introduction to french unit: bon voyage -...

Introduction to French Unit: Bon Voyage In the Bon Voyage Unit, students will explore travel in France through the use of authentic French language and culturally appropriate materials. During each lesson, students will work to meet the ACTFL and NYSAFLT standards, which state that students will work toward improving communication skills and cultural understanding. In this unit specifically, students will use various methods and activities to meet these standards. Students will be assessed on their ability to communicate using vocabulary and phrases from the unit to talk about travel in France. They will also be assessed on their overall understanding of cultural differences between the United States and France. -1

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Page 1: Introduction to French Unit: Bon Voyage -… · Introduction to French Unit: Bon Voyage ... est allee en Australie

Introduction to French Unit: Bon Voyage

In the Bon Voyage Unit, students will explore travel in France through the

use of authentic French language and culturally appropriate materials. During

each lesson, students will work to meet the ACTFL and NYSAFLT standards, which

state that students will work toward improving communication skills and cultural

understanding. In this unit specifically, students will use various methods and

activities to meet these standards. Students will be assessed on their ability to

communicate using vocabulary and phrases from the unit to talk about travel in

France. They will also be assessed on their overall understanding of cultural

differences between the United States and France.


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Unit Overview

The following unit, Bon Voyage, has been developed to engage students in

French culture and language through the teaching of travel customs in France.

Students will compare travel in France to travel in the United States, they will

learn traditional phrases, expressions, and vocabulary words associated with

travel in France, and they will put their knowledge into practice by researching

travel accommodations in France.

The unit begins by asking students to discuss travel habits in the United

States and reflect upon their personal travel experiences. Then, through input

from the teacher, students will learn just how common travel is in France

amongst adolescents. Students will compare travel habits in the United States and

in France and where French people like to travel to the most.

In the following lesson, the class will focus primarily on unit vocabulary as it

relates to travel in France. The students will review their vocabulary, practice

using it in sentences, and learn appropriate situations for using the vocabulary. In

this lesson, students will focus on using vocabulary and knowledge of customs in

France. They will reflect on their own experiences of going through customs in the

United States and discuss what customs is. Next, the students will watch a French

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video of customs in France and compare cultural differences between the US and

France, looking for key words and phrases. Lastly, students will complete an

authentic Canadian customs form that is written in French and uses key

vocabulary terms and phrases.

In the third lesson, students will continue to compare cultural differences

between the United States and France by looking at specific modes of

transportation used for travel. This lesson asks students which modes of

transportation they use most commonly and which types of transportation are

most common in France. The students will listen to a French Podcast that

discusses ordering a train ticket in France and students will follow along with a

worksheet. Students will learn authentic French terms and will hear native French

speakers discussing train travel in France.

The fourth lesson will take place at the school's library so that students will

have access to computers and the teacher will have access to the SmartBoard. In

this lesson, students will complete a Web Quest activity and they will explore

French websites where they will research plane tickets, train tickets, hotel

accommodations, and leisure activities in France. This activity gives students an

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opportunity to be creative in their choice of travel destination and they will be

assessed on their individual ability to read and write in French.

The last lesson is a short assessment of the students' ability to use key

vocabulary words in sentences. Students must show that they can use vocabulary

from the unit appropriately and accurately. Then, the students will have the

remainder of the class to complete the WebQuest activity.

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-----------------------------------------~------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ -------~ -------


Essential Questions

• What are the three key reasons that the French like to travel?

• How is travel in the United States similar to travel in France?

• How is travel in France different from travel in the United States?

• How does one say, "I am traveling to (country)," in French?

• We know that in the French language all nouns are either feminine or

masculine, so what are the different articles for countries?

• What are some characteristics of travel in France?

• What are characteristics of French customs? What vocabulary words are

associated with French customs?

• What are the steps that one must take buy a train ticket in France?

• What advice could I give to someone traveling to the United States?

• Which regions of France are appealing to visit? What will you do once you

are there?

• How much does a plane ticket cost to travel from NYC to Paris?

• How do you order a train ticket online? How much is it?

• How do you book a hotel in France online?

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Class: French 3

Unit 5 Bon Voyage Day 1

Teacher: Emily Clark

March 1, 2011

Content: This unit is culturally-based and therefore requires a variety of activities each day.

Thus, I have not followed a traditional format in creating these lesson plans, but I have used a

creative combination of Input, Modeling, Guided Practice, and Checking for Understanding.


1. Students will compare travel in the United States to travel in France

2. Students will learn vocabulary terms for traveling to France and French-speaking regions

3. Students will learn to say, "I am going to travel to_ (country)" in French, by using the

proper vocabulary and grammar associated with this phrase

4. Students will be able to identify specific travel items that are needed to travel to France

Standard 1: Communication Skills

Students will be able to use a language other than English for communication.

Standard 2: Cultural Understanding

Students will develop cross-cultural skills and understandings.


