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Page 1: International Academy of Science and Higher Education · and III stage of the Championship in Economics and Management, Jurisprudence, Sociological, Political and Military sciences
Page 2: International Academy of Science and Higher Education · and III stage of the Championship in Economics and Management, Jurisprudence, Sociological, Political and Military sciences

International Academy of Science and Higher Education



Peer-reviewed materials digest (collective monograph) published following the results of the CXXXV International Research and Practice Conference

and III stage of the Championship in Economics and Management, Jurisprudence, Sociological, Political and Military sciences

(London, November 24 - November 30, 2016)

The event was carried out in the framework of a preliminary program of the project “World Championship, continental, national and regional championships on scientifi c analytics”

by International Academy of Science and Higher Education (London, UK)

Published by IASHELondon


Page 3: International Academy of Science and Higher Education · and III stage of the Championship in Economics and Management, Jurisprudence, Sociological, Political and Military sciences

Chief editor– J.D., Professor, Аcademician V.V. Pavlov

Reviewers – experts:

Beket Kazbekov (Kazakhstan) - Doctor of Economics, Full ProfessorEdson Carlos Ferreira (Brazil) - PhD, Economic observer and fi nancial consultant.Gabriella Zanatti (Argentina) - DBA, Government agent for maintenance of concessions.George Chiladze (Georgia) - Doctor of Jurisprudence (LLD), Doctor of Economics (DBA), Professor. Innara Lyapina (Russia) - Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Head of Department of Professional Education and BusinessLilie Cohen (Israel, USA) - Adviser for Social Communications and Socialization Issues of a number of law enforcement agencies of the U.S. and Israel, SocSciD, PhD Marcus Stoutson (Canada) - North American Center for the study of global problems of world politics, LLD, D.Sc.Mari Heikkinen (Finland) - DBA, Top manager of a large corporationMaria Vlasova (Russia) - Doctor of Economics, Associate ProfessorRuslan Puzikov (Russia) - Candidate of Jurisprudence, Professor of RANH (Russian Academy of Natural History).Sandra Larsson (Sweden) - International Volunteer Fund for Equal Rights Development, PhD.Tatyana Korotkova (Russia) - Doctor of Economics, ProfessorTeimur Zulfugarzade (Russia) - Candidate of Jurisprudence, Professor, Associate Professor.Yuan Sheng (China) - PhD, Military historian, consultant, expert at the State Museum Fund of Sichuan Province.

Scientifi c researches review is carried out by means of professional expert assessment of the quality of articles and reports, presented by their authors in the framework of research analytics championships of the GISAP project

Research studies published in the edition are to be indexed in the International scientometric database “Socrates-Impulse” (UK) and the Scientifi c Electronic Library “eLIBRARY.RU” on a platform of the “Russian Science Citation Index” (RSCI, Russia). Further with the development of the GISAP project, its publications will also be submitted for indexation in other international scientometric databases.

"Correlation between humanity and pragmatism in target reference points of modern methods of public relations regulation»: Peer-reviewed materials digest (collective monograph) published following the results of the CXXXV International Research and Practice Conference and III stage of the Championship in Economics and Management, Jurisprudence, Sociological, Political and Military sciences. (London, November 24 - November 30, 2016)/International Academy of Science and Higher Education; Organizing Committee: Т. Morgan (Chairman), B. Zhytnigor, S. Godvint, A. Tim, S. Serdechny, L. Streiker, H. Osad, I. Snellman, K. Odros, M. Stojkovic, P. Kishinevsky, H. Blagoev – London: IASHE, 2016. - 68 p.

In the digest original texts of scientifi c works by the participants of the CXXXV International Scientifi c and Practical Conference and the III stage of Research Analytics Championship in Economics and Management, Jurisprudence, Sociological, Political and Military sciences are presented.

ISBN 978-1-911354-08-6

Page 4: International Academy of Science and Higher Education · and III stage of the Championship in Economics and Management, Jurisprudence, Sociological, Political and Military sciences

Dear colleagues!

The majestic galleon vigorously cleaved through the cold autumn waters of the uneasy North Sea. Two military and three trade vessels of the accompanying group tried not to lag behind the leader considerably. They were insolently fi ghting the forces of water as well. Sails of the ships were widely blown by the gusting southwest wind condensing and then disseminating the foggy haze over water over and over again. Despite the upcoming twilight and fair rolling, in the distance one could already see the outlines of the long-awaited land. The coast of the Southern Holland was approximately six hours away from the small fl otilla.

Despite the extreme conditions at the deck few passengers of a galleon tired of the long voyage stood in line along the board and stared at the indistinct silhouettes of the homeland coast.

The diplomatic expedition launched by the grand pensionary of the province of Holland Johan van Oldenbarnevelt aimed at the audience with the King Henry IV in France was coming to its end.

The high-ranked grandee was on the deck in the nasal part of the ship in the company of his closes adviser. They were having a world-outlook conversation.

- My dear Hugo, I am not asking you the reason for the human society to need rules. But I am asking a much more important question: how are we to justify the necessity of rules and their observance when everyone strives to break them for the sake of his or her own interests?

- Is it Johan van Oldenbarnevelt that asks me this question?! - Hugo Grotius cheerfully laughed loudly, but suddenly he frowned and turned back to the interlocutor. - The problem is that every sovereign establishes laws limiting the rights of others and therefore providing softer realization of interests of the legislator. Every monarch establishes own dominant in the territory of the state. It is logical. But then you shouldn’t be surprised that all governors do the same. There is certain logic here, but it is the logic of contradictions - not peace. There are a lot of sovereigns: the number of countries in the world corresponds to the number of sets of rules aimed at creation of advantages for some of us and limitation of rights of others. However apart from the Divine enlightment the world needs certain standard rules able to harmonize interests of all parties and lead them all to the common benefi t, no matter if the parties are separate countries, campaigns or even specifi c people from different countries.

- But after all, if conventional general laws, in case of their emergence, are not observed by the strongest countries of the world, such laws fi nally won’t work in general! And as the history shows such countries are interested in expansion, aggressive wars and colonization!

- You are right, my lord! The strong countries try to impose their interests and rules of their realization to the less developed and protected territories. As a result there are confl icts and wars. Territories of others are captured and empires are built! And this will go on until every country aggressor understands that the price for war becomes higher than the price for peace… Such understanding will come eventually; we just have to wait patiently. But this time will inevitably come…

Уважаемые коллеги!

Величественный галеон мощно рассекал холодные осенние воды беспокойного Северного моря. Два во-енных и три торговых судна группы сопровождения пытались значительно не отставать от флагмана и так-же настырно преодолевали сопротивление водной сти-хии. Паруса кораблей щедро раздувались порывистым юго-западным ветром, который, то сгущал, то рассеи-вал туманную дымку над водой. Несмотря на насту-пающие сумерки и изрядную качку, вдали уже можно было рассмотреть очертания долгожданной суши. По-бережье Южной Голландии находилось от небольшой флотилии приблизительно в шести часах хода.

Немногочисленные пассажиры галеона, уставшие от длительного плавания, не принимая во внимание экстремальные условия присутствия на палубе, вы-строились вдоль борта и с вожделением впивались глазами в размытые силуэты родных берегов.

Дипломатическая экспедиция великого пенсиона-рия провинции Голландия Йохана ван Олденбарневел-та, целью которой являлась аудиенция во Франции с королем Генрихом IV, подходила к концу.

Сам высокопоставленный вельможа находился на палубе в носовой части корабля в компании своего ближайшего советника и вел с ним мировоззренче-скую беседу.

- Дорогой мой Гуго, я не спрашиваю тебя, для чего человеческому обществу нужны правила. Но я задаю тебе гораздо более важный вопрос: как обосновать не-обходимость правил и их соблюдения, когда каждый норовит их нарушить в своих собственных интересах?

- Это спрашивает у меня Йохан ван Олденбарне-велт?! – Гуго Гроций весело захохотал, но вдруг резко нахмурился и обернулся к собеседнику. – Беда в том, что каждый суверен устанавливает законы, которые ограничивают права других и тем самым благопри-ятствуют реализации интересов самого законодателя. Каждый монарх устанавливает собственную доминан-ту на территории своего государства. Это логично. Но тогда не стоит удивляться, что аналогичным образом поступают все правители. В этом есть логика, но эта логика противоречий, а не мира. Суверенов много: сколько стран - столько правил, призванных создавать преимущества одним и ущемлять права других. Од-нако миру, помимо Божественного проведения, нуж-ны определенные общепринятые правила, которые смогут согласовать и свести к обще пользе интересы всех сторон – будь то отдельные страны, кампании или даже конкретные люди из разных стран.

