introduction to graph databases

Introduction to Graph Databases Josh Adell <[email protected]> 20110806

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Page 1: Introduction to Graph Databases

Introduction toGraph Databases

Josh Adell <[email protected]>20110806

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Who am I?

• Software developer: PHP, Javascript, SQL•• Fan of using the right tool for the job

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The Problem

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The Solution?

> -- Given "Keanu Reeves" find a connection to "Kevin Bacon"> SELECT ??? FROM cast WHERE ???

+---------------------------------------------------------------------+| actor_name                 | movie_title                            |+============================+========================================+| Jennifer Connelley         | Higher Learning                        |+----------------------------+----------------------------------------+| Laurence Fishburne         | Mystic River                           |+----------------------------+----------------------------------------+| Laurence Fishburne         | Higher Learning                        |+----------------------------+----------------------------------------+| Kevin Bacon                | Mystic River                           |+----------------------------+----------------------------------------+| Keanu Reeves               | The Matrix                             |+----------------------------+----------------------------------------+| Laurence Fishburne         | The Matrix                             |+----------------------------+----------------------------------------+

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Find Every Actor at Each Degree

> -- First degree> SELECT actor_name FROM cast WHERE movie_title IN (SELECT DISTINCT movie_title FROM cast WHERE actor_name='Kevin Bacon')

> -- Second degree> SELECT actor_name FROM cast WHERE movie_title IN (SELECT DISTINCT movie_title FROM cast WHERE actor_name IN (SELECT actor_name FROM cast WHERE movie_title IN (SELECT DISTINCT movie_title FROM cast WHERE actor_name='Kevin Bacon')))

> -- Third degree> SELECT actor_name FROM cast WHERE movie_title IN(SELECT DISTINCT movie_title FROM cast WHERE actor_name IN (SELECT actor_name FROM cast WHERE movie_title IN (SELECT DISTINCT movie_title FROM cast WHERE actor_name IN (SELECT actor_name FROM cast WHERE movie_title IN (SELECT DISTINCT movie_title FROM cast WHERE actor_name='Kevin Bacon'))))

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The Truth

Relational databases aren't very good with relationships



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The Real Problem

Finding relationships across multiple degrees of separation    ...and across multiple data types    ...and where you don't even know there is a relationship

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The Real Solution

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Graph Examples

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Relational Databases are Graphs!

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Some Graph Use Cases

• Social networking• Manufacturing• Mapping and Geolocation• Bioinformatics• Fraud detection• Multi-tenancy

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Modelling a Domain with Graphs

• Graphs are "whiteboard-friendly"• Nouns become nodes• Verbs become relationships• Properties are adjectives and adverbs

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Graph Mining

• Paths• Traversals• Ad-hoc Queries

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New Solution to the Bacon Problem

$keanu = $actorIndex->find('name', 'Keanu Reeves');$kevin = $actorIndex->find('name', 'Kevin Bacon');

$path = $keanu->findPathTo($kevin);

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• "What to find" vs. "How to find"

// Find all the directors who have directed a movie scored by John Williams// that starred Kevin Bacon

START actor=(actors, 'Kevin Bacon'), composer=(compsers, 'John Williams')MATCH (actor)-[:IN]->(movie)<-[:DIRECTED]-(director),      (movie)<-[:SCORED]-(composer)RETURN director

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Are RDBs Useful At All?

• Aggregation• Ordered data• Truly tabular data• Few or clearly defined relationships

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• Neo Technologies•• Embedded in Java applications• Standalone server via REST• Plugins: spatial, lucene, rdf

Others:• Tinkerpop• OrientDB

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o Emil Eifrem (Neo Tech. CEO) webinaro Check out around the 54 minute mark


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