• Vocabulary list (for homework)

• Tests and homework from Friday (hand back)

• Projector for video

• Computer

• Books

• Notebook/Paper


1. Begin class with greeting, warm-up, and expression of the day

a. Expression of the day: Arc-en-ciel (rainbow)

b. Warm-up: Have students recite the pledge

c. Announce bulletin board: La Question de Ia Semaine

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d. Announce HW on HW Board: Vocabulary list for Unit 5 (5.1}

2. Hand back Unit 4 Test from Friday (oral and written) and give feedback (5.2)

a. Overall, grades were very good

b. Speaking portion was excellent- few errors. Errors were common in placement of

pronouns and pronunciation

c. Written section- errors occurred in placement and use of pronouns


Teacher (French)- Anticipatory Set Students (French/English)

1. Introduce Unit 5: "How many of you like to 1. I do! travel? 2. Florida, New York, Pennsylvania, etc. 2. Where have you traveled to? 3. No, not really 3. Do you travel often? 4. Parents 4. Do you travel with your parents or your friends?

Input Output

1. In France, it is very common to travel. 1. It is expensive to travel; it is unsafe; there is no People travel quite a bit, and students your time; we do not have cars/drivers license age may even travel alone or with their friends. It is typically acceptable for young adolescents to travel; however in the US we do not usually see young people traveling with their friends. Why is that?

2. Vacation; freedom; get-away from school; 2. Also, there are many reasons why the visit friends and family (students write on French travel, just like there are many reasons paper) why Americans like to travel. Please take out a loose leaf sheet of paper and fold it in half length wise (students write on a sheet of paper). On one side write "Aux Etats-Unis and 3. Plane, car, train, etc. on the othr side write "En France." Let's brain storm some reasons why we like to travel.

3. Ok, good. Now, below that, let's write descriptions of travel in the US.


1. Next, ask students to open their text books Students take notes as they read with a partner to page 187 (5.3). 2. I will read the first blue paragraph alolJd and



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discuss the importance of travel in France. 3. Next, students will read pg. 187-188(5.3-5.4) with a partner and take notes on each paragraph, Les Linguistes, Les actifs, and Les explorateurs. Tell the students to write their notes on the right hand side of the paper to compare notes with the US.

Checking for Understanding

1. Once students have completed the listening activity, tell them to re-group and get ready to go over the answers as a class. 2. Discuss the readings and each paragraph: what does each paragraph mean? What do the French do when they travel? What are different types of French tourists?



Students answer questions and respond to reading questions

1. Next, ask students to look at page 188 (5.4) I Each country is masculine or feminine Les Destinations. What can they notice about the different countries and the articles in front of the countries? 2. Then, describe that each country is masculine or feminine and that it is important for the students to pay attention to those articles. 3. (Modeling) Ask students to turn to pages R-14-15 (5.5) in their text books to see a map of the world. The map is labeled with countries in French. Each country has an article. Point out the articles. 4. Review chart on page R-15 (5.5) and use vocabulary to talk about traveling to different countries. Je voyage aux Etats-Unis.

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Tell students to continue to review unit vocabulary and to do their vocabulary packet for


Independent Practice

Students will complete the vocabulary packet.


40 minutes

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tenne «vacances» est de «Voyage.» Ceux qui

en France vont se bronzer plages de I' Atlantique et

Mediterranee ou faire de Ia a pied dans les Alpes et

Mais aujourd'hui, qui vont a I' manger sont de en plus nombreux. Aller un pays oil Ia langue, les et les coutumes sont

ifferents, ~, c'est l'aventure! Suivanto leurs objectifs, on dasser ces jeunes voyageurs

differentes categories. • Pour ces jeunes voyageurs, •vacances• est synonyme de •voyage•!

.:Les cclinguistes» Les ccactifs» Les «sejours linguistiques» representent la majorite des voyages a 1' etranger. La formule classique con­siste a passer deux ou trois semaines dans une famille en Angleterre (1' anglais etant0 la langue la plus etudiee dans les lycees

fran<;ais). Aujourd'hui, avec le developpement des transports

aeriens et la diminution° du prix des voyages, les jeunes Fran<;ais vont de plus en plus loin pour perfec­tionner0 leur anglais. Patrick, par exemple, a passe le mois d' aout dans une famille de Denver. Le haut point de son voyage a ete la demiere semaine ou la famille est allee faire du rafting dans le Colorado. Charlotte, elle, est allee en Australie dans une famille de ran­chers. La, elle a participe a toutes les activites, y compris

la tonte des moutons.0

Ce sont ceux qui ont un projet parti­culier. Certains font un ·«stage» paye ou non paye dans une entreprise. Catherine a ainsi passe un mois en Allemagne a melanger des colorants0

dans une compagnie de produits "chirniques. La, elle a appris les dan­gers de la pollution et les moyenso de

controler celle-ci. Pour d'autres, leur projet a un

objectif humanitaire. Jean-Baptiste, un lyceen de 17 ans, est alle au Senegal avec une bande de copains de son lycee. Il explique: «Notre but0 n'etait pas de faire du tourisme, mais d'accomplir quelque chose d'utile. Nous avons par­ticipe a la construction d'un systeme d'irrigation dans un petit village. Pendant notre sejour, nous avons travaille tres dur, mais aussi nous avons decouvert un mode0 de vie tout a fait0 different et nous avons fait connaissance de gens absolument extraordinaires. Pendant ces trois semaines, nous avons appris plus que pendant un an au lycee!»

