international prospectus 2010

International students prospectus 2010 Foundation, undergraduate and postgraduate degree courses

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International studentsprospectus 2010

Foundation, undergraduateand postgraduate degree courses

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 The University o Brighton is a community that will value

you, your experience and personal perspective and willsupport you throughout your course and into yourchosen career.

Proessor Julian Crampton, the Vice-Chancellor o the

university, pictured with a student on graduation day

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Contents About the




Living here InternationaFoundation



How toapply

Whereto live

Supportor you

Finances Ateruniversity

Foundation degreesUndergraduate degreesPostgraduate degreesResearch areas












Our courses

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Our location


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University of BrightonFalmer campus

University of BrightonGrand Parade campus

University of BrightonMoulsecoomb campus

University of Brighton

Eastbourne campus

UniversityCentre Hastings

City College

Brighton and Hove


Sussex DownsCollege (Lewes)

Sussex DownsCollege (Eastbourne)

Sussex CoastCollege Hastings

East Sussex

West Sussex

The subjects mentioned here are just some

that are available on each campus. Look

at the individual course description or the

location o each one. 


Our Eastbourne campus (located across

Hillbrow and Welkin site and nearby

Darley Road site) is situated in the Meads

area. Subjects including sport science,

sport journalism, nursing and midwiery,

physiotherapy, podiatry, tourism, travel, and

event management courses are based in



In the centre o Brighton, Grand Parade

is home to ashion and textiles, graphic

design, illustration, 3D design, photography,

media studies and humanities. Two miles

inland, the Moulsecoomb campus is the

administrative hub o the university and

the location or subjects such as business

and management, pharmacy, engineering,

computing, mathematics and architecture.

On the edge o Brighton, our green-feld

Falmer campus eatures accommodation

overlooking playing felds and tennis courts.

Education and teaching, nursing and

midwiery, English literature, psychology and

criminology can all be studied

at Falmer.


The campus in Hastings is known as

University Centre Hastings. It is a unique

higher education centre with superb

acilities, delivering an extensive range

o subjects including business and

management, computing, education, Engl

media, sociology and environmental biolo

Partner colleges

Some o our partner colleges in the local

area – City College Brighton and Hove,

Sussex Coast College Hastings and Suss

Downs College in Lewes – also oer

approved International Foundation Year

programmes or progression onto Univers

o Brighton undergraduate programmes.

 The University o Brighton is based across three seaside locations in the south-east o England

– Brighton, Eastbourne and Hastings – all close to the beautiul countryside o the South Downnational park. We also validate courses at our partner colleges across the region.

Our campuses

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xxThe University o Brighton is a thriving

academic community o over 21,000

students and is a genuinely international

university. In 2008–2009 we had

approximately 1,200 international students

rom over 90 countries worldwide and

a similar number o European Union

students studying at our campuses in

Brighton, Eastbourne and Hastings.

Many o our sta come rom overseas or

have taught abroad and a number o our

courses have a strong international theme

incorporating case studies, work placements

and opportunities to study abroad. This

rich mixture o nationalities and cultural

backgrounds, along with our international

outlook, gives the university a truly

cosmopolitan eel.

Fact sheets or many countries worldwide

are available rom the website or by emailing

[email protected]. These include

inormation on:

• country-specicapplicationprocedures

and entry requirements

• feesandscholarships

• orientationandaccommodation

• councilsandcontacts.

The University o Brighton also has a

network o approved agents with ofces

in these countries. Up-to-date contact

addresses and urther details can be

obtained via the website (www.brighton. or by emailing international@brighton.

 Advice, counselling and interviews take

place at agent ofces on request. The

University o Brighton is an Education UK

country partner o a number o countries

and university representatives attend British

Council Education UK exhibitions on a

regular basis. Dates o exhibition attendance

can be accessed at 

international/meetus. University o Brighton

sta are constantly reviewing and improving

the services we can oer you and are always

willing to respond to student suggestions.

We are here to help you and to answer

any queries you may have throughout the

application process and during your period

o study at the university.



The countryside o the South Downs,

that stretch along the Sussex coastline.

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Reasons to choose theUniversity o Brighton


The University o Brighton oers

many proessionally and vocationally

orientated courses, ocusing on

transerable skills to prepare you or

employment. Work placements orm a

part o many o our courses.

Respected amongstemployers

The university has one o the best

graduate employment records in the

UK. More than 90 per cent o our

students are in relevant employment

or urther studies six months

ater graduation.

Excellence in teachingand research

We are proud o the high quality o our

teaching and research as evidenced by

the Quality Assurance Agency teaching

assessment results and Research

 Assessment Exercise ratings.

Great acilities

We oer excellent teaching, library,computer and sports acilities or all

students on all our campuses.

English languagesupport

The university oers a range o Englishlanguage courses i you need to

improve your English beore you start

your course. Free English language

support sessions are also oered

throughout your chosen course

o study.

Friendly and supportive


We provide excellent internationalstudent support in the orm o

guaranteed frst year accommodation

in halls o residence and a ree

orientation programme (subject to

conditions being met), a specialist

welare service, career and work

placement advice, and a ull and varied

social programme.


The university oers a generous range

o international student scholarships.

 Vibrant and diverse city

Brighton & Hove is Britain’s liveliest

seaside city oering an exciting mix

o shops, restaurants, pubs, clubs

and theatres.

Outstanding location

Brighton, Eastbourne and Hastings are

surrounded by beautiul countryside

and tend to enjoy warmer weather

than many other parts o the UK.

They are very close to London and

the major airports.

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 As I’m rom Hong Kong I have ound that everything is dierent, but with every lesson

I’m able to understand more and more about the British culture through contact withclassmates. I also learn about other cultures rom ellow international students.

 Ater I fnish my studies I intend to be an interior architectural designer. What I have learnthere at the University o Brighton will be very useul in my uture job.