- Но ведь, если условные общие законы, в случае их возникновения, не будут соблюдать наиболее силь-ные страны мира, такие законы в итоге не будут дей-ствовать вообще! А такие страны, как свидетельствует история, заинтересованы, в экспансии, захватнических войнах, колонизации!

- Ты прав, мой Господин! Сильные страны пыта-ются навязать свои интересы и правила их реализации менее развитым и защищенным территориям. В итоге возникают конфликты, войны, захватываются чужие территории, возникают империи! И так будет продол-жаться до тех пор, пока каждая страна - агрессор не поймет, что цена войны становится выше цены мира… Такое осознание придет с течением времени, необхо-димо терпеливо ждать. Но это время неизбежно на-ступит… А пока, как мне кажется, следует обратить внимание на прекрасную морскую стихию!

Page 5: International Academy of Science and Higher Education · and III stage of the Championship in Economics and Management, Jurisprudence, Sociological, Political and Military sciences

For now as it seems to me, we should pay attention to the beautiful sea!

- The sea? – Oldenbarnevelt was surprised. – What does it have to do with “the right of the peoples” you are talking about in such a persistent manner?

- The sea is the liquid substance and valuable things can’t be indissolubly “attached” to it on a constant basis. People don’t live here, they are just forced to overcome the sea barrier to connect different lands. Where there are no values and people - there aren’t any environment for realization of the political power! “The international law” has to start from “the free sea”. At least, if we are to convince modern governors that some sphere of international equality exists, such sphere, as it seems to me, can only be only the sea.

In 1609 the historical work of the outstanding Dutch lawyer and statesman Hugo Grotius called “Mare Liberum” was published. It laid the foundation to the development of theoretical bases and the international law system.

This digest includes reports, presented on the CXXXV International Research and Practice Conference “Correlation between humanity and pragmatism in target reference points of modern methods of public relations regulation” and on the III stage of research analytics championships of various levels in Economics and Management, Jurisprudence, Sociological, Political and Military sciences.

We are sincerely grateful to authors of works presented in the digest for active participation in international scientifi c communications. We congratulate winners and awardees of relevant research analytical championships and we look forward to further participation of these scientists in the Global International Scientifi c Analytical Project of the IASHE and to their new ideas and scientifi c innovations.

- На море? – удивился Олденбарневелт. – Какое оно имеет отношение к «праву народов», о котором ты столь настойчиво рассуждаешь?

- Море – жидкая субстанция, к которой не могут быть неразрывно и на постоянной основе «привязаны» ценные вещи. Здесь не проживают люди – они лишь вынуждены преодолевать морскую преграду, чтобы соединить между собой разные земли. Там, где нет ценностей и людей – нет среды для реализации поли-тической власти! Именно со «свободного моря» долж-но начинаться «международное право». По крайней мере, если и суждено убедить современных властите-лей в наличии какой-то сферы международного равен-ства, то такой сферой, как мне кажется, может быть только море.

В 1609 году была опубликована историческая рабо-та выдающегося голландского юриста и государствен-ного деятеля Гуго Гроция «Mare Liberum», которая положила начало развитию теоретических основ и си-стемы международного права.

Данный сборник включает доклады, представлен-ные на CXXXV Международную научно-практиче-скую конференцию «Cоотношение гуманности и праг-матизма в целевых ориентирах современных методов регулирования общественных отношений», а также III этап научно-аналитических первенств по экономи-ческим наукам и менеджменту, юридическим, социо-логическим, политическим, военным наукам и менед-жменту.

Искренне благодарим авторов представленных в сборнике произведений за активное участие в между-народных научных коммуникациях, поздравляем по-бедителей и призеров соответствующих первенств по научной аналитике, а также с нетерпением ожидаем дальнейшего участия этих ученых в Международном научно-аналитическом проекте МАНВО, их новых идей и научных разработок.

С уважением и наилучшими пожеланиями, - Руководитель Департамента

международных проектов МАНВО Томас Морган

«9» декабря 2016 г. Лондон, Великобритания

Yours sincerely, - Head of the IASHE International Projects DepartmentThomas Morgan

December 9, 2016London, UK

Page 6: International Academy of Science and Higher Education · and III stage of the Championship in Economics and Management, Jurisprudence, Sociological, Political and Military sciences

National Research Analytics Championship


Open European-Asian Research Analytics Championship


International Scientifi c and Practical Conference


Page 7: International Academy of Science and Higher Education · and III stage of the Championship in Economics and Management, Jurisprudence, Sociological, Political and Military sciences


BEKET KAZBEKOV (KAZAKHSTAN)Doctor of Economics, Full Professor

Place of work: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.Scope of scientifi c interest: The sphere of scientifi c interests is connected with research of social-economic systems market transformation, substantiating of national economy competitiveness increasing strategy on the basis of social-economic modernization with forming fi nancial, organizational and economic mechanisms of innovative and stable development in globalization and regionalization conditions.

EDSON CARLOS FERREIRA (BRAZIL)PhD, Economic observer and fi nancial consultant.

GABRIELLA ZANATTI (ARGENTINA)DBA, Government agent for maintenance of concessions.

GEORGE CHILADZE (GEORGIA)Doctor of Jurisprudence (LLD), Doctor of Economics (DBA), Professor. Member of 3 International Academies of Science. International expert in Law and Economics. Member of Editorial Board of 14 International scientifi c and scientifi c-practical journals (Georgia, Russia, USA, Germany, India, Azerbaijan, Slovenia, etc.). Member of Lawyers Union, Journalists Federation, IOAPA, EIRS etc.

Place of work: Samtskhe-Javakhetistate State University, Tbilisi University.Qualifi cation: lawyer, economist, patent engineer, translator, journalist, politologist.Scope of scientifi c interest: law, economics, education, management.He is the author of over 150 scientifi c publications.

INNARA LYAPINA (RUSSIA)Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Head of Department of Professional Education and Business

Place of work: Oryol State UniversityResearch interests: regional economy, innovation and investment activity in the state economy, marketing.Scientifi c works: over 70 scientifi c works and publications.

Page 8: International Academy of Science and Higher Education · and III stage of the Championship in Economics and Management, Jurisprudence, Sociological, Political and Military sciences

LILIE COHEN (ISRAEL, USA)Adviser for Social Communications and Socialization Issues of a number of law enforcement agencies of the U.S. and Israel, SocSciD, PhD

MARCUS STOUTSON (CANADA)North American Center for the study of global problems of world politics, LLD, D.Sc.

MARI HEIKKINEN (FINLAND)DBA, Top manager of a large corporation

MARIA VLASOVA (RUSSIA)Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor

Place of work: Orel State UniversityScope of scientifi c interests: Investment management, innovative management, innovative entrepreneurship, economic analysis, integrated structure of the real economy sector, regional economics, economics and national economy management, synergy in the economy

RUSLAN PUZIKOV (RUSSIA)Candidate of Jurisprudence, Professor of RANH (Russian Academy of Natural History), Deputy Director for Research

Place of work: Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin.Scope of scientifi c interests: theory of law and state, civil law, legal doctrine in the legal regulation sphere, forms and means of legal policy implementation, doctrinal form of modern legal policy.He is the author of more than 200 scientifi c publications, including 20 monographs, 15 textbooks and manuals.

SANDRA LARSSON (SWEDEN)International Volunteer Fund for Equal Rights Development, PhD

Page 9: International Academy of Science and Higher Education · and III stage of the Championship in Economics and Management, Jurisprudence, Sociological, Political and Military sciences

TATYANA KOROTKOVA (RUSSIA)Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honourable worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation, member of the International Academy of Science and Practice of the Production Organization

Place of work: National Research University of Electronic Technology (MIET).Research interests: research of current trends in globalization of world economic ties and their impact on the economy of Russia.She is the author of over 160 scientifi c, educational and methodical works, reports on scientifi c conferences, including international, articles in scientifi c magazines.

YUAN SHENG (CHINA)PhD, Military historian, consultant, expert at the State Museum Fund of Sichuan Province.

TEIMUR ZULFUGARZADE (RUSSIA)Candidate of Jurisprudence, Professor, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of State and Legal Disciplines, a corresponding member of the Academy of Pedagogical and Social Sciences.

Place of work: Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.Discoveries and inventions: participated in the development of 24 national standards of Russian Federation of sports equipment, tools, materials and other sports means for Olympic and non-Olympic sports and standards of health and fi tness services.Scope of scientifi c interests: legal support of innovations and nanotechnologies.