suivant according to etant being diminution decrease perfectionner improve tonte des moutons sheep shearing melanger des colorants to mix dyes moyens means but = objectil mode way tout a fait quite

Unite 5 • INFO

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Les ccexplorateurs» Ceux-Ut renouvellent la tradition des explorateurs fran~ais d' autrefois. Ils partent a 1' a venture, sac au dos, a sans but precis pour des destinations mysterieuses. Julien, un etudiant en medecine, a parcouru0 les hauts plateaux du Perou en bus et en autostop. Marthe et Veronique, deux etudiantes d'une ecole de commerce, ont fait du trekking dans l'Himalaya. Elles sont parties du Nepal et sont allees a pied par des sentiersa de haute montagne jusqu' au Tibet.

Pendant des semaines, les parents de ces voyageurs intrepides n'entendent pas parlera d'eux et s'inquietent. 0 Mais finalement, ils reviennent, bronzes, heureux et avec plein° d' anecdotes sur les dangers qu'ils ont evites0 et les rencontres qu'ils ont faites pendant leur fabuleux voyage. •

sac au dos with a backpack parcourir * to travel through sentiers trails n'entendent pas parter do not hear s'inquietent worry plein = beaucoup evites avoided

Unite 5 • INFO Magazine

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E. Les pays 1


L' Amerique du Nord et I' Amerique du Sud

1. le Canada 2. les Etats-Unis 3. le Mexique 4. le Guatemala 5. le Venezuela 6. le Perou 7. le Bresil 8. I' Argentine 9. le Chili

L' Afrique

10. le Maroc 11. I' Algerie 12. Ia Tunisie 13. I'Egypte 14. le Senegal 15. Ia Cote d'lvoire 16. Ia Republique

democratique du Congo

17. Madagascar

L' Europe

18. Ia France 19. I'Espagne 20. le Portugal 21. I' Angleterre 22. l'lrlande 23. I'Ecosse 24. Ia Belgique 25. le Luxembourg 26. Ia Suisse 27. les Pays-Bas 28. I' Allemagne 29. l'ltalie 30. Ia Grece 31. le Danemark 32. Ia Norvege 33. Ia Suede 34. Ia Pologne 35. Ia Russie

Le Moyen-Orient

36. Israel 37. le Liban 38. I' Arabie Saoudite

L' Asie et I'Oceanie

39. Ia Chine 40. le Japon 41. Ia Coree 42. le Viet-nam 43. le Cambodge 44. l'lnde 45. les Philippines 46. I' Australie 47. Ia Nouvelle Zelande

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- ... ~



les articles et les prepositions avec les noms de pays

masculine country feminine country or beginning with masculine country plural country a consonant beginning with a vowel

Ia France les Etats-Unis Je visite 0 0 0 le Canada l'lsrael

Je vais 0 0 0

au Canada en France

aux Etats-Unis J'habite 0 0 0 en Israel

Je viens 0 0 0 du Canada de France

des Etats-Unis d'lsrael - -

Appendix A

Page 14: Introduction to French Unit: Bon Voyage -… · Introduction to French Unit: Bon Voyage ... est allee en Australie


Je m'appelle C\f: I Fr~~l':ei~ 3 II

Unite 5 : Bon Voyage !

Re-ecrivez /es mots suivants en fran~ais et traduisez-les en anglais. Re-write the following words in French and translate them in English.


Faire un voyage

Faire un sejour

A l'etranger

Un pays

Une piece d'identite

Un passeport

Une carte d'identite

Un permis de conduire

La douane

Une valise

Un sac

Un bagage a main

Un sac ados

Quelque chose a declarer

Rien a declarer

Acheter un billet

Reserver une place

Confirmer rna reservation

·-±1 ·-ko.v.t \ '

·-it ±C! 'it_ (1. =±D' 0 I

±D ::i·ta t1 b\j\J ae o..S Lo..Y)r.n ........... __ 0-+----­

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1'dw:b h 1 Go. d.,_._ ___ _


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:)J l'te<&se

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l (R SCcc\f.£ a.. ycJ

CDr\£' crY\ (Y\ l ..( 1 4 J I I """"'rl \ Y

Page 15: Introduction to French Unit: Bon Voyage -… · Introduction to French Unit: Bon Voyage ... est allee en Australie

Annuler rna reservation

Louer une voiture

Quelle sort de ...