Isabella Kong

Interior Architecture BA(Hons)

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 The international environment at the

University o Brighton has enriched my

appreciation or other cultures and allowed

me to share the experiences o my ellow


I value all o my experiences at the university,

rom my study in the UK to the dynamic

classroom discussions and practical nature

o the courses that are careully designed to

challenge you to apply what you have learnt.


Living in Brighton is so amazing. Pubs, clubs,

shopping, restaurants, cinemas, the marina,

the pier and the beach in the summer:

everything is within walking distance.

Brighton is so lively – it really is a 24/7 city!

Jianbi Chen


Marketing MA

I am in the fnal year o my course, studying

or a Sotware Engineering BSc(Hons).

Beore I came to Brighton, I was very

nervous and worried about going to a new

place. My worries didn’t last long as I took

part in the International Student Orientation

Programme organised by Student Services,

which helped me settle in quickly. I like living

and studying in Brighton because Brighton

is a cosmopolitan place. It is very easy or

everyone to eel at home here because it is

a highly multicultural community. There are a

lot o exotic restaurants and shops in town

too. I particularly like the act that Brighton is

coastal because Zimbabwe is landlocked.

 There is a lot o support available or the

non-academic aspects o university lie.

Student Services provide career guidance,

counselling services, accommodation

services and volunteering schemes. Through

 Active Student, the university’s volunteering

scheme, I have volunteered or the local

 YMCA and youth club. My time in Brightonhas been remarkable and I have had

the opportunity or not just an academic

experience, but to grow and to make many

good riends rom dierent parts o the world.

Sicelesile Ndlovu


Sotware Engineering BSc(Hons)

 The University o Brighton is amous or its

research with Ricardo Engineering. It was

this association that made me think o 

studying the MSc course at this university.

Postgraduate study is really about

understanding things rather than merely

learning them. The proessors here are

working on uture technologies so are

equipped with a thorough knowledge o 

a particular subject. To experience the

painstaking eorts behind the birth o 

uture technology is really an enjoyable and

satisactory thing.

 At the end o the course I will be applying

to engineering frms to get some work

experience in the leading nation in


I am living in private accommodation. It is

really un living here with other students. I a

enjoying the experience and eel as i I am

part o a amily.

I I were to describe this city o Brighton in

three words, I would choose sae, beautiu

and riendly.

 Aditya Deodhar


 Automotive Engineering MSc

Studying at the University o Brighton

Brighton is a close-knit riendly community. Students love living and studying here.

But don’t take our word or it. Here are just some o our satisfed customers.

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Living here

The Lanes, the fshing village rom which Brighton

developed, is a maze o narrow thorougharespacked with shops and restaurants.


Brighton city centre

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 Although compact enough to walk around,

there’s probably as much happening in

Brighton as there is in any major UK city

outside o the capital. It combines the energy

and cosmopolitan, contemporary eel o 

London with a laid-back, riendly atmosphere

and sense o community. There are many

sides to Brighton and something or everyone

– rom shopping and eating out, to music and

the arts, entertainment and clubbing. It’s a

great place to be a student; in act, around

one in seven people living in Brighton is


 View Beautiul and historic Regency

architecture mixes with the iconic seaside

attractions o the pier. And o course there’s

the beach: a theatre o dramatic scenery

during winter and in the summer, a cross

between a Mediterranean resort and a music


Music I you’re a music lover, Brighton has

it all. The venue or classical, jazz and worldmusic is the Brighton Dome, home to the

Brighton Philharmonic Orchestra, while the

Brighton Centre stages major rock and pop

gigs and there’s live music in many clubs and

pubs. In the summer there are concerts and

mini-estivals in the city’s parks and on the


Eat With over 400 caes and restaurants

to choose rom you won’t go hungry!

Whether you like Indian or Greek, Mexican

or Italian, vegetarian or seaside fsh‘n’chips,

you’ll fnd it here, and ferce competition

keeps prices aordable. Relax with the

newspapers and a coee in one o the North

Laine’s caés.

Shop Brighton is a shoppers’ paradise.

 As well as all the amiliar high-street names

around the city centre, there are many stylish,

independent shops in The Lanes. The North

Laine is home to quirky specialist shops,

selling everything rom second-hand records

and clothes to bric-a-brac and wholeoods,

and you can head to the marina or designer


See The highlight o the city’s cultural year

is the Brighton Festival. England’s biggest

arts estival, held in May, showcases arts

and perormance rom around the world. But

Brighton’s dynamic cultural lie pulses all yearround. The Brighton Dome perorming arts

complex, the Theatre Royal, the university’s

Sallis Benney Theatre and a huge number

o smaller venues oer everything rom pre-

London productions to the avant garde.

For flm ans there are three multiscreens a

the Duke o York’s arthouse cinema, and in

summer you can see flm screenings on th


 Visual art is everywhere, rom sculptures

on the searont to major exhibitions at the

Brighton & Hove Museum and Art Gallery,

the Hove Museum and Art Gallery, and at

the universi ty’s own gallery. There’s also a

beachront Artists’ Quarter and an impress

number o smaller galleries to explore.

Play Whether you take your sport seriousl

or just want to keep ft, Brighton oers all

kinds o opportunities and acilities, on and

o campus.


With more than 21,000 students and sta, the university is a signifcant part o the communities

o Brighton, Eastbourne and Hastings. Each has its own distinctive character, but all have manyopportunities to oer.

Brighton searont

Brighton, near

Grand Parade campus

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It is a town o contrast as it includes the Old

 Town, an area o history and culture, and the

town centre which includes high street shops;

not orgetting the dramatic coastline and the

beautiul countryside around Hastings that

provide a wealth o activities.

 View From Hastings Castle, built by William

the Conqueror in the eleventh century, you

can enjoy spectacular views o the sea with

the old fshing harbour and pier, the town and

the surrounding countryside.