Page 10: International Academy of Science and Higher Education · and III stage of the Championship in Economics and Management, Jurisprudence, Sociological, Political and Military sciences

Following the results of the III stage of the Championship in Economics and Management, Jurisprudence, Military, Sociological and Political sciences, held within the framework of the National Research Analytics Championship and the Open European-Asian Research Analytics Championship, the Championship Organizing Committee and IASHE regional expert council decided to single out the following reports as the best research works presented at the championships:


Absolute championshipEconomics and ManagementSilver decoration, Money bonus in the amount of Euro 60 and 60 credits

Lyudmila Moroz

Bronze decoration, Money bonus in the amount of Euro 50 and 50 credits

Vitaliy Omelyanenko

JurisprudenceSilver decoration, Money bonus in the amount of Euro 60 and 60 credits

Teymur Zulfugarzade

Bronze decoration, Money bonus in the amount of Euro 50 and 50 credits

Ruslan Puzikov, Eugenia Chernyshova


Economics and ManagementUkraine

Bronze decoration, Money bonus in the amount of Euro 50 and 50 credits

Lyudmila Moroz


Bronze decoration, Money bonus in the amount of Euro 50 and 50 credits

Teymur Zulfugarzade


Economics and Management. Section “Innovations in economics and management. Innovations and innovative activity management”Kazakhstan

Diploma “Scientifi c Thought Leader” Maiya Suyunchaliyeva


INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCEAND HIGHER EDUCATION1 Kings Avenue Winchmore HillLondon N21 1PQTel: +44 (20) 71939499 / Skype: iashe_Email: [email protected]:

AWARD PROTOCOL № 135 c - 2016

Date: December 9, 2016

Page 11: International Academy of Science and Higher Education · and III stage of the Championship in Economics and Management, Jurisprudence, Sociological, Political and Military sciences

On behalf of the Organizing Committee and the Commission of Expertsof the III stage of the Championship in Economics and Management,

Jurisprudence, Military, Sociological and Political sciences of the National research analytics championship

and the Open European-Asian research analytics championship

Head of IASHE International Projects DepartmentThomas Morgan

Jurisprudence. Section “Tendencies of juridical science development in modern conditions”Russia

Diploma “Scientifi c Progress” Evgenie Korolev

All the participants of championships except those who were awarded with diplomas receive certifi cates of participants of the championship.

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Литература:1. Денисенко В.В. Легитимность как характеристика сущности права. Введение в теорию: монография. – Москва.,

Юрлитинформ, 2014. – 184 с.2. Зданович Д.Г. и др. Аркаим: некрополь (по материалам кургана 25 Большекараганского могильника). Кн. 1., Сост.

Д.Г. Зданович. – Челябинск., Юж.-Урал. кн. изд-во, 2002. - 216 с. 3. Королев Е.С. Правовая политика и общественное мнение (в концепции государственного развития общества и пра-

ва)., LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN 987-3-659-94126-9, 488 с. 4. Николаева Н.А. Юго-восточная Европа и Кавказ: культурно-исторические связи в середине III тыс. до н.э. (проблема

датировки «конеголовых» скипетров., Вестник МГОУ. Серия «Исторические и политические науки»., No. 1., 2011., С. 99-109. 5. Повесть временных лет (в переводе Д.С. Лихачёва)., Режим доступа: (дата об-

ращения 21.11.2016).


I. Chekhovska, Dr. of Jurisprudence, Senior ResearcherUniversity of State Fiscal Service, Ukraine

Conference participant,National championship in scientifi c analytics

The analysis and classifi cation of scientifi c approaches as for the determination of the concept of «state family policy» have been carried out. That led to conclusions that state family policy is closely related to the strengthening of social institute of family, protects its interests and rights in the process of community development, and also allows discovering and settling the specifi c family problems.

The theoretical analysis of correlation of concepts “social policy”, “demographic policy” and “family policy” has been carried out, which helped to defi ne the features of public social policy and public family policy. The concept of “state family policy” was investigated in the context of correlation of such concepts, as “policy”, “demographic policy”, «state policy in relation to family”, “state policy in relation to women and children”, “ state policy in relation to family and women”.

The determinants of forming and development of sate domestic policy in certain in historical and legal aspect have been defi ned. The concept of “state family policy” is set forth.

Keywords: policy, family policy, social policy, demographic policy.

Family is the important factor of strengthening of the state and society. However interests and possibilities of a family are realized not enough today. Since 1990-s substantial changes in a domestic family policy have taken place, being predefi ned by abandonment from practice of state paternalism for the benefi t of liberal ideology of individualism. These changes resulted in minimization of social functions of the state in relation to the institute of family in Ukraine as well as in loss or improper implementation by a family its traditional functions. In addition, there is transformation of institute of family that is accompanied by the considerable change of demographic indicators, growing variety of types of family and increase of risk of poverty among separate categories of families.

Without regard to the fact that during all years of independence the state has determined family policy as inalienable constituent of the program of activity of all governments, the corresponding measures did not give a desirable result. Development of effective family policy in a country is complicated because of the lack the legislative base, practical mechanisms of its realization, its underestimation as an independent direction of government activity, absence of the medium-term program of stabilizing, strengthening and development of social institute of family, aggregate of objective and subjective factors that keep permanent principle of fi nancial, logistical, skilled support of public family policy (further - SFP).

At the same time theoretical researches of the content and results of SFP as for today do not meet the practice of its realization by the state in the person of authorized organs. In this connection modern SFP of Ukraine is characterized by the complex of contradictions both on theoretical and legal as well as on political, social, economic, demographic levels and represents in itself only a set of distinguished state measures that do not have a system character. The role of SFP as a system forming factor of development of society and state determines a requirement in deep theoretical and methodological analysis of the concept of concept «state family policy».

Before defi ning the concept of such policy, it is worth investigating the concept of “policy”. The origin of the term “policy” scientists connect with the name of the ancient Greek scientist Aristotle, that examined it as science about the state, paying attention to the bases of organization and activity of the state and political power. Having generalized the various scientifi c approaches to determination the term of “policy” [1; 2] and taking into account the aim of the research, we consider that a policy is an organizational, regulatory and supervisory sphere of public activity that has all-embracing character, oriented at meeting goals and predefi ned by such properties, as ability to infl uence all structure of society, events that take place in it, relations, to embrace various spheres of public life, and is aimed at fascination, maintenance and use of power.

The fundamental value of our research lies in understanding the of essence of such concepts, as “social policy”, “demographic policy” and “family policy”. First of all it is worth noticing that the marked concepts do not have a withstand academic determination. We will give a few determinations of social policy by different authors.

Thus, О.L. Ivanova believes that, “Social policy is the activity of a state in relation to creation and adjusting of socio-economic terms of life of society with the aim of increasing the welfare of members of society, removal of negative consequences of market processes functioning, providing social justice and socio-political stability in a country” [3, p. 48].

А. Soloviov characterizes social policy as “a complex of measures from the state in relation to the settlement of social and labour relations”. He examines social policy in a narrow and wide aspect. In the narrow one he considers it to be the system of state support of social rights and guarantees of capable of working and disabled citizens. In the wide aspect it is the system of measures that provide the most complete realization of relations of property between main social groups of society. At the same time he understands social policy as a special type of government activity related to “organization of the systems of life-support, with realization of interests, rights and freedoms of citizens, with support of their welfare and economic independence,

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with providing the guarantees of deserving consumption of public benefi ts and services, with the grant of public defence to the citizens, that they require” [4, p. 25].

А.N. Averyn examines social policy as “infl uence of the state on the social sphere of society, its activity in relation to satisfaction of social necessities of people, support of deserving for society standards of their living, granting of social services to the population, providing constitutional and social guarantees to the citizens, granting social support to the disabled and those of scanty means groups of population” [5, p.4].

Thus, most scientists believe that social policy is a “complex of measures from the state”, that are aimed at “different social and demographic as well as professional groups of population and regions of a country”.

The essence, character, features and mechanisms of realization of social policy, its separate constituents, determine over two hundred laws and sub legislative acts. It is worth noting that social policy is differentiated by the laws of Ukraine in accordance with the sex and age categories of citizens.

The aim of social policy of the state is providing the stable functioning of society, achievement of public consent and social integrity, proper level of vital activity of people.

The subjects of social policy include: public organs, departments and establishments; public, religious, eleemosynary and other non-state associations; commercial, fi nancial and other business structures; citizens that participate on professional or voluntarily principles in realization of civil and public initiatives.

