intercepted signs in horoscopes

Intercepted Signs In Horoscopes – A New Concept BY ANITA KHANDPUR ON JANUARY 3, 2015 ( 7 ) Intercepted Signs In Horoscopes – A New Concept Interceptions are a very fine point in astrology. An intercepted horoscope has all the planets but not all the signs. Interceptions are a factor of geography. Because of the Earth’s irregular shape, as births occur further and further North or South of the equator the division of houses becomes more irregular. For births near the polar latitudes it’s possible to have not only two, but four to six Zodiac Signs intercepted. This reveals a tremendous focus on just one or two of the twelve houses of the Zodiac. Missing signs show What You Lack. If a sign is intercepted, the sign opposite to it will also be intercepted. eg: if Aries is intercepted, then the opposite sign Libra will also be intercepted.If you have intercepted signs, then you have Duplicated signs as well. So another two zodiac signs will occupy two houses each. RASHIS ARE INTERCEPTED BUT HOUSES ARE NEVER INTERCEPTED. The intercepted signs are overlapped by two rashis and the qualities of the intercepted signs find difficulty in coming out and giving its result to the native . The qualities of these signs can get bottled up and suppressed. Intercepted signs show a blockage. With intercepted signs a balance is broken. We must interpret intercepted signs in pairs. Aspects should be seen from the lagna chart. How To Judge Intercepted Signs And Dominant Signs In A Horoscope

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Intercepted Signs in horoscope means


Intercepted Signs In Horoscopes A NewConcept


Intercepted Signs In Horoscopes A New Concept

Interceptionsare a very fine point in astrology.An intercepted horoscope has all the planetsbut not all the signs.Interceptions are a factor of geography. Because of the Earths irregular shape, as births occur further and further North or South of the equator the division of houses becomes more irregular. For births near the polar latitudes its possible to have not only two, but four to six Zodiac Signs intercepted. This reveals a tremendous focus on just one or two of the twelve houses of the Zodiac.

Missing signs show What You Lack.If a sign is intercepted, thesign opposite to it will also be if Aries is intercepted, then the opposite sign Libra will also be intercepted.If you have intercepted signs, then you haveDuplicatedsigns as well.So another two zodiac signs will occupy two houses each.RASHIS ARE INTERCEPTED BUT HOUSES ARE NEVER INTERCEPTED. The intercepted signs are overlapped by two rashis and thequalities of the intercepted signs find difficulty in coming out and giving its result to the native. The qualities of these signs can get bottled up and suppressed. Intercepted signs show a blockage. With intercepted signs a balance is broken. We must interpret intercepted signs in pairs.

Aspects should be seen from the lagna chart.

How To Judge Intercepted Signs And Dominant Signs In A Horoscope

With the help of this horoscope we will understand how to find the intercepted signs and dominant signs. Astro-office software & E-kundali have readymade cusp chart inserted in the horoscope. In JHora, which is a free software and widely used all over the world, the cusp chart is not given. Below demonstration would be given viaJhora software:

First we insert the birth details 18thJuly 1989, 20:32:00, Mumbai/India

After opening the chart we get Capricorn ascendant chart, then go to the bottom of the screen, where key info is written, next to it is houses, we click on houses. Then in the center we get the degrees of each cusp, right click on cusp and we get various options. Select Placidus cusp/KP and we get the exact divisions of each house.

On the center you would get the tables House/Start/Cusp/End/Planets In It. Now vertically from the top go through the table of Cusp, you would notice that starting from Cp (the Asc) there is Aq, then suddenly Aries, meaningPisces is not there. Then go down further and you would notice that after Leo there isno Virgo. Thus you arrive at two missing signs (intercepted). In this chart the zodiac sign Pisces and Virgo are intercepted, means they get hidden between the neighboring signs. Like Pisces is hidden between Aquarius and Aries and Virgo between Leo and Libra.So the native will have to put in lots of effort to get the effect of the significations of these two signs. Once again go through the diagram above and you would notice that the sign Taurus has occupied the 4thand 5thhouse and Scorpio has occupied the 10thand 11thhouse. The significations of these signs (Taurus and Scorpio) and the houses 4H, 5H, 10H, 11H have an important role to play in this natives life coz these signs have becomeDominant(being repeated Two Times) . The energies of this native will focus on these. He is trying hard for a job, but not able to get one and once he gets it, his total focus will be on sustaining his position and gains. He wishes to have a relationship but not putting efforts to have a friend circle, going out, mostly at home. He must make efforts to move out of the house as 4this dominant andholding him. Next see where the intercepted signs are falling. In this chart its the 3H (Pisces) and 9H (Virgo), the house of communication and father. He is a shy person so communication is weak and his parents are separated.

