internet performance measurements and measurement techniques jim kurose department of computer...

Internet Performance Measurements and Measurement Techniques Jim Kurose Department of Computer Science University of Massachusetts/Amherst

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Page 1: Internet Performance Measurements and Measurement Techniques Jim Kurose Department of Computer Science University of Massachusetts/Amherst kurose

Internet Performance Measurements and

Measurement Techniques

Jim KuroseDepartment of Computer Science

University of Massachusetts/Amherst

Page 2: Internet Performance Measurements and Measurement Techniques Jim Kurose Department of Computer Science University of Massachusetts/Amherst kurose


• Introduction– why and what to measure

• Measuring per-hop performance– tricks, successes, “failures”

• End-to-end measurements– correlation in end-end loss, delay– “confidence” in measurements

• What lies ahead?

Page 3: Internet Performance Measurements and Measurement Techniques Jim Kurose Department of Computer Science University of Massachusetts/Amherst kurose

What “performance” to measure?

• packet delay• packet loss• link or path capacity/availability• where?

• over what time scale?– sub-second, minute, hours?



Page 4: Internet Performance Measurements and Measurement Techniques Jim Kurose Department of Computer Science University of Massachusetts/Amherst kurose

Why measure?end-end measurements:

• benchmarking, monitoring (e.g., Imeter)

• fault identification (e.g., routing instabilities)

• understanding end-end perf– misordering, loss (e.g., tcp

studies by Paxson)– correlation-time scale for

end-end loss, delayuse in adaptive applications

per-hop measurements:

• network operations (proprietary?)

• understanding where in end-end path performance impairments occur – use in reliable

multicast protocols, active services, network modeling

Page 5: Internet Performance Measurements and Measurement Techniques Jim Kurose Department of Computer Science University of Massachusetts/Amherst kurose

Measuring Per-hop performance• Question: what is loss, delay, capacity at given hop?• Question: what per-hop delays does a packet see?

• Complication:– routers do not report performance stats to end users

• need to infer performance statistics– cleverly use little “machinery” that we have– develop an inferencing methodology


Page 6: Internet Performance Measurements and Measurement Techniques Jim Kurose Department of Computer Science University of Massachusetts/Amherst kurose

Clever use of existing protocols

• traceroute, pathchar: – use ICMP packets and time-to-live (TTL) field– each router decrements TTL on forwarding– TTL = 0 results in ICMP error msg back to sender

• Used to discover all routers on path to destination



ICMP errrouter = x


Page 7: Internet Performance Measurements and Measurement Techniques Jim Kurose Department of Computer Science University of Massachusetts/Amherst kurose

Clever use of exiting protocols (cont.)

• ICMP/TTL-field trick also gives link bandwidth:– find min roundtrip delay to x-

1 (use many probe pkts)– find min rt delay to hop x– difference gives prop. delay

plus transmission delay– vary pkt size to get link


• gives variable queueing delay, loss of path to x– isolating hop x behavior


hop x-1 hop x

data packet (d bits)

ICMP reply (r bits)





Page 8: Internet Performance Measurements and Measurement Techniques Jim Kurose Department of Computer Science University of Massachusetts/Amherst kurose

Can we measure per-hop delays?

• motivation - a typical modeling paper: “We model the network as a single link ….”

• is this a valid assumption?– does a packet generally experience “most”

of its delay at one link?

