introduccion etica en medicina 2do semestre 2015

Ética en Medicina F. A. ROTAR

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Page 1: Introduccion etica en medicina 2do semestre 2015

Ética en MedicinaF. A. ROTAR

Page 2: Introduccion etica en medicina 2do semestre 2015

Question?Greater good vs Lesser bad…..

“Sujeto asalta una tienda de verduras y recibe un disparo de mosqueton en area abdominal superior, queda vivo, al llegar a la prision el medico del lugar le antiende, en vez de suturarle la herida la explora y concluye que la pared anterior del estomago esta adjunto a la parad abdominal anterior y se da cuenta que el paciente tenia una “ulcera” y se queda estudiandolo por unos dias despues de los cuales le Cierra la herida u se envia a prisio”.

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"It is not cruel to inflict on a few criminals sufferings which may benefit multitudes of innocent people through all centuries."

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Objectives• Introduce the freshmen to the basic concepts & law of

ethics.• Present a recapitulation thru time and the evolution of

bioethics.• Explain the 4 principals of ethics and give examples of

each.• Introduce the freshmen to the concepts of research,

practice, investigation taking into account ethical principals.

• Guide the freshmen thru examples from where we get the medical knowledge and assertions we give patients.

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• Discuss why ethics are necessary when conducting research involving human subjects.

• Describe the major historical events that have influenced how research involving human subjects is conducted.

• Identify problems with past studies that have violated ethical standards.

• Describe the Belmont Principles.• Discuss the ethical standards for research that guide us


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Siglo I de nuestro señor Jesucristo


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25-35 D.C.

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Aurelius Celsus• Doctor?• Surgeon?• Barber?• Apothecary?

“Medical Clerk”

Page 9: Introduccion etica en medicina 2do semestre 2015

Aureli Cornelii Celsi

"It is not cruel to inflict on a few criminals sufferings which may benefit multitudes of innocent people through all centuries."

Page 10: Introduccion etica en medicina 2do semestre 2015

Florin Andrei Rotar Marinescu (15-Oct-2015)Problem:

Organ donors do not supply demand.


Every 40+ years convict obligated to donate, and if donor compatible transferred to death row and confiscate its organs…. DEBATE NOW

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2015 D.C.

• Both the ethics regarding human subjects research and regulations for such research have changed considerably since Celsus' time.

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Among the first human subject research experiments to be documented:1700’s vaccination trials: physicians & their family were the test subjects.

• -Edward Jenner (1779-1586)- smallpox vaccine (son & neigthbors)

• -Johan Jorg (1779-1856) – swallows 17 drugs in difernt doses to record properties

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2000’s newdrug trials.• -Sebastian Cane (1999-2000) – Hollow man suerum

• -Hiroshi Hatake (2014) – Narvik A, Narvik B, SODRA.

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Open Nuremberg Trials ppt