The object of social policy is somehow more diffi cult to be defi ned. P. Speaker attributes social defence and social services to the object of social policy [6], М. Holovatyi and М. Panasiuk - “social security (pension system for the elderly, in case of disability and others like that), system of health protection, education, science and culture and prevention of criminality” [7], P. Shevchuk - “individuals, groups or communities that require certain social support and defence” [8]. As evident from the determinations considered above, the list of objects of social policy can be different.

The basic directions of public social policy of Ukraine are the following: profi ts, standard of living of citizens; employment of citizens and condition of labour market; organization of labour and payment for it; labour protection; obligatory state social security; housing provision for citizens and others. There were defi ned separate main components of the system of social security of citizens: social security related to labour activity, separate cash disbursements and pensions; help to families with children; address social help to the separate groups of scanty means; granting of housing subsidies; indemnifi cations and privileges for those, who suffered from ecological and man-made catastrophes [9].

It is necessary to notice that directions of social policy are oriented to the family, however as the latter is not examined as an integral object, they are usually not agreed, do not take into account the specifi c of functioning and development of family, the stages of its life cycle, necessities and that is why it is often ineffective.

Thus, taking into account the above-mentioned facts, it is possible to draw conclusion that, fi rstly, there are different approaches to understanding the content of social policy, its aim, subjects, and their competences. Secondly, public social policy in Ukraine is on the stage of reformation and differentiated by the laws of Ukraine in accordance with the sex and age categories of citizens. Thirdly, the public social policy of Ukraine depends on socio-economic development and is not enough fi nanced from the state budget which is done by the permanent principle. Fourthly, the social policy of the state is oriented mainly to the population on the whole and, actually, does not take into account the interests of the family as a social institute.

Social problems that families in Ukraine face can be divided into two groups. The fi rst group is formed with the problems of general social character (macroeconomic and micro social), including those related to the spheres of health protection, culture, employment. The second group represents the specifi c of functioning of a family as a social institute, institutional concept of vital activity of the family. The aggregate of these problems represents the object of FP. General social measures that social policy operates, relate families directly. However they are not oriented to family purposefully as an object of social policy is a population on the whole. FP is oriented to the family as to a concrete object and is called to create terms for the solution of specifi c family problems.

In this connection it is necessary to investigate the concept of “family policy”. The term “family policy” has a relatively recent origin, it was developed in the 2nd half of the XX century. Kemerman and Kon were the fi rst researchers who tried to defi ne the term of “family policy”. In 1978 they published the research paper “Family policy: State and Family in 14 countries” [10], where they investigated countries with an explicit and implicit family policy. An “explicit family policy” meant that there is a state in the country, the concept of FP is legally and institutionally fi xed. The family was the object of political discussions, and the political aim in relation to the family was offi cially formed. An “implicit” FP meant the lack of all the above mentioned characteristics. Although other directions of public social policy were related to the family, their aims were different and, as a rule, not concentrated on the family.

A regional demographic seminar on the problems of FP that took place in Yurmala (Latvia) in 1988 set the beginning of the active development of content of FP, its aims, forms and methods. Respectively in research papers and social and political vocabulary this term has been actively used approximately since the middle of 1980-s.

In the former USSR the concept of “family policy” was actively introduced in scientifi c and socio- political vocabulary only at the end of 1980-s and used along with more usual terms, such as “policy of population”, “demographic policy” and “ family planning”. At that time scientists and politicians made an effort to defi ne the concept of FP, set forth its aims, principles and directions, show its place in the system of measures of social policy, ground correlation with social and demographic policy, to relate to the problem of family planning and the others like that.

In connection with the development by the State Labour Committee of the USSR the basic directions of improvement the position of women, family and children in 1989 under the direction of the well-known demographer A. Vyshnevskyi, the government program called “Family Policy in the USSR in 90-s” was introduced. The Preamble to this Program stated: 1) “...the active family policy aimed at the improvement of social, economic and moral terms of implementation by the family its functions must become the major component part of all social policy of the state in the USSR; 2) “ policy will be developed and conducted as an integral system of interrelated measures and with the maximal account of new realities: market economy, social partnership, political democracy” [11, p. 26 ].

In 1991 in Moscow there was the conference of the International union of family organizations “Global family policy and rights for family”. This was the fi rst conference in Russia at the national level, where the mentioned defi nition was used in its name.

Nowadays the importance of development of strategic directions of FP is understood by both scientists and politicians. The amount of professional researches in this area increased considerably, as well as legislative projects develop in different countries, including the aim of control of changes in FP both on national and European levels.

At the same time, to this day the concept of “family policy” does not have a single interpretation and represents enough different approaches both by scientists and practical workers, although it is quite often applied, fi rst of all by scientists, in mass media. The concept got considerable amplifi cation at the international level, in the documents of the UNO and other international organizations,

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state acts of many countries of the world. However its defi nition can be found neither in the “Demographic encyclopedic dictionary”, nor in the multilingual demographic dictionary prepared under an aegis of the International union on the study of population nor in the encyclopedic dictionary “Population”.

It cannot be found in Ukrainian encyclopedias and dictionaries either. It is necessary to emphasize that the fi rst works on the problems of FP in domestic scientifi c literature appeared at the end of 1990-s [12; 13 and others]. However, as justly I.A. Semenets-Orlova states, they lacked theory, and sometimes explained the issue of FP very superfi cially [14].

Lately a range of profound works with the detailed analysis of domestic practice of FP has been published [15; 16 etc.]. However FP in these papers is often examined in a narrow meaning (in understanding the defi nition the concentration of attention prevails mainly on direct cash disbursements, aid to having many children families, tax deductions, paid maternity leave). In other scientifi c works the accented attention is only on demographic and pronatalistic aspects of FL, and more precisely – stating existent problems without the differentiated study of ways of their possible overcoming.

As for today the concept of “family policy” is more often used in scientifi c publications as an independent category for denotation of activity of government and other services for social defence of the family, granting of address support to families of certain types. However the legitimacy of such a concept among the specialists causes little doubt. As stated above, some scientists equate FP with social defence, identify it actually with state security, indemnifi cations, privileges. Other examine FP as a branch simultaneously of social and demographic policy, concentrating more attention, depending on professional specialization, on demographic, social, cultural, medical and other aspects. Knowledge about family, its problems and conformities to the law of development, received by scientists, present informative and methodological basis for setting the aim and tasks of FP, for development of mechanisms and programs of its realization.

Considering the defi nitions of the investigated concept offered by scientists, we will distinguish a few scientifi c approaches to the essence of SFP.

A group of scientifi c approaches to the essence of SFP as a part of social policy embraces the understanding of family policy from positions of social security. Scientists identify it with the state aid, indemnifi cations, privileges and examine SFP as a system of measures of help families with children (A.N. Averyn, A.V. Bazyliuk, S.V. Nychyporenko, О.О. Kolomoiets, B.O. Krimer, О.P. Krentovska, L.V. Kulachok, L.P. Korotkova, A.D. Plotnikov, A.O. Silenko, A.F. Kkramtsov, T.V. Shevtsova, М.Yu. Khmeliova and others).

It is worth noting that measures conducted within the framework of social policy fi rst of all infl uence family. However they take not enough into account its interests as a social institute. SFP is aimed at strengthening the social institute of family, it protects its interests and rights in the process of community development, and also allows discovering and settling the specifi c problems of family. Therefore equation of social policy with the family one is illegal and can result actually in the denial of the latter.

Other scientists examine SFP from positions of the lack of synonymous determination as social or economic policy (М.Yu. Arutyunyan, A.H. Vyshnevskyi, H.S. Vistovska, T.A. Yelizarova, H.V. Rakhmanova, V.I. Zhukov and others).

S.Yu. Aksionova, О.М. Balakirieva, V.S. Vasulchenko, A.М. Hrynenko, О.A. Hrishnova, L.P. Kerb, М.М. Shymanovskyi and others, include FP in the complement of demographic policy (or socio-demographic policy), that considerably narrows the value of policy in relation to family, identifi es it practically with the reproductive function. As the objects of demographic policy are the populations of a country on the whole or of separate regions, socio - demographic groups of population, families of certain types and stages of life cycle, and a demographic policy is a purposeful activity of public organs and other social institutes in the fi eld of adjusting of processes of recreation of population, the system of aims and facilities for their achievement.

As we see, demographic and family policies are interrelated, but are not identical. A demographic policy is also the constituent of a social policy. However it is distinguished by other than FP grounds: by its function, but not by its object. At the same time a demographic function is only one among other functions of the family, and that is why the demographic development can by infl uenced fi rst of all through the FP.

