introducing our communication and public relations agency to arab customers, prospects and suppliers

De la Sota, Art & Relations ΔϣΎό˰ϟ ˶ΕΎϗϼό˰ϟ ϭ ˶Δϳ˰ϣϼϋϹ ˶ΕΎϣΩ˰Χ˰Ϡϟ ϡ˰ϛ˰Η˰ϛέη Δϛέη ΎϬϣΩϘΗ ϲΗϟ ˶ΕΎϣΩΧϟ ϥϋ ˱ ίΟϭϣ ϡϛϟ ˴νέόϧ ϥ Ύϧϓέηϳ De la Sota, Art and Relations ΔϳϓΎϘΛϟ ˬ ΔϳέΎΟΗϟ ˬ Δϳϣγέϟ ΕΎϛέηϟ ϭ ΕΎϳϬϟ ˶ ˰ϟΎλϟ ˶Δ˰ϣΎόϟ ˶ΕΎϗϼόϟ ϭ ˶Δ˰ϳϣϼϋϹ ˶ΕΎϣΩΧϟ ϲϓ ϥϭϳλΎλΗΧ ΔϳϟΎΗϟ ΕΎϣΩΧϟ ˵ ϡΩϘ˰ϧ ˳ ΔϳϟϭΩ ˳ΕΎγγ΅ϣ ϭ ˳ΕέΎϔγ ϥϣ ˶Δϳϧόϣϟ ˶ΕΎϬΟϠϟ ΕέϣΗ΅ϣ ϕϳϭγΗ ϭ ϥϼϋ ΕΎϣΩΧ ˬ νέΎόϣ ˬ ˳ ϝϣϋ ΕΎηέϭ ˬ ΕέοΎΣϣ ˬ ΔϳϔΣλ ˲ ΕέϣΗ΅ϣ ˬ Δϳϣϼϋ· ˲ ΕΎϣΩΧ ˬ ΕϭΩϧ ˬ ΕΎϋΎϣΗΟ ˬ ϭ ˶ ϝΎΑϘΗγϻ ˶ΕΎϣΩΧ ˵ Δ˰ϓΎϛ ˬ ϡ˰ϳέϛΗϟ ΕϼϔΣ ϭ ίϭΟϟ ϊϳίϭΗ ˵ ΕΎρΎηϧ ˬ ΔϳλΎλΗΧ ˲ ΕέϭΩ ˬ ΔϳίϳϔΣΗ ˲ Δρηϧ ˬ ϝΎΑϘΗγ ΕϼϔΣ ˬ ˶ ΔϓΎϳοϟ ΎΑϣ ˳ΔόΑΎΗϣ ϭ ˳Δϳϣϼϋ ˳ΔϳρϐΗ ϥϣ ϡίϠϳ Ύϣ ϭ ΎϬϧϋ ˵ΏΗέΗϳ Ύϣ ϝϛ ϭ ˶ΕΎρΎηϧϟ ˴ϙϠΗ ˶ΩΩϋΎΑ ΔϘϠόΗϣϟ ϝΎϣϋϻ ΔϓΎϛ ϡϛϟ ˵ ϡΩϘΗ ΎϧΗϛέη ˳Γέη ˬ Ϋϧϣ ϡΎΗΧϟ ϰΗΣ ϭ ˶ΕΎϳϟΎόϔϟ Ωϋϭϣ ΩϳΩΣΗ ˬ ΎϬϳϠϋ ˵ ΕΑΗέΗ ϲΗϟ ΞΎΗϧϟ ϭ Δ˰ρηϧϻ ˴ϙϠΗϟ Ύ˴ϣϳϳϘΗ ˵νέόϧ Ύϣϛ ϡϛ˰Ηγ˰γ΅ϣ ϲ˰ϓ ˶ΔΣΎΗϣϟ ˶ΕΎϳϧΎϛϣϻ ΏγΣ ϭ ϡϛΗΑϏέ ΏγΣ ΔΣΎΗϣϟ ΕϻΎϣΗΣϻ ϭ ˶ έΎόγϻ ˶νϭέϋϭ ˶ΕΎΣέΗϘϣϟ ˶ΩΩϋΎΑ ˴ ϡϭϘϧ ϥ ΎϧΩόγϳ ˬ ˳ ΔϳϠϳλϔΗ ˳ΕΎϣϭϠόϣ ϰϠϋ ˶ ϝϭλΣϟ ˶ ϝΟ ϥϣ Ύϧόϣ ϝλϭΗϟ ϲϓ ϭΩΩέ˰ΗΗ ϻ ˬ ϲϠΑϘΗγϣ ˳ ϝϣϋ ˯ΎϘϟ ϱ ˶ΩϳΩΣΗ ˶ ϝΟ ϥϣ ϭ ϊϣ ϭ ˶ ϡέΗΣϻ ˶ ϕΎϓ έϳΩϘΗϟ Concha de la Sota CEO

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Post on 20-Jun-2015




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If you are an arab and english speaker, and want to know more about the possibilities of our company, please read this document. Enjoy and contact us if you have any question about our services. Thanks in advance.


Page 1: Introducing our Communication and Public Relations Agency to arab customers, prospects and suppliers

De  la  Sota,  Art  &  Relations

De  la  Sota,  Art  and  Relations

Concha  de  la  SotaCEO

Page 2: Introducing our Communication and Public Relations Agency to arab customers, prospects and suppliers

De  la  Sota,Art  &  Relations

Page 3: Introducing our Communication and Public Relations Agency to arab customers, prospects and suppliers
Page 4: Introducing our Communication and Public Relations Agency to arab customers, prospects and suppliers
Page 5: Introducing our Communication and Public Relations Agency to arab customers, prospects and suppliers
Page 6: Introducing our Communication and Public Relations Agency to arab customers, prospects and suppliers
Page 7: Introducing our Communication and Public Relations Agency to arab customers, prospects and suppliers

Press  Clipping


Page 8: Introducing our Communication and Public Relations Agency to arab customers, prospects and suppliers
Page 9: Introducing our Communication and Public Relations Agency to arab customers, prospects and suppliers
Page 10: Introducing our Communication and Public Relations Agency to arab customers, prospects and suppliers
Page 11: Introducing our Communication and Public Relations Agency to arab customers, prospects and suppliers
Page 12: Introducing our Communication and Public Relations Agency to arab customers, prospects and suppliers
Page 13: Introducing our Communication and Public Relations Agency to arab customers, prospects and suppliers
Page 14: Introducing our Communication and Public Relations Agency to arab customers, prospects and suppliers
Page 15: Introducing our Communication and Public Relations Agency to arab customers, prospects and suppliers

De la Sota, Art & Relations

De  la  Sota,  Art  &  Relations

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De  la  Sota,  Art  &  Relations,  S.L.

Todas  las  fotografías  se  corresponden  con  eventos  realizados  por

De  la  Sota,  Art  &  Relations,  S.L.

y  han  sido  realizadas  por

Fernando  Esteban  ©  y  Concha de  la  Sota ©