international sala magazine august 2014

Edition 44 / Aug 2014 “Bliss Dance” Sculpture by Marco Cochrane

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International Salsa Magazine is a Salsa-related monthly publication with content in Spanish and English.


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Edition 44 / Aug 2014

“Bliss Dance”Sculptureby Marco Cochrane

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International Salsa Magazine / Aug 20144

Orquesta Buena Vista Social Club

“Adiós Tour 2014” “…El Adiós Tour es una síntesis de más de mil conciertos que han involucrado a más de cuarenta músicos en los últimos dieciséis años. Durante este tiempo el grupo se ha convertido en una personalizada, dinámica y multi-generacional big band, donde los veteranos y los más jóvenes se han unido para celebrar con elegancia la tradición musical cubana.

Bajo la dirección musical de Jesús “Aguaje” Ramos (líder de la banda y trombonista), la formación de “Adiós Tour” contará con varios músicos que participaron en el disco y en la película Buena Vista Social Club® y que incluyen a Eliades Ochoa (guitarra), también conocido como el Johnny Cash cubano, Omara Portuondo (voz) la diva del son, al maestro Guajiro Mirabal (trompeta) y al virtuoso Barbarito Torres (laúd).

Acompañándoles en el escenario estarán algunos de los músicos que a lo largo de los años se han unido al pro-yecto como el veterano maestro del tres Papi Oviedo, el virtuoso pianista Rolando Luna, una excelente sección rítmica compuesta por Pedro Pablo (contrabajo), Andrés Coyao (congas), Filiberto Sánchez (timbales) y Alber-to “La Noche” (bongos), un conjunto de trompetas de tres hombres liderado por la alta nota especialista de Luis Alemany y el célebre sonero Carlos Calunga.

Del son pasando por guajiras, danzones, boleros, cha-cha-chá, y rumbas, la Orquesta Buena Vista Social Club®, “Adiós Tour” ofrecerá además de sus grandes clásicos, una nueva edición que contará con canciones inéditas y versiones de temas populares cubanos. El repertorio será un fiel reflejo del pasado y presente de la experiencia Buena Vista Social Club® con homenajes a muchos de los grandes músicos que han contribuido de un modo muy singular en la historia de la banda.”

Contenido cortesía

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By: Ana Rosa Massieu / @anarosacultural

AUG 2014Aug 02 /National Concert Hall/Dublin, Ireland

Aug 04/Festival castell Peralada/Perelada, Spain

Aug 05/Porto Latino/Bastia, France

Oct 12/De Oosterpoort/Groningen, Netherlands

Oct 14/Het Concertgebouw/Amsterdam, Netherlands

Oct 15/Muziekgebouw Frits Philips/Eindhoven,

The Netherlands

Oct 17/De Roma/Antwerp, Belgium

Oct 20/Ancienne Belgique/Brussels, Belgium

Oct 21/Ancienne Belgique/Brussels, Belgium

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International Salsa Magazine / Aug 20148 International Salsa Magazine / Abr 2014 / www.salsamundi.com8

Un quiteñoen CharlestonGino Castillo nació en Quito, Ecuador y a los 16 años se fue a Cuba donde estudió música por 10 años. Regresó a su país natal y desarrolló lo aprendido: dio clases en la universidad, abrió su propia escuela de música y se dedicó a tocar básicamente música pop, jazz y folclórica. En 2009 se dijo a sí mismo que necesitaba un reto mayor que lo llevara a un punto más alto. Fue entonces cuando decidió mudarse con su familia a Nueva York.

Se estableció en esa ciudad gra-cias a la ayuda de amigos y estudió con grandes músicos, entre los cuales se cuenta a Oscar Valdés. Luego decidió irse al sur del país, a Charleston, Carolina del Sur. Allí vive actualmente y toca todas las semanas, particularmente los domingos, en Voodoo Lounge y los miércoles en Victor´s Social Club. Gino y su grupo de músicos y cantantes son los únicos que tocan ritmos latinos bailables en la ciudad y cada vez llevan más público al local, lo cual demuestra lo atractivo que resulta su música para los habitantes que son más estadoun-idenses que latinos.