It is obvious that the question of comprehension of the concept of “family policy”, its selection from social and demographic policies, is hardly possible to consider decided. It is possible to assert taking into account the facts mentioned above, that an exact and generally accepted concept of FP is not developed yet, while the manner of its usage testifi es that researchers do not insist on its synonymous usage and examine FP as an area of simultaneously social and demographic policy, accenting attention, depending on professional interests, on demographic, social, cultural, medical and other aspects.

To the group of scientifi c approaches to the essence of SFP as a separate direction of social policy we take such scientifi c ideas that correlate to its defi nition as: а) legal activity of the state: purposeful complex of legal norms, actions and methods carried out by the state (D.J. Van de Rea, M. Jackson, H. Joshy, Sh. Kamerman, D. Koleman, J. Yesping-Andersen); purposeful activity of organs of state administration and other subjects of policy (О.A. Khasbulatova, A,V. Smirnova, N.М. Stepanova, V.N. Smirnova, О.R. Kliueva, Zh.V. Chernova, D.Ye. Andreieva, A.I. Bukovunskyi, R.S. Safi fylin and others); b) systems: integral system of measures of economic, legal, social, informative, ideological and administrative character (S.М. Vakulenko, О.I. Brahodarnyi, S.V. Rak, A.O. Fomenko, I.O. Kurylo and others); value-oriented system of state activity (A.M. Mishyn, A.I. Pianov, O.I. Kharitonova, A.I. Shevchenko, O.O. Yaremenko); c) direct public policy: one of priority or specifi c directions of public policy and corresponding activity of the state (S.V. Tolstoukhova, V.I. Dovzhenko, H.V. Heravymenko, L.S. Volynets, M.M. Piatnytskyu and others); complex policy (V.I. Kutsenko, I.M. Lavrynenko, I.V. Shmidt and others); d) complex of measures aimed at the strengthening of basic family functions (L.M. Melnychuk, A.V. Artiukhov, S.V. Darmodekhin, L.F. Nebotova, A.I. Liashenko, V.D. Moskalenko and others).

It is also worth noting that the defi nition of the concept of “family policy” is given in many European countries, but they substantially differ depending on a country and its level of development. For example, in Poland: “family policy is a complex policy based on the affi rmation of a family with the aim of complete respect to every person, that creates it, and harmonious development of society that is the sum of families” [17]. In countries of the EU the following defi nition is generally accepted: “family policy is a complex of legal norms, actions and methods, carried out by the state with the aim of creation of favourable terms for the family, its origin, correct functioning and realization of all important public roles” [18].

Investigating foreign experience, I.I. Osypova [19, p. 73] offered the following classifi cation of approaches to FP in the developed countries:

- family - a policy aimed at encouragement of a birth-rate, aid to mothers at the combination of maternity and work (France);- traditional – aimed at the maintenance of a family as such. Partial state support of a family is carried out, the main source of

support is family, public, religious, eleemosynary organizations (Germany);- egalitarian – aimed at providing gender equality. The policy of the state is conducted with the aim of support of a double role

of a worker and a father, freedom of choice by a family of form, structure, own trajectory (Sweden, Denmark);- family non-interventional - conditioned by non-interference in life of a family, as a family is able to provide own necessities

without a considerable help from the side of the state (the USA, Great Britain).

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The specifi c of approach to SFP in the Russian Federation is exposed in the works of leading scientists, as well as in normative and legal acts. Thus, a Russian scientist A.I. Pianov determines SFP as “independent direction of social policy, that is the system of complex activity of the state, directed at the social institute with the aim of its strengthening and development, defence of institutional rights and interests of the family, providing its independence, relative autonomy and prosperity; activation of its subject role in social space in which the state and family act as equal in rights subjects - partners” [20, p. 125].

A.V. Artuikhov believes that SFP is “a part of social policy, complex of the measures, aimed at providing certain infl uence on the family, processes of family changes or family behavior” [21].

О.A. Khasbulatova and A.V. Smirnova consider SFP as “purposeful activity of organs of state administration and other subjects of policy that is conducted with the aim of creation of optimal terms for functioning of family and successful implementation of socially meaningful functions “ [22, p. 3].

Offi cial interpretation of SFP by the Russian Federation is given in the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “Om main directions of public family policy“ of May, 14, 1996 № 712 (with amendments of 5.10.2002) [23], that declares the SFP as the constituent of social policy of the Russian Federation and the integral system of principles, estimations and measures of organizational, economic, legal, scientifi c, informative, propagandist and skilled character, aimed at improving conditions and standards of the life of families.

It is necessary to emphasize that SFP in the Russian Federation (further RF) is examined as a system of principles, estimations and measures. And in Ukraine, in the current release of the Conception of state family policy [24], contrary to the Russian Federation, SFP is examined as a system of priority measures. However having analysed them it is possible to discover that the measures foreseen by the Conception are not incorporated in the integral system. Public organs that must carry out them are not defi ned this normative document. Presumably that is why the measures foreseen by the Conception are deprived of the value meaning and fundamental complex approach to the family as an autonomous integral social institute and are aimed at the removal of consequences, but not reasons that hinder full value functioning of the institute of family. There is no offi cial determination of base defi nition in the domestic Conception of public family policy.

On the basis of analysis and generalization of scientifi c ideas it is established, that SFP is directly related to the strengthening of a social institute of family, it protects its interests and rights in the process of community development, and also allows discovering and settling the specifi c problems of family.

In this connection we can draw a conclusion, that SFP must be examined as an independent direction of public policy; as the system of complex activity of the state, aimed at forming, maintenance, strengthening, development and defence, providing of sovereignty and welfare of the institute of family; as a political and legal category.

We fi rmly believe that SFP must systematically decide the task of strengthening a family and family values; provide its interests in the process of community development; carry out the examination of vital functions of a family, and also any other decisions, normative and legal acts that are passed by public authorities from the point of view of infl uence of consequences of their realization on the family; creation of necessary conditions for realization of the functions of the family on the basis of its own labour activity; activation of the subject role of family in the process of the defence of its own rights; providing defence for socially unprotected families.

By its content SFP is complex and represents the relations of the state and family in the basic spheres of vital functions of society. However it is concentrated on the specifi c problems of a family, related to realization of its basic social functions.

We are also sure of the necessity to differentiate SFP and the policy in relation to women and children. With no regard to close objective interrelation, they are independent directions of social policy, although often equated (V. Dereha, S. Nychyporenko, L. Melnychuk, O. Kochemyrovska, L. Kryvachuk, A. Avchukhova and others).

State policy in relation to women and children is a constituent of a demographic policy of the state, the basic measures of which are aimed at the settlement of processes of recreation of population, the defence of rights of children as well as health protection of women and children.

For the detailed determination of this issue it is also necessary to consider the interpretation of such concepts, as “state family policy” and “policy of the state in relation to family”, “policy of the state in relation to family and women”, as their meanings may differ. The lack of offi cial interpretation of these concepts in practice results in problems with determination of tasks; subjects of SFP, their functions in relation to realization of SFP, structure; mechanisms of realization of legislative norms, normative and legal acts. All of it negatively infl uences on the level of realization of any measures that come true within the framework of the government or regional programs and others like that.

State policy in relation to family is an inalienable, constituent of social policy of the state. Such policy has a narrow branch orientation. First of all it is conducted with the aim of settlement of marriage-family issues, stimulation of a birth-rate, material support of families with children etc. Its measures are implemented in order to remove the consequences of the negative infl uence on the institute of family.

State policy in relation to family and women is a constituent of social policy of the state, the basic measures of which are aimed at providing social guarantees to families with children and women.

Taking into account everything mentioned above it is possible to draw a conclusion, that SFP is a political and legal category and must be examined in two complementary aspects. In a political aspect it is an independent direction of public policy, the system of complex activity of the state that is aimed at forming, maintenance, strengthening, development and defence, providing of sovereignty and welfare of the institute of family. In a legal aspect it is a purposeful activity of public organs and other subjects of SFP aimed at creation of optimal conditions for the functioning of the institute of family.

The specifi c of such a policy has concretely-historical character. Among its determinants it is possible to distinguish:- institutional factors (political system, political regime, legislative base that regulates the mutual relations of the institute of

family and the state;- socio-economic conditions (the level of development of services sector, creating conditions for ensuring economic

independence of the family, the level of the real incomes of the family, granting families support in combination of professional and domestic duties by their members);

- sociocultural and ideological factors ( dominating system of values and ideals as well as relation to the social status of the family and role functions of spouses determined by their gender);

- character of mutual relations between the state and the family (social partnership, protectionism/paternalism, interference/not intervention of the state in the implementation by the family its own functions.

Such understanding of SFP directs family and state on the quality new level of relations and differs from traditional approaches. Firstly, a family, but not only an individual, gets a quality new status – real rights, state guarantees necessary for its existence.

