international-bali post. wednesday, oktober 6 , 2010

For placing advertisment, please contact: Eka Wahyuni 0361-225764 HOTLINE PAGE 6 CITY TEMPERATURE O C WEATHER FORECAST 25 - 33 26 - 35 19 - 28 23 - 33 25 - 36 DENPASAR JAKARTA BANDUNG YOGYAKARTA SURABAYA SUNNY BRIGHT/CLOUDY RAIN PAGE 8 PAGE 12 Wednesday, October 6, 2010 16 Pages Number 190 2 st Year e-mail: [email protected] online: I N T E R N A T I O N A L Price: Rp 3.000,- British comedy actor Norman Wisdom dies aged 95 WHO assist Bali in handling rabies IBP/Edi The combo pictures show the colossal dance performance during the celebration of the 65 th anniversary of the Indonesian Army in Puputan Badung field on Tuesday, October 5 th 2010. “My visit there would coincide with trials related to the RMS (South Maluku Republic) in the Netherlands, in which at the time there would be a ruling whether to arrest the president of Indonesia,” Yudhoyono said. Jakarta crushed the RMS shortly after it declared independence in 1950 but the movement was revived following the fall of authoritarian president Suharto in 1998. “If the trial takes place during my visit, then this is tied to the dignity and honour of the country, therefore I have decided to postpone this trip,” the president said. If he went ahead with the visit, it might create “misunderstand- ing” and a “bad psychologi- cal reaction,” he added. Indonesia has fought numerous separatist insurgencies throughout the sprawl- ing archipelago and remains sensitive to breakaway move- ments. AFP PHOTO / ADEK BERRY Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (C) reviews a military parade during the 65th Indonesian military anniversary in Jakarta on October 5, 2010. Indonesian military or Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) celebrated its anniversary displaying Indonesian jet fighters including Russian-made Sukhoi, American- made F16, F5 Tiger, Hawk and South Korean-made Woong Bee. Indonesian leader postpones Netherlands trip due to trial Agence France Presse JAKARTA - Indonesia’s President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono postponed on Tuesday a visit planned this week to the Netherlands, citing a human rights trial in the host country that might threaten him with arrest. Yudhoyono can- celled the visit more than an hour after he was supposed to leave on the three-day diplomatic trip to the former colonial power. Geim and Novoselov win Nobel Prize in physics

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International-Bali Post. Wednesday, Oktober 6 , 2010


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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

16 Pages Number 1902st Year

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Price: Rp 3.000,-

British comedyactor NormanWisdom dies aged95

WHO assist Bali inhandling rabies


The combo pictures show the colossal dance performance during the celebration of the 65th anniversary of the IndonesianArmy in Puputan Badung field on Tuesday, October 5th 2010.

“My visit there would coincide with trials related to the RMS (SouthMaluku Republic) in the Netherlands, in which at the time there wouldbe a ruling whether to arrest the president of Indonesia,” Yudhoyonosaid.

Jakarta crushed the RMS shortly after it declared independencein 1950 but the movement was revived following the fall ofauthoritarian president Suharto in 1998.

“If the trial takes place during my visit, then thisis tied to the dignity and honour of the country,therefore I have decided to postpone thistrip,” the president said.

If he went ahead with the visit, itmight create “misunderstand-ing” and a “bad psychologi-cal reaction,” he added.

Indonesia hasfought numerousseparatist insurgenciesthroughout the sprawl-ing archipelago andremains sensitive tobreakaway move-ments.


Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (C) reviews a military parade during the 65th Indonesianmilitary anniversary in Jakarta on October 5, 2010. Indonesian military or Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI)celebrated its anniversary displaying Indonesian jet fighters including Russian-made Sukhoi, American-made F16, F5 Tiger, Hawk and South Korean-made Woong Bee.

Indonesian leader postponesNetherlands trip due to trialAgence France Presse

JAKARTA - Indonesia’s President Susilo BambangYudhoyono postponed on Tuesday a visit planned this weekto the Netherlands, citing a human rights trial in the hostcountry that might threaten him with arrest. Yudhoyono can-celled the visit more than an hour after he was supposed toleave on the three-day diplomatic trip to the former colonialpower.

Geim andNovoselov winNobel Prize inphysics

Page 2: International-Bali Post. Wednesday, Oktober 6 , 2010

InternationalWednesday, Oktober 6 , 20102

Bali News

Founder : K.Nadha, General Manager :Palgunadi Chief Editor: Diah Dewi Juniarti Editors: Gugiek Savindra,Alit Susrini, Alit Sumertha, Daniel Fajry, Mawa, Sri Hartini, Suana, Sueca, Sugiartha, Wirya, YudiWinanto Denpasar: Dira Arsana, Giriana Saputra, Subagiadnya, Subrata, Suentra, Sumatika, Asmara Putra. Bangli: Pujawan, Buleleng: Adnyana, Gianyar: Agung Dharmada, Karangasem: Budana, Klungkung: BaliPutra Ariawan, Tabanan: Surpi. Jakarta: Nikson,Hardianto,Ade Irawan . NTB: Agus Talino, Syamsudin Karim, Izzul Khairi, Raka Akriyani,Suyadnya. Surabaya: Bambang Wilianto. Development: Alit Purnata, MasRuscitadewi. Office: Jalan Kepundung 67 A Denpasar 80232. Telephone (0361)225764, Facsimile: 227418, P.O.Box: 3010 Denpasar 80001. Bali Post Jakarta, Advertizing: Jl.Palmerah Barat 21F. Telp 021-5357602,

Facsimile: 021-5357605 Jakarta Pusat. NTB: Jalam Bangau No. 15 Cakranegara Telp. (0370) 639543, Facsimile: (0370) 628257. Publisher: PT Bali Post

Why minimal? It is caused bymany factors. One of them is thepopulation of sculpture and craftartist is very little. In addition, themaking process of sculpture andcraft art requires a longer time.Moreover, the difficulty of findinga foster father also has an impacton the highly rare exhibition ofsculpture and craft art.

Meanwhile, the creation ofsculpture and craft art tends to sou-venir craft-oriented devoted to do-mestic and foreign tourists. In ad-dition, it is intended for the sake ofreligious and tradition-orientedparaphernalia. On that account, theart of work really intended for thecreation of pure art stays very mini-mal because the life needs of mostartists and craftsmen in Bali is verydependent on the artworks created.

The lack of sculpture artists andcraftsmen creating the works ofpure fine art and rarely displays oftheir works through exhibition hasimplications on the faded echo ofsculpture and craft art alongsidewith the discourse of other artnamely painting.

“On that account, it is time forsculpture artists and craftsmen in

Negara (Bali Post)—Heavy rain for approximately an

hour in the territory of the Negara andMendoyo on Monday (Oct 4) causedflooding at some places. At Dewasana,Pendem Village, Negara, a house washit by flooding up to half damaged.Luckily there were no casualties fromthe incident.

The most serious incident occurredat Sebual, Dangin Tukadaya. Hundredsof houses were inundated due to SebualRiver overflowed. Deputy Regent ofJembrana I Putu Artha and Chairmanof the Indonesian Democratic Party ofStruggle (PDI-P) Made KembangHartawan came down in person to visitthe location and provided help for resi-dents whose homes were submerged.Even, Kembang Hartawan helpedpeople remove their properties in sin-glet and shorts. A number of points weresubmerged up to waist-deep. Thensome livestock owned by local residentswere also dragged by the river’s flow.

According to Village Head ofDangin Tukadaya, I Gusti Putu Suarma,there were 225 houses submerged. AtSebual Hamlet, for instance, the Sandat,Sari Purnama and Siti Kaler sub-groupswere inundated up to waist-high. Otherthan at Sebual Hamlet, he said that doz-ens of houses were also submerged inflooding at Yeh Mekecir Hamlet due tooverflows of Sebual River.

Meanwhile, at Pohsanten,Mendoyo, the village market located onthe street side of Denpasar-Gilimanukwas inundated by flooding up to adultknee-high. Even, the roads leading tovillages were submerged so that mo-torists could not ride the as the highwater reached the engine and spark plugof the motorcycle. Position of the mar-ket was lower than the road ofDenpasar-Gilimanuk. In the meantime,

Denpasar (Bali Post) –One by one those crime acts in

Kuta have been captured by theCriminal Research. This time, twostealers captured at once andbrought to the Kuta Police cells.They are R. Natalia (26) from Cen-tral Java and Tomy H. (27) fromSumberejo, Gunung Kidul,Yogyakarta. Although the two ac-cused were not part of a group.

Head of Kuta Police Adjunct Po-lice Commissioner I Gede Ganefo,SH MH last Monday (4/10) men-tioned the first accused to be cap-tured was Natalia. She was capturedduring stealing a bag owned by wifeof Haji Indra Wayan Purna (52). The

Time for sculptor and craftTime for sculptor and craftTime for sculptor and craftTime for sculptor and craftTime for sculptor and craftartists to show offartists to show offartists to show offartists to show offartists to show off‘Develop Art in Single Body for Beautiful Bali’

FRENZY of fine art exhibitions dominated by painting exhibition cause the exhibition of sculp-ture and kriya or craft art to look drowned and virtually inaudible. Indeed, the frequency ofsculpture and craft art exhibition was very minimal in comparison to the painting exhibition.

Bali to show off their handiworks tothe public so they could be recog-nized and appreciated more widely.Undeniably the sculpture and purecraft art having very high valueshave scattered in Bali. But they arerarely known to the public due tolack of exhibition or displayedthrough other events,” said the lec-turer I Wayan Suardana of the Indo-nesia Institute of Arts (ISI) Denpasar,Monday (Oct 4), in the series ofsculpture and craft art exhibition atthe Puri Lukisan Museum of Ubudtaking place on October 7-25, 2010.The exhibition took the theme ‘De-velop Art in Single Body for Beau-tiful Bali.’

I Wayan Suardana serving as thechairman of the exhibition accom-panied by Program Director of I-MHERE Prof. Dr. Wayan Rai S,Deputy Director Ketut Murdana andExecutive Director Made Wiratasaid the exhibition gave the answerto the phenomenon that sculptures andcraftsmen in Bali were actually quitecreative and innovative on producingtheir works. They would feature vari-ous forms of sculptures and crafts artwith different styles, either of tradi-tional, modern or contemporary.

The exhibition held in coopera-tion of the I-MHERE CommunityDevelopment Program, ISIDenpasar with the Bali IndonesiaSculptors Association (BIASA) in-volved 72 sculptors and craft artists,where 40 of them were BIASAmembers and 32 of academic artistswith 113 sculpture and craft works,20 two-dimensional panel worksand 93 three-dimensional works.Additionally, the exhibition wouldalso show off some installationworks and organize a workshop onFriday (Oct 8) with speaker SriYoga Parta, a curator. The exhibi-tion will be opened by Regent ofGianyar Dr. Tjok Artha ArdhanaSukawati, Rector of ISI DenpasarProf. Dr. Wayan Rai S, Director ofPuri Lukisan Museum Ubud TjokBagus Astika and Chairman ofBIASA Ida Bagus Alit.

It was said that sculptor and craftartists basically lay in one family andthe same root of art. However, dur-ing this time they were placed in thevery much different areas. Such spe-cialization was separated after deal-ing with the function of the work it-self or the work of art that was moreoriented to the economic value. (08)

Two Bag Stealers inKuta Captured

action done by accused in the victim’sflat, Raya Kuta Street, Gang Sada,Kuta, Badung, last Saturday (2/10) at2 pm, “At that time Haji Indra wastaking a bath. As he finished, he sawaccused was taking his wife’s bag.”

Seen by Haji Indra, accused es-caped. Haji Indra ran to get her andcaptured her than brought to KutaPolice to be investigated further, “Themodus used is by accused pretend-ing in looking for a flat. Then as thereis a room opened without who livesthere is around, accused then cameto act.”

The victim’s bag contained a cellphone, Visa Card, Master Card andtwo wallets with IDR 800 Thousand.

Both accused and evidence are nowsafe in Kuta Police, “We are still deep-ening the investigation. So far accusedonly admit to have done this once.”

Meanwhile, accused Tomy wascaptured the next day. At 7.30 amlocal time, the man who does not havea permanent living place was cap-tured in Kuta Beach. He is proved tohave stolen a bag owned by Putu EdiDarmayasa (19), BanjarPengubengan, Kerobokan resident.The bag that was hanged in a tree inKuta Beach, in front of JayakartaHotel, was taken by accused. Luck-ily his action was seen by residentsand workers so he was successfullycaptured. (kmb21)


A motorcycle broke down durng a flood in Jembrana Rengencyon Monday, October 4th 2010

After one-hour rain:Pohsanten market awash,houses at Pendem destroyed

the water from the north of the villagealso stagnated at Pohsanten Market.Some residents said the water stagnatedand quickly rose to knee-high becausethe waterways were too narrow, whilethe very heavy rain lasted for an hour.“If it rained longer the height of watermay be higher,” said one of the resi-dents, Agung Kencana.

