introducing unit specifications and unit assessment support packs (uasps) modern languages national...


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Introducing Unit Specifications and Unit Assessment Support Packs


Introducing Unit Specifications and Unit Assessment Support Packs

(UASPs)Modern Languages National 3/4/5

Elaine van den Akker

Principal Verifier (German)

Key points: ML UnitsKey points: ML Units

Standard remains the same Units have a hierarchical structure that provides clear

progression from National 3 to Higher Learning and assessment activities across the

Contexts society, learning, employability, culture Added Value Unit assessment at National 4 increases

personalisation and choice

Unit StructureUnit Structure

National 3(Access 3/ Foundation)

National 4(Int.1/ General)

National 5(Int.2/ Credit)

Understanding Language

Understanding Language

Understanding Language

Using Language Using Language Using Language

Added Value Unit (Course Assessment)

Unit AssessmentUnit Assessment

Assessments can be designed to provide evidence across more than one Outcome or Unit – combined assessment

Flexible and open Evidence Requirements Greater range of techniques and methodologies for

assessment – encouraged through Unit assessment support packages and Unit and Course Support Notes (

More opportunities to gather naturally occurring evidence – assessment as part of learning and teaching

Unit SpecificationsUnit Specifications

Unit Specification is the core document, referencing the following key elements:

Outcome(s)Assessment StandardsEvidence Requirements

Unit Assessment Support Packages (UASPs) : PurposeUnit Assessment Support Packages (UASPs) : Purpose

UASPs can be used to:

• Assess your candidates

• Adapt for your own assessment programmes

• Help you develop your own assessments

UASPs : Key FeaturesUASPs : Key Features

Valid from August 2013

Designed to encourage professional judgement

Provide broad-based tasks – assist assessors in choosing appropriate Context(s) and forms of evidence

Show range of approaches to generating assessment evidence

Give information on the type of evidence which could be gathered and how this is to be judged against Assessment Standards


Package 1 Combined assessment approaches exemplified at

Nat 3/4/5

Package 2 Unit by Unit assessment approaches exemplified at

Nat 3/4/5

Package 3 Unit by Unit assessment approaches exemplified at

Nat 3 and combined assessment approaches exemplified at Nat 4/5

National 4 Added Value UnitNational 4 Added Value Unit

Makes the Course more than the sum of its parts Builds on current Course assessment and Group

Award approaches Defined as breadth, challenge and/or application

as outlined in Building the Curriculum 5 May involve accumulation, assimilation,

integration and/or application of skills, knowledge and understanding

Controlled assessment –setting conducting and marking

N4 AV Unit: Modern LanguagesN4 AV Unit: Modern Languages

Focus on challenge and application of language skills

Unit Specification and Unit Assessment Support Package (UASP)

Assesses skills in reading, listening and talking Internally assessed as pass or fail

N5 Internal Assessment of Course ComponentsN5 Internal Assessment of Course Components

Controlled assessment is SQA’s approach to developing assessments (setting), the conditions of assessment (conducting), and marking assessments (marking).

SQA is introducing controlled assessment for non-question paper components of the Added Value Unit and new National Courses at National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher.

N5 Performance (Talking)N5 Performance (Talking)

Controlled assessment

The Performance is: set by centres within SQA guidelines conducted under a high degree of supervision and control  

Evidence will be internally marked by centre staff in line with SQA marking instructions. Marking will be quality assured by SQA. The performance will be recorded.

Moving onMoving on

Workshop 1 and 2 will give you the opportunity to look at the Unit Specifications and Unit Assessment Support Packages in detail.