internet usage and security

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  • 8/3/2019 Internet Usage and Security


    Internet usage and Security

  • 8/3/2019 Internet Usage and Security


    INTRODUCTIONInternet provides us with different


    The applications we will be covering:Gopher




    TelnetReasons needed for security:

    Make transactions safer

    Keep e-mails private

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    GopherDistributed document search and retrieval system.

    Used at college campus, nonprofit organizations,

    for publications and for fun.

    Distinct feature of step by step navigation

    Choices on Gopher menu: files, directories,


    Additional features:Bookmarks


  • 8/3/2019 Internet Usage and Security


    FTPInternets File Transfer Program.

    Connect to FTP server by giving IP address

    Connection through conventional/protocol dialup

    A different set of files & directories at anonymousFTP

    Things to remember:Content of file location

    Most FTP clients dont accept URL formatType and size of file

    Files for different computer architecture


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    Commands while using FTP: To control FTP session: ASCII, binary, cr, hash, prompt,

    status, user, verbose

    for moving around among directories on remote machine:pwd, cd, cdup, dir, mdir, ls, mls, lcd

    to move files back and forth: get, recv, put, send mget,mput

    Archie- Database for files and directories

    Submit queries by archie client program or e-mail

    Queries sorted by hostname then path

    Provides file permission, size, date and name

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    UsenetDeveloped ate UNIX community and circulated by

    UUCP initially and then NNTP

    Tools for reading news:

    Access to Internet host FQDN


    Types of Newsreader:

    Line mode reader- Eg:Readnews Full-screen reader- Eg:Vnews, tin

    Left to right specification of subject increases in a

    newsgroup name Contd

  • 8/3/2019 Internet Usage and Security


    Categories Of newsgroup: comp-computer related topics

    misc-topics that cut across categories

    news-Net news related distribution and s/w topics

    rec- topics on recreational activities, art etc. sci- topics science related

    soc- social issues topics

    talk- open-ended debates for groups

    To introduce new Newsgroup:

    Submitting a proposal

    Discussion followed by voting

  • 8/3/2019 Internet Usage and Security


    E-mail: the message and medium

    Store-and-forward service

    Mailer- program used while sending or receiving

    messages via Internet access provider.

    Addressing non-local user:login_name@domain_name

    Accessing Internet Service through E-mail:

    Mailing lists and how to find them

    Mail-based Bulletin boards: The Almanac Service

    The Archie E-mail interface

    FTP via E-mail: Ftpmail

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    Network application to log in to one computer on theInternet from another

    Use Internet and exchange data between the two

    connected computers much fasterSession requires a user ID valid on remote computer

    Telnet on Internet access providers computer viaconventional dialup.

    Telnet client on home computer via protocol dialup.Working on Telnet you need:

    IP address to identify the computer to which you want to connect

    Valid login name and password on computer you reached.

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    Other than input mode command mode is also there

    Advantage of using Telnet:

    When Internet access providers offer only protocol dialup

    Using the Internets client-server applications when theres no

    client program on your local computer To get in touch with the Internets stand-alone applications

    Web browsers support the Telnet protocol indirectly

    Install a Telnet client program and configure your Web

    browser to start that client to work with Telnetresources from Web browsers

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    Internet security

    Being on the Internet: the risks

    Unauthorized access to the information system from theoutside

    Trojan horses and viruses sneaking in through transferring


    Using false identities

    Risk- extent of the damage to be expected if an eventoccurs and predicted probability of its occuring

    Risk analysis: Phase 1: Defining the scope

    Phase 2: Finding the risks

    Phase 3: Risk assessment

  • 8/3/2019 Internet Usage and Security


    Computer crime: Who does it?

    Hackers from college:

    Do no harm

    Just want to successfully break-in and share experience


    can range from simple methods to data thefts

    Intend to destroy or sabotage out of frustration

    Hackers from computer underground:

    Just intend to get in and out of top security sites safely

    Old-fashioned criminals:

    Target is finance and purchasing system since Internet crimeis easy

    Cybercrime: Professional Hackers

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    Attack points and weaknesses

    Internet: faulty software design

    Architecture of TCP/IP and UDP protocols

    Lack of safeguards

    poorly configured & administered systems Poor service programs

    Computer Organization as a risk

    No focus on training for systems manager

    Care on formulating security measures


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    Hit list of hacking methods

    Sniffer attacks- These use invisible miniature programs

    smuggled in on Internet hosts to monitor data flows and

    retrieve passwords and system IDs

    IP spoofing- attacker gives his own data packets addresses

    which are in the address range of the target network toovercome packet filters and proxy firewalls

    Sendmail attacks- use faults in the mail server application


    Attacks via NIS and NFS

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    Core of all authentication systems is how they check ausers identity and what rights they are cleared for

    Ways of capturing password apart from guessing:

    Analyzing the protocol and filtering the password

    Monitoring login/passwords using TSR programs

    Social hacking

    Protecting passwd file:

    Avoid true passwd file get into file ranges of anonymous

    Internet servers

    Services like NIS should be deactivated

    Password shadowing


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    Analyzing protocols and finding passwords-

    Sniffer programs allow NIC to accept any data packet. Using

    filter and trigger functions Internet addresses and passwords can

    be filtered.

    Password monitoring using TSR programsRun in the background mode, constantly spying on all keyboard

    inputs and saving character sequences

    Fishing passwords with Trojan horses

    It boots as the users OS and retrieves the user ID and password

    One-Time Passwords

    Each time you login it is with a different password

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    Encoding plain text to cipher textTwo ways of encoding:

    Substitution- Caesar Cipher, Mono-alphabetic Cipher,Homophonic, Polygram & Polyalphabetic Substitution Cipher

    Transposition- Rail Fence Technique, Simple ColumnarTransposition Technique, Vernam Cipher, Book Cipher

    Two aspects of encryption: algorithm and key

    A key is an input cipher text used for one- time pad

    method for encryption.Two cryptography methods based on keys:

    Symmetric- same key used for encryption & decryption

    Asymmetric- different keys used for encryption & decryption

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    Network components connecting an internal, privatecorporate network to an external, public network

    Benefits of using firewall:

    Concentrates risk on a single area

    Monitoring and control systems installed in firewall only

    Connections monitored and controlled as via firewall

    Different access control systems:

    Packet filters- filters data packets with specified attributes

    Circuit relays-let use applications without letting things at

    protocol level

    Application relays- let you use applications without comms

    links break through the firewall system at protocol level

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    Architecture of firewall systems:

    Border routers Border router with secure subnet

    Dual home bastion hosts

    Dual home bastion host with demilitarized zone (DMZ)

    Cascaded dual home bastion hostsMonitoring systems: display connection by user & service

    Display when security functions are activated

    Display repeated attempts to get through the firewall system

    Limits of firewalls Cant keep out data carried inside applications and prevent the

    network being penetrated by viruses

    Dont offer any security against unauthorized physical attackson an internal computer system

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    When Internet comes in, security is a major issue.

    Not only, do we get information but can alsoaccess resources from remote compute as thoughfrom local computer.

    For distributed DBMS and distributed operatingsystem, Internet is a must.

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    Thank you!