Un aller simple

Un alter et retour

En premiere classe

En classe touriste

En section non-fumeur

Quel siege

Le couloir

Quelle place

Une carte d'embarquement



Une escale

Une correspondance

A l'heure

En avance

En retard






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roriL1 lD._±t


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Page 16: Introduction to French Unit: Bon Voyage -… · Introduction to French Unit: Bon Voyage ... est allee en Australie


Obtenir *


Se presenter



La ceinture de securite



Passer par



Com poster

Monter dans

Descendre de




Le prochain train

Le train suivant

Le dernier train

Jb ~e~rDt 1D 9d-/DbtOJ'Q :\J) enee~


jD ~ft-\fD+ t{Y\eJtL-----­

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d-h{ rt.xt ifa~J-:..:.__V\-'-----ih{ ta .s+ kaL"""-'--tf\_,__ __ _

Page 17: Introduction to French Unit: Bon Voyage -… · Introduction to French Unit: Bon Voyage ... est allee en Australie


Class: French 3

Unit 5 Bon Voyage Day 2

Teacher: Emily Clark

March 2, 2011

Content: This unit is culturally-based and therefore requires a variety of activities each day.

Thus, I have not followed a traditional format in creating these lesson plans, but I have used

creative combinations of Input, Modeling, Guided Practice, and Checking for Understanding.


1. Students will compare cultural aspects of travel in the United States those in France

2. Students will learn about customs inspections in France and what is expected when

traveling through French customs

3. Students will use unit vocabulary to fill out an authentic Canadian customs form

Standard 1: Communication Skills

Students will be able to use a language other than English for communication.

Standard 2: Cultural Understanding

Students will develop cross-cultural skills and understandings.


• Vocabulary list (for homework)

• Projector for video

• Computer

• Books

• Notebook/Paper

• Overhead

Warm-UP /lntro

1. Begin class with greeting, warm-up, and expression of the day

a. Expression of the day: un rouge-gorge (robin)

b. Warm-up: Have students recite the alphabet

c. Announce bulletin board: La Question de Ia Semaine

d. Announce HW on HW Board: No HW

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2. Check homework- vocabulary list (5.1)

a. While checking, ask students questions about which words they were not able to

find. Example, faire un sejour= to spend time

b. Have students fill in all blanks on vocab sheet

3. Review vocabulary cards with students (5.6}

a. I say the French words, they repeat in French and give translation in English

b. Make sentences/phrases with words. Ex. Faire un sejour a l'etrangere


Teacher (French) Anticipatory Set 1. Introduce: "As we discussed yesterday in class, they are several items that one will need when traveling to France. What are some of those essential items of identification?" 2. Very good. When traveling to France, Americans need a passport for ID and sometimes a visa. European citizens only need a single identity card.

Teacher (French) Input

1. Today, we are going to continue studying travel in France, focusing on customs in France. Have any of you traveled to Canada before? Have you gone through customs?

2. What are some things that customs officers ask? What type of information do they need to know?

3. Why is this information important?

4. Yes, they must know your intent for travel and protect the citizens in their country from harm. So, let's now turn to page 191 (5.7) in our books to try an activity on travel to France.

Teacher (French) Modeling 1. (Students turn to pg. 191 in books) I read the directions out loud. I explain the directions in English. Then, I_I"~C)_d the Dialogue as a

Students (French/English) 1. A passport, drivers license, plane tickets,


Students (French/English)

1. Yes, I have been through customs!

2. Where are you going? What is your citizenship? What do you have in your car?

3. They are protecting their country and people.

Students (Fench/English)

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customs officer." Bonjour Monsieur/Mademoiselle. Avez-vous une piece d'identite ... "

2. I respond with the correct answer, Yes, I have a passport.

3. We do the next example together, "Quels pays ... ?"

4. Next, the students respond out loud with the correct response ...

5. We complete the activity as a class, and I am able to assist the students as needed.


4. J'ai visite l'espagne et l'italie ...

1. Next, I prepare students to see a video from about Ia douane (customs) in France. reportage-2-6-les-douanes news

1. Students notice that the French give kisses to one another, they check for passports and boarding tickets, etc.

2. They should be looking for several things: greetings, communication/interaction, ID, and baggage of passengers.

Teacher-Checking for Understanding 1. During and after the video, I ask important questions about what was in the video. 2. "What time did the woman arrive to work? What terminal did she work at? What was her job description? What did she and her partner do for work? Why did the man look suspicious? What did they check?

Teacher- Input/ Guided Practice 1. Transition into final activity-pass out Canadian customs form and put up overhead for class to see (5.8) 2. Discuss the importance of filling out the form- many students are going to Quebec and might see this form in the future. What is a

6:30, terminal 6, they checked his passport and luggage, etc.

Student- Output 1. Students fill out form along with teacher and ask questions as needed.


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customs form? Why do we fill them out? 3. Go through each question, line by line with the class, explaining the cultural significance of the question and translating difficult words.



I will ask one student to summarize the lesson. Explain what customs is and what they need to

bring with them to France.

