introduction to grails

Inroduction to Grails Hiten Pratap Singh [email protected]

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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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Inroduction to Grails

Hiten Pratap [email protected]


● What is Grails?

● Why Grails?

● History of Grails

● Technology stack of Grails

● Directory structure of Grails

● Main Components of Grails

● Pros and Cons of Grails

● WebSites using Grails


● Future of Grails

● References

What is Grails?

● Grails is an open source web application framework

● uses the Groovy programming language

● following the "coding by convention" paradigm

● providing a stand-alone development environment and hiding much of the configuration detail

● Also following DRY(don't repeat yourself) paradigm

● Grails is highly inspired from Ruby on Rails web framework like DRY and COC principles.

Why Grails?

● According to its official websites-

– Grails is Robust– Grails is Dynamic– Grails is Rapid

● Most important reasion to use it is that it runs on JVM and leverages all plus points of JAVA

● Any Java developer can learn it very quickly rather than migrate to other framework for RAD development.

● Grails is agile and based on plugins means any functionality can be attach/detach to it very easily.

Why Grails?

● Grails is actually Spring and Hibernate plus trending concepts from Ruby on Rails like DRY and COC etc.

● It's very dynamic ecosystem

● Very active developer community

● Grails removes the need to add configuration in XML files

History of Grails

● Grails was previously known as 'Groovy on Rails

● Work began in July 2005, with the 0.1 release on March 29, 2006

● Graeme Rocher is project head and creator of Grails framework.

● Grails is made by G2One, later acquired by Spring Source.

● It developed due to need of RAD framework for JAVA programmer community like Ruby on Rails in Ruby programmer community.

Technology stack of Grails

Directory structure of Grails


+ grails-app + conf ---> location of configuration artifacts + hibernate ---> optional hibernate config + spring ---> optional spring config + controllers ---> location of controller artifacts + domain ---> location of domain classes + i18n ---> location of message bundles for i18n + services ---> location of services + taglib ---> location of tag libraries

Directory structure of Grails

+ util ---> location of special utility classes + views ---> location of views + layouts ---> location of layouts+ lib + scripts ---> scripts + src + groovy ---> optional; location for Groovy source files (of types other than those in grails-app/*) + java ---> optional; location for Java source files + test ---> generated test classes + web-app + WEB-INF

Main components of Grails

Actually as a MVC framework there are only three main component of Grails and they are-

● Model(domain)

● Controller

● View

But there are many other essential components of Grails which makes it different from others like-

● Services

Main components of Grails

● Taglib

● Plugins

● Templating

Pros and cons of using Grails

What are the advantages?

● It provides a rapid development cycle.

● The framework offers a range of plug-ins to make your development simple.

● You can see the changes by hitting the refresh button.

● Dynamic configuration feature. Therefore, you can change the configuration without server restart.

● The setup process is very simple. Therefore, you should be able to start building an app in an hour.

Pros and cons of using Grails

What are the disadvantages?

● Interpreted languages increase weight and that directly affects the run time.

● It works with GORM but not with any other ORMs.

● Developers generally declare variables with “def” which is equivalent to “object”. It’s very hard to maintain.

● You have to deal with runtime language.

WebSites Using Grails

Folowing websites are currently using Grails-

● Netflix Asgard -

● NOW TV -

● Vodafone Music -

● Sky TV Guide -

and many more.......


Future of Grails

● Grails 3.0 will separate Grails from the traditional application server and extend Grails’ reach to allow for the development of lightweight, asynchronous applications.

● Grails’ persistence technology GORM has also been evolving beyond the traditional relational database, with implementations for NoSQL databases now available.

● GORM will continue to be an important technology for us as enterprise data fabrics evolve.







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