Similar incident also ensued atBatuagung. Dozens of houses atTegalasih were submerged up to knee-high due to a narrow drain. Likewise,the road to the village was hampereddue to stagnant water. According to lo-cal resident, such conditions frequentlyoccurred and the community was al-ways hit by floods. The water recededduring the night and even until the nextday. Meanwhile, the severe conditionsalso occurred at the Anyar Hamlet,Batuagung, Water pipe belonging toMunicipal Waterworks (PDAM) lo-cated near the bridge was destroyed aswashed away by the overflowing wa-ter. Moreover, the river’s water carry-ing many twigs and tree trunks fromthe forest hit the water pipe. As a result,the water distribution to Anyar Hamletuntil Petanahan Hamlet disconnected.

In Dewasana, Pendem, a housebelonging to a priest of DalemTemple was partly destroyed as hitby flooding. The houses of templepriest Punia was partly destroyedincluding his kitchen and cookingutensils. Position of the house adja-cent to the river caused the house tobe hit by the flash floods. Accordingto eyewitnesses at location, theflooding ensued suddenly so therewas no time to rescue the driftingutensils. Fortunately, there were nocasualties in the incident at the northof Kompi. Allegedly, the lossreached tens of millions. (kmb26)

Page 3: International-Bali Post. Wednesday, Oktober 6 , 2010

3International Bali News Wednesday, Oktober 6, 2010

Semarapura (Bali Post)-Coming to the end of year, roro

nusa jaya abadi ferry ship will comeback to dock, to be fixed and main-tained done routinely to the ship’sbody. As years before it will hap-pen a month full which means rorowill not give crossing services forpeople come and go Nusa Penida soit will cause some disturbance.“When roro comes to dock this year,regional government should preparea temporary ship,” House of Repre-sentative member from Nusa Penidamentioned last Monday (4/10).

The roro has become somethingmost important as it connects to

The raid led by Head ofDenpasar Peace and Order Agencyalso Police Civil Service, I KetutNick Natha Wibawa, started bycoming to Alfamart in SerojaStreet. In location, there are lotsof customers at that time. The teammet the sales assistant straightaway yet the sales assistant admitdid not acknowledge the situation.And so, the agency showed what’snot fulfilled by the management ofthe minimarket including theBuilding Permit and SIUP, “Be-cause the permits are not com-pleted, we are forcing it to close

Denpasar (Bali Post) –Pangdam IX/Udayana General

Mayor of Indonesian National Army(TNI) Rachmat Budiyanto with staffsheled a flower sprinkling in GardenTomb of Heroes (TMP) PancakaTirta, Tabanan, last Monday (4/10).The flower sprinkling was done inremembering the 65th Anniversaryof TNI on 5th October 2010.

Budiyanto mentioned that hechose to go to this heroes garden inrespecting their services as fighters,in military and non military as theyhave fought enough without any re-plies in building the loved Indone-sian Republic.

This have became one subject to

Mangupura (Bali Post)—

In 2010, Indonesia is recordedas the third largest coffee producerin the world, after Brazil and Viet-nam, with production reached550,000 tons per year. Chairmanof the Association of Science andInformation Coffee (ASIC) An-drea Illy said that coffee beanswould continue to become a com-modity and production of theworld coffee bean had reached 7.6million tons. This production wasproduced by 10.5 million hectaresof coffee plantations in 70 tropi-cal countries.

“Within the past few years, thetrend of coffee consumption con-tinues to increase, especially innon-traditional countries of coffeeconsumers such as China and someproducer countries like Brazil. Asthe result, the demand exceeds thesupply of coffee,” said Andrea Illyin the press conference of the 23rdInternational Conference on Cof-fee Science-ASIC 2010 in NusaDua on Monday (Oct 4).

Andrea Illy recognized thathigh demand for coffee also influ-enced the world coffee prices.Obviously this gave a positiveimpact on the coffee planters. Nev-ertheless, the supply of coffeefrom some producer countries wascurrently stagnant particularly ofthe good quality Arabica coffeebeans. This condition indicated adecline in productivity alleged tobecome the aftermath of climatechange causing the longer dry sea-son and higher environmental tem-peratures.

“The tendency of decreasingproduction needs to be addressedimmediately by effective measuresto ensure the long-termsustainability of this preciouscommodity,” he said.

According to him, the confer-

Roro Back In DockTransport on Nusa PenidaCrossing Disturbed

economy business such as for essen-tials food, clothes even for livingplace, “If there’s no temporary ship,the economy in Nusa Penida will bedisturbed and will have increasedprices also a bad affect.”

Klungkung Regional Secretary,Ketut Janapra, stated have made ef-forts to get this suggestion happen-ing. It is admitted the temporary shipis everyone’s demand.

Although, as before, the effortwas never seen and never to be real-ized. For the dock itself it is pre-dicted to cost IDR 800 Million. Dockusually done in Surabaya yet thisyear it is in a tender level. (kmb20)

International Conference onCoffee Science ASIC 2010Indonesia as the world thirdbiggest coffee producer

ences held on October 3-8 wouldinvolve hundreds of leading cof-fee scientists or researchers to dis-cuss about the results of recent re-search. They covered the field ofgenetics, agronomy, socio-eco-nomic engineering which would bepresented in 37 oral speakers, in-cluding 4 keynote speakers.

“The conclusion is expected toobtain long-term solutions to main-tain and improve the sustainabilityof coffee production under poor en-vironmental conditions due to glo-bal warming,” he said.

Meanwhile, a health consultantand internist, Dr. James Couglin,on that occasion stated that atpresent many medical and scien-tific evidences supporting the con-clusion that drinking coffee with anormal portion was between twoand four cups per day. Such con-sumption was considered safe anddid not have negative or adverseeffects on human health.

“Coffee poses a beverage con-taining very complex compoundsconsisting of over 800 differentcomponents and mutually interact-ing in providing the specificity ofproperties to coffee drinks,” he ex-plained.

Allegation of drinking coffeecan damage the heart and cardio-vascular system has lasted for fewdecades. However, Dr. James ex-plained that the newer studiesshowed that drinking coffee alongthe lifetime gave neutral effect onheart health of the drinker. Even,the risk tended to slightly reducefor lower consumption.

The 23rd International Confer-ence on Coffee Science coincidedwith the implementation of thesymposium organized by CoffeeResearch Center alternately everytwo years. The symposium itselfaimed to communicate the resultsof latest research. (par)

Coming Army 65th Anniversary PangdamHeld Flower Sprinkling in TMP Tabanan

use to go forward as in Indonesianway of life will always be filled withcolors, “We have to hold on to it. Andin the future to have remember againone commitment, one spirit, glue thatwill be the centre of gravity which isone symbol red and white.”

And so every component of thisnation has to see a mistake. Likeevents that happened outside Baliwhen there are different opinions andcaused conflicts that is disadvantag-ing the whole public, “This moment(visiting the garden, red) is an en-lighten, a spirit for the young gen-eration to hold on to the unite andbeing one as Indonesian Republic.”

Meanwhile to celebrate it, the

two starred general has got greatresponses and participation fromthe public especially from stu-dents, and other that creates someart works, “There will be a colos-sal dance, painting and will bringa uniting symbol of the red andwhite spirit.”

It is hoped, the colossal dance willremind again the whole nation tokeep respecting and guard red andwhite as a uniting symbol. To theTNI, this day is a good tradition andnot only just a ceremonial but alsoto be the right place to increase moraland soul to be much stronger also toget up those patriotic soul of the TNIsoldiers. (kmb21)


Officers from Denpasar Government close a modern market in Seroja Street on Monday, Octo-ber 4th 2010

Again, IlleggalAgain, IlleggalAgain, IlleggalAgain, IlleggalAgain, Illeggalminimarket closedminimarket closedminimarket closedminimarket closedminimarket closedDenpasar (Bali Post) –

The clear act done by the Denpasar government in limiting the modern market (minimarket),kept continuing. After closing tens of minimarkets, on Monday (4/10) there are more to be closed.Those are Alfamart in Seroja Street, Tonja anad Alfamart in Antasura Street. The two marketsare believed to have not had a modern shop business permit (IUTM).

while waiting its permit to be ful-filled.” Wibawa also asked thestaffs to put a closure board infront of the shop.

Besides that, the agency alsoclosed the one in Antasura Street.The shop taken care by Agus TotoGanefian also had the same prob-lem. The agency stuck the sameboard on the shop’s wall. Actuallythis Alfamart was not on the list ofthe raiding.

The next target is the building inIndra Jaya Street at Ubung Kaja. Thebuilding that will operate as a mod-ern shop does have a building per-

mit. Although to the agency its func-tion has changed and so it is closed.

Not only the agency who hadproblems with this building, yetalso the local residents there whohave been complaining about themodern shop development. Forexample, Wayan Werna, a residentthere also stated he disagrees ofthis plan to have a modern shopin their banjar, Br. Tegal Kangin,“We are very disagreeing of themodern shop development here aswe will be taken over with build-ings and modern shop operatingin this environment.” (kmb12)

Page 4: International-Bali Post. Wednesday, Oktober 6 , 2010

International4 Wednesday, October 6, 2010 News

“We are continuing to implementthe policy as described in Decem-ber and do not believe further ad-justments are required at this time,”Obama said in a letter dated Sep-tember 30 to leaders of the Senateand House of Representatives. Asthe only significant recent change,he cited the appointment of Gen-eral David Petraeus, credited withhelping to turn around the Iraq war,as top U.S. and NATO commanderin Afghanistan.

Obama spoke with Afghan Presi-dent Hamid Karzai in a video tele-conference on Monday, the White

Agence France Presse

LONDON – A major fire de-stroyed a 138-year-old pier inHastings on Tuesday, emergencyservices said, robbing Britain ofone of the last relics of its Victo-rian-era seaside culture. Police inthe faded southern English touristresort arrested two men on suspi-cion of arson after the blaze at thewood and iron structure, whichhad been closed since 2006.

“At the moment about 95 per-cent of the structure has been de-stroyed. It’s quite significant,” saidSimon Rose, a spokesman for EastSussex Fire and Rescue Service.“It’s a very historic building andlandmark for Hastings. The prior-ity for the firefighters is to preserveas much of the structure as theycan to see if something can bedone with it in the future.”

Thick smoke billowed over thepier hours after the blaze whichbroke out around 1:00 am (0000GMT). Video footage showed or-ange flames engulfing the plat-form and lighting up the night sky.

“Two men have been arrested onsuspicion of arson after HastingsPier was reported to be on fire,” aSussex police spokesman said, add-

Agence France Presse

YANGON, Myanmar – De-tained opposition leader Aung SanSuu Kyi on Tuesday launched alegal battle against the ruling mili-tary junta, suing to keep her po-litical party intact after it was dis-banded earlier this year underMyanmar’s new party registrationlaw, her lawyer said.

Suu Kyi filed suit against theruling military council, seeking aHigh Court declaration that herNational League for Democracyremains a legal political party.

The NLD officially lost its le-gal status on May 6 because it

Myanmar’s Suu Kyi sues to keep her party intactfailed to reregister in order to take partin November general elections. Theparty is boycotting the polls, which itconsiders unfair and undemocratic.Among the various restrictions im-posed under recently enacted electionlaws, Suu Kyi would not be allowedto remain a member of her own party.The military-backed constitution al-ready has clauses that would bar herfrom holding political office.

The lawsuit appears to be largelysymbolic since Myanmar’s courts in-variably adhere to the junta’s policies,especially on political matters. Previ-ous appeals by Suu Kyi to the courts,on matters such as her detention, havebeen shunted aside or dismissed.

Nyan Win, who is Suu Kyi’s law-yer as well as a spokesman for herparty, told reporters that the stateElection Commission does not havethe authority to dissolve the NLD,which was registered under a previ-ous party registration law. Suu Kyi’sparty won a landslide victory in the

last election in 1990, but was not al-lowed to take power by the military.

The Nobel Peace Prize laureatehas been locked away for 15 of thepast 21 years. Her latest term of 18months’ house arrest is due to ex-pire on Nov. 13, just days after thescheduled Nov. 7 general election.


Chairman & Founder of Pritzker Realty Group Penny Pritzker (R), VIce President Joe Biden’s wife Jill Biden(2nd L) and PERAB Chairman Paul Volker (L) listen as US President Barack Obama (C) speaks during ameeting of the President’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board (PERAB) at the White House in Washing-ton, DC, October 4, 2010.

Detained opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi’s lawyers Kyi Win (L) andNyan Win (R) walk outside the High Court building in Yangon on October

5, 2010. Detained opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi filed a lawsuitagainst Myanmar’s junta at the Supreme Court for dissolving her partyahead of widely criticised elections, her lawyer said. Suu Kyi’s National

League for Democracy (NLD) has been forcibly abolished for boycottingthe November 7 vote, which activists and the West have condemned as

a charade aimed at putting a civilian face on military rule. AFP PHOTO/Soe Than WIN

Obama says no big shiftObama says no big shiftObama says no big shiftObama says no big shiftObama says no big shiftnow in Afghan war strategynow in Afghan war strategynow in Afghan war strategynow in Afghan war strategynow in Afghan war strategyReuters

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama has told congressionalleaders he has no plans for any major changes in his Afghanistan warstrategy for now, a letter released by the White House showed onMonday. Obama asserted his intention to stick with his already-re-vamped policy for the war, which is increasingly unpopular amonglawmakers and the American public, as part of a regular assessmentfor Congress required for war funding.

