intro on messaging and mqseries

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  • 7/30/2019 Intro on Messaging and MQSeries



    An Introduction to Messaging and MQSeries

  • 7/30/2019 Intro on Messaging and MQSeries


    Business Insights. Technology Leadership

    Messaging and Queuing

    Message queuing is a method of program-to program communication.

    Messaging is the technique which two Programs/Humans/Objects uses to


    Here the two parties involved in messaging do not directly talk to each


    Queuing refers to two parties using queues to communicate with each other.

    Asynchronous messagingSender doesnt wait for the reply, but continues to do his next task

    Synchronous messagingSender waits for the reply from the receiver, before proceeding to his next task

  • 7/30/2019 Intro on Messaging and MQSeries


    Business Insights. Technology Leadership

    Types of Messaging

    Point to point messaging Publish/Subscribe messaging

    Producer 1

    Queue 2 Consumer 1

    Producer 2

    Queue 2 Consumer 2

    Producer 3

    Consumer 2

    Producer 1

    Producer 2

    Consumer 1


  • 7/30/2019 Intro on Messaging and MQSeries


    Business Insights. Technology Leadership

    Point to point messagingThe sending application/client establishes a named message queue in the

    broker/server and sends messages to this queue.

    The receiving client registers with the broker to receive messages posted to thisqueue.

    There is a one-to-one relationship between the sending and receiving clients.

    Supports look-ahead or primitive browsing operations on queues, without removing messages on thequeue

    Point to Point Messaging

    Producer 1

    Queue 2 Consumer 1

    Producer 2

    Queue 2 Consumer 2

    Producer 3

  • 7/30/2019 Intro on Messaging and MQSeries


    Business Insights. Technology Leadership

    Publish/Subscribe messagingClients can produce messages for an unknown, and/or unlimited, number of subscribers; that is,

    publish/subscribe messaging supports 1-to-n messaging operations.

    Subscribing clients have the choice between durable and nondurable connections to the server.

    Publish and Subscribe Messaging

    Consumer 2

    Producer 1

    Producer 2

    Consumer 1


  • 7/30/2019 Intro on Messaging and MQSeries


    Business Insights. Technology Leadership

    Messaging products


    BEA Tuxedo


  • 7/30/2019 Intro on Messaging and MQSeries


    Business Insights. Technology Leadership

    MQSeries - for messaging services.MQSeries Integrator - for Business Integration.

    MQSeries - For complete Work Flow Solution for an


    MQSeries Everyplace - MQServer, which operates on low memory devices like

    PDA. This MQServer will interact with base MQSeries server.

    MQSeries Family

  • 7/30/2019 Intro on Messaging and MQSeries


    Business Insights. Technology Leadership

    MQSeries Overview

    MQSeries is a Middleware for Commercial messaging and queuingMQSeries is a communications system

    It provides an assured, asynchronous, once-only delivery of data across a broad

    range of hardware and software platforms

    MQSeries provides transaction oriented store-and-forward messaging services with

    assured delivery

    MQSeries is available for a variety of software platforms (approx. 35 platforms

    MVS,Windows NT, AIX, OS2, Linux, Palm OS / Windows CE.)

  • 7/30/2019 Intro on Messaging and MQSeries


    Business Insights. Technology Leadership

    MQSeries Components

    MQSeries supports client-server configurations for MQSeries applications and has components.

    MQ Series Client (Slim client and Fat client)

    MQSeries client accepts MQSeries calls from applications and pass them to an MQSeries server


    MQ Series Server

    MQSeries server is a queue manager that provides queuing services to one or more clients.

    Note: All the MQSeries objects (for example, queues) exist only on the MQSeries server machine.

  • 7/30/2019 Intro on Messaging and MQSeries


    Business Insights. Technology Leadership

    MQSeries Client and Server ConnectionConnection options

    MQ Servers can be accessed by

    Native MQ Clients which are MQ Clients installed on same platform to that of the MQServer.

    Java clients, to communicate with an MQ Server, can use of MQ Series Classes for Java

    Java clients can communicate with any MQServer in 2 different modes.

    As an MQSeries Client using TCP/IP

    In this mode, server will be listening at port 1414(default MQ port) and the client will

    connect to the server over TCP/IP.

    This is very useful when client and server are in different platforms and

    communicating over TCP/IP network.

    In bindings mode, directly connecting to MQ Series Server

    In this mode, MQ Java uses the Java Native Interface (JNI) to call directly into the

    existing queue manager API, rather than communicating through a network.This provides better performance for MQSeries applications than using network


  • 7/30/2019 Intro on Messaging and MQSeries


    Business Insights. Technology Leadership

    MQSeries Objects

    The MQSeries Objects -

    Queue managers



    Process definitions


    Queue-sharing groups(MQSeries for OS/390, V2.2 with sysplex only)

    Namelists (MQSeries for OS/390 and MQSeries Version 5.1 products only)

    Storage classes(MQSeries for OS/390 only)

  • 7/30/2019 Intro on Messaging and MQSeries


    Business Insights. Technology Leadership

    MQSeries Objects - Queue Manager

    Queue ManagerQueue manager is the program that provides messaging services to applications.

    The queue manager ensures that messages are sent to the correct queue or are

    routed to another queue manager.

    The queue manager processes both the MQI calls that are issued to it, and the

    commands that are submitted to it.