Para ganarse a este público, a Gino se le ocurrió la idea de versionar con ritmos de jazz latino y un can-tante a grandes de la industria musical estadoun-idense; el primero fue Stevie Wonder. Esto lo hizo

en un local nocturno y la aceptación del público fue total. Así comenzó a sumar seguidores. De hecho, su próximo trabajo discográfico SoulFunKubanized que se publicará en octubre de este año 2014 será un compilatorio de estas versiones que tanto han gusta-do. Por ser un disco de versiones no estará a la venta sino que podrá ser descargado y unas dos mil copias serán entregadas el día del concierto al aire libre que se realizará en un parque de Charleston en octubre

para celebrar este lanzamiento.

Este será su segundo disco como solista. El primero salió a la luz en Ecuador en 2008 con ritmos de jazz latino llamado Ya llegué.

Castillo estuvo relacionado con el mundo de la música desde su in-

fancia. A los cinco años le dijo a su mamá que quería aprender a tocar la batería y ella lo inscribió en una escuela. Luego aprendió a tocar otros instrumentos como el bajo y el piano. Pero lo suyo es la percusión. Actualmente toca la conga y los timbales y, a veces, el shekere.

Su esposa es una actriz cubana, sus hijos (una chica y un chico) de 12 y 11 años respectivamente, están aprendiendo a tocar instrumentos musicales y actu-ación. El arte se respira en el hogar de los Castillo en Charleston…

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By: Ingrid Hernández / @ingridher

“El arte se respira en el hogar de los Castillo”

“El arte se respira en el hogar de los Castillo”

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Open Monday to Friday from 12pm until lateSaturday & Bank Holiday Sunday from 4pm until late

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Open Monday to Friday from 12pm until lateSaturday & Bank Holiday Sunday from 4pm until late

57 Old Harcourt Street Railway Station,Harcourt Street, Dublin 2 Tel: +353 1 478 2088Web:

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By: Ingrid Hernández / @ingridher

Hay ocho canciones en este nuevo trabajo discográ-fico de esta banda de Richmond, Virginia. ¿Por qué sólo ocho temas? Según nos cuenta Marlysse (tecla-dista, compositora y manager) esto se debe a que el disco saldrá al mercado en formato long play y no hay espacio para más porque deben limitarse a 45 minutos.

La ecléctica música de Bio Ritmo se hace acompañar en esta placa por mensajes que hacen reflexionar sin resultar fastidiosas. Todo lo contrario; si algo caracte-riza a esta banda es la música bailable y agradable al oído. Si bien es cierto que su base es la salsa de los años setenta, que consideran atemporal, su música ha evolucionado incorporando elementos varios que los mismos integrantes han aportado con el pasar del tiempo. Consideran que llegaron al punto en el cual se hicieron de un estilo propio, que no se puede en-casillar o catalogar; es el estilo Bio Ritmo.

Marlysse, Rei, Aldo y Giustino son quienes suelen escribir las canciones una vez que ya tienen la mú-sica. Todo el proceso se lleva en promedio dos me-ses. Generalmente, hacen las canciones y las graban después. Como pasan varios meses, las canciones van sufriendo transformaciones en los ensayos y en los toques. Es decir, que cuando sale el disco ya los se-guidores saben qué van a conseguir. Y siempre que-dan canciones que no pueden ser incluidas pero que tocan en vivo.

Todos los miembros de la banda tienen otros trabajos con los cuales se ganan el dinero para vivir y mantener a sus familias. Bio Ritmo es su pasión y han estado en la escena musical por más de veinte años porque les gusta. Aunque afirman que les gustaría ser famosos y hacer mucho dinero. Sin embargo, las presentaciones de la banda atraen a un numeroso público que queda

El eclecticismo de Bio Ritmo y su Puerta del Sur

satisfecho, lo cual regocija a los músicos.

Marlysse prefirió hacer la entrevista inglés aunque habla bastante bien el español. Cuando Rei y Héc-tor (ambos son puertorriqueños) se incorporaron a la conversación lo hicieron hablando en español.

El arte de las portadas o carátulas y contraportadas de los discos son autoría de Rei.

Puerta del Sur rinde un homenaje tanto en diseño como en su música a los ritmos africanos y demuestra que se sienten cómodos con lo que hacen, con el tipo de música que escriben y tocan.

Bio Ritmo tiene muchos seguidores en Richmond y sus alrededores. Es un público cautivo gracias al rit-mo latino que tanto gusta y a ese toque particular, como cada integrante de la banda, que tienen sus canciones.