House said in a statement. The twoleaders discussed a number of top-ics including the Afghan parliamen-tary elections and long term U.S.-Afghan relations, the statement said.

“The two leaders agreed that theyshould continue routine engagementsto refine a common vision and to alignour efforts to support PresidentKarzai’s goal of completing transitionto Afghan lead security responsibilityby 2014,” the White House said.

Obama last December ordered anadditional 30,000 U.S. troops toAfghanistan but also announcedthey would start coming home in

July 2011. The approach also callsfor stepped-up training of Afghanforces to take over increasing respon-sibility from foreign troops.

U.S. and NATO officials are underpressure to show progress in the fightagainst a resurgent Taliban, particularlyahead of a comprehensive WhiteHouse review set for December.

Defense Secretary Robert Gatesand Admiral Mike Mullen, chairmanof the U.S. military’s Joint Chiefs ofStaff, last month played downchances for any big shift in Afghanstrategy in the forthcoming review.

Obama’s letter comes less thantwo weeks after the release of a newbook by Washington Post journalistBob Woodward that chronicled bit-ter infighting within Obama’s na-tional security team in the craftingof his Afghan strategy last year. TheWhite House has played down anyinternal rifts and says the book as awhole portrays Obama as analyticaland decisive.

Fire destroys Hastings’‘peerless pier’

ing that they were aged 18 and 19.Residents in Hastings had

launched a major campaign to re-store the town’s pier, which wasdescribed as the “peerless pier”when it first opened in 1874 at theheight of the Victorian vogue forseaside holidays. In the 1960s ithosted concerts by rockers includ-ing The Rolling Stones, The Who,Jimi Hendrix and Pink Floyd anduntil its closure four years ago itfeatured a mix of funfair rides andslot machines as well as a ballroom.

The pier is currently owned bya Panamanian-registered companybut the local council in Hastings —now one of Britain’s most deprivedareas — was trying to buy it back.

“It was the heart of the town, I’mtotally gutted. I’ve lived here all mylife and used to go on the pennyslot machines on there when I wasa kid,” said local resident Tim Hall.The fire is the latest in a series atBritain’s historic piers.

In July 2008, the pier at Weston-super-Mare was destroyed by ablaze and a pier at Southend-on-Seasuffered major damage in 2005 inanother fire. The West Pier inBrighton suffered two major blazesin 2003 after parts of it had alreadycollapsed into the sea.

AFP PHOTO / Sussex Police / Lee Lyons

A handout photo taken on by mobile phone on October 5, 2010, showsa fire officer fighting the fire on Hastings pier in Hastings, southernEngland. A major fire ripped through a 138-year-old pier in the Britishresort of Hastings Tuesday, emergency services said, destroying oneof the last historic reminders of the country’s seaside tourism heyday.

Page 5: International-Bali Post. Wednesday, Oktober 6 , 2010

Hotel Activities Wednesday, October 6, 2010 5International

Temple Ceremony

EVERY Temple and Shrine has a special date for it annualCeremony, or “ Odalan “, every 210 days according to Ba-linese calendar, including the smaller ancestral shrine whicheach family possesses. Because of this practically every fewdays a ceremony of festival of some kind takes place in someVillage in Bali. There are also times when the entire islandcelebrated the same Holiday, such as at Galungan, Kuningan,Nyepi day, Saraswati day, Tumpek Landep day, Pagerwesi day,Tumpek Wayang day etc.

The dedication or inauguration day of a Temple is consid-ered its birth day and celebration always takes place on thesame day if the wuku or 210 day calendar is used. When newmoon is used then the celebration always happens on new moonor full moon. The day of course can differ the religious cel-ebration of a temple lasts at least one full day with some templecelebrating for three days while the celebration of Besakihtemple, the Mother Temple, is never less than 7 days and mostof the time it lasts for 11 days, depending on the importanceof the occasion.

The celebration is very colorful. The shrine are dressed withpieces of cloths and sometimes with brocade, sailings, deco-rations of carved wood and sometimes painted with gold andChinese coins, very beautifully arranged, are hung in the fourcorners of the shrine. In front of shrine are placed red, whiteor black umbrellas depending which Gods are worshipped inthe shrines.

In front of important shrine one sees, besides these umbrel-las soars, tridents and other weapons, the “umbul-umbul”, longflags, all these are prerogatives or attributes of Holiness. Infront of the Temple gate put up “Penjor”, long bamboo poles,decorated beautifully ornaments of young coconut leaves, riceand other products of the land. Most beautiful to see are thegirls in their colorful attire, carrying offerings, arrangementsof all kinds fruits and colored cakes, to the Temple. Everyvisitor admires the grace with which the carry their load ontheir heads.

Balinese TempleCeremony

Calendar of Event (Sep 24- Oct 7, 2010)25st – “Saraswati” holiday, the day devoted to

Sanghyang Aji Saraswati symbolized as a beau-tiful goddess of knowledge, sciences and arts,when blessing ceremony is given to holy scrip-tures of science and arts, held at every familycompound.

Temple Festival at:- Pr. Watugunung, Bima, NTB.- Pr. Agung Jagat Kerana, Surabaya- Pr. Aditya Jaya Rawamangun, Jakarta- Pr. Agung Wiraloka Natha, Cimahi, Jabar- Pr. Giri Jaya Natha,Balikpapan, Berneo.- Pr. Bhuwana Suci Saraswati, Ds. Ngaru-

aru, Kec. Banyudono, Boyolali,Solo, Jawa Tengah.- Pr. Pasek Tangkas Gempinis, Dalang,

Tabanan- Pr. Pasek Gelgel Sayan Bongkasa

Abiansemal- Pr. Dadya Agung Bendesa Tangkas

Koriagung, Ds Gerih, Abiansemal- Mr.Pulasari/Sentana Dalem Tarukan, Ds.

Penida Kelod, Bangli.- Mr.Pasek Kubakal, Ds. Kapal.- Mr.Pasek, Ds. Dalung.- Pr. Pasek Dukuh Ambengan, Ds. Sebudi.- Pr. Pemaksan , Ds. Bandalem, Buleleng.

26th –“Banyu Pinaruh” day, when the Balinesemostly go to the beaches, river and spring to pu-rify them selves and pray for wisdom with earlyin the morning

Pr. Gaduh, Ds. Sesetan, Denpasar.

27th .Temple Festival at:- Pr. Jati, Jembrana.- Pr. Kawitan Batu Gaing, Bangli.- Pr. Tirta Wening, Tambaksari, Surabaya.

- Pr. Desa Linggawana Kertha Mandala,Ds. Abang, Karangasem.

29th – “Pagerwesi”, holiday, the word literallymeans “iron fence” when Hindu followers wor-ship “Sanghyang Pramesti Guru” as lord of uni-verse and pray for strong mental defence againstany negative temptations. Held at every familytemple and holy place throughout Bali.

Temple Festival at:- Pr. Labaan Sindhu Jiwa, Ds. Kedewatan,

Ubud.- Pr. Kahen, Bangli- Pr. Wirabuana, Magelang, Jateng- Pr. Padangsakti Tangtu, Kesiman- Pr. Jogan Agung, Ketewel, Sukawati- Pr. Gaduh Pengiasan, Dauh Puri,

Denpasar- Pr. Siwa/Pasek Tohjiwa, Penebel- Pr. Pasek Ketewel, Sempidi, Mengwi- Pr. Pasek Gelgel, Buruan Kaja, Tabanan- Pr. Pasek Gobleg, Kerambitan- Pr. Pasek Gelgel, Meliling, Tabanan- Pr. Masceti Selasih, Sanding,

Tampaksiring- Pr. Dalem Ularan, Br. Tatasan Kaja,

Denpasar- Mr. Pasek Gaduh, Buduk- Mr.Pasek Gelgel, Ds. Kelabang Moding.- Pr. Pasek Gelgel, Sekalan Marga- Pr. Sada Br. Gaduh Desa Kaba kaba,

Kediri, Tabanan- Mr.Pasek Gelgel , Depaha, Ds. Depaha,

Kubutambahan, Buleleng.- Pr. Desa Linggawana, Kertamandala,

Abang, Karangasem- Pr. Lebah Ubud

MANGUPURA - DiscoveryKartika Plaza & Villas is proudly or-ganizing Oktoberfest 2010 from 24th

– 26th September 2010. This event willbe held in a large tent alongside Jl.Kartika Plaz, between DiscoveryShopping Mall and Discovery KartikaPlaza Hotel and is targeted to attractover 500 and 1000 guests per day.

The concept of Oktoberfest is to en-joy the beers and authentic Germanspecialties while indulge in variousunique games, door prizes, and a live12 member Humpapa Band. The Fairis open to the public and will start at 6pm on 24th and 10 am on 25th & 26th.

Oktoberfest is an annual festival,which takes place in Munich, Ger-many, from late September to earlyOctober. It is one of the most popularevents in Germany and one of theworld’s largest fairs with over six mil-lion people attending every year.(BTN/bud)

Oktoberfest2010 “Beer,Music and Fun”

Page 6: International-Bali Post. Wednesday, Oktober 6 , 2010

Wednesday, Oktober 6, 20106 News

Experiments with graphene couldlead to the development of new ma-terial and “the manufacture of inno-vative electronics,” including fastercomputers, the citation said.

“Since it is practically transparentand a good conductor, graphene issuitable for producing transparenttouch screens, light panels and maybeeven solar cells,” the academy said.Geim, 51, is a Dutch national whileNovoselov, 36, holds British and Rus-sian citizenship. Both are natives ofRussia and started their careers inphysics there.

In a live telephone interview withreporters in Stockholm, Geim said hewas shocked by the announcementbut planned to go back to work asusual on Tuesday. He said he wasn’tamong the Nobel Prize winners who“stop doing anything for the rest of


JERUSALEM – Israel has expelledan Irish Nobel peace laureate who wasbarred from the country for trying to bustthe naval blockade of Gaza. The InteriorMinistry says Mairead Corrigan Maguireboarded an early Tuesday morning flightto Britain.

She was banned from Israel after tak-ing part in a blockade-busting attempt inJune. Still, she landed in Tel Aviv lastweek, hoping to join a delegation meet-ing Israeli and Palestinian peace activists.

She was promptly detained and heldat an airport detention facility. The Su-preme Court upheld her deportation or-der late Monday. Maguire won the 1977Nobel peace prize for her work in North-ern Ireland. She is an outspoken critic ofIsrael and at Monday’s court hearing, shecalled Israel an “apartheid” state.

Associated Press Writer

SYDNEY – Police say a graphicvideo of an unarmed man Tasered 13times shows an unacceptable misuseof stun guns, as questions are raisedabout how much the devices are usedin Australia. Western Australia statepolice said the 2008 case was nottypical of Taser use by the force, andstate Premier Colin Barnett de-manded a review of Taser guidelines.

The video was released Monday,the day after a man died in Sydneyafter police stunned him in thechest with a Taser. Closed-circuitvideo footage of the Western Aus-tralia case was released publiclywhen the state’s crime commissionintroduced a report to state parlia-ment that cited it as an example ofpolice officers wrongfully using astun gun.

In the video, an unarmed, dark-skinned man who refused to un-dergo a strip search in a Perth de-tention facility is shown screamingin apparent agony after beingzapped with a stun gun eight timeswhile surrounded by nine police of-ficers. He was stunned another fivetimes off-camera.

The commission’s report said theprevious actions of the man, who wasnot identified, indicated he was likelysuffering from a mental illness and/or was affected by drugs. It did notsay why the man was in police cus-tody. After an internal police inquiry,two senior constables were fined1,200 Australian dollars ($1,148) andAU$750 for using excessive force.

The crime commission’s reportsays Tasers are increasingly beingused to force alleged offenders to

AFP PHOTO / University of Manchester / Handout

An undated handout photo released by the University ofManchester and received in London on October 5, 2010, showsProfessor Andrei Geim. Geim, of the Netherlands, and Russian-British national Konstantin Novoselov, won the 2010 Nobel Phys-ics Prize Tuesday for pioneering work on graphene, a form ofcarbon which conducts electricity, the Nobel jury said.

Geim and Novoselov winGeim and Novoselov winGeim and Novoselov winGeim and Novoselov winGeim and Novoselov winNobel Prize in physicsNobel Prize in physicsNobel Prize in physicsNobel Prize in physicsNobel Prize in physicsAssociated Press Writer

STOCKHOLM – Russian-born scientists Andre Geim andKonstantin Novoselov sharedthe Nobel Prize in physics Tues-day for “groundbreaking ex-periments” with an atom-thinmaterial expected to play alarge role in electronics. TheRoyal Swedish Academy of Sci-ences cited Geim andNovoselov, who are both linkedto universities in Britain, for ex-periments with graphene, aflake of carbon that is only oneatom thick.

