international partnerships in global higher education

International partnerships in global higher education: inevitable trend or passing fashion? Professor Nigel Healey, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (International) Nottingham Trent University

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This panel discussion will consider the ways in which universities use internationalisation, in particular international partnerships and strategic alliances, to supporting their marketing and branding activities with the aim of positioning themselves competitively in a global market. The speakers will offer different perspectives on the development of a university’s brand image and reputation, including the role of consultancies, usually external to an institution, in marketing and brand promotion and the growing use of networks or strategic alliances to shape an institution’s reputation and image. Some case studies of particular universities will illustrate different approaches to this issue. The panel discussion will engage the audience through interactive discussion in reviewing a number of alternative strategic approaches that institutions can consider for their own further development. QS Asia-Pacific Professional Leaders in Education (QS-APPLE) 7th Annual Conference, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, November 2011


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International partnerships in global higher education: inevitable trend or passing fashion?

Professor Nigel Healey, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (International)

Nottingham Trent University

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• Forms of international cooperation

• Benefits and costs of each form

• Small or large networks?

• Conclusions

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Forms of international cooperation

• “Uppsala sequencing model” drawn from the literature on the internationalisation of business:


Licensing production

Foreign direct investment: Joint ventures

Foreign direct investment: Sole Ventures

• How well does this explain the emergence of strategic partnerships and alliances in global higher education?

• Are these partnerships the logical next step in the internationalisation of universities?

the „third wave’

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Universities as exporters

• Exporting educational services = providing education to

foreign students by:

teaching students on home campus

teaching students through „pure‟ distance learning‟ (ie, without the support of a local agent or campus)

• Huge and growing market globally

first movers Australia and UK, now European and Asian countries attracting international students

limited form of internationalisation

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Universities as franchisers

• Franchising = licensing production

• For universities:

franchising = licensing a foreign partner, often a private for-profit college to offer part or all of a degree (1+2, 2+1, 3+0, etc)

“McDonaldization” of higher education

large numbers of such franchises in Asia

primarily UK and Australian universities involved

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Universities as foreign investors: the „third wave‟

• Third wave includes:

Foreign investment as part of a joint venture with a local partner

Foreign investment as a sole venture, with the university setting up a branch campus

• Most „branch campuses‟ are small executive training

centres or joint ventures by universities sharing space on

the host‟s campus

• Very few genuine branch campuses, notably in China,

Malaysia, South Africa; all are joint ventures

• For-profit providers like Laureate are investing in foreign

campuses through acquisition

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However, most international partnerships and alliances are not following this process…

• World Universities Network (16 members/8 countries)

• Universitas 21 (21 universities/12 countries)

• Asia-Pacific Rim Universities (41 members/17 countries)

• League of European Research Universities (21 members/10


• ASEAN University Network (26 members/10 countries)

01 February 2013 7

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…because universities are not businesses

• Universities mix of public, not-for-profit and for-profit

• Traditional models of internationalisation explain growth of

exporting and franchising in higher education…

• …but almost no universities have managed to make money

from third wave of internationalisation

• Joint ventures and partnerships appear to be driven more

by other considerations

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Non-commercial drivers of international partnerships

• Student and faculty (no-fees) exchange

• Joint or dual programmes – degree programmes built around structured student exchange

• Research partnerships

• All three forms of cooperation may be bilateral or multilateral (networks)

• Possible motivations:

– create international learning experience to prepare graduates for global labour market

– leverage teaching/research capabilities through partnership, especially in big science

– ambition to be a global brand

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Benefits and costs of Uppsala partnership-based cooperation (1)

• Franchising

– Benefit: income generating

– Cost: seen as exploitative, principal-agent problems, misaligned strategic goals, time-limited

• Third Wave

– Benefit: income generating, reach new student markets; build brand internationally

– Cost: high risk, often built on faulty business models, potential reputational damage

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Benefits and costs of non-commercial partnership-based cooperation (2)

• Student/faculty exchange

– Benefit: creates international learning opportunities

– Cost: expensive, may get little meaningful engagement

• Dual degrees

– Benefit: income generating, reach new student markets; build brand internationally

– Cost: high risk, misalignment of partners‟ objectives, quality assurance issues

• Research partnerships

– Benefit: economies of scale/scope, brand/profile

– Costs: top-down, little real collaboration

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Bilateral versus multilateral cooperation

• Increasing economies of scale and scope

• “A single thread can’t make a chord, nor a single tree a

forest” 一个线程不能引起了共鸣,也没有一棵树的森林

• versus…

• …increasing coordination and management costs

• Parallel is between bilateral free trade agreements and

multilateral trade negotiations (eg, New Zealand – China FTA

versus WTO Doha Round)

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Multilateral cooperation: an economist‟s perspective

size of network

$ Marginal cost (coordination costs)

Marginal benefit (economies of


communication technologies,



Costs of research equipment, faculty

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Multilateral cooperation: a management perspective

Low Economies of scale High




ination c




“Boutique” “Fast Food”

“Country Club”

“International Banking”

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Multilateral cooperation: a management perspective

Low Economies of scale High




ination c




LSE/NYU/HKU Laureate

Universitas 21 Socrates


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• The increase of international partnerships partly explained by

sequential model of internationalisation…

• …but range of other motives for international partnerships

• Good partnerships can transform learning experience for

students, open up new possibilities for collaborative research

• Need to be managed carefully to ensure return on

investment, not presidents‟ vanity

• Final thought: is global warming a growing threat to

traditional models of international partnership?