Music/eating/shopping The west o 

Hastings, by contrast, is modern and lively

with a theatre, cinema, many attractive

restaurants, bars and discos, as well as a

large, bright shopping centre – the new Priory

Meadow Centre – with many well-known

shops. There are also more specialist and

antique shops in the Old Town and many

other places o historical interest to visit.

See Around Hastings there is attractivecountryside and a number o small towns

and charming villages close by. Eastbourne,

Brighton, London and mainland Europe (by

the Eurostar train) are within easy travelling


Play You can choose rom a wide range

o sporting activities in the area. Nearby

countryside is described by locals as a

walker’s paradise.

 There’s a great mix o shops, a thriving arts

and music scene, and the recent explosion

o restaurants, bars and clubs has brought a

new energy to the town. Twenty-frst century

Eastbourne is one o a new breed o thriving

seaside towns. More than 2,000 students

orm a real community within what residents

consider to be a unique and blossoming

coastal gem.

 View Eastbourne has more sunny days than

anywhere else in the UK. Light dazzles o the

elegant Georgian buildings o the searont,

the sea shimmers and the place has a crisp,

clean clarity.

 The town’s attractions include a pier, a three-

mile promenade, a boating lake, fne parks

and gardens, a new marina and a sweep o 

super-clean beach complete with a traditional

bandstand where you can hear anything rom

 jazz to classics or ree.

Music The town’s major music venues arethe theatres, oering everything rom classical

concerts, ballet and opera to big-name rock

and pop artists. Down on the searont, music

at the traditional bandstand, which used

to eature military band music and Strauss

waltzes, now oers everything rom big

bands to rock and jazz.

Eat Eastbourne’s traditional seaside ood

now combines with restaurants o a much

more cosmopolitan nature. You will fnd

sophisticated ood and drink rom countries

all over the world. The annual ood and

drink estival – Feastbourne – celebrates the

culinary delights o the area.

Shop Shopping in Eastbourne is easy and

hassle-ree. You’ll fnd all the major high street

names either in the pedestrianised shopping

area or the modern indoor shopping mall.

 Around the town and at the marina there

are lots o smaller independent shops, rom

stylish to obeat, many oering student deals

and discounts.

See Eastbourne’s our theatres oer a

packed programme o pre-London runs

and major touring productions and or flm

bus there’s a multiplex cinema. I you like

museums and art galleries there’s plenty to

keep you busy.

Play Eastbourne is a great place or sport,

on and o campus. The university campus,

home o the Chelsea School specialising in

sport, exercise, leisure courses and research,

has its own sport and leisure complex. This

complex, which includes an indoor swimming

pool, has been designated a regional World

Class Potential Centre or the British Triathlon


Eastbourne Hastings


Snuggled into the shelter o the imposing South Downs,Eastbourne is laidback, low stress and very student-riendly.It has an unspoilt beauty, an open elegance and a relaxedliestyle – students love it.

Hastings is a lively, diversecoastal town that oerssomething or everyone.

Each year Eastbourne

hosts its ownOktoberest-styleBeer Festival, aninternational skateestival and thebiggest ree air show on the south coast.

Hastings searontEastbourne

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 Your initial application will be considered

by the partner college and the University o 


I you are a suitable candidate, the partner

college will make a frm oer or the

oundation year and the university will make a

conditional oer or the ollowing year at the

same time.

 You will then have a guaranteed place

on your chosen University o Brighton course,

providing that you successully complete your

partner college international oundation year

and meet IELTS requirements and any other

entry requirements.

Key eatures

One year programme (36 weeks)•

September to June

Several study options based on recognised•

UK qualifcations

Extra English language study skills•

IELTS preparation•

University o Brighton progression advice•

and support including campus visits.

Conditions o entry 

Brighton partner college international

oundation year:

 You must be a national o a non-EU•

country and be at least 17 years old

 You must have successully completed 12•

years o education up to upper secondary

level or the equivalent o 5 GCSEs at grade

C or above

For art and design a portolio o work will•

need to be assessed

 A minimum o IELTS 5.0 including a 5.0•

in writing, or Cambridge First Certifcate

in English grade C, or TOEFL 500+, or

 TOEFL Computer 173+ or equivalent.

University o Brighton

Successul completion o BPC International•

Foundation Year programme (60 per cent

merit to be achieved or bachelor degree

entry, 55 per cent or oundation degree

entry) plus IELTS 6.0 overall with 6.0 in


For art and design an additional portolio•

o work will be assessed during the BPC

International Foundation Year by University

o Brighton sta, normally at the end o the

frst term

For some programmes, minimum grades•

must be achieved in specifed subjects.

Fees 2009–10 entry

BPC International Foundation Year:•

I paid in ull beore enrolment: £5,768.

 All applications must be sent initially to

the partner college which oers the BPC

International Foundation Year relevant to

your proposed subsequent undergraduat


Please reer to 

international/oundationyear or more

inormation and an application orm, or ree

to our separate brochure entitled Internatio

Foundation Year Programmes.

Brighton Partner College (BPC)International Foundation Year

 The BPC International Foundation Year is one o the best routes or international students, who

may not have sufcient qualifcations to apply or university, to obtain entry onto a University o Brighton undergraduate degree programme.

City College Brighton and Hove Sussex Downs College, Lewes

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We have longstanding links with employers and

proessional bodies all over the world and agraduate employment record o around90 per cent.

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Each research degree student is located

within a research student division. This will

your academic home or the duration o yo

studies and provides an environment in wh

you can have contact with other researche

– both sta and students – working in you

area o interest.

 Your division is also the place where you

can access inormation and guidance on

research developments, publications, and

on grant and unding opportunities. Your

research division leader and administrator

guide you through the university’s research


 There are 14 research student divisions at

the university including the Brighton and

Sussex Medical School. Each is headed b

senior member o sta and supported by a


 The research student division leader is

responsible or overseeing the academicwellbeing, progress and pastoral support o

all research students within the division. Th

will oversee your induction, be your frst po

o contact or all general research matters

and will normally also be a member o you

thesis panel.