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Secondly, SFP is carried out by means of the specially organized system of activity on the basis of the legal adjusting of relations of family and state. Thirdly, the competences of SFP comprise not all common social, but only specifi c, institutional problems of the family. Fourthly, SFP is aimed at the family as a social institute and an integral object. Fifthly, SFP acquires a systematic, complex character, embracing the basic spheres of functioning of the family in society. Sixthly, the state adheres to sovereignty of the family and its members, creates conditions for the most complete realization of its rights and interests, the role of the subject of social relations.

In this connection the crucial role for the organs of executive power, local self-government - the subjects of providing the SFP play tasks on implementation the following functions : а) creation of the proper conditions for the optimal functioning of the institute of family in Ukraine; b) granting families various state (administrative) services, including social, service, oriented to the different categories and necessities of families in Ukraine; c) realization of “internal” control over the implementation by executive organs, local self-government - subjects of the SFP, their public servants the duties they gain for providing the SFP in Ukraine; d) applying of corresponding measures for defence of the violated rights and freedoms of citizens and members of their families in case of their appeal of administrative or judicial of decisions, actions or omission of organs of executive power, local self-government - subjects of providing the SFP in Ukraine.

References:1. Comprehensive Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language [ed. by S.A. Kuznetsov]. – Saint Petersburg., Norint, 2000.

- 1536 p.2. Veber М. Policy as Mission and Profession: Selected Works. - Мoscow., Progress, 1990. - pp. 644-706. 3. Ivanova О. L. Social Policy: Theoretical Aspects. К.: Academy, 2003. - 107 p.4. Soloviov A. Social Policy of Transitional Period from State Guarantees to Address Support. - Мoscow., Profi zdat, 1995 - 160 p.5. Averin A.N. Social Policy of the State and Social Structure of Community. - Мoscow., 1995. - 273 p.6. Encouragement the Reform of Social Services in Ukraine. Legislative and Tax Aspects of Activity of Non-State Organizations in the

Context of Reforming Social Services in Ukraine. Access mode: les/ 8/1174037502_ans.pdf.7. Holovatyi M.F. Social Policy and Social Work [Text] - Кiev., МАUP, 2005. - 560 p.8. Shevchuk P. Social Policy [Textbook] – Lviv., Vydavnytstvo «Svit», 2003. - 400 p.9. Social Policy: Political and Legal Principles and Features of Management of Social Processes. Access mode:

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Columbia University Press, 1978.11. Evolution of Family and Family Policy in the USSR [Text]. Ed. by A.H. Vyshnevskyi. - Мoscow., Nauka, 1992. - 140 p.12. Kutsenko V. Social State (promblems of theory, methodology and practice) [Text]. Ed. by editor by V. Kutsenko; The Council

on the Study of Productive Forces of Ukraine of the NAS of Ukraine. - Кiev., Zapovit, 2003. - 228 p.13. Skurativskyi V. Social Policy. - Кiev., Vydavnytstvo UADU, 1997. - 360 p.14. Semenets-Orlova I.A. Crisis of Family in Postindustrial Society: Analysis of Some Aspects of Destructive Infl uence on

Position of Family, Family Policy of Modern Social State., Access mode: Gum/Gileya/ 2010_39/Gileya39/P10_doc.pdf.

15. Vakulenko S.M. Optimization of Family Policy in the Conditions of Modern Ukrainian Society: abstract of PhD diss.: special. 22.00.04 “Special and Branch Sociology” – Kharkiv., 2007. - 20 p.

16. Nychyporenko S.V. Youth Family Policy in Ukraine: Forming and Ways of Realization: abstract of PhD diss.: special. 08.00.07 “Demography, Economy of Labour, Social Economy and Politics” – Kyiv., 2008 - 20 p.

17. Margueritte In. Pozycjaojca of w politycespoіecznej Unii Europejskiej., of Miкdzynarodwy Kongress “O of godnoњжojcostwa”. - Warszawa, 5-7 listopada, 1999. - Gdaсsk 2000., pp. 353-354.

18. Kamerman S.B. Rodzina: problem teorii i politykj., of Opolitycerodinnej: defi nicje, zasady, praktyka. – Warszawa., 1994.19. Osipova I.I. Socially Healthy Family as the Basis of Family Policy. - Мoscow., 2004. - pp. 72-78.20. Pianov A.I. To the Issue about the Content the Subject Area of State Family Policy., Bulletin of Stavropol State University. -

2008., No. 58., pp. 121-127.21. Artiukhov A.V. Public Family Policy and its Features in Russia., Sociological researches. - 2002. No. 7., pp. 108-110.22. Khasbulatova O.A. Evolution of State Policy in Relation to the Family in Russia in XX – early XXI centuries (historical and

sociological analysis)., A Woman in Russian Comunity. - 2008., No. 3., pp. 3-14.23. On Main Directions of State family Policy: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 14.05.1996., Access mode: 24. On the Conception of Public Family Policy of Ukraine: Decree of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine: of 17.09.1999 No. 1063 –

XIV., List of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. - 1999., No. 46. - Article 404.


I. Chekhovska, Dr. of Jurisprudence, Senior ResearcherUniversity of State Fiscal Service, Ukraine

Conference participant

The article presents arguments indicating the need for complex study of theoretical and methodological problems of Ukraine’s state family policy. Basic contradictions that prevent the formation of effective family policy in Ukraine are defi ned. The expediency of its reforming is proved. Priority directions of Ukraine’s state family policy are developed.

Keywords: family, family policy, state, directions, measures.

The stability of the state, its economic development largely depends on physical and spiritual health of the family, on public relations to its problems, interests and needs. The state is interested in the active family that is able to develop a new life strategy, to ensure not only its survival in unstable society that is transforming, but also to develop successfully.

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However, the interests and opportunities of families in Ukraine are being implemented insuffi ciently these days. Despite the fact that during the entire period of independence the state has determined the family policies as an integral component of the activity programmes of all governments, appropriate measures have not yielded the expected or desired results. Over the last ten years, the socio-economic and moral situation of the family in Ukraine deteriorated signifi cantly. This has led to an increase of such negative phenomena as the low birth rates, increase in cases of domestic violence, inappropriate level of parenting, which consequently lead to an increase in the number of divorces, single-parent families, illegitimate births, and massive increase in child abandonment among others. Today the processes lead to serious socio-economic and political problems, and, moreover, can lead to a global social crisis and national tragedy in future due to negative dynamics.

Therefore, the tasks of stabilizing the institution of family and overcoming the negative socio-demographic trends are of particular signifi cance and relevance, and crucially need immediate and effective decisions to be made.

It should be pointed out that family policy of the state is the subject of scientifi c and public debate. Of particular interest are the research works of Russian scientists: Arutiunian M.Iu., Anichkina A.B., Artiukhova A.V., Brussel T.N., Vyshnevskyi A.B., Vytkovskaia H.S., Hryshchenko N.N., Darmodekhyn S.V., Dorokhyna O.V., Yelyzarova T.A., Zhukova V.I., Vasyleva T.A., Nebotova L.F., Plotnykova A.D., Pianova A.Y., Chernova Zh.V. and othres; foreign scientists: VandeRaa D.J., Jaeckel M., Joshi H., Hulkko J., Caesar B., Albrecht S. D., K.-X. Kaufmanna, Haetrais L., A. Gauthier, and others.

Studying the works of the above mentions scientists, we can conclude that in science there is no consensus in almost all areas of family policy due to opposing viewpoints.

However, despite the increased interest in the study of state family policy (hereinafter – SFP) in the world, the issue of domestic scientists have not been studied enough.

The fi rst works on the issues of family policy have appeared in Ukraine only in late 90s of the 20th century [1; 2; 3; 4]. However, they did not have any appropriate theoretical framework and SFP was examined insuffi ciently.

Recently several more thorough work on the study with a detailed analysis of the domestic practice of family policy have been published [5; 6; 7; 8]. However, family policy was considered in the narrow sense (within the main focus primarily on direct cash payments, assistance to large families, tax benefi ts, parental leave payment). In other scientifi c papers, the focus was mainly on demographic and pronatalistic aspects of family policy or rather, detection of existing problems without a diversity of ways of their possible overcoming.

In the context of the above mentioned, there is a strong need for a comprehensive study of theoretical and methodological problems of SFP in Ukraine, according to which its gradual creation as an independent branch of the state policy will be implemented.

