introduction to iptv solution for hotel apartment mall hospital

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Local IPTV, also known as Building IPTV, is designed to distribute television and video across building or campus networks over a local area network (LAN). The content is injected directly into the building LAN firewall. For rganisations, this has three fundamental advantages over consumer-oriented forms of IPTV: • It leverages the comparatively limitless bandwidth of organisational LANs to deliver much higher quality to many more users. • It allows much more stringent access control not just by channel, but by business unit, department, group, or even individual user. • It does not consume any internet bandwidth, which is far more costly than LAN bandwidth.


  • 1. Definition of IPTV Difference between Traditional TV and IPTV Features of IPTV Advantages & Revenue Project Reference of ES IPTV

2. "IPTV is defined as the secure and reliable delivery tosubscribers of entertainment video and relatedservices. These services may include, for example.Live TV, Video On Demand (VOD) and Interactive TV(iTV). These services are delivered across an accessagnostic, packet switched network that employs the IPprotocol to transport the audio, video and controlsignals. In contrast to video over the public internet.with IPTV deployments, network security andperformance are tightly managed to ensure a superiorentertainment experience, resulting in a compellingbusiness environment for content providers,advertisers and customers Alliance for TelecommunicationsIndustry Solutions (ATIS) I 3. In traditional television delivery, allchannels are broadcast simultaneously.The viewer selects which program hewants to watch by changing the channeland it produces one way communication,and Traditional TV split become 2 Tech : Analog TV broadcasts send out asignal that is analogous to the imageand sound being recorded (hence thename). It takes up a wide array of thebroadcast spectrum, which limits theamount of information the signal cancarry. (At 2018 as Indonesia govt.Analog TV must migrated to DigitalTV.) Digital TV takes advantage of newtechnology to broadcast its signal in aseries of is and OS (much like acomputer). That results in a morecompact signal which can carry muchmore information.Click this link to get full document of Depkominfo 4. Where as IPTV allows one channel at a time and allow two waycommunication. Another advantage of an IP-based network is the opportunity for integrationand convergence. Converged services implies interaction of existing servicesin a seamless manner to create new value added services. IP-based services will help to enable efforts to provide consumers anytime-anywhereaccess to content over their televisions, Tablet and smartphones,and to integrate services and content to tie them together. Within businessesand institutions. IPTV eliminates the need to run a parallel infrastructure to deliver live andstored video services. 5. Infrastructure Of IPTV (Coax, WIFI, LAN) What is IPTV Can do ? Differentiates Broadcast Television Video on Demand (VoD) or MVOD Live Video Streaming. Mobile Apps Integration Time Shift Television Electronic Program Guide (EPG) Digital Signage More IPTV Services Back Office Management 6. Video streaming over internet Watching TV on Notebook, Tablet and smartphone Proven Business models for media and TV services 7. Live Transmission of Free to Air TV channels (as free) International TV (as paid Service) 8. Customized TV channel list per guest Groups of TV channels Automatic re-order based on guest nationality orlanguage Guest Nationality, Language preference is automaticenable by 2-way interface IPTV Systems with HotelPMS 9. - Welcome Message- Messaging System andTicker Tape- Hotel Information- Room Service- Virtual Shop- Newspapers- Minibar- Integration with PMS- Integration with POS 10. Convert Your Room into Cinema Theatre, With Best Premiere HolywoodMovies (144 titles initially available), No monthly investment, NoMinimum Consumptions, and Attractive Profit Sharing. Video on-demand continues to grow. Market researcher andperformance analyst Rentraks State of VOD Trend Report found11% more people watched VOD programming last year than in 2009,with revenues up 9%from the previous year. 11. Convert Your Even (wedding ceremony, BirthdayParty, Concert) more Spectacular, with Live VideoStreaming to Broadcast your Even Live viaInternet, No monthly investment, and AttractiveProfit Sharing.Terms and Conditions is applied 12. All your hotel services at your finger tips. Enjoy the best TV channels, watch the latest Hollywood movies, order asandwich or get the relevant hotel information, all accessible from yourtablet from anywhere within hotel facilities. Also, at your room, shareyour own content with hotel's in-room TV. Mobile APP is completely integrated the any of the IPTV Solutionsproducts, so all hotel information shown and all hotel services offered arethose being displayed also at hotel in-room TVs. 13. Hotel with Mall Area also able integrated for LocationBased Systems (LBS) services at your finger tips. 14. Advantages of LBS services at a Mall. 15. An exciting feature empowering customers to Rewind Capability to watch any missed program Bring New Unique Hotel Facility 16. An on-screen, interactive application whereby customers can navigate, select,discover content by time, title, channel etc. Interactivity through Remote Control. Full QWERTY Remote Control for both TV and STB at one Control, Wireless voicesystem (speaker, mic and earphone jack) for Apps such Skype, Lynch. Valid for any TV with HDMI input Full HD Built-in Access Point Supports RF commands 17. Digital signage means using digital displays to deliver rich mediacontent to a public audience. Each display is connected to thenetwork via media players and can show anything from corporateCommunications to video and multimedia presentations 18. More Integrated IPTV ServicesFully Integrated with PMS (Property Management Systems) for : TV Wake up Call. Hotel Menu Smart Call. (Video Conf) Corporate TV E - News Interactive Games Early Checkout Shopping Local city guide information Customized weather feeds 19. Simplicity and most responsive Tools formanagement. All services can be easily managedthrough the most complete administrationtool in market, via web browser. 20. Hard Rock Hotel in Panama asked ES to implementan interactive TV system that would connect a numberof hotels or buildings using the telecommunicationsinfrastructure of the Telecom operator VIVA, generatinga Cloud Service access with a high quality of service forthe customers. This approach enables citizens toaccess Content Federation services with a user friendlyinterface and high reliability.Ushuaia Beach Hotel in Ibiza Island (Spain) requested an IPTVsystem that could integrate a CCTV (closed-circuit TV)in the channel list, that would allow the Resort to distributeconcerts, spectacles, events or city contents in different openareas and rooms. Guests can hae a look at a certain event,attend it personally or in another area. 21. THANK YOULook forward to hearingyour good newsCALL MeFOR FURTHER INFO AND DEMO