 There are two entry points: in September a

in January.

Foundation degrees 

Foundation degrees are vocational, higher

education qualifcations designed and

supported by employers keen to make sure

that their needs are met. Full-time courses

take two years to complete.

Foundation degrees can allow progression

onto a relevant University o Brighton one-

year top-up degree programme or you can

head straight into your chosen career.

Courses are delivered both at University o 

Brighton and partner colleges so you can

sometimes choose the study location that

suits you best.

 All oundation degree students have

extensive access to university acilities as well

as the acilities o the college where they are


Bachelor degrees

 A bachelor degree normally takes three yearsto complete, although a large number o 

programmes oer the opportunity o a one-

year work placement (in year 3) extending

the programme to our years. These courses

lead to qualifcations such as BA(Hons),

BSc(Hons) and BEng(Hons).

International students might also be allowed

to join the second or fnal year o a bachelor

degree i the university acknowledges that

their previous study programme in their home

country is equivalent to years 1 or 2 o a UK

degree course.

Undergraduate masters degrees

Some courses have an additional year o 

masters-level study, which can be taken

depending on the student’s aptitude and

ability. These include MDes, MEng, MComp

and MFA.

Masters degrees

We have a postgraduate community o more

than 3,500 students rom a diverse range o 

backgrounds whose learning experience is

enriched by the quality o Brighton’s research.

 The majority o taught masters programmes

normally take one year to complete leading to

an MSc, MA or MRes.

Research study  The university’s research community is

large and diverse with more than 400 sta 

consisting o readers, proessors, research

ellows, research ofcers, lecturers and

support sta. Research supervision is

available across the university’s whole

subject range. Researchers at the University

o Brighton are recognised as international

experts in their feld.

Types o course

We aim to oer all our students the opportunity to develop the range o academic and lie

skills they need to enjoy success in their chosen career. A large percentage o our studentscan undertake work-based learning; a large number o our courses also involve an additionalproessional qualifcation or exam exemptions.

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For additional acceptable English

language qualifcations please visit We advise you

to do this as soon as possible as you may be

required to sit one o the examinations listed

beore you can receive an unconditional oer

o a place.

Part-time courses are only available to

international applicants i prospective

students already have entry clearance

granted other than or the purpose o study

or the duration o the course.

Immigration controls mean that international

students will not be issued with entry

clearance to the UK to study any courses

that are only available on a part-time basis.

Regulations set out by the United Kingdom’s

National Health Service (NHS) mean that you

cannot study most undergraduate courses in

the areas o nursing and midwiery. Courses

taught by the School o Education whichlead to Qualifed Teacher Status (QTS) in

the UK are also not available to international


Entry qualifcations

 As we want all our students to achieve

their ull potential, we only accept students

who ulfl both our general minimum entry

requirements and individual requirements

or each particular course. Hence, as part o 

the application process, you may be asked

to sit additional examinations (eg Graduate

Management Aptitude Test), or to provide

examples o written work or a portolio o 

artwork o an appropriately high standard.

Undergraduate study

Entry requirements vary rom course to

course but international applicants or most

courses require the equivalent o a minimum

o two A-level-equivalent passes with relevant

grades, plus the equivalent o at least three

GCSE passes at grade C or above. Please

contact the university registry or the individual

school regarding whether your qualifcation is

suitable – school contact details are available

in the courses section o this prospectus.

Completion o an international oundationyear o study may be required in some cases

– please see page 11 or more inormation on

the international oundation year available at

some o our partner colleges.

Postgraduate study

International applicants or postgraduate

study programmes should hold the equivalent

o a good honours degree rom a British

university or an overseas institution o similar

standing. Please contact the university

registry or the individual school regarding

whether your qualifcation is suitable – school

contact details are available in the courses

section o this prospectus. A pre-masters

qualiying programme may be required in

some cases.

Research study

MPhil study normally requires the equivalent

o a frst or good second class honours

degree rom a British university or an

overseas institution o similar standing

relevant to the proposed programme o study

and appropriate research or proessional

experience. PhD students require additional

published work, written reports or other

evidence o accomplishment. Applicants

or a proessional doctorate will normally

be expected to be working at a senior level

within their proession.

English language requirements All international students are normally

required to provide evidence o their ability in

the English language in order to study or a

university qualifcation in the UK.

 The standard entry requirements are

listed opposite, but individual university

departments may set their own specifc entry

requirements i appropriate.

Course requirements


 At the University o Brighton we consider all applicants on the basis o academic achievement,proessional experience, English language profciency and suitability or the course.

Queenwood Library,

Eastbourne campus

Jubilee Library,

Brighton city centre

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Minimum English language entry requirements

Undergraduate Postgraduate Research

IELTS Course-specifc

requirements appear

in the course description

Standard entry

6.0 overall

6.0 writing


requirements appear

in the course description

Standard entry

6.5 overall

6.0 writing

For Arts and Architecture, Business

School, Chelsea School, Health

Proessions and Service Management

7.0 / 7.0 writing (none below 6.0)

For Engineering and Technology

6.0 / 5.0 writing

For all other subjects

6.5 / 6.0 writing

TOEFL Standard entry

PBT 550 / 5 TWE

CBT 213 / 5 TWE

IBT 80 / 19+ TWE

Standard entry

PBT 575 / 5.5 TWE

CBT 233 / 5.5 TWE

IBT 90 / 23+ TWE

For Arts and Architecture, Business

School, Chelsea School, Health

Proessions and Service Management 

PBT 600 / 6 TWE; CBT 250 / 6 TWE;

IBT 100 / 26+ TWE

For Engineering and Technology

PBT 550 / 5 TWE; CBT 213 / 5 TWE;

IBT 80 / 19+TWE

For all other subjects 

PBT 575 / 5 TWE; CBT 233 / 5 TWE;

IBT 90 / 23+TWE

TEEP Standard entry 6 Standard entry 6.5



 A–C A–C A–C



 A–C A–B A–B

University o Brighton

English languagetesting, as analternative to standardEnglish languagetesting is available.Please contact theInternational Ofce orpossible test dates inyour country.

