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  • 8/12/2019 Interview Competency


    Competency Based Interview Questions

    CBI questions

  • 8/12/2019 Interview Competency


    Interview Questions



    Industry Awareness #

    Con$%ict #Creativity #

    &ecision ma'in( )

    *ro+%em So%vin( ,

    Team "or' ,

    Team Et-ics..................................................................................................................................................................................... /

    Team Et-ics /



    otivation to move ro%es................................................................................................................................................................45

    otivation to move ro%es 45

    6%e7i+i%ity 45

    CBI questions

  • 8/12/2019 Interview Competency


    !eaders-ip 44

    *%annin( and Or(anisation 48

    Communication S'i%%s 43

    *resentations................................................................................................................................................................................. 43

    *resentations 43

    "ritten........................................................................................................................................................................................... 43

    "ritten 43

    Career 0oa%s 4#

    9o+ *er$ormance 4#

    Questions Answers

    ASSERTIVENESS Some o$ t-e +est +usiness ideas are +orn out o$ an individua%:s a+i%ity to c-a%%en(e ot-ers: ways o$t-in'in(. Te%% me a+out a time w-en you were success$u% in c-a%%en(in( ot-ers: ideas;


    "-at was t-e most di$$icu%t pro

  • 8/12/2019 Interview Competency


    tas's= actions and outcome. 6ocus on scope= %eve% and +ene$it to +usiness as a resu%t o$ t-e de%ivery@.

    Industry Awareness >ow do you 'eep a+reast o$ industry trends;

    0ive an e7amp%e o$ a time t-at your industry 'now%ed(e -as contri+uted to a c%ient situation;

    "-at 'ind o$ +oo's and ot-er pu+%ications do you read; "-at was t-e %ast mana(ementtec-nica%

    course t-at you did and w-y;

    Conflict Sooner or %ater we a%% dea% wit- interpersona% con$%ict or persona% re

  • 8/12/2019 Interview Competency


    In your wor' e7perience= w-at -ave you done t-at you consider tru%y creative;

    "-at 'ind o$ pro+%ems -ave peop%e recent%y ca%%ed on you to so%ve; Te%% us w-at you devised;

    O$ your creative +usiness accomp%is-ments= +i( or sma%%= w-ic- (ave you t-e most satis$action;

    Decision a!in" >ave you ever made t-e wron( decision; "-at did you %earn; >ow did t-is decision e$$ect you andyour team;

    Te%% me a+out a di$$icu%t +usiness decision you -ad to ma'e recent%y;

    0ive me an e7amp%e o$ -ow you reac-ed a practica% +usiness decision +y an or(anised review o$ t-e

    $acts and wei(-in( o$ options;

    CBI questions

  • 8/12/2019 Interview Competency


    &o you consider yourse%$ to +e t-ou(-t$u% and ana%ytica% or do you ma'e your mind up quic'%y; 0ive

    and e7amp%e. ?watc- time ta'en to repond@

    "-at was t-e most di$$icu%t +usiness decision you -ave made in t-e %ast si7 mont-s; "-at made it


    "-at decisions are easiest $or you to ma'e; "-y;

    Te%% me a+out a di$$icu%t decision t-at you -ave -ad to ma'e in t-e past and -ow you wou%d -and%e it

    di$$erent%y i$ you cou%d repeat t-e situation;

    T-e %ast time you did not 'now w-at decision to ma'e= w-at did you do;

    #ro$le Solvin" >ow important do you t-in' t-at pro+%em so%vin( s'i%%s are $or someone in t-is position;

    0ive me an e7amp%e o$ a time w-en a pro

  • 8/12/2019 Interview Competency


    &escri+e -ow you promote team wor' on your proow do you promote (ood communication in your team;

    &escri+e an e7amp%e o$ your team wor';

    "-at 'ind o$ peop%e do you $ind it most di$$icu%t to wor' wit-;

    &o you pre$er to wor' in a (roupteam or a%one; "-y;

    "-at are t-e advanta(es o$ wor'in( wit-in a team;

    "-at are t-e disadvanta(es o$ wor'in( wit-in a team;

    Te%% me a+out a time t-at you -ad to put t-e (ood o$ t-e (oup a+ove your own interests; "-at was

    t-e outcome;

    >ow wou%d your co%%ea(ues descri+e you;

    "-at ma'es a team wor';

    CBI questions

  • 8/12/2019 Interview Competency


    Team Ethics Te%% me a+out a time w-en your wor' was criticied +y your +oss;

    >ow wou%d someone 'now t-at you were $ee%in( stressed;

    >ow do you -and%e a situation w-ere your views on a wor' re%ated issue di$$er to t-at o$ your


    "e cannot do everyt-in( ourse%ves. 0ive me an e7amp%e o$ a time w-en you dea%t wit- t-is rea%ity +y

    creatin( a specia% team e$$ort: at wor'. >i(-%i(-t t-e specia% aspects o$ t-e situation w-ic- +estdemonstrates your s'i%% in t-is area;

    >ow wou%d your co%%ea(ues descri+e you;

    0ive me an e7amp%e o$ a recent team success w-at was your ro%e;

    &escri+e one o$ t-e %east success$u% teams o$ w-ic- you -ave +een a mem+er; "-y was it


    6rom your e7perience w-at are t-e $rustrations o$ wor'in( wit-in a team;

    CBI questions

  • 8/12/2019 Interview Competency


    ENER%& '


    0ive an e7amp%e o$ one o$ t-e most stress$u% wor'in( situations in w-ic- you -ave $ound yourse%$;

    0ive me an e7amp%e o$ a time w-en your positive attitude caused ot-ers to +e motivated or ener(ised.