“Me gusta hacer música con los chicos de la banda”, Marlysse“Es mejor grabar una canción después de tocarla”, Rei

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Carrer d’Aragó, 141, 08015, Barcelona. Españ

Antilla-Salsa Barcelona, una sala dedicada a la música latina, lo mejor de las noches salseras de nuestra city. Ven a compartir

con nosotros nuestra alegría, nuestro ritmo y nuestro ambiente único.

Ven a bailar y a gozar con la selección musical de nuestros DJs: salsa, bachata, kizomba, merengue, rumba, cha-cha-cha, rueda casino…

Ven a disfrutar de nuestras Animaciones, de nuestros Talleres Abiertos,

de nuestras Exhibiciones, de nuestros salsa-boys. ¡Te esperamos!


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Vesper Public Relations. Los Angeles, CA – July 2, 2014. The Museum of Latin American Art (MOLAA) in Long Beach, CA, in collaboration with Yambu Produc-tions, kicked off their Summer Sundays at MOLAA, a 2014 summer concert series showcasing Afro-Cuban music. In keeping with their tradition of promoting Latin culture, MOLAA will continue to offer two more live performances, with the next coming in August, featuring contemporary celebrated artists recog-nized for their contributions to the preservation of the traditional sounds of Afro-Cuban music. During concert intermissions, guests will enjoy the salsa and bachata sounds of DJ JOJO and his Mambo Madness.

August 17 Remembering the Palladium Days (Part Deux) MOLAA pays tribute to the days of one of New York’s most celebrated dance halls, the Palladium, and the kings of Afro Caribbean swing, with a live perfor-mance featuring GRAMMY AWARD WINNING vocalist, Herman Olivera andFreddie Crespo’s Mambo Revue Orchestra performing the music of the “Big Three”, Machito, Tito Puente and Tito Rodriguez. Considered by critics as one of today’s most representative salsa singers, Herman Olivera began singing professionally with local New York bands at the tender age of 15. He


would then be afforded the opportunity to sing lead vocals with Conjunto Libre under the direction of Manny Oquendo and Andy Gonzalez. After two de-cades with Conjunto Libre, Olivera worked regularly with Johnny Pacheco, Ray Barretto, Bobby Rodriguez y La Compañia and The Machito Orchestra. He cur-rently performs with Eddie Palmieri’s Orchestra and is featured on five of Palmieri’s CD’s, including “Master-piece/Obra Maestra” with the late, great Tito Puente, which earned two Grammys.

September 28 Benny Moré, Que Bueno Canta Ust-ed! Featuring internationally celebrated percussion-ists, Lucas Van Merwijk and Calixto Oviedo, backed by the Cal State University Los Angeles Afro Latin Ensemble, the group will evoke the nostalgia of the big band era, while paying homage to one of Cuba’s celebrated bandleaders, Benny Moré. Elected ‘Best Jazz Drummer’ and ‘Best Fusion Drummer’ in the Ben-elux countries for several years, Lucas van Merwijk has been at the forefront of the European and Latin jazz scene for over 25 years. After an intensive study of Afro-Cuban drums in Cuba in the early 80’s, Lucas van Merwijk has been involved with various projects, such as the world-percussion ensemble Drums Unit

Remembering The Palladium Days (Part Deux) with Grammy Award-Winning Vocalist, Herman Olivera,

performing the music of The Big Three with Freddie Crespo’s Mambo Revue Orchestra.

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By: Ingrid Hernández / @ingridher

Vesper Public Relations. Los Angeles, CA – July 2, 2014. The Museum of Latin American Art (MOLAA) in Long Beach, CA, in collaboration with Yambu Produc-tions, kicked off their Summer Sundays at MOLAA, a 2014 summer concert series showcasing Afro-Cuban music. In keeping with their tradition of promoting Latin culture, MOLAA will continue to offer two more live performances, with the next coming in August, featuring contemporary celebrated artists recog-nized for their contributions to the preservation of the traditional sounds of Afro-Cuban music. During concert intermissions, guests will enjoy the salsa and bachata sounds of DJ JOJO and his Mambo Madness.