Cockcrot Building,

Moulsecoomb campus

Hillbrow, Eastbourne campus

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We oer programmes that combine taught classes,

mainly in groups o no more than 16 students,online tutor contact, peer discussion and studyvia our virtual learning environment.

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Our language programmes are accredited

by the British Council and many o our

English language teachers are experienced

examiners or bodies including Trinity College

and Cambridge ESOL.

Our courses use the latest online learning

techniques. We oer programmes that

combine taught classes, mainly in groups

o no more than 16 students, online tutor

contact, peer discussion and study via our

virtual learning environment.

Learn English and prepare or university

We can oer you a number o options to give

you more confdence with your English beore

you begin your study.

 • English or Academic Study (EAS)

For students who want to improve their

English beore applying to university in the

UK. Develop your English or up to three

terms. Get help with IELTS preparation and

university application.

 • Pre-sessional English courses

For students who have received an oer

o a place to study at the University o 

Brighton. You can tailor course length and

content to match your level o English.

 Extended Management Masters (EMMA)•  

Make a single application or a combined

masters-level business degree and English

language course. Typically you can obtain

a single UK visa to cover both parts o the

course. Take an English course o betweentwo and six months, build up a strong

business and academic vocabulary and

then go on to do a business masters in

subjects including Finance and Investment,

International Management, Management,

Marketing, Hospitality Management,

Event Management, and Tourism

Management. More inormation can be

ound on page 55.

English language support programme or

current students

Once you are a student here you can

continue to develop your English with our

English language support programme.

 This is a ree programme available to all

non-native speakers o English during the

year o both undergraduate and postgradu


 The programme aims to ensure that langua

is not a barrier to success in a student’s

chosen feld o study and consists o a ser

o lectures, classes and individual and grou


Our English language programmes

 The university provides a range o opportunities or international students to develop their

English skills both beore they begin their university studies and during their time here.

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Postgraduate study

I you are applying or a ull-time postgraduate

course (MA, MSc, MBA MRes) you do not

need to apply via UCAS. Instead you need

to complete the appropriate University o 

Brighton taught masters application orm.

 These application orms are available at

 Alternatively you can apply online through the

University o Brighton course fnder at http:// Choose and search

or the course and level you are interested in

 joining and then when you reach the course

details you will be prompted to apply online, i 

the acility exists, or that particular course. I 

you wish to apply by post, the address is:

Postgraduate admissions, Registry,

Mithras House, University o Brighton

Lewes Road, Brighton, BN2 4AT

 Telephone +44(0) 1273 644644.

 To accompany an application or a taughtpostgraduate programme you will need

to send or attach scanned copies o your

personal statement.

 The personal statement should include

inormation about your own academic

background, why you would like to apply

or your chosen course, why you would like

to study at the University o Brighton, what

Undergraduate study

I you are applying or a ull-time

undergraduate degree course, ull-time

oundation degree course or the Engineering

oundation year course you must apply via

the Universities and Colleges Admissions

Service, known as UCAS. This is essential

even i you are applying or second or fnal

year entry. We are not able to consider

applications that do not come via UCAS.

 You can apply online at 

where you will be guided through the

procedure. I you do not have internet access

you can go to your nearest British Council

ofce where they will help you to apply online.

I this is not possible or you, then contact

UCAS using the details supplied below and

request to have an application orm posted to

your home address.

For urther inormation about UCAS, please

visit or contact them at:

UCAS, Rosehill, New Barn Lane,Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL52 3LZ, UK

 Tel: +44 (0) 870 1122211

Fax: +44 (0) 1242 544863.


 The decision to oer a place on a course and

any conditions attached to that oer will be

communicated to you through UCAS, or or

non-UCAS applications, by a letter rom the

university. Many courses select students via

interview (sometimes over the telephone or

international applicants), but being invited

to an interview does not itsel guarantee an


 All oers are made on the understanding that

the inormation you have supplied is complete

and correct, and that you undertake to

observe the rules and regulations o the


Once you have accepted a conditional or

unconditional oer rom the university you will

be provided with a user name and password.

 This will allow you to access certain parts o 

the studentcentral section o the University

o Brighton website at http://studentcentral. Essential pre-enrolmentinormation and links are available here. You

will also receive a pre-arrival pack rom the

university’s International Ofce.

How to apply


 Applying or university can be a daunting prospect. In this section we guide you through the mainways o applying or undergraduate, postgraduate and research study.

Brighton Dome and

Pavilion Gardens

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 The address is:

Postgraduate admissions, Registry,

(Research Support)

Mithras House, University o Brighton

Lewes Road, Brighton, BN2 4AT

 Telephone +44(0) 1273 644644.


 A minimum deposit o £1,000 is required

rom all new, ull-time international student

beore a student visa letter can be issued

by the university’s Registry to support your

student visa application to the British High



 At the beginning o each academic year, a

students undergo a process o enrolment

entitling you to attend your course, use

university acilities and be a member o the

Students’ Union. This cannot be complete

unless the minimum deposit has been paid

and urther ee payment guaranteed. You

will also need original documentation (not

photocopies) confrming your identity, entry

qualifcations and i you have a scholarship

sponsor, written confrmation.

I your application is successul, we will se

ull details about the enrolment and payme


Personal details

We may need to request urther inormatiobeore your enrolment can be completed. T

university is registered with the Ofce o th

Inormation Commissioner – in the context

preventing raudulent applications, we may

disclose inormation to relevant governmen

departments, police orces, examining bod

and associated authorities.