Page 9: Internet Performance Measurements and Measurement Techniques Jim Kurose Department of Computer Science University of Massachusetts/Amherst kurose

Measuring per-hop delays:• send unicast probes along path• use “IP options” on probes to gather timestamps

– packet passing through specified router timestamped

• problem: only 4 timestamps in each packet• solution: send multiple probes at one time:



x y






probe 1

probe 2

x x x xx x x x

Page 10: Internet Performance Measurements and Measurement Techniques Jim Kurose Department of Computer Science University of Massachusetts/Amherst kurose

Measuring per-hop delays:• problem: IP options packets treated differently

– data packets forwarded on fast path– IP options packet detoured (hopefully briefly)

• solution: send non-option packet with probes– only analyze probes when non-option packet delay

close to probe delay (hope: negligible options processing delays)

probe 1 x x x xprobe 2 x x x x



non-option pkt

Page 11: Internet Performance Measurements and Measurement Techniques Jim Kurose Department of Computer Science University of Massachusetts/Amherst kurose

Analyzing the per-hop data

• Consider only probes with e-e queueing delays > 100ms

• filter cases where probe and option pkt delays “close” (20 ms)

• Hypothesis: e-e delays of filtered probes from same distribution as all probes– hypothesis rejected with

negligible probability of being wrong :-(


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Page 12: Internet Performance Measurements and Measurement Techniques Jim Kurose Department of Computer Science University of Massachusetts/Amherst kurose

Can we measure per-hop packet delay/loss?

• timestamping approach not statistically valid

• inspiration (!) from another on-going effort: multicast loss

• question: where in a multicast tree does loss occur?– backbone? edges? – implications for design of

reliable multicast protocols

Title: /tmp/xfig-export003787Creator: fig2devCreationDate: Sat May 11 23:53:21 1996

Page 13: Internet Performance Measurements and Measurement Techniques Jim Kurose Department of Computer Science University of Massachusetts/Amherst kurose

Using multicast to infer per-hop performance

• correlation of received mcast pkts provides glimpse inside

• simple loss model– independent loss probabilitiesk on link k

• method– multicast n packets from source– data: list of packets received at each receiver– check consistency of data with independent loss model– analysis: Maximum Likelihood Estimator

• find which maximizes Prob[data | ]

R1 R2

R1 R2



Page 14: Internet Performance Measurements and Measurement Techniques Jim Kurose Department of Computer Science University of Massachusetts/Amherst kurose

Multicast inference: evaluation

• through ns simulations– 2-8 receivers– different topologies– TCP, on/off background sources

• approach tracks probe loss well• good estimate of back- ground traffic loss

Page 15: Internet Performance Measurements and Measurement Techniques Jim Kurose Department of Computer Science University of Massachusetts/Amherst kurose

Multicast Inference: to-do listObservations:• multicast-based inference promising for loss• applicable to delaysResearch questions:• what if topology partially unknown?• can we identify bottleneck links?Potential Applications:• Internet weather map• use in adaptive applications

UMass collaboration with AT&T, LBNL

Page 16: Internet Performance Measurements and Measurement Techniques Jim Kurose Department of Computer Science University of Massachusetts/Amherst kurose

End-End Loss Delay Characteristics

• Question: time correlation of e-e loss, delay ?

• Application:– adjustment of FEC for audio, video, data– playout delay adjustment for audio– analytic models: how many “states” needed in

Markovian models?

• Approach: collect/analyze point-point, multicast traces of periodically generated UDP probes

Page 17: Internet Performance Measurements and Measurement Techniques Jim Kurose Department of Computer Science University of Massachusetts/Amherst kurose

Analysis Issues:

• stationarity of traces:– look for increasing trends in avg, variance

over trace– non-stationary traces not considered

• removal of clock skew– algorithm for removing constant clock drift

• how “confident” are we in the measured value?• 150 hours of measurement data

– there’s an exception to every “typical” result

Page 18: Internet Performance Measurements and Measurement Techniques Jim Kurose Department of Computer Science University of Massachusetts/Amherst kurose

Analysis Metrics:

• delay autocorrelation: dj: measured delay of pkt j

• loss autocorrelation: xj = 0 if pkt j received

= 0 if pkt j lost

• conditional average delay given loss:

dad d d d

d dii

j i j


( )( )

( ), ,...


E d ld

ljj j i

k i

k[ | ] , ,...

1 1

lax x x x

x xii

j i j


( )( )

( ), ,...


