tablet, phones and Smart Television to download apps and other features like zooming rotating swipe up and and swipe left and right.

We can use this with E books on the Kindle Fire instead of of having a normal book.

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Interactive Features.

Interactive Features are electronic devices that we can give control to suit my style. An example when a student has a phone and telling the phone to pause the film the amount of time left until the film is finished and the Gestures we use.

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Audio/SoundAudio is sound which is transmitted or reproduced.

Some people like to listen to music when there are studing and some like to listen to music just for the sake of it.

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Advantages and Disadvantage AudioAdvantages Disadvantage

A lot of people enjoy it. Some people Dislike music and think it is to loud.

Some people learn and take in information easier.

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Video Interactive video is a technique to blend film and interactive and linear design for films and video.

Interactive video is also used for presentations for slide shows like this and PowerPoint and it's used in cinemas.

Interactive video could also used for YouTube.

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Advantage and Disadvantages

Advantages of Video Disadvantages

Visually aid

Some people find it hard to understand the text in a newspaper

Poor quality depending your connection

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GraphicsGraphics are technology u can manipulate into any shape or design into anything in our minds, because we our in control

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Advantages and Disadvantage Graphics

Advantages Disadvantages

Colour because it has different meaning than black and white

The different qualities of on each device

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LinksLinks are used to help the website that help user navigate to the website that they are showing for example RWD.They used magazines from their page and once you click on the page it takes you to another site like JD Sport.

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Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages Disadvantages

Helps user navigate better and gives them more Information

The website might crash and buffer

The sound and image won’t appear

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Page Navigation Page Navigation is useful because when you on a digital newspaper for example RWD, and you want to get to another page faster there is a tool button in the bottom connor which gives them helpful information e.g. the zoom in button, up or down button, side to side button, Click on Facebook to share an article, Click on mailto share article via email.

Instead of flipping the page with your mouse use the button they have provided.

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Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages Disadvantages

Quick Access to Pages Sometimes you have to subscribe to get the full access

Control over consumption habits Takes longer to access the sound provided

Some texts do not have all the access tools provided to use.

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Combining Interactive Elements

All the Interactive elements are good indval but great as a team.

When you watch a film or a tv documentary you need all the elements because without audio you can’t watch the video