intonation - levels of voice

Nadia Amaghou Nadia Amaghou Abdelhamid Abdelhamid Bousaadi Bousaadi Abderrahman Sidi Abderrahman Sidi Hida Hida

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Page 1: Intonation - Levels of Voice

Nadia AmaghouNadia AmaghouAbdelhamid BousaadiAbdelhamid Bousaadi

Abderrahman Sidi Abderrahman Sidi Hida Hida

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TURN-TAKING Giving the floor to another person or

taking your turn in a conversation INFORMATION STRUCTUREMajor stress items pick out the most

important words in the sentence .

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► Intonation is the variation of pitch when speaking. ► One of the elements of linguistic prosody. ► Perhaps the most important element of a good accent.

Nadia Amaghou

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► Intonation helps create the music of a language. (like

notes in music)

► It is a part of communication. * the rise and fall of pitch in our voice plays a crucial role

in how we express meaning.

► Intonation is the change of level of voice

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Extra high High

Gilbert(1994) stated that the purpose of intonation is “helping the listener to follow”. It is a navigation guide for the listener.

Medium Low

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- stress within a word

- a syllable is said Louder, Longer at a higher pitch

INTONATION- It goes beyond the

word level.- - it’s a change in

pitch within a group of words.

- A long line of melody

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Abdelhamid Bousaadi

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Tone Intonation

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Fall Fall Rise – fall Rise – fall Fall – rise Fall – rise Rise Rise Level Level

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Fall – gives the impression of finalityFall – gives the impression of finality Rise- conveys an impression that Rise- conveys an impression that

something more is to follow.something more is to follow. Fall-Rise – shows limited agreement, Fall-Rise – shows limited agreement,

uncertainty and doubt.uncertainty and doubt. Rise-Fall – convey rather strong feelings Rise-Fall – convey rather strong feelings

of approval, disapproval or surpriseof approval, disapproval or surprise Level- tone is neutral and uninterested Level- tone is neutral and uninterested

(usually called “flat”)(usually called “flat”)

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1. Grammatical function * Intonation is used to signal the

syntactic or grammatical structure.Ex. She dressed and fed the baby. She dressed / and fed the baby.

( the baby was dressed and fed )

( She dressed herself and then fed the baby)

Abderrahman Sidi Hida

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“ A learner who learns a new language has not only to grasp the grammar of that language but also the intonation pattern to prove himself a good communicator.”

Qamar& Rubab (2007)Qamar& Rubab (2007)

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Distributes accents among stressed syllables to emphasize what need to be perceived as significant word.

Ex. Paul is very tall. Paul is very tall. (Paul and not another one)

2. Accentual information

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Ex. My name is Bond. My name is Bond.

James Bond. (new is accented )

It means to convey what is new and what is old or known. The main accent is in the last lexical word.

3. Discourse Function * The study of the intonation related to the context.

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4. Attitudinal Function *Intonation is used to convey attitude, emotions or feelings. This adds a special kind of meaning to spoken language.

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● to a friend you meet regularly● to a friend you haven’t seen for 10

years● to a neighbor whom you don’t like● to a 6 month old baby● to someone doing what he shouldn’t● to know if someone is listening (phone)


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 I did not say you stole my red hat.

(the meaning contains the idea that someone else said it, not me)

 I did not say you stole my red hat. (Strong anger and denial of the fact.)


 I did not say you stole my red


I did not say you stole my red hat.  (But I implied it that you did. Did



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I did not say you stole my red hat.

I did not say you stole my red hat.  (I wasn't accusing you. I know it was someone else)

I did not say you stole my red hat . (I meant that you stole someone else's red hat)

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I did not say you stole my red hat.  (I said that you stole my blue hat.)

I did not say that you stole my red hat. (I said that you stole my red bat. You

misunderstood my pronunciation)

 I did not say you stole my red


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Fry, et al, (2000),

the changes in meaning are due to what is called supersegmental phonemes. Phonemes are speech sounds and the supersegmental stress/inflection kind affect the meaning .

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features of speech like stress, intonation and rhythm

Segmentals are isolated sounds ( consonants, vowels, dipthongs)

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Intonation gives the clue a. where somebody comes from

b. his social level

c. sex, age, personality

d. Individual features (idiosyncrasy)

5. Sociolinguistic function

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