    Be speci$ic;

    &escri+e a situation in w-ic- you -ave -ad to demonstrate t-e a+i%ity to wor' wit- pace= vi(our and

    stamina; "-at did it invo%ve;

    "-at wi%% +e your +i((est %earnin( curve in a ro%e suc- as t-isD

    "-at do you $ind t-e most $rustratin( aspect to your present ro%e;

    "-at -as +een t-e -i(-est pressure situation you -ave +een under in recent years; >ow did you cope

    wit- it;

    Motivation "-at do you $ind motivatin( in your present ro%e;

    "-at demotivates you;

    >ow do you de$ine w-en you -ave +een success$u% in your ro%e;

    CBI questions

  • 8/12/2019 Interview Competency


    "-at are your pro$essiona% (oa%s;

    "-at tar(ets did you (ive yourse%$ to reac- o+ow did you set t-e tar(ets;

    "-at were t-e resu%ts;

    In your position -ow wou%d you de$ine doin( a (ood ow did you

    ac-ieve t-is;

    >ow wou%d you de$ine pro$essiona%ism;

    Motivation to move roles "-at can t-is ro%e +rin( you t-at your presentmost recent ro%e does not did not;

    "-y -ave you app%ied $or t-is ro%e;

    (le)i$ility Te%% us a+out an important idea or su((estion you received recent%y $rom your emp%oyees and w-atwas t-e outcome;

    "-at are your $ee%in(s a+out continuous c-an(e in company operatin( po%icies and proceedures;

    >ow e$$ective -as your present emp%oyee +een in adaptin( its po%icies to $it a c-an(in( environment;

    "-at was t-e most si(ni$icant c-an(e in your or(anisationcompany in t-e %ast si7 mont-s w-ic-

    direct%y e$$ected you and w-at was t-e out come;

    CBI questions

  • 8/12/2019 Interview Competency


    At times= we are a%% required to dea% wit- di$$icu%t peop%e. An even more demandin( $actor is to +e o$

    service to a di$$icu%t person. "-en -ave you +een success$u% wit- t-is type o$ situation at wor';

    0ive me an e7amp%e o$ a time w-en you -ave -ad to dea% wit- $requent ow did you dea% wit- t-is type o$ environment;

    >ow do you cope wit- wor'in( in a c-an(in( environment;

    Leaders*i+ In your present ro%e w-at do you do to (et peop%e to(et-er to esta+%is- a common (oa%;

    "-at speci$ica%%y do you do to set an e7amp%e $or your emp%oyees;

    "-at sort o$ %eader do you t-in' t-ose w-o wor' $or you t-in' t-at you are;

    I$ you -ave peop%e w-o -o%d serious%y di$$erin( views and you on%y -ave a very %imited time w-at wou%d

    +e your approac- to (et t-e ow wou%d you descri+e your %eaders-ip sty%e;

    >ave you %ead a (roup o$ peop%e w-o did not report into you= +ut $rom w-om you needed to (et

    in$ormation $rom; >ow did you do t-is; "-at were t-e di$$icu%ties and -ow did you overcome t-em;

    "-at were t-e (ood parts; "-at were t-e disappointin( parts; "-at %essons did you %earn;

    >ow do you de$ine %eaders-ip; "-at do you consider to +e t-e 'ey attri+utes o$ an e$$ective %eader;

    Te%% me a+out a time t-at you e$$ective%y mentored an individua%;

    CBI questions

  • 8/12/2019 Interview Competency


    #lannin" and


    >ow do you prioritise your wor' %oadday;

    "-at do you t-in' t-at you can do to improve your or(anisationa% p%annin( s'i%%s;

    >ow do you -and%e unrea%istic time%ines and t-eir impact to your p%ans;

    *%annin( is o$ten more t-an t-in'in(= its a%so doin(. Te%% me a+out your e7periences usin( too%s suc-

    as $%ow c-arts= production sc-edu%es= S *ro

  • 8/12/2019 Interview Competency




    "-at do you consider t-e most e$$ective means o$ communicatin( in$ormation to a (roup o$ peop%e;


    Presentations &escri+e an e$$ective presentation t-at you -ave (iven;

    >ave you ever done any pu+%ic or (roup spea'in(; Recent%y; "-y; >ow did it (o;

    >ave you made any individua% presentations recent%y; >ow did you prepare;

    >ow do you rate your s'i%%s in (ivin( ora% presentations; &escri+e an e$$ective presentation t-at you

    -ave (iven;

    I$ you were (oin( to de%iver a presentation= -ow wou%d you ensure t-at it created t-e ma7imum interest

    amon(st your audience;

    I$ you were (ivin( a presentation and you noticed t-at t-e audiences attention was wanin( -ow wou%d

    you adapt; Can you (ive an e7amp%e;

    Written "ou%d you rat-er write a report or (ive a ver+a% report; "-y;

    "-at 'ind o$ writin( -ave you done; 6or a (roup; 6or an individua%;

    "-at is t-e e7tent o$ your participation in ma

  • 8/12/2019 Interview Competency


    Career %oals "-at are your %on( term career (oa%s;

    "-at 'ind o$

  • 8/12/2019 Interview Competency


    CBI questions