Israel deports pro-Palestinian Nobel laureate

Irish Nobel laureate MaireadMaguire arrives at the Jerusalem

Suprem Court on October 4,2010 where she appealed to

cancel a deportation orderbarring her from Israel for 10


Australia police say 13 Tasershocks were too much

comply with orders. The report rec-ommends that stun guns only beused when there is an imminentthreat of serious injury.

The report also said Aboriginalpeople were more likely to have aTaser used against them in WesternAustralia than non-Aboriginalpeople. It said interaction betweenAborigines and police in the statewas disproportionate compared toother groups, adding that there werecomplex reasons for this. It did notgo into the reasons.

Barnett said he watched the videoon Monday and thought the nine of-ficers could have restrained the manin a less extreme way. “It was ex-cessive use of a Taser that could notbe justified,” he said. “I think any-one seeing that footage would findit totally unacceptable.”

Western Australia Acting PoliceCommissioner Chris Dawsonagreed the actions were uncalled for.“It was wrong, it’s unacceptable, itwas alarming when I looked at it andit’ll be alarming when the publicview it,” Dawson said.

In New South Wales, meanwhile,officials were under fire followingthe death of a suspect who had beenstunned with a Taser late Mondaynight.

Police said the man was armedwith two knives and attempting tobreak into a Sydney house whenofficers arrived. The man lost con-sciousness shortly after beingstunned and died Tuesday at a hos-pital. A coroner will determine thecause of death. New South WalesPolice Commissioner AndrewScipione defended the officers’ ac-tions.

their life.” Geim is a physics profes-sor at the University of Manchester.

Geim last year received the presti-gious Korber European Science Awardfor his discovery of two-dimensionalcrystals made of carbon atoms, par-ticularly graphene, the university saidon its website. It said the discovery“has the potential to revolutionize theworld of microelectronics.”

The 2010 Nobel Prize announce-ments started Monday with the medi-cine award going to British researcherRobert Edwards for work that led tothe first test tube baby, an achieve-

ment that helped bring 4 million in-fants into the world and raised chal-lenging new questions about humanreproduction.

The chemistry prize will be an-nounced on Wednesday, followed byliterature on Thursday, the peace prizeon Friday and economics on MondayOct. 11.

The prestigious awards were cre-ated by Swedish industrialist AlfredNobel and first given out in 1901.The prizes are always handed out onDec. 10, the anniversary of Nobel’sdeath in 1896.

Associated Press Writer

PARIS – Former Societe GeneraleSA trader Jerome Kerviel was convictedon all counts Tuesday in one of history’sbiggest trading frauds, sentenced tothree years in jail and ordered to paythe bank a mind-numbing euro4.9 bil-lion ($6.7 billion) in damages.

The ruling marked a huge victory forSociete Generale, one of France’s mostblue-blooded banks, which has workedto clean up its image and put in placetougher risk controls since the scandalbroke in 2008. The 33-year-old formerfutures index trader stood expression-less as the court convicted him of allcharges and pronounced a five-year sen-tence with two years suspended. Kervielwas found guilty on charges of forgery,breach of trust and unauthorized com-puter use for covering up bets worthnearly euro50 billion between late 2007and early 2008.

In a stunning blow, the court alsoordered Kerviel to pay the bank backthe euro4.9 billion that it lost unwind-ing his complex positions in January2008 — a punishment he would almostcertainly be unable to pay.

Ex-French trader must pay$6.7 billion for fraud

There were audible gasps and sur-prised looks when presiding judgeDominique Pauthe read out the dam-ages to a packed courtroom of 150 re-porters, court officials and members ofthe public. Outside the courtroom, de-fense lawyer Olivier Metzner called thefinancial penalty “unbelievable.”

“I have the feeling Jerome Kervielis paying for an entire system,” saidMetzner, noting that his client hadn’tbenefited financially from the fraud.Metzner said Kerviel would appeal andwill remain free pending that appeal.

The damages are also suspendedpending any appeal, so Kervielwouldn’t be ordered to pay right away.It wasn’t immediately clear how hecould do so, or whether the bank reallyexpects to see that money back. Frenchmedia calculated that based on his cur-rent salary of euro2,300 ($3,150) amonth as a computer consultant, itwould take him 177,536 years to payoff the damages.

While trading for the bank, Kervieltook home a salary and bonus of lessthan euro100,000, or about $155,700— a relatively modest sum in the fi-nancial world.

Page 7: International-Bali Post. Wednesday, Oktober 6 , 2010

Wednesday, October 6, 2010 7Indonesia TodayInternational

Agence France-Presse

TIMIKA - One man was killedand at least three injured Mondayin a clash between Indonesian po-lice and dozens of locals over a se-curity check dispute in the restiveprovince of Papua, an official said.

Police stationed at an airport inWamena district had wanted tocheck two bags “suspected to con-tain suspicious items” arriving fromJayapura district but were refusedpermission, provincial policespokesman Wachyono told AFP.

“They (the locals) then attackedpolice with sharp objects and stones.In that situation, police had to openfire,” he said.

Three policemen were injured byflying stones, he added.

“Police wanted to check thosebags because several times, we’vefound evidence that ammunition


DEPOK - An international semi-nar and batik exhibition is held at theCultural Faculty of the University ofIndonesia (UI) campus in Depokfrom October 4 to 8, 2010, markingNational Batik Day of October 2.

UI spokesman Juwono saidMonday that the event will beopened by Industry Minister MSHidayat on Tuesday.

The Indonesian Batik Interna-tional Seminar will be addressed byMarketing Director General of theCulture and Tourism Ministry Dr.Sapta Nirwandar, Dr. Agus ArisMunandar (UI), Mrs Judi Tjahyadi,and Ibu Asmoro Damais of the In-donesian Clothing and Garment


JAKARTA - Speaker of the Houseof Representatives Marzuki Alie saidthe House leadership will read out thename of the Police Chief candidate toa House plenary session on Tuesday.

“After reading out at the House ple-nary session, the House leadership willallow Commission III overseeing le-gal affairs to conduct a fit and propertest,” Marzuki Alie said at the parlia-ment building here Monday night.

He said if Timur Pradopo passedthe fit and proper test, his name wouldbe handed back to PresidentYudhoyono.

Then, he added, the President willissue a decision to dismiss Police ChiefGeneral Hendarso Danuri and install

One killed in Papua clashwith Indonesian police

and weapons had been sent throughWamena,” Wachyono said.

Three people were arrested forallegedly attacking the police, headded. Papuan tribal representativeDominikus Sorabut, from the PapuanCustomary Council, said the localswere members of the council’s se-curity body and the bags had con-tained berets.

He alleged that one of the groupswas killed and two others woundedwhen police shot at them, but policesaid an autopsy needs to be carriedout to determine the cause of death.

Indonesia’s police are widely ac-cused of abusing the basic rights ofindigenous Melanesians in Papua,where a low-level insurgency hassimmered for decades.

Last month police killed two menand wounded a woman after a dis-pute over a traffic accident spun outof control in West Papua province.

International seminarmarks national Batik Day

Documentation Center, and Indone-sian batik expert Firman Ichsan.

The other speakers includedSmall and Medium Industry Direc-tor General Fauzi Azis, AndangFatalinadya of the Industry Ministry,and executive chairman of the Indo-nesian National Commission forUNESCO Prof. Dr. Arief Rachman.

The National Baik Day will alsobe enlivened by an “Eco Batik” dis-play, October5-8, and an UI BatikDesign Competition on October 4.

The program was made possibleunder cooperation with the Archeo-logical Department of UI, along withKadin foundation, Batik Foundation,Industry Ministrty, Culture and Tour-ism Ministry, Trade Ministry, and theNational Education Ministry.

Timur Pradopo most likely the new Police ChiefCommissioner General Timur Pradopoas chief of police.

Marzuki said President Yudhoyonohad forwarded one name for the PoliceChief to the House, namely Commis-sioner General Timur Pradopo for a fitand proper test.

“We have received a letter from thePresident on Monday at 7.30 pm,” hesaid.

He also said that the Presidential let-ter was immediately notified to theHouse deputy speakers, namely PriyoBudi Santoso (Golkar party faction),Pramono Anung (PDI-P faction), AnisMatta (PKS faction), and TaufikKurniawan (PAN faction).

When asked what the President’sconsiderations were in nominatingTimur Pradopo as Police Chief Candi-

date, Marzuki said the Presidentknows best.

However Marzuki estimated thatthe President’s nomination wasmainly based on professionalism.

“The President has the preroga-tive right to select the best policechief candidate,” he said.

Timur Pradopo was JakartaPetropolitan Police Chief with therank of inspector general and wasonly recently promoted to Head ofNational Police Security Mainte-nance Agency (Kabaharkam) withthe rank of Commissioner GenerealMonday afternoon.

Timur Pradopo was born on Janu-ary 10, 1956 in Jombang, East Java,and is a 1978 Police Academy gradu-ate.


An Indonesian soldier holds a toddler getting his picture taken on atank during the 65th Indonesian military anniversary in Jakarta onOctober 5, 2010. Indonesian military or Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI)celebrated its anniversary displaying Indonesian jet fighters includ-ing Russian-made Sukhoi, American-made F16, F5 Tiger, Hawk andSouth Korean-made Woong Bee.

Also present on the occasion wereamong others TNI Chief Adminaral AgusSuhartono, the chiefs of staff of the AirForce, Navy and Army, cabinet ministersand foreign diplomats.

Following the ceremony, the presidentattended a reception held to entertainguests.

Meanwhile, President Yudhoyono wasscheduled to leave for The Netherlands onTuesday afternoon for a three-day statevisit.

“The President and entourage are ex-pected to arrive at Schiphol internationalairport early Wednesday (local time), Oc-tober 6, 2010,” presidential spokesman forforeign affairs Teuku Faizasyah said here

President leads ceremony to mark TNI anniversaryPresident leads ceremony to mark TNI anniversaryPresident leads ceremony to mark TNI anniversaryPresident leads ceremony to mark TNI anniversaryPresident leads ceremony to mark TNI anniversaryAntara

Jakarta - President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono led a ceremony to observe the 65thanniversary of Indonesia‘s National Defense Forces (TNI) at Halim Perdanakusumaair force base in east Jakarta on Tuesday. The head of state, flanked by First Lady AniYudhoyono, arrived at the venue of the ceremony at around 9 am local time.

Russian-made Indonesian jet fighters Sukhoi maneuverduring the 65th Indonesian military anniversary in

Jakarta on October 5, 2010. Indonesian military or TentaraNasional Indonesia (TNI) celebrated its anniversary

displaying Indonesian jet fighters including Russian-made Sukhoi, American-made F16, F5 Tiger, Hawk and

South Korean-made Woong Bee.

on Monday.On Wednesday, the Indonesian leader

and his entourage would be greeted in astate ceremony at the Noordeinde Palacewhere they would later attend a state re-ception and lunch with Queen Beatrix andher family.

“On the occasion of the lunch, the In-donesian President will receive an Orderof the Dutch Lion award from QueenBeatrix. The two state leaders will laterexchange souvenirs,” he said.

The “Order of the Dutch Lion” is a dis-tinction created by King William I on Sep-tember 29, 1815 and given to noted figuresfrom various fields including ministers,generals, mayors and artists.



Jakarta - President SusiloBambang Yudhoyono has reiteratedthe need to improve the welfare ofIndonesian Defense Forces (TNI)personnel in accordance with theirtasks and responsibilities. In his ad-dress at a ceremony marking he 65thanniversary of TNI here Tuesday, thehead of state instructed the financeminister, the defense minister, andthe TNI Chief to draft a policy onwelfare allowance for TNI soldiers.

“Incentives should be given toservicemen posted in border areas,remote areas, and outermost isles. Ialso ask for the drafting of a policyand program on constructions of of-ficial houses for TNI officers,” hesaid. The program and policy mustbe implemented seriously, he said.

“I also hope the obligatory sav-ing program for the provision of pri-vate houses for TNI officers can becontinued and managed properly,”he said.

President reiterates need toimprove soldiers‘ welfare

Page 8: International-Bali Post. Wednesday, Oktober 6 , 2010

8 InternationaWednesday, Oktober 6, 2010

Bali Today

During the meeting to discussthe spread of rabies in Bali,Candra said that the world orga-nization want to make Bali freefrom rabies. He added that the ef-forts are also being done by thegovernment to handle the spreadof rabies in Bali.

Indonesian Governmentthrough the Health Ministry hadgiven 15,304 vial of VAR to Bali.Since the star of the diseaseemerged, the total of 149,955 vialof VAR had been used to preventthe victim of rabies increase.


DENPASAR – Hotel occu-pancy rate in Bali in August 2010was 60% or decreased 6% com-pared to the previous monthwhich was 66%. Ida KomangWisnu, the head of Bali StatisticsDepartment, said “the hotel oc-cupancy rate affected by thenumber of tourists visited Baliwhich is also decreased 4% fromJuly 2010.”