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1. Intercepted (Missing) signs show What You Lack.

2. If you have intercepted signs, then you have Duplicated signs as well. So another two zodiac signs will occupy two houses each.

3. The qualities of the intercepted signs find difficulty in coming out and giving its result to the native.

4. The qualities of these Intercepted signs can get bottled up and suppressed.

5. If the lords of the intercepted signs are well placed in a chart, then the effect of interception would be less, this is an important point to be noted.

6. Intercepted signs show a blockage. With intercepted signs a balance is broken. We must interpret intercepted signs in pairs

7. The native will have to put in lots of effort to get the effect of the significations of Intercepted signs.

8. The houses which repeat are called Dominant Signs The energies of this native will focus on these

9. It can hold the energies of the native here in these Dominant Signs

We will try to understand these principles with the help of example charts.

Chart-1: 34yrs female, 10thDec 1979, 20:40 pm, Mumbai

Cusp Chart:In the chart below notice the Arrows, the two signs it covers shows the Sign that is missing (Intercepted), then Note Dominant Signs are marked in two houses with the same color (yellow) in the complete house. Aries and Libra is Missing so Arrows their and Cancer is repeated so yellow color and Capricorn is repeated hence Green Color.

This is a chart of a female, who has the signs Aries and LibraInterceptedand the signs Cancer and Capricorn have becomeDominantby occupying two houses each. 1H, 2H, 7H, 8H areDominant. Cancer occupies the ascendant and the 2H, so her total focus is on how to create and have her own identity and matters related to family, finance occupy her mind. The sign opposite Cancer is Capricorn which occupies the 7H and 8H. Matters related to these two houses become dominant. She is always trying to please her husband and maintain peace and sustain her marriage.

Next we see, the intercepted signs are Aries (in natal chart it is 10H) and Libra (in natal chart it is 4H). Development of her own personality, identity and benefit or happiness from partner/spouse is lacking in her life. She needs to put in lots of efforts to get gains of 1H and 7H matters. (refer signs Aries and Libra here to 1 & 7 self and partner of kaalpurush kundli)

Next we see that where the signs 1 & 7 are placed in her chart. The 4H and 10H are affected. 4HNo happiness at home.No property in her name, her husband buys property in his siblings name and all the assets/documents are with her in-laws and not with her. The opposite house 10H interceptionher husband does not allow her to work inspite of being qualified. She has to leave the house if she wishes to work and earn.

Uranus is in Libra in lagna chart, since Libra is intercepted the qualities of this planet find it difficult to come out. Uranus gives us a rebellious nature wanting to be different and free.

Summary: Lack of confidence to develop her own identity, not wanting to be rebellious to maintain peace at home and sustain her marriage. Having financial problems but cant take a strong step and have her own profession.

Before marriage she was a teacher.

Intercepted/Missing Sign In Above Natives Chart

1. Aries 10H No Profession/Lack of happiness from Marriage

2. Libra 4H No property in her name

Intercepted Signs

Aries-Libra Intercepted:Aries is a sign of aggression, dominance and opposite sign Libra is a sign of partnership, your social circle. Intercepted Aries makes it difficult to take action, difficult to be assertive. Libra intercepted makes it difficult to form partnerships, be social and charming.

Taurus-Scorpio Intercepted:Taurus is the sign of family, finance, of accumulating and Scorpio is the sign of generating and eliminating what is no longer useful to us. Scorpio also has the skill of confrontation. If Taurus intercepted, a person only accumulates and seldom eliminates. The desire to confront or end a friendship/issue is suppressed due to Scorpio interception.

