introduction - soil health institute

Increases in temperature will also lead to more heavy precipitation events, as already experienced by communities throughout the United States. Given these predicted increases in the intensity and frequency of extreme weather events, we are presented with a fundamental question: How can we build resilience in our production systems to meet the food security needs of a growing population while protecting and improving environmental quality? The answer: By enhancing soil health. OPPORTUNITIES One of the greatest opportunities to build resilience to drought and extreme precipitation through soil health lies in the relationship between soil organic carbon (SOC) and a soil’s capacity to hold plant-available water. Research shows that a 1% increase in SOC can result in about a 2-5% increase in a soil’s available water holding capacity (Figure 1). This is the equivalent of increasing the top 6 inches of a soil’s capacity to hold water by approximately 2,500 to 12,000 gallons per acre. Farming practices such as no-till, cover crops, and crop rotation have proven effective at increasing SOC, thereby restoring a soil’s resilience to extreme weather while simultaneously mitigating climate change through carbon sequestration. Further, practices to increase SOC are not limited to cropland. Prescribed grazing and the addition of legumes on rangelands have proven effective at increasing the soil’s overall biological productivity and SOC, thus increasing resilience. The aforementioned soil health promoting practices can also significantly increase water infiltration to recharge soil water and underlying aquifers. This not only improves resilience to extreme weather, but reduces soil and nutrient runoff to surface water. INTRODUCTION In the coming years, the United States will witness increases in drought and extreme precipitation due to a changing climate. By 2100, scientists predict that 30% of all land will be impacted by drought given current levels of greenhouse gas emissions, as compared to 1% today. Drought negatively impacts crop and livestock production, fish and wildlife habitat, water quality, air quality, wind erosion, aquifer and surface water storage, and civil discourse pertaining to water rights.

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Post on 02-Dec-2021




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Increases in temperature will also lead to more

heavy precipitation events, as already experienced

by communities throughout the United States. Given

these predicted increases in the intensity and frequency

of extreme weather events, we are presented with a

fundamental question: How can we build resilience in our production systems to meet the food security needs of a growing population while protecting and improving environmental quality? The answer: By enhancing soil health.

OPPORTUNITIESOne of the greatest opportunities

to build resilience to drought and

extreme precipitation through

soil health lies in the relationship

between soil organic carbon (SOC)

and a soil’s capacity to hold plant-available water. Research

shows that a 1% increase in SOC can result in about a

2-5% increase in a soil’s available water holding capacity

(Figure 1). This is the equivalent of increasing the top 6

inches of a soil’s capacity to hold water by approximately 2,500 to 12,000 gallons per acre. Farming practices such as no-till, cover crops,

and crop rotation have proven effective at increasing

SOC, thereby restoring a soil’s

resilience to extreme weather while

simultaneously mitigating climate

change through carbon sequestration.

Further, practices to increase

SOC are not limited to cropland.

Prescribed grazing and the addition

of legumes on rangelands have

proven effective at increasing the

soil’s overall biological productivity

and SOC, thus increasing resilience.

The aforementioned soil health

promoting practices can also

significantly increase water infiltration to recharge soil water

and underlying aquifers. This not only improves resilience

to extreme weather, but reduces soil and nutrient runoff to

surface water.


In the coming years, the United States will witness increases in drought and

extreme precipitation due to a changing climate. By 2100, scientists predict that

30% of all land will be impacted by drought given current levels of greenhouse

gas emissions, as compared to 1% today. Drought negatively impacts crop and

livestock production, fish and wildlife habitat, water quality, air quality, wind

erosion, aquifer and surface water storage, and civil discourse pertaining to

water rights.

It is clear that soil health management practices can

build resilience to drought and extreme precipitation. Yet additional scientific research and engagement efforts are necessary to provide farmers and ranchers with the tools they need to capitalize on increases in SOC and become the direct beneficiaries of increased water-holding capacity, water infiltration, and the overall resilience of their soil.

RESEARCH NEEDSAdditional research is needed to:

■ Quantify potential increases in SOC and available water

holding capacity across a representative range of soils

and climates; and integrate those findings with models

of crop residue, manure, and other organic material


■ Develop a Decision Support System for farmers to guide

them in prescribing soil health management systems

to achieve a targeted level of drought resilience. These

same soil health promoting practices also improve water

quality, provide wildlife habitat, etc., thus concurrently

providing additional ecosystem service benefits.

■ Quantify the current status of soil health and the current

adoption level of soil health management systems

across the U.S. in order to assess the current state and

establish a baseline for measuring future progress.

■ Quantify the impacts of soil health-promoting practices

and systems on profitability and economic risk across

a range of soils, cropping systems and climates. This is

needed for existing practices already proven to enhance

soil health, as well as for new technologies/practices.

■ Determine optimal cover crop species mixes, seeding

rates and seeding methods (e.g., inter-seeding,

inter-cropping, frost-seeding) to enhance cover crop

establishment/survival, increase SOC, and protect/

enhance water quality.

EDUCATION NEEDSCorresponding educational efforts for farmers and ranchers

are needed to:

■ Develop and transfer educational materials/tools

addressing the economics of proven soil health


■ Describe the benefit and use of the associated Decision

Support System so farmers and ranchers can achieve

increased drought resilience.

ROLES OF THE SOIL HEALTH INSTITUTETo address the above research and education needs, the

Soil Health Institute will:

■ Build research/implementation strategic plans and

corresponding networks/synergies to carry out those


■ Seek and obtain funding to address the gaps identified;

■ Administer an accountable, transparent and technically

proficient grants program that develops and capitalizes

on synergies among projects;

■ Continually work alongside grantees to assess and

ensure impact of the investments made and provide that

information back to funders and the general public;

■ Incorporate research results into educational materials

and programs for farmers, ranchers and other target

audiences; and

■ Build and enhance partnerships for increasing research,

education, technology transfer and adoption.

SUMMARYIt is clear that drought and extreme precipitation will

increase in the coming years due to a changing climate. It is

also clear that farmers and ranchers can achieve resilience

to extreme weather by increasing their soil organic carbon

via soil health-promoting practices. The Soil Health Institute

will ensure research, programs and tools engage farmers

and ranchers in practices that enhance their soil health.