introduction...2019/08/03  · and tuning migration database migration, conversion, and upgrades...

6 INTRODUCTION Companies today are challenged. As our ability to capture and process information continues to grow at a breakneck pace, enterprises now more than ever rely on intelligence gleaned from data to make better-informed decisions across all aspects of the enterprise. From marketing to operations, finance to ecommerce, data is a critical fuel for informed decision making. Ensuring a smoothly-flowing and high-quality supply of data requires concerted effort and discipline. The data management space is ripe with new approaches and technologies, offering a clear market advantage to organizations that succeed in mastering their data.

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Page 1: INTRODUCTION...2019/08/03  · and Tuning Migration Database Migration, Conversion, and Upgrades High Availability Database Disaster Recovery & Availability Performance Database Perfor-mance


Companies today are challenged. As our ability to capture and process information continues

to grow at a breakneck pace, enterprises now more than ever rely on intelligence gleaned from

data to make better-informed decisions across all aspects of the enterprise. From marketing to

operations, finance to ecommerce, data is a critical fuel for informed decision making.

Ensuring a smoothly-flowing and high-quality supply of data requires concerted effort and

discipline. The data management space is ripe with new approaches and technologies,

offering a clear market advantage to organizations that succeed in mastering their data.

Page 2: INTRODUCTION...2019/08/03  · and Tuning Migration Database Migration, Conversion, and Upgrades High Availability Database Disaster Recovery & Availability Performance Database Perfor-mance

Migration, Upgrade &


Growth & Integration


Architecture, Planning & Business


Ongoing Performance Management

FIRST & FOREMOST IT’S HOLISTIC. The management of database infrastructure and all

dependent applications and systems are required to improve service quality and performance,

reduce risk and minimize cost.

SECONDLY, IT PRODUCES MEASURABLE RESULTS. Focusing on database performance

management is one of the lowest cost, highest impact activities to improving service quality

because it proactively identifies and minimizes problems early, and swiftly mitigates severe

performance issues when the do arise.

FINALLY, IT’S A LIFECYCLE APPROACH. Different than traditional methods, Performance

Tuning’s lifecycle approach includes architecture optimization, systems monitoring

& assessment, performance tuning and optimization, and ongoing proactive monitoring

and tuning, enabling the best impact at any point of a company’s process.

Performance Tuning Corporation’s (PTC) database performance management approach

is to help companies achieve the best results from their growing database size and complexity,

innovations in applications and high availability and performance based business models.

Architecture backup/recoveryha/dr assessment and planning

Databaseperformance cloud

Deployment and implementation support


assessment and


Performance testing

and workload analysis

Migration and upgrade

assessment and support



Page 3: INTRODUCTION...2019/08/03  · and Tuning Migration Database Migration, Conversion, and Upgrades High Availability Database Disaster Recovery & Availability Performance Database Perfor-mance

Business ChallengesSome of the hardest problems associated with business IT operations are keeping up with the growth

of a successful and changing business. Elements like:

Improper attention to these elements can create a performance degradation impact, which also encounters an increasing remediation cost impact. The costs are not just financial; it’s also wrought with business impacts. Performance can be very felt by end users, skyrocketing support calls and costs. Customer interaction with the company can have increased complaints and dissatisfaction, sometimes leading to chargebacks and customer loss. Problems overall can defocus the internal team. In the end, the ultimate impact being lost revenue, opportunity cost, market share loss and brand damage.

COST CONTAINMENTControlling both capital and operational expenses in face of expanding technology spectrum and offerings and shrinking budgets (do more with less) is required regardless of business size. It’s easy to believe the low cost of hardware and/or software can enable scale, but without consideration to operational impact, this is a false sense of cost control. Businesses need to optimize what they have.

SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE GAPSFinding and keeping the right people with the right skills to optimize technology investments is getting harder. The economy has required downsizing, quality people are going to the highest bidder and the population of database experts is fleeting with the focused attention on web and mobile apps. This leaves detailed knowledge of core database and application skills wanting for supreme talent.

MASSIVE USER & DATA GROWTHManaging the proliferation of data and access from new sources and platforms including mobile and remote devices will enable the organization to get ahead of scaling issues around hardware, software, & business processes. The past few years have surprised many an unprepared IT operation with newsworthy impacts to availability, performance and security.

SERVICE LEVEL QUALITYManaging to an acceptable performance baseline and adhering to Service Level Agreements (SLAs) in the face of change is paramount. Not doing so can result in losing efficiencies and effectiveness of IT. Foregoing strict rigor can cost the business in both output and unnecessary capital expense.

PROCESS & SYSTEMS COMPLEXITYAd-hoc systems and process growth, inconsistencies across operating units, and reorg/M&A activity are destabilizing and inefficient to IT operations. Add in the rapid inclusion of mobile, cloud and virtual platforms and the number of moving parts extends beyond the normal skills of even the best database and application experts. IT operations have evolved to a level of specialized expertise.

Page 4: INTRODUCTION...2019/08/03  · and Tuning Migration Database Migration, Conversion, and Upgrades High Availability Database Disaster Recovery & Availability Performance Database Perfor-mance

The SolutionEmbracing a Database Performance Management Lifecycle model is the best approach to proactively

and preventatively optimizing what you have with you need. This is in the DNA of everything that

Performance Tuning Corporation (PTC) does and permits a flexible and holistic approach to optimization.