August 17 Remembering the Palladium Days (Part Deux) MOLAA pays tribute to the days of one of New York’s most celebrated dance halls, the Palladium, and the kings of Afro Caribbean swing, with a live perfor-mance featuring GRAMMY AWARD WINNING vocalist, Herman Olivera andFreddie Crespo’s Mambo Revue Orchestra performing the music of the “Big Three”, Machito, Tito Puente and Tito Rodriguez. Considered by critics as one of today’s most representative salsa singers, Herman Olivera began singing professionally with local New York bands at the tender age of 15. He would then be afforded the opportunity to sing lead vocals with Conjunto Libre under the direction of Manny Oquendo and Andy Gonzalez. After two de-cades with Conjunto Libre, Olivera worked regularly with Johnny Pacheco, Ray Barretto, Bobby Rodriguez y La Compañia and The Machito Orchestra. He cur-rently performs with Eddie Palmieri’s Orchestra and is featured on five of Palmieri’s CD’s, including “Master-piece/Obra Maestra” with the late, great Tito Puente, which earned two Grammys.

September 28 Benny Moré, Que Bueno Canta Ust-ed! Featuring internationally celebrated percussion-ists, Lucas Van Merwijk and Calixto Oviedo, backed by the Cal State University Los Angeles Afro Latin Ensemble, the group will evoke the nostalgia of the big band era, while paying homage to one of Cuba’s celebrated bandleaders, Benny Moré. Elected ‘Best Jazz Drummer’ and ‘Best Fusion Drummer’ in the Ben-

elux countries for several years, Lucas van Merwijk has been at the forefront of the European and Latin jazz scene for over 25 years. After an intensive study of Afro-Cuban drums in Cuba in the early 80’s, Lucas van Merwijk has been involved with various projects, such as the world-percussion ensemble Drums Unit-ed, Van Merwijks Music Machine, Drumix! and Cubop City Big Band, the 20-piece salsa and Latin jazz group.

Currently, Van Merwijk teaches drums and percus-sion, as a member of the staff, at both the World Music department of the Rotterdam CODARTS Conservato-ry as well as the Jazz department of the Amsterdam Conservatory. This performance marks his Los An-geles debut. Born in Havana, Cuba, Calixto Oviedo is considered by the critics as the creator of the new Cuban sound called “Timba”. During his 40 years as a professional musician, Oviedo has had the oppor-tunity to work and perform internationally with mu-sic stars like, Gonzalo Rubalcaba, Paquito D’Rivera, Arturo Sandoval and Chucho Valdes among others. These events are sponsored in part by: KJAZZ 88.1 FM, KPFK 90.7 FM, Jack Daniel’s and El Jimador.

Tickets: General Admission reserved seating, $40 – Standing Room Only, $30 To purchase tickets, or for more information, call (562) 437-1689 or visit Museum of Lat-in American Art, 628 Alamitos Ave., Long Beach, Calif. 90802 Hours: Sun., Wed., Thurs. and Sat., 11:00am – 5:00pm, Friday, 11:00am – 9:00pm Admission: $9.00 General/ $6.00 Students (w/ID) and seniors (65+) Members and kids under 12 Free Free Admission ev-

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By: Ingrid Hernández / @ingridher

Únete al proyecto ArtistShare de la Spanish Harlem Orchestra a través del cual conocerás y obtendrás an-tes que nadie su quinta producción discográfica en la que cuenta con invitados especiales como Chick Corea y Joe Lovano. Nuestro compromiso es hacer música espléndida impregnada de historia y tradi-ción manteniendo la más alta calidad e integridad artística. En esta ocasión, hemos hecho este este dis-co de manera independiente, sin ninguna compañía disquera reconocida, de ahí que te invitamos y nece-sitamos como parte de este proyecto. Hay varias ma-neras para participar e integrarte a él ahora mismo. Ve al siguiente enlace para más información.

Integrándote a este proyecto tienes la oportunidad de:

- Hacer que tu nombre aparezca en nuestro álbum.- Patrocinar un concierto de la Spanish Harlem Or-

chestra en una escuela, para llevar la historia y la tradición del Latin Jazz a la siguiente generación.

- Recibir un video personalizado, grabado por los integrantes de la Spanish Harlem Orchestra espe-cialmente para ti (similar al que verás en el enlace).

- Conocer y reunirte con los integrantes de la Spani-sh Harlem Orchestra.

- Contar con acceso VIP a todos los conciertos de la Spanish Harlem Orchestra durante un año.

¡Ayúdanos a compartir nuestro amor por la Salsa y el Latin Jazz y únete a nosotros en esta travesía ar-tística!

