introduction - amazon s3done+for... · 2015-05-15 · believe me, i get it. my coaching practice...


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Page 1: Introduction - Amazon S3Done+For... · 2015-05-15 · Believe me, I get it. My coaching practice was just that for the first 3 years. I was working my tail off, ... Because I believe
Page 2: Introduction - Amazon S3Done+For... · 2015-05-15 · Believe me, I get it. My coaching practice was just that for the first 3 years. I was working my tail off, ... Because I believe



Coaches! It took a lot of guts to put out your shingle…to declare yourself a coach (despite skeptical family and friends!). Some of those skeptical family and friends wonder if it’s even possible to make money as a coach. And the last thing you want is to prove them right. But you’re tired. You’ve been working hard yet your business still feels like an expensive hobby! Believe me, I get it. My coaching practice was just that for the first 3 years. I was working my tail off, but every year I kept losing more money. All the while my husband would mumble things like, “Coaching is just a multi-level marketing scheme! You coaches just coach each other!” But I wouldn’t give up because I knew coaching was what I was meant to do. I knew there was a way to make money AND be of service. Flash forward 2 years. Last year I earned just shy of 200k in my business. I treated my family to a Disneyland vacation. I’ve proved that it REALLY is possible to help people AND make great money. But perhaps best of all, my husband is no longer a skeptic! What contributed to this change? I learned how to stop working hard and start working smart. After all, there’s a lot you could be doing to build your coaching practice. What I didn’t realize is there’s an actual sequence to building a coaching practice. And I was doing it backwards! Man, I wish I would have known this sooner! Because I believe that coaches are going to save the world one person at a time, my passion is teaching coaches EVERYTHING I

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wish I would have known about building a financially sustainable practice as quickly as possible. A lot of coaches think that the first thing they need to do is to build a website. NO! Too many coaches are getting bogged down for months (if not years) and dropping thousands of dollars on branding, copywriting, web design, programming, WordPress plugins, and on and on…. Please do not fall into this trap. The first thing you need to learn how to do if you want to actually make money in your practice is to get people into conversations and offer them your coaching services. If you spent a fraction of your time in this way, you’d have enough cash to build a website many times over (PLUS you’d know a whole lot more about your brand after you’ve worked with a few one-on-one clients!). Of course, you’ve got to know what to do with a potential client once you get them into a conversation, and you’ve got to have something to offer them. We’ll cover that part a bit here but I cover all of that in great detail in a program specifically for coaches who want to learn how to make money as quickly as possible by working smarter NOT harder. It’s called Monetize Your Magic. You can learn more about it here. In this resource, I’m going to share with you five done-for-you strategies to get your perfect fit client into conversations with you. The best part? If you follow these strategies, you won’t have to feel like you’re chasing anyone. Your ideal fit client will be in hot pursuit of you! After all, NOBODY wants to feel like they’re chasing anybody, right? I sure don’t. (Plus it’s nasty energy when it comes to sales.) So… without further adieu, here’s the first Done-For-You strategy!

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Done-For-You Strategy One Give a Free Talk Now a lot of coaches raise their eyebrows when they hear this strategy. “Why should I work for free?! It takes a lot of work to prepare a talk. I want to get paid for my time!” I get it. I get it. But here’s the thing. You can make so much more cash getting paid for your talk by using it as a vehicle to enroll one-on-one clients than you can getting an organization to pay you! And don’t even bother trying to charge the participants a fee for attending your talk, class or workshop! Get them in the door by offering it for free! Then, offer tons of value in your talk but be sure to do two crucial things in the introduction AND the conclusion to position it as a way to get your clients in hot pursuit of you. Here’s where the Done-For-You scripts come in.

Crucial Thing #1: First, in the introduction of your talk, after you tell them who you are and what you’re going to cover but before you start teaching them a thing, you want to say this, verbatim: “I’m going to teach you as much as I can in the short time we have together, but don’t worry! I promise I’ll show you how you can take this further if it’s of interest.” The reason you have to say this is because you’re going to offer them the opportunity to schedule a conversation with you at the end your presentation. They could end up enrolling in a coaching program

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with you if you offer them your coaching services during the conversation. I have much more to say about this in Monetize Your Magic, but if you use this script in the intro, they might think you sound salesy when you get to the part where you offer them the chance to schedule a conversation with you during the conclusion.