While one can assume that optimization occurs at a recognized degradation point, it’s really possible to

begin at any point. For simplicity, we’ll start at a logical point – the architecture and planning stage.

ARCHITECTURE, PLANNING & BUSINESS CONTINUITY PTC's expertise in Oracle and SQL can architect the right infrastructure to meet current and

future business, high availability, scalability and disaster recovery requirements. Our holistic

approach to database system analysis includes evaluating the configuration of your servers,

storage and SAN, network and database design. A thorough assessment includes many

components and their associated interdependencies. PTC can assist you in sizing your systems

correctly and plan for future growth. We will analyze your system and workloads, and provide

recommendations for future growth and capacity. In particular PTC can provide the following:


Business & technology drivers, existing systems infrastructure, user, data & systems growth


Sizing, current & future capacity & data systems


Create an actionable plan, document and socialize


SCOPEDependent on system size & goals

DELIVERABLEArchitecture & actionable plan

IMPLEMENTATIONPTC can help when setting up your databases and applications, proper configuration for

optimal efficiency and effectiveness. PTC has the expertise with specific systems from Oracle

to SQL Server. In particular we can provide the following:


Scalability & performance


Assess, Architect, Implement & Tune


Enterprise class config- uration & tuning


Design, implementation


SCOPEDatabases, dependent systems & apps

DELIVERABLEFully documented, tested & optimized database system

Page 5: INTRODUCTION...2019/08/03  · and Tuning Migration Database Migration, Conversion, and Upgrades High Availability Database Disaster Recovery & Availability Performance Database Perfor-mance

PERFORMANCE DEGRADATIONPTC is quick to identify and respond to performance issues. Our deep expertise can initiate

performance assessments and optimization recovery. In particular:

DISASTER RECOVERYPTC can help when setting up your databases and applications, proper configuration for

optimal efficiency and effectiveness. PTC has the expertise with specific systems from Oracle to

SQL Server. In particular we can provide the following:

MIGRATION, UPGRADE & EOLPTC goal is to minimize downtime, maximize performance, and provide detailed planning and

testing for seamless performance. In particular:


Maintain and optimize


Holistic performance assessment & tuning of database, storage, applications & related systems

TYPICAL DURATIONHealth: Less than 1 wkPerformance: 1-4 wks

SCOPEHealth: Usually a single systemPerformance: Multiple depen-dent databases, servers, apps.

DELIVERABLETuning recommendations & measurable perform-ance optimization


Assess, design & mitigate


Design & deploy


Geographic diversity


Mirroring & High Availability


Data, database & systems


Formats, storage & systems


Oracle & SQL major & minor releases


SCOPEDependent on system size and goals

DELIVERABLEDocumentation, testing, and a detailed plan


SCOPEDependent on system size and goals

DELIVERABLEDocumentation, testing, and a detailed plan

Page 6: INTRODUCTION...2019/08/03  · and Tuning Migration Database Migration, Conversion, and Upgrades High Availability Database Disaster Recovery & Availability Performance Database Perfor-mance


Other services PTC can provide include specialized services around:

Oracle Exadata performance management to help realize the full potential during large data, application and user growth.

Database virtualization services to stand up high performing, scalable, multi-tenant architectures for VM Ware or Oracle.

Database enterprise management systems installation and configuration for Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM) Grid and Cloud Control

Database training to add formal knowledge transfer around Oracle databases, OEM, RAC, DataGard and storage, VMware and custom curriculums.

“Ultimately the question arises as to why an organization would spend the money and time to engage a lifecycle of optimization when ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’. However, most organizations don’t even realize the cost impact from inefficient systems. Increased performance has a decreasing cost. Overall getting better response times, reduced downtime, lower TCO of systems, predictable performance and happier customers.”


Headquartered in Austin, Texas, PTC is a leading professional and managed services provider of

Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server database performance and optimization services. PTC has decades

of database and application performance tuning domain expertise by certified experts empowering

1000’s of organizations across all industries and infrastructures.

DesignDatabase Infrastructure Architecture, Sizing, & Capacity Planning

Performance Tuning

Corporation offering

summary:VirtualizationDatabase Virtual-ization Services

ManagementDatabase Enterprise Management Solutions

TrainingDatabase Training

ImplementaionDatabase Implemen-tation, Configuration and Tuning

MigrationDatabase Migration, Conversion, and Upgrades

High AvailabilityDatabase Disaster Recovery & Availability

PerformanceDatabase Perfor-mance Manage-ment & Tuning

Key Benefits of Performance Tuning:

PTC can keep your system properly tuned, even as your business or usage changes, through its regular monitoring of critical database operational functions and statistics ensuring system availability and trouble- free, optimum operation.

PTC has a staff of experienced professionals available when you want or need them. The time spent finding a qualified candidate to fill a database management position can be arduous.

PTC shares database professionals between a limited set of accounts. You get the quality support you want when you desire it keeping the cost of a highly skilled database management professional under control.

The problem of retaining or training your skilled professionals can get expensive. You no longer have the worry of the training or retention cycle for your skilled professionals since PTC has the expert staff working for you.