He said that the number of for-eign tourists visited Bali in Au-gust 2010 was 243,154 people ordecreased 12,157 people com-

Bali PostMANGUPURA — Tourism

businesspeople requested to be in-volved in the discussion of the draftof Badung Regional Regulation onRegional Spatial Layout Plan(RTRW) that currently prepared bySpecial Committee in the BadungHouse. As one of the stakeholders,tourism businesspeople assessed,the discussion should be performedby competent authorities to avoidany problems arising in the future.

“Tourism businesspeople thathad been in charge of tourism shouldbe involved. Do not just involve theexecutive and legislative. Moreover,we know the most dominant sectorin Badung is tourism,” said Chair-man of the Indonesia Hotels andRestaurants Association (PHRI) ofBadung Chapter IGN RaiSuryawijaya on Monday (Oct 4).

According to him, the existenceof plan on the changes of regionsor zones in the discussion of thedraft of Badung Regional SpatialLayout Plan became a somewhatstrategic measure. It was alsohighly awaited by tourismbusinesspeople because it con-tained opportunities for the tourismdevelopment in Badung.

For this reason, discussion onthe changes in the region, no mat-


DENPASAR – Bali non-oiland gas export especially smallindustry and handicrafts to HongKong during January through July2010 was $5.5 million. The num-ber increased 40% compared tothe same period last year whichwas $3.9 million.

Putu Bagiada, the Head of ex-port Division in Bali Industrial andTrade Department, said “the de-velopment of our export to HongKong is very good.” Handicraftsproducts such as jewelry, bambooor rattan ornaments were the mostproducts demanded by the cus-tomers in Hong Kong.

Bagiada said that on the otherhand, when the export in HongKong was increasing, the trade toChina and Taiwan was decreasing.he explained that during Januarythrough July 2010, the total export

WHO assist Bali inhandling rabiesantara

Denpasar – The World Health Organization (WHO) assisted Bali in handling the rabies whichspread throughout the island. Candra Yoga Aditama, the General Director of Disease Control inIndonesian Health Ministry, said “WHO send us 12,275 vial of anti-rabies vaccine (VAR).”

Candra Yoga said that Bali’sGovernment and all provinces inBali are also carrying out the ef-fort to prevent rabies and one ofthem is by preparing 77,876 of vialby Bali’s Government and 46,510by the provinces government.

He said that there are also ad-vocacy and socialization on rabiesall over the island, establishing ra-bies coordination team in everylevel and training for the heath of-ficers. Meanwhile, LilySulistyowati, the head of HealthPromotion Division in the Health

Ministry, said that the rabies couldgive bad image on Bali and it alsocould affect the health level of theinhabitants in the island.

Efforts need to be intensified inorder to prevent the victim of theanimal that has the chance tospread rabies such as dogs. Elimi-nation of wild dogs must be doneand vaccination must reach all re-gions in Bali.

Currently, the dog population inBali is 500,000 dogs and the onethat had been vaccinated were360,000 dogs.

Hotel Occupancy Rate in Bali Reach 60%pared to the previous month whichwas 255,311 tourists.

The highest occupancy rate wasin Tabanan Regency which was69% and the lowest was inBuleleng Regency with 51%.Wisnu said that in Badung, the ho-tel occupancy rate was 61%, inGianyar 62%, Karangasem 67%and Denpasar 54%.

If we compared to the previousyear, the highest increase hap-pened in Karangasem which was21%, Buleleng 13% and Denpasar0.45%. There was also decrease insome regency such as Badung andGianyar.

According to the hotel classi-fication, the four star hotels havethe highest occupancy rate whichwas 68% and the lowest was ontow star hotel with 51%. The oc-cupancy rate of one star hotel was67%, the three star hotels were58%, and five stars were 60%.

The average of staying time forforeign tourists was 3.32 dayswhich was also decrease from theprevious month which was 3.47days.

Ida Komang Wisnu said thatthe decrease happened on almostall hotels except on the five starhotels.

Resident take hisdog to get Rabiesvaccine. The WorldHealth Organiza-tion (WHO) as-sisted Bali inhandling therabies whichspread throughoutthe island. CandraYoga Aditama, theGeneral Directorof Disease Controlin IndonesianHealth Ministry,said “WHO sendus 12,275 vial ofanti-rabies vac-cine (VAR).”

Badung spatial layout plan discussionTourism businesspeoplerequest to be involved

ter how small it was, had to be cor-rect and clear. The development ofa region did not necessarily haveto change the area designation, butit should be tailored pursuant to thepotential of the region. Well, in thisregard, the role of tourismbusinesspeople turned strategic.

“For instance, do not get con-fused with the designation of NorthBadung and South Badung. InSouth Badung, it can be built ac-commodation like hotel, condotelor villa. But, North Badung servesas the support by developing theexisting potential such as the agri-cultural sector and tourism attrac-tion along with its village tourism,”he said.

As has been known, the regula-tion draft of Badung Regional Spa-tial Layout Plan was currently be-ing discussed by Special Commit-tee of the Badung House. Accord-ing to the plan, a number of zonesin the Badung Regional SpatialLayout Plan would change fromthe established stipulation in theprevious regulations. Neverthe-less, overall the draft on spatiallayout plan was claimed to haveminor changes and still referred tothe Bali Provincial Regulationconcerning with Regional SpatialLayout Plan. (kmb25)

Bali’s export toHong Kongincrease 40%

to China was $1.2 million, de-creased 17% compared to thesimilar period last year.

The similar condition also hap-pened on the export to Taiwanwhere during that period this year,the number of export was $3.7million while last year was $4.6million so there was a decreasedof 18%.

Bagiada said that there are noclear reasons why there are de-creases on the number of exportsbut usually, the craftsmen in Baliwill send most of their shipmentby the end of the year.

The chance to export the com-modities to those countries is verybig especially after IndonesianGovernment increased their eco-nomics cooperation with China.The cooperation with China mustbe increased because China is adeveloped country which has greateconomical growth.

Page 9: International-Bali Post. Wednesday, Oktober 6 , 2010

Balinese Culture

Wednesday, Oktober 6, 2010 9al

C.045 ibp

Undoubtedly, blue crab or rajungan aficionados willattempt to taste different flavors of cooked crab. It canbe enjoyed with and without broth in variouscombinations of spices. In Balinese spices showing offmany tubers, it can be comingled with bilimbi orbelimbing wuluh. As a result, its tender flesh must beunforgettable!

Ingredient:2 blue crabs and 2 pcs bilimbi (divided into four)Spice: 6 cloves shallot, 3 cloves garlic, 1 large chili, 1

small chili, 2 candlenuts, 1 slice turmeric, 1 slice ginger,1 slice galangal, ½ tsp salt,

Other: 1 glass of water, 1 tbsp cooking oil, 1 tbsp limejuice to get rid of putrid taste

Method:· Open the carapace and cleanse the crab finely.

Then, smear it with the lime juice evenly.· All spices are ground. Then, stir-fry until

smelling fragrant. Put the crab into the spices on thefrying pan. Afterward, add a glass of water, salt, and stirthem until the water slightly diminishes.

· Add bilimbi and stir again. Take out and serve inbowl. (BTN/punia)


CANGGU - High-octane surfingaction continued at the Oakley ASPWorld Pro Junior, stop no.1 on the ASPWorld Junior Tour (WJT), in Bali, withday three of competition completed inclean 3-4ft (1-metre) waves at Canggu.

‘Generation Next’ again raised thehigh performance bar, dishing out anew-age flavour of progressive surf-ing in the peaky conditions on offer.

In all, Round 2 and 3 of the ProJunior women’s and five Round 2 ProJunior men’s heats were completedbefore surfing was suspended for theday.

The women’s action was nothingshort of amazing with Malia Manuel(HAW), Alizee Arnaud (FRA), LakeyPeterson (USA), Tyler Wright (AUS)and Laura Enever (AUS) leading thecharge to the quarter-finals.

Hawaiian surfing ace Manuel in-

Ingredients1 Fish, about 650-900g dressed Weight. Preferably

sea bass or Mackerel1 t SaltOil, for deep frying2 T Margarine or oil2 sm Onions, sliced1 t Sambal Oelek1/2 t Laos1/2 t Lemon grass3 T Tamarind juicePinch of ground ginger1 t Brown sugar1 T Sweet soy sauce

DirectionsCut fish into serving portions and rub salt all over.

Feep-fry and drain on absorbent paper.Heat oil and saute sliced onions until lightly brown.

Add sambal oelek, laos, lemon grass, tamarind juice,ginger, brown sugar and soy sauce. Heat thoroughly.

Place fried fish in deep serving dish and pour sauceover it. Serve with rice. (

Blue Crab Soup with Bilimbi

Ikan Bali(Bali Fish)

Women’s Quarterfinalists Decided atOakley ASP World Pro Junior

flicted the day’s biggest upset, elimi-nating 2009 ASP Women’s World Jun-ior champion Pauline Ado (FRA) intheir high scoring Round 3 showdown.

Manuel, 16, who shot to stardomwinning the US Open two years ago,found grace in the shifting beach breakwaves, finishing with a 17.90 two-wavetotal (out of a possible 20) to Ado’s16.16.

Manuel shot to an early lead, nail-ing an 8.33 (out of a possible 10) onher first wave before slipping into asensation barrel to net a 9.57 on her verynext wave.

“I haven’t had a good start to a heatin a long time,” she said.

“There were just great waves outthere this morning and I’m happy theyrun the girls. It’s good to be back inthe competition jersey and surfing re-ally contestable waves.”

Post heat, Manuel said she was alittle nervous throughout the 25-minute

heat.“Coming up against anyone in this

draw is always going to be a challenge,”she said.

“Facing a former world junior cham-pion was a little nerve racking, but I juststayed calm and hoped that a few waveswould roll in.”

Malia will now take on SageErickson (USA), who dispatched ofNao Omura (JPN), in the opening quar-ter-final.

French ace Alizee Arnaud (FRA)was equally impressive as Manuel,notching a 17.10 two-wave total, whichincluded a 9.27, to defeat Leila Hurst(HAW).

She’ll now face reigning ASPWomen’s World Junior championLaura Enever (AUS), who regroupedfrom an uncharacteristic nervous startto beat Camila Cassia (BRA) 15.60 to14.93.

“I don’t know what happened tome,” she said.

“I kind of freaked out. The pressureof being world champion was kind ofgetting to me. But I’m glad I regainedmy composure and had fun. I’m reallyhappy to make it through.”

Lakey Peterson (USA) and TylerWright (AUS) also dominated theirRound 3 heats and will face off in thelast quarter-final.

At the completion of the women’saction, the Round 2 men’s action hitthe water for an ntertaining afternoonof surfing before strong winds hin-dered proceedings. Standout surfersincluded Krystian Kymerson (BRA),Dale Staples (ZAF), Conner Coffin(USA), Jack Freestone (AUS) andKaimana Jacquias (HAW). (kmb18)

Courtesy of Oakley

Malia Munuel

Page 10: International-Bali Post. Wednesday, Oktober 6 , 2010

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Ponjok Batu Temple is a stone templewhere all temple buildings are made fromstone. It is located Banjar Alasari, Pacungcountryside, Tejakula sub district andSingaraja regency about 24 km eastsideof Singaraja town or north part of Bali.This temple area own the wide area about35 acre in form of black stones bank. Theposition of this temple is rather stickingout to the sea as a foreland or Ponjok. Baseon the position and condition then thisplace is named by Ponjok Batu so that thetemple is standing above foreland petrifyand it is referred as Ponjok Batu Temple.

In papyrus of Dwijendra Tattwa elabo-rate that Danghyang Nirartha (who onespread out the Hinduism in Bali) besidesexecuting Tirtha Yatra (visit the holyplaces) in Bali area, he also do at Lombokand Sumbawa Island. When he does thetirta yatra in Lombok and Sumbawa Is-land, he leave in Bali passing the north areaof Bali and then it is named by Denbukit.Hereinafter narrated that DanghyangNirartha found the lodging that is locatedin coastal periphery with its stone bankand steep rather sordid to sea in the formof a foreland which is called Ponjok. Af-ter omitting a few moments in the lodgingthen he go to Lombok and Sumbawa Is-

Ponjok Batu Templeland to conduct the Tirtha Yatra. At the end,the Pesraman/lodging of DanghyangNirartha is built an altar named withPonjok Batu Temple which has been ex-isting since 16 century. It is founded to-gether with the execution of DanghyangNirartha journey in north part of Bali.

Function of Ponjok Batu Temple as fol-lows:

* According to the archaeology omis-sion at Ponjok Batu Temple , there is anArca statue) with four hands as a funda-mental of Ponjok Batu Temple building.The attribute (icon) of this Arca have time-worn, so that any kind of object brought isignorable and the God Arca itself can notbe identified. Besides of the God Statue(Arca), in Ponjok Batu Temple is also founda Lembu Nandi Arca (a cow statue) is mean-ing from Siwa God. If the both Arcas areinteracting hence the God Arca with 4 handsin this temple is Arca of Siwa God.

