introduct ion multipliers - pmi northern utah...

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Post on 02-Jul-2018




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Page 1: INTRODUCT ION multipliers - PMI Northern Utah · Multipliers get twice the performance from their team



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By extracting people’s full capability, Multipliers get twice the performance from their team.We’ve all had experience with two dramatically different types of leaders. The first type drains intelligence, energy, and capability from the people around them and always needs to be the smartest person in the room. These are the idea killers, the energy sappers, the diminishers of talent and commitment. On the other side of the spectrum are leaders who use their intelligence to amplify the smarts and capabilities of the people around them. When these leaders walk into a room, light bulbs go off over people’s heads; ideas flow and problems get solved. These are the leaders who inspire employees to stretch themselves to deliver results that surpass expectations. These are the Multipliers. And the world needs more of them, especially now when leaders are expected to do more with less.



Page 2: INTRODUCT ION multipliers - PMI Northern Utah · Multipliers get twice the performance from their team



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Page 3: INTRODUCT ION multipliers - PMI Northern Utah · Multipliers get twice the performance from their team



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Page 5: INTRODUCT ION multipliers - PMI Northern Utah · Multipliers get twice the performance from their team

! Copyright © 2013 The Wiseman Group. All Rights Reserved.




M ulti p li e r M i nd s e t:

They want to learn from the people around them and


M ulti p li e r P ra c ti c es :

1. Find out what the other person knows. Have a

point of view or opinion, but bring it into the


by virtue of the types of questions you ask.

2. Go all the way and only ask questions!

Think of it in terms of hours, not minutes.

! Leading questions: Lead someone toward

a specific outcome

! Guiding questions: Help another see what

you can see

! Discovery questions: Create an idea or

solution together

! Challenge questions: Surface and

question prevailing assumptions

C a ve a t : If you are worried that someone might

“freak out” or feel interrogated, tell them at the

outset that you are taking a different role in the

meeting and will be asking questions to better

understand their point of view.

T h e P rom i s e :

Something will shift for you. You will likely find

out that people know more and are more

capable than you’ve previously seen.

multiplier '!<=!>?@!ABC'






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! Copyright © 2013 The Wiseman Group. All Rights Reserved.

! mu lti pli er '!<=!>?@!ABC' !"#$%&%'()%*#+,-*'

Use this worksheet to plan and reflect on your Multiplier Experiments.

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We’d love to hear about your successes with this Multiplier Experiment. Visit to share your



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! Copyright © 2013 The Wiseman Group. All Rights Reserved.

multiplier !"#$"%&'"()*!




M u lt ip l ie r M in d se t :

Everyone is brilliant at something.

M u lt ip l ie r Pr ac t ice s :

For individuals:

1. Identify it: the things that this person does natively. Ask:

• What do they do better than anything else they do?

• What do they do better than the people around them?

• What do they do easily (without effort or even awareness)?

• What do they do freely (without being asked or being paid)?

2. Label it: Give their native genius a short name (e.g., “Synthesizing complex ideas” or “Building bridges” or “Identifying root causes”) Test

your hypothesis with the person’s colleagues and with the person. Refine it until it captures their genius.

3. Work it: Identify roles or tasks that will utilize and extend this person’s genius. Go beyond formal jobs and identify ad hoc roles.

Have a conversation with the individual and allow them to identify the best ways to utilize their genius.

A cro ss a n e n ti re t ea m :

1. Define the concept of native genius (see above)

2. Ask each person to identify the native genius of each colleague

3. Bring the group together

4. Focus on one individual at a time

a. Have each team member describe that person’s native genius

b. Ask the person to offer their own perspective

c. Discuss ways to best utilize this person’s genius

Ca v ea t :

You might find it easier to identify and name your own genius before asking others to do it.

Th e P rom i se :

Finding someone’s native genius is the key that unlocks discretionary effort. When you tap into native genius people go beyond what is required

and offer their full intelligence. When a team understands the native genius of each member, they collaborate more readily and easily.

Page 8: INTRODUCT ION multipliers - PMI Northern Utah · Multipliers get twice the performance from their team

! Copyright © 2013 The Wiseman Group. All Rights Reserved.

! mu lti pli er !"#$"%&'"()*! (+,-!).-!/-0123!

Use this worksheet to plan and reflect on your Multiplier Experiments.

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We’d love to hear about your successes with this Multiplier Experiment. Visit to share your