    The queue manager generates the appropriate completion codes for each call orcommand.

    Queue Manager manages everything under it.

  • 7/30/2019 Intro on Messaging and MQSeries


    Business Insights. Technology Leadership

    MQSeries Objects - Queues

    MQSeries Queues

    Queue is a MQSeries Object.

    A Queue is a container for messages.

    A Message queue is owned and maintained by a queue manager.


    Even before creating a queue, a queue managermust have been created and must be running, and its

    command server must be running.

  • 7/30/2019 Intro on Messaging and MQSeries


    Business Insights. Technology Leadership

    MQSeries Objects -Queues

    Queues are the objects of queue manager for storing messages.Types of QueuesLocal Queue

    Remote Queue & Remote Queue Definition

    Transmission Queue

    Dynamic Queue

    Alias Queue

    Model Queue

    Reply to QueueDead Letter Queue

    Cluster Queue

    Repository Queue

    Initiation queues

    System command queue & System default queues

    Channel queues & Event queues

  • 7/30/2019 Intro on Messaging and MQSeries


    Business Insights. Technology Leadership

    MQSeries Objects - Channels

    Two types of ChannelsMQI Channel

    A communication channel connecting MQS Client to a Queue Manager in its MQS Server m/c.

    - Client Connection Channel - Server Connection Channel

    Message Channel

    A communication channel between Client and Server.

    - Sending Channel - Receiver Channel

    A message channel connects two queue managers via message channel agents (MCA's).

    Channels for Clusters- Cluster Sending Channel - Cluster Receiver Channel

    Other Channels-Requester Channel - Server Channel

  • 7/30/2019 Intro on Messaging and MQSeries


    Business Insights. Technology Leadership

    MQSeries Objects - Channels

    Defining MQI ChannelsAutomatically defined channels


    User defined channelsThere are two ways of creating the channel definitions and giving the MQSeries application on the

    MQSeries client machine access to the channel.

    -Create one channel definition on the MQSeries client and the other on the server.

    -Create both channel definitions on the server machine

  • 7/30/2019 Intro on Messaging and MQSeries


    Business Insights. Technology Leadership

    MQSeries Objects - Process Definitions

    Process DefinitionA Process Definition object defines an application to the Queue Manager.

    This Definition should contain the name of the program and its path to be triggered when a

    message arrives on it.


    On WinNT Environment.

    A .bat file to be triggered.

    On Aix Environment.A Batch program to be triggered.

    On OS390 Environment.

    A CICS Transaction to be triggered.

  • 7/30/2019 Intro on Messaging and MQSeries


    Business Insights. Technology Leadership

    MQSeries Objects - Listener

    ListenerA Listener is a program which listens on the receiving channel for incoming


    The default port no on which the Listener listens on is 1414.

  • 7/30/2019 Intro on Messaging and MQSeries


    Business Insights. Technology Leadership

    MQSeries Objects - Listener

    Trigger MonitorsTrigger Monitor an program or application which servers initiation queues

    It is a continuously running program which keeps monitoring initiation queues.

  • 7/30/2019 Intro on Messaging and MQSeries


    Business Insights. Technology Leadership

    MQSeries Objects - Message Channel Agents

    Message Channel Agents (MCA)A message channel agent is a program which control sending and receiving of


    There is one message channel agent at each end of a channel.

    One MCA takes messages from the transmission queue and puts them on the

    communication link.

    The other MCA receives messages and delivers them onto a queue on the remotequeue manager.

    A message channel agent is called a caller MCA if it initiated the communication,

    otherwise it is called a responder MCA.


  • 7/30/2019 Intro on Messaging and MQSeries


    Business Insights. Technology Leadership

    MQSeries Messages

    Limitations on the length of MQ Message.

    A MQ Message can be up to 4 MB or 100 MB long, depending on the MQSeries version youuse.

    MQSeries Version 5 (for distributed platforms) supports a maximum message length of 100 MB.

    MQS Messages Components-

    Application Data

    Message Descriptor

    Application DataThe Application using the message defines the content of the message and its structure.

    Message Descriptor

    The message descriptor identifies the message and contains other control information.

    B i I i h T h l L d hi

  • 7/30/2019 Intro on Messaging and MQSeries


    Business Insights. Technology Leadership

    MQSeries Messages

    Message Descriptor

    Version Return Address

    Message ID / Correlation ID Format

    Persistent / non-persistent Sender application and Type

    Priority Report options / Feedback (COA, COD)

    Date and Time Backout counter Lifetime of a message Segmenting / Grouping information

    B i I i ht T h l L d hi

  • 7/30/2019 Intro on Messaging and MQSeries


    Business Insights. Technology Leadership

    MQSeries Messages

    Message Segmenting and Grouping

    Distribution Lists

    B i I i ht T h l L d hi

  • 7/30/2019 Intro on Messaging and MQSeries


    Business Insights. Technology Leadership


    A Message is a communication sent between programs

    Message Types





    MQSeries Messages

    Business Insights Technology Leadership

  • 7/30/2019 Intro on Messaging and MQSeries


    Business Insights. Technology Leadership

    MQSeries - Guidelines

    Guidelines for creating queue managers

    Specify a unique queue manager nameLimit the number of queue managers ( There is actually no limit )

    Specify a default queue manager

    Specify a dead-letter queue

    Specify a default transmission queue

    Specify the logging parameters you require