Independent Practice

Bring customs form to next class to finish.


40 minutes

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Partons en ·voyage _ ·

Al'agence de voyages

-Je voudrais 1 achete~ un billet (ticket}. reserver une place (seat}. confirmer ma reservation. annuler ma reservation. louer une voiture.


annuler to cancel

louer to rent


- Quelle sorte de billet desirez-vous? Un aller simple (one ~ay}. Un aller et retour (round trip}.

-En quelle classe? En premiere classe.

-En quelle section? @\ En section fumeur. o

- Quel siege (seat} I , f' 2 Q II I

pre erez-vous . - ue e pace

Un siege I pres de Ia fenetre. Une place pres du couloir (aisle}.

I En deuxieme classe [en train]. En classe touriste [en avion].

En section non-lumeur. ®

-Yoici \ votre billet. votre carte d'embarquement (boarding pass}.


-Est-ce que I le vol (flight} pour Nice I t d" 2

I t . M .11 es 1rect.

e ram pour arse1 e

Non, il y a I une escale (stop, stopover [of the plane]} I , l une correspondance (change of plane, train} a yon.

-Est-ce que le vol/le train est a l'heure (on time}? Non, il est\ en avance (early}. II a dix minutes d'avance.

· en retard (late}. II a une heure de retard.

le vol numero 23 a destination de londres est annule. '

-Est-ce que le vol/le train est complet (full}?' Non, il y a de Ia place (room}.

-Est-ce que ce siege/ cette place est libre (free}? Non, il/ elle est occupe(e).

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passagers doivent ...

AU DEPART 1 presenter leur billet. obtenir leur carte d' embarquement. enregistrer leurs bagages. se presenter a Ia porte de depart. embarquer.

obtenir to get enregistrer to check [luggage]

. embarquer to board [a plane]

PENDANT LE VOL I mettre leur bagage a main sous le siege. aHacher leur ceinture de securite {seat belt).

attacher to fasten

A L'ARRIVEE debarquer. debarquer to deplane passer par to go through

l'avion va

chercher leurs bagages. passer par Ia douane.

I decoll~r I dans 1 0 minutes. aHerr•r

Mesdames et messieurs, bon jour.

decoller to take off atterrir to land

Le capitaine Pasquier et son equipage vous souhaitent Ia bienvenue a bard du val Air France numero 108

a destination de Montreal. La duree du val sera approximativement de 7 heures et 25 minutes et notre arrivee a Montreal est prevue pour

15h38 heure locale. En prevision du depart, veuillez attacher votre ceinture

de securite et vous abstenir de turner.

~· Departs

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............ '"''~ des passeports . '

avez une piece d'identite {ID document)? • · · , j'ai 1 un passeport.

une carte d'identite. un perm is de conduire (driver's license).

s avez des bagages (luggage)? Oui, j' ai I une valise (suitcase).

un sac. un bagage a main (carry-on bag). un sac ados (backpack}.

/I __ / Est-ce que vous avez quelque chose a declarer? /

Non, je n' ai rien a declarer.

lArrivee en France----------------------------­Cet ete, vous faites un grand voyage au tour du monde (around the world). Vous arrivez en France, apres avoir vi site plusieurs pays. Vous passez au controle des passeports et a la douane. Composez et jouez le dialogue avec votre partenaire.

-Bonjour, monsieur/mademoiselle. Avez-vous une piece d'identite? - (Present an ID document) · - Quels pays avez-vous visites avant de venir en France? - (Name a few countries.) - Avez-vous des bagages? - (Indicate the luggage that you are canying.) - Avez-vous quelque chose a declarer? - (Answer negativelyJ - Ou avez-vous achete ... ?(customs officer names two or three things in your luggage,

such as items of clothing, perfume, souvenirs) - (For each item, mention a different country where you purchased it)

Merci, monsieur/mademoiselle, et bon sejour en France.

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• • • aux aualllo • auivartes· 88f'V8R au cortrOie douanier et lla com:pldll'lf

Ut,. Pr•an • inltiales


d!ill DMirtne

~ln--... ~del ~-u . ...,... (y CD I pis Hawaii)

D d'un autre pays (wl direct)·

D d'un aJtra pays via 1es 1!.-u.

RAISON PRINCIPALE DE CE VOYAGE: O'lcWiicrUAa:a - J'apporte au • des articles dont Ia valeurlle nombre d6passe r ... ~

persomelle, y ca1"4J'is des cadeuc (valr IIUIII de Nl u~Jtmu .. ; • armes ~ feu ou autres arrne&i produb c:t6rtY6s d'anin&Dc m..,..

d'extlnction; . • du mat6riel commercial, des marchanclses destln6es i un uaage

professlonnel ou commercial, des articles ~ revendre, dill ~antillons, outils, · ~uipement:

• des animaux, oiseaux, viandes, aliments contenant de Ia _.....,.. ou des produits laitiers, oeufs;

• des plantas, boutures, vignes, h9mes, fruits, graines, notx. t:Ubll, racines ou de Ia terre.