* According to Papyrus of DwijendraTattwa, the history elaboration can be saidthat the function of Ponjok Batu Templeis for worship the supremacy ofDanghyang Nirartha as a Teacher in set-tling Hinduism teaching, especiallySiwaism. The function strengthened withthe existence of special temple buildingin Ponjok Batu Temple is calledDanghyang Nirartha Temple.

Page 11: International-Bali Post. Wednesday, Oktober 6 , 2010

Wednesday, Oktober 6, 2010 11


Agence France-Presse

WASHINGTON - Pending US homesales rose in August for the second consecu-tive month, a key index showed Monday, rais-ing hopes of a turnaround in the beleagueredsector.

“Attractive affordability conditionsfrom very low mortgage interest rates appearto be bringing buyers back to the market,”said Lawrence Yun of the National Associa-tion of Realtors announcing the figures.

The central bank lowered its key rate toa range of between zero and 0.1 percent inits first such move since it set the rate of0.1 percent at the height of the financialcrisis in December 2008.

It also announced an asset purchasescheme in an expansion of its efforts to com-bat the harmful strength of the yen and beatpersistent deflation, having faced increas-ing government pressure to do more to boostthe economy.

“It was a quite positive surprise,” saidMasumi Yamamoto, equity market analystat Daiwa Securities Capital Market.

“This signalled the Bank of Japanbowed to pressure from the government andtook all the possible measures, which mayactually create a new concern that the BoJhas no card left to play in its hands,”Yamamoto said.

In a unanimous vote, the central banksaid it would “maintain the virtually zerointerest rate policy until it judges... thatprice stability is in sight”.

It added that it would examine estab-lishing a temporary fund to buy around 5trillion yen (60 billion dollars) in financialassets such as government bonds, commer-cial paper, corporate bonds and exchangetraded funds.

It had earlier expanded a loan schemeenabling banks to borrow a total of 30 tril-lion yen from the central bank for a maxi-mum of six months against pooled collat-eral.

“Although Japan’s economy stillshows signs of moderate recovery, the paceof recovery is slowing down partly due tothe slowdown in overseas economies andthe effects of the yen’s appreciation on busi-ness sentiment,” it said.

The benchmark Nikkei share indexjumped by around 1.0 percent on the sur-prise decision, and closed up 1.47 percent.The yen weakened to 83.99 against the dol-lar from 83.55 earlier, before strengtheningback to around 83.70.

“The central bank decided on easingmeasures on a scale and rate much biggerthan the market had expected,” said HideakiInoue, chief forex manager at MitsubishiUFJ Trust and Banking Corp.

But he added the greenback’s gainswere capped as markets also expect the USFederal Reserve to adopt further easing

Agence France-Presse

WASHINGTON - Recent rises in foodprices are once again weighing on some de-veloping countries amid growing global cur-rency frictions, World Bank president Rob-ert Zoellick said Monday.

“For many developing countries, the foodcrisis of 2008 has never gone away. And recentprices are a serious cause for concern,” Zoellicksaid in a conference call with reporters.

Zoellick said the 187-nation develop-ment lender had reinstated a fast-track finan-cial aid program it had used to help countriescope with the 2007-2008 food crisis thatwiped out years of development gains.

“The rise in wheat prices over the lastfew months is affecting the price of otherstaples due to the increased demand for sub-stitutes. So we’ll have to find a way to avoidfood crises becoming the new normal,” hesaid in a briefing ahead of annual meetingsof the World Bank and the International Mon-etary Fund in Washington set to open Friday.

Since July, international wheat priceshave soared 60-80 percent and maize roseabout 40 percent, according to recent UNFood and Agriculture Organization figures.

Zoellick noted the gap between sloweconomic growth in the developed world andfast growth in developing countries was caus-ing distortions in global financial markets.

“You’ve heard the warnings of cur-rency wars,” he said.

“Money is chasing yield, it can’t findthose yields in developed economies and thisis not only pushing up currency values inemerging and developing countries, it’s also

Bank of JapanBank of JapanBank of JapanBank of JapanBank of Japanadopts zero-interestadopts zero-interestadopts zero-interestadopts zero-interestadopts zero-interestrate policyrate policyrate policyrate policyrate policy


Land that has been approved for condos that is for sale in the Spring Valleyarea of Las Vegas is seen in this August 22, 2010 photo.


Bank of Japan (BOJ) Governor MasaakiShirakawa

Agence France-Presse

TOKYO - The Bank of Japan onTuesday surprised markets in adoptinga zero rate policy and announced fur-ther easing measures to help safeguarda fragile recovery from the threats ofdeflation and a strong yen.

measures to shore up the US economy,which would soften the dollar and compli-cate efforts to weaken the yen.

Japan stepped into the currency mar-kets in September for the first time since2004 in a bid to stem the yen’s strength af-ter it hit a 15-year high against the dollar,and has repeatedly warned it is ready to doso again.

The central bank last week said thatits quarterly Tankan survey of businessconfidence was expected to take a pessi-mistic view of economic conditions by theend of the year as Japan’s recovery weak-ens.

The strong yen has hurt exporters,making their goods more expensive anderoding companies’ overseas profits whenrepatriated.

Exports, a crucial driver for Japan’sgrowth, expanded at their slowest pace thisyear in August, as the impact of the yen’sstrength and austere belt-tightening on over-seas demand illustrated the risks threaten-ing recovery.

A strong domestic currency alsomakes imports cheaper, helping prolong adamaging deflationary cycle where consum-ers hold off on purchases in the hope of fur-ther price drops, clouding future corporateinvestment.

Japan’s economy expanded by anannualised 1.5 percent in the April-June pe-riod, sharply lower than the previousquarter’s 5.0 percent.

World Bank warns food pricesrising amid currency frictions

pushing up the price of some assets with therisk of bubbles in property and some com-modities.”

But questioned by a reporter, Zoellicksaid he did not foresee the world moving intoan “era” of currency wars, but noted the ten-sions add to the “overall sensitivity” as theglobal economy recovers from the worst re-cession since World War II.

Meanwhile, the largest internationalgroup of financial institutions urged majoreconomies to take steps to improve policy co-operation, and decried what it saw as risingunilateralism that threatens global stability.

The Institute of International Finance,which groups the major banks of 70 countries,said urgent action was needed to broker agree-ments on macroeconomic and exchange-rateissues.

“As countries struggle to cope individu-ally with the lack of upward momentum inglobal growth — and in many cases unaccept-ably high unemployment — urgent action isneeded to arrest the disturbing trend towardsunilateral moves on macroeconomic, trade andcurrency issues,” the IIF said in a letter to fi-nance chiefs who will be meeting this weekas part of the IMF’s International Monetaryand Finance Committee.

“Today, these are more pressing thanever issues,” Charles Dallara, the IIF manag-ing director, told a news conference.

“You see that in 2010, US, Japanese andChinese imbalances on the current accounthave all moved again in the wrong direction.

“If we continue on this path onunilateralism over multilateralism, we couldend up in a state that is unstable,” Dallara said.

US home sales show glimmers of recovery The association’s index measuring

soon-to-be-completed home sales rose 4.3percent to 82.3 in August, much more thanthe one percent rise expected by economists.

The housing sector has been jittery inrecent weeks as it emerged that rafts of fore-closures may not have met legal requirements.

Yun warned there were still otherclouds on the horizon.

“The pace of a home sales recoverystill depends more on job creation and an ac-companying rise in consumer confidence.”

Page 12: International-Bali Post. Wednesday, Oktober 6 , 2010

Entertainment InternationalWednesday, October 6, 201012

Tributes poured in for the star, oneof Britain’s most popular comedianssince World War II, who the lateCharlie Chaplin once described as his“favourite clown.” Wisdom rose tostardom with a string of hits in the1950s and 1960s, such as “Troublein Store” and “A Stitch in Time”,which usually involved his cheerycloth-capped “Gump” character as anunderdog battling adversity.

After discovering his talent foracting while in the army, he appearedin 19 films and numerous televisioncomedy series. The diminutive starfought his way to the top after a pov-erty-stricken childhood and washonoured with a knighthood fromQueen Elizabeth II.

In a bizarre twist to his career, hebecame a cult figure in communist

Associated Press Writer

LOS ANGELES – The boxes arelabeled “body parts,” “heads” and“Dexter killing devices & faceshields.” Others are filled with plas-tic wrap, duct tape, knives, syringes— everything your friendly neigh-borhood serial killer might need todo away with bad guys.

On TV, many of these thingsmight be found hidden in DexterMorgan’s apartment, or in thecase of the body parts and heads,wrapped in plastic trash bagsstrewn at the bottom of the At-lantic.

In reality, though, all this stuff— along with medical equip-ment, official-looking paperworkfrom the Miami Police Depart-ment and a creepy life-sized babythat stands in for Dexter’s infantson — lives inside a 48-foottrailer at a Hollywood studiowhere the hit Showtime series“Dexter” is filmed.

Now in its fifth season, “Dex-ter” follows its namesake char-acter as he carefully balances hispublic life as a dad, brother andpolice forensic specialist with hisprivate life as a serial killer of se-rial killers. The Emmy-nomi-nated series stars Emmy-nomi-nated actor Michael C. Hall, whohas won a Golden Globe andScreen Actors Guild award for hisportrayal of the enigmatic pro-tagonist.

“He’s definitely taken a

Associated Press Writer

NEW YORK – Lil Wayne is fac-ing the music after being accused ofbreaking jail rules by having gearfor listening to tunes: He can expectto go solo for the rest of his timebehind bars in a gun case.

The Grammy Award-winningrapper was moved Monday intowhat city jail officials call “punitivesegregation” for a month, until hisexpected November release date,Correction Department spokesman

British comedy actor NormanBritish comedy actor NormanBritish comedy actor NormanBritish comedy actor NormanBritish comedy actor NormanWisdom dies aged 95Wisdom dies aged 95Wisdom dies aged 95Wisdom dies aged 95Wisdom dies aged 95

Agence France Presse

LONDON - British comedy actor Norman Wisdom, famous for hisslapstick film roles in his trademark cloth cap and ill-fitting jacket, hasdied at the age of 95, his family said. Wisdom passed away peacefullyMonday in a nursing home on the Isle of Man after suffering a series ofstrokes in recent months.

Albania where he was the only West-ern actor whose films were allowedto be shown in the country during thedictatorship of Enver Hoxha. TheBritish performer was greeted byhundreds of fans when he visitedAlbania in 1995 after the fall of com-munism.

His family paid tribute to a “muchloved father and grandfather”, in astatement. “Over the last six monthsNorman has sustained a series ofstrokes causing a general decline inboth his physical and mental health,”said the statement.

“Over the last few days his condi-tion rapidly declined,” it said, add-ing: “He was in no pain or distressand peacefully passed over at 18.46(1745 GMT) on October 4.” JohnnyMans, his agent for more than 30

years, told the BBC: “It’s absolutelydevastating. I thought he’d go onuntil he was at least 100 and get histelegram from the Queen. “He wasnot only a client, he was my bestfriend.”

Jan Kennedy, managing director ofBilly Marsh Associates, the agencywhich discovered Wisdom in the early1950s, paid tribute to his “remarkable”career. “Norman was simply a belovedcomic genius. His whole personalityprojected a childlike warmth and in-nocent appeal that touched the heartsof everyone,” she said.

“Norman literally made audi-ences worldwide cry with laughter,and his endearing talents live onthrough the universal happiness ofhis films and recordings.” Born onFebruary 4, 1915, he had a toughupbringing in London. His parents,a chauffeur and a dressmaker, di-vorced when he was nine and he wasbrought up by his father.

Money was often so short thatWisdom was forced to steal food. Heleft school at 13 and took a job as anerrand boy and later joined the army.

AFP/File/Hugo Philpot

British comedy actor Norman Wisdom, seen here in 2001, who wasfamous for his slapstick film roles in his trademark cloth cap and ill-fitting jacket has died at the age of 95, his family said.

Lil Wayne goes solo in NYjail solitary punishment

Stephen Morello said. It’s his pun-ishment for stashing a charger andheadphones for a digital music playerin his cell earlier this year, officialssaid.

Lil Wayne generally will now beconfined to his new cell 23 hours aday, with such exceptions as visitsand showers, instead of being al-lowed to mingle with other inmatesmost of the day. He’ll eat in his celland won’t get to socialize even dur-ing his hour a day of recreation,Morello said.

Lil Wayne also will have to foregoTV, and he’ll be limited to one phonecall a week instead of a chat a day ormore, except for calls to his lawyer,Morello said. The lawyer, StaceyRichman, had no immediate com-ment.

The 28-year-old rapper, one of thegenre’s biggest stars, has been heldsince March in the Rikers Island jailcomplex. He pleaded guilty in Octo-ber 2009 to attempted criminal pos-session of a weapon, admitting hehad a loaded semiautomatic gun onhis bus in 2007.

