internship report format-final

Internship Report Format The whole write-up should center on the specific objectives and the title of the report, be specific to-the-point and emphasize the explicit nature of the course. The length should reflect the complexity of the topic and thoroughness of the internship work. The Internship Report should be self-contained (explain any terminology particular to the topic the first time you use it), consistent, and to the point. It should be understandable to someone who has background in the area of the report but is unfamiliar with the particular topic of the report. General Guidelines: Use standard formal level of English (no slang or colloquialisms). Use the first person only in the letter of transmittal and in the executive summary. Use a good quality white bond paper. Use only one side of the page for all text and figures. Start major sections of the report on new pages. Bind the Internship Report in a suitable protective cover. Number the pages: All pages that come before the body of the report are numbered using lower case Roman numerals. The title page is considered to be page 1, but is not numbered. The body of the Report begins with the introduction. The pages of the body are given in English numerals. The first page of the introduction is considered to be page 1, but it is not numbered. Margin : Left (1.25’’) Top-Bottom-Right (1.00’’) Spacing : 1.5 Alignment: Justify The report shall be typed in black fonts color. Font style “Times New Roman” Font size: 12 other than title and sub-title. 16 for title, 14 for sub-title, ARRANGING THE CONTENTS: The sequence in which the project report material should be arranged and bound should be as follows: 1. Cover Page (Title fly) 2. Title Page 3. Letter of authorization (Optional) 4. Letter of transmittal (Do not bind it with the report) Page 1 of 34

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Page 1: Internship Report Format-Final

Internship Report Format The whole write-up should center on the specific objectives and the title of the report, be specific to-the-point and emphasize the explicit nature of the course. The length should reflect the complexity of the topic and thoroughness of the internship work. The Internship Report should be self-contained (explain any terminology particular to the topic the first time you use it), consistent, and to the point. It should be understandable to someone who has background in the area of the report but is unfamiliar with the particular topic of the report. General Guidelines:

Use standard formal level of English (no slang or colloquialisms). Use the first person only in the letter of transmittal and in the executive summary. Use a good quality white bond paper. Use only one side of the page for all text and figures. Start major sections of the report on new pages. Bind the Internship Report in a suitable protective cover. Number the pages: All pages that come before the body of the report are numbered using

lower case Roman numerals. The title page is considered to be page 1, but is not numbered. The body of the Report begins with the introduction. The pages of the body are given in English numerals. The first page of the introduction is considered to be page 1, but it is not numbered.

Margin : Left (1.25’’) Top-Bottom-Right (1.00’’) Spacing : 1.5 Alignment: Justify The report shall be typed in black fonts color. Font style “Times New Roman” Font size: 12 other than title and sub-title. 16 for title, 14 for sub-title,

ARRANGING THE CONTENTS: The sequence in which the project report material should be arranged and bound should be as follows:

1. Cover Page (Title fly) 2. Title Page3. Letter of authorization (Optional)4. Letter of transmittal (Do not bind it with the report)5. Letter of declaration 6. Bonafide Certificate signed by the supervisor and Group/committee Head7. Scanned copy of the internship certificate 8. Acknowledgement9. Executive Summary

10. Table of Contents

11. List of Symbols, Abbreviations and Acronyms

12. Body of the report/Chapters (Introduction, overview of the organization, overview of the branch, internship duties and responsibilities, title text/main text, SWOT, conclusion & recommendations)

13. References/Bibliography14. Glossary (Optional)15. Catalog/subject index (Optional)16. Appendices (Optional)

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Cover Page /The title fly should reflect the content of the report. It is a single page which contains only the title/name of the report. This is the most read part of a report. This is how you attract attention to your writing. One should add any eye-catching factor/picture of his work for good impact. So cover page/title fly should include the very name of the report, any eye-catching picture (at the middle of the page) and the date. Title Position: Centered Horizontally

Font style of the title: Times New Roman

Font size: 16

Line spacing : 1.5

See an Example of a title fly on next page:

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Marketing Strategy of Northern University Bangladesh


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The title page contains the title of the report, the name of the Supervisor, to whom it is submitted and

the author as well as the date of submission. Present the title centered horizontally in all capitals one

and a half to two inches from the top of the pages. If title is longer than one line make each

succeeding line shorter than the preceding line. Make sure that the title on title fly and title page

should be of same format.

