introduction to artificial intelligence local search (updated 4/30/2006) henry kautz

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Local Search (updated 4/30/2006) Henry Kautz

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Page 1: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Local Search (updated 4/30/2006) Henry Kautz

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Local Search(updated 4/30/2006)

Henry Kautz

Page 2: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Local Search (updated 4/30/2006) Henry Kautz

Local Search in Continuous Spaces

initial state vector

( ) quantity to optimized

step size

until Goal_Test( ) do

( )


f S


fS S S


negative step to minimize fpositive step to maximize f



Page 3: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Local Search (updated 4/30/2006) Henry Kautz

Local Search in Discrete State Spaces

state = choose_start_state();while ! GoalTest(state) do

state := arg min { h(s) | s in Neighbors(state) }endreturn state;

• Terminology: – “neighbors” instead of “children”– heuristic h(s) is the “objective function”, no need to be

admissible• No guarantee of finding a solution

– sometimes: probabilistic guarantee• Best goal-finding, not path-finding• Many variations

Page 4: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Local Search (updated 4/30/2006) Henry Kautz

Local Search versus Systematic Search

• Systematic Search– BFS, DFS, IDS, Best-First, A*– Keeps some history of visited nodes– Always complete for finite search spaces,

some versions complete for infinite spaces– Good for building up solutions incrementally

• State = partial solution• Action = extend partial solution

Page 5: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Local Search (updated 4/30/2006) Henry Kautz

Local Search versus Systematic Search

• Local Search– Gradient descent, Greedy local search,

Simulated Annealing, Genetic Algorithms– Does not keep history of visited nodes– Not complete. May be able to argue will

terminate with “high probability”– Good for “fixing up” candidate solutions

• State = complete candidate solution that may not satisfy all constraints

• Action = make a small change in the candidate solution

Page 6: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Local Search (updated 4/30/2006) Henry Kautz

N-Queens Problem

Page 7: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Local Search (updated 4/30/2006) Henry Kautz

N-Queens Systematic Searchstate = choose_start_state();add state to Fringe;while ! GoalTest(state) do

choose state from Fringe according to h(state);Fringe = Fringe U { Children(state) }

endreturn state;

• start = empty board• GoalTest = N queens are on the board• h = (N – number of queens on the board) • children = all ways of adding one queen without creating

any attacks

Page 8: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Local Search (updated 4/30/2006) Henry Kautz

N-Queens Local Search, V1state = choose_start_state();while ! GoalTest(state) do

state := arg min { h(s) | s in Neighbors(state) }endreturn state;

• start = put down N queens randomly• GoalTest = Board has no attacking pairs• h = number of attacking pairs • neighbors = move one queen to a different square on the


Page 9: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Local Search (updated 4/30/2006) Henry Kautz

N-Queens Local Search, V2state = choose_start_state();while ! GoalTest(state) do

state := arg min { h(s) | s in Neighbors(state) }endreturn state;

• start = put a queen on each square with 50% probability• GoalTest = Board has N queens, no attacking pairs• h = (number of attacking pairs + max(0, N - # queens))• neighbors = add or delete one queen

Page 10: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Local Search (updated 4/30/2006) Henry Kautz

N Queens Demo

Page 11: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Local Search (updated 4/30/2006) Henry Kautz

States Where Greedy Search Must Succeed







Page 12: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Local Search (updated 4/30/2006) Henry Kautz

States Where Greedy Search Might Succeed







Page 13: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Local Search (updated 4/30/2006) Henry Kautz

Local Search Landscapeo



e fu



Local Minimum


Page 14: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Local Search (updated 4/30/2006) Henry Kautz

Variations of Greedy Search


• What to do when a local minimum is reached?– STOP– KEEP GOING

• Which neighbor to move to?– BEST neighbor– Any BETTER neighbor (Hill Climbing)

• How to make local search more robust?

Page 15: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Local Search (updated 4/30/2006) Henry Kautz


for run = 1 to max_runs dostate = choose_start_state();flip = 0;while ! GoalTest(state) && flip++ < max_flips do

state := arg min { h(s) | s in Neighbors(state) }endif GoalTest(state) return state;

endreturn FAIL

Page 16: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Local Search (updated 4/30/2006) Henry Kautz

Uphill Moves: Random Noise

state = choose_start_state();while ! GoalTest(state) do

with probability noise dostate = random member Neighbors(state)

else state := arg min { h(s) | s in

Neighbors(state) }end

endreturn state;

Page 17: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Local Search (updated 4/30/2006) Henry Kautz

Uphill Moves: Simulated Annealing (Constant Temperature)

state = start;while ! GoalTest(state) do

next = random member Neighbors(state);deltaE = h(next) – h(state);if deltaE 0 then

state := next;else

with probability e-deltaE/temperature dostate := next;


endreturn state;

Book reverses, because is looking

for max h state

Page 18: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Local Search (updated 4/30/2006) Henry Kautz
Page 19: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Local Search (updated 4/30/2006) Henry Kautz

Uphill Moves: Simulated Annealing (Geometric Cooling Schedule)

temperature := start_temperature;state = choose_start_state();while ! GoalTest(state) do

next = random member Neighbors(state);deltaE = h(next) – h(state);if deltaE 0 then

state := next;else

with probability e-deltaE/temperature dostate := next;

endtemperature := cooling_rate * temperature;

endreturn state;

Page 20: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Local Search (updated 4/30/2006) Henry Kautz

Simulated Annealing

• For any finite problem with a fully-connected state space, will provably converge to optimum as length of schedule increases:

• But: fomal bound requires exponential search time

• In many practical applications, can solve problems with a faster, non-guaranteed schedule

cooling_rate 1lim Pr(optimum) 1

Page 21: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Local Search (updated 4/30/2006) Henry Kautz

Other Local Search Strategies

• Tabu Search– Keep a history of the last K visited states– Revisiting a state on the history list is “tabu”

• Genetic algorithms– Population = set of K multiple search points– Neighborhood = population U mutations U crossovers

• Mutation = random change in a state• Crossovers = random mix of assignments from two states• Typically only a portion of neighbor is generated

– Search step: new population = K best members of neighborhood