introduction to casl | canada's anti spam law

Stop Spam Implica(ons of CASL

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Post on 27-Jan-2015




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Companion CASL Readiness Toolkit now available for download at: When Canada's anti-spam law comes into force on July 1st, 2014, it will dramatically change how businesses can communicate with customers and prospects. Find out what you need to know, and what you should be doing right now to make sure your company is prepared.


Page 1: Introduction to CASL | Canada's Anti Spam Law

Stop  Spam  Implica(ons  of  CASL  

Page 2: Introduction to CASL | Canada's Anti Spam Law

Housekeeping  A  marketer  not  a  lawyer.    Intended  as  a  base  of  informa(on,  not  legal  advice.  Twi?er  hashtags:  #CASL,  #KINETIXMEDIA  

Page 3: Introduction to CASL | Canada's Anti Spam Law

How  did  we  get  here?  A  brief  legal  history  –  CANSPAM,  PIPEDA,  PIPA,  ECPA,  &  others.  

Page 4: Introduction to CASL | Canada's Anti Spam Law

Heavy  Penal9es  and  Broad  Liability  For  corpora(ons  &  the  officers  and  directors  of  those  companes.  

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Worst  Case:  You  send  10,000  messages  to  a  list.  50  people  on  that  list  file  spam  complaints.  In  the  worst  of  all  scenarios:  u  your  business  pays  $10,000,000  u  your  CEO  &  each  officer  pays  

$1,000,000  u  your  agency  pays  $10,000,000  u  your  agency’s  owner  pays  

$1,000,000  u  you  are  sued  privately  for  an  

addi(onal  $10,000  u  You  are  assessed  addi(onal  fines  by  

the  Privacy  Commissioner  

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I  tried  my  best.  The  due  diligence  defence.  

Page 7: Introduction to CASL | Canada's Anti Spam Law

What’s  Covered?  All  kinds  of  electronic  messages,  sent  from  any  loca(on  in  the  world,  to  a  Canadian  electronic  address  or  to  a  person  who  is  in  Canada.    CASL  is  an  opt-­‐in  law  –  that  means  that  you  must  have  either  EXPLICIT  or  IMPLICIT  consent  to  send  a  message  that  qualifies  as  a  CEM.  

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Some  groups  are  exempt  from  CASL    u Chari(es  are  explicitly  excluded  from  mee(ng  CASL  requirements  when  they  are  seeking  dona(ons.  

u Poli(cal  par(es  are  also  explicitly  excluded  from  mee(ng  CASL  when  they  are  solici(ng  contribu(ons.  

Page 9: Introduction to CASL | Canada's Anti Spam Law

Excep9ons  CEMs  are  not  covered  under  CASL  when:    u  The  CEM  is  sent  between  individuals  within  a  business  and  relates  to  the  work  of  

the  business  and  the  roles  of  the  individuals.  u  You  have  an  exis(ng  family  or  personal  rela(onship  (as  defined  by  the  

regula(ons).  u  Between  employees  of  two  companies  that  are  doing  business  together  and  the  

email  relates  to  their  roles  and  the  business  at  hand.  u  You  are  responding  to  an  inquiry.  u  The  CEM  is  legally  required  (no(ces  of  AGM  for  example).  u  The  CEM  is  transac(onal  (a  receipt)  and  is  sent  exclusively  for  the  transac3onal  

purpose.  u  The  message  is  sent  within  a  closed  system  where  messages  can  only  be  sent  by  

the  person  providing  the  account  to  the  recipient.  u  The  message  is  sent  to  an  interna(onal  address  that  is  exempted  and  the  message  

meets  the  requirements  in  the  recipient’s  loca(on.  

Page 10: Introduction to CASL | Canada's Anti Spam Law

Do  I  Always  Need  Consent?    There  are  situa(ons  where  consent  is  not  required.  They  are:    u   To  provide  a  quote  or  es(mate  that  has  been  requested  by  

the  recipient.  u   To  make  an  inquiry  about  a  product  or  service.  u   To  complete  an  exis(ng  transac(on.  u   To  provide  warranty,  recall  or  safety  info.  u   To  provide  factual  informa(on  about  a  product  or  service  

(i.e.  privacy  policy  update)  

If  a  CEM  is  sent  for  any  other  reason  than  those  listed  above,  you  need  consent.  

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Express  Consent  Opt-­‐in  form,  requires  deliberate  ac(on.  