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Harbourfront Centre invites Torontoniansto get down and boogie at the waterfront as Dancing on the Pier swings into summerHarbourfront Centre is encouraging all Torontonians to grab friends, family or come single to dance on the shores of Lake Ontario. Join us as the music begins to play on June 26 for the fourth edition of Dancing on the Pier. A weekly series that offers an unparalleled opportunity to explore the diverse world of music with the universal language of dance, Dancing on the Pier will bring rhythm and movement to the waterfront every Thursday from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., until September 4.

As the waterfront is transformed into an outdoor dance floor, patrons will discover different dance styles each week to the beat of live music performed by local musicians.The season kicks off with an all-time favourite, Toronto All-Star Big Band, famous for their rhythm, spirit and style channeled from the 1930s, 40s and 50s. Joining Dancing on the Pier for the very first time are Sean Bellaviti and Luis Obegoso, leading figures in Toronto’s sizzling Latin American music scene. Performing with them will be a host of renowned musicians.

The 2014 Dancing on the Pier lineup also includes collaborations with dance organizations from across the city: Toronto Swing Dance Society, Swingin’ OUT, SalsaTO, Caliente Entertainment, Swing Toronto and C.U. Dance Produc-tions. Combining forces, these great groups are sure to get everyone moving in no time.

“Dancing on the Pier has grown so much each summer, so we’re very excited to see the turnout in its fourth year,” says Harbourfront Centre assistant artistic associate, Bridget Love. “The combination of the dance floor’s waterfront setting, and the featured steps and styles from around the globe, makes this weekly series a highlight for summerevenings in the city – the response so far has been fantastic.”

Dancing on the Pier is a free event and is open to everyone, from curious novices to ballroom pros. For a swingin’ good time, come and join the live band, dance experts and hundreds of Torontonians on the Pier from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., every Thursday at Harbourfront Centre’s Boulevard Tent.

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By: Ingrid Hernández / @ingridher

August 7 – 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., Boulevard TentLuis Obegoso’s Moda Eterna is inspired by the hard-core salsa of New York from the 70 & 80’s. This smaller version of his 12-piece band will present snap shots of the salsa history as created by some of the great-est composers and performers including Ray Barreto, Roberto Roena and Eddie Palmieri. Join the teachers and students from C.U.Dance Productions on the Pier, take a step back in time and dance to the songs of salsa’s legends.

Afro Colombian Jazz, Blending the sounds of Afro Colombian Folklore with JazzAugust 14 – 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., Boulevard TentEscape with us for the night--come get lost as Luis Or-begoso, one of the most in-demand percussionists in Toronto, presents Afro Colombian Jazz, blending the sounds of Afro Colombian Folklore with Jazz. Lose your inhibitions and dance on the Pier at the heart ofToronto’s waterfront.

The Art of the Descarga: Revisiting the roots of Lat-in jazzAugust 21 – 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., Boulevard TentSean Bellaviti is revisiting the roots of Latin jazz as he presents the Art of Descarga. This is your last chance to dance to the music of Sean Bellaviti, a leading fig-ure in Toronto’s exciting Latin American music scene. Need a vacation? Lose yourself with us for the nightat Dancing on the Pier in the exciting music of a dis-tant oasis.

Shall We Swing? Sounds of the Famous Big BandsAugust 28 – 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., Boulevard TentShall We Swing? Toronto All-Star Big Band presents Sounds of the Famous Big Bands.One of the most exciting bands around, the Toronto All-Star Big Band revives the spirit, style and sound of the 1930s, 40s and 50s. Get on your feet, feel the beat and join the students and teachers of Swing Toron-to for the last swing night in the Dancing on the Pier season.

Spoken word with Dance: blending rhythms of Hiphop, Salsa, Reggaeton and some Colombian Folklore with a touch of Spoken wordSeptember 4 – 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., Boulevard TentLuis Orbegoso presents Spoken word with Dance: blending rhythms of Hiphop, Salsa, Reggaeton and some Colombian Folklore with a touch of Spoken word. Join us on the waterfront for the final Dancing on the Pier event and help us end the season with abang!

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Welcome to the 7thedition of the World Salsa Congress Marrakech

From September 04th to September 09th 2014!

The sixth edition of the World Salsa Congress Marrakech was a great success at all levels. Thanks to your loyalty and massive presence. Our thanks also go to our partners who sup-port us and believe in this beautiful project.

The seventh edition will take place in 2014 from September 04th to September 08th. Also we will do everything to ensure that the event is up to your expectations with an exceptional ambience of feast and Exchange.