The need for the development of SFP is also determined by the necessity of its implementation in law enforcement practice of state authorities – the subjects of providing the SFP in Ukraine. The result is the reorientation of SFP with provision of social support to separate categories of families, mostly socially disadvantaged, and the elimination of family dysfunctions to create conditions for the conservation, enhancement, development and protection of socially advantaged families.

The aim of the article is to develop the priority directions of SFP, the practical application of which will contribute to effective reforms and to the formation of a comprehensive SFP system in Ukraine.

Conducted analysis in previous publications [9; 10; 11; 12] allowed us to conclude that Ukraine’s SFP is characterized by the contradictions between the need for modern scientifi c substantiation of managerial decisions in the sphere of family policy and lack of scientifi c development issues at national and local levels; the need to monitor the effectiveness of managerial decisions in the sphere of family policy and lack of systematic monitoring of the situation of the family; fundamental value of the position of the family in society and state detachment from many structures and institutions of family policy implementation; need for integrated and systematic approaches in solving problems of families and lack of effective interdepartmental interaction in the implementation of family policies; possibility of increasing their own capacity of families in solving social problems and insuffi cient level of activities of public organizations in the sphere of family policy; the preservation of the paternalistic role of the state in relation to the family and inability of this approach in modern conditions; the necessity of including all categories of households in the sphere of state family policy and work only with certain categories of families, especially socially disadvantaged ones; the need to change the direction of family policy to work with affl uent families and formed the focus on social support and services for families with consumer mentality; the growing depopulation in the country and the lack of pro-family approach in conducting the economic reforms.

Indeed, to overcome these contradictions it is necessary to indicate the direction of SFP in Ukraine. They should be focused not only on meeting immediate challenges in an unstable socio-economic situation, but also on long term strengthening and development of the family institution.

In this regard on the basis of the previous studies we developed the priorities of SFP in Ukraine, the complex application of which will allow to form an effective SFP of Ukraine.

The suggested classifi cation depends on the events with the details revealing their content. The priority directions of Ukraine’s SFP include political, institutional, demographic, economic, social, informational, cultural and educational spheres.

Thus, the political direction of SFP is necessary to implement through the formation of pro-family ideology of the state; the formation and support of national civil movement focused on protecting the interests of the family; formation and support of political parties, the purpose of which is to protect the interests of the family; to support candidates, election programs of which are focused on protection of Ukrainian families; to implement the comparative analysis of programs of political parties, revealing their ideological orientations in the family sphere; the legislative activities of the Supreme Council of Ukraine in the formation and implementation of family policy and electoral positions of political parties; the formation of inter-fractional parliamentary groups, the aim of which is to protect the institution of family in Ukraine; to conduct permanent political action, various public events that are devoted to the issues of the family; to fulfi ll the undertaken international obligations to protect the rights of parents and children; to coordinate the activities of politicians, ministries, agencies, civil society organizations and movements whose activities are aimed at protecting the interests of the family; to promote family associations and movements; to defend the interests of traditional Ukrainian family, the promotion of family values, recognition of their priority in the international arena.

Organizational direction should be implemented through activities concerning the establishment of organizational structure of bodies involved in securing SFP in Ukraine, coordination of international and national agencies and organizations, interagency coordination in the planning and implementation of activities ensuring the implementation of SFP in Ukraine. The mentioned directions have been thoroughly analyzed in our previous publications [13; 14; 15].

In this context it is necessary to point out that for the effective implementation of SFP in Ukraine, it is important to improve and optimize the activities of central and local executive authorities - the entities ensuring the activity of SFP in Ukraine and civil institutions.

It is expedient to create the relevant legal framework for the realization of citizens’ constitutional rights to participate in public

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affairs and to have free access to information concerning the activities of bodies of state power - the entities ensuring the activity of SFP in Ukraine as well as to ensure transparency and openness of activities of these bodies.

The demographic direction should be implemented through the system of following measures: reforming the system of pre-school and school medicine; ensuring the availability of families to sports activities through the development of infrastructure and organization of physical culture and sports activities at the places of residence, work and leisure; promotion in the media of propaganda of healthy lifestyle for children and adolescents; the development of advocacy at the individual, family levels of society and the state in terms of awareness on reproductive rights; addressing the problem of access to quality and affordable health services and inspections of the rural population; the formation of social consciousness of parents, who live in rural areas, in relation to their own health and the health of their children through the development of state programs and target funds intended for their implementation with appropriate control over the effi ciency of their use; improvement of diagnosis and treatment through the targeted consolidation funds for the purchase of equipment and training of the medical personnel; the establishment of a network of consulting services for general health maintenance with the corresponding information of their activities and propaganda of healthy lifestyle in mass media about the availability of these services, principles and conditions for their provision at local and state levels that would correspond to the formation of conscious demand for such services; the application of measures concerning the development of a network of children’s institutions of improvement and recreation, prevention of their number reducing, conversion and misuse; the introduction of alternative forms and methods of organization of educational process for preschool children; promotion of the system of educational services (daytime nanny, nurseries, playgrounds, schools of early development; private pre-school institutions, mini-kindergartens, etc.); promoting the expansion of children’s cultural institutions, sports clubs, educational institutions and clubs; creating the conditions for possibilities of reducing the working hours for working parents; extension and improvement of the market of services for child care, establishment of partial compensation from public funds, depending on the number of children in the family; creating the conditions to combine employment with raising children through the expansion of infrastructure of preschool institutions and day care facilities for children (including disabled children), ensuring an access of children with disabilities to mainstream schools, encourage enterprises to introduce the forms of work organization (children’s rooms, fl exible hours, etc.); increasing the fi nancing of adult education and children recreation; encourage the development of fl exible employment options that can help parents combine employment and family responsibilities («accumulation» of working hours with the purpose of their future use, part-time work, distance and home-based work, etc.).

Special attention should be given to the measures for the minimization of labor migration: to create conditions for the reduction of departure for working abroad; to develop the internal migration of citizens in order to meet the needs of labor market of Ukraine and as an alternative of working abroad; the protection of the rights of citizens who work abroad; to create conditions for the return of migrants to their homeland through maximum use of the results of labor migration for development [16, p. 28].

In order to implement the economic directions of the SFP in Ukraine it is necessary: to stimulate the instruments of tax and credit policy of domestic manufacturers of children’s products, educational, cultural and recreational services, employers for creating jobs for parents who are raising minor children; to encourage the introduction by employers of fl exible forms of employment, which provided parents with the opportunity to combine family and professional functions, by the economic methods (tax incentives, rental privileges, etc.); to reform the wages, which should be based on a fair distribution of income between labor and capital based on a family factor; to improve existing and to develop new mechanisms for long-term lending for families of average incomes; to improve the system of mortgage lending by increasing the volume of housing construction at the expense of all funding sources; to introduce the practice of family taxation; to create the economic conditions to stimulate entrepreneurial initiative of families, self-employment, farming; to develop a model of preferential lending to families on the organization of their business; to ensure appropriate and timely funding of health institutions at the expense of state and local budgets, social insurance fund on temporary disability and non-budgetary funds; to provide support to children’s institutions of rehabilitation and recreation through the provision of benefi ts for utility services, food, and local taxes and fees.

Social direction should include the defi nition of real living wage taking into account infl ation; exemption from taxation of revenues at the level of minimum social standards, which are necessary to support the livelihoods of citizens and members of their families; to ensure differentiated and targeted approaches to the provision of state guarantees of social protection; improvement of monitoring system of social benefi ts aimed at poverty reduction, through the defi nition of specifi c goals, objectives and performance indicators of budget programs of social protection of the population; application of measures to ensure the early detection and timely provision of targeted comprehensive social assistance to families with children who need it; the provision of social inspection and social support to families who are in diffi cult life circumstances; the introduction of a system of assessment of the needs of local communities in supporting families with children; ensuring the effective functioning of institutions of rehabilitation and social services for families in crisis; increase in funding the local budgets of social programs and activities aimed at different categories of families; the development of new methodological approaches to the defi nition of poverty indicators; implementation of regulatory framework of implementation of social programs and activities for families with children, including the development of state social standards; development of state programs for the provision of social housing for special need categories of families; the improvement of the conditions of rehabilitation of children with disabilities and children with limited physical and mental capacities, to facilitate them in acquiring all possible professions, to establish the new special and sports equipment; promoting the acquisition of vocational education, employment and provision of social and living conditions of orphans and children left without parental care and their further employment; the introduction of a set of measures of social, educational, medical, hygienic, sports nature, aimed at improving and strengthening the health of children and the youth; development of national model of social and economic patronage of young couples, families with children, especially large families, single-parent and socially disadvantaged for various application levels (city, village, urban-type settlement); reorientation of the SFP on the anticipation of family troubles.