Gemini-Sagittarius Intercepted:Gemini is the sign of communication, gathering information. Sagittarius is focused and likes details. With this interception a person finds it difficult to express his opinions or may not be able to express at all. He may not believe in destiny/religion.

Cancer-Capricorn Intercepted:Cancer is a sign of emotions, home and Capricorn is a sign of karma, ambitions and power. With this interception, one cannot express emotions easily and the working talent is not brought out totally, a person is not able to aggressively bring out his potential.

Leo-Aquarius Intercepted:Leo is exhibitionism and Aquarius is where we want to be different, to be rebellious. With this interception, a person finds it difficult to be noticed and desire to be different is suppressed.

Virgo-Pisces Intercepted:Virgo is a secretive sign, slow, careful, critical and meticulous. Pisces is visions of future we wish to achieve, a sea which has the good and bad, both. With this interception, the quality of serving/sevabhav is intercepted and we find it difficult to differentiate the good from bad. We may only dream and not actually implement efforts to achieve them.

NOTE:If the lords of the intercepted signs are well placed in a chart, then the effect of interception would be less.

Chart-2: Dimple Kapadia Film Actress:08thJune 1957, 02:48:00, Mumbai

This chart has 1 (Pisces) & 7 (Virgo) intercepted. As we all know through the media, this well known film personality had issues in her married life and was staying separate from her husband. She achieved tremendous success with her first film Bobby and immediately got married to Rajesh Khanna, and quit films. Later when she made her comeback with the movie Saagar, she was trying to have her own identity. Ketu is intercepted in Aries and Rahu in Libra. The 2H, 3H, 8H (inheritance), 9H have become dominant in her chart ruled by Taurus and Scorpio. Her concentration would be on accumulating wealth, she is fighting for her husbands inheritance. She also achieved fame with her efforts.

Chart-3: Male 34 yrs, 24thJan 1979, 12 pm, Patiala

This is a chart of a 34yrs male who is working abroad and staying there with his family. He has 5-11 signs intercepted which fall in the5H of romanceand entertainment and11H offriends.He does not have many friends and his wife is always complaining that he only works and has no time for romance.Saturn and Rahu in the 5H are said to give problems in having children. But since these planets are in an intercepted sign,their negative effect is not seen on this native.He has a 5yr old son and 1 yr old daughter. Ketu is intercepted in Aquarius sign in gurus nakshatra and he has Jupiter exalted. BSP: If Jupiter is exalted, the house where Aquarius is posited one point gets spoilt. This BSP does not apply here, as the sign Aquarius is intercepted, so he gets full benefits of exalted Jupiter. The 4H, 5H, 10H, 11H ruled by Cancer and Capricorn have become dominant. He is very much attached to his parents, has many properties, assets, investments. He is a very ambitious person and his total focus is on his career and achieving position which he has.Sun the ruler of Leo, which is intercepted is well placed in the 10thhouse so the effect of interception is less.

Chart-4 Madhubala-Film Actress: 14thDecember 1933, 07:00:00, Delhi

This is the chart of Madhubala, a famous actress of yesteryears. She has the signs 4 & 10 intercepted. She had no happiness of her home life, parents since childhood. The 1H,12H,6H,7H have become dominant in her chart.She was born with a hole in the heart, which could not be cured, was hospitalized many times. She had many affairs, but none could give her the love and emotional security she needed. Remember 4H is the house of infidelity.

Chart-5:Lata Mangeshkar Singer:28thSeptember 1929, 23:00:00, Indore/M.P

Lata Mangeshkar, the melody queen of Bollywood has 1 & 7 intercepted and we all know she is not married. Her 1H,2H, 7H, 8H are dominated by Gemini and Sagittarius. She has made a name for herself in the film industry with her voice.

Rajeev Chowk, Connaught Place, New Delhi, Delhi 110001, India

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Categories:Astrology,Parashari Astrology,Signs,Vedic Astrology,Western Astrology

Tags:Astrology,Intercepted Signs,Parashari Astrology,Signs,Vedic Astrology

7 replies



January 3, 2015 7:17 pm

you are using placidus house system which is not from the hindu tradition that uses whole sign system as far as I know.