Research study 

I you are applying or a ull-time research

programme (MPhil, PhD) you do not need

to apply via UCAS. Instead you need to

complete the University o Brighton research

application orm. These application orms are

available at

Beore submitting an application you should

look on the University o Brighton website to

ascertain the current research interests o the

particular school you are interested in joining.

In the frst instance it is wise to contact the

research student division leader in your

chosen school. For contact details see page

143. This initial contact might take the orm o 

a telephone call or an email simply to clariy

whether the school would be interested/ 

able to work with you on your intended area

o research study. I suitable, you would

ollow this with a more detailed outline o 

your research proposal which would allow

the school to match your proposal with its

current research interests and to determine

whether the supervisory capacity is available.

 A subsequent application would then include

a history o your academic publications/ 

research activity, relevant transcripts, English

language test results, academic reerences

rom your postgraduate programme which

confrm your suitability or urther research in

your chosen feld and a personal statement.

 You might also have been asked at an

earlier stage to refne/rephrase your researchproposal and these revisions would be

incorporated at this stage.

Please remember that, unlike in some

countries, PhD programmes in the UK are

supervised rather than taught. You can apply

either online at or

by post.

Eastbourne beach

you intend to do on completion o the study

programme and any additional eatures,

including work experience, which may be

relevant to your application.

 You also need to send or attach copies o 

relevant academic transcripts, your English

language test results (i required) and

typically, two reerences. I you don’t have

relevant work experience, they should both

be academic reerences. I you have relevant

work experience, one should be academic,

the other work-related. They do not need to

be sealed, although that is preerable. At this

stage the transcripts do not need to be the

originals, but the originals will be essential

beore proceeding with enrolment in the

UK. In a number o courses in the Faculty

o Arts, a portolio o your work is required.

 Typically, this would be in electronic ormat

and will present a selection o your drawings

or designs, probably representing your

proessional development over a number o 

years o relevant study or work.

Other courses might also ask you to submit

a brie, additional rationale relating to your

course application.

Courses in the feld o Health Proessions,

such as Clinical Research, or example, might

require proessional accreditation o your

undergraduate qualifcation by an approved

UK body such as the Health Proessions

Council (HPC).

 A number o courses require an interview

but i required, this could normally take place

over the telephone.

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Where to live


 Accommodation enquiries

Brighton: [email protected]: [email protected]

Images show Robert Tressell hall o residence in Hastings

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Renting in the private sector

Private landlords whose accommodation

meets our requirements in terms o both

price and quality can register their properti

with the university accommodation service

 A range o dierent kinds o properties are

usually available to students. provides a

searchable database o all kinds o propert

available to Brighton students, as well

as comprehensive advice about housing


 This is on the understanding that you

have frmly accepted an unconditional or

conditional oer rom the university and

returned your completed accommodation

application orm by 15 July. You will also

need to have paid your tuition ee deposit

o £1,000.

International undergraduates who apply

ater this date may be oered a room in

halls i possible, but your choice is likely

to be limited. International postgraduate

students who apply ater this date will only be

allocated rooms at the Great Wilkins halls o 

residence on the Falmer campus i rooms are

still available.

For more inormation, visit .

Halls o residence

We have over 1,900 places in halls o 

residence in Brighton and Eastbourne. Prices

range rom £70–126 per week, depending on

location and acilities, making them some o 

the best value university accommodation in

the south o England.

Our halls are all mixed gender with a catered

or sel-catered option. The latter would have

a shared kitchen and communal areas. Most

are equipped with broadband, providing high

speed access to university networks as well

as the internet. Many have private, en suite

bathroom acilities.

University-managed housing

 An additional 400 places are available in

university-managed housing in the private

sector. Water rates and personal contents

insurance are included in rents and all

properties meet with high saety standards.

 Your options

 I you are an undergraduate or postgraduate student in the frst year o your course and

you are paying international ees, you will be guaranteed a place in halls o residence.

Moving in day, Falmer campus Eastbourne halls o residence

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Support for you


Brighton seemed to have a good mix o

cultures and a cosmopolitan atmosphere.

Ravi Sagoo

 Accounting and Finance BA(Hons)

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Student welare and careers service

Inormation is provided by our counsellors/

advisers, normally on a drop-in basis,

covering immigration, visas, working, fnan

advice and personal saety.

International Students’ Society

 The society is run by international students

or international students and organises

social events, cultural activities and outings

throughout the year.

International student celebration

Our annual celebration takes place in

February each year to ormally toast

the international and European student

community within the University o Brighto

Formal invitations or the event are sent ou

to students via their school ofces.

Mentoring programme

Upon arrival, new international students ca

be put in touch with current international

students at the university. New students cameet and speak with mentors on an inorm

basis to ask questions and get inormation

about the university and lie in the UK.


I you require a visa, you should make your

application at the earliest opportunity. I you

are due to start your course in September

you can normally apply or your visa rom

June onwards. All applications or a student

visa must be made through a UK mission

(embassy, high commission or consulate) in

your country.

 You will need to submit an application

orm and your student visa letter rom the

university (ater minimum £1,000 deposit

payment) and evidence o your fnancial

ability to support yoursel during your frst

year o study in the UK. I you are coming

to the UK to study you must not apply or a

tourist or visitor visa as you will not be able

to change your visa once you arrive. An entry

clearance ofcer (ECO), who works at the

embassy or high commission will make a

decision regarding your application and i you

receive your visa you can make your travel

arrangements and look orward to coming tostudy at the University o Brighton.

It is very important that you travel with all

your documents, including your Student ID

card and letter rom the university, in your

hand luggage. The University o Brighton’s

guidelines, Obtaining a Visa, provide urther

inormation on immigration.

 To read this inormation please visit: or

contact [email protected] where we will

provide you with advice throughout the entire

process o obtaining your visa. Visa renewal

support is also available during your study in


For urther student visa-specifc inormation

under the UK Border Agency’s new

Points-Based System (PBS) Tier 4, please


studyingintheuk/ .