Page 19: Internet Performance Measurements and Measurement Techniques Jim Kurose Department of Computer Science University of Massachusetts/Amherst kurose

Delay Autocorrelation

• Note: typically autocorrelation dies down quickly


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Page 20: Internet Performance Measurements and Measurement Techniques Jim Kurose Department of Computer Science University of Massachusetts/Amherst kurose

Conditional Delay Given Loss:

• Interesting behavior!• Loss appears to be predictor of near term

higher-than average delays


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Page 21: Internet Performance Measurements and Measurement Techniques Jim Kurose Department of Computer Science University of Massachusetts/Amherst kurose

Loss Autocorrelation:

• generally: loss correlation timescale < 500 ms

• modeling: length of consecutive losses, successful reception can be modeled accurately by 2 or 3 state Markov process

Title:/usr/mcast/yajnik/lossdata/traces3-loss-autoc.epsCreator:MATLAB, The Mathworks, Inc.Preview:This EPS picture was not savedwith a preview included in it.Comment:This EPS picture will print to aPostScript printer, but not toother types of printers.

Page 22: Internet Performance Measurements and Measurement Techniques Jim Kurose Department of Computer Science University of Massachusetts/Amherst kurose

How many states needed in analytic model?

• For n-state Markov model, determine transition probabilities from observed data

Title:/usr/mcast/yajnik/lossdata/20Dec97.uni/baddist.epsCreator:MATLAB, The Mathworks, Inc.Preview:This EPS picture was not savedwith a preview included in it.Comment:This EPS picture will print to aPostScript printer, but not toother types of printers.

Title:/usr/mcast/yajnik/lossdata/20Dec97.uni/gooddist.epsCreator:MATLAB, The Mathworks, Inc.Preview:This EPS picture was not savedwith a preview included in it.Comment:This EPS picture will print to aPostScript printer, but not toother types of printers.

• needed: rigorous hypothesis testing of agreement between model and observed distributions

Page 23: Internet Performance Measurements and Measurement Techniques Jim Kurose Department of Computer Science University of Massachusetts/Amherst kurose

“Confidence” in loss probability estimates

• suppose: we send 10 packets and see 3 lost– view loss as a random process– is loss rate “really” 30%?– could be true loss rate is 20% or 50% !– if we sample more, we’d have more “confidence” in

the estimate

• goal: interval estimator for loss rate– e.g.: 95% confident that true loss in range [p1,p2]

• use: adaptive applications (e.g., using RTCP)

Page 24: Internet Performance Measurements and Measurement Techniques Jim Kurose Department of Computer Science University of Massachusetts/Amherst kurose


Bernoulli loss process: each pkt lost independently

with probability p

95% confidence interval around MLE: find [ p1, p2 ] such that Pr{loss[k, n] | p = p1} = Pr{loss[0, k] | p = p2} = 0.025

n = 10 k = 3 MLE = k/n = 0.3

Loss probability confidence: model

p1 0.07 p2 0.65

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10






Page 25: Internet Performance Measurements and Measurement Techniques Jim Kurose Department of Computer Science University of Massachusetts/Amherst kurose

Loss probability estimation: intervals

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000






MLE = 0.50





number of packets sent n

95%confidenceintervalwidthrelativeto MLE

Page 26: Internet Performance Measurements and Measurement Techniques Jim Kurose Department of Computer Science University of Massachusetts/Amherst kurose

What’s ahead?

• need for statistically rigorous, empirically verified, end-user oriented performance measurement tools and technique– research just beginning

• middleware: network-to-user performance feedback?– when and in what form?

• informed use of performance measurements in:– adaptive applications– active services

Page 27: Internet Performance Measurements and Measurement Techniques Jim Kurose Department of Computer Science University of Massachusetts/Amherst kurose

For More Information …..

• This talk:

• Group publications:• WWW sites:

– Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis– National Laboratory for Applied Network Research