introduction of the study of the gef contributions to the south china sea sub-regional workshop for...

Introduction of the Study of the GEF Contributions to the South China Sea Sub-regional Workshop for GEF Focal Points Aaron Zazueta March 2010 Hanoi, Vietnam

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Introduction of the Study of the GEF Contributions to the South China Sea

Sub-regional Workshop for GEF Focal Points

Aaron ZazuetaMarch 2010

Hanoi, Vietnam

GEF EO will undertake an IW Impact Evaluation in 2010-11 to:– More fully gauge impacts or progress towards impacts,– More fully assess the factors that contribute or hinder progress

towards impact .– Derive lessons for the improvement of GEF IW projects, tools and ways

to measure results and impact.

Evaluation will be at the catchment or water body level– Project of the application of ROtI methodology did not fully capture the

combined results of phased and concurrent IW projects.

Criteria for selection of catchment:– High levels of GEF funding at the catchment/basin level.– Long-term GEF involvement in the area.– Lessons applicable to the rest of the IW portfolio.


OPS4 Recommended

Long-term objectives of GEF support to IW:– Foster international, multi-state cooperation on priority transboundary

water concerns through more comprehensive, ecosystem-based approaches to management.

– Play a catalytic role in addressing agreed transboundary water concerns by assisting countries to utilize the full range of technical assistance, economic, financial, regulatory and institutional reforms that are needed.

Assessment of results and accomplishment of phased and concurrent interventions over a long period of time

Examination of the actions of multiple actors involved:– Governments of participating countries including country mechanisms in

place– Other donors, civil society, etc– Agency interactions


IW specific considerations

Review of Outcomes to Impacts (ROtI)of projects



state / condition

OutputsReduced Threat to GEB

Enhanced Status of GEB:



Assumption Assumption Assumption

state / condition

Threats Based AnalysisOutcomes-Impacts TOC AnalysisProject LogFrame Analysis

International Waters Approach


Foundational Projects Demonstration Projects Investment Projects

Strategy :Serve as a catalyst in the implementation of a more comprehensive, ecosystem-based approach to managing international waters and their drainage basins as a means to achieve global environmental benefits

Output:Agreement on transboundary priorities and root

Assumption: Implementing agencies will cooperate with each other and participating

Intermediate: Reduced stress on the water resource based on policy reforms and improved regulatory measures, with plan in place for investments to significantly reduce loadings of excess nutrients and

Impact: Reduced stress on International waters, enabling intended usess to be met and contributing to human health and quality of life, sustainable development and

Outcome:national commitments made to address shared water

Assumption: Successful demonstrations will be replicated and countries will put into practice

Assumption: recipient and donor countries will commit funding for needed

Assumption: the architecture of SAP, inter-ministerial committee and national plans will result in the needed policy changes and investments to reduce stress

Intermediate:Regional and national recognition of priority water resource

Output:National actions addressing priority policy, legal and

Output:Functional national inter-ministerial

Output:investment strategies approved, funded and

Output:Knowledge tools developed with experience

Outcome:Launch of replicated efforts in sub-basins and/or adjacent water resources with national and external (non GEF) resources

Output:Demonstrations of IWRM, pollution reduction and water system management

Output:Agreement on regional structures and priority actions (SAP)

Outcome:regional institutions and mechanisms in place and funded sufficienrtly to

Outcome:enhancd stakeholder awareness and support for measures to

Output:Development of financial strategies to address pollution abatement

Outcome:bankable projects identified for reducing pollution loading, and financing plans

Outcome:Regional and national integrated water resource management

Output:Strategies and lessons used to develop follow on projects in sub-basins and Outcome:

refinements in national and local water resource management and catalytic impact on national and other

Output:Mechanisms developed to monitor stress reduction and environmental/water resource/socio

Output:National comittments to polic, legal and institutional

Outcome:Quantifiable reductions in pollution loading and self-sustained policy, monitoring, and

Assumption: Countries will take technical, economic, financial, regulatory and institutional measures to carry out agreed actions

Support governments efforts to address agreed transboundary environmental concerns

Foundational/Demonstration/ Investment

Help countries test mechanisms of coordination and cooperation to build trust

Long term support (10 years or more) with multiple projects


GEF Approach to International Waters

1. Definition of GEF IW “theory of change” guiding GEF support in the SCS2. Context of GEF support in the SCS

- The social, economic and environmental services of the SCS and factors affecting them- Governance considerations in the SCS- Past and concurrent actions by governments and service institutions

3. Progress made by the GEF and its partners in addressing agreed transboundary environmental concerns in the SCS

- Extent to which the foundation-demonstration-investment approach is leading to the improvement of the management of the SCS (policies, technologies, behavior in general)

- Analysis of the effectiveness of GEF support and its partners- Progress in the reduction of transboundary stress- Take into account natural system boundaries

4. Extent to which the GEF and its partners are catalyzing wider actions that will ensure the social, economic and environmental services of the South China Sea.

- Identification of additional steps needed to reach and affect trends- Likelihood of delay or prevention of a condition after which services are permanently


5. Identification of lessons for GEF and its partners


Components of the study

OPS 4: Evaluation Office needs to include more GEF stakeholders upstream in evaluations

Up stream Consultations Cairns Australia 5th GEF IW Congress International Waters Task Force Sub regional Workshop in Hanoi Meetings with Countries, Agency Regional Teams and projects

Technical Advisory Group: 3 marine scientists and 3 Reps from Agency Evaluation Offices

Reference Group 10 to 12 representatives from Countries, Agencies, projects, Civil

Society Comment on approach paper and draft report Comment on ways to make study more useful Help establish contacts and with access to information


Stakeholder involvement

Calendar of the Study

• Nov. 2009 Upstream consultations

• Jan. 2010 Selection of water body

• Mar. 2010 Preparatory visit to region

• April 2010 Constitution of Ref. Group

• July 2010 Ref. G. discusses approach paper

• Sep.2010 Approach paper finished

• July 2011 Ref. G. discusses draft Report

• Sept 2011 Presentation to GEF Council9

Thank you

Aaron [email protected]