International student welare and support

 A number o services are available or

students who are already in the UK studying

at the university.

English language support

We oer a range o English language and

study skills support to all our international

students in their frst year o study.

 Visa and welare

We have dedicated welare and visa advisors and oer a wide range o services and support.

Orientation progamme event,


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Social activities

Social entertainment is an integral part o 

your university experience. The University o 

Brighton Students’ Union (UBSU) and the

International Students’ Society work with the

student community to provide a year-round

programme o events including club nights,

karaoke and cinema nights.

University societies also hold cultural and

religious events or estivities such as Eid,

Diwali, Hanukah, Chinese New Year and

Christmas. Events run throughout the year

and everyone is invited to get involved and be

part o the action.


 The orientation programme is held during

the week beore the start o term to give

you a chance to settle in, make riends,

meet university sta, ask any questions you

may have and get to know Brighton and

Eastbourne. The programme takes place

at our Moulsecoomb campus in Brighton

and our Eastbourne campus and is ree o 

charge. We encourage all overseas students

to attend, but places must be booked in


Students who arrive in the UK at either

London Gatwick or Heathrow airports on

the frst day o the programme will be able

to take advantage o the university’s ree

pick-up service. On the frst evening, you will

be greeted by sta rom the university. You

will also meet your group leader who will look

ater you during the week.

 All group leaders are current students who

have been studying at the university orat least one year and have been specially

chosen to help you settle in. Students who

have a place on our orientation programme

will be given ree accommodation in a hall o 

residence or the duration o the programme,

normally three days, so you will only need to

pay or your own meals.

Inormation on accommodation, immigration,

health, fnance, travel and social activities will

be included in the programme and sessions

will also cover adapting to studying in the UK

and inormation about English language and


 There will be a variety o evening

entertainment, either on campus or in

Brighton/Eastbourne. This may include a quiz

night, karaoke evening and fnal night party.

 There will also be time to discover all o the

attractions that Brighton and Eastbourne

have to oer.

 All international students who have frmly

accepted an unconditional oer rom

the university will automatically be sent

inormation on the orientation programme.

 You can apply online rom 1 August.

For urther inormation about this year’s

programme, please visit:

Orientation programme and social activities


 You will have plenty o opportunities to meet ellow students and settle into university liethrough our exciting orientation programme and social events.

Students’ Union, Cockcrot

Building, Moulsecoomb campus

Eastbourne campus

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Santander-Abbey international masters


Five masters scholarships unded by the

Santander Group, worth a reduction o 

£3,000 o the cost o your tuition ees, are

available to new ull-time postgraduate tau

degree students rom Argentina, Brazil, Ch

Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Portugal, Puerto

Rico, Spain, Uruguay and Venezuela, who

starting their programmes in 2010 and 201

How to apply

For the 2010 academic year, please email

[email protected] quoting your

student number and giving your qualiying

country o residence/nationality, and we w

send you an application orm.

 Additionally, international students are elig

to apply or one o the university’s 100

annual undergraduate perormance-related

bursaries. They are awarded on the basis

o work done on a University o Brighton

undergraduate course in the previous year These bursaries are not available or new

international students.

For the latest inormation visit .

International scholarships

 A signifcant number o University o Brighton

international scholarships (currently 75)

are available to outstanding international

students. These are worth a reduction

o £2,000 o the cost o your ull-time

undergraduate or postgraduate course tuition

ees or each year o your course.

International research scholarship

Four University o Brighton international

research scholarships are available to

outstanding international research students

who are studying ull-time. These are worth

a 50 per cent reduction o the cost o your

tuition ees or each year o your course.

I you wish to apply or either o the above

University o Brighton scholarships you are

strongly advised to apply or a ull-time place

on the course o your choice as early as

possible in the preceding academic year, ie

as soon as possible ater 1 September.

 This is because we cannot accept

scholarship applications unless you are

already holding a conditional or unconditional

oer o a place on a University o Brighton

course. Once you have received an oer o a

ull-time place, email international@brighton. with your applicant or UCAS number

in the subject line and we will send you a

scholarship application pack.

 The criteria or awarding these scholarships


Merit – not just academic merit but could•

also be interpreted to include outstanding

perormance in a variety o spheres

New, ull ee-paying, ull-time international•

student status.


(UK Department or International


 Two ull-ee postgraduate masters course

scholarships and living expenses bursaries in

one o the areas o:


tourism management•

water and environmental management•

sustainability o the built environment•

applied geology•

or students rom specifed commonwealth



International applicants are eligible to apply or a range o the scholarships and

bursaries oered by the University o Brighton.

 The University o 

Brighton expects toaward more than 200scholarships in 2009.

Scholarship award winners, 2008

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Fee discount or ormer students: eligible students starting

on a postgraduate course at Brighton receive a discounton their ees.

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Should I be paying international ees?

I you are not sure whether you should pay

ees at the international rate you will need

have your ee status confrmed. You should

complete a ee assessment orm during th

application process. All cases are judged i

accordance with the government’s guidelin

and are treated airly and equally.

Cost o living

Living costs vary depending on individual

circumstances. As a general guide the

UK Border Agency (UKBA) estimates that

student will need to demonstrate unds or

living expenses outside London on £5,400

per year.


Fees remain the same throughout your

course: international students pay ees at the

same rate or the duration o their course so

you will pay the same amount in the last year

o your course as you did in the frst.

Full payment discount: i you are an

international student and you pay your ees

in ull beore a set date each year you will

receive a fve per cent ee reund ater that


Fee rates: the standard ees international

students pay are determined by the nature o 

the course and whether it is:



an arts and architecture course•

a course with non-standard ees.•

See the money area o the website or

up-to-date inormation about standard and

non-standard ees or international



 A minimum £1,000 deposit will be requested

rom all new, ull-time international students

unless confrmation o appropriate

sponsorship is received.