January 3, 2015 9:17 pm

Hi Henry,The article is authors view. No doubt you are right as it is a western concept. The author may have tweaked it a little. We aspire to create this as a platform to share everybodys experience and knowledge no matter how they see it. Jyotish has no limits and everybody may bring something unique to the table. We really appreciate you writing to us and hope that you continue to participate and enlighten us with your views.P.S: Will forward your comment to the author and lets see what she has to say. We are planning to create space where author can themselves post there articles so that everybody can reach them directly.Really appreciate your raising questions. Most welcome.




January 4, 2015 4:58 pm

Hi,Why should we go to the western systems if the hindu systems are more accurate and show more details? where can you find in the west Nadi charts made at their time for people that did not exist yet and only are physically present in our times? Where can you find in the west an astronomical manual like the Surya Siddhanta that shows the number of pranas between the earth and the sun, how did they do that, travelled to the sun with their breathing techniques ? There is so much to learn yet in the ancient Indian tradition that was maybe lost, why dont we use our time to try to recuperate it ?


Anita Khandpur

January 4, 2015 8:07 pm

Henryji, Jyotish is a vast ocean and I beleive whichever system you use gives you some more insights to the horoscope. In my experience i have found using placidus house system giving good results in predictions




karthi rodica

January 3, 2015 8:42 pm

Dear Anita,Very good your article, but I should suggest you to use the round/Western charts for this subject because they show much better the problem of the intercepted Signs (I wanted to post one here but there is no possibility of attaching charts to our mails).The subject is not new att al in Western astrology, and it is known as Placidus System of Domification. I was really fascinated by it in the beginning of my being an astrologer but along the time I discovered its limits severe limits because it hides a lot of information.It is very good the idea of naming the duplicated Signs, there where I should suggest included Houses, in reference with two Houses having their cusps on the same Sign.

My evolution as an astrologer was through Placidus System of Houses, than through Equal one and finally I stopped to the Whole system, which is the most accurate one of all in my modest astrological experience. I should like to post here some of your charts in Western round charts, for you to see the difference in showing more clear the problem of intercepted Signs and duplicated Signs.

(A good book at that moment for me was Intercepted Signs and Reincarnation by Donald H.Yott, 1979, ISBN 0-87728-374-5, New York)

Concerning the term of duplicated I should suggest included Houses, because two Houses are contained, included in the same Sign. Duplicated means multiplied, coppied, which is not true in your article and in the mathematic reality of intercepted Signs. Nothing is duplicated in Placidus System of Houses. And: there are intercepted Signs, but included Houses. It is a very intersting astrological game betweem Houses and Signs in Placidus System So we can see the game between Kala Purusha (universal chart) and rashi chart (the very personal D1).

Finally, the intercepted Signs are the result of the spherical geometry (a sphere projected upon/into/on I am sorry, I dont know which is more correct) another sphere and the result is the intercepted Signs.

My very sincere question, as an astrologer and researcher in astrology, is if such a chart/astrology has something in common with the physical (astronomical) reality of our Universe?

Congratulations for your article and for its capacity of letting us to put questions and to investigate deeply the subject(s).Congratulations for ALL your articles..friendly,karthi




karthi rodica

January 3, 2015 10:53 pm

What I should like is to use what is universal in both tropical and sidereal astrology.Of course, we can not use sidereal rules for tropical system, but we can test tropical techniques in sidereal system and vice-verce.For example, the aspects I think that sidereal ones are complementary to the tropical aspects or, betterly said, the tropical aspects (the right degrees of an aspect) can be useful in connection with the sidereal ones.It is a simple example.I am very interesting how Placidus Houses works in Jyotish, but I feel the need to see the round charts. This could complete Anitas knowledge. The square chart is not useful or it is somehow difficult for Placidus House System.



Anita Khandpur

January 4, 2015 8:10 pm

Thank you Karthi Rodicaji. I appreciate your suggesstion and would put the round charts as well..