- Je visiteral une ferme au Canada dans les 14 prochli• pa ' '


0 0 0 D 0

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Class: French 3

Unit 5 Bon Voyage Day 3

Teacher: Emily Clark

March 3, 2011

Content: This unit is culturally-based and therefore requires a variety of activities each day.

Thus, I have not followed a traditional format in creating these lesson plans, but I have used

creative combinations of Input, Modeling, Guided Practice, and Checking for Understanding.


1. Students will compare cultural aspects of travel in the United States those in France

2. Students will compare modes of transportation in the US and in France, like train versus

plane, and learn why certain cultures prefer certain types of transportation.

3. Students will listen to native French speakers on podcast in order to learn new

vocabulary, practice unit vocabulary, and hear authentic speech.

Standard 1: Communication Skills

Students will be able to use a language other than English for communication.

Standard 2: Cultural Understanding

Students will develop cross-cultural skills and understandings.


• Vocabulary list ( for homework)

• IPod

• IPod Dock

• Notes Packet

• Customs Overhead

Warm-UP /lntro

1. Begin class with greeting, warm-up, and expression of the day

a. Expression of the day: un parapluie (an umbrella)

b. Warm-up: Have students count from 25-50

c. Announce bulletin board: La Question de Ia Semaine

d. Announce HW on HW Board: pg. 194 read and do composition (5.9)

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2. Review vocabulary cards with students

a. I say the French words, they repeat in French and give translation in English

b. Make sentences/phrases with words. Ex. Faire un sejour a l'etrangere

3. Have students take out customs form from yesterday and finish filling out the bottom

half {5.8).


Teacher {French) Anticipatory Set Students (French/English)

1. Introduce: "As we discussed yesterday in 1. A passport, drivers license, plane class, they are several items that one will tickets, etc. need when traveling to France, especially when going through customs. What are some of those essential items of identification?"

Teacher (French) Input I Students (French/English)

1. 2. Very good. When we think of travel what I 1. Airplanes, trains, etc. do we think of? Discuss types of travel, modes of transportation and refer back to the chart that the students created on day 1 on Monday.

Today, we are going to continue studying travel I Students discuss their experiences with podcasts in France, focusing on train travel in France because it is such a popular form of transportation. We will listen to a podcast and fill in a worksheet as we go along.

2. Pass out worksheet and explain what a podcast is and how it is used for learning (5.10).

Teacher (French) Modeling 1. Ask a student to read the directions. Interpret the directions and tell the students what we will be doing in class: listening to a podcast and learning new French phrases and vocab. Related to train travel.

2. I read number 1 and explain that we will listen to the French conversation 2 times and

Students (Fench/English)

Students listen to podca~t ancj_take notes

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then take notes on the rest of the podcast.

Teacher-Checking for Understanding 1. Periodically throughout the podcast, I stop Student continue to write, interpret and ask the conversation, and repeat what was said, questions as needed then ask the students what the answer is. I give them time to write and time to comprehend what was said in French

Teacher- Input/ Guided Practice Student- Output 1. I walk around the room, checking for correct or incorrect answers. 2. I assist students that have blanks on their papers and need help understanding a French word or sentence.


I end class by going over the assignment, collecting the handout and giving the homework


Independent Practice

Read page 194 and write a composition that is 5-7 sentences (5.9).


40 minutes

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, our les vacances de Mardi Gras, Marie-Helene, une etudiante parisienne, est allee chez sa grand-mere qui habite a Marseille. Elle aurait puo prendre l'avion ou

conduireo sa voiture, mais elle a choisi d'y aller en train. Pourquoi? Parce que c'est plus rapide, plus pratique, et plus sur. Avec le TGV (Train a Grande Vitesse), on peut aller de Paris a Marseille (650 kilometres) en 3 heures. II n'y a pas d'embouteillage, o

pas de peageo a payer, et on ~rrive a sa destination frais et dispos. 0

Le TGV, produit de Ia technologie franc:;aise, est ce train super rapide qui circule sur un systeme special de rails et peut roulero a une vitesse de 300 kilometres a l'heure. La premiere ligne (Paris-Lyon) a ete inauguree en 1981, mais aujourd'hui le TGV desserto presqueo toutes les grandes vi lies franc:;aises. II y a un TGV Sud-est (orange), un TGV Atlantique (bleu) et un TGV Nord ... En fait, 50% du service voyageurs est assure par le TGV. Les autres trains sont peut­etre un peu mains rapides, mais ils sont aussi confortables et aussi pratiques.

Les Franc:;ais sont tres fierso de leurs trains et ceci pour de bonnes raisons:

• Les trains franc:;ais sont toujours a l'heure. lis partent a l'heure indiquee et arrivent a l'heure indiquee. Avec le train, on n'estjamais en retard.