Crucial Thing #2: Once you’re done with the body of your talk, you want to transition into the offer. This is where you deliver on your promise to give them a way to take it further if they loved your talk. Keep in mind that if you DON’T give them a way to take it further, you are doing them a disservice. After all, they came all that way to be physically present to hear YOU talk on this subject. My hunch is they’re pretty interested in learning about what you have to say. Many of these people will want to learn more than what you can give in a short presentation which is why you need to offer them the opportunity to schedule a conversation with you! If you don’t, they’ll probably go home and Google some other coach to help them. So here’s what you tell them: “I hope you enjoyed today’s talk. I shared with you content from STEP 1 in a 7 part system I created that I use in my coaching program. And because you took the time to be present here today, I want to offer you the opportunity to schedule a complimentary session with me over the phone where we will talk about how this topic relates to you. Together, we’ll explore how this topic is keeping you from the results you want in your life and zero in on one thing you can do right away to get the results you want in your life. These one hour sessions are valued at $xxx but I’m offering it to you today for free because you came here and invested the time in yourself. I’ve opened 5 spots in my calendar for next Monday and Tuesday. If you’d like to grab a time slot, I suggest you hurry over to my table and get your name down before they fill up.”

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Now I left this script generic because I don’t know the topic of your talk! You’ll have to be more specific about what you’ll talk to them about and what kind of results they’re looking to get in their life. But you get the idea.

Be sure to have a sign up form in the back with the time slots you have available. I don’t recommend you schedule conversations later than two weeks after your talk. The participants will always be the most inspired during the first week after they hear your presentation. During your conversation, if you feel like it’s a fit, be sure to tell them about your coaching program and make an offer to work with them privately! If you structure your conversations the way I teach in Monetize Your Magic, you should expect a new client one out of every four times you talk to somebody! Here’s how this strategy can get lucrative real quick. Imagine you have 10 people in the audience. You give your free talk and five of them sign up to have a free conversation with you. You end up having a conversation with four people. One of them decides to work with you in your 3-month coaching program. The investment for your coaching program is $1500. You just made $1500 bucks on your “free” talk! (And you scored lots of raving fans who signed up for your newsletter because you gave so much great value during your presentation!) Onto the next Done-For-You Strategy!

Ninja Tip! It really helps to get people excited to talk to you when you let them know that you “gave away” a little piece of a much bigger thing. I recommend my clients create a system of some kind that they use to deliver results in their coaching programs. For example in Monetize Your Magic, I have a 7 Step Blueprint I teach my clients. The strategy I’m teaching you right now comes from Step One of this blueprint.

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Done-For-You Strategy Two Offer a Free Session Like I said, if most coaches would spend a fraction of the time they spend obsessing over their website actually talking to real people, they’d see money begin to flow into their practice right away. The reality is most coaches are terrified of talking to people about what they do and even more terrified of offering their services. If you can relate, the bad news is you’re going to have to get over that if you want your business to be anything more than an expensive hobby! I know, I know… it’s much more comfortable playing around with your logo or re-writing your About page. That kind of busy work might make you feel like you’re working but it sure isn’t revenue generating and it sure won’t help make a difference in the lives of your clients! The good news is that talking to potential clients and offering them your coaching services isn’t that big of a deal – it’s kind of like coaching. The more you practice it, the more comfortable you feel! And the better your results! The key is that every step of the way, you want to offer anyone who comes in contact with you VALUE. You’re going to offer your potential client an opportunity to talk to you in a free one-hour session (I don’t recommend doing shorter sessions unless you get really good at your conversations. Some coaches offer longer sessions but hey, I only have so many hours in the day. Stick with an hour.) This is the same free session that I mentioned above in Done-For-You Strategy One. In this free session you’ll offer your coaching services IF it’s a fit. But before you do, you’ll spend some time giving value.

