introduction to islam

An Introduction to Islam Sergeant Donald W. Reid

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An Introduction to Islam

Sergeant Donald W. Reid

Donald W. Reid • Participated in the Gulf War

• Lived in a predominately Muslim country for 12 years

• Experience working in several predominately Muslim countries

• Worked for more than 10 years as a security consultant for an Israeli company

• Started learning about Islam in 1991

The Need: The religion of Islam is not well known or understood in the United States The Term Islam has become a part of everyday conversation The Muslim population in the United States is growing A 2007 Pew poll places the Muslim population of Indiana at 32,000 The Islamic Society of North America is headquartered in Plainfield Indiana

Objectives • Be able to list the five pillars of Islam

• Be able to name the Holy book of Islam

• Be able to identify at least two social taboos of Islam

Islam means “submission to God”

A Muslim is one that submits to the will of God

Muslims in the U.S. are generally as well-educated and financially well-off as the general population Most Muslim Americans (72%) say their communities are good or excellent places to live, and most believe in the American dream -- 71% say that in the U.S., most people who want to get ahead can make it if they are willing to work hard Many Muslim Americans share the concerns of the broader population about Islamic extremism. Roughly three-quarters (76%) are very or somewhat concerned about the rise of Islamic extremism around the world, compared with 81% of the U.S. general population

Prophet Muhammad Muhammad was born in Mecca in 570 AD Orphaned at the age of six Muhammad worked as a shepherd and then as a camel driver, managing caravans for wealthy clients At the age of 25 he married a, widow and wealthy merchant named Khadija By the time of his death in 632 Muhammad had conquered almost all of Arabia

The visions Regularly visited a cave on the outskirts of Mecca In 610, at the age of 40, Muhammad returned from a visit to the cave telling his wife he had been visited by an angel Muhammad reported that while in a trance the Angel Gabriel appeared to him and said "Proclaim"

Muhammad recorded what had been told to him and this eventually became the holy book of Islam, the Koran Muhammad continued to receive visions throughout his life Muhammad's message was to convert from pagan polytheism, immorality and materialism, repent from evil and worship Allah, the only true God Muhammad stated that he was not an angel, he did not work miracles that he simply preached what he had received

The first Muslims In the first three years of his ministry, Muhammad gained only 40 followers The earliest followers of Islam were persecuted by the Meccans

In 622 Muhammad escaped Mecca to become the leader of a community 280 miles north of Mecca called Medina This escape is called the Hijira and marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar . The year 2010 AD corresponds to the Islamic Year 1431 AH This also began several battles between Mecca and Medina, until Mecca was defeated in 630

Modern day Branches of Islam: The Sunni The Shiite The Kharijites The Ismailis The Sufi The Nation of Islam or Black Muslims

The five pillars of Islam

The first duty is the Profession of faith called Shahadah, The shahadah is a set statement normally recited in Arabic translated as: "I profess that there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his Prophet."

Prayers (Salah) The requirement to pray five times a day at fixed times during the day The times of day to pray are at dawn, noon, mid-afternoon, sunset, and before you go to bed Each prayer is performed facing towards the Kaaba in Mecca The Holy day of Islam is Friday, making Friday noon prayers special

Charity (Zakat) the giving of alms Zakat consists of spending 2.5% of one's wealth for the benefit of the poor or needy There are a wide range of Islamic based charities

Fasting (Sawm) specifically during the Holy month of Ramadan Ritual fasting is an obligatory act during the month of Ramadan Muslims must abstain from food, drink, smoking and sexual intercourse from dawn to dusk during this month

The final pillar is Pilgrimage or Hajj to Mecca The Hajj is a pilgrimage to the city of Mecca that takes place once a year Every able-bodied Muslim is obliged to make the pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their lifetime

Taboos in Islam

Taboos in Islam depend on how strict or devout an individual is A very devout Muslim male will commonly have a full beard and wear a head covering A very devout Muslim female will commonly wear a headscarf but may even wear the full body covering chador or burka with a full veil

Interaction between the sexes: Generally much more restricted than typical in the United States Very rude for an unrelated male to approach a female outside the routines of daily business Physical male to female contact by an unrelated male could result in a violent reaction by family members A female giving orders to a male would generally be found offensive No unrelated male should be allowed to see a woman without her headscarf or other concealing clothing

Food taboos: Pork is not allowed in Islam Alcohol is not allowed Meat animals should be ritually slaughtered to be considered proper or Halal

Others: The bottom of the feet or shoes are considered to be offensive Visual depictions of the prophet Muhammad are forbidden The left hand is considered unclean The personal space between members of the same sex is much closer than most Americans would feel comfortable with

Objectives • Be able to list the five pillars of Islam

• Be able to name the Holy book of Islam

• Be able to identify at least two social taboos of Islam

Q & A

Thank you!

References: Koran Islamic Hadith Islam.web The Pew Research Center

The Koran is considered by many Muslims to be the direct word of God to his last Prophet Rumors of desecration of the Koran has caused riots and deaths The Koran combined with the traditions of Islam form the basis of Sharia law. Many Muslims consider Sharia ABOVE the laws of mankind


Showing disrespect during prayer call, such as laughing, inappropriate remarks or gestures, will close the doors of that community to you and may provoke a violent reaction