Title Position: Centered Horizontally

Font style of the title: Times New Roman

Font size: 16

Line spacing: 1.5

See an Example of a title fly on next page:

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Marketing Strategy of Northern University Bangladesh

Supervised byMr. Dr. Mahamudul Alam

Professor of EconomicsDepartment of Business Administration

Northern University Bangladesh

Submitted to Department of Business Administration

Northern University Bangladesh

Prepared by

Al raja khanId- 0065438420

Email: [email protected] of management

Northern University Bangladesh

Date- 04.08.2006

Northern University Bangladesh

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This is a letter or memorandum authorizing the internee student to do research and write a report. An authorization letter specifies what is to be done. Usually it contains such information as objectives, investigation areas, time and cost limitations, due date and any other special instruction(s).

A copy of authorization letter should be inserted after the title page.

See an example of a letter of authorization on next page :

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Northern University, Bangladesh

Department of Business

House- 54, R/A, Dhanmondi

Dhaka, Tel: 9667237


Student nameStudent IDMajor subjectAddress

Subject: Authorization letter


Mr. X congratulations. We are accepting your internship proposal about working on marketing strategy of Northern University, Bangladesh. You will get exactly 12 weeks to work and you have to work under the supervision of Mr. Z’s assistant professor, Department of Business Administration. Your internship will start from 01.08.2006 and continue up to 31.10.2006. Your working hour will be from 9am-5pm.Thank you.

Mr. T

Marketing ManagerNorthern University, BangladeshHouse- 54, R/A, DhanmondiDhaka, Tel: 9667237

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A letter of transmittal introduces the report to the reader, typically with less formality than the report itself. Although transmittal accompanies a report, it is separate from the document; therefore, do not include it in the report table of contents and do not bind it with the report. Place it on top of the report instead. A letter of transmittal typically includes the following:

name and address of recipient of report in the inside address information about what is being sent

follow-up action expected of the reader

offer of continued communication or clarification

As with the memo, the letter's appearance is important. Use standard stationery (the return address may be omitted--but not the date--if you are using letterhead) with vertical and horizontal margins of at least one inch. A number of acceptable business letter forms exist. This letter illustrates a standard block form.

See an example of a letter of transmittal on next page :

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Salma Iasmin

Officer, Placement office

Department of Business Administration

Northern university Bangladesh

Sub: Letter of transmittal

Dear Madam,

I am submitting my internship report on “Marketing strategy of Northern University Bangladesh”. I

have collected information as for time possible from the marketing department of Northern

University Bangladesh. Three months work in this university was a worthwhile experience for me

was in such a reputed organization.

I believe that this internship program has enriched both my knowledge and experience.

If you have further queries regarding the report, please let me know.

You’re sincerely

Md. G

Id. xxxxx

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Letter of declaration proclaim the bonafideness and purpose of submitting the report. The declaration letter ensures that the report is not reproduction or duplication any previous report and has not submitted anywhere else.

See an example of a letter of declaration on next page :

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I do hereby declare that this report entitled “Title of the report……………...”. Submitted by me to Northern University, Bangladesh, for the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration is an original work.

I also declare that it has not been submitted earlier either partly or wholly to any other University or Institution for any Degree, Diploma, Associate-ship, Studentship, Fellowship and other similar title or prizes.


M. Jaman Ahmed

Department of Business Administration

ID No: BBA070101924

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Bonafide Certificate – The Bonafide Certificate shall be in double line spacing Times New Roman using Font Style and Font Size 12, as per the format in Appendix 2. The certificate shall carry the supervisor‟s signature countersigned by the Group head/committee head.

BONAFIDE CERTIFICATE (Font Style Times New Roman – size -16)

This is to certify that this report entitled “……….TITLE OF THE

REPORT……………..” submitted to Northern University Bangladesh, in

connection with the institute internship program is a bonafide record of work

done by “…………..NAME OF THE STUDENT.…………” under my

supervision at the “……Name of the organization……..” from “…starting

date of the program..” to “ …ending date of the program..”

Scanned copy of the internship certificate Attach the scanned copy of the original internship completion certificate provided by the organization.

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Signature of the Supervisor Designation and Address

Countersigned by (Group Head/Divisional Head) (Designation and Address)

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Acknowledgement In this section the writer acknowledge the help and support of all the people who helped him/her in the completion of internship and internship report e.g. library staff, course instructor, supervisor, family & friends or any other person.

See an example of a acknowledgement on next page :

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For collecting the information about the marketing strategy of the Northern University and preparing

my internship report, I am grateful to my organization supervisor Mr. G Being the authorized of this

report, he helped me a lot throughout the time of work by giving his tender hand time to time.