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In Monetize Your Magic I offer an entire template that walks you through exactly what to say, when (and why) but we don’t have that kind of time here. But, here’s what you need to know to get started: Your free session should have a juicy name that gives them an idea of the benefit of your free session. You should zero in on one problem your ideal client deals with all the time that really, really bugs them. This is what you’ll focus on in your free sesh. Here are a few examples of free sessions that some of my clients offer:

o Freedom from Fatigue Breakthrough Session o How to Thrive with Your Asperger’s Partner Clarity Call o Holistic IBS Breakthrough Exploration Call o Uncover YOUR Hidden Strength Assessment call o More Confident Daughter Exploration call

The next thing you want to do is give your ideal client an idea of what will happen on the call. After all, she’s going to set aside an hour of her day so you need to tell her what she’ll get in return! Here are some Done-For-You bullets you can steal right away and customize for your own session:

This session will help you get clear on your ideal XYZ.

This session will help you determine what is getting in the way, stopping you or sabotaging your current XYZ.

This session will leave you clear, inspired, motivated and with a clear plan to move forwards towards your ideal XYZ.

Now we need to get your ideal client booked! The next three Done-For-You Strategies are going to show you three ways to do just that (with scripts you can steal and use right away!).

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Done-For-You Strategy Three Invite People to Talk to You One of the best ways to meet potential clients is to get out of the house! It might be a traditional networking event or “leads group” but it doesn’t have to be. Chances are you’ll mingle with potential clients, whatever you do. Just make sure to be friendly and conversational. Think of things you like to do… I like to knit so I talk to potential clients at my weekly open knit night. I take my girls to gymnastics and talk to people there. I meet a ton of people at my kids’ school too. I go to local storytelling events where I meet new people as well. I chat it up with potential clients at my bootcamp fitness class. Here’s a Done-For-You script you can steal right away to give you an idea of how a conversation like this works! Example Conversations: Other person: So what do you do…? Amy: Oh I help coaches actually make money in their practice. Other person: Wow. How do you do that? Amy: I have a seven-step process called the Monetize Your Magic Blueprint that I take coaches through in a group program. Other person: Wow, that sounds great. I’m a coach and could totally use some help with that. I’ve been so frustrated. Like, how do you teach coaches how to make money…? I can’t seem to find any clients and the most I’ve made over the last six months is $800, total. Ugh. Amy: You’re not alone. My biz was more like an expensive hobby for the first 3 years! I would love to chat more when we have more time and it’s not so noisy… I offer a free strategy session for coaches who

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are overwhelmed in their business. We get on the phone for an hour and I help you figure out what you’re doing or NOT doing that’s getting in the way, then I help you put together a plan so you know where you need to get support to start making money as quickly as possible in your practice. Do you want to set up a time to talk? Here’s my calendar. Boom. Of course you wouldn’t follow this script verbatim (unless you also have a program called Monetize Your Magic!). You have your own thing! Just use this script as a template to have conversations about your work and be sure to tell them about your free sesh! Do you see how juicy my free session sounds to the right person? That’s what you want to do too. In the next Done-For-You Strategy, I’ll show you how to take this even further by following up via email.

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Done-For-You Strategy Four Follow Up with People via Email In some cases, it feels really natural to get that potential client in your calendar right then and there. Other times the other person might seem interested but you don’t get that far. That’s okay! Don’t push them to schedule a time with you. Remember, we don’t chase. What you do want to do is be sure to get their business card so you can follow up with them later. You might want to jot down a note on the card about what you talked about or what he or she was the most interested in hearing about. Then be sure to shoot them a follow up a few days later via email. Here’s the Done-For-You script: Example Email (Follow up after an event): Hey NAME, It was great to meet you at xyz the other day! It was fun to talk to you about your coaching practice. I mentioned that I help coaches make money as quickly as possible so their work doesn’t feel like an expensive hobby. You mentioned you were frustrated that you were working so hard but seeing very little in the way of revenue so far in your practice and you were thinking about going back to your old 9-5 job… I would hate for you to have to do that!! I didn’t have a chance to tell you that I offer a complimentary “Make Money Stress Less” Strategy Call exclusively for coaches. During the session, you’ll get really clear about:

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Where you are in your biz and why you're not making money...yet

The specific activities that will generate money for you in your business right now

How you can leverage your networks to get clients and be more productive in your business, and

How to create a clear step-by-step plan to get you financially sustainable as quickly as possible.