• Les trains sont propres et confortables. Si on a faim, on peut prendre un repas au wagon-restaurant. o Sur les grandes distances, on peut voyager en wagon-lit. o

• Le train est bon marche et tres flexible. II y a des reductions de prix pour les jeunes, pour les families, pour les personnes agees, pour les personnes qui voyagent

souvent. Pour toutes ces personnes, les prix des billets varient selon l'epoque ou on voyage. lis sont plus eleveso en periode rouge (vacances) ou blanche (week-ends), et mains eleves en periode bleue (le reste du temps).

Pour les touristes, il y a d'autres services interessants. Avec <<train+ velo» et «train+ auto,» on peut voyager en train et Iauer un vela ou une voiture quand on arrive a sa destination. Avec <<train+ hotel,» on trouve toujours une chambre d'hotel.

Les jeunes America ins peuvent acheter un Eurailpass. Cette carte leur permet de sillonnero !'Europe pendant plusieurs semaines pour un prix relativement modique 0

Pour beaucoup de jeunes qui utilisent ce systeme, le train est non seulement un moyeno de transport mais c'est aussi un hotel, un restaurant, une cafeteria et un lieu ou ils peuvent rencontrer d'autres jeunes qui, com me eux, viennent decouvrir le vieux continent. •

aurait pu could have conduire * to drive embouteillage traffic jam peage toll frais et dispos fresh and rested rouler = oiler dessert presque almost fiers proud wagon-restaurant dining car wagon-lit sleeping car eleves higher sillonner =voyager a travers modique low moyen means

194 Unite 5 .INFO

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Nom1 ______________________________ __ Francais 3

Learn French by Podcast: «A Return Ticket Paris-Toulouse, please ... »

Les Directions: Ecoutez le podcast deux fois, et puis ecrivez les reponses suivantes.

A. le dialogue

H: Bonjour Madame ! F: Bonjour! H: II me faudrait un billet pour Toulouse. F: Un al/er simple ou un al/er-retour ? H : Un aller simple. F: Pour aujourd'hui ? H :Non, pour le 17 septembre. F : A quelle heure ? H : Le plus tot possible. F: Alors, le dix-sept septembre, if y a un train au depart de Paris Austerlitz a neuf heures, arrivee prevue a seize heures a Toulouse Matabiau. H : C' est direct ? F: Non, if y a un changement a Bordeaux. H: D'accord. F : Alors, votre nom ? H: Matynia. Je l'epelle M-A-T-Y-N-1-A, Xavier, X-A-V-1-E-R F: Vous avez mains de 25 ans ? H: Non. F : Avez-vous une carte de fidelite ? H: Non. F: Fumeur ou non-fumeur ? H : Non-fumeur. F: Vous preferez un compartiment ou ... ? H : C'est parfait. F: Vous desirez un siege cote fenetre ? H: Non, plutot cote couloir. F: Voila. Done un aller-retour Paris-Toulouse. Depart le 17 septembre a 9 heures. Wagon

numero 7, place 37 cote couloir. <;a fera done

B. Apres d'ecouter de Ia dialogue Ia deuxieme fois, faites attention au nouveaux vocabulaire

et phrases importantes. Ecrivez les reponses en fran~ais.

1. To express , the man at the ticket counter used the phrase if me


2. When traveling one-way only, one will need a Or, if

planning to travel one will order un al/er-retour.

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3. L'homme ne voyage pas aujourd'hui, mais il veut un billet pour demain. II dit, (it's for tomorrow) ______________________ _

(it's for tomorrow morning)------------------­

(it's for tomorrow afternoon)------------------­

(its for the day after tomorrow) ------------------· 4. The man wants to travel as early as possible. II dit,


(to travel as late as possible)--------------------· 5. The woman says that there is a train that is leaving Paris, Austerlitz. In French, she


Another way to say this is:

Au depart de= ___________________ __

Partir= _________________________ _

Arriver= _____________ _


Prevoir= (J'ai prevu d'arriver a huit heures mais .... ) Epeler= _____________ _

Je l'epeler= _______________ _

6. Un siege cote couloir= ________________________ _

7. Un siege cote fenetre= _____________________ _

8. L'ONU= _______________________________ _

9. Un siege d'ONU= _______________________ _

C. Ecoutez Ia derniere fois.

H: Bonjour Madame ! F: Bonjour! H : II me faudrait --------pour Toulouse. F: Un ou un ? H:Un _________________ .

F : Pour aujourd'hui ? H: Non, pour le 17 septembre. F : A quel/e heure ? H : Le plus tot possible. F: Alors, le dix-sept septembre, if y a un train au depart de Paris Austerlitz a neuf heures, arrivee prevue a seize heures a Toulouse Matabiau. H: C'est ? F: Non, if y a un changement a Bordeaux. H : D'accord.