He got a one-year sentence but isexpected to serve eight months be-cause of time off for good behavior,despite the music-player gear epi-sode. Officials said the headphonesand charger were found in May,tucked in a potato chip bag in a gar-bage can in the rapper’s cell.

The items are considered contra-band, as inmates can listen to musiconly on radios and headphones soldat the jail commissary.

AP Photo/ Louis Lanzano/file

FILE — In a March 8, 2010 filephoto Rapper Lil Wayne is hand-cuffed at Manhattan criminal courtin New York. Lil Wayne was movedMonday Oct. 4, 2010, into ‘punitivesegregation for breaking jail rules.

Blood, knives, plastic:Dexter’s kill rooms return

unique responsibility for a shadowside that’s more formidable thanyour average, run of the millshadow,” Hall says from his trailerbetween takes.

The height of the show, for fansand for Dexter, are the scenes wherehe’s captured his victim and aboutto deliver his justice. He’s the hero,the central character viewers arerooting for, and yet he’s about to

commit murder.“Dexter is able to be most clearly

himself in those scenes,” says ex-ecutive producer Sara Colleton. “Hedrops away all the masks he thinkshe has to hold in place to movethrough society.”

Dexter is absolutely methodicalabout his kills, adhering to a per-sonal code to keep him from get-ting caught. He wears a uniform:

Dark clothes, gloves, apron, faceshield. He prepares his “killroom” in advance, completelywrapping the room and its con-tents in plastic. (As a forensicexpert, he knows a thing or twoabout leaving evidence behind.)He injects his victims with M-99, or etorphine hydrochloride,an animal tranquilizer, and bindsthem to a plastic-covered tablewith plastic wrap. Photos of thekiller’s past victims line theroom.

Dexter has a talk with thekiller-turned-victim, slices theperson’s face with a scalpel tocollect a small drop of blood asa souvenir, then plunges his knifedeep into the person’s chest — amove calculated through practiceto deliver quick results. Later, weinevitably see Dexter out on hisboat, the Slice of Life, droppinghis victim’s trash-bag-wrappedbody parts into the sea.

These iconic moments fill just afew minutes of show time, but doz-ens of people spend countless hourscreating each kill-room scene.

AP Photo/Showtime, Sonja Flemming

In this publicity image released byShowtime, Michael C. Hall portrays serialkiller Dexter Morgan in the Showtime origi-nal series, ‘Dexter.’

Page 13: International-Bali Post. Wednesday, Oktober 6 , 2010

International Wednesday, October 6, 2010 13Life Style

Musical instrument makerYamaha had on show its prototypeTLF speaker that can be displayedas a thin, light and flexible posterwith a cloth cover. The 1.5-millimetre-thick speaker sends direc-tional “flat-wave” sounds that do notdeviate once emitted, meaning thatsounds can only be heard when thelistener is standing in front of it.

Yamaha aims to sell the technol-ogy early next year, companyspokesman Yusaku Shibuya said,adding: “This can function as a con-venient advertising poster, whichcan be rolled up and carriedaround.” He said it would first beaimed at corporate users before be-ing released to ordinary consumers

Agence France Presse

GENEVA - AuctioneersSotheby’s said Monday that a rare

Agence France Presse

LONDON – Results of the firstever global marine life census wereunveiled Monday, revealing a star-tling overview after a decade-longtrawl through the murky depths. TheCensus of Marine Life estimatedthere are more than one million spe-cies in the oceans, with at least three-quarters of them yet to be discovered.

The 650-million-dollar (470-mil-lion-euro) international study dis-covered more than 6,000 potentiallynew species, and found some spe-cies considered rare were actuallycommon.

The study said it offered “an un-precedented picture of the diversity,


This undated handout pictureprovided by auctioneersSotheby’s shows a rare pink dia-mond valued at up to 38 milliondollars (28 million euros) that isdue to go on sale in Geneva nextmonth dubbing it one of the“world’s most desirable stones.”The 24.78 carat Fancy IntensePink Diamond mounted on a ringwas last seen on the market about60 years ago when it was sold bylegendary US jeweller Harry Win-ston It will go under the hammeron November 16, 2010 in Geneva.

‘Desirable’ 38 million dollarpink diamond up for auction

pink diamond valued at up to 38million dollars (28 million euros)would go on sale in Geneva nextmonth, dubbing it one of the“world’s most desirable stones.” The24.78 carat Fancy Intense Pink Dia-mond mounted on a ring comes froma private collection, the auctionhouse said.

The gemstone, rated among a typethat accounts for just two percent ofdiamonds, was last seen on the mar-ket about 60 years ago when it wassold by legendary US jeweller HarryWinston.

“During my 35-year career atSotheby’s I have had the opportunityto examine many magnificent andrare gemstones and, put simply, thisstone is one of the most desirablediamonds I have ever seen,” saidDavid Bennett, chairman for Europeand the Middle East at Sotheby’sinternational jewellery department.

“What makes it so immenselyrare is the combination of its excep-tional colour and purity with theclassic emerald-cut — a style of cut-ting normally associated with whitediamonds,” he added.

Sotheby’s gave a pre-sale estimateof 27 to 38 million dollars for thefancy pink diamond, which will gounder the hammer on November 16.

Blue, pink and green coloureddiamonds are currently the mostsought-after gemstones in auctions,according to the auction house.

Several elite auctioneers includ-ing rivals Christie’s hold glitteringjewellery sales every year in thewestern Swiss city’s luxury hotelsduring one week in spring and au-tumn.

Global marine life census chartsvast world beneath the seas

distribution and abundance of allkinds of marine life in Planet Ocean— from microbes to whales, from theicy poles to the warm tropics, fromthe tidal near shores to the deepestdark depths.” The census establishesa baseline against which 21st-centurychanges can be monitored.

New species were discovered, ma-rine highways and rest stops mappedand changes in species abundancewere documented. The research in-volved more than 2,700 scientists, 670institutions, more than 540 expedi-tions and around 9,000 days at sea.Nearly 30 million observations of120,000 species were made.

The census was formally launchedin London, with more than 300 fig-

ures involved gathering to share theresults and consider their implica-tions. “The census has far exceededany dream that I had. We felt likethe people who created the firstdictionary and encylopedia 250years ago,” said Jesse Ausubel, ascientist who co-founded the study.

“The most surprising thing wasbeauty. Our eyes pumped out of ourhead in front of this beauty.” Thesurvey set out to find out what usedto live in the oceans, what lives therenow and what might live there inthe future. The census said 16,764species of fish had so far been de-scribed, but an estimated 5,000more were yet to be discovered.

Scientists found some speciesthought extinct 50 million years ago,while other finds were less encour-aging. Around 40 percent of plank-ton, at the bottom of the ocean foodchain, has disappeared in the last 30years, which was put down to a risein ocean temperatures. Sharks havedisappeared from 99 percent ofsome areas. Australian Ian Poiner,chair of the census steering commit-tee, said the researchers “systemati-cally defined for the first time boththe known and the vast unknown,unexplored ocean”.

“All surface life depends on lifeinside and beneath the oceans. Sealife provides half of our oxygen anda lot of our food and regulates cli-mate. We are all citizens of the sea,”he said. “While much remains un-known, including at least 750,000undiscovered species and theirroles, we are better acquainted nowwith our fellow travellers and theirvast habitat on this globe.”

AFP/HO/Laurence Madin

An undated handout photo showing a recently discovered species calleda squidworm found in the Celebes sea in Southeast Asia. Results of thefirst-ever global marine life census were unveiled in London revealingan unprecedented view of life beneath the waves after a decade-longtrawl through the murky depths.

Japan tech fair offersJapan tech fair offersJapan tech fair offersJapan tech fair offersJapan tech fair offersglimpse of future lifestylesglimpse of future lifestylesglimpse of future lifestylesglimpse of future lifestylesglimpse of future lifestyles


Japanese electronics parts maker Murata Electronics displays thecompany’s unicycle robot called the “Murata Seiko-chan” during a dem-onstration at Ceatec, Asia’s largest electronics trade show in Chiba,suburban Tokyo on October 5, 2010. The robot, 50 cms tall and weigh-ing six kilos, was displayed riding on a unicycle along a narrow wind-ing bridge, keeping its balance.

Agence France Presse

CHIBA, Japan - Hundreds of technology firms came together in Japan Tuesday to showcase the latest inhigh-end gadgetry, including wafer-thin speakers and a ring that can monitor your heart rate. The five-dayCombined Exhibition of Advanced Technologies (Ceatec) technology fair in Chiba near Tokyo featuresmore than 600 companies from 15 countries and regions showing new gadgets.

with potential benefits for those liv-ing in smaller houses who do notwant to disturb roommates withmusic.

Fujitsu Ltd. offered its“omniview” system for automobiles,which uses small cameras and im-aging software to give drivers a 360degree, 3D view of the car’s sur-roundings. Some Toyota vehiclesadopted the system earlier this year.Electronics parts maker Murata Co.was displaying a ring that measuresheart speed and blood-oxygen lev-els and can transmit data to acellphone or other device to triggeran alarm if the pulse rate is too high.

NTT DoCoMo’s new “aug-mented reality” applications use vir-

tual images to enhance everydayexperiences, Japan’s leading mobilephone carrier said. “Cellphones area bridge between virtual reality andthe world around you,” said ManabuOta, a DoCoMo official for con-sumer mobile device development.

Among applications the firm isdeveloping is a function giving shop-pers an enhanced view of a chosenobject to see if it fits in the homebefore buying.

DoCoMo also showed a proto-type “AR Walker” system — madewith optical equipment makerOlympus — which requires users towear special glasses that give a viewoverlaid with information on direc-tions and local recommendations.

Page 14: International-Bali Post. Wednesday, Oktober 6 , 2010

Wednesday, Oktober 6, 201014 InternationalSport

Blanc said, however, that he hadreceived positive news concerningthe ankle injury sustained by Arse-nal midfielder Abou Diaby in thatmatch. “The news is generally re-assuring,” said Blanc. “As I couldsee, he took a blow to his ankle,which wasn’t in a very good state.But after the first examinations, al-though his ankle is sore, there’snothing worrying.”

On Sunday, Arsenal coachArsene Wenger had said Diabywould be “doubtful” for the inter-national dates. Blanc also said he feltsorry for attacking midfielderHatem Ben Arfa, on loan toNewcastle from Marseille this sea-son, who broke his left leg inNewcastle’s 2-1 loss at Manchester

Agence France Presse

LONDON – Bolton strikerKevin Davies was called up byEngland manager Fabio Capelloon Monday for the Euro 2012qualifier against Montenegro, justdays after saying he’d lost hopeof representing his country.

Italian boss Capello kept faithwith Wayne Rooney despite fearsthe out-of-form ManchesterUnited forward might be ruled out

Agence France Presse

BERLIN - Germany coachJoachim Loew said Tuesdayfootball’s top stars have not hadenough time to recover from theWorld Cup and pointed toBastian Schweinsteiger’s ankleinjury as an example of theproblem. Schweinsteiger willsi t out Friday’s Euro 2012qualif ier against Turkey atBerlin’s Olympic Stadium af-ter injuring his ankle in BayernMunich’s 2-0 Bundesliga de-feat last Sunday.

Having helped Germany fin-ish third at the World Cup,Schweinsteiger had just a fewweeks between his return fromSouth Africa on July 12 to re-cover before training started forthe new Bundesliga seasonwhich kicked off on August 20.“These things happen after aWorld Cup,” Loew said to Ger-man daily Bild in reference toSchweinsteiger’s ankle knock.

“The players have only hada short time to prepare for the

Blanc calls on Reveillere, rues Ben Arfa injuryBlanc calls on Reveillere, rues Ben Arfa injuryBlanc calls on Reveillere, rues Ben Arfa injuryBlanc calls on Reveillere, rues Ben Arfa injuryBlanc calls on Reveillere, rues Ben Arfa injury


France’s national football coach Laurent Blanc (R) speaks with forwards Karim Benzema (L) andLoic Remy during a training session on October 4, 2010 in Clairefontaine, south of Paris, fivedays ahead of the Euro 2012 qualifier against Romania.

Agence France Presse

PARIS - France coach Laurent Blanc called Lyon right-backAnthony Reveillere into his squad on Monday for the Euro2012 qualifiers against Romania, on Saturday in Paris, andLuxembourg, on October 12 in Metz. Reveillere has beenbrought in amid fears Arsenal defender Bacary Sagna, whomissed Monday training, may not be fit to play after sufferinga knock in his team’s loss to Chelsea on Sunday.

City on Sunday.Newcastle said the 23-year-old had

broken the tibia and fibula bones in atackle by Nigel de Jong and wouldlikely be out for much of the rest ofthis season. “I saw his injury — it is aserious injury that will require pa-tience,” said Blanc.

“It is a shame for him as when youarrive at a new club you have to adaptand that is not easy. When you pick upa serious injury it is all the more diffi-cult.”

Ben Arfa, who scored on his fullNewcastle debut at Everton lastmonth, was not selected for the up-coming internationals. He did, how-ever, score in Blanc’s first match incharge — a 2-1 friendly loss in Nor-way on August 11.

