intro non discrimination feb2011

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  • 8/6/2019 Intro Non Discrimination Feb2011


  • 8/6/2019 Intro Non Discrimination Feb2011


    Session designSession design


    Discuss how discrimination is considered within the


    Understanding some of the key notions suchreasonable accomodation



    Input Group work

    Duration: 1h30

  • 8/6/2019 Intro Non Discrimination Feb2011



    WhichWhich discriminations arediscriminations are theythey facingfacing??

    1. Marianna, 5 years old, lives in a small village in the centerof Mindanao, and has a mobility and speech impairment dueto a cerebral palsy.

    2. Georges,12 years old, lives in a rich neighborhood of

    Makati and has an intellectual impairment 3. Arthuro, 33 year old, lives in a slum in the periphery of

    Manila, and is deaf.

    4. Tanya 32 years old, lives in a small town near Bacolod andis a wheelchair user due to paraplegia.

    5. Carla, 60 years old, lives in a poor vilage in the North ofLuzon and is blind

    For each person list the discrimination he/she is facing andwhat should be done to eliminate those discriminations

  • 8/6/2019 Intro Non Discrimination Feb2011


    CRPD. Article 4 general obligations

    1. States Parties undertake to ensure and promote thefull realization of all human rights and fundamental

    freedoms for all persons with disabilities withoutdiscrimination of any kind on the basis of disability.

  • 8/6/2019 Intro Non Discrimination Feb2011


    CRPD and non discriminationCRPD and non discrimination

    article 5.2. States Parties shall

    y prohibit all discrimination on the

    basis of disabilityand

    y guarantee to persons with disabilities

    equal and effective legal protection againstdiscrimination on all grounds.

  • 8/6/2019 Intro Non Discrimination Feb2011


    Article 2 Discrimination dfinitionArticle 2 Discrimination dfinition

    y Discrimination on the basis of disability means

    y any distinction, exclusion or restriction on the basis of

    disability which has


    the purpose or effecty of impairing or nullifying the recognition, enjoyment or


    y on an equal basis with others,


    of all human rights and fundamental freedoms in thepolitical, economic, social, cultural, civil or any other field.

    y It includes all forms of discrimination, including denial of

    reasonable accommodation

  • 8/6/2019 Intro Non Discrimination Feb2011


    For purpose




    Exclusion Restriction

    For effect For purpose For effectFor purpose For effect


    Impairing Nullifying Impairing

    Enjoyment Exercise Recognition Enjoyment Exercise

  • 8/6/2019 Intro Non Discrimination Feb2011


    Discrimination on all groundsDiscrimination on all grounds

    Article 5 CRPD

    2. States Parties shall

    y prohibit all discrimination on the basis of



    y guarantee to persons with

    disabilities equal and effective legalprotection against discrimination on

    all grounds.

  • 8/6/2019 Intro Non Discrimination Feb2011


    Discrimination on all grounds (2)Discrimination on all grounds (2)

    y It includes

    Race, ethnicity


    Religion Sexual orientation

    y Important to take into account multiple


    y Some groups of persons with disabilities might

    be more discriminated than others

  • 8/6/2019 Intro Non Discrimination Feb2011


    On an equal basis with others..On an equal basis with others..

    y When a whole population is facing human rights

    restrictions, persons with disabilities should not be more

    deprived than others

    y When a whole group is discriminated such as indigenous

    people, women, people living in neglected areas, persons

    with disabilities face multiple discriminations

    If an indigenous people village is deprived from State

    support for having a school, children with disabilities are

    discriminated first as indigenous persons.

    If those kids are excluded from other regular activities of

    their communities they are discriminated on the ground

    of disability

  • 8/6/2019 Intro Non Discrimination Feb2011


    ReasonableReasonable accommodationaccommodation

    Article 5 CRPD

    3. In order to promote equality and eliminate


    y States Parties shall take all appropriate steps

    y to ensure that reasonable accommodation is


  • 8/6/2019 Intro Non Discrimination Feb2011


    ReasonableReasonable accommodation (2)accommodation (2)

    Article 2 CRPD

    y Reasonable accommodation means:

    necessary and appropriate modification and


    not imposing a disproportionate or undue


    where needed in a particular case, to ensure to persons with disabilities the

    enjoyment or exercise on an equal basis with

    others of all human rights and fundamental


  • 8/6/2019 Intro Non Discrimination Feb2011


    ReasonableReasonable accommodation (3)accommodation (3)

    y Reasonable accommodation is related to each

    individual and particular situation:

    y It includes: adaption of working schedule, physical


    y General accessibility is systemic and for all persons

    y For instance to allow one child with physical mobility to

    attend school, even if the school cannot be made all

    accessible at once, reasonable accommodation can be

    provided to that child by bringing to the ground floorthe class he is supposed to attend and putting a simple

    ramp to access

  • 8/6/2019 Intro Non Discrimination Feb2011


    De factoDe facto equalityequality andand specificspecific

    measuresmeasuresArticle 5 CRPD

    4. Specific measures which are necessary

    y to accelerate or achieve de facto equality ofpersons with disabilities

    y shall not be considered discrimination under

    the terms of the present Convention.

  • 8/6/2019 Intro Non Discrimination Feb2011


    De factoDe facto equalityequality andand specificspecific measuresmeasures

    y Even when some barriers are eliminated, prejudice

    and barriers related to past barriers (e.g lack of

    access to education and vocational training)

    specific measures such as quota for employmentare needed to bring de facto equality

    y Those measures have of course to be consistent

    with the CRPD (e.g reserving some specific type

    of jobs while it creates an opportunity that can begood for basic livelihood prevents equality of

    choice and opportunity for professional


  • 8/6/2019 Intro Non Discrimination Feb2011


    Questions (toQuestions (to bebe discusseddiscussed in group)in group)

    y How people think of discrimination in your

    country? Are you aware of any court case on

    discrimination of persons with disabilities?

    y Are persons with disabilities protected fromdiscrimination in all areas of life?

    y Does protection from discrimination cover the

    denial of reasonable accommodation?

    y Does protection from discrimination cover

    discrimination by individuals, enterprises and other

    private organizations?

  • 8/6/2019 Intro Non Discrimination Feb2011


    Questions (toQuestions (to bebe discusseddiscussed in group)in group)

    y Are there sanctions for those that are found

    to discriminate?

    y Can NGOs act on behalf of persons with

    disabilities that claim to have been victims of

    disability-based discrimination?

    y If the State has adopted positive action

    measures benefitting persons with disabilities,are these measures consistent with the
