introducing openshift enterprise private paas by red hat

Download Introducing OpenShift Enterprise Private PaaS by Red Hat

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Post on 20-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. IntroducingOpenShift Enterprise(Private PaaS by Red Hat)1 by
  2. 2. Todays IT Challenge2by
  3. 3. Streamlining App Dev with PaaSPhysicalVirtualizedWith PaaSHow to Build an App: How to Build an App: How to Build an App:1.Have Idea1. Have Idea 1. Have Idea2.Get Budget 2. Get Budget2. Get Budget3.Submit hardware acquisition request3. Submit VM Request request 3. Code4.Wait 4. Wait4. Test5.Get Hardware 5. Deploy framework/appserver5. Launch6.Rack and Stack Hardware6. Deploy testing tools6. Automatically Scale7.Install Operating System 7. Test testing tools8.Install Operating System 8. CodePatches/Fix-Packs9. Configure Prod VMs9.Create user Accounts 10.Push to Prod10. Deploy framework/appserver 11.Launch11. Deploy testing tools 12.Request More Prod VMs to12. Test testing toolsmeet demand13. Code 13.Wait14. Configure Prod servers (and buy14.Deploy app to new VMsthem if needed)15.Etc.15. Push to Prod16. LaunchThe use of Platform-as-a-Service technologies will17. Order more servers to meet demand enable IT organizations to become more agile and18. Wait more responsive to the business needs.19. Deploy new servers Gartner*20. Etc.*
  4. 4. Accelerate IT Service DeliveryPaaS leverages automation technologies and a cloud architectureCodeDeploy Enjoyto drive Velocity, Efficiency, and Scalability in IT4 by
  5. 5. OpenShift EnterpriseisOn-Premise PaaS by Red HatMulti-language, Auto-Scaling,Self-service,Elastic, Cloud Application Platform5 by
  6. 6. 3 ProblemsOpenShift Enterprise SolvesAccelerate IT application to meet the demands ofthe business2.3. Increase operationalImprove infrastructure efficiencyutilization6 by
  7. 7. Building on a Proven, Operational PaaSOpenShift Online is Red Hats free, auto- Public scaling Platform as a Service (PaaS) for Cloudapplications. As an application platform Servicein the cloud, OpenShift manages thestack so you can focus on your code.Developer ControlsAPPLICATION APPLICATION PLATFORM (JBOSS, PHP, RUBY, ETC) OperatedOPERATING SYSTEM at scale (RHEL) by Red Hat VIRTUALIZATION for (RHEV) 18 HARDWARE months(x86) STORAGE (RHS) 7by
  8. 8. and Packaging it for Enterprise Consumption PublicOn-Premise or Cloud Private Cloud Service SoftwareDeveloper Developer ControlsAPPLICATIONCodes APPLICATION PLATFORM (JBOSS, PHP, RUBY, ETC)OpenShiftEnterpriseOperated OPERATING SYSTEM Softwareby(RHEL) Red Hat VIRTUALIZATION For (RHEV)18 monthsHARDWARE IT Ops(x86) Provides STORAGE (RHS) 8 by
  9. 9. OpenShift Enterprise Application Platform Stack9 by
  10. 10. OpenShift Enterprise (Private PaaS by Red Hat) Learn More