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F : Alors, votre nom ? H: Matynia. Je l'epelle M-A-T-Y-N-1-A, --------­F: Vous avez moins de 25 ans ? H: Non. F : Avez-vous une de fidelite ? H: Non. F: ou ? H: ------------------· F: Vous preferez un compartiment ou ... ? H: C'est parfait. F: Vous desirez un cote fenetre ? H: Non, plutot cote---------


F: Voila. Done un aller-retour Paris-Toulouse. Depart le 17 septembre a 9 heures. Wagon

numero 7, place 37 cote couloir. f;a fera done

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Class: French 3

Unit 5 Bon Voyage Day 4

Teacher: Emily Clark

March 4, 2011

Content: This unit is culturally-based and therefore requires a variety of activities each day.

Thus, I have not followed a traditional format in creating these lesson plans, but I have used

creative combinations of Input, Modeling, Guided Practice, and Checking for Understanding.


1. Students will explore French websites, making comparisons between travel in American

and French cultures

2. Students will practice writing in French by typing their answers in French

3. Students will be able to identify specific travel items that are needed to travel to France

4. Students will be able to research plane tickets to France, train tickets in France, and

hotel reservation in France.

Standard 1: Communication Skills

Students will be able to use a language other than English for communication.

Standard 2: Cultural Understanding

Students will develop cross-cultural skills and understandings.

Materials/ Accommodations

• Library computer lab

• Smart Board


1. (Start in class) Begin class with greeting, warm-up, and expression of the day

a. Expression of the day: En fleurs (in bloom)

b. Warm-up: Have students recite the pledge

c. Announce bulletin board: La Question de Ia Semaine

d. Announce HW on HW Board: Vocabulary Quiz Friday

2. Collect homework- pg. 194 composition (5.10)

3. Remind students about quiz on Unit 5 Vocabulary (5.11)

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4. Go to the library

LESSON- at library

Teacher (French)- Anticipatory Set "Who in this class likes to travel or take

vacations? If you like to travel, or if you and your family travel often, you probably know that there is a lot of planning that goes into taking a vacation. What are some of those things that we plan for before taking a vacation? "

Teacher (French)- Input

1. Have students sit at the tables in the library in front of the Smartboard.

2. (Modeling) On the Smartboard, show students how to navigate Mrs. Webber's website in order to open the WebQuest document (5.12): Teacher Pages, Mrs. Webber, Francais 3, Travel Document.

3. (Modeling) Open the documents and show students what the document looks like. Next, explain what a WebQuest is (a document with links inserted in it).

4. (Check for Understanding) Next, ask a couple of students to read the directions and translate. We are traveling abroad to Paris, and then to a region in France and this document will help you to do that! -What does a l'etrangere, faire un vacances, etc mean? (ask important vocab)

5. (Modeling) Lastly, give an overview of the questions that the students will be asked to answer in the document. Explain question words (Qui, Quand, etc) and important information in activity. Then, show students several websites that they will be using.


Students (French/English) Students raise hands

Car rentals, hotel reservations, plane tickets, etc.

Students (French/English)

Students respond to questions that are asked in presentation

Students read directions

Certain students read the directions out loud

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6. Tell students that they have all of class to work on the assignment, if they finish they will print it and hand it in. If not, just save it and they can work on it on Friday too.

Guided Practice

1. Students are released to work on computers 2. I walk around and answer students' questions and guide them through the activity



Commonly, students have questions about grmmar and vocab on WebQuest document, and need help navigating French websites

Have students save work and pack up their things. Reminder that there is a quiz on Friday on

Unit vocabulary.

Independent Practice

Study for quiz.


40 minutes

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French 3 WebQuest Activity

French 3 students use the Medina School Library to explore various French websites to make travel

accommodations and arrange a trip to France.

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Nom C1{ Classe ___________ _ Date _______ _

UNITE 5, PARTIE 2: Petit examen 2

A. Partons en voyage.

On fait beaucoup de choses quand on voyage. Ecrivez la lettre qui correspond a la reponse correcte. (Attention: tous les mots ne sont pas utilises.)

(1 00 points total: 10 points per word)

a. d'escale

e. du couloir

b. un aller et retour

f. debarquer

c. atterrir d. en retard

g. d'une carte d' embarquement

Si tu veux voyager Ae La Rochelle a Poitiers et de Poitiers a La Rochelle, tu as besoin d'acheter (1) b . On a le choix entre un siege pres de la fenetre ou pres (2) _.....,£:::.__ ___ .

On a besoin (3) 0. pour monter dans l'avion.

Si un vol est direct, i1 n'y a pas (4) A . Si le train n' est pas a l'heure, i1 est (5) D .

a. d'escale

~ }\. atterrir

b. la douane

f. embarquer

c. du couloir

g. debarquer

d. enregistrer

A l'aeroport, on doit (6) .Q · ses bagages avant de pouvoir (7) £. D'abord l'avion doit (8) & £ avant qu'on puisse (9) {J ·


Quand o)!;errit a 1' etranger, on va chercher ses bagages puis on do it passer par (10) . .

---...___ __ _..../


UNITE 5 • Unit Quizzes 51

1 _)) -