I am also very much grateful to my university supervisor Mr. T who gave preparing me the guideline

for internship report.

I am also thankful to Mr. R and Mr. D of marketing department of Northern University Bangladesh

who helped me a lot to get knowledge about marketing strategy. I am also pleased to the library

officials who always supported me for any kind of book.

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M. Sultana

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The Executive Summary is the most important part of your report. It summarizes the body of the report, outlining its scope, purpose and major findings, highlighting the key conclusions and recommendations. The Executive Summary allows a busy manager to understand the report's significant information without reading the whole text. Executive summary should not be more than one page.

Write your Executive Summary after you have written the report. It is not enough to state what you are `going to discuss’ in the report. The executive summary has to be self-contained and must state all the major points of the study. You are not required to discuss in detail how you derived the conclusions or argue about it; this is part of the main body of the text. However, you have to indicate enough details about your study so that a specialist reader has a good understanding of your contributions detailed in the report.

The Table of Contents lists all sections and sub-sections and uses the same numbering system as the main body of the report. The table of contents should list all material following it as well as any material which precedes it. The title page and Bonafide Certificate may not be included in the Table of Contents, but the page numbers of which are in lower case Roman letters. Also make a separate list of tables and figures in the table of contents if you have used any.

See an example of an table of contents on

next page :

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Topic Page number

Letter of authorization (if any) Ii

internship certificate V

Acknowledgement Vi

Executive summary Vii



1.1 Introduction 1

1.2 Aim and objectives/purpose of the study

1.3 Scope of work

1.4 Rationale of the study

1.5 Methodology



2.1 Brief history

2.2 Hierarchy of the organization

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2.3 Nature of the organization

2.4 Business/Products of the organization



3.1 Introduction

3.2 Number of employees working in the


3.3 Organ gram of the department

3.4 Functions and operations of the department




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5.1 Duties and responsibilities as a intern

5.2 Accomplishments

5.3 Problems encountered

5.4 How internship experience impacts your




6.1 Strength

6.2 Weaknesses

6.3 Opportunities

6.4 Threat



7.1 Conclusion

7.2 Recommendations


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List of Tables (if any)

Table no. Subject Page No.

List of Graphs/Figures

Graph/figure no. Subject Page no.

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List of Symbols, Abbreviations and Nomenclature –Standard symbols, abbreviations etc. should be used.

The Body is the longest part of your report. It is here that you develop your theme by examining the problem, your findings and their meaning. This body of the report should be formatted appropriately with sections and headings to guide the reader through the report. The body of the report should include:



1.1 Introduction/Background of the study

Introduction/ Background usually describes the background of the internship with brief information on general knowledge of the subject. This includes brief description about the organization, the area of their work, and a short description of the nature of their work. After reading the introduction, your reader should be prepared to guess what could be discussed in the next chapters of the report.

1.2 Aim and Objectives /purpose of the study

This gives a precise idea on what to be achieved in the work and a brief plan for achieving that.

1.3 Scope of WorkAs mentioned in the preceding chapter, an internee cannot cover every aspect of an organization in the limited time available to him/her. Therefore, one needs to limit to certain areas. Therefore he/she should mention the main focus of work in this section.

1.4 Rationale of the studyThis part narrates the justification of selecting the TITLE as the field of work. In this part the internee will explain briefly the reasons of selecting the topic.

1.5 MethodologyWhile collecting data and other relevant information, internees use certain methods. These include reading some background material, developing questionnaires, interviewing people, doing surveys, collecting data, reviewing the answers from the questionnaires, and presenting findings, and recommendations etc. One should write all these steps in sequence. This section should not be very lengthy. An internee can describe it in a few lines step by step. An internee has to give separate details of survey methodology if he/she has conducted a survey in the study.

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This chapter will give a brief about organization. Following particulars may be discussed in this chapter.

2.1 Brief history 2.2 Organizational structure2.3 Nature of the organization2.4 Business/Product of the organization


This chapter will give a brief about the branch/department if the internee assigned to work at branch or department. Following particulars may be discussed in this chapter.

3.1 Brief history of the branch3.2 Number of employees working in the Department3.3 Organ gram of the department3.4 Functions and operations3.5 Short-falls/weaknesses


In this chapter the intern will describe his/her job description, duties and accomplishments. The contents of this chapter should be: 5.1 Responsibilities as a student Intern5.2 Duties5.3 Accomplishments5.4 New Knowledge Acquired5.6 Problems encountered5.7 How internship experience impacts you career.

