intro to shooting, editing video

Intro to shooting, editing video March 14, 2013

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Intro to shooting, editing video. March 14, 2013. Class outline. - Introduction to shooting video - Introduction to Final Cut Pro - Video project due: April 4. - Layout project due: April 11. Plan accordingly!. Intro to video. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Intro to shooting, editing videoMarch 14, 2013

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Class outline- Introduction to shooting video- Introduction to Final Cut Pro- Video project due: April 4.- Layout project due: April 11. Plan accordingly!

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Intro to videoA television (or visual) news package is an edited, cohesive news story.

A package often includes most, if not all, of these elements:- reporter voice over(s)- interviews- A-roll and B-roll- reporter stand-ups*

* For your third/video project, please do not use a stand-up.

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Intro to videoA-roll

- Footage where the both the visuals and original audio will be used in the news package. Example: footage of turkeys meandering in a field, gobbling.- Includes interviews

B roll

- Footage where the natural sound will not be used. Other, non-original audio is placed over this footage in the editing process.- Must be related to the audio being played.- Used to make news packages visually stimulating. Breaks up the monotony.

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Shooting video: GuidelinesA. No. 1: Shoot horizontal.

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Shooting video: GuidelinesYou need a lot of raw footage to produce even a short news package. Raw footage is the unedited, original visuals and original audio you record.

- Get wide, medium and close-up shots of all elements you may want to use in your package, if possible.- Secure at least one establishing shot.- Grab at least 15 seconds for each shot.- Hold steady!- Use a tripod or monopod.- Be still, quiet.- Be gluttonous in filming.- People make everything more interesting.

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Shooting video: GuidelinesThey say variety is the spice of life. Apply that when grabbing your footage.

Footage taken from different perspectives is more visually entertaining:- Keeps people from getting bored- Provides viewers with a more comprehensive view of an element- Footage from different angles and distances can extend the time you show a given item on screen

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Shooting video: GuidelinesSelecting and framing your shots

- Get a variety of shots. Scene-setters, close ups, and everything in between. - Shoot with the light, not against it. - Pay attention to the background.

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Shooting video: GuidelinesSequencing is a technique used to break down an activity or story into pieces that viewers can easily digest.

Uses a series of shots to explain an element in a smooth fashion.

Strategic combination of wide shots, medium shots and close ups25 percent wide shots, 25 percent medium shots, 50 percent close ups

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Shooting video: GuidelinesPanning is the term/technique for slowly moving the focus of the camera horizontal to the ground, from one side to another.

Tilting the camera refers to angling the camera up or down while recording.

Resist any urge you may feel to pan or tilt. Please don’t use that footage in your project.

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Shooting video: GuidelinesZooming in or zooming out can be done with your camera or performed manually.

But most details are better shown by using a combination of wide, medium and tight shots.

Avoid zooming while recording unless absolutely necessary.

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Shooting video: InterviewsBefore you hit record, prepare:

- Plan your questions in advance.- Evaluate your light and sound. Your interviewee’s face should be well lit – the brightest (and biggest) element in your viewfinder.- Choose a location that does not contain distracting elements in the background.- Adjust and secure your equipment.- Be chatty. Get close. (Literally.)- Preview the subjects you want to cover in your interview, but don’t rehearse them off camera. Be clear why you wanted to speak with your particular interview subject.- Encourage your subjects to look at you (“ignore that”) when responding. Stand (or sit) close to your camera when recording.

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Shooting video: InterviewsBefore you hit record, frame your interview subject:- Keep in mind the Rule of Thirds…- And that your source’s name is going to be superimposed on the “lower third” of the screen. (Keep that section clean.)- Adjust your person, camera or zoom so that the interviewee’s face fills most of the screen/viewfinder (close-up). Generally speaking, show the interview subjects’ shoulders. - Try to avoid recording the subject straight on. Move slightly to one side.- Avoid profile shots, too.- Keep the camera and interviewee in fixed positions during the interview.

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Shooting video: InterviewsOnce you hit record:

- Wait 5-10 seconds before speaking.- Ask the subject to identify himself or herself by full name, title and relevance to story. Make sure you know how to spell those names!- Listen. Ask follow ups as appropriate. - Refrain from speaking over your interview subject.

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Tips to avoid jams- Don’t forget about the audio

Check the sound quality of your camera prior to recording. Practice!Lather, rinse and repeat while on site and when recording interviews.Beware: Recording can seem to amplify ambient sound.Wear headphones to monitor sound quality.Record interviews in quiet places.

When in doubt: redo!

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Tips to avoid jamsIf an unexpected noise or visual interrupts an interviewee’s statement which you think may be useful, ask them to repeat it.

If a speaker doesn’t give you a good soundbyte or quote, rephrase the question to spur them to respond similarly, but (hopefully) in a more direct way.

Grab B-roll of sources you interview so you can edit those visuals in to long on-camera quotes.

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Tips to avoid jamsDon’t settle for wobbly video.

If you forget a tripod, use fixed objects to help you steady your camera.

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When editingOutline your story prior to opening Final Cut Pro.

Prioritize identifying the specific portions of your interviews, opening and closing shots, and B-Roll you want to use.

Most edited B-roll shots are 5 seconds in length or shorter. - Shots containing motion or action are more visually stimulating, thus

are more likely to deserve being used for 5 seconds.- Shots without motion are less visually interesting, so do not need to

be displayed for as long.

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When editingAvoid putting shots of similar depth back-to-back – especially if they are of the same element.

Instead, show a sequence, such as:

- Wide shot – medium shot – close up- Medium shot – close up – wide shot- Close up – wide shot – medium shot

Similarly, do not use back-to-back clips of a single interviewee.

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Final Cut Pro