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Implied  Consent  When  consent  is  taken  as  a  given  part  of  the  rela(onship.  

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3rd  Party  Referral  Referral  Marke(ng  is  used  worldwide  to  help  businesses  grow  databases  and  compete  in  a  global  market.  

Page 14: Introduction to CASL | Canada's Anti Spam Law

3rd  Party  Referral  “One  Ping,  and  One  Ping  Only”  

Page 15: Introduction to CASL | Canada's Anti Spam Law

Consent  has  a  “Best  Before”  Date  

Typically  two  years  from  the  date  of  the  last  ac(on  qualifying  the  contact  as  having  given  ‘express’  consent.  6  Months  if  an  inquiry  is  made  without  transac(on  being  completed.  

Page 16: Introduction to CASL | Canada's Anti Spam Law

You  must  iden9fy  yourself  Either  within  the  message  itself  or,  where  that  isn’t  reasonable,  using  a  clearly  prominent  link  to  a  web  page  containing  the  iden(fying  informa(on.  

Your  Company  Name  

Your  Mailing  Address  

Your  Website  OR  Email  OR  Phon



Page 17: Introduction to CASL | Canada's Anti Spam Law

You  must  honor  unsubscribe  requests  You  have  10  business  days  to  remove  someone  from  your  mailing  list  once  requested.    Acceptable  opt-­‐out  methods  vary  based  on  type  of  CEM  (SMS,  email,  etc)  

Page 18: Introduction to CASL | Canada's Anti Spam Law

Permission  under  PIPEDA  is  NOT  grandfathered.  You  will  need  to  cleanse  your  list  within  three  years  of  any  names  that  do  not  meet  CASL  permission  guidelines.  

Page 19: Introduction to CASL | Canada's Anti Spam Law

CASL  vs.  CAN  SPAm  

CASL  u Includes  all  conceivable  

types  of  electronic  message  u Opt-­‐in  law    u Consent  does  NOT  exist  

un(l  given  u $10  MILLION  fines  u Global  Reach  u Directors/officers  liable  for  

ac(ons  of  employees  u Address  harves(ng  illegal  

CAN  SPAM  u Focuses  on  elimina(ng  

spam  in  emails  u Opt-­‐out  law  u Consent  exists  un(l  

withdrawn  u $16,000  fines  u US  focus  u Directors/officers  not  

personally  liable  u Address  harves(ng  illegal  

Page 20: Introduction to CASL | Canada's Anti Spam Law

This  slide  reprinted  with  permission  of  Dentons.  It  is  provided  for  informa(on  only  and  does  not  cons(tute  legal  advice.  Please  consult  a  lawyer  for  informa(on  specific  to  your  situa(on.  For  more  informa(on:  h?p://­‐and-­‐opportuni(es/an(-­‐spam-­‐legisla(on.aspx  


Page 21: Introduction to CASL | Canada's Anti Spam Law

Ac9on  Steps  for  Business  Leaders  u  Take  an  inventory  of  all  the  ways  your  business  communicates  electronically.  u  Determine  which  types  of  communica(on  will  fall  under  CASL.  Include  sales  

prospec(ng.  u  Review  how  you  collect  user  data  and  store  permission  informa(on.  Make  sure  it  

complies  with  CASL.  u  Talk  to  your  partners  –  third  party  list  rental  companies  for  example.  u  Review  your  unsubscribe  processes  and  tools.  u  Review  all  of  your  opt-­‐in  forms  and  lead  capture  forms.  u  Review  all  of  our  email  templates.  u  Review  your  privacy  policy.  u  Develop  a  compliance  project  (meline  to  adapt  your  current  systems.  u  Establish  policies  and  guidelines  for  your  staff,  and  ensure  all  staff  are  aware  and  

trained  on  the  guidelines.  u  Bring  in  outside  help:  

§  Your  law  firm  §  Digital  marke(ng  specialists  

Page 22: Introduction to CASL | Canada's Anti Spam Law

Food  For  Thought  How  do  you  communicate  with  your  communi(es  today?  Will  that  s(ll  be  legal  when  CASL  comes  into  force?  Do  your  exis(ng  permission  prac(ses  meet  the  standards  of  CASL?  

Page 23: Introduction to CASL | Canada's Anti Spam Law

Thank  You  If  you’d  like  to  con(nue  the  conversa(on:        @Kine(xMedia    Kine(x  Media  on  Google+    h?p://    h?p://­‐media-­‐communica(ons-­‐ltd