introducing transform® wg insecticide - dow agrosciences

INTRODUCING TRANSFORM ® WG INSECTICIDE A new weapon against tarnished plant bugs and other sap-feeding pests

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A new weapon against tarnished plant bugs and other sap-feeding pests

Page 2: InTRoduCInG TRAnsfoRM® WG InseCTICIde - Dow AgroSciences

A neW WAy To sTRIke bACk AGAInsT TARnIshed PlAnT buGs.

Recent years have seen a rise in the numbers of tarnished plant bugs — and a decrease in the efficacy of existing control methods. New Transform® WG insecticide gives cotton growers a new weapon in their arsenal to control tarnished plant bugs and other sap-feeding pests. Transform is also an excellent rotational partner as part of an effective Insecticide Resistance Management (IRM) program.

A totally unique class of chemistry.Sulfoxaflor, the active ingredient in Transform, is from a new class of chemistry, the sulfoximines, discovered by Dow AgroSciences scientists. The Insecticide Resistance Action Committee (IRAC) has designated sulfoxaflor as the sole member of a new subgroup, 4C. Sulfoxaflor is unlike any other insecticide used in cotton — strengthening IRM programs when used in rotation with other classes of insecticides.

Transform is also effective against sap-feeding pests that have developed resistance to many insecticides, including neonicotinoids. It delivers excellent knockdown plus residual control of sap-feeding insects like plant bugs, helping cotton growers protect cotton yields and increase their profit potential.

fast results and more flexibility using less product.Transform provides fast, effective control of plant bugs at a very low application rate compared with organophosphates and other classes of chemistry. And the residual control Transform® WG insecticide provides may allow for fewer applications and reduced input costs.

l Allows growers to cover more acres per container

l Delivers excellent residual control

l Can be applied via ground or air for greater flexibility

l Tank-mixable with other pest control products in addition to fertilizers and plant growth regulators

l Short re-entry and preharvest interval for minimal grower downtime


Scott Bauer, USDA Agricultural Research Service,

“ Transform will offer one of the only opportunities to have very good control of tarnished plant bugs and cotton aphids at the same time.” — Dr. Angus Catchot, Extension professor of entomology, Mississippi State University

Page 3: InTRoduCInG TRAnsfoRM® WG InseCTICIde - Dow AgroSciences

Proven results.Trials measured number of plant bugs after two applications, comparing Transform® WG insecticide with other popular insecticides. Results show that Transform provided quick-acting and excellent residual control (below threshold) when applied at 1.5 oz./A.






Transform® WG 1.5 oz./A

Untreated Endigo 4.5 oz./A

Centric 2 oz./A

Bidrin 8 oz./A

Orthene 90 S 18 oz./A

*Action threshhold = three plant bugs per five feet of row on drop cloth. DAA2 = days after second application.

� 2-5 DAA2

� 6-8 DAA2

� 9-12 DAA2

Summary Across 36 High-pressure Plant Bug TrialsLouisiana, Arkansas and Mississippi, 2008-11


phs p

er F



of R



Trials measured number of plant bugs after two applications, comparing Transform® WG insecticide with other popular insecticides through12 days after second application (DAA2). High pressure was defined as three times the action threshold (nine nymphs or more per five feet

of row). Results show that Transform provided quick-acting and excellent residual control (below threshold) when applied at 1.5 oz./A.

summary Across 36 high-pressure Plant bug Trials, 2008-2011numbers of Plant bugs After Two Applications (lA, AR, Ms)

Seven trials measured cotton yield in fields that received various insecticide treatment protocols. Results showed that fields treated with two sequential applications of Transform® WG insecticide yielded equal or more pounds of lint per acre than the other combinations tested.





Transform 1.5 oz./A

Alt. Orth


Transform 1.5 oz./A

Alt. Endigo 5 oz./A

Transform® W


1.5 oz./A 2×

Transform 1.5 oz./A

Alt. Bidrin

8 oz./A

Orthene 0.75 oz./A +

Diamond 6 oz./A 2×

Transform 1.5 oz./A

Alt. Orth

ene 0.75 lb./A#

Diamond 6 oz./A




Comparison of Sequential Treatments of Sulfoxaflor and Rotations With Other Products

Yield, 7 Trials (2011-12)

Reliable control — while maintaining populations of beneficials.Sulfoxaflor is highly selective; it controls sap-feeding insects with minimal impact on beneficial arthropods, such as lady beetles, lacewings and minute pirate bugs. This makes Transform an excellent fit for Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs.

l Does not flare mites

l Moves from the surface to the inside of the plant leaf to control sap-feeding pests out of the direct line of spray

l Favorable environmental profile for greater peace of mind

Comparison of sequential Treatments of sulfoxaflor and Rotations With other Products: yield, 7 trials (2011-2012)

Page 4: InTRoduCInG TRAnsfoRM® WG InseCTICIde - Dow AgroSciences 800-258-3033

Transform® WG insecticide may be applied by air or ground and may be tank-mixed with other products, including fertilizers, fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and spray adjuvants per label instructions.

Ground Application Ground application equipment should be set up to provide uniform

coverage of the crop. Transform should not be applied with air induction or flood-type nozzles.

l Use between 5 and 10 gallons per acre (GPA) with increased volume as cotton grows.

l Use either hollow cones or flat nozzles for ground applications — rotary nozzles also work well for application in cotton.

l Set pressure between 40 and 60+ psi, using higher spray pressure under a dense canopy.

l Optimal droplet size: 175 to 250 microns.

Aerial Application l Calibrate spray booms, nozzle orientation and flight speed

to ensure uniform coverage.

l Use a minimum of 3 GPA; better coverage will be obtained if spray volume is increased to 5 GPA.

l Avoid straight streaming application; zero deflection is not recommended.

l Use a nozzle that provides the most deflection for the situation.

Application rates, timing and IRM guidelines.Transform® WG insecticide is the newest weapon in the arsenal against plant bugs and other sap-feeding pests — giving cotton growers more control and flexibility.

l In cotton, Transform should be applied at a rate of 1.5 oz./A to control plant bugs. Consult the product label for other pests and higher usage rates.

l Transform can be used by itself or in mixtures with other products, including fertilizers, fungicides, herbicides and insecticides.

l To ensure sound IRM practices, Transform should not be applied more than four times per acre per year. No more than two consecutive applications should be made without rotating to other classes of chemistry. Do not apply more than a total of 8.5 ounces of Transform per acre per year.

l Rainfall within two hours of application may affect efficacy. In head-to-head comparisons, Transform has displayed rainfastness equal to that of other commonly used insecticides.

Application best practices.

®DOW Diamond and Transform are trademarks of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow. Bidrin and Endigo are federally Restricted Use Pesticides. Transform WG is not registered for sale or use in all states. Contact your state pesticide regulatory agency to determine if a product is registered for sale or use in your state. Always read and follow label directions. ©2013 Dow AgroSciences LLC L01-396-003 (05/13) BR 010-33769 DAAGTFRM2054

Adjuvants.Choose adjuvants recommended and registered for your specific use pattern and follow their use directions. When an adjuvant is used, Dow AgroSciences recommends the use of an adjuvant certified by the Chemical Producers and Distributors Association. Always add adjuvants last in the mixing process.

Scan this code with a smartphone QR code reader to access key information about Transform® WG insecticide, including product

label, application rates, product efficacy trials and more at To download and install a mobile QR

code reader, visit on your mobile device.

Solutions for the Growing World

Pests and Application Rates in Cotton for Transform® WG Insecticide

Tarnished plant bug 1.5 to 2.25 oz./A (0.047 to 0.071 lb. ai/A)

Application RateTarget Pest