Schweinsteiger is a WorldCup victim, says Loew

next season and the risks of get-ting injury is of course higher.“The Spanish also have the sameproblems with injuries.”

The 26-year-oldSchweinsteiger has damagedankle ligaments and will sit out thenext ten days including both Euro2012 matches against Turkey andKazakhstan in Astana.

With 83-caps to his name,Schweinsteiger is an importantpart of Germany’s midfield andhis place is likely to go to Bayernteam-mate Toni Kroos.

Hamburg defender MarcellJansen will also miss Germany’snext two Euro 2012 qualifiers, theGerman Football Federation havesaid. On Tuesday morning,Dortmund forward KevinGrosskreutz, who has one cap tohis name, withdrew from the Ger-many squad suffering from the‘flu, but may still travel with theteam for the game againstKazakhstan on October 12. Ger-many are top of Group A, equalon six points with second-placedTurkey, after two games.

Revised France squad

al s l is ( ) a a a ( a s ill ) i a ass (B a )

s Ba a a a ( s al ) il a i ( ill ) hili s ( a ) a a a h

( a is ai ai ) a l li h ( s al ) B i li as (B a ) h ill ( )

i i l s ia ( s al ) l ia a (B a ) assa a ia a ( al a i ) a

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F a s i a i ( i ) illa a a ( a is ai ai ) a i B a ( al a i

) i ( a s ill ) i i i a ( ai i )

Davies gets Englandfootball squad call


Goalkeepers: B F s (Bi i ha i )

( s a i ) a

( a h s i )

Defenders: shl l ( h ls a) hil a i l a

( ) l h s ( i l) i

F i a ( a h s i ) l s

( a h s i ) h ( h ls a) h

a ( s illa)

Midfielders: a h Ba ( a h s i )

l ( i l) a ( i l)

l s ( ha s ) a

h s ( a h s i ) a

( ha s ) a ilsh ( s al)

ha i h hilli s ( a h s i ) shl

( s illa)

Strikers: a B ( la )

h ( ha s ) i a i s

(B l a s) a ( a h s

i )

with an ankle injury.He also recalled Joe Cole, Rio

Ferdinand, Aaron Lennon andWest Ham goalkeeper RobertGreen, whose international pros-pects looked bleak after his mis-take in conceding a goal inEngland’s 1-1 draw with theUnited States at this year’s WorldCup in South Africa.

Meanwhile, Arsenal midfielderJack Wilshere has been named inboth the senior and under-21squads. It is the inclusion of the33-year-old uncapped Davies thatis Capello’s most eye-catching se-lection ahead of the match atWembley a week on Tuesday,where England will look to main-tain their unbeaten start to GroupG after wins over Bulgaria andSwitzerland.

Davies, speaking ahead ofBolton’s 2-2 Premier League drawagainst Manchester United lastweekend, reflected on his England

Bolton striker Kevin Davieshas been called up by En-gland manager Fabio Capellofor the Euro 2012 qualifieragainst Montenegro, justdays after saying he’d losthope of representing hiscountry.

dreams.“I was in the expanded squad a

couple of times but even when afew players pulled out and Ithought I had a chance, someoneelse got called up,” he told ESPN.

Injuries to Bobby Zamora andGabriel Agbonlahor appear tohave paved the way for Davies’scall-up, with Capello ignoring theclaims of Newcastle striker AndyCarroll.

AFP/Andrew Yates

Page 15: International-Bali Post. Wednesday, Oktober 6 , 2010

Wednesday, Oktober 6, 2010 15International Sport

The 23-year-old Serbpummelled local favourite Gong— appearing in only the secondATP tournament of his career —from the backcourt and broke hisserve four times. “It feels good tobe back at a court where I’ve hada lot of success in the last coupleof years,” said Djokovic, who wonbronze at the Beijing Olympics in2008 before taking the China Opentitle last year.

“I’m hoping that I can raise thelevel in the next match.” Murray,returning to action for the first timesince a disappointing third-rounddefeat at the US Open, slammed 10aces past French qualifier Paul-Henri Mathieu in an easy 6-2, 6-3victory.

The 23-year-old Scot, who issecond seed, said he was happywith his performance but acknowl-edged his fitness and health werestill not perfect. “It was a good firstround. I started the match good anddidn’t really give him any oppor-tunities,” Murray, the world num-ber four, told reporters.

Associated Press Writer

NEWPORT, Wales – ColinMontgomerie finally has hismajor. Maybe not the one he hadin mind at the beginning of hiscareer. But there is no more fit-ting bookend.

Monty played in eight RyderCups, won five, went unbeatenin singles throughout, and con-tributed the second-most points


CHICAGO – Joakim Noah hasagreed on a five-year contract ex-tension with the Chicago Bulls,the team said on its website onMonday. The deal is worth $60million, according to the ChicagoTribune, and will go into effectafter the season.

“It feels great,” Noah told theteam’s website (“It’s very exciting — they have alot of trust in me. I know that with

Djokovic, Murray coast through in BeijingDjokovic, Murray coast through in BeijingDjokovic, Murray coast through in BeijingDjokovic, Murray coast through in BeijingDjokovic, Murray coast through in Beijing

AFP PHOTO/Peter Parks

Novak Djokovic of Serbia hits a return agaisnt Gong Maoxin ofChina during the first round of the men’s singles match in theChina Open tennis tournament at the National Tennis Center inBeijing on October 5, 2010. Djokovic beat Gong 6-1, 6-3.

Agence France Presse

BEIJING - Top seed Novak Djokovic and his main rival Andy Murray breezed into the secondround of the China Open on Tuesday, restoring some order to a draw riddled with upsets, asMaria Sharapova was sent packing. Djokovic, the world number two and the defending cham-pion in Beijing, showed little mercy to Chinese wild card entrant Gong Mao-Xin, wrapping up the6-1, 6-3 win in just over an hour at the Olympic Green Tennis Centre.

“I’ve been quite ill the lastweek. I started feeling better today,but I haven’t practised that muchon the court... I’m a little bit stiffand sore.” In other men’s first-round action, Spanish eighth seedDavid Ferrer advanced easily butRussia’s Mikhail Youzhny wasupset by Croatia’s Ivan Ljubicic.

Tomas Berdych and FernandoVerdasco, the fifth and sixth seeds,crashed out of the tournament onMonday, denting their chances ofqualifying for the season-endingATP championship in London. Onthe women’s side of the joint WTA/ATP event, Sharapova — the Rus-sian 12th seed and a three-timeGrand Slam winner — fell tocountrywoman Elena Vesnina inthe second round, 7-6 (7/3), 6-2.

Sharapova, who struggled towin her first match, fell behindearly in the first set and never re-covered, clawing her way into atiebreak only to lose it rathermeekly. In the second set, she of-fered little opposition. “She wasreally aggressive, she hit the ball

really deep today and really con-sistently, as well. That kind of keptme on the defence, and I was neverreally able to step in and do thingsthat I do well,” Sharapova said.

Nine of the 16 seeds in the WTAevent have now been eliminated,after eighth seed Victoria Azarenkaof Belarus was forced to retirefrom her match due to a left thighstrain. Seventh seed ElenaDementieva survived a three-setbattle with 40-year-old Japaneseveteran Kimiko Date Krumm toadvance, while Italy’s FrancescaSchiavone, the fifth seed, won eas-ily.

Top seed Caroline Wozniackiwas due to begin her title campaignon Wednesday against Italy’s SaraErrani. The Dane needs just twowins in Beijing to secure the worldnumber one ranking when a newlist is issued next week.

Both the WTA and ATP are hop-ing to use the 6.6-million-dollarChina Open to make inroads in thevast Asian country, which they seeas a strategic marketplace.

Chicago BullsJoakim Noahlooks toward thebench during thelast seconds offourth quarter ofGame 5 of theirNBA EasternConferenceplayoff seriesagainst theCleveland Cava-liers in Cleveland,April 27, 2010.

Noah and Bulls agreeon five-year extension

AP Photo/Alastair Grant

The U.S. team members look on as Europe team captainColin Montgomerie lifts the trophy after winning the 2010Ryder Cup golf tournament at the Celtic Manor Resort inNewport, Wales, Monday, Oct. 4, 2010.

Monty: ‘The greatest momentof my golfing career.’

of any European player in his-tory. For all that, there was noquestion where this one ranked.“This,” he said, standing along-side the gold chalice at closingceremonies, “is the greatest mo-ment of my golfing career.”

The dour, finicky 47-year-oldScot, like U.S. counterpart CoreyPavin, didn’t hit a shot in any of the28, often stop-and-start matchesthat stretched out over four days due

to rain. But from start to thrillingfinish, Montgomerie hit just aboutevery note right.

Weeks before the teams ar-rived at Celtic Manor, he walkedthrough the place, inspecting ev-e ry inch . At one po in t , hestopped outside what would be-come Europe’s t eam room,looked at the hinges on the doorand ordered them changed on thespot. Montgomerie insisted thatthe door swing in, rather thanout, if only to make sure noneof his players inadvertently gothit walking in just as anotherwas walking out.

His attention to detail hardlyended there. Appropriately, it wasthe very last decision he made,s lot t ing cool-as- they-comeNorthern I r ishman GraemeMcDowell in the 12th and finalsingles slot Monday, that paid thebiggest dividend in a match de-cided by the slimmest of margins.

“He’s everything there is inthe Ryder Cup,” McDowell saidafter del iver ing the winningpoint in Europe’s 14 1/2-13 1/2win. “To be able to do that forhim today was really special.”

Unless he’s p lay ing , theleader of any team can only doso much. That didn’t keep Montyfrom trying to steal any advan-tage anywhere he could.

all this money comes responsibil-ity and I’m going to stay hungry andgive 110 percent.”

A post player known for hishustle and intensity, Noah brokethrough last year in his third sea-son when he averaged 10.7 pointsand 11 rebounds.

He was recently rumored to be apart of trade discussions that couldhave brought disgruntled All-StarCarmelo Anthony to Chicago, butthe Bulls have designated Noah avaluable piece of their future.

REUTERS/Aaron Josefczyk

Page 16: International-Bali Post. Wednesday, Oktober 6 , 2010

Wednesday, October 6, 201016 SportI N T E R N A T I O N A L

Webber will arrive at Suzuka forthe Japanese Grand Prix this com-ing weekend with the greatest mar-gin over his pursuers that he has hadall season – albeit still only elevenpoints, following Ferrari rivalFernando Alonso’s back-to-back tri-umphs in Italy and Singapore lastmonth – but the Red Bull Racingstar is adamant that notwithstand-ing his ostensibly advantageousposition, he will not be able to backoff any time soon.

Red Bull motorsport advisor Dr.Helmut Marko might have hintedthat in the light the Australian’slead, the energy drinks-backed out-fit can henceforth ‘be safer and lethim drive more defensively’, but theNew South Wales native reveals thathe will still be attacking all-out forthe top step of the podium in Japan.

“It’s nice that I have a littlebuffer,” the 34-year-old told Austra-lian media. “It’s not very big, butit’s something I would rather havethan not. I think we will be verycompetitive [in Japan]; we need togo there and get the maximum outof what we have. We still have togo out and give it all we’ve got.”

“I still need to win races,” headded, speaking to the BBC. “Po-diums are beautiful to get, of course

Webber: I still need to win racesMark Webber has brushed aside suggestions that he now has

enough of an advantage in the F1 2010 World Championshipstandings to be able to lift off the throttle a little and settle forpodiums and points over the remaining four grands prix of thecampaign – asserting that victory is still very much his target.

– they’re important – [but] reliabil-ity might still play a part in thischampionship and we know non-fin-ishes hurt us a lot. [Singapore] was,hopefully, my toughest weekend ofthe year out of the way, and I canperform better on other tracks. I thinkwe can be good [at Suzuka], so we’reready for it.”

Webber went on to echo princi-pal adversary Alonso in acknowledg-ing that the sheer exhaustion of a 19-race campaign visiting no fewer thanfive different continents is beginningto take its toll on the five crown-chas-ing protagonists.

“It’s a long, long season,” re-flected the man from Queanbeyan.“You look at a lot of other sports-men and women competing frombasically February through to No-vember week-in, week-out. It’s notlike tennis or golf where you candecide what tournaments you wantto do – we have to rock up everyweekend, and so does the team.We’re flying around the world – thisis all part of it...maximum concen-tration and focus from all the teamand all the individuals involved.”

Meanwhile, RBR team principalChristian Horner has insisted that heis unconcerned that McLaren-Mercedes will adopt an aggressive

approach to the final four outingsin an effort to close the gap, withthird-placed Lewis Hamilton andfifth-placed Jenson Button respec-tively 20 and 25 points adrift of

Webber in the title chase.“They will obviously be going

aggressive, although at the end ofthe day we have to focus on our ownperformance and maximise our own

package at each of the remaininggrands prix,” the Englishman told thePress Association. “And if we arequick enough, then whatever they doshould not be a factor.”