We invite you to consult our site from January to have progressively any relevant information concerning the conduct of the sixth edition of the World Salsa Congress Marrakech.

Meet you in Marrakech on the 04th of Sep-tember!



Eddie Torres (New York)Franklin Diaz (New York) confirmed

Tropical Gem (Milano) confirmedSanto Rico (New York) confirmed

Johnny Vazquez (Los Angeles)Terry and Cecile (Paris) confirmed

Mouaze (Paris) confirmedFadi D. F. (Malaga) confirmed

Kwenda Lima (Lissabon) confirmedMoe Flex (London) confirmed

Chiquito (Santo Domingo) confirmedFred Dancefloor (Geneva) confirmed

Dominican Power (Milano) confirmedRoberto Cubano (Paris) confirmed

African Jet (Milano) confirmedTalal (Brussels) confirmed

Latin Dance Acad. (Cuba) confirmedMonica Bauer (Frankfurt) confirmed

Jörg Dangel & virginie (Saarland) confirmedAnthony Auffret (Ireland/France) confirmed

Hicham Loco (Nantes) confirmedHamidine (Monaco) confirmed

Shelina Donkers (Rotterdam) confirmed


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By: Franck Al Yamine Cohendet

DJKamalSalsa Dura (NRW) confirmed

DJMauri(Amsterdam) confirmed

DJMascalzone(Rome) confirmed

DJLocoNantes (Nantes) confirmed

DJKitoEt Jal’s (Casablanca) confirmed

DJMango(Resident Dj) confirmed

DJSaul(Munich) confirmed

DJ Friday Sept 05- From 15h to 19h : Pool party with special gests.- From 22h to 23h30: Shows with leading interna-tional choregraphers Atlas Room- From 00h to 5h: Salsa and Latin party with Inter-national DJs Atlas Room3 rooms with three differents groove atmospheres (Puerto Rican, Kizombabachata et Latino cubain)

Saturday Sept 06From 10h30 to 15h50: lessons of different Latin dances on 5 different roomsCICP


Thursday Sept 04From 10pm : Opening party, Salsa and Latin Night with International DJ CRISTAL Room

From 15h to 19h : Pool party with special gests.20h to 22h Moroccan Gala Diner At PGP restaurant (to book click here)From 22h to 23h30: Shows with leading internation-al choreographers Atlas RoomFrom 00h to 5h: Salsa and Latin party with Interna-tional DJs Atlas Room3 rooms with three differents atmospheres (Puerto Rican, Kizombabachata et Latino cubain)

Sunday Sept 07From 11h a 16h20: lessons of different Latin dances on 5 different roomsCICPFrom 15h to 19h : Pool party with special gests.From 22h to 5h: losing Party at Nikki Beach with international DJsNikki Beach


Facebook event : Organization : SALSA GENEVA :

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Welcome to the Munich Salsa Congress!Welcome to the Munich Salsa Congress from 5th to 7th September 2014!

At this international event dancers from all of the world will come together – and they all speak one language: S A L S A

Germany’s most charming capital won’t leave anything to be desired. Munich isn’t only home of the Oktoberfest and the world’s best beer gardens – it’s also a cultural highlight! The city

center with its castles, museums, the opera and numerous exhibitions has a lot to offer. Switzerland, Austria and Italy can be reached in less than one hour and the Alps offer

a breathtaking mountain scenario.

On this website you can find all necessary information regarding Locations, Artists, DJs, Tickets and HOTELS. Apart from that we want to seize the opportunity to introduce you to our beautiful city. Soon we will provide you with some real insider tips about undertakings in and

around Munich.

Meet Salseros and Salseras from all over the world and spice up your life with music, passion and style – because that’s what we stand for!

We expect all of you in Munich in 2014 and promise that we won´t spare any effort to offer you a very special Salsaevent!

Subscribe now for our Newsletter and keep up to date with the latest news!

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Follow me @salsamundiShare your experiences with other salseros around the world

and find current events worldwide

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Generally speaking, your dancing day at TIPDI will consist of two 90-minute classes in your “primary” dance, plus three more 90-minute classes that rotate you among all the other dance forms! (See Sche-dule details below.) Every night, you’ll have the chance to practice what you’ve learned by going social dancing in NYC. You will become amazing in a single 3-day weekend!

