interfacing embedded system with computer software using presented by :- sulaiman salim al...

Interfacing Embedded System with Computer Software Using Presented by :- Sulaiman Salim AL Habsi

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Page 1: Interfacing Embedded System with Computer Software Using Presented by :- Sulaiman Salim AL Habsi

Interfacing Embedded System with Computer Software Using

Presented by :- Sulaiman Salim AL Habsi

Page 2: Interfacing Embedded System with Computer Software Using Presented by :- Sulaiman Salim AL Habsi

Why VB.NET ????????

• New implementation of classic VB on .NET framework .

• Object Oriented Programming Language .• Very close to human language .• Not case sensitive . • Easier Graphical User Interface (GUI).

Page 3: Interfacing Embedded System with Computer Software Using Presented by :- Sulaiman Salim AL Habsi

Data types and Declaration

• int Integer • string String • double Double • char Char • bool Boolean• Dim [variable name] As [data type].• Do not use semicolon !!!!! .

Page 4: Interfacing Embedded System with Computer Software Using Presented by :- Sulaiman Salim AL Habsi

Function and Loops

• While loop

• Do While (condition)• - statement • Loop

• Do Until (condition)• -statement • loop

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Functions and loops

• For loop

• For [variable name]=init To [max]• -statement • Next• For each (google)

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• Public Sub functionName(ByRef f As Integer)

• End Sub

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• Public Function R_function(ByVal h As String) As String

• Return "String"• End Function

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• Use ready code • Intermediate language for all .NET frame work• Add to the project • Import to the class

Page 9: Interfacing Embedded System with Computer Software Using Presented by :- Sulaiman Salim AL Habsi

URL request

• URL request are used request a html document from a web server .

• If you are behind a web proxy you’ll need to but proxy setting .

Page 10: Interfacing Embedded System with Computer Software Using Presented by :- Sulaiman Salim AL Habsi

How to make a URL requist

• Imports System.Net• Imports System.IO• New webClient • New stream = webClient.OpenRead• New StreamReader(stream)• While Not isr.EndOfStream• str += isr.ReadLine()• End While

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Proxy setting

• New NetworkCredential(“username", “pass", “domain")

• New WebProxy(“proxyserver", port)• proxy.Credentials = cr• Dim stoper As Boolean = True• proxy.BypassProxyOnLocal = True

Page 12: Interfacing Embedded System with Computer Software Using Presented by :- Sulaiman Salim AL Habsi


• Thread: making the program doing more than one task at the same time .

• Some object already have threads • VB does not allow accessing thread form an

other thread . We need an other solution • Timer is on of the solution of the problem • If your thread task is done then you cant

start the thread again

Page 13: Interfacing Embedded System with Computer Software Using Presented by :- Sulaiman Salim AL Habsi

How to create a thread

• Imports Threading ‘ outside the class• Dim myThread As Thread • myThread = new Thead(addressOf myInfitTask)• myThread.start()

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• Make a http request to Google web site .• 1- display full html in a text field • 2- display the head tag only .• 3- make a other button to request SQU web

site in the same time .• 4- modify the code in 3 so you use less

redundancy .

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Serial communication in ES

• Atmel AVR microcontrollers

Page 16: Interfacing Embedded System with Computer Software Using Presented by :- Sulaiman Salim AL Habsi

Serial communication

• Send bits in serial • Less wiring and asynchronous and synchronous • Baud rate is number of bits per second

=(F_CPU/16*baud)-1• voltage level in microcontroller is different

from computer (use Max232).

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Page 18: Interfacing Embedded System with Computer Software Using Presented by :- Sulaiman Salim AL Habsi

RCX: Data receive completeUDRE:Ready for transitionU2X : double the transition baud rate

RXEN: Enable Receive DataTXEN: Enable Transmit Data

UCPOL: Using the USART as synchronous or a synchronous UCSZ0/1:select the Size Of data(5,6,7,8)bitsUSBS: number of stop bit UPM0/1:parity (none, odd , even)UMSEL /URSEL : put to Zero.

UBRR : set baud rateUDR : transmit receive data

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Page 20: Interfacing Embedded System with Computer Software Using Presented by :- Sulaiman Salim AL Habsi

Serial port object

• Imports• Define connection configurations • Using with • Read the buffer using timer • Change the ports form the system • Some GSM modems use virtual serial port• Using AT command to control GSM Modem• You can put some of the configuration during the

creation of the object.

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Create and configure serial port

• Imports System.IO.Ports• Dim serialport As new SerialPort• With serialport • .PortName = “COM1"• .BaudRate = 9600• .StopBits = StopBits.One• .DataBits = 8• .Parity = Parity.None• .Open()• End With

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• Write a program in that receive a message (number from a web server and display it in a BCD 7 segments in the testing board) use the URL (

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If you are enemy of Proprietary software

• You can use shell script to access your computer hard ware and web servers .

• You can user javacomm library to access you computer hard ware and make URL request .

• You can follow the new project• Or any other Opensource languages like python .• You can use a GSM/GPRS modem to direct access the

internet with out the need for computer.• Smart phone already have application to handle web

events and send notifications