Chapter FiveStudy of the work/study of the field work (main work/field)

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This is the most important part of body the report. The obtained data will be discussed, interpreted and analyzed elaborately in this chapter. In this context the word ``data" can have such different meanings as actual scientific measurements, textbook information, manufacturer's literature, plant logbooks, financial statements, opinions of experts or employees and so on.

[Student will determine the contents of this chapter considering his nature of work and consulting with his supervisor]


SWOT analysis clearly describes all the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Remember that strengths and weaknesses are internal to the organization and represent its culture while opportunities and threats correspond to the environment outside the organization. The intern must make swot of the department/division/branch where he/she placed to work.


7.1 In Conclusion section you are required to describe the organization according to your evaluation/assessment in the light of organizational analyses. They may be presented in a sequence of two or three sentence paragraphs. Conclusions and recommendations are often confused but they are not the same thing

7.2 In Recommendation section, you are required to suggest solutions for all those problems or discrepancies (what you have identified in critical and SWOT analyses) found in the organization. They may also be presented in a sequence of two or three sentence paragraphs.

Referencing, or citing, means acknowledging the sources of information and ideas you have used in an assignment (e.g. essay or report). This is a standard practice at university. It means that whenever you write an assignment that requires you to find and use information from other sources, you are expected to reference these resources in your writing. Sources could include books, journal or newspaper articles, items from the internet, pictures or diagrams. The references should follow a well-established and consistent style. The department is recommending Harvard referencing system.

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Referencing system:

Example of a bookThe main elements required for a book are set out in this order:author, date, title, publisher, place of publication.

Author’s family namefollowed by a comma, theninitial(s) followed by comma

Year of publicationfollowed by a comma— no brackets

Title of the book in italics, followed by a comma.Upper case used for first word.

Publisher followed by a comma

Place of publication followed by full stop

Daly, J, Speedy, S & Jackson, 2004, Nursing leadership, Elsevier, Sydney.

Example of an academic journal articleThe main elements required for a journal article are set out in this order:author, date, ‘title of article’, title of journal, volume number, issue number, pages of articleAuthor’s family namefollowed by a comma, theninitial(s) followed by comma

Year of publicationfollowed by a comma— no brackets

Title of the article in single invertedcommas, capital for first word only,comma after the second inverted comma

Title of the journal in italics,followed by a comma

Volumenumber ofthe journal

Number of theissue

Page numbers of thearticle, with an Endash between and afull stop at end

Davis, L, Mohay, H & Edwards, 2003, ‘Mothers' involvement in caring for their prematureinfants: an historical overview’, Journal of Advanced Nursing, vol. 42, no. 6, pp. 578–86.

Example of an electronic publication

Author’s family namefollowed by a comma, theninitial(s) followed by comma

Year of publicationfollowed by a comma— no brackets

Title of the article initalics, followed by acomma

Date accessed from www—comma after year

The internet address (URL) is enclosed in < and >, with the fulladdress and followed by a full stop if at the end of the item

Thomas, 1997, Guide to personal efficiency, Adelaide University, viewed 6 January 2004,<>.

Special publications and materialsBasic format for special publications and materials: Author’s family name, Initial(s) year, Title of item, description of item, publisher, place of publication.Materials ExampleThesis Pope, JJ 1996, ‘The nature and origin of

magnetite-rich zones in the MountFort Constantine Volcanics, adjacent to the Ernest Henry Cu-Au-Co deposit,NW Queensland’, MSc. thesis, University of

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Patterson, I, 2003, Personal interview(memories of south Asia tour) 14 May

Annual report First security Islami Bank Ltd.,2008, Annual

report 2008, First Security Islami Bank Ltd.

Dhaka, Bangladesh.

The Glossary is only needed when you have used specialized terms, mathematical symbols or professional jargon in an extensive way. If you have used specialized terms only occasionally, it is acceptable to define it within your text. This same rule applies for the Nomenclature. It is only required if a large number of symbols are used throughout the report.

The Appendix (or appendices) provides your reader with supporting information that elaborates on, but is not essential to, the development of your theme, or any information that is necessary to justify your statements and which are too lengthy to include in the main text without interrupting the line of thought developed there. The appendices are identified by numbers or letters. Do not include appendices that have not been cited in the text.

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