Country / City: New York / USA Date: August 14 - 17Web:

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PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTSFirst performance in 40 years of Larry Harlow’s landmark Hommy: A Latin Opera at Damrosch Park – July 23Michael Stuart y Su Tremendo, Puerto Rico’s salsa and stage star – July 23U.S. Debut of A Batalha do Passinho, pioneering Brazilian baile funk/street dance, presented in collaboration with Brasil Summerfest; multiple events, including family workshop and film screening – July 22, 24 and 26

Daylong collaboration with globalFEST featuring performances by BaianaSystem, Pupy y Los Que Son Son, M.A.K.U. Soundsystem, Banda de los Muertos – July 27

World Premiere collaboration by José González with yMusic – July 31

La Casita, music and spoken word performances dedicated to Amiri Baraka, to include performances by Acar-denchados, Ulali’s Soni Moreno, flamenco from Sonia Olla & Ismael de la Rosa, the Afro-Brazilian sounds of Olo-gundê, and salsa dura “con conscencia” by Orquesta SCC (formerly La Excelencia) – August 2 at Lincoln Center, August 3 at Teatro Pregones, Bronx

Tribute to Pete “El Conde” Rodriguez co-presented with the Caribbean Cultural Center African Diaspora Institu-te, celebrating Fania Records’ 50th anniversary with The Cita Rodriguez Orchestra and Pete Rodriguez with Tito Allen, Herman Olivera, Karen Joseph, Willie Torres, Eddie Montalvo, Ray Martinez, and the Alma Moyo Drum-mers with special guest star Johnny Pacheco – August 3Lincoln Center Out of Doors, which runs from July 20 to August 10, 2014 will feature over 100 free performan-ces across the plazas of Lincoln Center, including noted Latino artists, from the U.S. and abroad. Detailed des-criptions of those performances follow.

ALL EVENTS ARE FREE; no tickets required. Events take place on the plazas of Lincoln Center.Visit for complete schedule or call 212-875-5766 to request a brochure.

Country / City: USA / New YorkDate: JULY 20 / AUGUST 10

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One-Week Salsa Immersions developed personally by Ana & Joel Masacote Boston, MA USA These are ALL INCLUSIVE DANCE CAMP (Food, Lodging, Training included! Deposit only $169!)Be a Part of An Experience Like None Other!The ONLY ONE of it’s Kind!(Limited to Only: 20 Women, 20 Men)Get Away For ONE WHOLE WEEK!And train directly with Ana & Joel MasacoteAll Levels Advanced Beginner to Advanced Welcome! (Knowledge of on 2 Basics required.)

Country / City: Boston / USA Date: July 13-19, 2014 Aug 17-23, 2014Web:

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Country / City: USA / OrlandoDate: JULY 30 - AUGUST 3


5 Of non-stop Salsa action featuring international dance showcases, world class dance workshops, live concerts, all-star DJs, pre-parties, pool-parties, dance parties and one crazy bachata room.Days


International touring artists, Latin dance cham-pions, youth teams and the best up-and-coming

talent from around the world. Together, they to make up the MSC dance showcase, 3 nights

of spectacular performances.

5000 Over 5,000 event fans, from across the globe, visit the Miami Salsa Congress each year to party at one of the worlds most famous beach-front destinations and experience “The Ultimate Summer Salsa Congress”Events


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Country / City: USA / MiamiDate: AUGUST 19-25


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Germany’s highest globally ranked Latin dance Schoolis a family owned & operated dance school:

By Wally & Gallo Suarez


For international callers (English / Spanish):

Gallo: +49 174 321 44 42Wally: +49 174 312 03 55

Address Frühlingstrasse 7,28195 Bremen DE.

LEGEND- Social Dance Theatre (Beginner Dancers)

- Intense Dance Series (Intermediate Dancers)- Show Dance Theatre (Advanced Dancers)

MONDAY- Pro-Am 18:00 - 19:00- Pro-Am 19:00 - 20:00

- Ladies Styling 20:00 - 21:00- Stretching Class 21:00 - 22:00

TUESDAY- Salsa On1 Beginner I 19:00 - 19:50

- Ladies Entry Level team 19:00 - 20:00- Pro-Am 20:00 - 21:00

- Ladies Team 20:00 - 21:00WEDNESDAY

- Salsa On1 Beginner II 18:00 - 18:50- Salsa On1 Beginner I 19:00 - 19:50- Salsa On1 Beginner I 20:00 - 20:50

THRUSDAY- Pro-Am 18:00 - 19:00

Every 1st. Saturday of the Month- Workshops with different themes

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