It is also necessary to improve the mechanism of payments to one-time material assistance for child birth, to simplify the procedure for obtaining this assistance, which provides many types of inquiries, most of which are available at the place of mother’s registration; to conceptually review the content of the payment with a state-guaranteed minimum and parental salary, and, thus, stimulating the family birth with average income levels; to conceptually reform the current system of social benefi ts, which are paid to low-income and large families, replacing them with tax, to introduce the package «child care» [17, p. 395-400]; to improve the Institute of public inspectors of the departments of labor and social protection through the improvement of monitoring and licensing functions, the improvement of organizational, staffi ng and logistical support of their work; to improve the system of reporting, to simplify the procedure for appointing all types of state social benefi ts using information technology for remote consultation of citizens, to defi ne the rights of the family to receive state social assistance.

Information direction of SFP should be implemented through the following activities: providing regular display of statistical and sociological information on the situation of families in the media, scientifi c journals, and special literature; raising public awareness

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about agencies and services that are provided to families; ensuring regular display of state statistics, the results of the census of population in order to provide society with reliable data on the situation of families, problems and ways of their solution; attraction of print and electronic media to form positive experience of the formation of young families, responsible parenthood, and large families; ensuring the organization of targeted information campaign designed for the formation of civil position concerning the issues of increasing the birth rate, value of children and the status of fatherhood, transition from small families to the family with average number of children, reorientation of values to the stable full family with several children, promotion of healthy lifestyles, family forms of upbringing children; ensuring placement of information in print media, preparation of reports, speeches of responsible government offi cials, experts of national, regional television and radio for coverage of activities undertaken for the implementation of SFP in Ukraine, the formation of public opinion and image of professionals working with families; carrying out social activities among the youth audience, aimed at formation of positive image of the family; the conduct of various awareness-raising activities for the public with the objective of anticipating violence in families; production and placement of outdoor advertising on billboards, banners, billboards, aimed at formation of positive image of the family; increase in number of children’s cultural-educational and health programs on television and radio; prohibiting all kinds of propaganda of violence, cruelty and pornography, especially in the media; the production of presentation products for the promotion of the priorities of SFP in Ukraine.

Cultural and educational direction of SFP in Ukraine should be implemented through the establishment of schools for young parents, development of special programmes for these schools, providing professional training; ensuring the development of programmes to prepare young people for family life and the formation of responsible parenthood; the introduction of alternative forms and methods of organization of educational and training processes; ensuring carrying out an examination of textbooks, manuals and curriculum for general educational institutions in compliance with the norms of public morality, family values; promoting the development of the system of educational services; improvement of the forms of advisory work on issues of marriage, parenting, sexual education of adolescents and young people; provision of national and international events, festivals, concerts, competitions, and exhibitions the purpose of which is to promote patriotism, spirituality, morality, formation of universal human and family values, promoting healthy lifestyle; involvement of youth and children’s civic organizations to participate in patriotic and educational, cultural and educational, sport and local history work with children in the institutions of rehabilitation and recreation for children; preservation of existing and creation of new institutions of cultural, educational and family-patriotic education of children and youth.

Finally, application in practice of the above mentioned priority areas will contribute to the effective reform and will create meaningful, comprehensive, effective system of SFP in Ukraine.

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Development of social and economic relations in terms of globalizationV. Omelyanenko, NATION`S STRATEGIC SECURITY POLICY MAKING RESEARCH FRAMEWORK...................................11H. Shevchenko, RECREATIONAL EQUILIBRIUM WITHIN THE THEORETICAL APPROACH TO ECONOMIC MODELING..........................................................................................................................................................................................14


Innovations in economics and management. Innovations and innovative activity managementM. Suyunchaliyeva, THE INNOVATION ACTIVITY OF ENTERPRISES IN THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN...................16


Management: ways of development, actual issues and prospectsV. Tretyachenko, A MODERN INTERPRETATION OF EDUCATIONAL SERVICES IN THE SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION..................................................................................................................................................................23Короткова Т.Л., Болормаа Б., РОЛЬ СОЦИАЛЬНЫХ ОТНОШЕНИЙ ПРИ ТОВАРОДВИЖЕНИИ ПОТРЕБИТЕЛЬСКИХ ТОВАРОВ / THE ROLE OF SOCIAL RELATIONS IN THE MERCHANDISING OF CONSUMER GOODS....................................................................................................................................................................25

Economics and Management - Open specialized sectionВолкова И.А., К ПРОБЛЕМЕ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ ЗНАНИЯМИ В УСЛОВИЯХ ТРАНСФОРМАЦИИ ОБЩЕСТВЕННЫХ ОТНОШЕНИЙ..................................................................................................................................................27Выходец А.М, РОЛЬ МЕНЕДЖМЕНТА В РАЗВИТИИ МЫШЛЕНИЯ СТУДЕНТОВ...............................................................28


Civil law; entrepreneurial law, family law; international individual rightПузиков Р.В., Кузьмина В.С., АЛГОРИТМ ПРОВЕДЕНИЯ ЭЛЕКТРОННОГО АУКЦИОНА ПО 44-ФЗ / THE ALGORITHM OF THE ELECTRONIC AUCTION FOR 44-FZ..............................................................................................31Пузиков Р.В., Чернышова Е.А., ЗАКОНОДАТЕЛЬНЫЙ ПРОЦЕСС В РОССИИ: ПРОБЛЕМЫ И ПУТИ СОВЕРШЕНСТВОВАНИЯ / THE LEGISLATIVE PROCESS IN RUSSIA: PROBLEMS AND WAYS OF IMPROVEMENT....33Пузиков Р.В., Катунина А.И., КОМПЕНСАЦИЯ МОРАЛЬНОГО ВРЕДА / COMPENSATION FOR MORAL DAMAGE....35Пузиков Р.В., Гасанова Д.П., ПУБЛИЧНЫЕ ТОРГИ КАК ФОРМА РЕАЛИЗАЦИИ КОНФИСКОВАННОГО ИМУЩЕСТВА / PUBLIC AUCTION AS A FORM OF REALIZATION OF SEIZED PROPERTY.................................................37Пузиков Р.В., Селенина А.В., РЕАЛИЗАЦИЯ КОНФИСКОВАННОГО ИМУЩЕСТВА / IMPLEMENTATION OF CONFISCATED PROPERTY......................................................................................................................39

Constitutional law, municipal lawЗульфугарзаде Т.Э., ОСОБЕННОСТИ ПРАВОВОГО ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЯ ЗОНИРОВАНИЯ ЗЕМЕЛЬ В США.........................42

Natural resources law; agricultural law; environmental lawЧиладзе Г.Б., РОЛЬ И ЗНАЧЕНИЕ ПРОДОВОЛЬСТВЕННОЙ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ В КОНЦЕПЦИИ НАЦИОНАЛЬНОЙ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ ГРУЗИИ.............................................................................................................................46

Tendencies of juridical science development in modern conditionsКоролев Е.С., ПОНИМАНИЕ ДЕМОКРАТИИ КАК ЦЕЛЕВОГО ЭЛЕМЕНТА ПРАВОВОГО РЕГУЛИРОВАНИЯ ОБЩЕСТВЕННЫХ ОТНОШЕНИЙ..................................................................................................................................................48

Jurisprudence - Open specialized sectionI. Chekhovska, THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES TO DETERMINATION THE CONCEPT OF «STATE FAMILY POLICY»: ANALYSIS OF DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN EXPERIENCE.....................................................50I. Chekhovska, PRIORITY DIRECTIONS OF STATE FAMILY POLICY OF UKRAINE...............................................................54


Political sciences - Open specialized sectionШаповалова А.М., ВЗАЄМОЗВ’ЯЗОК ФЕНОМЕНУ ВЛАДИ З ГЛОБАЛЬНИМ ГРОМАДЯНСЬКИМ СУСПІЛЬСТВОМ: СУЧАСНІ ВИКЛИКИ ДЛЯ УКРАЇНИ..............................................................................................................................................58


Social structure, social institutes and processesЧирун С.Н., МЕТОДОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ МОЛОДЁЖНОЙ ПОЛИТИКИ..................................................................62

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Scientifi c publication


Peer-reviewed materials digest (collective monograph) published following the results of the CXXXV International Research and Practice Conference

and III stage of the Championship in Economics and Management, Jurisprudence, Sociological, Political and Military sciences

(London, November 24 - November 30, 2016)

Layout 60×84/8. Printed sheets 7,91. Run 1000 copies. Order № 02/12-2016.

Publisher and producer International Academy of Science and Higher Education1 Kings Avenue, London, UK N 21 3NA

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