I do have a few slots available this week. This Wednesday at 2pm or this Friday at 10am. Let me know if you want one! Xoxo -a So there you have it. A super simple way to follow up via email when you meet somebody great while out and about. Okay, on to the last Done-For-You strategy! Facebook is a great marketing tool AND you don’t even have to leave the house!

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Done-For-You Strategy Five Post an Invite to Facebook I’ve seen a lot of really great offers for complimentary sessions on Facebook. The most effective ones create posts that are from the heart and really dive into creating a free session that will be valuable to a potential client. They can be short and sweet (like the Done-For-You script below) or they can be a little longer. It’s really limited to your own creativity. No matter what, be sure to see these posts as an EXPERIMENT. If you don’t get the response you want, think about what you can tweak then try again! You’ll want to post to your business page and/or your personal page. But in some cases you can post to other groups on Facebook as well. Of course, you’ll have to check the policy of that group. You never want to come across as spammy! Here’s a sample Facebook post that I might use on my personal and /or business page: Example Facebook Post: Hey Coaches! I just opened up 4 Spots in my calendar this Friday for a free “Make Money, Stress Less Strategy Call”. I’ll get on the phone with you for an hour to help you figure out exactly how you’re getting in your own way in your coaching biz and where you need to be spending your time, in what sequence to start seeing consistent coaching income as quickly as possible. Only have time for 4 peeps! Who wants the spot? One of my clients, Linda Bucher, also works with coaches. She has success posting offers to her personal page, but she also posts to a Facebook page called “The Coaches Stock Exchange” (you can do a search for it in Facebook. It’s a great resource!) where it’s totally fine to share offers, free or paid. Here’s an example of something she has posted in the past:

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Here’s another example of a complimentary session offered by another one of my clients, Lea Ann Mallett.

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I’ve been a guest instructor for Angela Lauria of The Author Incubator. I love the way she’s using Facebook ads to offer her free sessions.

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So there you go! Five fantastic ways to get your clients in hot pursuit of all the good stuff you have to offer! I hope you found this resource helpful! I LOVE helping coaches get out there serving more people and making more money! Because we can’t do our work in the world when we’re worried about the rent payment, right?! In Monetize Your Magic, I offer much, much, much more where this comes in as well as…

The BIG PICTURE sequence and the nuts and bolts strategy to build a profitable coaching practice so you can prove those skeptics wrong!

How to structure your free conversations so that you convert at least one out of four people into paid clients at the $1000 level minimum,

How to create a system that you will use to deliver your coaching services and how to use this system to get your ideal fit clients lining up to talk to you,

How to structure a free talk that you can use over and over in different formats to get your ideal clients to want to talk to you about your coaching services,

What exactly to offer your clients and how to talk about your offer in a way that compels your ideal client to invest in themselves at the high ticket level,

And SO MUCH MORE. Click here to find out when enrollment opens for the next round of Monetize Your Magic.

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Rave Reviews for Monetize Your Magic

“I began to see results very quickly and after only 60 days, my revenue has increased dramatically. My average monthly revenue was $850 prior to MYM. After 2 months in the program, my revenue is more than $15,000! I am confident in the action I need to take to continue that growth and sustain the momentum. If you’re a coach and you’re serious about making a living at being a coach, then get in this program. I have worked with some of the best coaches in the industry but nothing has had the direct impact on my business that Amy’s MYM program has had.” - Sharon Pope

“I signed up 2 new clients in the very first month!” - Jessica Vasquez

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“I’ve gone from working hard to working smart. Now I know the top priorities to focus on… and now I know the distractions and time sucks to avoid. I have a plan with milestones and specific work to accomplish. So finally, after three years of never daring to take a break from work, I schedule and enjoy days off to refresh and re-energize!” - Ann Marie Griffin

“Within six weeks of launching my business I secured my first VIP client that more than covered my investment in the MYM program many times over.” - Patricia Perez

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About Amy

Amy Pearson is a master certified Martha Beck life coach, a coach mentor and instructor for Martha Beck’s life coach training. She’s a teacher, coach, writer and speaker. A former approval addict (with the occasional relapse), she is now addicted to success. Her mission is nothing short of world peace by empowering every heart-centered entrepreneur to magnify their tribe, make great money and an epic impact while doing their unique thing in the world.