introduction to migration in india

INTRODUCTION TO MIGRATION Follow the instructions on this PowerPoint and complete tasks set in your 2B8 book

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An introduction to internal migration in India


Page 1: Introduction to Migration in India

INTRODUCTION TO MIGRATIONFollow the instructions on this PowerPoint and complete tasks set in your 2B8 book

Page 2: Introduction to Migration in India

Migration in India Put the above title on a new page in your

book and write the information below

Migration is the movement of people from one place to another.

Internal migration (movement from one place to another in India) is the most common type of movement for India

Page 3: Introduction to Migration in India

This is the Migration Model(hopefully you should remember this from year 9!)Copy this diagram into your book


Place that people come from


Place that people go to

Page 4: Introduction to Migration in India

Migration Model Key Add the following definitions in a key below

the migration model you have drawnKEY DEFINITION

PUSH FACTOR reasons people want to leave

PULL FACTOR reasons people want to come to a place

COUNTERSTREAM people that choose to return back to their source

OBSTACLES things people must overcome to move from the source to the destination

MAIN FLOW direction of main movement of people

Page 5: Introduction to Migration in India

• Put the sub-heading STEPWISE MIGRATION and write the following definition.

• Sometimes there is a step in between the movement from rural area to large city. This is from a small place to a bigger place to a big place and is called stepwise migration

• Draw the diagram shown on this slide

Page 6: Introduction to Migration in India

Types of Migration(copy title and info)

INTERNAL MIGRATIONMovement of people from one part of a country

to another part of a country

EXTERNAL MIGRATIONMovement of people from one country to a

different country

Page 7: Introduction to Migration in India

What reason do people move? What push factors can you name?

Lack of jobs

Poor living conditions

Lack of opportunities such as schools and hospitals

No friends or family nearby

Nothing to do

Poor weather

Natural disasters

Religious or Ethnic intolerance

High crime rates

Political unrest or war

Which of these is the most common?

People move to improve their standard of living

Page 8: Introduction to Migration in India

Jobs can be divided into 4 main types (copy title and slide info)

Primary Use or extraction of natural resources

Farmer, Miner

Secondary Changes natural resources into something else by manufacturing

Furniture maker

Shoe maker

Tertiary Provision of a service Doctor, teacher

Quaternary Information and research Biogenetics

Agro research

Page 9: Introduction to Migration in India

What jobs are these:

Page 10: Introduction to Migration in India

Which type of job: (copy and answer) 1. Pays the least?

2. Pays the most?

3. Is most common in NZ?

4. Is most common in India?

Page 11: Introduction to Migration in India

Which type of job: (copy and answer) 1. Pays the least? Primary

2. Pays the most? Tertiary and quaternary

3. Is most common in NZ? Tertiary

4. Is most common in India? Primary

Page 12: Introduction to Migration in India

Lets look at the stats:JOB SECTOR INDIA NZ

Primary 52 7

Secondary 14 19

Tertiary + quaternary

34 74

Draw a % bar graphs for India and then one for NZ to show this information

A reminder of how to draw a percentage bar graph is on the next 2 slides

Page 13: Introduction to Migration in India

Drawing a percentage bar graph Give graph a title e.g. Percentage bar graph of

job type in India Rule a bar that is EXACTLY 10cm long and 3 cm

high. e.g.

Rule up a key e.g.




Primary Sector

Secondary Sector

Tertiary/Quarternary Sector

Page 14: Introduction to Migration in India

Each 1mm along on your bar equals 1% Start plotting and putting in your datae.g. for India primary sector you would measure

along 5.2cm, then rule a line and shade in red. The next portion would start from the line you just drew

Don’t forget you need to draw one percentage bar graph for NZ and one for India

5.2cm ? cm ? cm

Page 15: Introduction to Migration in India

Answer the following questions based on your graphs What does this lead to?

Where are most of the Tertiary jobs in India?