 A ull reund o your deposit will only be made

in the case o:

an advertised course being withdrawn•

a student visa being reused (the original•

visa reusal letter must be provided).

I the student chooses to transer to another

university the deposit can only be transerred

on production o an invoice or the amount

held rom the new university. A £250

administration charge will be incurred in this

case. It cannot be reunded personally.

Bank charges are the liability o the student.

Until the deposit is received you cannot

proceed with your accommodation

arrangements and your place on the course

is not secure.

Fees, unding and the cost o living

It is very important that you make sure that you have enough money to cover the cost

o your tuition ees and living expenses beore you begin your course.

Students’ Union shop,

Grand Parade campus


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When are my ees due?

 Tuition ees are payable rom the frst day o 

your course or each year o your course.

Pay ees in instalments

I you have a UK bank account and you

choose to pay your ees by direct debit you

can pay in six instalments.

 Any payments not made in pounds sterling

will incur bank charges which will be passed

on to the student.

Find out more

Contact the university’s fnance department

on +44 (0)1273 642959 or by email at:

[email protected] or details about

payment by direct debit or bank transer.

Please make sure that one o the ollowing

reerences is quoted when making the


student ID number and name•

customer account number•

invoice number.•

Students at University o Brighton

partner colleges

Students taking courses at partner colleges

o the University o Brighton should consult

the college beore sending payment to the

University o Brighton. Fees are usually paid

direct to the partner college.

What happens i I can’t pay my ees

on the due date?

 You must contact the university’s fnance

department to discuss your situation.

I you do not pay your ees by the due dates,

a reminder process will begin.

Ultimately i your ees are not paid you

could be excluded rom the university. I you

are in debt to the university you will not be

permitted to begin the next academic year

and a fnal academic award will not be made.


Overseas payments can be made online at 

terms.asp or by international bank transer to:

Barclays Bank PLC, 139/142 North Street

Brighton, Sussex, England, BN1 1RU.

 Account name: University o Brighton

Receipts account

Sort code: 20-12-75

 Account number: 40157325


IBAN: GB81-BARC-2012-7540-1573-25

Paying your ees


Each student is responsible or the payment o his or her tuition ees. Students are required topay ees themselves unless they are able to provide written proo that their ees will be paid ontheir behal by an ofcial sponsor. I confrmation o appropriate sponsorship is received, thedeposit requirement is waived.

Brighton city centre Hove searont

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 About this prospectus

 This prospectus was printed in June 2009

 The University o Brighton makes every e

to ensure the accuracy o this prospectus

and will take all reasonable steps to provid

the courses and services described in it

and in supplementary documentation. It

cannot, however, guarantee their provision

in the event o circumstances beyond its

control (such as lack o demand, changes

in government policy or industrial action)

but in such an event, will make reasonable

eort to provide a suitable alternative. In

accepting any oer o a place, you consen

to incorporation o this notice as a term o 

contract between you and the university.

 All students are required to abide by the

university’s regulations which are available

on request.

Please reer to the website, or

up-to-date course inormation.

Registry course and admissions enquiries

[email protected]

International ofce

[email protected]

Open days

[email protected]


School o Language, Literature

and Communication

[email protected]

 Accommodation ofces

[email protected]

[email protected]

Brighton Graduate Association

[email protected]

Student Services

[email protected]

International student immigration advice

[email protected]

International orientation week

[email protected]

Students’ Union

Other useul links

British Council

British Council, Education UK

UK Border & Immigration Agency

Foreign and Commonwealth Ofce

UK Visas

Brighton Tourist Board

Eastbourne Tourist Board

Hastings Tourist Board

Contacting us

Please email or visit the ollowing websites or

urther inormation.

Hastings searont

Brighton, near Gra

Parade camp

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We have a list o over 250 international graduates who

would be pleased to tell you – in your own language –about their experiences at the University o Brighton.

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It was a great experience to study at the

University o Brighton in the School o Serv


I enjoyed both the campus and the town a

though I was based in Eastbourne (which

beautiul!) the transport between Brighton

and Eastbourne was so easy that I didn’t

miss out on anything. Eastbourne is also a

lovely town in its own right.

 The degree was all that I expected and mo

and it helped me make a big step in my


I would like to express my thanks to my

tutors or their encouragement and suppo

 The course taught me strategic managem

and positive thinking, two things that I cou

not do without in my current job.

Come to study at the University o Brighto

I am sure it will make a big change in your

 Amy Ma


Hospitality Management MA 2005 

We have a list o over 250 international

graduates rom a large number o dierent

countries who would be pleased to tell

you – in your own language – about their

experiences at the University o Brighton.

 They are happy to answer any questions you

may have. To contact them, please email

[email protected], let us know your

nationality and we will put you in touch with

an appropriate graduate.


Once you have graduated rom the university

you are welcome to become an international

ambassador yoursel and help uture students

the way our current international graduates

have volunteered to help you.

 To fnd out more, please visit .

Brighton is one o the most enchanting,

welcoming, extraordinary cities in Britain,

and some people call it ‘little London by the

sea’. Friendly people, lots o music clubs and

a relaxed atmosphere make it a wonderul

place to live and study.

Being an international student, I was given

a lot o help to settle in. This as well as the

location and the quality o the course made

me choose to study at Brighton.

 The quality and style o education provided

by the university was world class and I

have learnt more in one year during my

course than I learnt in the three years doing

my bachelors in computer science. The

education and skills I learnt helped me fnd a

 job in international management at a senior

level and lie has been great since then.

Studying at the University o Brighton helped

me to gain social, cultural and academic skills

which I am using on a daily basis.

 Vikram Singh


Sotware Engineering MSc 2007 

The Brighton Graduate Association andthe international ambassador scheme

 As a potential student, we believe you should have the opportunity to talk directly to ormer

students who are rom your own country, to hear what it is like to live in the UK and study atthe University o Brighton. Our international ambassador scheme gives you the chance to do just that.